Skyrim - The COMPLETE Guide to the Altmer - Elder Scrolls Lore

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the shimmering seas encompassed within the Western elf Erik Ocean unknown for their beauty the sea of poles was likely named for an abundance of valuable pearls or the iridescent blue green of its waters the Azorean sea is considered to be equally attractive named for the scintillating swells colored perfectly blue but there is one of a gleaming gem to be found in the al-farik ocean and no doubt seaboard explorers share stories of the magnificent multifaceted jewel that sits on the eastern horizon like a crystal sunrise sailors from the mainland must have gorked at this luminescent landmark wondering what sorceries powered it but as they sailed closer to the gemstone they would have come to the realization that this was no precious stone but a bustling metropolis the countless refractions of the assembled crystal structures were hand-cut by the inhabitants this jewel is called a Lenore and it is the capital city of the summerset isles from the ocean on a clear summers morning it must be quite the spectacle with the Rising Sun above the city ahead bathing in its rays and the water below reflecting the inundation of illumination pouring down onto it from all angles the brightness must be simultaneously breathtaking and blinding with its twinkling towers and coruscating castles the city's like a swarm of glass insects displaying their prismatic wings in a daring architectural display even my excessively detailed description of the city can't compare with how grandiose the place really is but it's not to everyone's liking imperial emissaries have described the city as a hypnotic swirl of ramparts and impossibly high towers designed to catch the light of the Sun and break it down into its component colors which lies draped across its stones until you are thankful for nightfall architecture is one of the many aspects of ultima society that sets them apart from the other races of Tamriel they have a particular way of doing things of approaching their existence in the mortal realm built upon thousands of years of history a legacy that goes back so far in fact that they themselves cannot direct you to its source the High Elves rank nothing above traditional values but the great irony is they've lost the very things they endlessly endeavor to preserve their ancestors fled back to the heaven when the mortar world was made and even their homeland be it physical or metaphorical has vanished there are proud people are pure people and very powerful on the continental stage yet they have endured a great deal of turmoil many of them left Somerset in great diaspora z-- to found new civilizations others still have set their sights on the mainland only to see their numbers dwindle and - their influence wane one thing I can say here in the intro of certainty is that if you think the High Elves are little more than pretentious purity obsessed generic fantasy tropes then you couldn't be more wrong the High Elves are the closest race we have to the ancestors of all myrrh the precursors to the many divergent races from Khaimah to awesomer to even the Breton's all of these unique races stem from the old MA and while much of what we know about the old myrrh is seemingly lost there's much more that isn't hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to fudge Muppet get settled in for a long one because today's complete guide is on a race rich in history with all manner of oddities regarding their culture society values art and architecture this is the complete guide to the Altima the High Elves of Somerset and where better to begin than their origins in order to understand their origins we need to go all the way back to the very beginning to the dawn era let's get started the creation myth of the altmer is known as the heart of the world before there was anything there was only one thing and he was everything he was I knew the everything he was the quintessential form of stasis a blinding ineffable light and is contrary to his values as it may seem I knew yearned for change for variation what good is being the brightest light in existence when you can't create shadows without contrast and conflict your power is superfluous in most creation stories a news opposite force named Padme exists to fill this role but the heart of the world neglects to mention an equal force at the very beginning instead suggesting that Anu created his own rival through experimentation a newly everything created an we L the embodiment of his soul and the soul of all things and in doing so I knew gave birth to variation and change and we L was capable self-reflection and for this he needed to differentiate between the abundance of forms attributes and intellects that were rapidly springing into life this chaotic phase of primordial procreation led to the birth of Cephas the sum of all limitations this may seem negative at first but without surface and we L could not hope to ponder himself and a news light would have no objects to car shadows off of the obstacles provided stimulus to the ever curious and we L and surface or padam I as some may call him would hold dominion over the vast shadows created by our news unchanging illumination the complementary yet contrary forces of stasis and change of light and darkness created infinite possibilities and their intermingling created the dynamic universe we experience now and we ELLs unchecked rumination soon brought about a desire for order a news response to this was to give and we L a soul as an we l had been a new soul this soul is called Oriel and he's the god of time the crucial limiting force that provides context and constancy to the Orbis thanks to Oriel all the varying aspects of an we l were about to measure themselves learning their natures and limits and they took names and became the aedra