Tzeentch and His Daemons: God of Knowledge and Ambition l Warhammer 40k Lore

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the chaos God zinch also known as the changer of ways is the deity of change Evolution secrets and sorcery he weaves the threads that connect every action conspiracy and secret Intrigue within the galactic game of manipulation and deceit each of these threads extends towards the human soul entangled and transformed into a puppet all these servants and agents believe they serve the Lord of sorcery on mutually beneficial terms the truth is that every action by zinch is calculated to achieve an obscure intermediate goal to affirm his Supremacy among the forces of chaos the very nature of the Lord of entropy is such that even should he succeed in this he would still strive for disorder and change if one could put it this way he is the most chaotic and Elusive of the dark Gods he is the god of Fate plots and schemes the embodiment of the everchanging nature of the warp nonetheless zinch does not aim to achieve any ultimate goal at least not one that can be comprehended it seems intrigues are purely an end in themselves for him his plotting is endless because he doesn't wish for the changes to cease zinch can never achieve any goal because doing so would signify the culmination of the master of Fate's ambition and consequently the end of his existence he constantly concocts conspiracies and sometimes his schemes collapse under their own complexity at the at the same time he is the god of knowledge and understanding and among his followers there might be those who seek a deeper comprehension of the universe a universe that often seems quite enigmatic cinch is one of the four major gods of chaos his spheres of influence include sorcery Intrigue change and knowledge he is known throughout the Galaxy by a countless Myriad of names and titles among them are the Weaver of Destinies the great conspirator and the architect of Fate the great mutator and the master of Fortune along with names such as cha shun Chen and others for each Name by which the deceiver is known he has a thousand forms and legends everything associated with the Lord of change is INF flux transforming evolving and subjected to a vast array of Metamorphoses one could go mad attempting to trace even the shortest threads of the great conspirator plan and for many that is precisely what happens and is it is all the more impossible to describe this plan and distill it into a single form a single scheme a single motive one truth perhaps the best way to characterize zinch is not to describe him at all for as time passes he becomes less like himself than any other being for tinch it is enough simply to devise plans and weave into them the fates of Mortals with their brief lives in his mind he hears the hopes of every living being from every planet in the universe he watches over the plans of his play things how they manifest in histories and plays with them granting either fortune or fatal Misfortune both for the embodiment of his incomprehensible designs and just for amusement cinch is sustained by The Thirst for Change and the recognition of its necessity as these are inseparable aspects of Life throughout the Universe everyone dreams of prosperity and freedom these dreams are not excluded iive to the impoverished or the powerless even the Imperial governors of planets and Admirals of the Imperial Fleet fantasize about wealth and prosperity some of them may even dream of freeing themselves from their duty to the emperor all these dreams create a powerful impulse for Change and the Ambitions of Nations give rise to a force capable of challenging history tinch embodies the Mortal aspiration for variability and change for evolution and manipulation this spirit is present in every living being from the first cell division in the womb to the all consuming will to survive in the hearts of those Whose desire to overcome eclipses all else cinch Whispers cunning promises to those who refuse to accept death and Oblivion as inevitable he offers eternal life zin's sacred number is nine his colors are typically seen as blue and gold however one can also speak of of the continual iridescent shifts given that he is the master of change he was the second of the chaos Gods to become self-aware in the warp an event that took place in the epoch known in history of old Earth as the Middle Ages in the midst of the second Millennium his birth marked the formation of human Nations and politics with all its clandestine intrigues and double standards zinch is not content with merely observing the Fulfillment or collapse of his schemes over time he has his own plans schemes that are so complex and intricately intertwined that they touch upon the life of every living being whether they are aware of it or not his masterful understanding of time history and Intrigue allows his machinations to seamlessly interweave forming a web of causality that spans entire star systems he derives immense pleasure when others orchestrate personal or political conspiracies and approves the Triumph of over Brute Force when an inner voice speaks in a person's mind when the desperate whisper prayers in the night the architect of Fate listens he perceives every event and intention and from this information his mighty mind can understand how each will impact the future the interlocking grid of probability hopes and changes is the bread and milk of cinch without which he would ultimately perish perhaps the architect of Fate is devising plans to overthrow the rest of the chaos gods or to spread his dominion over all the Realms of Mortals even cinch himself might not be able to say for sure whatever his ultimate goal may be he aims to achieve it by manipulating the lives of men and zenos offering the power of knowledge and sorcery he can draw influential commanders and Sorcerers to his cause thereby involving the lives of many others only a few of Chin's plans are simple some due to their complexity unfold over epochs many seem to contradict each other or directly conflict with his own interests only zinch can perceive the threads of possible Futures intertwining through time like entangled skaines of multicolored cords cords woven from decisions coincidences and happenstances zinch is the master of magic and his Dominion in this realm is Undisputed sorcery is one of the most potent forces of change and those who resort to it possess the strongest Ambitions and a deeper thirst for power than all others the raw psychic energy that feeds the psychers of the realm of Mortals is the actual fabric of the realm of chaos the same fabric that constitutes the forces of chaos their demon servants and the disembodied human Souls that flicker in the war which Humanity calls Spirits the use of psychic power or magic as it is rightly named is considered an expression of the highest Faith among the followers of chinch who can reap substantial benefits from his patronage it will likely cost each of them their Immortal Soul however as long as they live they shall possess unlimited power they present a stark contrast to the unfortunate psychers of the Imperium of man who are engulfed on the Black Ships of the Inquisition and delivered to Terror there many of them will feed the insatiable hunger of the dying Emperor giving him their psychic energy and burning out under his unfeeling gaze in the eyes of zinch mortal beings are hopelessly mired in ambiguity they obscurely wag their personal Wars completely oblivious to the countless contradictions within their own Souls cinch cannot deny himself the pleasure of frolicking in their realm some within the Inquisition believe that it is the great conspirator who is responsible for the rapid increase in the number of psychically gifted individuals observed over the last Millennium cinch his need to manipulate and control along with his desire to increase his own power in the warp prompts him to Forever play the great game the confrontation of his brothers the gods of chaos the other dark Gods tend to influence Mortals more directly corn through Bloodshed and Slaughter nurgle through disease and Decay slanesh through the lure of ecstasy and depravity zinch and his servants be they humans zenos or demons craft their schemes and conspiracies quietly and inconspicuously so their roses can influence Mortals and direct them through Ma Nations the changer of ways prefers the subtle weapon words of flattery seductive Temptations healthy Ambitions pursued through treacherous or immoral means and above all conspiracies within conspiracies add infinitum while the appearance of the other dark Gods remains almost unchanged at all times zinch presents himself in a multitude of forms however over ages certain traits in his appearance have been identified reflected in the depictions material embodiment of his demonic followers and the