Skyrim, but I'm Just a Blacksmith

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there lies my destination the grand city of white run home to the finest smiths in all the land myself soon to join their ranks my friends I welcome you to the first episode of Skyrim the blacksmith welcome and meet our new friend here Uruk Uruk the Smith it's a it's a very on the- noos name for an orcish character unlike the uh JK ring of naming skyar characters it would seem a small bit of backstory for our good Smith friend here Uruk is of course he is an orc but he has been Outcast from the stronghold where he was born he did not fancy himself much a warrior and wanted to focus on the smithing Arts but as first born to the chief he was in line to become the new Chief but the uh the fellow Orcs thought him thought him weak as did his younger brother who uh had an eye for the chief them for himself so or here fled the stronghold but not before scoring a large sa saal of perined ingots of the uh the orac calcum kind so I've uh stowed away my rock sack here about 50 or so or a calcum ingots and that is going to be our wealth that we're going to use to buy our way into the blacksmith life when we eventually get the skills to open up our own blacksmithing shop our own Forge we're going to use those perined ingots that we took from our own our own Clan uh before making our escape from the stronghold so I'm actually if we come over here I'm going to store these ill gotten ingots in my little cash here cuz I do not want to bring them here we are 50 or a Calcom ingots this is all our wealth we're going to liquidate this when it comes time to buy our own Forge for now I'm hiding it in in the wilderness in the woods as I do not want to enter White Run uh with those ingots and uh I think we should pack up our Camp here we've been living out in the Wilds for a little bit and I think it's time now the morning is definitely upon us we should Journey to the Fine city of white run and start our apprenticeship in the smithing Arts so let us uh deconstruct this let's put out the fire let's destroy it in hopes that we can get yeah we got some firewood back from that brilliant and this is going to be our home going to set this tent up outside the city walls and we're going to uh be living here White Run it's a more welcoming welcoming City most especially the cities that lie to the north but uh we are still a strange a stranger orc and I don't think we're going to be too welcomed at the ins and we don't have money for property yet so listen a tent will do us fine we're a Hardy orc we may not be the greatest Warrior of the orcish kind but we're just as Hardy as you can see the build of our friend Ur here is thinner Slimmer than most Orcs he hasn't got that Burly strong build summon his clan man would rumor about him maybe not being full orc yet another reason for the uh the Orcs to gather against him that's okay he never wanted to be Chief anyway he just wanted to Smith in peace become the black the greatest black Smith the world has ever seen and from what oro's heard of the outside world white run late is the home for the greatest smiths in the land a yes here we are our new home our new life begins once we enter these Grand City walls look at this this is bigger than any stronghold any Orc Stronghold I've ever seen by malath this is a great City indeed luckily because of the war that's going on there is no shortage of uh Smiths needed and there's plenty of openings for Blacksmith apprentices in White Run I mean with the war going on arms need to be made weapons cannot be forged fast enough I think I might set up my tent around here somewhere the kits do set up here as well so I can't just put my tent anywhere cuz it will glitch into the kajit camp so I'm going to maybe down here's got to be this has got to be fine right on the outskirts of the K I'm on the outskirts of the outskirts here but I'm going to lay down my tent I don't think it's going to get stolen this is quite a nice little bit of air as well actually to to lay it down I think that'll do for now I'll make my own fire when night falls I will not uh be as presumptuous as to expect the kites to share their fire with me but let us now enter the city and begin our apprenticeship I hear yoland greyman is the greatest Smith in Skyrim but I doubt he'll let us be under his tutelage at least immediately so I do hear of another aspiring Smith that is a fine Craftsman in their own right so I think I'm going to join up with them I'm sure as a Smith she will understand that us Orcs a fine Craftsman indeed yeah and she'll accept us swiftly and without question oh yes look at this the big city so much promise in the air so much coin to be made and notoriety to be earned as the as the greatest Craftsman the greatest Smith that will be my goal be my humble go I think I'm going to take my hood off just for a second at least for now show my respect I do not wish to be uh considered conniving or secretive my aims here clear wi okay really know a woman until you have a strong drink Hey listen fist fight perhaps at the end tonight mayhaps for now though I need to begin my work for I'm late already my fellow Apprentice is already at hard at work and I'm late oh no this is not going to be a good sign oh is this going to be my