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hello there my name is Richard McMahon from the interview training website and in this training video I will teach you how to answer situational interview questions if you have a job interview coming up soon for any role or company you will have to answer several situational interview questions stay tuned if you want to learn how to give top scoring answers so to help you pass your interview at the first attempt this is what I will teach you in this presentation number one I will teach you the best way to answer situational interview questions there is a method you should use when responding to these questions it is recognized by all hiring managers I will tell you what it is number two I will then give you a list of the most common situational interview questions so you can prepare for your interview effectively number three I am then going to give you unique top scoring answers to those situational interview questions before finally number four telling you where you can instantly download these slides plus my 50 great answers to top interview questions and just very quickly if you are new to this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button thousands of you are passing your interviews I can only help you if you are subscribed and please give the video like please give it a thumbs up right now because that motivates me to create more content for you thank you very much indeed let's start off and I will explain what situational interview questions are well situational interview questions assess how you have dealt with or would deal with situations and challenging scenarios in the workplace the idea being that if you have successfully dealt with these situations previously you will require minimal training and supervision and ultimately be a great fit for their company let me give you some examples of common situational interview questions I will then tell you the best way to answer them so an example situational interview question is tell me about a time when you went above and beyond your job duties another one tell me about a time when you faced a challenging situation at work tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision and tell me about a time when you failed how did you handle the situation you can see why lots of people fail their interviews when responding to these questions but don't worry I'm going to give you the best method to use and also brilliant top scoring answers so let's now move on to the best way to structure your answers to difficult situational interview questions well that method is called the star method take a note of this please write it down so the star method s t a r is recognized by all hiring managers and employers as the correct way to answer difficult situational interview questions but what is it so let's assume you are sat down in the interview chair your interview is going well but all of a sudden the hiring manager says to you tell me about a time when you worked in a team this is an example of a situational interview question so automatically you should think of the star method star stands for situation task action and result and this is the method the structure you are going to use when answering these situational interview questions so you start your answer and you outline the situation you were faced with you then tell the hiring manager the task that needed doing you then move on and give in-depth details about the action you took when dealing with the situation and then finish off your answer and tell them the results of your actions and here's a really important tip the result should always be a positive outcome so we are going to use the star method when answering difficult situational interview questions so let's now use it let's start working through some of the more common situational interview questions I will use the star method to give you those brilliant answers and I will then tell you where you can download the slides plus as I said previously my 50 brilliant answers to difficult interview questions so situational interview question number one is tell me about a time when you went above and beyond your job duties here's my top scoring response that uses the star method here we go a new person joined my team and I could tell he was anxious he struggled to get used to our computer systems and software packages during his first day although not part of my day-to-day job duties I wanted to help him settle into his work quickly so I offered to train him to the expected standard after he agreed to accept my assistance I asked him several questions to determine his training needs I then put together a plan of action of what I would teach him and how long it would take I then spent the next two weeks teaching him during lunch breaks and measuring his progress against my action plan at the end of the two weeks he was at the required standard and his confidence had improved significantly so that's a really good answer to that difficult situational interview question Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond your job at duties that shows you to be a selfless employee someone who puts the needs of other people first you are going above and beyond your job duties and that answer uses the star method let's move on to situational interview question number two and that is tell me about the time when you faced a challenging situation at work here's my top scoring answer that uses a star method I was tasked with setting up a meeting at a local hotel for my manager it was the day before the meeting and the hotel called to say they'd had a leak in the meeting room and could no longer accommodate us this was challenging because 20 people were attending the meeting and I now had to find an alternative suitable venue quickly I immediately started calling hotels and Conference Centers close to the previous venue and eventually found one to hold the meeting after Refreshments had been reorganized and I'd confirmed parking Arrangements I called every attendee to inform them of the change of venue before sending them confirmation and directions by email my manager praised my resilience during the challenging situation and the meeting was a success that's a brilliant example answer it shows that you can think on your feet and you can overcome a challenging situation on your own it's also a great answer because again it uses the star method don't forget I will soon tell you where you can download all of these responses here is the next situational interview question tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer here's my top scoring example answer that uses a star method I was communicating with a customer in my last job complaining about the delay to a product they had ordered our supplier had letters down and the customer had to wait two more days to get their order they started to become aggressive in their tone of communication my job was to deal with the situation sensitively and positively to achieve a successful resolution I apologize to the customer and stated that I would feel the same as them if I had to wait an additional two days I explained that Although our supplier had letters down it was our problem and I was genuinely sorry for the inconvenience because I used an apologetic and empathetic communication style when responding to them they began to calm down I reassured the customer that I was working as fast as I could and I asked them to leave me their telephone number and I would call them as soon as I had an update one once the product was back in stock I called the customer to inform them I had dispatched the product and that I had refunded their delivery costs which they thanked me for finally I apologized once more and thanked them for their patience that is a really smart answer that uses a star method to that really common situational interview question Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer you are not being defensive you are not taking anything they say personally but instead you are focusing on the reputation of the company you are being professional and going above and beyond to deliver a positive result for the customer again it's a successful resolution so it's a really good situation to give here is the next situational interview question and answer tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision here's my top scoring response that uses that star method here we go in a previous job I was approached by a competitor of my employer who wanted to hire me in a new role they had created I had to decide whether to explore the job offer fervor or turn it down it was a difficult decision because the salary level of responsibility and benefits were better than my current position I spent a short time considering the offer however I decided not to pursue it any further for several reasons I am a loyal person and my employer had hired me to do a good job for them and I still had exciting projects I was working on I also turned it down because I'm not motivated by financial gain I am motivated by enjoying my work and collaborating with people who are as passionate as I am although turning the offer down was a difficult decision I was comfortable it was the correct one and I went on to have a successful career with my employer now that is a smart answer because it shows you to to be a loyal employee it's a really good answer again that uses the star method here is the next situational interview question tell me about a time when you failed how did you handle the situation here is my top scoring answer that uses the star method I undertook an internal training course when I started my first job it was a course about a subject I thought I knew so I didn't pay enough attention when I sat at the end of course examination I failed despite feeling embarrassed and humiliated it was my fault and I needed to learn from the situation I apologize to my supervisor explained why I had failed and promised never to let it happen again I then studied the course again in my spare time and ensured I passed the exam now although it was it was a regrettable situation I am pleased that it happened because I learned a valuable lesson from it that's a really good answer you are being honest you are taking responsibility and you are taking positive action in your own spare time to resolve the situation I also like that final statement although it was a regrettable situation I am pleased that it happened because I learned a valuable lesson from it do not fall into the Trap of say I've never failed I don't fail I'm a perfectionist if you say that you will probably fail your interview so that's another strong top scoring answer that uses the star method now sometimes situational interview questions ask you to explain what you would do in a workplace situation let me give you an example what would you do if you were asked to complete a task you've never done before now you don't need to use the star method when answering these type of hypothetical interview questions here's my top scoring example answer what would you do if you were asked to complete a task you've never done before here we go I would take it upon myself to quickly find out how to complete the task efficiently and competently I would ask experienced co-workers how to complete it read operating manuals or even online training videos I would take notes on the steps I must take to complete the task safely and set to work so you are taking responsibility for the task you are not turning around to your manager or supervisor and saying I've never done it before so I can't do it you are taking responsibility for the task finding out how to complete it and setting setting to work so it's a really good answer again you don't need to use the star method for this type of situational interview question here's another one you are working on a project with a very tight deadline you are waiting on a co-worker to finish their part of the project but they are three days late what would you say or do this situational interview question is assessing your communication style here we go I would speak to them tactfully and ask how they were getting on with their work they may be experiencing problems that are out of their control in which case I would put forward my ideas as to how we could resolve the issue I would emphasize how important their work was to the completion of the project and I would offer to help to speed things up so again you are taking control of the situation and you are being a good team worker a good team player you are trying to collaborate with your co-worker to speed things up to get the project finished quickly here's another type of situational interview question that asks you to explain what you would do in a given situation and that is how would you explain something complex to someone who didn't understand once again you don't need to use a star method to answer this question here's my top scoring response how would you explain something complex to someone who didn't understand I would determine their level of knowledge by asking questions I'll then use a style of communication they could relate to and use situations and explanations to get across my message I am confident I could achieve my goal by slowing down my communication being patient and asking them questions to confirm they understood that's another top scoring answer to that common situational interview question now here is another one if we gave you multiple tasks to work on how would you prioritize them this is a really difficult one but this are answer always scores highly at job interviews here we go if we gave you multiple tasks to work on how would you prioritize them I would create a list of the tasks I were responsible for and place them in order of priority based on the company's goals I would color code each task based on priority red tasks would be urgent and require immediate attention orange second and green could be left for when I have more time available I would then determine how long each task would take to complete block out all distractions and set to work that shows you can organize and prioritize your work based on the company's goals even when you have multiple tasks to complete it's a brilliant answer now the next thing to do if you want to accelerate your learning even further and make sure you pass your interview at the first attempt is click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video head straight through to my website to and you can download not only these slides with all of those answers they use the star method to those difficult situational interview questions but you get an additional 50. brilliant responses too common but challenging interview questions in a PDF guide that means you can have them in your inbox literally within two minutes from now make sure you check out that link if you want to pass your interview also please make sure you hit that subscribe button I mean it's I want to help you not just pass every job interview you attend but negotiate a salary and progress throughout your career I can only do that if you are subscribed please hit the like button because that motivates me to create more content for you and don't forget to connect with me on LinkedIn I have put my LinkedIn Link in the description below the video it's always a pleasure and an honor to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself thank you for watching I wish you all the very best for passing your job interview have a wonderful day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 82,861
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Id: 0_cSRxJcOYA
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Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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