EDUCATOR Interview Questions & ANSWERS! (How to PREPARE for an EDUCATOR TEACHING Job Interview!)

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hello there my name is Richard mcmun from the interview training website pmy and in this training video I will teach you how to prepare for an educator interview if you are applying to become an educator with any organization school college or university make sure you stay tuned because the tips questions and Sample answers I am about to give you will help you partial interview at the first attempt and to achieve that goal I will cover the following four things in this training video number one so I will tell you which educate job interview questions to prepare for these questions come up all the time during educator job interviews number two I will then give you two very important tips for answering each of those interview questions correctly number three I am then going to give you a unique and tops scoring answer to each educator interview question to help you pass your interview at the first attempt and then finally number four I will tell you where you can instantly download these slides plus my full set of 21 brilliant answers to difficult educator interview questions and just very quickly if you are new to my YouTube channel please make sure you hit that subscribe button thousands of you are passing your job interviews at the first attempt I can only help you if you are subscribed and please hit the like button because that tells me you find these training videos useful and that motivates me to create more great content for you thank you very much indeed okay let's get started with the first educator interview question and that is going to be tell me about yourself let me give you two important tips and I will then give you my top scoring example answer tip number one so this is going to be the first question you will have to answer at your educator job interview make sure you practice your answer several times before the interview to help increase confidence and to more importantly demonstrate excellent communication skills and tip number two in your answer I recommend you talk about your skills and strengths that match the educator job description highlights of your career to date and briefly outline what you will do in the role if they hire you so here is my top scoring example answer to help you par your educator interview tell me about yourself here we go thank you for this opportunity Unity I am a passionate knowledgeable confident and committed educator with the experience to match the job description the grades I attained in My Chosen subjects demonstrate my excellent level of knowledge and my experience proves my ability to teach groups of students in line with the relevant curriculum I have a track record of success in my previous educator role I was praised for my multi tasking time management lesson planning and ability to step in at the last minute to cover Educators that were unable to teach their classes if you hire me as an educator I will deliver engaging and creative lessons that Inspire and motivate my students be a positive role model and be flexible to help your educational establishment achieve its Mission and I look forward to sharing additional details s regarding my suitability for this position in the interview so that is a really strong and confident answer to that first educator interview question Tell me about yourself now you can either pause the video if you want to and write down the questions and answers as we work through them together or if you want to wait I will soon tell you where you can download these slides with the tips questions and answers plus my full set of 21 on brilliant responses to difficult educator interview questions here is the next question I want you to prepare for and that is why do you want to become an educator here's two great tips tip number one so this next common educator interview question is clearly assessing your motivations for choosing this career now the role of an educator can be challenging and it takes a unique set of skills and attributes to be successful in the position and tip number two good things to include in your answer are how you can positively impact students lives in your work the fact there is always something new to learn as an educator and the level of responsibility that comes with the position so here is another tops scoring example answer to help you pass your interview why do you want to be become an educator here we go I want to become an educator because of the opportunity to impact students Futures I love my subject and my ability to deliver lesson plans that resonate with all students means I get lots of job satisfaction from my work I also want to be an educator because there is always something new to learn I enjoy being in control of my lesson planning and the challenge of motivating students to reach their full potential is a huge part of the job developing friendships and positive working relationships with other Educators and sharing knowledge is another appeal of the position I feel very fortunate to be put in a position of trust where students Look to You to inspire them and positively impact shaping their Futures so that is another really strong answer that will help you partial educator interview at the first attempt now don't go anywhere because I still have more questions tips and answers to give you but when you're ready click the link in the top right hand corner of the video head straight through to my website to passy and you can instantly download these slides plus my full set of 21 brilliant answers to difficult educator interview questions but here is the next question I strongly recommend you prepare for and that's is what are the essential skills and qualities needed to be an educator tip number one now before you attend your educator job interview make sure you read the job description it will put you at an advantage over the other candidates if you read the job description now tip number two in your answer be sure to mention a passion and in-depth knowledge of your subject patience adaptability and a sense of humor resilience and the ability to manage difficult behavior and also discipline and approach leness so here is my topsc scoring example answer to help you parti your educator interview what are the essential skills and qualities needed to be an educator here we go to succeed as an educator requires many diverse skills and qualities passion for your subject and in-depth current knowledge of your specialist area is essential as is the ability to communicate clearly and tailor lesson plans based on the needs of all students and their learning abilities you need patience multitasking adaptability confidence and resilience the ability to manage Behavior constructively and a sense of humor other important skills and qualities include approacha leness discipline computer skills and a passion for self-development I have studied the job description and I'm confident I have all the relevant skills