new Mentor why don't you swallow that stubborn pride of yours and ask yourland grey oh weapons talk of weapons to be forged found the right place so I think my friends this is where the Smith will will be working out of until he has his own Forge so uh we're going to be a measly Apprentice we're going to be living here eating and drinking at the inn and then going to sleep in our tent our Master is going to come around this corner here I think though I have to speak The Apprentice as I'm going to be the underling amongst underlings I answer to this guy yes the senior Apprentice I'm the junior Apprentice I'm looking for work good friend craft two Smith leather already straight off the bat two AR I'll get on it no questions to asked right off the bat two leather armors he's going to give me materials Smith leather armors so Smith leather armor here one two and already our smithing is increasing it's increasing quite fast actually for just those two armors so I me as an Orc you know growing up in the stronghold we already do have quite good knowledge of smithing we're not complete beginners I mean to these Nords we are we're new in town so we do what we must here here's those Smith armors my friend I think I'll get a little bit of coin for this as well here's your share what's my pay 20 measly septums this is going to be a grind and a half my friends but uh listen there's more work to be done here we got to work all day yes looking for more work friend listen it doesn't end for me here iron swords okay I'll get on it materials for those swords right here we are Smith iron sword two of those those will be going straight into the hands of soldiers I'm sure and then look the the boss herself is not shying away from the hard work she also might have some work to me in a sec I'll turn these swords in first here the sword you requested good friend here's my share another 20 septums oh 25 this though okay I don't claim to be the best blacki oh yes so I've heard so I've heard indeed is legendary actually how much gold do you have cuz I might sell to you my oral prot yourself or you got you can buy a bit of my orac calcum when it's when I'm ready to sell but uh need any help on the forge Yes actually how about you Smith me an iron dagger here's everything you need to make one go ahead okay I'll I'll do that I'll take my le I'll make the iron dagger fellow Apprentice may I use the forge the master is letting me use the forge it's my turn on the forge like the iron dagger my smithing is increasing fast here leveled up already oh there she is I was wondering where she went she went around the corner yeah I have the iron dagger please it's done dagg not bad but it's a little dull how about you sharpen it up I shall do that bit of metal and the grindstone over there oh yes here we are I'll sharpen it up straight away straight away boss yeah it's lucky that we have uh until next the tent cuz the wages that we're earning right now as a Smith's Apprentice It's not the best in terms of wages so yeah I don't want to be paying for a room the in you think all the council my father provides the yurl is his Alone um no I don't say I advise the adviser and leave it at that I'm not going to stick my nose into politics I'm a newly arrived I have no desire for that you put time into your blades they'll serve you well you want to helping how about you make some armor let's start by tanning some leather on I can do that I can do that no problem I'll take my le then I also hunt my own game to get my own Leathers as well actually I'm thinking now perhaps I should turn that Ora Calcom ore into into orcish weapons and sell the weapons get a bit more money than just selling the the the Ingot straight up that might be a good idea we shall see I guess just these two pieces here brilliant there we are let's bring the leather over she going to get us to make some leather armor now have You Met My Father here's the leather ah good a lot of weapons and armor need leather for straps fittings that kind of thing yeah and what aware this if you can make a hide helmet man this is Child's Play for me I know I know you're showing me the ropes but this is until next time this is Child's Play for me get that hide helmet done listen I'm I'm an orcish Smith I can make orcish armor weapons just hide stuff even child orings can uh can craft this stuff with their eyes closed I help here's the hide helmet I should hire you to be my assistant well I would accept that role take this Lea to the workbench over there let's do it I would I would more than happily accept that role let's do it boom temp to hide helmet you have talent keep working at your craft and you'll be a fine Smith that is my hope yes that is my hope why don't you keep that dagger and helmet maybe you will remember me when you're making Sky Forge steel [Music] huh that would that would be that does sound good Sky Forge steel I'm sure you and greyman wouldn't have me at this rate though for now I will remain working under you my friend yeah what more work have you got for me make three Smith Shields wow okay wait who's this guy is this a laborer friend who are you a labor is he is he here to shov all coal may I use the forge yes I may was it the these shields not not so not hide but iron okay that's three of those suckers look at