Skyrim - The COMPLETE Guide to the Bretons - Elder Scrolls Lore

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over the centuries the Breton's have been described by their neighbors as fractious marshal and quarrelsome all of these traits imply a race of petty squabbles no good to anyone themselves included but it is these very characteristics that shape the Breton's into a people uniquely molded to living in prosperity and relative contentment there is hope for all classes and creeds in Breton world High Rock for adventurous enterprising types the lands of Tamriel's Northwest a ripe for the taking and as the old Breton proverb goes find a new Hill become a king and if you lack the resources or support to forge your own Kingdom then there is no shortage of dangerous deeds lurking over the crest of every Hill awaiting a humble farm boy with a hunger for heroism the reaches and ranges of high rock a rich in the commodities of honour and renown ready to be mined by the legendary Knights of tomorrow the Breton's have found happiness in diligence and ambition is rewarded for those willing to draw their swords and raise their shield at all tribulations no matter how daunting so where some would say Breton's are aggressive in quarrelsome others would say fervent and resolute it is a matter of perspective there is undoubtedly a bluntness to their austerity they live simply passing up pretentious ostentation for practicality and to understand why the Breton's choose this way of life you must understand their races history their racial experience from centuries of subjugation beneath a foreign dynasty to the polar opposite a tumultuous period lacking any established leadership followed by a gradual and thoroughly deserved rise to prosperity and all the while every Breton had grown closely acquainted to warfare and violence so much so that you can see it itched into their culture and architecture there is a great deal of nuance to the Breton's even if they are often overlooked as the mongrel dregs of bygone times the hybrid offspring of primitive humans and have forgotten elven dynasty and we're going to tackle all of this nuance today as we delve into the complete guide to the Breton's of high rock my name is drew this is farm up here and let's get right into it unlike most of the other races of manner and beasts who all have their own unique creation stories the origins of the Breton's can be traced back to a specific point in time - the exodus of the Dharini clan of elves from Somerset to the mainland of Tamriel the dharini were Altima through and through so how does their journey to the iliac Bay and High Rock explain the birth of the Breton's who are quite clearly not high elves well it has long been common knowledge that men and elves can interbreed but when looking at the demographics of Tamriel especially in the early errors you'd have good cause to doubt their abilities to mix their genes this is partially due to the fact that mixed-race offspring will for the most part inherit the traits of the mother you could call this fact very convenient from a game development standpoint but the notion is attested to by the reputable council of healers of the Imperial University in the text notes on racial phylogeny they claim after much analysis of living specimens the council long ago determined that all races of elves and humans may mate with each other and bear fertile offspring generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother though some traces of the father's race may also be present the other reason you'd have to doubt the ability of the various Tamriel ik races to interbreed is the reality that the provinces of the continent are not particularly diverse this can largely be chalked up to the known races placing a high value on cultural conservation and border security interactions between the races tend to be in the form of war not peace and love try catching a fairy tomorrow end as a Nord or Red Guard for most of recorded history you'd be heckled with insults old and new like Outlander and my efforts have been made to embrace diversity in some provinces under some rulers the Empire is ahead of the curve in this respect because they are considered exceedingly cosmopolitan relative to the rest of Tamriel and because they are at the heart of the continent and are constantly making trade deals with their neighbors even colonizing them whatever the case I digress the point I'm trying to make is despite appearances suggesting the contrary it is absolutely possible for men and myrrh to have children across racial lines and this is how the Breton's came to be during the maratha kin first errors much of Tamriel north was populated by neeta humans it is speculated that they initially migrated south from the distant icy continent of atmora but when they stumbled across the region we now know as high rock it was pretty much layers for the taking at around the same time a prominent of aristocrats from Somerset were setting their sights on the unclaimed mainland they headed to the uef Bay and stumbled upon a monolithic relic of the dawn times the adamantine tower erected by the gods and they knew that this would be the seat of their expanded dynasty when they encountered the needs they had no inclinations that the land was to be shared