Sister Location's Stupid Theories

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hey everyone so after FNAF 4 the series had a pretty drastic change in both tone and story everything was a lot more sci-fi instead of just straight up supernatural horror and the main focus was now on the afon family storyline and if you watch my other FNAF videos then you'd already know that this is a change that I really didn't like the Afton stuff is fine and all but all the stupid futuristic sci-fi technology stuff we have now like illusion discs and actual lifelike robot kids all started with this entry but I will give credit where it counts with this game basically starting a new arc for the series it kept things just vague enough for the community to come up with a bunch of theories originally since this game is mostly just story I thought it was going to be a FNAF 3 situation where there wouldn't really be anything to theorize about but there are a surprising amount of blind spots of plot that this game doesn't really cover and I'm going to go through some of the most notable and or wackiest ones I could find from the time of this game's release so without further Ado sit back and relax as we start with [Music] this Theory claims that Michael Aton isn't biologically related to William Aton with the main evidence point being the little TV shorts we see in between nights the reoccurring line in those cartoon shorts is the baby isn't mine therefore Michael isn't Williams baby a few things wrong with this one the baby in that cartoon is clearly the vampire's son and he doesn't want to take responsibility two William has three kids so who's to say that it's referring to Michael specifically and three there is a main character who is kind of the face of this game who's named baby and with that last one there is a not insignificant chance that that's what it's referring to while we still don't really know what these TV messages mean and if they mean anything at all Michael is still pretty much all but confirmed to be William's son by [Applause] [Music] now so this one was a pretty controversial one for the time this one states that Michael Aton was the bite victim and is in fact the crying child okay bear with me let me break it down for you mark So for this Theory to work we need to go under the assumption that Michael Aton was born both Immortal and unkillable he survived the scooper and enter taken control of his body so who's to say he couldn't have survive taking a bite to the Head Mike Sprite and sister location has light skin and light brown hair exactly like the crying child the quote unquote older brother in FF for has a darker more tan skin with dark brown hair and as we already established previous games slightly different Sprite colors mean completely different characters so wait I bet you're wondering if Mike's the crying child then who's the older brother well that guy in the gray shirt and Foxy mask is obviously William Aton himself and the reason he's doing these jump scares on his child is because he's performing some sort of experiment on him other evidence points include the stomach teeth that fredbear and Nightmare have could be his trauma from seeing his sister scooped and that trauma would lead him to look for her in the sister location bunker airtight Theory right if you completely ignore purple guy clearly being present in one of the FNAF 4 mini games and the fact that William Aton is like 4 feet tall and acts like an immature child the whole game then yeah this could be [Music] [Applause] Canon okay so I actually fully believe this Theory and until it is definitively proven impossible this will be my head Cannon this one just simply says that the pigtail girl in FNAF for is Elizabeth pretty self-explanatory as to why people would think that she's got pigtails and green eyes just like Elizabeth not much else to say about this I just thought that this was one of the most plausible unconfirmed theories of this [Applause] game this one states that this game takes place in a completely separate timeline from the first four games this would explain the sudden shift in tone aesthetic and Technology basically what it's saying is that this is a reboot it's obviously not true now but if you think about it it absolutely could have been think there's not a single reference to any of the previous four games existence in this one you could say that Scott's original plan was to oh wait there were hidden cams of the FNAF 4 house and map layouts of FNAF 4 locations oh [Applause] well so this was a fun theory that was pretty big before the game was released some people thought that this game was going to take place in the Far Far Future where the bombs dropped Fallout style and we would be trapped in an underground bomb shelter that happened to house killer animatronics the biggest piece of evidence used for this was the sissor location trailer where near the end it kind of sounds like Air Raid Sirens going off and the fact that we see an elevator descending at a fast rate plus the inclusion of very Advanced looking robots helps support this wild Theory honestly now I want to see a FNAF fan game based on this very idea or better yet just make a Fallout mod okay so this Theory claims that William Aton is innocent and Enard is the True Villain of the franchise and committed all of the murders basically what happens is William builds a bunch of robots one of which Scoops and kills his daughter accidentally he becomes sad and goes down to the basement where those robots are being kept and gets scooped himself and dies when Enard takes control of his body so from here on out Enard is the purple guy and every time we see the purple guy in a previous game it was actually entered inside him which would also Explain how we survive the spring locking in three How could a regular human survive that it's obviously because Enard is an animatronic that was able to survive the spring locks so yeah this one's obviously Canon and there's no contradicting information that could possibly disrupt [Applause] this this is a pretty goofy one that I really like even if it had zero chance of ever being real this one states that Elizabeth managed to survive being scooped by Baby by eating ice cream and breathing breathing helium extremely silly I know and it doesn't make too much sense if you start thinking about it too much but you want to know something interesting I don't know if this Theory actually existed this theory is constantly brought up when people talk about the worst and craziest theories in FNAF history but I can't actually find any evidence of this existing Mandela effect maybe it's really strange because even in my research to find obscure theories for the previous games people kept bringing this one up as one of the goofiest and I was really excited to learn more about it but I can't find any Forum thread Reddit post or YouTube video talking about this Theory I only see people online mention its existence [Applause] [Music] weird okay you knew this was coming the minute I started this series in terms of outlandish and outright bad theories there is none more Infamous than adult theory but as I looked into this theory for this video I found that it's not as crazy as people make it out to be and you know what I'll admit it maybe I'm an adult theory believer now I'm not going to go too in depth because well you know how YouTube is so this theory states that the animatronics and sister location were not made for kids but for an adult audience now since the game was released we obviously know that's not true as the very first thing we hear when we boot up the game is baby's features including dancing singing ice cream and balloon dispensing abilities all features intended for children however the theory didn't completely die after this there is one animatronic and sister location that doesn't really fit in with the rest of the cast balora I mean just look at her does she look kid-friendly to you some say that she was designed to be her own separate attraction from the main cast similar to how foxy was separate from Freddy Bonnie and Chica and FNAF 1 this attraction would be a separate area from the rest of the restaurant to keep the adults entertained while the kids did their own thing if you think that's weird or unlikely this kind of already happened in real life with the r-based pizza chain Chuck-E-Cheese in the'80s they tried making an animatronic that would solely entertain the adult adults named Dolly dimples it obviously wasn't very successful and didn't go anywhere but that sole fact gave a lot of credibility towards this Theory and that will do it for this one I'm probably going to do a non FNAF video next but I promise that this series is not over I'm also not sure whether to talk about FNAF world or just go straight onto six but I guess I'll figure that out later oh and if any of you can find the origins of the Elizabeth survived Theory please tell me where to find that but in the meantime if you're still hearing my voice I just wanted to tell you thank you for watching Remember to like it if you liked it subscribe if you really liked it and I'll see you next [Music] [Applause] [Music] time
Channel: Character History
Views: 147,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Five Nights at Freddy's, FNaF, FNaF Sister Location, Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location, FNaF Theory
Id: UmAuu4EiXkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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