that it's a hefty Shield right there we might get a touch more coin for this here's our Shields come on what's our coin for that 25 again okay okay need something I have SPID a letter precariously placed on the edge of the forge here as uh as not to let it fall into the flames and burn up I will grab it and doing so I shall quickly read a few lines I've been looking to tell my Forge and I heard that you were skilled in the art of smithing I was wondering if you'd be interested in buying my business located in White Run hold you'll get my current clients and I'll also put the word out for you to get cheap supplies okay my interest is peaked here my asking price is 20,000 Gold by the gods please see me in the baned mayare in White Run if you were interested regards moring I certainly interested this letter I don't think was meant for me but I will pocket it a business opportunity okay she hasn't see me pocket that was that meant for her was he trying this Ming guy trying to sell his business to the other Smith in town was she even interested she could start a smithing Empire perhaps I shall pay a visit to this Morin I have that or Calcom stash as well I will work here until the evening and then I shall enter the inn and uh talk to m my friend looking for more work good sir High braces I'll get on it as per usual just two of the suckers this time was it two or three just the two good right come on let's do another one before I go to the in I should go out and get that um 25 gold again I should go out and get that or a Calcom looking for more work iron warhammers okay man we're just slaving away the uh the forge today our smithing is ever increasing though more and more and more be Master smiths in no time this is war Hammer's friend on this is Char's play I should restart making some orcish weapons from the the or Calcom that I've got stashed up in the mountains there let's go pay a visit to that [ __ ] guy cuz I do want to open my own shop up soon I mean I know I'm just an apprentice but man this smithing it's Child's Play for an orc such as myself there more coin to be made in my own operation let's jump inside oh our friend is already there waiting for us one more what oh please no singing right there b please noar's mercy be upon you for the vigil has none to SP I need not your mercy I need a forge of my own is Terri want something from me indeed I do I not tell you how but I've seen your offer I think I can come with that 20 grand soon I'm interested in your business I'm a bit L the money right now very well just let me know when you have the necessary funds man I've got to okay no two ways about it I've got to have the funds there's no there's no loans to be had nothing I have an idea I have an idea not only am I going to go grab the Ora Calcom that I've got stashed away but I'm also going to see if I can mine myself some iron and corundum in the mountains as well and turn that into basically free money by smelting into ingots and then I can sell those or make them turn them into weapons and sell them I should get 20 grand in no time right let's uh jump and see so it's actually a good thing that that business that he's looking to sell as well is also in White Run so we don't really have to move anywhere else we can set up here and stay here there's our tent the kajit haven't oh the kajit are arriving yes look at the Caravan of the kajit has arriving they're going to set up camp right let's pack up our tent just in case they are setting up somewhere over there and then we can relay down our tent uh once they've set up their Camp just so we definitely not glitching into each other so let's pack up fantastic so they are just arriving the the kajit brilliant I could even pop to Riverwood as well for more smithing work I know there's a Smith in Riverwood as well although Will will they be happy to see an Orc in their little village in their humble quaint Village speaking of Orcs the kites have a known what are they okay I'll not be the only orc living in the camp brilliant also I can trade with these kajit so maybe they want to buy some my orac Calcom yes let's go grab that while they're setting up camp let's go grab our orac Calcom this is a perfect storm and we'll see what else we can mine out in the mountains as well brilliant we can also pull up gems from the ground while mining as well so we can turn those gems we can cut those gems using our smithing ability at the forge turn them into more profitable gems we should it'll be hard graph that we can get that 20 grand if we dig deep we mine we sell gems we sell metal we can come up with the money what a big investment though 20 grand just to buy a business to then make more money hey these are the Investments right I do know that there's some iron and corundum around here wait a fellow orc a brother on the road well net friend if you are not here to grant me a good death then you can leave orc a good death I think I can do that as an Orc I know there's no talking out of this you should leave I don't want you scaring off my good death I can deliver you that good death yes where I to Simply lay down we can please malath together let's fight not please malath perhaps I could give you the death you seek fellow perhaps are you sure about this yes I am sure I will give you a good death we shall