Behind the Scenes of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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you want to do a 12 for david hello dave hello  my god son this is your godfather did you ever   think i brought this out before you got old  my lord you do twelve what a twelve twelve we're gonna take the back piece yeah it's fabulous do you think she's too young for me absolutely  not perfect this is so anti how they look like those yeah or you're reddish will you give us another 12 please miss watson it's your first day how does it feel  it feels absolutely fantastic are you excited   very good i can't wait it's  fun though yeah it's great i've been walking around with this  little camera a little bit yeah   are you going to put it in your diary  yeah maybe in my diary or maybe it'll   go maybe we'll just keep it aside  and you know for later use we'll see i i've been trying to ask like the hairdresser and uh said again hello my name is emma  watson playing the past miami granger   and this is what your normal teeth  yes yeah these are my normal teeth   i have got my bacteria and what did you do  today um i went to a sea life world there   were millions of fish and sharks cool we saw  otters and seals will you turn in profile please okay smile there we go okay and that'll do  okay here here you are emma hello my name is   emma watson playing the past miley granger  and which number are these um these number   one i need that um and uh i uh today is what  your first day working yeah my first day filming   are you excited i'm really excited i  can't wait okay will you turn in profile   turn it back tiny bit there you go okay  smile okay and which ones are these there mum   these are teeth number three and i think these are  the best you do yeah why why do you think because   number one it's way too um well it's a bit  too subtle and number two is way too big   and this is just in between okay okay  will you plea no uh you are playing   the role of i'm playing the role you smiley  granger okay will you turn him profile emma   okay smile and say who are you hello my name is  emma watson yeah go ahead it's a radcliff yep what do you do i'm for the  press exactly how did you know   you don't authorize i think we  should throw them out yeah yeah get back get back do your stuff  this is the real harry say imposter   hold it who's that sam and what is he is he  trying to be you tell me that was me when   emma got very angry with me okay get back  to work people need to pam for you yeah hey no give me some answers yeah so well so you know the english guy won  the boxing today yeah it was cool   about eighteen one yeah you want third no  you want 32 16. you won't buy a lot of points he's going to play for the gold on sunday i  think well at least he's guaranteed a silver   yep it's good and we're guaranteed  to silver in sailing as well   and we've won two goals in sailing  as well it's pretty good isn't it rather not be seen like this yeah why  because he doesn't like the clip in his head root but it's all part of the root  but it's all part of the process   it's all part of the process are you  excited yeah today's the first day well after all this preparation finally happening don't be nervous this is awesome you've  already done it how many days of work i'm still in the first day it's not the first  the trouble yeah the problem we're saying is we so you're fine i've been  shooting for three days you guys   deep breathing it's so much fun it's  like living a dream come true right right emma do you want to come through please  excellent do the sunglasses out without there um   yeah i'm going to take them off last  minute excellent that's good that's   a good idea keep it up at all times  which i'll show you give me one second please there you go now all right shooting yeah hey robbie can you walk into this position all right dan you'll be waving  as the train leaves this time   lean out just a little more chris yeah let's go give him another wave robbie all right now waved in wait  a little less a little less and right now first years this way   all right now hurry up first shoes come this  way please come on now come on oh oh harry right then follow me hey welcome to your first flight  well what are you waiting for   everyone step up to the left side of  their broomstick come on now hurry up   stick your right hand over your  room and say up now with feeling good okay can i see playback on this  something about this looks funny thoughts now we've gone over the  principles we're ready to fly   when i blow my whistle i want each of you  to kick off from the ground high keep your   brooms steady hover for a moment then lean  forward slightly and touch back down three two oh god um i'm the great vampire there's nothing you can   do to stop me she's like strangling  him and then the guy he just goes right yes hello i saw mr hardy before  you emma please say hello okay mr hardy hello your mouth emma zoom in on your teeth say hello my name is emma watson  hello my name is emma watson what do you have to say for yourself mr hardy what's your favorite color uh green   apparently okay where would you  most like to go on holiday now what's your favorite animal let me guess  this isn't ostrich what would you like to   do if you had a magic power kill you okay he  meant tanya by the way just for the camera   no he didn't he didn't mean me  he didn't mean he went there down okay popped oops i'll sit down because i'm a  beginner you don't get anymore he doesn't know how to do it  did you teach how you do it oh dan you look like one of my cows  no you don't i'm farmer jake hello because we can't go without  jessica jess my name is jesse jesse let's go ariel start to move on  everybody's looking up at malfoy and action harry and emma no way besides you don't even know how you  don't even let her finish you go up rehearsing and besides you don't even know how to fly no it hurts yes yes see that champion that's mine she will not lose she um scared of her hair just out the  pain goes on i advise you do not   want to entertain your competition  if he goes like this sorry please but this time this is what's the video no he's wrestling with it he's wrestling with  it right here he's right in the corner frame   he goes up with it up and  then back down back over here okay cut now we have to see professor dumbledore immediately  i'm afraid professor dumbledore is not here   he received an urgent owl from the ministry  of magic and left immediately for london   he's gone now but this is