nightmares that invade the minds of sleeping humans in such descriptions cinch often appears as a gaunt lanky Sorcerer of either male or female gender whose garments constantly change color Chin's head is lowered below the shoulders its arms long and thin some witnesses claim that Chin's skin is covered in faces and mouths that whisper mysterious or terrifying things immediately explaining or refuting the words spoken by the mouth of the creature that is in a place normal for living beings these faces and mouths covering the Demonic entity move across its Unholy flesh surfacing and then disappearing into it as if into water however several demon hunters from the Ordo malus understand that no pattern can be discerned in this much like in most things related to The Great Deceiver all of it might just be some manner of trickery and even if there were a pattern it's likely just an intrinsic part of a scheme to elicit trust and make the associated falsehood all the more convincing though many describ chinch in this manner some depict the dark God as a cloud of multicolored smoke or crackling energy of an unknown type under the influence of which objects burn or transform also mentioned are faces in the Mist a writhing mass of fleshy protoplasm burning runes hanging in space or merely a whisper as if the very air itself Whispers sometimes all of the above are listed in a single observation some mention grotesque Birds fish or Twisted hybrids of both which swim in the air or the depths of water birds and fish often feature in descriptions of toin traits inherent to them are common among many of his demons and Mortal followers who have undergone mutation for instance the most powerful followers of chinch the greater demons known as Lords of change resemble giant humanoid Birds the screamers and discs which carry his Champions into battle often appear as flying Rays tirelessly hunting in the great ocean of the IM materium or the aerial ocean of material worlds reminiscent of the legendary codons of Terror some suggest that zinch the great mutator doesn't have a fixed form at all zin's material form when he decides to manifest physically represents a mass of constantly changing flesh thus the everchanging material body of the changer of ways is akin to most of his Creations including his demons and his realm itself which also lack a stable form there's also a belief that the physical forms of chinch are merely images spawned by the minds of Mortals in an attempt to perceive and understand something abstract something that by its mere presence induces change it is more akin to a metaphor than a tangible form and might be more fitting for this entity from the ruinous Powers than flesh or metal if such a line of reasoning is permissible then perhaps it is the constant motion of birds and fish that binds mortal Consciousness to tinch for both species are perpetually in movement wind Tides fluctuations and the movement of living beings and objects result in changes in temperature and transparency therefore creatures dwelling Within These Realms are fitting symbols of the changer of ways however this too is but guessing and suppositions as is most everything concerning the great schema attempting to grasp the true form of the master of mutation is tantamount to embracing Madness since any description of chinch is doomed to be inaccurate and can itself be a manipulation by The Great Deceiver it follows that the most accurate descriptions of the changer of ways must acknowledge their own imprecision any attempt to fix the appearance of this embodiment of destructive forces in words images or ideas regardless of the purpose scientific tactical selfish or Unholy will fail even if a mortal mind had the capacity to instantly perceive comprehend and convey the true nature of chinch in the next moment this nature would change rendering the comprehension obsolete whatever the purpose may serve loyalty to the Emperor of mankind plans of the xenos races or exploration of the path of chaos for scientific or dark purposes it can only be done based on the essence of the architect of Fate as an image flickering on the periphery of Consciousness even those who willingly surrender to the Wind of Change spawned by zinch will never be able to see the true face of the chaos God who wears a thousand masks the followers of chinch are not as numerous as those dedicated to say corn however he firmly and confidently controls the bodies and minds of Mortals in fact far more Mortals serve him than is known and his intrigues and multitude of names often hide the true scale of events mortal devotees of tinch are typically Sorcerers psychers scientists and other educated Elites who desire greater knowledge and power some of them become quite powerful Sorcerers yet zinch tends to alter the appearance of his followers this is likely why they find it difficult to reach the Pinnacles of power as they often turn into mindless beasts known as chaos spawn before before they manage to unlock the great Mysteries offered by the Lord of change however some attain High ranks continuing to serve chinch and become extremely dangerous opponents Mighty chaos Sorcerers or great warriors while corn despises and forbids sorcery and intrigues in all forms zinch holds no such reservations about the use and manipulation of Brute Force if it captures his imagination thus among the followers of Korn there are neither sourc nor psers whereas zinch recruits armies of Warriors from all strata of society anyone aspiring to significantly change themselves or their environment might find themselves under the watchful gaze of the changer of ways those who delve into Arcane knowledge wield psychic powers practice the art of sorcery or otherwise harness the forces of the immaterium without the sanction of the relevant Imperial authorities are their favored prey for the architect of fate he tempts them seeking to lead them astray from the true path Imperial Scholars have determined that the frequency of psychic mutations among humans is increasing with each generation implying that the risk zinch poses to humanity grows proportionately thus organizations such as the Inquisition the adeptus astr telepathica the adeptus astronomica and the scalas sikana must always remain Vigilant and pursue anyone marked by the influence of chaos with utmost severity there are numerous checks and restrictions intended to prevent the influence of warp entities on the minds of Imperial psychers however any security system is prone to failure just as the people who uphold it can ER in judgment and themselves succumb to Temptations and dark influences therefore even with these protective measures in place Imperial commissars strictly follow the order to execute sanctioned Pyers at the first sign of possession or demonic influence the traitor Legion of the Thousand Sons served cinch exclusively they were once the 15th Legion of Space Marines founded on Terror at the end of the 30th Millennium to reclaim the stars for Humanity for a time they fought valiantly and were little different from other Space Marine Legions however soon after the great Crusade changes began to occur within the legionnaires many exhibited psychic abilities other battle others underwent flesh change developing physical mutations rapidly and uncontrollably the latter were placed in stasis pending possible cures the ranks of the Thousand Sons thinned causing concern rumors began that the legion should be disbanded and erased from the history of the Imperium meanwhile the great Crusade continued the emperor's forces reached the planet of Prospero where they discovered Magnus the red the Primark destined to lead the thousand Sons Legion taking the Helm of the 15th Legion whose Space Marines were created from his Gene seed Magnus acted swiftly to save his progeny almost all had undergone the flesh change through some mysterious unknown process Magnus stabilized the gene seed but by that time the number of thousand sons was indeed small under magnus's leadership the Thousand Sons rebuilt their Legion reorganized their ranks and recruited new attle brothers from the population of Prospero they created the most powerful Librarians of the era and developed unconventional tactics incorporating sorcery and diplomatic Maneuvers this culminated in the Council of Nika and the emperor's decree prohibiting the use of sorcery and other psychic powers within the Imperium and among the Space Marine Legions leading to tragic and horrific events that saw the Thousand Sons turn against the imper iium forever when the Horus heresy began the Primark of the Thousand Sons Magnus the red attempted to warn the emperor he resorted to sorcery to cross the interstellar void between the home world of the Thousand sons and Terror however the emperor rejected the magical warning declaring that the forces of chaos sought to deceive