see brother never should have come I have my orish you don't even have an orcish mace I have an orcish mace you are tough though you're a formidable oh you are formidable indeed you are this will be a fair fight oh he he hits hard I have no Shield I will not dare use potions I'll show you what a real or can do let's get some high ground on this guy he's going to give us a good death in a minute there we I staggered him now I land in with the shops there we are oh okay I just won that that was a good death indeed I will not take your belongings I will leave you in your armor with your weapon in hand you go to malikat now brother I'm glad that fellow orc got to give him the good death and he near had me as well I did not he did not give me that D oh and also here's the iron but we found the iron our orcish brother here in death has given us the location of our wealth so this this for a blacksmith is basically free money we can mine that get a bunch of iron turn those into ingots I'm going to get my orac Calum first that's going to be our first big uh bit of money selling our stolen orac Calum you know just to get us off our feet just to get us going in this uh world of smithing this competitive smithing landscape I also want to get get the 20,000 before Adriana decides to buy the the forge herself as I'm sure she's already seen that note that I've stolen from her there's our statue over there must remember there's also a failed wolf here let's go grab it make sure no scavengers have found it nope 50 orac calcum still there proba let's grab that we nearly over encumbered so there will be no mining iron just yet I'm going to see how much one Ingot sells for and then I'm going to see how much my orcish mace sells for and that will give me the a kind of gauge as to what is better to sell either the ingots or the weapons most like likely turning them into weapons is more profitable right it's got to be let's just jump there I heard a wolf behind me was following me yeah look him on the mountain top there was following me I'm hoping the kites have set up their camp now so we could actually begin trading with them yes they have very quick to set up wonder if they'll give us a fair price for or calcum ra deal with these guys at this and the orish friend as well gnag friend what are you looking at nothing nothing nothing nothing man I thought I thought we would be brothers have no love for us right friend you look like the man I should be dealing with rad take a look how much are you willing to buy my Ora Calum for 2,000 for 50 that's about 10 times less than I would like friend I think I am going to turn this into weapons has even got the gold anyway to by it all sure there'll be traveling Merchants around as well I can deal with war well we have to stay working for uh the Smith anyway so we can earn a little bit of gold doing that but also we can craft our own stuff kind of on on the down low to be fair I know I'm being a bit sneaky here by reading that letter and buying the other Forge from under our nose but it feel does feel kind of bad doing that she's been very kind to us letting us use the forge and giving us teachings treating us Fair fair and square no questions asked although we're getting paid very little for the work we're doing so maybe it is all fair in the end oh are they packing up the forge are they is it is it shift over well The Apprentice is still working hard even as the sun begins to set I should really be following his uh example there so is the laborer let's see how many orcish things we can make with our Otten or a Calum make some great swords let's make some daggers okay what's the most value orish Warhammer although actually I think for one less we can make the the battle axe for one maybe we should do that yeah three Ora Calcom how much let's let's make one battle axe anyway we can make a great sword as well but we need some more corundum for the for the battle axes let's make a great sword as well brilliant fantastic how much will this sell for I wonder is War Maiden Still open can sell directly to war maidens and it's still open brilliant we can sell these freshly forged weapons let's see how much going to sell pretty much anything to suit your needs 168 okay how much does he want to buy one for 40 okay it's yeah they're 40 a piece no I do not want to actually that actually CU this cost this costed three or a Calcom it might actually be worthwh selling the ingots directly actually now I think of it going to sell the iron stuff that I are only worth five no right let's sell the battle axe it might actually be worth just selling it straight up right do you know what I think we need to do I think we need to actually make another cash to store the rest of it cuz I can't be carrying all these around I need to go back out and start mining mining the uh the iron and get getting gems from the ground cuz those are going to be the true money makers we need that 20 grand fast okay that's our plan right if we go to the kajit camp we'll make another hidden cash there and store all our gems and all our Metals there okay good all right I'm trusting that the kits are going to treat me Fair here and not steal from under my cash but if I can help it I'm going to ensure they don't see where I place my cash I might even put it under