$700 Auction Crane put to the Test!! Will it LIFT???

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[Music] what's up you guys welcome back to diesel creek and more specifically we're out here at the farm today it's your first time joining us my name is matt and behind me here is my 700 auction crane what this is is a 1989 f 800 and mounted on the back here we've got a national series uh 55 foot crane i think it's a four four five or four five four series something like that anyways if you haven't seen the first few parts of this series uh you're definitely gonna gonna wanna go back and check those out because you're not gonna get the significance of what we're about to do with this thing today we're gonna go ahead and try and get this thing driving up out of here and hopefully we're gonna get to use that crane if it'll work i did work on the motor as a lot of you know and i put the motor back in i got it running last time and didn't get to play with the crane so hopefully the crane works hopefully everything functions on it we're gonna find out let's go i know i can't hide anything from you guys i'm not i'm not gonna try i know there's a lot of really sharp viewers out there that'll notice everything i'm not staging anything here i did pull the truck up the other day uh i thought the camera was rolling and apparently the battery had died on me so you guys missed the very first 20 feet that it's driven but that's all i did i didn't shift gears or anything and i backed it right back to where it's setting it's two feet from where it originally sat when i yanked the motor so hopefully we're gonna do a cold start on this thing here and uh then we are gonna go ahead and pull it up somewhere nice and level and see if the rest of this thing functions you know the truck itself is nothing i was all that interested in the crane is why i bought this whole thing this crane is worth way more than what i paid for it and could be very very handy around here in the future i'm planning on building a nice big shop as well as a house out here eventually and i'm sure countless other things i'll end up using this thing for originally i thought i'd get it and fix it and flip it and sell it and try to make a few bucks and eventually i might still sell it but for right now i think i'm going to end up holding on to it because it's going to be just too handy around here to get rid of so let's hope this thing fires up there's a manual choke in the cab here and i'm going to pump the throttle a few times because this is a carbureted unit as you guys remember and let's hope for the best fingers crossed [Music] that belt is supposed to squeal it just lets you know that the truck's running it's all fine well i didn't get to drive it very far not much further than the other day right after i pushed the uh you got your air gauge right here and uh over 60 psi you should have enough air to release the brakes now watch this gauge when i release them it should drop a little bit and then stop see how it just keeps falling and falling that means we got a serious air leak out here somewhere so i shut the truck off so we can hear now and immediately i can tell we have a serious air leak in our maxi can right there let's go ahead and pull the brakes so that we're not just blowing all our air off [Applause] so if you're not familiar with an air brake system this is what they call a spring brake canister you have a park brake spring in here and a service brake spring in here and your park brake will automatically come on if you don't have air pressure to hold it off so without 60 psi in that rear chamber or yeah it's the rear chamber i think without 60 psi in there there's a spring that'll force the brakes on when you push that yellow knob on the dash it fills that rear chamber and releases the park brake side and that's obviously the side we have a hole in because when we push that now we're just blowing air out of there so that thing's got to have a crack or a hole in the diaphragm i see we got a flat dual on that side in there and it looks like a gouge on the side wall so that tire might be junk hopefully not uh so with that can like that our park brake is probably dragging over here if not all the way on so we shouldn't really drive it until we get that replaced you can buy these cans pretty cheap all together or you can get a diaphragm kit and replace just a diaphragm but this cam looks pretty rough anyway so probably just end up buying the whole thing i did have a listen the other day after i got the truck running and everything i shut the truck back off and i didn't have the brakes off to hear that but like the same condition that the truck's just sitting here right now with a pressurized air system i can't hear any air leaks which is pretty nice for a truck of this age and unknown condition usually you have a ton of like little teeny air leaks that just bleed the air system down pretty quick but this uh this sounds pretty good so another thing i know is wrong with this truck and this has been wrong since i bought it is this hydraulic line running to our rear stabilizer here is busted off so we need to get a new fitting pushed onto that and or maybe replace the whole line but i think that's a pretty long line so i'd rather not um so even if we can get the pto to engage and the crane to function we're not going to be able to use this stabilizer because it'll just spew fluid everywhere but other than that i don't see anything obviously wrong with this whole setup so let's go ahead and give it a shot okay let's go ahead and get this thing fired back up that squeal's getting pretty annoying i really don't understand why it's squealing i even put belt dressing on it already uh it's the alternator belt and the alternator spins over fine and is charging i don't i don't know doesn't feel like it has any bad bearings or anything maybe i'll just replace the belt anywho here's our pto switch down here to engage that we