Skinny Abandoned Pit Bull Gets Everything She Dreamed Of | The Dodo Pittie Nation

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she's a beautiful little baby girl aren't you we took her to a side bedroom and just covered her up in blankets and told her it was going to be okay and officially a friend had went to change a lock on an apartment that's when he saw her okay honey oh wow so i walked into her bathroom and daenerys was just sitting in a corner i i've never seen anything like it oh my gosh and the craziest thing was is that this dog still came right up to me wagging her tail she did not seem scared at all of any of us she ever growled never backed away never shied away she would even lean in for a scratch oh love you already kind of wanted her to feel like she had some comfort around her those are some nice jammies are there some nice candies [Music] she's a beautiful little baby girl aren't you she had trouble at first it seemed like she couldn't even hold her head up she laid around a lot the first few days but she could take a couple steps and then she that was it five days until she was able to really like have enough strength to stand up on her own hi baby oh you're so sweet once she could stand on her own and everything and you could see her character already coming out you are the sweetest little baby hello oh my god come on come on goodness come on get it come oh that's a good girl oh my goodness and she was already starting to play a little bit guess what came in the mail for you oh ducky is that ducky oh my gosh i knew she wanted some toys i really ended up liking um stuffies stuffed animals oh my goodness you can go through the whole thing huh i would say she probably had 100 stuffed animals which is way more than i've ever given any dog in my life [Music] so proud so proud oh my goodness gracious this is overwhelming i know this is overwhelming it's love at first sight for every stuffy i got you a sock monkey you love that what else do you got i got you a hippo what's that what else you got oh you can't decide look at it wow look at that i'm hanging up all your dog stuff in the closet even when she got to the point where she would maybe do a little zoomy or get excited about a new toy if you just laid on the bed in the room immediately she was right up on top of you full body oh my goodness are you just good ridiculous good morning hi honey good morning i have seven dogs in my living room and i can't you know put them together until she's feeling a lot better i was like there's a whole yard here i just had a dog door and i was like oh i have a window and so we opened up her window and put stairs there so that she would be able to get in and out and i thought she may not be confident enough to do it [Music] are you showing off i'll clean for you oh bye she was confident enough to do it that girl has all the confidence in the world mama bear come on oh you're so smart oh you're so strong she just steadily put on one to two pounds a day mama oh bounce you down and she's down she was 25 pounds that day and she is now 53 pounds as soon as you sit down she's on your lap upside down as per usual with a stuffed animal in her mouth you're such a good girl you little nerd you you're nude you're nude what kind of day are we having what kind of day are we having dee hunty a great day i don't know that she had ever really been out on family adventures in her previous life so i took her to the lake near my house and she just went for it and it just made me so happy so it was like her really being a dog for the first time [Music] my job right from the beginning was to get her into better health take care of her until we knew what kind of family would be best suited for her she's been ready in our opinion for a home since several months now and she's only just missing her perfect family now we did get a good application in from colorado she's really just looking for a companion she seems like a perfect fit she has the perfect yard for daenerys because we do think that this is going to be a perfect home for her we are going to be driving out to colorado springs and hopefully dropping daenerys you're off are you excited we're gonna go to your new house i hope i hope so i hope this is your new mommy i think so wow that's really good this is a nice place this is really nice you're gonna get a yard if you like your own yard yeah only yours for the first time ever that's so nice oh my god what do you say dee what is that what is that go out there what do you want there what do you go out there [Music] when i sit with her for a moment and look back on an old video or an old photo it's surprising that that was actually her who's the prettiest girl she's strong so top this girl she's a tough little [Music] chick you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 3,492,566
Rating: 4.9688411 out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, pit bull, the dodo pit bull, the dodo pitties, pitties, pittie nation, the dodo pittie nation, pittie nation the dodo, abandoned dog, the dodo dogs
Id: CciqOiC0vUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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