the water here by the Stream yeah this might be a good place oh maybe under this waterfall this might be a good place for my oh this will be perfect no one will see my cash here right let's use our scrim Shore abilities shall we uh let's go open this menu let's favorite that let's scrim Shore us a cash marker using a large animal bone and then we shall simply drop the cash marker behind this waterfall let drop that and we activate it boom and like that oh look at that that's a brilliant hiding spot Treasures of Plenty will be buried here until we have use of them I'm that actually I'll keep that firewood on me for now make a fire out of that let's St the or calcum we got a th000 septums we need 19,000 more septums Dam I 20,000 that's a hefty amount we need some more uh corundum as well there's got to be a corundum mine around here somewhere right so the or calcum is stored in there yep that's good 44 let's lay our tent down oh what a spot yeah what a spot hidden not even the kites would know that put it there brilliant and there's plenty of room for us to lay down our own tent we can kind of nestle ourselves in with the the camp here can we sleep here oh we can even sleep on this hay pile thing is they they move on though so we may as well get a more permanent place actually I think it's good that we moved our tent cuz I think they set up just there as well I might Nestle my tent here in with the foliage a little bit but at least we get to use the warmth of their fire oh am I glitching I'm glitching into their tent a little bit oh no oh well that'll do for now my tent's a bit better than theirs though I must say get to share in the fire oh I'm being welcomed brilliant we are all outcasts here actually what I need to do I need to make myself a pickaxe if I want to mine so let's go back to the forge and make I I forgot about that I need to make myself a pickaxe at least we have a goal we have a clear goal uh for this this series it might be another miniseries just like the wood cutter where we uh work towards owning our own business so uh 20 20K it's a lot of gold to be earned I don't think it's going to be done in this episode so there at least going to be an episode two my friends if that's what you want let me know in the comments below if you do want to see more of this it might be a little of iron that we need for the pickaxe but it shouldn't be too hard to make pickaxe we need two iron ingot and two leather strips we can do that we might have to buy that iron inot sadly cuz uh well I can't go M some the pick so let's go into war ma let's see if he's still open he's indeed still open he's open late this is what I like to see with a business friend blades helmets's actually selling a pickax I can buy that for 22 okay I'll take it I need that friend brilliant and now we can go out mining business with you well we definitely know that there's an iron deposit uh near our fallen orcish brother just up the hills there I'm hoping there's a clay deposit as well cuz Clay is very good for gems I've noticed I think it's bit bit high percentage chance of getting gems from uh from clay deposits we could also just sell the clay as well once we do mine it and what we can do is we can cut those gems the raw gems we pull from the ground we can cut them at the forge and then sell them if the kajit are still there we can sell them to the kits oh there's a wolf there let's slay this damn wolf oh you got a buddy as well have you too bad get kicked in the jaw right there might even be more deposits around here somewhere oh yes there's a corund here Fantastic look at this let's go mine ourselves some corundum I sense there's one round I knew there's one around here somewhere just overlooking the city in our camp as was we could even get over and com and just walk right back as well no problem you know what let's mine this vein absolutely dry I see no reason to leave any CR for anyone else look we're getting some Onyx as well some opal some Onyx yeah this is going to pay us well free money pulled right from the ground I'm already over encumbered this is increasing our smithing as well we're already at level 60 soon to be Master Smiths let's let our stamina regen and do a little bit of a tapping there we are I could actually just mine this completely clean see how much I get from it I could get hundreds from this thank you mods for allowing me to uh set my own values for a in this in this land I'm a rich man now we're getting rubies as well just just sitting here untapped resource yeah we should get our we should get our 20,000 in no time with this we just need to find people actually who have the coin to buy from us now there we are we M that completely clean now done let's see how much ore we got from that shall we we got 1,000 corundum ore we got all these gems as well this is it this is the grind the money we need going turn this into ingots I'll make as many orcish weapons as I can and then I'll just sell the rest as raw materials and we should be a little step closer to our goal there might be some traveling merchants on the road as well that will buy from us if I can I'll deposit the the corundum in my little treasure den and then I'll cut the the gems and sell those to the kits oh man being over encumbered truly does suck at this game I was only a ston