this tumultuous time sets the stage for the dawn times as one of these newly named forces devised a plan to create a new plane of existence within the orbits this God was named law Khan and he asked his fellow aedra to aid him in his ambitious scheme titled Mundus brevity is difficult when talking about the creation of an entire universe but I'll try to cover the dawn times quickly the many aedra who agreed to help lock on soon felt jaded about this new mortal realm they began to notice that law Conn was more of a limit than a nature and when he revealed to the aedra that they would be tying up a huge chunk of their power in the creation of the realm and we el souls were irate some like Magnus the architect and his Magna he fled Mundus the rifts they left in the sky created the Sun and stars which would from then on allow traces of magic to penetrate the mortal realm in the form of light others like ephra embraced their fate and became the LFA the earth bones so that the world would not be too destroyed after all the work that had gone into it Oriel and his champion trainer Mac pleaded to a new imploring him to take them back but it was too late the convention was held atop the adamantine tower and lorkhan was punished for his deception trinamic ripped the still-beating heart from Lorcan's chest and Oriel affixed it to his bow fired it across the world where it sank into the sea in that patch of water a volcano sprang up from the bowels of the earth and red mountain was born the Ultima claimed to be the direct descendants of Oriel in the aedra who were gradually weakened by the time they spent trapped in the mortal realm a parallel creation story titled the annua tells us more about the mortal world and the LFA it speaks of a news interplay with Padme and while the story differs greatly from the heart of the world in the monomyth there are common threads in the annuit known as created and inhabiting it other histories and the LFA known was born of 12 different worlds being stitched together and the old LFA were fortunate enough to arrive on this conglomerated world with a large fragment of their former homeland they fortified their borders from all the chaos of the other 11 worlds and sought only to preserve their own illness a homeland a land we would soon come to know of as Tamriel other illness a were lost when the worlds were put together and they wandered the chaos homeless they were the wandering LFA the old LFA hid their pocket of calm and attempted to live on as before and this allowed them to retain their ancient power and knowledge these Elna fear the ancestors to the races of elves The Wanderers were scattered amid the confused jumble of the shattered worlds and had no choice but to travel the new realm finding each other over the years The Wanderers were more numerous and toughened by their long struggle to survive on earn when the wandering LFA finally found Tamriel their prized homeland that had been lost to them for so long the old Elna face shunned them The Wanderers were degenerates in their eyes absence had made them weak and they no longer resembled their former illness a glory a great war erupted between old and wandering and it completely reshaped the face of nirn some land sank beneath the sea and The Wanderers were scattered once again they became the men of Moorea CUDA and akavir while the old LFA retained what remained of Tamriel the own affair the continuations of the Adria in mundus the own the Fae are also the ancestors to the races of men and myrrh how much the wandering el Nevada generated in their time away from Tamriel is debatable but one thing's certain and that's that the old Elna PHA did everything in their power to hold on to their heritage and their homeland thanks to Orioles enduring influence time would turn the old Elna fain to the old myrrh but as we see for the Ultima of the modern day the importance of preserving racial and cultural purity as well as their heritage hasn't changed at all they may only have the summerset isles to call their homeland now but it persists as a bastion of time-honored traditions I knew the primordial force of stasis would be impressed by how little the High Elves have ceded to civis his forces of chaos and change so we know that the Altima traced their lineage back to the Adria through the old LFA but there's one more stage in their mortal devolution that we haven't mentioned and that's the old mer the only real distinction between the old mer and the Altima is that they became known as the Altima after the various divergent groups left the summerset isles the other distinction would be that the old mer hailed from the lost continent of old Maris as opposed to Tamriel but that belief doesn't hold up too well to scrutiny if you'd like an in-depth explanation of what I mean by that I have an extensive video on hold Maris and whether it actually ever existed to begin with I'll link that video in the description but don't worry this is the complete guide so I will still go over the fundamentals now old Maris is described by the pocket guide to the Empire as an endless City built upon itself over and over again until no nature remains at all and the source goes on to say that for countless centuries adventurers have sought lost old Maris only to return disappointed if they return at all some say the old Maris was sunk into the sea by the angry gods of the old mer others claim that the oven homeland has left a Mundus and will only return when the races of Myr are united as one when the old mer initially fled the continent it was due to an unspecified crisis but the old mer fleet got caught in a storm before washing up on the shores of auradon but complete accident but beyond the claims of the old Murr no reliable proof exists to suggest that old Marus ever existed and the claim that the oven homeland has left mundus and will only return when the