him against his favored son Horus he dispatched Primark Lim and Russ and his Legion of Space Wolves to bring Magnus to Terror for trial for violating the edicts of the Council of nikea and the use of sorcery Horus maliciously altered the contents of the order instead Russ and the Space Wolves attacked the brother Legion prompting the Thousand Sons to turn to chaos for the Salvation of their lives the result of the brutal campaign known in history as the burning of Prospero the home world of the 15th Legion perished in Flames some of the Thousand Sons along with Magnus managed to escape thanks to chinch their new Patron becoming traitor Space Marines they joined Horus and his forces in their failed attempt to overthrow the emperor to avenge all that they lost along with Prospero henceforth the Thousand Sons were forever bound to the changer of ways and use their powers to strive for knowledge and glory for themselves and their Patron embracing chinch the Thousand Sons continued to develop their combat Doctrine around deception and subterfuge preferring sorcery and range strikes to close combat they changed the colors of their Legions to blue and gold and crowned their helmets with fanciful crests the flesh changes which were curbed by magnus's intervention began to spread again under the influence of warp power in the eye of Terror where they found refuge on a demon World known as the planet of the sorcerers many of magnus's sons changed beyond recognition machinations of ariman the chief Li librarian of the Thousand sons and right hand of Magnus spawned a monstrous spell known as the rubric of Aran which forever resolved the problem the rubric of Aran reversed the mutations of all Brothers skilled in sorcery but forever turned the others devoid of psychic abilities into dust their souls were forever encased in power armor turning them into rubric Marines those of the Thousand sons who were gifted psychically discovered their abilities were significantly enhanced now they lead their ghostly battle brothers to war against the Imperium of man and the corpse Emperor whom they believe betrayed them learning of the rubrics failure Magnus exiled ariman this was the first of many schisms that divided the Legion of the Thousand Sons into factions ultimately causing estrangement from their own primarch as a result of internal Discord the Thousand Sons effectively ceased to function as a legion they continue to fight but now as isolated squads and individual Warriors some of them serve chinch faithfully and devotedly others reluctantly and still others are conduits of destructive sorceress power from the warp unaware of it a passage from The Works of the chaos sorcerer ariman explains much about the significance of Chin's sacred number Aran writes nine is the number most sacred to the changer of ways only after the ninth Rune has been drawn will The Scroll of change begin to Glow obtain in its true Essence there are nine dissimilar rituals that an acolyte must perform before he can unveil the secrets that will allow him to pierce through the veil a process that will grant the worthy access to the Boundless Energy of the immaterium to ensure the process is not interrupted the summoning symbol must contain nine consecutive circles Each of which must be repeated nine times with impeccable Precision nine is the number of the cultist hymns of chyos and a coven of nine Sorcerers is without a doubt the most powerful of groupings however it is not only the rights of Mortals that abide by the rules of the great sorcerer the number nine can be found interwoven in the unfathomable and constantly shifting structures of the realm of the architect of Fate In The Warp Lords of change the greatest Servants of chinch and commanders of his assemblies receive orders within nine levels of trust all seek the favor of their ruler and those at the Pinnacle of power command nine fractal fortresses under the command of these Supreme overlords are 900 99 Legions each divided into nine hosts it is said that when a demon is slain its Immortal Spirit appears in the impossible Fortress and is presented to its creator after passing through one of the nine everchanging Gates here the demon will either be reborn or consumed by the will of zinch typically the changer of ways stands against nurgle the Lord of plagues just as slanesh the prince of perverse pleasures and excesses opposes Korn the god of blood and skulls if nurgle represents chaos as entropy then cinch is the energy of Perpetual change where nurgle facilitates Decay atrophy and destruction cinch Fosters growth and development for many scholars of malevolent forces the speculative description of the changer of ways becomes more meaningful when contrasted with zinch and nurgle there is no end to the instances when zin's cunning plans were thwarted by the Hostile influence of nurgle the Demonic and Mortal Servants of both chaos Gods clash with each other as often as with their common enemies The Defenders of the Imperium however despite the Rivalry between cinch and grandfather nurgle both are gods of chaos and exert the greatest influence over other malevolent forces from time to time the gods of chaos are compelled to unite and act together for the Fulfillment of each of their plans and it is chinch who is behind every pact in these rare alliances within chaos nevertheless chinch never acts out of altruism there is no doubt whenever he helps the forces of chaos to unite he ultimately pursues his own inscrutable to others goals just as cinch manifests and appears in various forms many of which are fluid and changeable so does the Dominion of the changer of ways in the realm of chaos constantly adapt to the whims desires moods of its master and of course the objectives of a thousand and one of his plots humans zenos and demons perceive this territory and interpret what they perceive in the most various ways the few Scholars and direct Witnesses who have survived a stay in the realm of chinch and retained the ability to coherently narrate their impression consider that neither mortal nor demon except perhaps the most powerful Lords of change are capable of grasping the true nature of Chin's changeable realm most who enter the domain of the great conspirator soon go mad those with an exceptionally resilient Consciousness and strong will might yet interpret any of the components of the transparent crystal-like landscape possessing thousands of forms just as ginch himself does many believe that the mind can perceive this world of war energy transformed into something resembling a solid form through symbols or metaphors images created by the human mind in an attempt to comprehend the essence of pure chaos and incessant change in fact many commentators rely on paradoxical metaphors even to describe the perception processes of the realm of Zen itself a sculpture from Mist images from dreams silent song drawings with fog and so forth the great ocean of warp is an Endless Sea of Madness and insanity and the realm of chinch concentrated essence of such things having taken on a semblance of form despite the constantly changing nature of the architect of Fates and the inability of The Limited minds of Mortals to perceive and understand it from the descriptions of the domains of cinch one can distill something common some observers claim that the core of the landscape consists of a huge Crystal Labyrinth whose shining surfaces Shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow like polished opal the passages in this Labyrinth appear dissolve merge separate and change directions seemingly at random only the Lords of change the most powerful Servants of ginch and those who are capable of a sufficiently clear understanding of unlimited Madness can hope to grasp the design that governs the Mad Labyrinth and navigate its corridors no demons guard the realm of chinch for the Labyrinth itself provides sufficient protection against any rash and Reckless assault on the great schema gazing into the depths of the crystalline substance that forms this Labyrinth one beholds more than merely light reflected and refracted on the shimmering facets of its surfaces there flickering within sight are fears sorrow and hope manifested visually Whimsical and nightmarish dreams stories both real and imagined visions of possible futures depictions of Torment ecstasy and despair abstract thoughts momentarily transform into tangible images yet they mimic the appearance of a drawing within the Crystal's depth one seia reports seeing visions of his children at various moments of their lives all intertwined with despair sadness and grief another speaks of experiencing Rapture and ecstasy within the realm of chinch upon witnessing visions of a possible future each promising far greater joy and success than her past had ever held a third claimed to have beheld nightmarish images on the mirror