Skyrim Secrets – DESTROY The Dark Brotherhood - WORTH IT? (Shrouded Armor & Blade of Woe - Assassin)

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what's up squad my name is ESO and welcome back to the channel in today's daily scaring video I will be showing you guys how to destroy the Dark Brotherhood I'll also be answering the question is it even worth doing or not it's pretty cool that you can even do this as an option it's like a little sized story that most people usually miss in fact it's the people that are usually like messing about in the games that discover this little secret side story so here we go to start off we must first travel over to wind hell and it's just here on the map gap but if you haven't been here before guys you can instead just talk to the carriage driver in front of Whiterun stables so then we can actually just take the carriage over to window once you arrive in this beautiful stone city come to the right and then go left then we're going to head straight on down here and we're going to over here this roller screen a conversation it's seen that adventure Sorrentino is doing the black sacrament trying to summon the dark brotherhood Oh grim bar always with a nonsense no no of course not those are just tales fine then I'll invite him out to play he lives right there I'm going to knock on his door no child wait that boy that house they are cursed huh then I'm right I knew it he's trying now somebody killed all right I won't deny a child what you heard is true but event Authority no walks the dark powers his actions can lead only to ruin now enough we will speak no more of this I am the only friend you need all right now we can break into his house and discover what this little boy is doing sweet mother sweet mother send your child unto me for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear Tigra wad oh hello there so very tired I see for pet dinner for me you've come at last I knew you would are you right it worked I knew you'd come I just know it I did the black sacrament over and over with the body and the things and then you came in assassin from the Dark Brotherhood just remain silent you don't have to say anything there's no need you're here so I know you looks up my contract contract my mother she she died I I'm all alone now so they sent me to the terrible orphanage in Riften on her Hall the headmistress is an evil cruel woman they call a crowd the kind but she's not kind she's terrible to all of us so I ran away and came home and performed the black sacrament now you're here and you could kill Grodd the kind ok small child let's go and kill this random lady you just told me to kill who owns an orphanage let's make all of those children homeless that sounds like a fantastic idea so now we need to fast travel over to Rifton which is located just here guys and if you haven't been here you can once again just go and get the carriage driver to take you here instead once you enter the city though you can find the orphanage right at the back in the corner here we should just be able to cross this bridge and the in will be on our right well it's not an inn it's the orphanage let's go inside and kill this terrible orphanage owner those who shirk their due we'll get an extra beating do I make myself clear yes yes girls brown and one more thing I will hear no more talk of adoptions none of you riffraff is getting adopted ever nobody needs you nobody wants you that my darlings is why you're here why you will always be till the day you come of age and get thrown into that wide horrible world now what do you all say we love you girl thank you for your highness that's better now scurry off my guttersnipes what absolute Savage now I was going to shoot her right in the face oh Jesus yeah we're saved make sure you celebrate with the children for a few moments before leaving hurrah hooray yay murder yay okay now we can leave this a castle place now just go back to the small child and tell him that you have slaughtered in the sod the kind is she you know yes we killed that mean woman uh-huh I know you could do it I just knew it I knew that our Brotherhood would save me here just like I promised this should fetch you a nice price I thank you thank you again [Music] so you've now completed the question he'll give you a crappy platter which is literally most worthless heirloom I've ever seen in my life and then you can just leave his house and we now need to fast travel to Whiterun again you can literally fast travel to any City but I suggest just fast traveling to Whiterun because then we will be greeted by a courier who will give us a letter a letter from a dark brother and now if you just read this mysterious note you it just has a handprint and it says we know so now if you just go to any in and or any bed really and we just go to sleep and then you'll be kidnapped dun Dada but one does not simply kidnap the Dragonborn lost robbed our Astrid is telling us to kill these innocent people instead we're going to hide at the back here and then we're going to sneak attack on that shelf and it takes her a few seconds actually get down from the shelf so you should be able to kill her with a couple of sneak attacks as you can see she got rekt and we failed that quest will now get a new quest started destroy the Dark Brotherhood Astrid has died pretty awkwardly and shows how's the key to escape the shack as well as a full set of shrouded armor increased poison resistance where it is muffled and move silently facts tabs do double damage and we also have the unique blade of woe and you'd usually get this at the very end of the dark brother quest line so let's have a look at this stuff now is I think it's better than my elven armor so I'm just going to drop that crap on the floor right now man and if you like guys you can also slaughter all of these people as well you know the first time I was taking to this place and asked to kill one of these free civilians I was like no my character is a good character I'm not going to murder these innocent people