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dude we could hear him from that far away oh here he is here he is hey what is this does the rain melt the snow [Music] hey everyone it's your friend thick noodles and welcome back to roblox where today we're playing a game i and i wanted to say a sequel but it's actually like part of a trilogy now one of the most anticipated games of the summer of 2021 we've got camping three now this is the official one i actually had it took a while to search for it i'll leave a link in the description but it is actually made by samson 16 it's not a fake game fan made or anything like that and i i've seen a lot of you guys ask me to play this and like at first i was like i don't know if i really want to because you guys know how i feel about campers on piggy and then oh well we're playing now uh and i hate campers but i am going to play a game filled with them now just but if you guys uh enjoy my roblox videos please do click the like button please subscribe i'm trying to get to 8 million cannot do it without you i would absolutely appreciate the support and if you're ever buying robux or premium please do use a star code noodles and look at that timing wicca peak okay so it was really oh it's snowy okay all right excuse me can we hey there welcome to wicka peak wikipedia what come join us in the lodge after that park ranger daniel give you a quick tour of the mansion mountain whatever uh okay we can't really go any oh i can go this oh no we can only go this way i'm so excited mm-hmm all right it uh there's like no lights in this place man what are you guys doing in here huh here here we are feel free to have a look around uh there's not much here it's so cozy oh yeah cozy um is that it follow me it's time for the tour to mountain and look you got an arrow over your head i'm first i'm first i'm first all right there's a zip line i'm writing it first and i don't know why i think there's a zip line but i feel like there is daniel i can't go any further what why okay we gotta wait for everybody i'm gonna show you a few key locations around the mountain all right follow me bro what do you think i was doing before i was literally following you before uh huh well at least it's daytime i mean it's a little hard oh there's a cave okay or swimming pool what is this this is the mine it's no longer used by miners as it was abandoned due to safety violations around 20 years ago okay huge anybody die uh this way no okay this is the lake it freezes during the winter don't worry it's safe to walk on just be careful not to slip okay oh look yay we can play ice hockey or something i don't know we will die oh great let's get off of there then over here this is the forest this is the forbidden forest ahead of us lies nothing but the forest go ahead and explore it i'll catch up with you later okie doke oh look i got a jet pack [Music] i'll go this way do this thing oh it has it has a cool down i've been like 200 robux for this thing it better last longer than that do i get another go or is like that it i also got a firefly a jar of fireflies oh i found something guys it's over here look what does this say the mystery of zach nolan what happened after the tourist cereal and zac nolan after breaking out of prison the only known information of his whereabouts was reported by the world renowned park ranger daniel uh daniel claimed to have seen zach nolan at terra park where he was allegedly killed by strange creature of the forest we know this this is from camping one and two there have been reported sightings of the straight creature around wikipedia rumor is that zach nolan's undead daughter has brought him back to life in a form of mechanical suit similar to the one his actually used to bring back his daughter after a tragic accident nobody knows that it's true that sounds really complicated and yes okay i can fly still anything else worthwhile here okay i i don't know what good that is but it is kind of cool it makes me go a little bit faster and if there's parkour i think i can fly over it oh over here guys there's something over here there's a well oh no i can't go we can't go there hey let us in that's like it looks nice over there hey wait you don't have a name tag are you dan you're daniel right are you you're one of the yeah we're going over with you yeah yeah we found the spot daniel why would you talk to us hey talk to us okay it's getting late you should return to the lodge enjoy your stay but oh is this the way back there's a well over here can we do anything here oh okay oh wait we gotta go this way i think david dad confirmed he gone okay oh okay so i see how it wraps around okay where do we sleep near the fire wait a minute is the is it the whole lodge it's so small man that's it all right i guess i'll sit down what the heck is this place not even a bathroom exactly that's it yes exactly i played 120 56 cents for this game this game is bad yeah where's the toilet uh okay it's raining okay should we be looking out the window here or hello wait where are the two guides what are they doing uh what uh should we oh we can't get out we're like locked in oh my god i taco bell five hours ago let her out she needs to go she needs a poop oh man oh just okay okay oh geez whoa whoa whoa who's crying uh guys who's crying uh someone needs help we should go outside and investigate who who what okay yeah [Music] okay where are they stay together okay don't get too close to her man she ate a lot of taco bale okay we can't go any further just stay away from her because she yeah wait what is this like blue thing like oh if you're outside of it maybe