surface of the labyrinth demons tore apart the Flesh of his friends and loved ones dark Sorcerers wielding the Flames of the warp blid waste to his home but worst of all were the transformations of his own body into a writhing mass of tentacles when he finally managed to tear his gaze away from the hellish Visions he discovered that many days had passed and his body had indeed transformed into the grotesque spawn of C chaos that he had envisioned himself becoming according to Imperial archives the end for all three was tragic the first took his own life the second lost her mind while the third was executed by the Inquisition in some sense these survivors in the realm of chinch were fortunate rumors persist that the majority of those who traversed the Labyrinth of the Raven God wander through it perpetually transformed into pitiful and mad husks of their former selves forever tormented by horrific Visions mourning their mistakes missed opportunities and hopes for a tomorrow they will never realize it is known that the flow of time within the warp is subject to fluctuations starkly differing from its consistent linear progression in the four-dimensional SpaceTime of the material world this discrepancy is all the more pronounced in the domains of cinch as illustrated by the above case mere minutes spent studying the cry Labyrinth could correspond to days or even years in reality suppose two individuals enter the realm of chinch simultaneously one might emerge within moments reporting years spent there while the other leaves the Labyrinth centuries in real time later yet could swear they were absent from the real world for only a few minutes such paradoxes of subjective time perception are encountered even in the very Abode of chinch itself it seems that hours are needed just to complete a single step second spent admiring the delightful play of Light Within the crystal structure can stretch out over several days many lords who saw something breathtaking and paused for a moment died of dehydration or starvation meanwhile others have wandered the Mad corridors of Chin's Labyrinth for years without water food or rest it is possible that the influence of chaos slows their metabolism Legends tell of a being known as The Keeper of of the labyrinth who resides within its Crystal passages his name suggests a role of protector yet he appears more frequently as a gatekeeper and observer rumors suggest that there exists a path through the realm of chinch one that theoretically could be traversed by anyone mortal or demon and on this path infinite knowledge shall be revealed to Embark upon this path the inquisitive Pilgrim must pass through the nine Gates these portals Thrice the height of a man resemble Golden Arm arches entwined with blue pink tongues of warp flame whether due to the power of The Keeper of the labyrinth or the strange nature of time flow within the realm of cinch with its Swirls and intertwining the keeper manifests as a gigantic bodyless Moore hovering above all nine Gates simultaneously at each gate this Mo loudly addresses the Seeker offering to solve one of the 999 riddles of zarat soth those who answer correctly May proceed through the gate and continue their Journey towards higher Enlightenment those who fail are doomed to wander the Labyrinth for eternity in the Embrace of Madness and lament over the infinite knowledge they could have attained according to Legends only one person throughout history has correctly answered all nine questions intriguingly in many versions of this story The Seeker appears in the form of a young girl accompanied by a small black dog factions within the Ordo malos engage in fierce academic debates over the hidden meaning of this story questioning whether it truly occurred and if it was not another instance of the master of Lies casting dust into the eyes of naive Mortals it is said that Chin's sanctum sanctorum The Impossible Fortress lies at the center of the crystal Labyrinth if such definitions as Center can be applied in any measure to this everchanging place some believe it might rather refer to a central idea or whimsical image reachable more through a series of contemplations than conventional movement through space in some ways this is true nothing in this realm possesses physicality as Mortals understand it though this ethereal structure is in constant flux many describe it as a crystal Castle made of the same material as the Labyrinth that surrounds it from The Impossible fortress's Ever Changing Foundation spontaneously rise spires balancing inconceivably and towers of blue and pink warp flame G doors and portals slowly open as if yawning from the Envy of Ages only to snap shut like the Moors of terrible beasts and disappear Mortals Shackled by psychological cuffs created throughout a lifetime of habits and cultural traditions of the material world cannot grasp the perverse design of Chin's Abode indeed no architect of the material realm no matter how bold and daring their imagination could have conceived such a lunatic project as as that suggested by the name of this Fortress only a few demons aside from the most powerful Lords of change can navigate its corridors and since these beings themselves are sources of the madness that constitutes the realm of ginch they flourish nonetheless deep within the impossible Fortress according to Tales of some Heretics lies the legendary hidden library of zinch as well this is a collection of volumes Scrolls and parchments innumerable in quantity and infinite in diversity they contain in fragments all Revelations and ideas ever conceived in the universe histories both written and Unwritten true and Alternate reports of the future potential actual and imaginary many volumes are so saturated with knowledge that they acquire a sort of Consciousness and spend centuries conversing with visitors arguing among themselves rewriting themselves and then rearranging their placement accordingly magical chains of warp flame help protect the books and anchor them in place Horrors act as grotesque Librarians ceaselessly working to reassemble the folios catalog the collection and maintain order such as it corresponds to the concept within the impossible Fortress indeed the very notion of order is anathema to the great schema and no mortal can comprehend such a scheme little of what is ever associated with the changer of ways remains As It Seems while the crystal Labyrinth The Impossible Fortress and the hidden Library often appear or at least are perceived as described above these descriptions sometimes wholly diverge from those presented by the unfortunate who have visited the domain of chinch at the onset of the 41st Millennium the god samel whom the princes of the hive City acting as his patrons called The Mad jester from hamov Prime claimed to have traveled through the realm of chinch and returned samel stated that he saw nothing but a cold Hill upon which a lone leafless tree grew deas dial the heretic Illuminator of fenten later executed for heresy described the realm of chinch as a Barren desert landscape populated by deformed headless humanoids whose bodies were constantly decaying and transforming into something new other Witnesses depicted the domain of the deceiver as pulsating protoplasm constantly assuming new forms towers of mushrooms and mold continents formed by sentient vegetation and Vines of endless length endless territories where there was nothing but Barren Stone and Ash it is quite possible that the realm of ginch is each of these things and much more observers have been known to subjectively interpret the domain of zinch filtering the perception of warps structured energy through their own expectations and experience however it is more like ly that zinch himself in accordance with his needs whims and plans determines how a mortal or demon perceives his realm like all of the dark Gods zinch commands a vast array of minions of various types from demons created from the thickening of his will to Mortals who serve his whims whether they know it or not they are merely puppets manipulated by the architect of Fate only a few if any are able to even guess at the nature of the invisible threads that make them act the Demons of zinch are entirely dissimilar to one another in terms of appearance morphology level of intellect autonomy and their role in their Master's schemes it can be confidently stated that the creatures of chinch are more diverse than those subservient to other ruinous Powers nonetheless all of Chin's demons share something in common on one hand demons are entities of the Sea of souls capable of residing in real space only temporarily and under strict defined conditions since the material world is not their natural habitat a certain triggering event is required for a demon to overcome the barrier between the shifting loose spheres of the immaterium and real space they can