through away from my camp but it's just taking so long when you're walking this slow please oh hello mules we sleeping with the mules tonight man we we already have so many raw materials that we're just going to be putting in this little hidey hole we'll do the same with the iron deposit that we sore up the mountain as well we have a bunch of iron ingots corundum ingots and Ora calom we should get a good few hundred ingots of corundum from the 1,000 ore that we've dug up I think it's three or per Ingot so we should get quite a lot well 333 so yeah let's just put all the ore in there right now just so we can run again and then I will go cut those gems that's the first thing I'm going to sell and then in the morning morning I will turn the ore into ingots and then go from there I just want to make sure I can sell these gems before the kites pack up and move on oh hello are you are you laborers yeah these are some laborers I think they're going to the in after their hard day work getting a nice ale we'll do that eventually but for now I have money on my mind only oh man this Apprentice is working hard he's still working well into the night man I should I should hire this guy when I get my own Forge set up this is a hard worker right here at that just grinding away man no wonder he's The Apprentice he's a solid Craftsman all right let's get these gems cut here we let's cut this we got we got we got a bunch of the Onyx okay this is going to n us some coin I guess cutting gems does not affect our smithing though that's a shame well that's all our gems cut let's go sell those to the kits and then we'll start peace meal making the corundum don't think actually I can just over enumber it right surely man I've got to think about getting to bed but just I've got no time in the day to to earn money not as an apprentice this is in the night is where I make my true coin and so do the kits for I have the gems for you my friend TR you been running into trouble on that's not my business not today right my friend please buy from me I got some fine sapphires look at this so already a few hundred there more septums the thing is he's not going to have enough these sapphires friend he's not going to have enough to uh to buy from me I'll give you one SE deal on those two there we are take it all okay we still have so many more gems to sell does anyone else want to buy here can you buy there is no trust train this may the sun keep you then all we can do is head to bed for now and do some more trading in the morning so let's uh let's sleep maybe bord want to buy the rest of my gems let's get nice 12 hours Bor shop better be open for I've got to get to work as well I'm under the uh I'm still The Apprentice at the other Forge so to can't be run around my aen is will be uh noted it's all well I'm good doing my own projects in my own time but I'm an employed man now and there he is working away this guy is truly impressive whenever I see him he's just working away okay yeah this guy is a true Craftsman in the true sense of the word look at him he despises me look at that he absolutely despises me oh she's getting to work she's coming to work okay we got ahead just in time right friend what it you want me to do I'll do the next batch look got some work to do yeah Smith Shields I'll get on it friend I'll get on it we got it just in time as she was walking up let's get those Smith Shields we at least doing a little bit of work before getting our true coin let's make the Smith Shields there we are getting our smithing this is at least increasing our smithing nicely there we are right well you deal with those I'm going to dip off quickly I ain't done nothing to Bor and uh get a bit more than 25 coin that's for sure let's jump inside got something for just about everybody in here wow give a holler I've got something that I hope you're interested in friend which is oh a Merchants appren which is it quick everything's for sale my friend everything good good call everything for buying as well me I call them Treasures he does want to buy good he's got some coin as well he's got enough to buy all my Onyx what about some uh rubies friend there we are he can buy a ruby sadly friend you've got uh no more coin for me where else can I sell these find things to come back there better be might even be a traveling Merchant the Inn you know I'll check the in quickly and then I'll go grab my corundum or to melt down is there indeed a uh Traer around here no there's not I don't think [Music] joint okay let's go grab our corundum and then we'll do some more work at the forge while also smelting our corundum into ingots cuz actually a good thing about working for these guys is that my smithing skill levels up quite quickly so I can be at level 100 and I can start making some truly valuable things fantastic I also doubt that the uh kit have got their money back so no more trading with them for now oh War maidens might might actually buy my corundum if I turn into ingots that's a good idea I'll make some more orish weapons as well which I can't quite remember if I can fast travel with this cuz I might even see if I can dip back to White Run no I can't not over encumbered that's okay we can just do a nice little leisurely walk back I might as well just turn it all into ingots and one fell