the elves were undoubtedly responsible for bringing civilization to the mainland's Northwest the needs whenever they arrived were nothing more than nomadic tribals so they conquered the humans and placed them at the bottom of their social hierarchies compared to the treatment of needs by other elven migrations like the a lids of Sirit the humans of high rock were rather fortunate the geraniums did not enslave the needs nor submit them to torture or torment in the name of entertainment or art they simply subjugated them which relatively speaking was a kindness the needs were ruled over by the elves and were to treat their overlords as nobility as is the case in feudal societies the noble caste held vassalage over the lower class of peasantry so the Dharini elves for all intents and purposes owned the needs and this gave them certain rights and privileges one of these privileges was known as the perquisite of coercion and as the name suggests allowed them to freely engage in casual sex with any human they desired that or any sought out the most attractive young Natick subjects for recreational sex and many nobles even competed to have the most alluring collection of humans in their courts and palaces this practice was intended for indulgence only but inevitably manma offspring was commonplace in typical out my fashion the children born of these human concubines were not considered equals to elves regardless of the rank and title of the noble parent but just because they were submerged does not mean they were exiled from the gentry or treated particularly poorly they were given respectable positions in society positions that pure needs could only dream of as more and more half-breeds on man MO were born a new class formed one that slotted between the lower-class humans and upper class elves of course purities purity and half elves were still not eligible to marry true to any high elves as a result the Breton physical appearance leaned more towards need than elf as half elves would generally speaking only maryanne reproduce with other hovels or humans the name breton derives from the LFX language in which Bharata means half Breton's generally look like the other pale races of human only with more slender builds sharper features and slightly pointed ears depending on their genetics a Breton can look entirely human or quite similar to High Elves though of course the latter is very rare having elven blood offers the benefits of an affinity for all things arcane they are proficient spellcasters and have innate magical resistance as the ambitious during Dynasty annexed greater swathes of new territory bretons became more involved in positions of power the Deranian ever numerous as High Elves generally have very few children so the man marie were essentially being groomed into leadership by the Durrani even when the elven dynasty was at its most dominant in the early centuries of the first era - any influence spread across high rock as well as parts of modern-day hammerfell and Skyrim but there was a looming threat to the southeast the åland Empire had fallen to the Elise inhuman rebels and the once mighty Heartland elves were flocking to der any land as refugees the pivotal year in these early days was first error 482 the Battle of Glen Barrymore's the elations advanced west with conquest and the elimination of elves on their minds the cloven Kings predominantly King Rizla flourish of skin Grad had been aptly dealing with the Elise in fret for some years before the ultimate battle but the Alesha ins kept pushing aid endure a nice forces defeated the Imperials in several battles - alas the advance was still under turd then the bulk of both forces Deranian Elysian met in Glen Umbra and the war was finally decided with the military prowess of aid endure any the sorceries of the legendary enchantress rave endure any and some unlikely allies namely the a lead King the Lory our and dine are of naina Lata and hiking hog mur killer of Skyrim the Alicia ins were outmatched and the duranium urged victorious but this triumph was bittersweet the Durrani were assuredly the winners but they suffered great losses the High Elves of the Durrani clan were powerful but they were few in number to begin with their numbers would never recoup and eventually the huge amount of territory they had conquered proved too large for them the Breton's they had side over the Jenner Nations inherited much of this land some say the Breton's use force to push their elven overlords out but it seems more likely that the change of the guard was a natural process the Breton's were numerous the Dharini were not within 20 years of the Battle of Glen Umbra moors the Dharini were isolated to the Isle of Bal Fiera in the heart of the illiac Bay some altima Kings held out here and there but they were no longer the focal point of high rock politics and so began the independent history of Breton ruled High Rock a time spearheaded by an attitude of disdain toward their former rulers in order to establish themselves as the new ruling class the Breton Nobles many of whom could trace their lineage back to the Durrani denounced the elves and so the path was paved for a new civilization in High Rock one that looks nothing like an elven colony if we look at High Rock today it's clear to see how