be summoned into the material plane by a sorcerer or chaos cultist conducting an ancient forbidden ritual when a psycher loses control over his abilities it also allows demons to breach into reality the barrier can be weakened by some horrific magical or psychic event despite the instability of their presence in the material Universe demons can be surprisingly resistant to most forms of physical damage poisons and pathogenic organisms Do no harm to these warp entities however many types of force weapons sacred relics and psychic attacks can relatively easily damage them due to their psychic component and resonance in reality Horrors are the most numerous of the Lesser Demons of ginch capable of unleashing powerful psychic pulses on their enemies they are often used as slaves by the greater demons known as Lords of change describing the demons called Horrors is nearly impossible as they have no fixed material bodies they are pure unrestrained chaos and only the will of chinch gives them form and fills them with energy they can assume a discernable shape or dissolve into a furious multicolored Mass scattering and spreading across the battlefield nevertheless Horrors have two states determined by color by which they can be recognized by the naked eye pink Horrors are known for their glowing pink skin and piercing cackling laugh they whirl in a frenzied almost uncontrollable ecstasy constantly giggling madly over their own jokes incomprehensible to anyone else these brightly colored throngs sweep across the battlefield with such swiftness that their outlines blur when bright flashes of Primal magic leap from their outstretched fingers it seems as though the pink Horrors are overcome with joy and a sorcerous light show unfurls above them in the air the clumps of energy emitted by the pink Horrors have the property of engulfing their foes turning into scorching flames of mutation which brings the demons even greater Delight though bitten or scratched by a horror one would never remain the same the primary weapon of these lesser Demons of ginch is not their sharp curved claws nor the fanged more gaping at the center of their rubbery viscous bodies the principal weapon of these beasts is the unformed energy of the warp that flows within them uttering a word or phrase of incantation in a guttural chant the horror sends balls of multicolored flame at the enemy upon striking they do not simply burn but cause gruesome and monstrous Transformations foes are turned into statues of screaming glass swarms of butterflies forming Twisted faces of human Agony sound sounds of the Mad Music of crying infants or terrible clusters of tentacles only zinch knows the Fate awaiting those touched by the Flames of the warp as for the horrors themselves they pay it no heed reveling in every change the only way to stop the exaltation of a pink horror is to tear it to pieces or otherwise dismember it when wounded it lets out a final spasmodic laugh and immediately curls up into a spinning ball of ectoplasm then a Content cry unmistakable for anything else is heard as the mass changes color and splits into two halves miniature copies of the original these demons the blue Horrors differ from their predecessor in two respects firstly their color shifts from pink to bright blue hence their name blue horror secondly the character of the pink horror becomes wholly opposite the blue Horrors are sullen whiny and aggressive like spiteful children their faces are twisted in morose grimaces and during battle they continuously Grumble showering the enemy with insulting jibes they're ready to endlessly argue over whose fault it is they've lost their pink Hue again once born the blue Horrors quickly reunite with their companions adding notes of low whining to the ceaseless giggling they feel so miserable and oppressed that in a rage they throw themselves at those who ruined their day wishing to beat and strangle the offender if only he lacks the courage to attack the Demonic creature first if a blue horror is killed before it can exact Revenge It splits again into two tiny Brimstone Horrors blazing with yellow clumps of pure Spite and bitterness driven by the desire to incinerate each of their foes named after a substance so foul that even demons find it repulsive the brimstone Horrors appear bright and Whimsical yet they are malicious and vengeful these tiny warp creatures understand that Glory power and Prestige will forever remain beyond their reach to make themselves feel better they burn everything they encounter hurling magical Flames at their targets and quickly surrounding those who try to extinguish or fend it off joining hands the brimstone Horrors chant mocking verses as their victims transform into pillars of fire the blue scribes also known as the Azure arcanologist the wandering wizard kin and the SES quers are a pair of blue Horrors named pic and zerp the changer of ways created them to travel across the dimensions of reality in order to find and record all known spells and Snippets of forbidden knowledge patar and zerp strive to recover each one as they contain the essence of power that zinch lost many Millennia ago when he was the greatest of the dark Gods if the blue scribes ever succeed in their Endeavor zinch might reclaim his position as the most powerful entity in the cosmos each spell contains a lost fragment through which TCH hopes to gain an overwhelming advantage in the great game against the other chaos Gods as well as dominion over all existence each of the scribes flies on their own disc across the Realms of Mortals and demons binding their deities lost fragments with parchment and ink zinch endowed the scribes with enhanced intellect but also implemented a safeguard against betrayal pics can transcribe the words of magical spells into chaos runes and glyphs yet cannot read his own own writings shirat can decipher the scribbles of his brother but cannot understand them consequently shirat is able to utter spells by reading pic's records but cannot predict what the spell will be thus the blue scribes unleash utterly unpredictable psychic attacks on those who threatened them sowing chaos in battle there was a time when cinch ruled over the warp and his power far exceeded that of any of his brothers at least according to his followers in their envy and pride the dark Gods set aside their differences and joined forces to overthrow the architect of Fate the ensuing catastrophic conflict devastated territories too vast to conceive in the final battle when defeat seemed inevitable zinch cast a great spell crystallizing his thoughts and body as he was hauled to the peak of one of the infinite mountains and thrown from there upon impact his Essence shattered into 10,000 pieces each Shard contained a tiny fragment of the great architect's Essence a single spell or word of change they were scattered across all corners of space and time so that zin's power was irrevocably weakened in the Legends of many intelligent races this momentous event marked the beginning of the use of psychic sorcery in real space since their creation the blue scribes have traveled through the warp penetrating all times in the most remote corners of the Galaxy in Search of Lost grimoire or experienced Sorcerers who they could interrogate their wanderings often lead the blue scribes to the battlefields of real space there they invariably Aid the side that enjoys zin's support regardless of whether those who have been so favored are aware of it or not pic uses the ability to study and catalog the secrets of enemy psychers while zerp unleashes a flurry of sorcery reading the first Scrolls they come across which they have collected over Millennia meanwhile the twins in incessantly bicker about which spell to use next if an enemy gets close enough to strike them in melee combat the blue Horrors begin to blame each other for having allowed such a calamitous situation to occur repelling attackers while irritably flapping at them with the same quills they use to inscribe their Scrolls in rare cases they even manag to gain the upper hand over their opponent and then the inevitable arguments over which of them showed more heroism begin however if the improvised weapons of the blue scribes prove to be ineffective as usually happens they flee on their disc in search of easier victories for the Mortal races of the Galaxy it is a true blessing that this pair almost constantly interrupts their searches to engage in such battles and to squabble with one another should they ever succeed zinch will regain his Supremacy and once again gain dominion over the entire universe a Herald of chinch is an elite form of the pink horror Heralds lead the forces o to battle across the galaxy in the case of such magical beings as a demon of chinch strength directly depends on the knowledge of the great art of their Master the most cunning Sly and skilled