qualities and attributes to succeed in this position that is a powerful answer that will help you par your educator job interview now here is the next question that comes up during 99% of educator job interviews and that is tell me about your previous experience tip number one now this next common educator job interview question is assessing your ability to make an immediate impact in the position tip number two reference the following things in your answer the number of lessons you have delivered lesson planning and motivating challenging students and being flexible in your work to support your employer so here is my brilliant example answer to help you partial educate job interview tell me about your previous experience my experience as an educator is diverse I have taught more than 100 lessons motivated challenging students to become High Achievers planned successful lessons on subjects I have minimal experience in to support other Educators when they couldn't teach and shaped course curriculums I also have experienced mentoring new Educators and I've been part of Education steering groups to offer advice regarding the Strategic direction of the educational establishment my experience is more than adequate for this position and my flexible approach to work means I will always support you in meeting your educational goals that is a brilliant example answer that you can use based on your own experience to answer that difficult question here is the next educator question that comes up all the time but it catches a a lot of people out and that question is what is your teaching style tip number one now there are several teaching styles you can Implement as an educator now I recommend you state in your answer that you use various Styles depending on the students you are teaching and their needs and tip number two in my opinion the best teaching styles are Authority motivational demonstrate and facilitator so here is another brilliant example answer to help you partial educate a job interview what is your teaching style here we go I utilize various teaching styles depending on the students and their needs I use an authority and motivational style when teaching students with historical behavioral issues and a facilitator style for students with learning difficulties one of my most effective teaching styles is demonstration I demonstrate real life examples to subjects that are challenging to understand and this style empowers students to grasp a subject quickly they may otherwise find difficult to understand that's another really good answer you can see how all these responses will help you partial interview at the first attempt now this next question again comes up probably during 90% of educator job interview use and that is how do you deal with stress tip number one now managing stress is a key requirement of becoming an effective educator make sure you have a plan for dealing with stress before your interview tip number two in your answer you can talk about the following things effective lesson planning to maintain organization that will definitely help reduce stress practicing mindfulness and keeping your s fit and healthy outside of work so here is my brilliant example answer to help you parti your educator interview how do you deal with stress here we go I deal with stress and work demands by planning in advance remaining calm practicing mindfulness and self-care and ensuring my knowledge of My Chosen subjects is current outside work I dedicate time to keeping fit which improves concentration and I play team sports which helps reduce stress I also spend time discussing challenges with other Educators which can help with tips and ideas on overcoming specific classroom problems because a problem shared is a problem hared finally stress is a physical emotion I control and I will never allow it to impact my work negatively that's a great answer it shows that you fully understand how to deal with with the impact of stress in your work here is the next question how would you teach a difficult student tip number one now this next common educator interview question is assessing your ability to deliver effective lessons to the most challenging of students tip number two in your answer consider including the following things setting boundaries and implementing codes of conduct developing positive professional relationships with students students and empowering difficult students so they take responsibility for their learning here is my brilliant example answer how would you teach a difficult student as an educator I establish codes of conduct and boundaries and then refer back to them regularly when required I develop positive professional relationships with students focus on their needs and learning abilities and concentrate on positive behaviors I set clear expectations explain the benefits of learning and how it will positively impact their Futures and give them responsibilities to empower them for example in a previous educator position I gave a difficult and disruptive student the task of creating a short presentation on a subject they grasped when they delivered it to the class I praised their knowledge this helped motivate the student and their behavior improved significantly moving forward that's another really good answer now the next thing to do to accelerate your learning further is click that link in the top right hand corner of the video head straight through to my website passy and you can instantly download these slides with all the tips questions and answers plus my full set of 21 great answers to difficult educator interview questions this guide comes as a PDF guide which means you can literally have it in your inbox within 2 minutes from now make sure you check out that link also please connect with me on LinkedIn I have put my LinkedIn Link in the description below the video it is always an honor and a pleasure to connect with like-minded Educators such as yourself please subscribe to the channel I am here to help you throughout your career I can only do that if you are subscribed and please hit the like button it's a very small ask but it makes a big difference to me it really motivates me to create more great content for you thank you for watching and for supporting my channel and I wish you all the very best for passing your educator interview have a great day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 2,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDUCATOR INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, TEACHER INTERVIEW TIPS, TUTOR INTERVIEW, LECTURER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, ADULT EDUCATION TEACHER, Parent Educator, Retail Educator, Health Educator, After School Educator, Part Time Educator, Program Educator, Teaching.job interview, Seasonal Educator, Senior Educator, Casual Educator, Nursing Educator, Clinical Educator, Early Childhood Educator, Assistant Educator, Substitute Teacher
Id: IV4VmNSjSzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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