effective this was high rock from culture to architecture is entirely unlike Somerset where the altima favored ornate towers and palaces carved meticulously from glass the Breton's choose functional homely structures of stone and wood the pocket guide to the empire first edition comments on this style choice their villages are pleasant collections of half-timbered structures of one or two stories with the rustic in a shop or two and perhaps a lordly manner completing the picture the traveller need not visit more than a handful of Breton communities before satisfying himself that he has captured the flavor of the whole the people - despite their cherished particularism a remarkably similar in name accent and dress throughout the province you also won't find much of interest in their religious beliefs as for the most part the Breton's acknowledged the Divine's with a few elven deities enduring from the Durrani dynasty including Magnus fine Astor and Afra they also refer to law Karn as she or the demonized version of Shore when pitted against the likes of morrowind and Somerset or even Skyrim and hammer fell for that matter high rock in the Breton - rather ordinary their familiar and lack the alien customs and architecture but they're by no means mundane in fact the Breton rise to prominence without the ongoing guidance of the Durrani dynasty was impressive some power vacuums like the one that emerged in serie dough after the conclusion of the Second Empire can be very destructive as Lords war for the Supreme position of Emperor a great deal of unrest who stood up in their wake but as the saying goes find a new he'll become a king and in high rock monarchs sprung up left right and center but no one ruler attempted to take complete control of the province instead the many individual kingdoms each sought to make their Dominion flourish two success stories include way rest and Daggerfall way rest was once a sleepy fishing village but now it is one of the most glorious cities of Western Tamriel sparkling in her contemporary Beauty lustrous by her past and as such it is adopted the nickname jewel of the bay with gabled roofs grand boulevards aromatic marketplaces one feels that they are in a modern city when visiting way rest but there is a magic in the air that could only come from 32 centuries of civilization the city owed much of its prosperity to the fall of all sin iam in first error 980 which allowed where s to become the major trade hub of Central High Rock the Breton's often used commerce and positive relations between merchants and the crown to facilitate the rapid growth of the major kingdoms as for Daggerfall early nordic census records had this to say about the port town in the west north of the highest Bluffs south of the Moors west of the hills and east of the sea is called Daggerfall a hundred and ten men 93 women 13 children under 8 years of age 58 cows seven bulls 63 chickens eleven [ __ ] 38 hogs live here it's hard to imagine that such a settlement could become one of the most bustling metropolis in the whole of Tamriel but here we are as a third era 4:01 the population stood at over 110,000 and that doesn't even account for the cows balls chickens [ __ ] and hogs as an agrarian feudal society High Rock is prone to the weaknesses that all feudal societies tend to have beneath the glamour of nobility and the seemingly incoherent jumble of ruling families the vast majority of people are not Lords of any Holdings and for them life is not easy most Breton's fit into the middle classes merchants and artists or the lower-class peasantry or worse destitute beggary somehow though Breton culture remedies many of the problems associated with the disproportionate division of wealth and that brings us to the Bret and so called quest obsession the pocket guide says youths of all professions and trades in high rocks spend their free time in Knightly pursuits real and imagined performing good deeds and the lack for all and sundry in oft vain efforts to achieve one day a noble status this quest obsession more than anything has served his highrock sense of national identity a peculiar form of altruism and mutual reliance that binds its people together the ability to become a knight to step into the shoes of the archetypical farm boy it turned famed hero is usually enough to quell revolts and grant even the poorest peasant the chance to dream and hope that they may be the chosen individual who could bring their family out of obscurity and while wealth disparity absolutely exists highrock isn't exactly a dystopia strewn with vagrants and starving families most city dwellers spend their time with intellectual pursuits Breton seemed to have an affinity for logic and ordered complexity their success in commerce is largely due to the fact that so many Breton seek knowledge in all areas of life chasing a wide variety of careers from trading to the military sailing medicine textiles manufacturing writing theology philosophy banking and all kinds of artistry if it exists as a scholarly pursuit you'll find a Breton devoting a great deal of time and effort to it intelligence is utilized by the Breton's just as often as military might they use espionage when possible planting double agents in foreign governments sending assassins to rid them of political opposition