need to push the clutch and there's this is an air operated pto so when i flip the switch it should engage the gear on the transmission hopefully we can hear that to throttle this thing down needs a better return spring i heard it grind did you guys hear it the light even works oh yeah yeah give that just a hair pair more throttle for running the pto i heard it engaged [Music] i don't know if you guys are going to be able to read the tops of the knobs here but i can sort of read them this one says turn this one says telescope this one says winch this one says boom so winch this side says up so that's gotta be down let's see if the winch goes down oh yeah baby the winch goes down the hook's actually hooked on the back of the truck there so before we can do any other functions we need to go ahead and unhook that thing i can't read any of these knobs though so i think i don't know uh-huh oh nope that's the wrong one there we go i'm gonna have to label these things these are our stabilizers our outriggers the stabilizers over here check that out it it works [Music] [Music] so the idea of the outriggers is to kind of level the truck up and you actually pick the truck up some so we got all the weight we got all the weight onto our outriggers now we can go ahead and run our boom functions hopefully where is it boom boom up it works that is a great sight to behold right there ah [Music] over here under this tarp is our uh plan b motor for the truck if i couldn't get that one uh loosened up and rebuilt working this was a uh 385 series ford engine um 307 or 327 something like that anyway it's a v8 ford engine that i don't need laying out here in the middle of the woods so we'll go ahead and pick that thing up and set it on the truck and once we get the brakes we'll drive it back to the shop we're about to make our first pick with the crane [Music] oh yeah come to papa you have to forgive me i've never even run a crane before this is the first time so it's a little bit to uh learn something and record it at the same time i'm only doing this one-handed right now got the phone in the other hand [Music] did you guys just see how good i picked up that engine never having run a crane before at least not one of these types of cranes i do actually have plenty of experience running uh indoor cranes like trolley cranes that run through factories and stuff i've worked in a few different mills and places like that that have those kind of cranes and i've run those quite a bit but this is very different from that everything's electronic on those indoor ones so i can already tell having a crane around the farm is going to be just a little bit handy the uh the telescope feature works pretty good and i didn't even go out that far and it had like quite a bit of reach so let's go ahead and set the camera up and just scope this baby out as far as it can and let you guys see what that looks like all the way up in the air do you guys see how stinking high this thing goes shoe buddy i think the chart in the crane says it goes like 53 or 54 feet something like that and i could actually if i could find a jib for it it's designed to accept a jib too that would probably give me like another 15 18 maybe even 20 foot of stick further out but i don't think i'm going to need it that's uh plenty high enough for anything i'm doing that's awesome here's the chart in the crane guys ah now this does not mean that the winch that's on this thing is rated for these amounts of weights but the crane itself can handle 6 400 pounds all the way up like that it'll still pick 6 400 pounds all the way extended all the way out like that which is pretty darn cool now i'm sure that capacity is reduced the moment you swing it out this direction because you don't have nearly as much stability this way you know off your corners as you do straight with the truck because the whole length of the truck is acting like a stabilizer but that's uh that's still a pretty good bit of weight so that's the first time i've ever scoped this thing all the way out and after i did i looked over here and i had some hydraulic fluid i don't know if you guys are focused enough to see it but there's some hydraulic fluid that was coming out from the inside of the boom and running down here and i got a little bit of oil puddling up here so i shut it off and i'm going to climb up here and take a look inside there at the cylinder and see if uh see if it's just leaking out of those seals i think i didn't see any fluid there as i was going up and it was until i got to the end and i kind of ran it out all the way to the end and maxed the cylinder out then i started seeing fluid so maybe it's just like uh when you really put a lot of pressure on it it leaks because i'm sure that's not fun to tear the cylinder out of there and try and rebuild some good news though is our main boom ram here looks pretty dry there's a teeny little bit of smudge of oil on it and there's a ding in the cylinder right here we're gonna have to buff out because that's gonna tear up this tear up the seals quick that's not good contact [Music] [Music] all right so this gem tucked away in the woods for years and years now is my 91 ford ranger this was my very first truck i've talked about it uh in some other videos at length but basically this was my favorite truck ever it was my first truck and i'm very fond of it that's why i beat the living crap out of it i guess but i do miss this truck all the time so i actually went and bought another one and i need a couple parts off this truck one of them being the starter so uh i'm kind of rotund and it'd be kind of hard to squeeze underneath there so it'd be a lot better if i didn't have to lay down to get the starter out of this truck so the parts i need off of this truck would be the fuel pump directly underneath the bed here and the starter obviously underneath the motor up there and i'm just thinking that the crane could probably help make those parts a