SketchUp Skill Builder: Groups vs Components

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[Music] hey guys this is Aaron some of the questions we get a lot of are pertaining to groups and components things like what is the difference between a group and the components or when should I use one over the other to have a couple examples here that I want to show you the difference in groups and components we'll start by creating them so groups and components are both containers that is to say they isolate geometry from other geometry so if I was to triple click on this G right here and just as it is move it to overlap the R but I try to move it back and see it's going to get stuck because that's Yama tree merged with the R as soon as I moved it if I right-click and say make group now if I move it over the R I can move it back because the container isolates that geometry so groups are great ways to take a group of geometry or a bunch of geometry and combine together and isolate it from everything else if I right-click on selected geometry and I say make component it's going to come up and actually prompt me for some information it's going to ask me for a definition a description this is a name and and just basic information that you need to reference what is this group or what is this component gluing I have an option to make it automatically glue to other surfaces or always face camera a bunch of options in here that I can put in there to go along with the component unlike group which is just a container components inherit a little bit of information right from the beginning as well all right so that's creating a group versus the component so what about actually using them how are they different if we buzz over here to this cabinet I have two stacks of bowls over here on the left if I tick one it comes up and tells me it is a group it also tells me that there are five identical groups in this model and that is these five bowls stacked here on the right side of pick one it tells me to component again five these in the model right here so this is a functional difference between groups and components if I double click into this group and I'm going to pull up my paint bucket and I'm going to paint this Bowl blue we see that that bowl turned blue I exit out here the rest of bowls did not groups again just isolate geometry there's nothing linking one of these groups to another group overhearing components on the other hand by double clicking to one of these components and I'm going to color this red they all turn red components reference each other so if there's one copy of a component that is edited all instances of that component are changed the another thing that happens is real nice is this component browser window so I have this this is my components window any component I saved in the model shows up in this list so even if I was to do something like say I was to delete all of these red bowls out of here they're all gone there's no more in the model anywhere but I can convince the component browser grab this bowl and bring it right back into the model I can do that with any component even if there's not a copy in there if I take this blue bowl and delete it that blue bowl is gone forever I'd have to recreate it to bring it back into my model so that's the basic functionality of components another question we get a lot of is what about file size what impact those groups versus components have on file size here I have an example of two models so this one on the left has 100 copies of this little chess piece all saved as groups on the right side have 100 copies of the exact same geometry but saved as components so if I look at the statistics for these files and see my 100 groups is just under 400 K well as my components is 268 K so significantly smaller by using components that's because there is actually one instance of this geometry saved and then it's just repeated throughout the model whereas over here every single line every single face is recreated to make this model so that's a quick look at using groups and components and Sketchup thank you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 89,998
Rating: 4.9494472 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Skill Builder
Id: sc7RPOJgWqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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