sweep rather than running back and forward the good thing is I can still jump so I can get up here jump up here look at that boom Oh could I even jump up here that even might oh I can jump up here this will get me right to the door get to the forge quickly us Orcs are not the most nimblest of beings but if I can jump up here scale the wall and get to the gate yes look at this the lengths you go to this is this is the sky equivalent of uh getting all the shopping in one go oh no i' I've miscalculated this I don't think I can jump up here oh I've doomed myself I've doomed myself to a pitiful end of going around the long way this is hell I'm ready for hell now to walk the long way around while over encumbered no by the god the gods have abandoned me today my greed got the best of me I think I can walk up here actually yes I can okay so it's not the shortest of ways but it is still shter than going all the way around brilliant perhaps malikat is on my side after all he wants to see one of his kind one of his orc beings to to be the greatest Smith of the land he's champing me although actually I have winter and thees of Skyman stor so I can pray to Gods but as this character I actually haven't diverted myself to malath maybe I should find a malikat shrine once I start my own Forge up get him to bless all my Weaponry from there on out I can apply some extra cost to that as well the smelter light is just over there oh hello there deliver room yes got some good pieces out here if you're looking to buy more I have some I have some corundum you know what I might even gift once I have the money I might leave a gift for my uh my Forge Master here cuz I do feel kind of bad about using their Forge for my own ends I meant to be working for them right corundum Ingot let's just make 20 20 requires 60 CR or to make 20 okay here we go oh this is leveling up our smithing in decent chunks as well we're going to level up fast from this get a good couple levels in there we are let's make some more ingots corom Ingot have a little bit of CR or left over well one one or left over we we are still over encumbered got still quite a lot of ingots what's that worth yeah 333 they're worth a little bit I'm going to sell some of them and I'm going to keep some of them I don't need all of these ingots I think I'm going to keep about 100 of them and make that combine that with my or Calum to make some more orish weapons right friend are you looking to buy good Sur I have some corundum I know it's a valuable or necessary many weapons and armor around here War Ma what you got for sale blades helmets pretty much anything to what I've got I'm going to sell to you my friend 233 if I can oh he he hasn't got the coin for that no no he hasn't I'll sell him as much as he can buy I guess that was me thinking he had more than that right there we are say 69 you get exactly 69 I'm still so over encumbered though s the or as well well I should need to find a a traveling Merchant soon so I can over under burden myself let's get out there there's got to be someone in need oh of course yand let's go sell to yand I work for Bell oh nice to see you alive and well seigard if you know you know if you've seen Life as a wood cutter I'm not I'm not seeing any traveling merchants on the road here something I'm really hoping that Y and greyman has the the funds the coin necessary to buy vast amounts of corundum from me I'd imagine a master Craftsman such as himself the finest Forge in the lands crafting the finest steel I'm sure he would have the money right unless he works solely for the companions for no pay I mean that'd be honorable but my poor I think Thor still I know better it's quite a forge you have here good sir I must admire it before we can do our trade the sky Forge I my clan fathers have worked it since the first gry Ms came to White I've heard great stories of it steel is all the companions will use for good reason I can imagine is quite a forge tell me about yourself you're a master cman I'm a blacksmith or as a my friend could see that okay he's he's not one for words mincing words I guess let's just go straight into our Fair dealing shall we Gods be praised Gods be praised he has he has a bit more coin in his pockets enough to buy a bit more of my corundum 93 ingots I'm still way way over encumbered but we've earned ourselves a little bit more coin we're nearing 5,000 mhm so still a long way to go we need to find someone who can buy this stuff we need we we need to find like a wholesaler or a whole buyer or actually Adriana as well she buys directly so I've only sold to war maidens right now Adriana will also buy some uh some ingots from me that's a good idea be one step closer to owning our own Forge where is adri is she around the corner I hope she's actually here yes she is unlike me these Smiths actually are working or is I'm only working for myself perhaps Ur has a selfish streak in him well he did come here with one clear goal and that was to get his own Forge so I don't claim to be the best blacksmith in white go back to your Forge please man steel is legendary oh where she going she going to war maidens oh I hope she's going to buy for to check inside the shop if you need anything I've don't I've I've P fored your store clean of gold I've s all the crom I can there I need