little easier to get to [Music] oh i mean i'm impressed i think there's only one boat holding that bed on it it's just really hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i didn't show it when it happened but i drugged the old ranger over there and i was gonna shake some parts off of her and i started having trouble with the truck here uh it would just i shut it off to do something i went to crank it back up and i'd turn the key to the crank position and it would fire right up and as soon as i let out of the crank position the engine would shut off like you're shutting the key off and i wasn't coming out of the run position it was staying in the run position but uh not getting power to the coil in the run position so so these older ford trucks here the way the ignition switch works is you have your your regular old key tumbler inside here now when you actuate the key it pushes this rod up and down that rod goes down and engages into a little switch box down here that's plugged into your wiring harness and that switch box is what actually sends power to your coil and all that jazz so we've got an issue down there i do believe we're gonna go ahead and unbolt the steering column let it hang down on us a little bit and hopefully we can get to that thing and get it out of there so that right there is our ignition switch connector or actual ignition switch i don't know what you want to call it but once you gotta zap these two bolts off of here unplug it and should be able to put the new one right on there we go that little hole right there is what the uh rod goes into and it slides that back and forth to make the contacts change in the switch there's our new one it looks like we got a match to me now you got to get the end of the pin here in that hole in the switch should line right back up but you know should and there's also adjustment on these things too so we'll get it there we go yeah here's how you adjust one of these things if you uh are ever in the know or need to know i uh i got the key in the position you stick the key in so that's the neutral position for the the actual key now the tumbler itself has a detent you can feel when you go backwards for the accessory so i can uh slide this well i got the nuts crank down a little too tight now but i can slide the switch forward or backward and i can feel that same detent in the switch for the accessory so i know that if i have them both in the neutral position we should be lined up just right i can snug those nuts down there's the key on and i have my lights here so that's right [Music] she cranks over [Music] there we go right to life still got that belt squeal i'm working on okay got everything buttoned back up here let's double check our work oh yeah love it when a plan comes together that's been giving me trouble since i first started uh cranking on this thing after i put the motor back in so glad that's uh settled all right it's a cold wet miserable day and i want to get that spring break change today and i got the parts to fix our hydraulic lines so we're gonna get that taken care of but uh i don't wanna lay in the mud i'm gonna pull it up here on the gravel [Applause] so actually i lied i said i was going to do the spring break but we're going to do this hydraulic line first and then i'll be able to use the outriggers to help lift the truck up make it a little easier to work on um i thought it was this line that was bad when i took it off i never really paid that close attention to it but here all that was really wrong with it is one of these fittings right here it's just a jic fitting we got out of this cheaper than expected i just got to get this broken piece out of here and we can toss it all back together beautiful i leave all the fittings loose and then once you get the line routed and situated nice then you tighten everything down and that uh helps keep your hoses from like buckling and twisting weird these things seal by this tapered flare at the end of the fittings so if you're connecting these lines you always got to make sure that the no dirt or rust or anything on them make sure they're nice and clean otherwise you'll crank it down and it won't seal and you'll probably tear up that mating surface and it probably won't ever seal again how did i get this thing off of here there's not clearance for it and i have the wrong size wrench it always happens you climb under the truck dang nab it yeah there we go it's a three-quarter guys why didn't you tell me it's a three-quarter i checked the other side eat these a little different okay got the line all buttoned back up now we can uh actually try the stabilizers for the first time well they work but we got a leak aha we have a loose line i'm betting i probably loosened that line whenever we were oh if you remember back at the very first video of the crane series when i was in the uh auction yard where we got this thing this jack was dragging on the ground so i had to get it sucked back up there and i'm pretty sure i loosened those lines when i did that we don't have clearance clarence okay so we got the hydraulics fixed up let's move on to installing our air brake can here now you may have seen my instagram post about this if you follow me on the uh the instagram and if you don't head on over there and follow me at diesel creek anywho you buy this night get this tag out of the way you buy a nice brand new spring break chamber from the local napa big old american flag on the side here it says this unit design tooled tested in the usa nice big and bold and over here in the fine print made in china though that is the fleecing of america right there somebody in my instagram comment said that and that was the word i was looking for that just ticks me off you're selling it with that big sticker on there hoping everybody sees that and just assumes made in america and then the fine print made in china crockett all right so here's our bad spring break chamber we've got two