Skyrim: Top 5 Disturbing Creatures You Should Absolutely Avoid in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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hey how's going guys it's Nate here and the lands of Skyrim serve as the home to all sorts of life from cute woodland critters spread across her forests to thriving cities of human beings Skyrim and indeed the entire world of the Elder Scrolls franchise is just teeming with living beings however some of the creatures this game exposes us to aren't quite as adorable as one would hope and many of the organisms inhabiting these lands are some really horrifying fellows that don't belong anywhere but your worst nightmares in a universe of such cruel gods evil mages and powerful magic I suppose we really shouldn't be surprised though no matter being so spooky many of these disturbing beings are also pretty interesting when you begin to dissect them figuratively speaking of course so that's our objective for today sit back and relax as we take a look at five of the most terrifying creatures in the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off we have the feral foamer so normal Falmer by themselves are some pretty repulsive fellows once a majestic and beautiful race of Murrah known as the snow elves following the conquest of skyrim by the Nords they were forced to beg the dwarves into allowing them to seek shelter in their underground cities the Dwemer agreed under one condition the snow elves would have to consume a strange fungus that caused some disgusting mutations in no position to bargain the desperate species agreed and so thousands of years later all this time in the dark underground and the effects of that fungus slowly transformed the snow elves into the hideous and hostile race of fomer we all know them as today however the dawn guard DLC introduced players to a mysterious new even more sinister type of the twisted goblin the feral Fulmer became an enemy we could encounter within the Forgotten Vale and its subterranean caves feral foamer have successfully managed to pull off an even more frightening appearance than their non fare cousin's seemingly being covered in blood sporting massive sharp teeth as well as a much more hunched-over posture notably while normal Fullmer tend to fashion armor out of charas exoskeletons the feral ones appear to prefer going all natural instead so other than looks what exactly distinguishes Ferrell's what else makes them so special and what's the story behind them well contrary to their intimidating looks on average Farrell's are a good bit weaker than your standard foamer and everything about their visual characteristics and equipment suggests they're much less intelligent again no effort to wear armor they also prefer to use steel weapons rather than the typical charas made Fulmer swords and blades that non Ferrell's use implying that this variant is just not advanced enough to make its own gear and the creatures depend on whatever they can find during the events of the Dawnguard dlc we learned that hordes of Ferrell's have invaded the Forgotten Vale and have actually been attacking and slaughtering tribes of regulars this obviously seems like a big deal but the game places surprisingly little emphasis on why exactly it is all these feral foamer have come here none of the characters throughout the quests really seem to comment much on Farrell's and their origins aren't directly explained away either they're just sort of enemies that exist in the forgotten Vale that said despite any firm explanation by Bethesda there is a popular theory some argue that feral Falmer are really just regular Fulmer who have been infected with vampirism vampirism was one of Dawnguard central themes so from a narrative standpoint this would be quite satisfying and would explain why they're hostile to everything but other Ferrell's vampires don't typically eat other vampires also what players have pointed out that many feral seem to have what looks to be the beginning of wings forming on their backs almost like those we see in vampire Lords though this is anything but solid evidence at the end of the day we don't know what Farrell foamer are what they want or why they're here all we do know is that they are very spooky indeed next on our list we briefly leave the realms of men to journey to the terrifying plane of oblivion that is the soul Karen it said this is the dimension where the souls of any beings who have been trapped in the mortal world are condemned to live out all of eternity it's populated largely by the depressed and hopeless spirits of people who have been here for hundreds if not thousands of years it's rather sad but among the faces we can meet within this place is no shortage of foes as well and perhaps the most mysterious and intimidating of them all are the keepers towering beasts that dawn full sets of dragon bone armor and have a strange black mist and bright purple dots in substitute for a head though do seem to have pale flesh elsewhere they are very hostile to the player and considering their high base health and use of dragon bone equipment can present a major obstacle to any adventurer seeking to navigate this area much like the feral Fulmer we mentioned earlier no one's really sure what keepers are or how they came to be really the same is true of just about any of the opponents we might cross swords with within the Charon however at least the other enemies are familiar skeletons or dragger with a more normal human-like anatomy these are something entirely different we do have one idea what their purpose may be though during the quest beyond death wherein we attempt to rescue a vampire by the name of villarica who's been stuck here for the past few thousand years and bring her back to Tamriel when we first approached her she'll be trapped in a castle bound by a force field and the only way we can remove said force field will be by slaying three keepers perhaps this quest casts light on their names their existence seems crucial to trapping or keeping villarica trapped though we're still left with the questions of how they were created why are they necessary and who the heck gave him so many dragon bones questions only the seekers themselves may know the answers to and the Seekers aren't given those away coming at number three we shift our sights to a much more common type of villain the slaughter fish thankfully hey a lot more is understood about these twisted sea creatures than anything else we've covered so far and we've had quite the long amount of time to get to know them with the fish having a deep background in the Elder Scrolls franchise but more on their meta history later slaughter fish are an aquatic foe we can encounter throughout skies various rivers lakes under coastline easily identifiable by their long alligator gar like snout and body they're really the only type of aggressive animal you should look out for when swimming in the world's waterways their eggs often found on the side of riverbeds are a key alchemical ingredient in fortified stamina and damaged health potions but what I find the most interesting about these carnivores besides those blood curling choppers is that they've appeared in a lot of Elder Scrolls games and