to sell it to you now you've got a different stash of coin there we are I can finally sell it to where now brilliant pleas oh she's got oh she shares it looks like she does share the um same coin then well we've literally expended every fire we can bellor both Smiths War maidens the kits unless we find a travel M on the road we've got nothing so I'm going to go store the rest of my metal and then work on actually leveling up my smithing and this is the over encumbered episode Skyrim but I'm constantly over encumbered honestly I thought I'd sell more corundum than that but I i' I've bled the pockets of every Merchant clean in the city walls this is how badly I want that 20K I just want to start that Forge up my own Forge up as soon as I can I don't want it to be like part 20 before I get the forge up and running right there's our little stash but the waterall the waterfall marks our stash no one's going to know it's there here we are our rock on this rock I will build my Forge before I close out this episode I might take take some orac calcum let's do 20 of each so let's do 25 of each store four more I got 25 of each corundum and or calcum and I'll make as many orcish weapons as I can with that and then in the next episode we can think about selling the orish weapons and the rest of our gems and that should net us early next episode enough coin to uh well be a little bit more more on our way up by next episode I'd like to Sur 10K and I'm not going to be doing that by just for working as an apprentice cuz I'm getting like 20 25 septums per job which is nothing that's that's a grind Beyond a grind but luckily I can find a few more corundum or iron or veins I'll become the richest man that 20K will be no problem oh wait oh those are militia Warriors if that was a if that was a Trader that'd be brilliant I'm seeing no Traders on the road this this morning right let's jump back to the forge shall we get those orcish weapons crafted don't mind if I once again borrow Le Forge I'll make my orcish weaps and then I'll do one more job out of the kindness of my heart as a Apprentice but uh we can make some orcish swords oh I need some more leather strips that's what I need let's go craft those shall we I can do that I think I've got enough leather I've got more than enough leather indeed let's make 20 strips should be enough to make some better orish weapons back to the Warhammer uh let's make let's make the battle ax again we can make another battle axe and another battle axe and a fourth battle axe dare I say a fifth a sixth even seven orish battle axes ready for the war effort I'm not sure who's going to buy them I don't think the Imperials use orish Weaponry so it's might even find its way to the black market but let's wield one of our fine or this is what I would build the chieftain the chieftain back at the stronghold look at that worthy weapon for any orcish Warrior oh wait is that is that a Trader that is a Trader a merchant what do you got for S sir take a look do you buy weapons he only has 500 gold but he buys weapons let's um let's sell a couple of these shall we sell three of these suckers and we've surpassed 5K we just need 15,000 more gold and we can have a forge of Our Own by the gods this is a lot of money that we need still and this was an episode dedicated wholly to selling right just just to feel a bit better at myself I'm going to yes do one more job for these guys but look this is this is this is Child's Play for me man I didn't expect expect to for it to be such pointless work for us a Craftsman such as myself Smith Smith hide braces is what we need to make there the two of them I will uh accept my meal wage for this there we are go give me like 20 coin 25 okay 25 right you know what this has been a very success successful first episode for our new Smith he has arrived to White Run and has been largely welcomed by the uh the blacksmithing Community here he's not quite got his own shop or Forge yet but he has work whenever he needs it at this Forge here has access to raw materials out in the Wilds there so he can get his own materials for free and turn it into maximum profits and before long I'm sure I'll have that Forge uh under my belt hopefully by next episode I want to see if I can get that Forge by next episode so I can actually start properly producing arms and armor for the war effort and get my true profits become the greatest Smith sky has ever seen but for now my friends I leave you here if you did like this episode and you want to see more feel free to let me know in the comments below and if you haven't yet uh you're welcome to subscribe if you want to will be much appreciated I leave you here now my friends in the next one I'll see you
Channel: Jacoby Wakeby
Views: 78,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim mods, skyrim living a normal life, skyrim normal life roleplay, living a normal life in skyrim, skyrim normal life mod, skyrim normal guy, skyrim normal job mod, skyrim challenge run, npc, skyrim npc, oblivion npc, oblivion npc music, skyrim playing as an npc, skyrim survival mode, skyrim play as a blacksmith, skyrim blacksmith build, skyrim blacksmith roleplay, jacoby wakeby
Id: Pq0fxK2sa8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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