airlines coming over here the red i know there's a shadow on everything the red line is on the right there that is our emergency line and the green one on the left here that is the service line so that is what applies your brakes while you're driving down the road and the red line there is what overcomes the park break or the emergency brake inside the chamber here so this thing pressurizes the moment you release the park brakes this chamber pressurizes and squishes a spring to release your park brake and then it stays pressurized and the moment you lose air pressure boom that spring goes right back into your park brake and this tire will walk up there we go there we go oh that sucker's on there this calls for some heat stupid i forgot i need to put the caging tool in here and release that spring pressure because that spring pressure is fighting us right now hopefully you guys can see i started to get that nut to back off and hit the spring chamber wants to kick so we should be able to cage that spring in there and that should help us out quite a bit all right so here's how you cage the brake chamber you get this special bolt here and the new ones come with one of these i carry a couple of these in my truck just in case you go to move something that needs caged without these you're not gonna move one of these trucks uh so basically if you could see down inside of this hole there is a slot that looks just like that and you stick this thing down in there and then turn it a quarter turn and it can't come out it's trapped in there so then you go ahead and run your nut down like that then you get yourself your wrench and you start cranking this bad boy on there and what that's going to do that's pulling that spring brake well that's pulling the spring inside of the brake and that's going to release the brakes to your wheel so uh should go without saying you should have your wheels chalked while you're doing this because you're effectively taking off your park brake now in my case the wheels are up off the ground so it doesn't really matter [Music] well my like most mechanical contrivances when you buy old junk from the auction like i do uh this turned into a little bit of a pain there was some heating and some cussing involved so ideally to disconnect the slack adjuster from your spring brake can you would knock that pin out right there she's golden in there i can't get the budge uh i didn't even try messing with the cotter pin yet it actually looks like it would come out but the pin she moving and i didn't feel like cussing at it all day so what i've actually been able to do here is back the lock nut off of the adjusting yoke here and now i'm adjusting this nut here and just going to thread it clean off of our push rod on our can and i've got the vice grips here keeping that push rod from turning just got the last thread out of that and there we go can is out now of course we have issues here if you can see the top of our mounting studs here are about even with the beginning of the thread on our push rod on the original chamber over here on our new chamber looks like we have about an inch of unthreaded rod before we get to our threads from the top of this so this guy isn't going to work well i mean the chamber itself would work we just need that threaded more if i had a die i would just run it down there but i do not and i would like to just not have to do that so i'll just take this thing back to the back to the napa and hopefully they can get me the correct one maybe they can get me one that's not made in china all right well they didn't have any other different spring cans with threads that went further down on the push rod so got us a die that matches this thread pitch and we will go ahead and run the die down here and cut the threads down as far as we need to but before i bother running it down 12 miles of thread here we're going to go ahead and cut this shaft off to the length that we need looks like we're in about three and seven eighths here so we'll go ahead and measure over here the same way three and seven eighths and lop it off all right we got our threads cut all the way back to where we needed them let's go ahead and get this thing installed [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right so we got our can all mounted up here and hooked up and to go ahead and check our adjustment here with the push rod you gotta if well in my case i don't have to chock the wheels because the wheels are up off the ground with the outriggers but you got to chock the wheels and release the parking brake and then pull this thing out from the can and check your travel there you should have no more than one inch of travel so it looks like we're in spec there all right now with our brake system squared away it's time to turn our attention to the turntable on the crane we're up here on top of the uh deck now i'm paying attention to the turntable on the crane here and i noticed before that this one bolt was backed out and never really studied the whole thing probably should have before i went and started lifting stuff with it but i noticed yesterday that boy that bolt's not shouldered up and neither is this one uh so that's three on this side and then on the other side on this side we have one here that's you know a mirror of that side so i'm not sure why that one on both sides isn't run down but the rest of them appear to be tight so what i'm going to do is pull these bolts out that are not shouldered and take a look at them and make sure there's no damage or i don't know some reason that they're not shouldered maybe they're not the right bolts maybe they're too long i don't know we're going to pull them out of there and make sure everything's okay in there before we go running them back down hopefully that's all it is they're just not tight for some reason but uh we'll see i need an extension on this guy phew that is not good that appears to be our problem hopefully we don't find more