so I turned around and I just started killing Astrid and then I got quest failed so I reloaded but that's how I came across it all those years ago anyway after you're done slaughtering everyone in this house just leave it you only actually need to kill Astrid bow to do this quest the next thing we're going to do guys is fast travel to any city solitude is the closest one just here on the map so we're going to fast travel here and now we just need to talk to any guard basically we're just going to tell the guards what we've done how much of a badass we are we've just killed the leader of the dark brotherhood okay can you get any more awesome than man worship me you did what by the gods you're serious he'd better reporters - commander maro right away is that the pen Otis ocula this outpost up in Dragon Bridge so now we need to head over to Dragon Bridge I'm pretty sure guys we can just take carriage there so we go out the front entrance to Solitude we can head right over to that carriage it is now time to slaughter the duck rubber Jegs us Christ MA [ __ ] whatever your name is you scared the crap out of me didn't expect to be kissed by a man when I exited the city gates there Jesus and you'll find dragon bridge all the way to the west of solitude just here on the map guys so that's where we're going now see this guy over here he's not even a member of the dog Brotherhood we're just going to assassinate him for a bit of practice get rekt son one-handed skill increase to level 27 Jesus this guy has so much useful stuff potion of true shot some small antlers these will come in handy when I have to assassinate a whole Empire right let's carry on now - Dragon's bridge you can see it just over the precipice of this here way looks like that's it gotta go hi sir about the the orphanage in Riften was this actually say consider adoption I would be a doll to anybody absolute peasants drop that [ __ ] on the floor right now that's right courier step on it for me so let's go into the outpost and talk to the officer of the Empire well hello there good sir your armor looks pretty damn awesome doesn't it if this video gets enough likes I will definitely make a video on it for you guys and I'll link it down below in the description mmm I'm waiting a God sent me here I killed the leader of the Dark Brotherhood I'm basically a God the leader of the Dark Brotherhood you mean Astrid dead and this is no jest huh this is a stroke of good fortune long have I watched the dark Brotherhood's movement waiting for the time to strike that time is now my agents have recently acquired the passphrase to their sanctuary it is silence my brother every assassin in that hole must be put down you my friend you've slain their leader this honor should be yours do this and you will be rewarded most handsomely how much we talking here commander maro let's go and kill everybody at the sanctuary exclamation mark destroy the dark brother I don't know if I should take Lydia on this mission I will tell Lydia to wait here I feel like she's going to be more a problem than a help as you now we must go to the sanctuary which is located near Fouke reef in the very southwest corner of the map just down here guys in the middle of the foul breath woods so let's fast travel to Fouke reef and then we can just run over there so from the entrance of boundaries they're just going to run into the wilderness now and actually find the sanctuary itself because we know the password I mean I think is pretty strange how we knew the password yet we didn't all just storm the sanctuary anyway but oh well here we go the secret cave of the dark brotherhood dark brotherhood sanctuary discovered this base really awesome activate black door silence my brother um that'll happen to my voice there so anyway let's go inside the sanctuary and obviously because I'm dressed as a member of them nobody will know that I'm up to no good here sneak around with the blade of woe there is our first culprit if you guys actually wait until night time that can be a very good way of doing this because everyone will then be asleep before you come in here so the first person to die get rekt sir look at him he died oh look is he actually sleeping by the fire or what he will always have an enchanted battle act on him it depends what level you are as to what it is but it will be a leveled enchanted battle axe en has a potion of healing and another in terms of bowel acts so you can disenchant those as well to learn the enchantment guys but the idea is make sure you grab this unusual gem as well but the idea here is that oh there's actually this map here it's got lots of black dots these are all places that they have planned assassinations and you can see the small minor dots I like the contracts they have every time you kill someone in the dark brotherhood they'll they'll place another iron dagger at that location that person has been assassinated at which is pretty awesome I think it's kind of way to share that little secret piece of law with you guys this room can be a bit harder we've got the Argonian should be able to sneak up on it hand pretty easy they're ours get Wrexham clearly the dark brother had a pretty bad assassin he's got potion of invisibility and we get even more shrouded armor here we're gonna have lots of shrouded on armor there is actually some unique shrouded armor we can get as well which I'll show you guys in a second but I'm going to work my way up to the right here the only person from the Dark Brotherhood you can't kill is a bet who is a child vampire obviously cousin stirring I can't kill children are hello this is the mage should be able to kill him pretty easily there we go he's got the other unique and Dark Brotherhood robes so destruction spells cost 15% last class shrouded shoes which are the same double attack sneak damage with one-handed weapons and once again they just look slightly different so now he's dead this is kind of the route I suggest you take round of you are sneakily assassinate everyone and as I said in my top 10 