races of Murray United implies that old Maris was nothing more than a concept a metaphorical landmass that represented a unified old Murr race and with this theory the Sundering of old Maris is also purely figurative and out of law source named the new Manchu intercept from a reliable author named Michel Kirkbride states the following the Altima began to split along cultural lines on how best to spread creation and their parts in it this Sundering of purpose is the myth of the destruction of old marys outside of the dawn and even then only in the dream time of its landscape there was never a terrestrial homeland of the elves old Elna fay is a magical ideal of mixed memories of the dawn do not believe the written histories all mortal life started on the starry heart of dawn's beauty' Tamriel while I may argue in favor of the notion that the values the high elves are trying to uphold are based around a fictional lost homeland that does not mean they are wrong in doing so whoever old Maurice physically exists is trivial and that will make more sense as I explain their belief systems the altmer obsession with purity and cultural preservation is not because they want to recreate old Maris in the summerset isles it's because they want to retrace their steps back to the glory of their ancestors they want to be reunited with Oriel in the aedra they want to escape the trap of mortality a snare that even the time God Himself was caught in they want to undo law Khan's trickery and smash through the roof of the house of Cephas back to a furious to be with their immortal maker they know their origins are new then an we El Din Oriel in the aedra then the old Elna Fay then the old mer then the Altima the symbolic stairway from godhood to mortality was descended by their ancestors they need only turn around and climb it again but of course that's easier said than done everything about Aldmeri culture religion and society stems from this notion and the same can be said about their art and architecture but we'll start with religion the Ultima have always placed Oriel at the top their religious hierarchy but they also venerate other aedra who they consider to be their ancestors including trinamic the champion serie bein the mage God and fine aster the Guardian who is credited with giving the elves their long lifespans the transition from ancestor worship to God worship was natural for a mortal race whose connection to the heavens was inevitably weakening some Hiles rejected this change in framing and created an order devoted to preserving the old ways they are known as the Civic order the general populace followed a pantheon consisting of the aforementioned gods as well as zark sees the god of secret knowledge Magnus the god of magic Mara the goddess of love Stendhal the god of justice and jeffer the forest god the siddik however they view the Adria as being no different to their spirit ancestors even if they are exceptional spirits with great power this may actually be the first instance of the Sundering of old merits as the Civic order retreated to the secluded Isle of Artyom at around the same time that the various dissident groups were emerging across Somerset the defining feature of the early Aldmeri religion was the schismatic movements the aliens who left for the heartland of Seerat worshiped meridia and eventually incorporated other Daedra into their Pantheon the Kaymer rejected the aedra altogether and followed the good Daedra they were even complicit in boethius humiliation of trinamic an infamous turning point that would never be forgiven by the altima who venerate Oriels champion no matter how dissimilar the splinter groups became they could not deny that they originated from the old ma and only the ultima can claim to uphold the original out merry ways small changes are unavoidable but generally speaking the High Elves have modeled themselves after our new stasis to change as drastically as the a leads the dunmer the awesomer and the Breton's would mean embracing padam i's chaos this is a large contributor to Aldmeri xenophobia when they see the races who abandon the summerset isles in the maratha era they aren't fascinated by the diversity of appearance and culture they see groups of former aldmer who have been led astray who have lost sight of their heritage in the house of Cephas tradition is the most valuable virtue this reality starkly manifests in a society it is a commonly held belief that high elves do not procreate as easily as men perhaps they view it as a drawback associated with long life but reliable albeit bias sources like the first edition of the pocket guide to the Empire suggests that it's not fertility that hinders Somerset's birth rate no it's their fixation on purity the guide states that the High Elves consider themselves to be the only perfect race over hundreds of generations they have bred themselves into a racially pure line and are now almost identical to one another in appearance the theory that the high elves do not reproduce as quickly or as often as humans is false rather and to my horror they kill nine out of ten babies born to them in their obsession for purity breeding outside the pure line is a terrible unthinkable crime and taken as prima facie evidence of the tainted blood of the individual in question exiled to the mainland is regarded as equivalent to a death sentence since there is no purpose in living outside their ideal Society this genetic uniformity doesn't let up at any stage in a native High Elves life they have a high regard for order and gravitate naturally towards wearing uniforms and speaking in formal patterns their trees and their livestock have been bred to be as ideal as they are they have no real names of their own only combinations of numbers that when spoken aloud sound to human ears as such they feel no real tenderness for one another and have no concept of