pink Horrors are selected by the changer of ways to command his demonic Legions thanks to the grace of their lord they achieve even greater Heights in the secret knowledge and Mastery of its use having ascended the horrors radiate the Mighty power of their Master they are capable of transforming both their halves which are formed when a horror is dealt a moral blow each of them is also granted a ritual dagger a weapon Enchanted to transfer the energy of a slain enemy to its Bearer whether a Herald moves among the hordes of lesser demons races across the battlefield on a blazing Chariot or floats in the sky on a disc each of them is a true connoisseur of how to spawn cunning Illusions and plunge their opponents into a state where they are no longer able to think clearly the most common type of Herald is known as the change Caster named thus due to the mutating magic they wield they're often seen within the ranks of the scintillating Legion they guide the packs of Horrors like Shepherds or Drovers such work is necessary since the horrors are ready to flee at the most inopportune moment other Heralds undertake tasks more mundane but less risky for example they guard sources of magical power or oversee repairs in the crystal Labyrinth those Heralds of cinch who usually through deceit managed to acquire a burning Chariot known as the Fate skimmers these demons race and dash across the battlefield madly chuckling and showering enemies with curses before their Whimsical Contraptions crash into the enemy ranks the most cautious Heralds those who do not lose control over themselves do not delve into the thick of battle they move in the rear rows of their troops shouting orders amidst Madness and fierce gunfight there are several instances where fate skimmers LED entire regiments of burning chariots into battle the changeling a horror of chinch also known as trickster of chinch whom the master of change in ancient times endowed with the ability to take the form of any creature he can assume the shape of any beings from the tiniest insects to the great demons with their colossal stature no one except perhaps zinch himself knows the true form of the changeling and it is possible that he himself no longer remembers it however he will never reveal this secret to keep his favorite porn under control sometimes he is seen in a cloak with a hood rumors say that at these times the changeling constantly changes randomly taking the form of one or another creature from those he has ever copied in vain hope of once again assuming his true form the changeling can copy not only the appearance of another creature but also its habits and even personality traits so flawlessly that he is able to deceive even the dark gods in the entire universe there is only one entity that the changeling cannot reproduce the great God zinch himself the great schema would not tolerate someone stealing his Persona even for a moment the trickster known as the changeling orchestrates his Mischief within the realm of chaos as well as in the material Universe sewing Discord and strife wherever he roams reving in the distrust and confusion that proliferate due to his actions he embodies the master of change's love for spreading turmoil and disbelief the changeling is a deceiver a con artist who medals in all Affairs numerous rulers across the Galaxy have made strange decisions that led to disasters and then claimed they had never been at the location where such decision was made on the battlefields a Great Hero fought an opponent who was his mirror reflection and comrades could not distinguish them until it was too late assuming the prestigious identity of Lord Commander solar mccarus the changeling ordered the Imperial forces to retreat to Goran while the real warlord commanded at the front disguised as a humble Gretchen the changeling made several modifications to War Boss gits masha's favorite Mega shooter this was only discovered When The War Boss fired and the megga shooter exploded converting gmha and the knobs of his Entourage into a pile of tiny green pieces there was an instance when the changeling transformed into a keeper of Secrets and accepted the challenge of an imperial Commander whose massive Palace was besieged by vengeful Space Marines from the Dark Angels chapter the changeling exchanged The Souls of the desperate man's daughters for a powerful artifact which according to the cunning demon would end The Siege no sooner had the commander activated the device than Shadow duplicates of the Deathwing Terminators materialized around him a whole Squad the changeling's gift was a Teleport Homer stolen from the ravenwing Space Marines The Siege indeed soon ended and the changeling entertained himself with the beautiful daughters of this man for a long time setting up pranks the changeling does not limit himself to the realm of Mortals countless Wars between the gods of chaos began because of the changeling's jokes for instance once he trimmed the beautiful hair of slanesh with a stolen infernal blade while the Dark Prince slept another time the changeling hid three nurglings in the Throne of skulls when K sat there they released a foul stench and made a noise that caused a terrible disorder the changeling also played a part in orchestrating the events that led to the siege of the Fenris system in the year 999 of of the 41st Millennium assuming the guys first of a dark angel Scout and then samel The Grandmaster of the ravenwing the changeling convinced Supreme Grandmaster Azrael of the Dark Angels that the Space Wolves had undergone mutation and they were responsible for attacks on Dark Angels targets across the Galaxy this spurred the master to attack the Fenris system most often the changeling engages in Mischief on his own initiative only on rare occasions zinch directly guiding his trickster usually the great schemer simply enjoys watching his Shenanigans as the changeling weaves his ragtag tapestry of chaos and deceit terrible Wars and Discord follow in his wake he prefers to disappear long before the onset of hostilities but when cornered is fully capable of defending himself trapped The Shape Shifter employing sorcery tears attackers to shreds and in close combat can take on the appearance of the enemy and literally beat the foe with their own weapon the trickster LED an army of demons in the battle for nuradis on this world their opponents under the command of Harold nicknamed the death wolf became the Space Wolves who arrived to cleans the planet from cultists ultimately the Space Wolves defeated the trickster when in the most dramatic moment the wolfen came to Aid his comrades the flamer also known as the parademons of chinch The Keeper of the true flame of change is one of zin's lesser demons flamers are among the strangest and most Restless of gin's demons their physiology is so absurd that it defies the imagination of most Mortals a flamer body consists of a cone-shaped torso without a head two long arms end in fingerless stumps adorned with razor sharp teeth glittering tongues and constantly spewing custic sulfuric smoke despite their unnatural appearance and seemingly akwardness flamers are quite agile lacking legs they move aoft hopping through the air as if gravity has no hold on them which looks quite frightening this unusual mode of movement allows flamers to overcome small obstacles and even crossbodies of water without much effort to The uninitiated Observer they might even appear amusing but laughter soon turns to panic when the flamers suddenly start to approach moving with unexpected speed the demons charge into attack multicolored flame gushes from their stumps and drips onto the ground making these demons resemble living blowtorches of course this is no mere fire it's the raw material for magic and change this is what Mortals experience on their own worlds when confronted with the flame the consequences of the fires are as unpredictable as they are destructive the same can be said about the flame of change the only difference is that it acts in the blink of an eye causing victims to endure endlessly varied mutations magical energy can turn flesh into ice metal into wood and in an instant into crumbling chunks of stone burning Ash or molten wax the warp Flames crackles and hisses and its droplets fall to the ground and take the form of tiny replicas of everything nearby these tiny doppelgangers mock their Originals in ways both funny and frightening flamers usually pay them no heed but when the simulacra irritate them too much with their cries the demons destroy them and start seeking a new victim a flamers victim May undergo thousands of Transformations before the energy of the warp flame is depleted sometimes a flamous attack does not affect the physical body but corrupts the soul it is known that psychic flame heals mortal wounds to the bewilderment of all resurrecting those who are