you're like not protected maybe that's what it is like he's gonna get killed oh geez i'm gonna get killed wait slow down taco bell come on dude we could hear him from that far away oh here he is here he is hey is this does the rain melt the snow [Applause] [Music] run ah yeah i'm gonna use my jetpack yo what is happening dude ah yeah guys ugh geez okay there's like a storm there's like this insane mouse that ate that guy's face all right yeah at least it's not the acid rain from the other camping games oh man you just got at least you at least it gives you a chance to dodge these things oh my goodness can i oh jeez oh i almost got struck by lightning in there i'm going i'm going let me in i'm safe all right guys oh all right everybody okay okay you got hurt a little bit i got i got med packs wait yo this guy's hurry up he's getting struck like constantly you're okay holy cow he's almost dead all right he needs a medpat medkit medkit medkit right here this guy there you go dude you need two med kits jeez oh i got just a cool down me this detective guy did you're welcome you know maybe watch out for those little red dots what was that thing it killed park ranger steve it was like it was a mousy pig oh look here he needs it again jeez someone farted guys who was it j i wonder what the person who ate taco bell huh it's standing outside by the gate what where oh i see it i see it run probably smell the taco bell i think it's gone oh this guy needs it too here man i'm almost out of med kits here i did my taxes what what are you what what are you talking about we gotta get out of these woods this isn't safe the mouse knows we're here it saw the lodge true but like this is completely boarded up so we should be just fine but the helicopters don't return until tomorrow night we need to wait the monster till then oh until tomorrow night so we got to survive two full days more oh it's a mouse that's what i said a mouse a pig the lodge is clearly not safe we need to take shelter elsewhere the mine the mine let's go to the mines yes the mines yes the mines i don't feel so good oh no oh jeez he's no look he's got like this weird aura around him don't go near him he's sick dude oh no he's gotten sick from the cold last night avoid being there their sneezes stay away from me david dawid coolio daywid oh jeez no oh yeah he has the virus oh jeez oh geez you need a med kit i gave him a med kit didn't i he i know what you said there he has blank fighter i think the corona probably isn't censored the coven probably is hey get away don't do it oh stay away from me boo no he's is he gonna die no don't do it oh wait he doesn't have the red thing oh yeah she's vaccinated yeah me too me too oh yeah that's right we're no wait let's just let's not move it's not i'm vaccinated we're good we're good all right restarting the fireplace the warm-up can heal sickness ah i didn't know about that treatment option but sure okay let's go all right we got you dude let's let's heal this dude up wood collected zero out of seven all right let's see you guys go that way i'm gonna go uh oh is this way okay sure oh stay away wow he's collecting we should you know i would almost say he could collect his own wood man this dude this dude is a problem here did he get one what do they look like i see a little oh yeah i got one guys i got one oh okay they're easy to see there okay you can get that one i'll get this one over here here we go i got the last one right here all right let's go gotta go back fireplace has been lit head to the fire to cure yourself if you're sick all right i am not sick but i'm getting out of here oh i see the sick dude run i don't want to get caught by the mousey pig all right there you go get in there dude oh look he's he's not sick anymore yay yes so she dance can we yeah wait wait here he's good yes there you go he's safe that's right can't touch us now yeah nah we got a dance party going on here there there's no music unless we had one we had something editing yeah there it is see we got a dance party going on now yeah stupid mousy pig oh we met tonight oh we're still dancing uh yep i knew it the mines tonight is a cold night you decide to take shelter and hide from the mouse in the mine okay here we go i got i got fireflies guys so i'll keep the i'll keep it lit for us because like look turn it off on see i think we're supposed to go through here so just follow me okay how long is it i mean it's giving us a lot of time to be down here like it put us basically right in front of it like why why why why do we have so much we will die nobody earthquake ah what are we supposed to do oh avalanche an avalanche has blocked off the mayan entrance okay what happened the the the rangers you know they're gone okay so this way then this way this way this way are we supposed to climb out what what okay i'm hungry all right uh you want some bugs me too but we have nothing to eat eat bugs here i'm starving if we don't eat something we'll all die just take my hair it's bacon well there's only there's one way we can sustain ourselves oh we have to choose someone to eat is that wait a minute you don't mean hey that guy's got bacon here he already it's the only way we can survive all right eat the bacon hair yep if we have to choose we're choosing the bacon here yep eat the bacon hair hey don't eat me who you snack on who's voting for me who voted for me said no why you said you had bacon bacon oh yeah i got the bacon look yeah dude we got it i got the actual bacon right here [Music] okay this is so annoying wait but you didn't really know oh you made me spend 20 of my robots he came back [Laughter] now