important  this is about the philosopher's stone   still rolling hold your head up when you  find out that he's gone this is the worst   thing that's possibly happened because that means  you're dead he's gone this but this is important someone's going to try and steal it i don't know  how you three found out about the stone but i   assure you it is perfectly well protected now will  you please go back to your dormitories quietly van remember to announce hey keep your head  up rupert don't smile and emma don't put your   head out forward action he knows how to get past  fluffy and with dumbledore gone good afternoon inside antennae fly smile action i'm sorry to confuse you huh it's a good look though yes are they still on the in the forbidden  corridor up there 515 they got the sorceress stone is legendary substance with  astonishing powers the stone will transform any   metal into pure gold and produces the elixir of  life which will make the drinker immortal immortal   it means you'll never die i know what it means   the only stone currently in existence belongs  to mr nicholas flamel the nurtured alchemist   who last year celebrated his 665th birthday  that's what fluffy's guiding on the third floor   that's what under the trapdoor the  sorcerer's stone i hope each of you trouble   sorry i hope each of you will be  worthy of the house which is yours i don't need a cloak to be invisible  harry let me give you a clue the happiest man on earth would look into the  mirror and see only himself exactly as he is   so then it shows us what we want whatever we want   yes and no it does not do to  dwell on dreams and forget to live can i ask you something professor yes what  do you see when you look in the mirror frankie you look amazing you look amazing um we need to stand on somebody's  back you can get those on yourself oh my god how'd you do that let's  have a look daddy were you was he   eating an apple no it just dropped i  mean i've lost a tooth i'm thinking but uh that's what i thought so we'll  get a guy to come up with a fake one   it was a baby choice right  we still wanted that yeah yes you started losing your real team daniel  should we go for a bit of knowledge i like prosthetics yeah when  they're bad there's nothing worse yeah yeah [ __ ] i'm sure you  don't want to make that center do you believe it can be  gray if you made it cause you   yeah cause you always believe  these could be very great and action and mr harry potter has his key   lock me in the eye without talking to you  does mr harry potter have his key okay guys hey day 27 it all fell apart lower your left hand a little and  the one thing to remember is when you   when i say up eyes real wide okay set roll  into the pillow slightly set and act up up now nothing very close very close to that  glass jar coming off the ocean okay   dan very good on that top section down down down  down let me see when you look up sit back down just like that because you got to  remember this is the audience's first   this is the first time they see harry potter yeah  so so they don't want to be yeah but they say   before it's a baby this name is a baby but this  is the first time i see him as you okay as i've   seen before it's fine now but but don't listen  to him see him before uh so so we just need to   see a little more your face that was great though  everything else was first and action bagels up dudley um falling in on me exclusive pictures before he flies away is the single worst cameraman  i've ever seen in my life   maybe very good actor but but his camera leaves  a little bit leaves a little bit to be desired he was too ugly for harry's cover oh nice one crossdressing columbus thank you it's impossible for i'm too me with  testosterone please i can't it's impossible dad   yeah i'm not gonna do a girly face forget  about it does your dad have daddy faces at him but we're filming him endless amounts of food foreign oh okay let's do this version  as a musical all right you just find the bacon can you back up a second i don't want  him to come you wish me don't cry   he does not need to destroy anything  mommy's going to get you three you present what happened but mommy's going to get you three new presents  how's that three or as many as you like my little   darling jumping kids my little dilly dudley  dudley darling dreadful darling i love you guys   good good for you john good excellent good  work all right check the gate save the rage let's get done what do i don't think that's true you're lying don't admit that is that why you'll get out there   yes this is david having some coffee  not coffee it's a herbal tea i'm a hippy this is the script you're not allowed to see this  if you're going to sell it to any other press   this is the director and now we move on what are we doing  here measuring to make sure our bubbles be a perfect match in weight and size i'm not sure that works  one thing's a little bit bigger than the   other absolute just a little bit larger  than that double so we're having some   body padding perfectly matched for  our shoot on tuesday you can go why do you think it's always about  you huh huh thinks about you do you dan who look at me look at me you know  what he's such a steam sealer oh yeah okay and yes yes i need what must curse   fight me with urgent shows pinch me i admire  you hit me in the middle throw me pitch me all right dan remember looking up you got  your glasses in your eyes are going to be fine   looking up and reach up and grab  with your hands okay keep grabbing   until you get one got it set  you're delighted laughing start to see what you do you catch it like a  football or a rugby ball as opposed to uh   you gotta be up like that up like that's so  we see your face catching great good okay press i'm just being nice to people because you are what do you mean i'm crazy   i'm a crazy angel anymore are there any  missing she's trying to tell a dirty joke i can't finish it now jen tell them no i'm not yeah don't work too hard well  i i've done somewhere already   what you you're supervising you did this one come on jennifer i can't finish it with  david's video taping that what if my parents you can't be no thank you not finding any takers then guys pretty good that is it's put the water below the dan dan your jokes are not working well at all white machine not today tom  i'm on hogwarts business ah   look he said this be him  bless my son it's harry potter welcome back i remember you you bowed me once in a shop he  remembers did you hear that he remembers me   harry potter can't