of the same so the bolt being messed up isn't a real big deal but hopefully when i look down in this hole there's enough meat down there that we can just run a tracer tap through this hole and run a new bolt in there not sure how well you can see in there but it actually doesn't look too bad it looks like we will get lucky with this one and be able to tap it back out that guy was just sitting in there probably could have turned that one out by hand that isn't a good sign the threads are rolled on this one but not boogered up like this first one we pulled out so this one's fine though i have no idea why it wasn't tight should go right in there and be just dandy yeah this one here doesn't look too bad either i know it's hard for you guys to see in there uh it looks like we'll just run a tap through it and make sure the threads are all nice and clean and we'll run a fresh bolt in it last suspicious bolt here ain't gonna be good oh yeah more rolled threads all right i got the proper tap to try to repair these holes hopefully we can just uh run the tap through them and be able to run our bolts back in good as new [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay i am quite glad that i did a thorough going through over this turntable now there was i mean almost every bolt i was able to crank down on some so uh yeah i really should have inspected that before i started doing any lifting with it though i haven't lifted anything heavy uh still you don't you don't play around with that stuff definitely uh definitely should have inspected that better but that's on me it's taken care of now i didn't torque them yet i have yet to locate the torque spec for these bolts but i will come back i got them as tight as i could with a half inch breaker board right now that should be plenty tight enough to have a little bit of fun i'm not going to go doing anything seriously heavy nothing even remotely pushing the crane's capacity so i will re-torque those as soon as i find the spec that they are supposed to be torqued to but right now i got the crane all the way stretched out here along this dirt pile so i should be able to walk down along there and inspect the whole thing and see if i see any issues with it if i do i'll show you all right i've checked the boom over real good on both sides on all sides and uh the only thing i'm really seeing that's not wrong but uh maybe looks a little out of spec would be these these should be brass inserts in here i'd imagine i used to build sliding jacks like these for mines and you'd have to shim out these spacers and uh the guides whatever you want to call them in there i'm not sure what the spec is on these oh look there i just found another problem not very tight in there i'll crank that down but anyway these uh these spacers there's only should be so much space between the inner tube and the outer tube and the spacers are supposed to take that out and keep them snug and probably got some wear in these and that's uh pretty simple to fix all we would do and i'm obviously not going to do it right now all we would do is support the end of the boom set it down so that we take the weight off of this underside here undo some bolts slide the old one out have a new one made and ready to go in there and slap it in all the way all the way in this application is going to be on this side and some on the sides really this upper side shouldn't ever have any wear to it and the same up there where it slides into the main boom i'll go ahead and tighten these up all right boom's inspected i'm saying it's good to go let's go ahead and see if we can't pick something up with this thing so i need to get some beer [Music] we're never operating a crane much before i think i hooked that pretty slick [Music] that's gonna make our starter worlds easier to get to well guys i'm pretty sure the crane works pretty good there's a lot of naysayers when i got that thing and uh yeah i gotta say feels pretty good 700 bucks another 600 and something in parts the old cadillac converters i'm gonna see if those are any good anymore get some scrap money out of those hopefully [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i know a lot of you are going to yell at me in the comments but i couldn't not get this view that's so dang cool when rangers fly i think it was a pretty good investment for 700 bucks fellas there's a lot of naysayers but i i think that speaks for itself right there well that's my 700 auction crane as you can see it works i'm happy with my investment and uh i'm happy you guys hung out with me today let me know down in the comments if you guys want to see a lot more content with this truck i mean obviously you're going to see it anytime i use it picking stuff up putting stuff down but uh if you'd like to see me go into a little more detail on sprucing the old girl up you can weigh in on all that stuff down in the comments like i said let me know what you want to see me do with this thing and uh i guess i gotta put this thing down and wrap up this video thanks for watching guys i'll see you on the next one well guys i'm losing daylight here i guess i better wrap up this video and put this truck down and uh get on home to the misses for dinner if you like the video if you like seeing rangers fly don't forget to hit the thumbs up button and i'll catch you guys on the next video later [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 526,867
Rating: 4.9453011 out of 5
Keywords: crane, boom, picker, national, stinger, ford, gm, truck, f800, winch truck, auction, big block, engine, swap, 429, 460, 370, f700, heavy, equipment, digger, farm, woods, ranger, v8, lifting, ritchie bros, heavy equipment, bulldozer, trackhoe, loader, roller, compactor, diesel, cummins, international, caterpillar, doosan, jcb, hitachi, john deere, komatsu, takeuchi, bobcat, forest
Id: krNOFay5PR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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