compassion of course many of these observations were made by an imperial so they must be taken with a grain of salt the argonians for example operate in a way that is completely alien to men but they can acknowledge their lack of understanding because the lizard focus so different and a human might not be able to comprehend what they consider to be tenderness and compassion the same is true of the altmer they may not be scaled water breathers but they have obviously made the conscious decision to live in an extremely austere society and as the pocket guide mentioned the ultimate disposition for trying to dictate how things live and grow extends beyond the people alone one wood elf named Raleigh Adir when commenting on Ultima botanical standards had this to say we're part of the forest and we work together with the trees the ultimate demand obedience from them if they can't magically force the to shape they'll cut them I've seen it the obsessive clipping and pruning and even tying trunks down to encourage them to bend in strange ways I heard they'll have them uprooted even after years of work if just one flower blooms without exactly the right number of petals or if one fruit doesn't have the proper number of seeds it's all about control for them it's horrible I feel bad for their gardens I'm not an outlaw psychiatrist but it seems to me that the High Elves in some respects try to prove that they are like their aedra can sisters by playing God in the early days of the old Murr all elves were considered equal and so long as the purity quota is met you'd think that value would enjoy all high elves are descendants of Oriel in the Attar de after all but a social hierarchy soon formed around the skills and professions most valuable to society the vague order of importance is topped by the intellectuals teachers and priests then comes artists princes warriors landowners merchants and finally workers the impressive status of artists in Somerset will make more sense when we discuss art and architecture much of the influence behind mainland style language and culture as a whole derives from the old MA even in human societies all human and elven dialects derive from the Ultima language named Ellen affects only the argonians can boast a completely unique language the other races evidently benefit from taking cultural inspiration from others appropriating it if you will but the altima don't have this luxury as the freedom to learn from others would jeopardize their purity it seems as though the High Elves generally dislike the idea of going to war with other powers not because they are concerned with bloodshed but because they could not stomach the potential of foreigners entering their Isles invasion and immigration are synonymous to them of course over time just like their religious beliefs their staunch traditional values appear to have loosened and in current times many young High Elves have taken the stance that for them to advance as a society they must modernize and embrace change this would involve allowing more mainlanders to come to their shores you can imagine how that notion was met by the masses the High Elves have historically been spared the tribulations of civil unrest in the past those who disagreed with the way altima do things would simply set sail for the mainland on the rare occasions when conflicts flare up they try to resolve them verbally according to the anonymously written guide to alt meri culture despite our majestic Adric heritage we Ultima are not immune to the mundane worldly tensions that plagued the affairs of lesser races wisdom and prudence dictate that simple disagreements are best settled through dialogue long and far a consideration combined with wine and fellowship often yield reconciliation in short order when debate fails they turned to dueling this practice means that lives are rarely lost to disagreements and if they are it's a single life when compared to many mainland societies like the Colo viens or the Breton's whose feudal systems lead to countless full-scale domestic battles the Altima rarely concerned themselves with internal warfare you'd think this would result in a militarily inadequate civilization but the High Elves have spent much of their recorded history dealing with Seabourn invasions from the slowed of frass and the Mao more of Pi and Ania thanks to these hardships Somerset is arguably the most dominant naval power in Tamriel they are also a formidable foe on dry land simultaneously intimidating and oaring the opposition with their beautifully crafted arms and armor you could make the claim that the High Elves actually sport the most primitive equipment as they strive to maintain the usage of materials and techniques of their proto mere ancestors but the continued success of traditional equipment is a testament to how advanced the Ultima were they forged their weapons and armor from a combination of metals like moonstone and a material called glass this glass is not the same as you'd see in Windows but is the colloquial name for malachite a volcanic crystal that is as strong as obsidian and as bright as jade the end result is lightweight equipment that is both sturdy and sharp and as were all things up Mary the design is entrancing to the eye they strive for a simple elegance in their designs in which flowing lines reflect graceful forms from the natural world more or less abstract birds flowers and seashells are common motifs rendered in rich but muted colors armor will be told or embossed to represent scales or feathers and even heavy cuirasses and helmets may sports style wings and beaks on the topic of design let's take a look at Altima art and architecture as the introduction to the video made pretty clear the High Elves have a taste for the spectacular while argonians favored disposable mud abodes and Breton's prefer modest structures of stone and wood the Altima