tell you how pleased  i have to meet you safely on the didn't you shave this morning i  did you saw me was it phillips he's a walking forward placement yes twin blade than this it's harry potter welcome back mr potter welcome  back doris crockford mr potter i can't believe   i'm meeting you at last so proud mr potter i'm  just so proud i've always wanted to see you it's   such an honor thank you delighted mr potter i  just can't tell you diggle is the name daedalus   i remember you you bounced me once in the shot  he remembers did you hear that he remembers me   harry potter can't tell you how pleased  i am to meet you hello professor didn't   see you there harry this is professor  quirrell he's your [ __ ] i'll do it again still running harry potter i can't tell you how pleased  i am to meet you hello professor didn't see   you there harry this is professor quirrell  he's your dark arts against [ __ ] sorry lock the door and then you go down to that  off the bars no such thing as magic for the what bars you got to say for yourself i  swear i don't know how it happened one   minute the glass was there and then it was gone there's no such thing as magic hello um uh okay um dangerous monster of the world look  he's grazing in the field over there ah he bit me this could  turn out dangerous this boy   is a virus he's a poacher let's kill him  killed and crushed into tiny little pieces   and served in dog food i've never seen a  live person before this is really amazing   i am the only scientist in the world  unfortunately this is illegally broken unfortunately i think he's trying to mate  with the camera now i think we should leave   before he starts having sex with your camera  fixing while we're shooting that's my point all right it was fun how was yours did you uh is the audience will never see it down the aisle and everybody's saying  hello to us right and then this one   boy on the gryffindor table comes around and goes he's went one two three all right hey hello now before we begin professor dumbo  law would like to say a few words   yes and here they are nitrate  blubber ornament tweak thank you immediately thank i'll you one two three in action  the food appears set one two three action thank you is great she doesn't know he's come on hey rupert you like those sweet so good what's wrong with them i've got  every single flavor in every single flavor including bogey flavor oh  david's got this video camera   okay i have to get this merlin  guy like totally go with my shirt   and head up then you've got the car you got the  wizard card and you say 100 hold on one second say 150 years old hold your  head up and action 150 years old   well do it again because you were supposed  to you're supposed to be right on top of   him rupert would thought he'd  be older did you and action okay guys head up dan your head is  too far down in this can you start   from the beginning again guys  set and no root okay and action hey he's gone bigger head higher hey he's gone his head moves off and okay now you  say pathetic isn't it keep your head   up and look at rupert now you put  the card down and action isn't it oh has anyone seen a toad no back out guys  dan you're not looking look at me like   who is this girl i can do it not today hey  look come here i'm ready to go home zoom in okay how many have you eaten oh  well it depends how many takes   about 100 each take so you're full  yet huh you're full yet no more he says we're going to do that  scene again i might collapse   because i have to oh is there another is  there another bird about to be flavored   yeah go on i've got two over here yeah right okay  are they not opened uh no no oh yeah one's open i'm not sure that's the image  that harry should be giving off   to all your young viewers out there  get a snake turn it into a whip and for the other viewers get a mousetrap i'm oh yeah can can you get both of us at  the same time which one are we doing okay what's his name gary 52. we know you're in a hurry but but can we have please everything that is  on your trolley how about a birdie bob no i   think we'll take a look that you really have  to get the hang of this i'm trying to cross you need a bit of space to  see in there and enter emma everybody oh yeah okay man man look back bart whisper to rupert dan there you go did you see yourself in there yeah i can't see me auxiliary cameras on the top of the film can you i'm not going to talk to you come  on vanessa what do you want what do you   want books what do you want good books for  i'm not going to do this too with that i   want lighting i want proper makeup no you know  what it's like i would like some books please   so what do you want me i would like don't put  it down i would like books to be able to give   it away for characters so i would like you  to use your influence to get a really good   deal okay i'm not sure i'll be able to get  a better deal than you can get but i will i   will see what i can do about 100 50 50. 50 to 100  okay just paying for this me can we yes let's go so we can get these books put the product down we   can get these books signed and  we can give them out to people you you know do good by a range of  people speaking into charity did you say you were looking  for a good publicist yes i haven't come across one in years how much do you want to arrange good afternoon my name is maureen  and i have a terrible facial hair   problem i've tried absolutely everything i've  tried creams i've tried jellies i tried shaving   every moment i woke up as i my  husband is threatening to leave me   if he really loved me he wouldn't mind a  little facial hair i'm sure but he's being   very very difficult i'm seriously considering  leaving him no no no no no no no no no you're   the actor now i got to turn it on you yeah  no hold it rub it be funny be funny on new i'll see you zealand okay i'm sorry about the lady one of those isn't supposed  most rudimentary skills there is   levitation or the ability to make  objects fly you all have your feathers   now don't forget the nice wrist  movement we've been practicing you're going to take someone's eye out besides  you're saying it wrong it's leviosa not leviosa   you do it then if you're so clever go on okay you enjoy it then if  you're so clever go on go on guardian leviosa so well done see here everyone this greatest diet
Channel: pstudios
Views: 1,204,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 56sec (4436 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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