immersed in its iridescent glow such episodes inevitably provoke uncontrollable laughter Applause and approving cries from all nearby pink Horrors the pyod Demons of zinch as they are sometimes called are not endowed with a powerful intellect the mind of the flamers is rudimentary closer to instincts yet finely attuned to capture the thoughts of the greater Demons of chinch who thus easily control the actions of their minions nevertheless as long as the Lord of change issues no commands an exalted flamer or a Herald of chinch possessing an especially strong will may do What is in their nature move across the battlefield igniting everything in their path flamers can be found in various demonic armies of tinch in some they form key formations for example in those forces that constitute the majority of the congration Legion which are part of the scintillating Legion regardless of whether they are deployed as main or auxiliary units they contribute with their dangerous ranged attacks and striking actions also flamers are ideal for a assults on defensive positions there are no fortifications that can protect against the rising clouds of magical flame from their side the Lords of change always see flamers simply as cannon fodder and use them accordingly surrounded by Brimstone Horrors an exalted flamer spews merciless flames of change consuming the ranks of the enemy exalted flamers are a kind of Champions every pore of their flesh reminiscent of mushroom pulp emits the energy of the warp and the magic of change they are much more capable of independent thought than their lesser kin and often lead other flamers or Horrors into battle the flame of chinch emitted by these beings is more powerful and varied in manifestation than that of regular flamers it comes in two varieties and varies in color according to its characteristics singular bursts of blue color possessing greater range and force of impact and pink clusters that can affect a wider area and kill more enemies at once should any of the enemies survive these ranged attacks and approach the exalted flamer will attempt to bite them the flamer mouth is surrounded by a ring of flame and from it protrudes a long fiery tongue some exalted flamers enter battle on blazing chariots disc-shaped Vehicles pulled by a pair of swiftly flying screamers aboard this soaring device the exalted flamer pours a rain of warp fire covering the battlefield with a conflagration of ch change such demons tend to dominate those who are beneath them and Stage an enthralling fiery Performance Racing across the sky screamers often called screamer of zinch or Sky shark are demonic entities of zinch they resemble mythical lampies or rays that once inhabited the oceans of ancient Terror the manner in which these demons remain Airborne remains an enigma and they can move with equal ease and speed through the atmosphere of planets the void of space and the IM materium some suggest that they do so by harnessing the energy of the warp rather than flying through air or swimming in water in Flight screamers leave trails of multicolored Sparks and emit a piercing highfrequency howl which has earned these creatures their name the few who have fought these beings and survived telltalenoob glide through the sky of the warp in predatory packs in constant search of souls to deliver to their Master the screamers soar on magical winds like birds upon the breeze they lack Consciousness as such driven by a powerful hunting Instinct within the realm of chaos screamers Race Across the waves of magic hunting the shadow Souls of mortal beings solitary Furies of chaos and other unfortunate magical ephemera barely detecting the scent of a mortal's shadow enti packs of screamers mercilessly pursue it across the countless immaterial plains that make up the realm of chaos catching their doomed prey the screamers tear it to pieces in the blink of an eye shreds of its soul will be presented as a gift to chinch screamers are highly agile due to their ability to fly and possess a wild yet cunning temperament although they can use magical attacks their main weapon is the so-called warp Jaws which allow them to crush all types of solid matter even the armored plating of a warship in battle few can withstand their jaws and Dodge their wings numerous packs of screamers can often be encountered beyond the domains of chinch where they hunt for spacecraft traversing the warp like all demons the only real obstacle they face when attempting to attack man-made Vehicles residing in space is the Geller fields which they systematically probe for weaknesses however even these do not guarantee safety there have been instances where scream streamers have slipped through the G field when ships drifted in the warp breached the hull and allowed the energy of chaos to flood the ship as those inside wrie and suffocate their bodies mutate squeezing the life out of them then the screamers enter to Devour the unfortunate in their final moments of existence manifesting in the material world screamers hunt with a cunning that belies their relatively low intellect flying through the sky and leaving behind glittering multicolored trails screamers usually keep to Great Heights from this advantageous position they Scout for victims worthy of their lord spotting suitable prey screamers die from the heights unleashing unnatural arcs of warp lightning anything that stands after their first devastating attack is grabbed by the teeth and either devoured mid-flight or dropped from a height so the victim shatters upon the ground since screamers lack intelligence they are often employed as Scouts and shooters by more powerful demons or ambitious Sorcerers however should their control weaken the screamers revert to their instinctual behavior and may tear apart their former Master the packs of screamers are drawn to battles in the material realm where panic and disarray hang in the air Sorcerers of the Thousand Suns Legion hasten the arrival of demons through rituals opening direct portals to the Screamer's usual feeding grounds thus these repugnant beasts assault reality ignoring the laws of gravity and atmospheric conditions that might hinder other flying creatures as screamers fly over the battlefield their whip-like tails descend to pierce those below with sharp barbs those not bisected or disemboweled by these attacks find their wounds weakening them physically and spiritually marking them for the screamers who return to devour them later occasionally zinch rewards one of his Champions or demonic Heralds with a screamer which he may use as a mount in battle however before it can be used thus the changer of ways must transform the demon into a mount known as a disc of zinch zinch turns the screamer into a disc using a series of powerful rituals and magical ceremonies and binds it with bands and chains of forged gold and silver sometimes the great architect decides to equip the disc with eyes outfit it with iCal blades made of living metal or add tentacles feathers scales or bone plates thanks to this transformation the wild hunter becomes subject to the will of its Rider consequently the champion or demonic Herald can utilize the screamer speed and its ability to fly as well as Leverage The psychically tuned senses of their dis its Lightning Fast attacks and the psychological impact of its Madness inducing scream for their own ends the burning Chariot of chinch is a demonic construction serving the changer of ways it consists of intricately decorated discs of chinch and is drawn by screamers when the burning Chariot soes through the Skies of mortal worlds their inhabitants often mistake it for a comet which in ancient times was considered an omen of dire calamities the burning Chariots of chinch cross the realm of chaos like fiery meteors delivering the chosen emissaries of the great sorcerer to all corners of the world usually these are exalted flamers far more capable in the art of magical flame than their less Akin they can summon a vast Rising veil of warp energy or send spells of magical transformation that passing through the air make it hiss the discs and screamers making up the Whimsical Chariot are drawn to Raw magic like moths to a flame and therefore to the exalted flamers from every pore and fold of whose glittering flesh oozes delicious sorcery at times a burning Chariot is accompanied by a group of sullen blue Horrors always ready to join anyone except for the irksome cheerful pink Horrors for them the Blazing chariots are an excellent means to pour out their gloomy moods onto anyone who crosses their path some they curse and insult While others they simply smother more unusual in the ranks of these peculiar flying chariots are those belonging to the Heralds of cinch typically the Heralds acquire them through deceit most lack the patience to train screamers yet they believe that to borrow a chariot from