endeavor to make their cities and their artistic expression as a whole worthy of the gods human traders have described the capital of Allinol as made from glass or insect wings and while this may sound metaphorical the use of malachite and other crystalline minerals could explain this trick of the eye aside from Alan or the crystal tower is another example of the grandiosity of high oven architecture the tower is so tall that you can see the dragon's teeth mountains from its parapets the interior of the tower radiates pristine white light and holds a variety of wonders from its great library to its treasury which is full of ancient tapestries and relics enormous elegant towers can be found all across the aisles and scholars have speculated that the Altima trend of erecting such extravagant megalithic structures soaring so high skyward is a result of their belief that they were once gods and that they are descended from those gods perhaps if they build their cities high enough they can leap from the gables and be carried beyond the barrier to a furious for much of history what the architecture of Somerset truly looked like was the subject of heavy conjecture but we do have a fiery depiction of the province hailing from second era 582 we could discuss the potential that this depiction simplified Somerset even abandoned the interesting law in favour of making an Elder Scrolls equivalent to Rivendell but that wouldn't be very productive the depiction of the Isles we see in ESO still has a lot of character the ornate structures of marble and glass and metal jutting towards the heavens are still glorious enough to inspire all gaston s Flores of the Masons gild describes curved Gables and strong pointed steeples which emphasize Hyatt with ceilings a giant would have trouble scraping his head on and rooftops stretching proudly up toward the firmament he goes on to say that their structures provide a visual echo to the high of an appearance as they try to contrast their structures with the abodes of our races the aliens may have diverse significantly from the old Murr over the centuries but one look at their architecture would suggest they still share a lot of common elements the Altima are very protective of the finest art their race produces the crystal tower houses an array of hand woven tapestries including some ancient pieces which when translated reveal vital information about their history tapestries in the tower have been studied to learn of King orga gnam the exiled old Murr who became the ruler of the pie and Ernie and see elves and artworks have also been used to help the Hales visualize what their lost continent had once looked like we've discussed the history of the Ultima during the Maratha era they are the continuation of the old mo settlers of Somerset once the various dissident offshoots spread across Tamriel the remaining elves who all agreed on how best to uphold their traditional values were left to their own devices and the first era was relatively quiet for the High Elves when compared to the races of the mainland few races were free of conflict during the first era it was a time when the many civilizations were locking horns over territory the altima were insulated from almost all of these problems by leagues of ocean there were rare instances of civil conflict tensions between Skywatch and first hold broke out into war so too did a dispute between Allen or and LaLanne drill but as I mentioned before constant Seabourn harassment from the slowed and see elves proved to be the biggest challenge for the high elves in the first era these assaults were equally abundant throughout the second era and two brutal battles took place between the slowed and Altima in this time there was the sack of sky watch in second era one 301 and the six year war of the avicii 'el starting in second era to 911 these are believed to be among the most terrible events to occur in Tamriel's history it said that the reclusive siddik order was crucial in repelling these invasions during the Imperial interregnum in the second era the High Elves led by Queen Arryn established the first old Mary Dominion the altima believed that they were the best suited to rule a continent that was caught in the throes of a seemingly endless sequence of power struggles with Valen wood and elsewhere joining the alliance a wren was able to keep the conflict away from Somerset instead electing to make Elden rout the dominions capital Aaron was also responsible for an unprecedented and undoubtedly controversial decree which the Summerset Isles open its borders to an influx of non Altima immigrants judging from the internal conflicts going on in for fara Somerset which we'll talk about soon one of Aaron's successors likely relinquished this policy and restored the region to homogeneity the first Aldmeri Dominion failed in its goal of taking the imperial throne and the alliance was dissolved around 250 years later in second era 830 the second old married Dominion was formed a dynastic dispute was causing unrest in Velen wood and the High Elves resolved the matter by conquering the province and bringing the wood elves under their control once again this iteration of the Dominion was not only allied with the Bosma and Khajiit but even some reach men and their historic adversaries the malmö of Pi and Ania whatever progress the Hales made would soon be irrelevant as the septum Empire outgrew all of its rival powers and the whole of Tamriel was unified under the imperial crown this was the first time the altima were governed by men and it would last for many years at the climax of the third era the Oblivion crisis ravaged Tamriel and Somerset was not spared the crystal tower was razed to the ground but when the portals closed the foul more political party capitalized on the confusion and took full credit for stopping the bleeding the foul more had existed is a