and it can be said with some certainty that spies are is pivotal to their success in conflict as any hardened soldier we talked earlier about the uniformity of high rock despite historically comprising of many different kingdoms but in the eastern reaches there are Breton's or at least descendants of Breton ancestry who are nothing like their feudal Knightly neighbors these are the Richmond or which men they don't live in castles or strongholds and pay no taxes to their leisure Lords now for the Breton's nor the Richmond claim to have any association with the other but they still warrant a mention in this video on the Breton's they are primitive and pagan worshipping her seen predominantly but also other Daedric princes like Malakoff mehrunes dagon molag bal and Namira a great deal of their shamanistic rituals and customs come from the hag Ravens who the witch men Revere as matrons rich men are a blight on the Breton's of Eastern High Rock as two of the orcs especially the orcs bretons and orcs of ward for centuries ever since the awesomer decided to carve out a home for themselves on the mainland of Tamriel High Rocks history since falling into the hands of the Breton's has been studied with Wars and territorial disputes and if being cantankerous wasn't a naturally-occurring trait of the Breton's then they would have surely developed it through experience when the you coudn't arrived in hammer fell around first era 808 the Breton's battled with them for control of the lyac bay conflicts between Red Guards and bretons could have seen a bloody end to one or both of these races but fortunately the orcs of all sin e'en provided a timely common cause they both rallied behind their hatred for the pillaging beasts and destroyed the first or sin e'en by the year 980 in first era 1029 high rock joined the serie Dilek empire at this time Empress Hera was in charge and the two powerful forces aligned rather than the Empire taking High Rock via conquest the Alesia ins knew how poorly that turned out the last time they tried in first era 23:05 High Rock left the Empire as the Alesia and order was at this time a shadow of its former glory in the second era year 582 a tribe of reach men led by Dirk Iraq the black Drake had seized the Sura Dilek throne and the savage Emperor saw this as an opportunity to take High Rock the Richmond tour across the West but were inevitably forted by the forces of way rest outside the gates of Daggerfall leading to the first Daggerfall covenant uniting the major Breton kingdoms two decades later an amended Daggerfall covenant was signed adding the forces of hammer fell and all sin ium to the pact when the Cyrillic Empire was finally graced by another Dragonborn ruler Tiber Septim even High Rocks martial prowess was not enough to prevent a unified Tamriel being forged when the Cameron usurper rose up in Velen wood around the 260s of the third era it fell upon the forces of high rock to put an end to his gruesome conquest this was a fleeting example of the Breton kingdoms uniting against a common enemy some other occasions include the war of bender mark against the Nords the war of Bettany against the Red Guards and when the orcs attempted to resurrect all sin 'i'm once again after the mysterious miracle of peace the many fractured kingdoms of high rock were conglomerated into fire even with drastically fewer rulers to worry about it's difficult to keep up with the ever changing political landscape of hierarch Breton kings and Nobles are constantly brokering trade deals and marriage alliances however it is suggested by the third iteration of the pocket guide to the Empire that the Breton's may finally be weary of constant conflict and have eschewed violence recently in favour of diplomatic solutions this is not to say that there have been no tensions over the new borders between dagger 4 and way rest or between cam Lorne and North Point and evermore but they are localized skirmishes and have yet to explode into war as they might have done in the past but the Breton's will continue to exist relatively amicably so long as there are heroic deeds to be done and as long as the crowded marketplaces are stocked with masterfully sniffed swords freshly caught fish and all manner of foreign delights and delicacies arriving at the famous ports of Daggerfall way rest Ferran kam Lorne and North Point so if you have a taste for gallantry swear your sword to a Breton Lord and if you have a fancy for chivalry wander the forests and climb the snowy peaks in search of damsels in distress or monsters to slay and when you're worn out from all your adventures settle in at one of the provinces rustic Inns for a warm meal in a cold AO and that brings us to the end of our exploration into all there is to know about the Breton's of high rock I hope you enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching my name is Drew this is fudge Muppet and I'll see you next time you
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 117,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bretons lore, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls, skyrim, skyrim lore, bretons, fudgemuppet, high rock, skyrim bretons
Id: ReZkaFapSks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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