weapons video guys the blade of woe actually has the highest base damage in the game which means is the best dagger for sneak attacks it has the same base damage as a dragon bone sacred witness as a dragon bone dagger so you can either use that or the blade of woe but obviously the blade of oil has an additional inch charmant as well let's see where we can find them oh here we go here are the ten commandments can you read them you can kind of read them I'd actually know them off by heart so I can't recite them to you Oh I love Nazir I really don't want to kill him Nazir actually has a unique outfit as well which is pretty awesome so before I kill him let's just scout out the rest of the people in this room - you have to put up a little bit of a fight here if Nazir catches us no we get killing them one hit as well basically guys I have the if we go on our sneak skill tree here guys we can see that we have the backstab perk which times six damage and then assassin's blade which is times a total or fifteen times normal damage and then we also have these shrouded gloves which double your sneak attack damage as well so you do a ridiculous amount of damage red guard clothes which are unique or very rare at least and a red guard hood which is red instead of blue so it's the only one you can get in the game which is red so it's pretty awesome to be able to grab that here make sure you also go around and loot the place not really showing you the loot in this video I'm just showing you how to assassinate everyone and become the ultimate assassin unlike these absolutely novice scallywags who were taking out here guys so this is the last member the last surviving member of the dark brotherhood what did you reckon shall we use a bow for this one guys she's actually an archer as well so you know like we'll give her a chance we'll go for the old bow bow should we use though I've only got one bow hunting bow of chills looks like you're going to get hunted goodbye Oh one-hit kill and then we have this [ __ ] stupid spider called Liz I don't know why this is there is someone going to explain in the comments but like the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion as well as like this skeleton is also named who just lives in the sanctuary I'm assuming though Liz it like makes sense law wise because they harvest her for a venom to use and to make poisons so here we go shrouded hood robes so you're going to have like loads of shrouded armor that you can either sell or give to your follower so make sure you guys do that but look that's where Liz lives down there I think they feed her dead bodies usually Babette the vampire also lives in that area but we've killed everyone now so the next thing to do guys but guys don't forget to get the marks for death Shou it's here on the word wall inside the sanctuary because this shout will basically reduce your enemy's armor so you do a ton more damage to them report back to the commander so we're going to fast travel back to dragons bridge now ready to get going bye all I hold holy can it be true have you actually done it this is a great day my friend you've struck a blow against darkness that will not soon be forgotten here as promised most generous reward 3000 goal completed destroy the dark brotherhood I'll make sure the Emperor himself hears of all you've accomplished you've made sky psychosis so is this worth doing yourself well like I said at the start of the video guys it is pretty cool that Bethesda's the developers of Skyrim actually even included this as an option it's quite unusual that the main Guild quest characters are even killable but I just wanted to show you guys that this can be done and you can do it yourself or at least what happens if you do do this because a lot of people just want to see what would happen so you get the blade of woe early and you also get all this shrouded armor but you lose out on lots of other unique items and weapons so it's definitely not worth 3,000 gold but it is definitely a lot of fun anyway guys make sure you check out the description for some more awesome guides like this one and where to get the best assassins armor at level 1 call the ancient shrouded armor and also guys if you want to see more videos like this one just make sure you hit that subscribe button and then also smash that little bell icon next to it as well this will make sure that you always receive notifications from the channel whenever I release one of my new daily Skyrim guides for you guys to watch and I know I've been saying that a lot recently guys and some people have been getting annoyed the reason why I keep telling you guys this is because YouTube has changed their algorithm so that for quite a lot of people the YouTube video won't actually show up in your recommendations so I've had a lot of people asking me why I've not been uploading or like or they've just missed several of my videos and not realised so I'm telling you for your benefit you don't have to subscribe if you don't want to like you know it's not a problem but that's why I'm telling you guys to press that little Bell icon for the notifications and not just the subscribe button but anyway guys thanks again for watching me yes so and I will see you los subscriber in the next Skyrim video guide I hope you guys enjoyed this video is a bit different and I had a lot of fun making it but I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: ESO
Views: 3,065,674
Rating: 4.8729758 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, skyrim secrets, skyrim special edition, secrets, skyrim special edition secrets, skyrim secret chest, Destroy the Dark Brotherhood, join the dark brotherhood, skyrim best, shrouded armor, blade of woe, best armor, best weapon, location, hidden, dark brotherhood, destroy, eso, guild, kill, nazir, unique, armor, weapons, lore, walkthrough, part 1, start, guide, skyrim secret, skyrim hidden, assassin, build
Id: wpX871j_zeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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