an exalted flamer is an act fully befitting their lofty position within the Demonic Pantheon however such a feat requires Great cunning from The Herald lest they wish to experience the wroth of the theft's victim indeed many Heralds bear scars from such confrontations for eternity the most cunning amongst them create complex protective spells which alert them when the owner attempts to reclaim their property as such an eventuality is inevitable the Lord of change also called the Supreme mutator one of the eyes of chinch the greater demon of chinch known for his trickery a god of chaos embodying change and sorcery Lords of change beings resembling The Offspring of unimaginable nightmares massive bird-like demons with shimmering skin predatory curved beaks and multicolored feathers shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow those who gaze upon this perverted refraction of pure magic begin to feel their sanity slipping away like flakes of mist and understanding eludes them in the face of this incarnation of change beliefs that formed the very Foundation crumble and distort and reason desperately seeks Solid Ground treachery deceit and Caprice these are the Hallmarks of the Lords of change the greatest Servants of chinch weave conspiracy after conspiracy a dense web of their threads piercing eternity so entangled that no one can comprehend their true purpose an encounter with the Lord of change can happen anywhere any time this being desires few have managed to challenge it the changer of ways is the master of Fate itself and his greatest servants possess a portion of this power sorcery deceit and the pursuit of knowledge bring cinch particular Delight the embodiment of all this are his great demons the Lords of change they are the prime agents of the architect of fate and the most powerful of his demonic minions however they possess only a small fraction of their Master's immeasurable wisdom and even they are but willess porns in the great and unfathomable plan of chinch a plot of endless complexity that unfolds at the End of Time the appearance of the Lord of Change Is as wondrous as it is terrifying a constantly changing multicolored form that challenges the minds of Mortals and their logic but the most memorable aspect of its appearance is the eyes in their unfathomable depths the paradoxical wisdom of chinch hides and none can withstand the piercing scrutiny of the Gaze of the Lord of change without losing their sanity it is said that when the Lord of change looks upon a person that individual's Soul unfolds like a book revealing their hopes and dreams as well as the truth of their ultimate failure or success the greater demon of tinch is driven by the necessity to redirect the predictable course of history itself and steer it onto a new unexpected path the Lord of change relishes in tearing down ambitious hopes to their foundations and elevating the baseborn and destitute to the Pinnacles of power the Lord of change is blessed with a multifaceted cunning and Brilliant mind as well as a profound understanding of the causality that propels the Galaxy along its well trodden track the great mutator takes pleasure in destroying the established order to remake everything a new and direct it onto another path and then to change everything once again his minions move throughout all of real space performing any task he sets them to assassinating a minor mortal Whispering the needed thoughts to a commander stealing a worthless artifact and thousands of other seemingly unrelated Deeds which are mistakenly deemed coincidental each becomes a part of the Great Demon's devious plan and advances his intricate conspiracies the Lords of change as they are known typically act from behind the scenes pulling the strings and manipulating others from the Shadows like puppets these manipulations are so subtle and so skillful that often times the Lord of change play things remain unaware that they are ens snared by the demon secret Cults of Chaos herit ICS revolutionaries and even Imperial planetary Governors frequently fall under the sway of the great mutator even the most stalwart adversaries of tinch can be used to achieve the objectives of The Great Deceiver under the watchful governance of his most powerful demons brother can be pitted against brother and the most fervent of inquisitors can stray from the righteous path to stand against the Lord of change is to wander in fog never experiencing certainty in one's actions in one false step lies Liberation on the rare occasion when someone manages to defeat the Lord of change and foil his plans then he will fight like a beast trapped in a corner using his incredible magical abilities to destroy his enemies right where they have experienced failure deceit and conspiracy the Lords of change are the greatest Sorcerers of Chaos in the Galaxy their Mastery of magic is unrivaled the most powerful spells used by human psychers and Sorcerers are but empty noise is compared to theirs the greater Demons of tinch is a being made of undiluted warp energy capable of shaking worlds with but a touch with the slightest motion of its elegantly tapered claw the bodies of Mortals mutate and contort buildings twist and melt away while from the tumultuous flesh Rivers spring forth creatures that seem incarnations of Madness and horror none of his actions can be undone nothing that has been created can be unmade those who wish to triumph over the Lord of change must possess faith and beliefs more solid than the laws governing the life and motion of the Stars the air fills with kaleidoscopic bursts of magical energy as the forces summoned by the great schema materialized to engage in battle The Gaze of a mortal is incapable of discerning which of Chin's demonic Legions is mounting the attack but not because they are identical but due to their bizarre appearances in Madness there is a pattern though none but the architect of Fate himself can fully understand it surely chinch prefers to achieve his ends through magic or Intrigue but sometimes the best alternative is the application of force then he unfolds his Legions of demons an army unlike anything that can be seen in real space their actions in war are a mesmerizing magical Carnival of violence freezing onlookers in astonishment they annihilate their enemies with magical flame and the sorcery of change unlike the battle cohorts of corn or the cyclically changing troops that serve nurgle zin's Legions are in constant flux instantly adjusting their composition and tactics to serve their Master's objectives each of the gleaming Legions is commanded by one of the great demons the Lord of change each infinitely devoted to their Master's cause the Lords of change are granted significant autonomy they command through counselors and champions each Legion has its unique characteristics those who prefer to bask in the Rays of Destruction choose the conflagration Legion whose core is made up of flamers capable of expelling the most powerful impulses of warp flame others prefer the legions of anus which are much less predictable in composition and specialize in sudden and completely unexpected attacks those great demons who are masters of duplicity lead one of the veiled Legions the most mysterious in Chin's forces they seldom reveal their appearance and almost never engage in battle and upon completing their design they discreetly vanish each of Chin's demonic Legions is divided into nine hosts and these are directed in battle by demon princes and Heralds such as change casters flux Masters and fate skimmers the leaders of the hosts viy to earn the changer of ways praise and even among the legions intrigues are continuously woven as Rivals set each other up and disrupt the plans of those battling at their side this is yet another game within the great game it pleases the great schemer who weighs the tribute each pays him and renders his judgment symbols of each demonic Legion sparkling move in a dance through the Pyramid of ir in the depths of the crystal Labyrinth establishing a new order in accordance with the rewards received this hierarchy is continuously restructured yet each of the nine most favored demonic Legions gains control over one of the fractal fortresses which Loom over the crystal Labyrinth a honor sought by all Servants of chinch zinch is the changer of ways the god of sorcery and intrigues among all the chaos Gods he perhaps most directly embodies the essence of chaos itself whether you wish it or not he knows that you are his most successful instrument your vanity your Ambitions and your Human Nature
Channel: Imperial Iterator
Views: 25,493
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Id: 4kSPTctd8ZI
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Length: 76min 50sec (4610 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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