evolve the good bit throughout the series first being introduced in the elder scrolls to a dagger fall they sported a much more eel like yet still not any less intimidating aesthetic and were likewise a common villain and ponds and rivers then reprising their roles in morrowind with much bulkier bodies and especially heads after Tezz three they were once again the hostile sea critter of choice in Oblivion where they resembled the freaky combination of angler and catfish and proved to be some pretty pesky swimmers just one game before Bethesda settled on the shape and texture we know them from in Skyrim well it's easy to write off the constantly shifting appearance of the slaughter fish throughout so many games as Bethesda just making some creative changes I like to imagine that perhaps the slaughter fish we encounter in Skyrim is a different breed than that in serie dill or more or that maybe slaughter fish is just a general term used to describe a whole number of carnivorous aquatic species or maybe Bethesda just can't make up their minds you be the judge for fourth spot let's shift our focus away from the Seas and back to the more magical and mysterious land hag Ravens are the poorly postured almost half Raven women we can encounter in many of Skyrim's caves and forests they're not very friendly and their preferred battle strategy is largely dependent on a combination of moderately powerful spells and the occasional scratch of their sharp claws they commonly can be found in the company of forsworn at the readouts and camps implying some sort of possible alliance and an ability to communicate and work with humans to further their own interests yet at the same time as mentioned many hag Ravens prefer to live alone or with other members of their species well it hasn't been explicitly 100% verified there is a lot of evidence in Skyrim that hints that hag Ravens were actually born as normal women who later in life underwent some form of ritual or process to transform into the freaks of nature we know them as Moira the hag Raven we meet during the quest a night to remember and may or may not have gotten engaged to but that's another story believe it or not is cited as the sister to a nice an elderly Nord witch who is very much human in one of aneesa's unsent letters to a friend we can find in her den the games files also displayed the two is related so right there the game looks to confirm that hag Ravens were likely born human furthermore in the elder scrolls three more wins Blood Moon DLC three human Breton witches could be met at a location called the altar of thron Don sole Stein named Isobel at TN and Felice and in Skye arms Dragonborn DLC which also takes place on soul Stein just a couple hundred years later if we go to the altar of Thor on wolf three hag Ravens named Isabelle Etienne and Felice Bethesda's basically spelling out that since more wind somehow these three women transformed into hag Ravens though how such a transformation would happen remains anyone's guess something involving her seen Daedric god of the hunt and patron of lycanthropes would make a lot of sense her Singh is heavily associated with werewolves and where bears so something to do with bird people isn't out of the realm of possibility and those three Raven sisters we mentioned Isabelle Etienne and Felice were all followers of her seen back in morrowind so maybe after a bit of time he decided to bestow his gift upon the trio for whatever reason though I'm unsure something I've always considered is maybe becoming a hag Raven is a form of punishment her scene bestows upon followers that betray him they would explain why they're so angry all the time though again it's all uncertain fingers crossed we learned more in the elder scrolls six and finally last hour lists seekers may in fact be the most frightening of any of the characters we've covered thus far they mostly serve hermaeus mora Daedric god of all things knowledge and can commonly be found in his equally unsettling plane of oblivion Apocrypha it is worth pointing out that some seekers seem to prefer MARAC / hermaeus mora but that's beside the point if hag Ravens are a combination of birds and people these seekers seem to be a combo of octopuses and wizards because my gosh are they not uncomfortable to look at when we encounter them in Maura's dimension they'll typically bombard us with an assortment of advanced spells and can even turn themselves invisible implying these are some advanced fellows but I feel now's an appropriate time to ask where do they come from well what lesser Daedra ie every type of Daedra that's not a god so seekers included are all usually born from their patron God so in this instance that would suggest hermaeus mora created the seekers which makes sense why he went for such an appearance would be beyond me but here's the thing there seems to be more to the seekers of story than hermaeus mora just snapping his fingers together any manifesting them you see in the Elder Scrolls online we interact with hermaeus mora a little bit and we also meet some of his human followers in that game his normal human followers are referred to as seekers some have put two and two together and believe that the Seekers we faced off against in Skyrim are really just normal people that hermaeus mora heavily mutated and influenced the in-game book doors to oblivion lends a lot of credence to this theory that book details the tale of a man by the name of mauryans Ennis written by the perspective of one of his students apparently Maureen had aspired to visit Apocrypha all his life after years and years of research he was finally able to when he arrived at Apocrypha he was able to communicate with that student thanks to some complex spells the author notes though that slowly his communications with Mauryan became less and less coherent who was as if Mauryan was losing part of himself before long the kid attests that Mauryan went completely mad and just halted all communication never to be heard from again it's possible that his time in Apocrypha was slowly corrupting and transforming Mauryan into a seeker it's really disturbing to imagine that all these seemingly nameless magical entities were once people at a time admittedly it's still just a theory though regardless of whether it's accurate or not I think we can all agree these creatures are still pretty petrifying and with those final words of terror we are going to wrap up my top 5 horrifying creatures in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim thanks for stopping by everybody which of the beans we covered today gives you the most ABG's and what creatures do you think I missed that deserve a mention in a part two if we get around to it leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 528,955
Rating: 4.9018021 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim Special Edition, TES 5, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Creatures, Skyrim Mysteries, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Top 10, Skyrim Seekers, Skyrim Hagravens, Skyrim Falmer, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mod, Skyrim Mods
Id: vCnvQj_Sq30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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