fringe group during the time of the first Dominion and governed Valen would in the second Dominion they had been dissolved when Tiber Septim came but the imperial throne was without a dragon board leader once more and the foul more wasted no time returning to galvanise a suffering summer sent the foul more party takes all of the traditional values of the altmer Elves and adds a brutal yet effective foreign policy back in the second era during the second iteration of the Dominion the foul more had governed Valen would and while the motivation of preventing dynastic dispute was great PR with Somerset's allies the Dominion was anything but altruistic in reality pirates had been pestering the shores of the Isles and the foul Moraine to eradicate any pirate havens on the southwest coast of the mainland now that the fourth era was underway the foul more plan to utilize similar manipulative tactics firstly they deposed the monarchy which you'd think would undermine the traditional values of the altima as the monarchy had existed for thousands of years but then again the old Murr had once been equal beneath their revered ancestors I have a way the monarchy was gone and the foul more took control of Valen would again within the same decade establishing the third Aldmeri Dominion in for fair a 29 for some years prior to all this a movement had been gaining traction that revolved around abandoning tradition and embracing modern globalist values this movement was popular with young High Elves and came to a head in the form of a militant group named the Beautiful these radicals destroyed monuments and assassinated leaders who represented traditional values what exactly happened to this faction isn't documented but I think it's reasonable to assume that the foul more put a stop to them granted both factions disliked the monarchy and I doubt the foul more sped any sympathy for the assassinated daughter of the king of shimmerin but at the same time the foul more were staunch altima supremacists and did not welcome the notion that their shores should welcome of a races the new Dominion renamed the summerset isles to a Lenore and worked on bringing the cat folk of elsewhere back into the fold they achieved this during the mysterious void nights when the moons disappeared from the night sky for two years the fowl Moore took credit for their return causing the Khajiit to worship them as saviors I could go into detail about the great war that followed but rather than adding another 10 minutes to the video I'll talk about it briefly and put a link in the description to our dedicated video on the events of the fourth era as well as a video on the secret plan of the foul more which delves into the motives of this powerful faction in short though the Aldmeri Dominion were beaten on the battlefield in both hammerfell and cyrodiil but remain the preeminent power on the continent the Empire held on to the imperial city but were weakened so greatly that they had no choice but to cave in to the original demands of the foul more as things currently stand they are little more than glorified puppets to the elves and Tallis worship has been outlawed in all Imperial governed provinces the notion of an ascended human being worshipped as a God is the ultimate heresy to the xenophobic high elves the foul more are motivated by a burning desire to return the altima to their former glory and by former glory I mean a time before the name altima even existed the foul mor will not stop until they undo the Sundering of aldmer until they escaped law cons trap and return to the immortal epheus where their ancestors await them if you think that the events are for fair our 201 were the last we were going to see of the foul more then I'd tell you to reconsider I think their grand scheme is only just being put into motion and the events of the Elder Scrolls 6 will revolve heavily around the High Elves the High Elves at first glance seem like a typical fantasy trope but looks can be deceiving to a human's eyes the Altamira supercilious snobs who look down on the other races both figuratively and literally their cities are so glaringly bright in ostentatious that any semblance of beauty is overpowered by how unpleasant they are to behold without damaging your retinas but these differences will always stem from the fundamental values of the races men worship the Divine's because they are thankful for their existence life may be tragically short but it's a blessing no less and two elves like the dunmer existence is a test it makes one better for having experienced it the Altima however they can't take solace in these justifications for mortality mortalities are cruel curse and every part of out my civilization from culture and custom to art and architecture reflects this cardinal belief the High Elves are emboldened by the certainty that they are the direct descendants of the aedra weakened by their surroundings but the question is do they have what it takes to undo their mortal affliction were the centuries upon centuries of upholding tradition and racial purity worthwhile will they return to a furious to bathe in a news everlasting ineffable light and that concludes our journey to the Adila kyles of Somerset this has been the complete guide to the High Elves and if you've come this far thanks so much for joining me and even if you didn't stay to the end thanks for watching though it's probably pointless thanking you if you're not even watching I hope you enjoyed the video guys I've been drew this has been fudge Muppet and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 220,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, altmer lore, altmer, skyrim high elf, high elves, fudgemuppet, altmer skyrim, thalmor, aldmeri dominion, auriel, aedra
Id: y9CyhfJPPqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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