that's over we should find a way out of here we have no choice but to go through the mine duh i'll turn the lights back on guys um guys go oh dude oh oh okay so it's chasing after us should i like i'm not gonna use the jet pack oh jeez be careful oh yeah i'm gonna jump back here okay watch out for the minecarts guys yep oh somebody got nailed all right no so you're out hey how did you come from huh how did you oh it's one of the park ranger guys hi wait who got nailed i think wait you need um there you go and taco bell well i'll help you wait is the rat i think it might be daniel's a rat mousy mousey pig right here i'm glad you guys made it let's get out of here before the avalanche fills in any further all right and that'll be this way i think follow follow follow follow follow how come it didn't fill in this part huh where are we daniel all right whoo we did it oh daniel's off this way let's oh look oh jeez this is bad this is this is this is where the other camping games all went bad i'm glad you guys are okay i heard crying in the woods two days ago and when i went to investigate i found park ranger steve dead yeah it was mousy pig yeah uh a few minutes later a strange creature that came from the direction of the lodge started approaching me yeah wait i managed to escape and hide in the mine through the secret trapdoor tunnel today we will need to stay in the lodge the mine is not safe for us i'll see you there alright uh i'll follow you dude oh is the night time i got the lights guys um where's master pig yo oh there's something written out there ah dude oh jeez okay i heard it outside but you can see there's something written on the wall it's just like see you soon see you soon oh it's here wait what what what wait wait hurry everyone get out of the lodge wait isn't it at the front door yeah run dude mousey pickle to kill us god jesus right there wait why don't we run into it wait what what's that hello father huh what kind of enderman sort of enderman robot oh that's your dad oh i'm glad you made it would you mind helping me with this okay so that's the father and that's the daughter we all about to die ain't we um what what whoa oh my goodness no whoa what is it okay oh it's like a boss fight dude you just gotta avoid the the scream and then the fart and then like the bomb blast i guess is that what it is i don't oh the mount mouzy big is about to do something oh oh oh okay okay okay mousey pig all right all right yeah it's definitely a boss battle so you don't have to worry about the daughter robot that much when this is going so it's like only one attacks at a time for now but i'm pretty sure they're both going to hey whoa holy cow oh it burned me dude okay yeah you got to stay in front of that um yeah i think only one attacks at a time so okay [Music] now it's big doing something all right whoop okay guys gotta be careful gotta jump over that oh my god oh no oh no somebody hooved oh i i got hurt i got hurt wait who oofed who was it oh no it was the oh geez it was the uh the the detective wait okay get away all right oh man damn but he re he he he uh he he spent some robux more food oh my goodness these people are savages this is what happens you take some people on a camping trip they start eating each other they get a taste for human flesh and then somebody oops and they're like great more food oh man he got hit again man down oh ouch ouch ouch ouch oh this is this has gotten this has gotten a little serious now it's getting a little serious now oh man somebody is like barking like a little dog oh man we do we lose two people oh i'm trying to i was trying to help somebody oh boy okay okay i gotta watch out oh dude no no not right now that's really unfair dude no no i'm trying to jump over the thangs come on man you can't get that close whoa okay oh my goodness when does it end yo almost everybody's dead no get away from me mousey pig we did it oh i think we made it we did it look at how much health he has oh my god no time to end this run no way i'm still alive i see i still have health wait wait oh yeah there i am there's my hat i'm the only one on that side what are they doing are they oh no the tracks there's no good ending or bad ending in this there's either you you you you survive or you you don't or i don't i don't really know maybe we were supposed to do something it's the ghost of our friends it's our food get out of the way you've ruined enough already no there's superman and his family they're flying push them back let's go pog pog pop pop uh i think oh enough okay i mean that wasn't that scary oh oh wait how about a mousey pig here it's time to put an end to this okay zack i'm sorry i hit your daughter with my car i know how hard it is to lose someone you love [Music] i forgive you [Music] hell the card's rolling away alpha sack was that's gonna die he sacrificed his life for us i'm a certified mountaineer let's go [Music] we did to be it question mark and back to captain captain camp in three so there you guys had it i played it you guys begged for it constantly and hey i didn't die so there's the story as it continues hello sans i hope you enjoyed the video with the uh taco bell references and eating a bacon hair alive and i know you did so subscribe if you're new here for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 769,542
Rating: 4.9091673 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, roblox, roblox thinknoodles, roblox story, Roblox camping, camping, Roblox camping story, camping 3, Roblox camping 3
Id: 272pzSWfB4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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