Why Michael Afton is (probably) still alive

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when security breach came out 2 years ago it was criticized heavily not just for its gameplay but also its story in addition to the lacking plot and frustratingly vague lore one of the biggest criticisms was that it seemed to undermine Pizzeria simulator by seemingly bringing back every character who was supposed to have died except Henry because screw him in particular for some reason burn trap brought back William The Blob brought back seemingly all of the children's spirits and some theorists would have you believe that Gregory might even be the crying child but in reality I don't think any of these characters have been brought back burn trap now appears to have been the mimic all along only imitating Afton and Gregory's Freddy popsicle with a chunk bitten out of it that he had in the princess quest ending which was used to link him with the crying child has been replaced by a pink ice cream cone in Ruins Brazil ending something that had no reason to change unless steel wo was trying to hint at the Freddy popsicle not being significant and steering us away from that theory I don't even think the blob still has the spirits of the dead children but that's a theory for another video all in all I don't think security breach undermined the ending that Pizzeria simulator gave us for all the characters with one exception I think Michael Aton is the one character to have returned but not as glamrock Freddy like many have theorized I think he straight up just survived the fire at the ending of pizza Sim how could he have survived the fire easy he just walked out out okay yeah that's not a very satisfying answer and it would most definitely be a retcon it was clearly the original intention for him to die in the fire along with everyone else but unlike all the animatronics who were trapped and Henry who decided to stay behind with them Michael actually had a way out as Henry says although there was a way out planned for you I have a feeling that's not what you want I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be so there was a way out for Michael he wasn't trapped he might have even just been able to leave the same way he entered the office Henry only assumes Mike wanted to stay and yeah like I said at the time this was clearly meant to imply that Michael did stay but Michael himself never expressed that desire he could very well have escaped the building to make sure that everything was properly dealt with there's enough plausibility here that he could reasonably be rcon back into the story without it contradicting anything all right so it's possible he could have a escaped that in itself doesn't indicate much but over the past few years there's been a trickle of hints that Michael Aton is still involved in the story the first clue serviced in 2021 a few months before security breach when the scrapped FNAF AR emails were leaked the emails had previously been abruptly cut off but after a year of being kept Under Wraps the unused emails that had been data mined from the launch version of the game were finally leaked you've probably already heard about this what you might not have heard about out are a couple of email addresses also found in the leaked emails one of them is for a character named H cofton whoever that is however the other one may sound familiar there's an alert to M afon with the email mftn or M Aon without the vowels at Big bears.com clearly M Aon is short for Michael afon while this email address may have been scrapped it's very strange that Michael Aton was ever considered to be put in special delivery since you know he's presumably dead by this point unless of course he isn't this by itself is a Smoking Gun even if this can't be considered Cannon anymore it still shows that Scott was willing to reccon Michael's implied death and then came security breach in which you could find Michael's exact room hidden in the pizza Plex chair lamp TV exotic Butters wallpaper and everything it's a perfect replica actually there's even a possibility that it's literally the exact same room since Theon family house is close to fredbears and fredbears has been implied to have been renovated into fapic pizza place which the pizza pl was built on top of possibly encompassing the Aon house Fred be/ pizza place and the sister location bunker which could explain why there's a random scooper deep underground would it be the first time the scooper has been redesigned no you don't need to understand everything I just said I'll explain it better and expand on it later in the video regardless of the room's origin this is weird why is it here who would build an exact replica of Michael's room or decide to preserve only his room and hide it deep within the pizza Plex behind a secret door probably no one except Michael afin himself and with this coming right on the heels of the Revelation that during AR's development Michael was planned to be alive it would be very strange if Michael wasn't responsible for this room like I said before the reason Michael might have stayed behind was probably to make sure everything was properly dealt with but if that's the case why didn't he stop Fraser entertainment from resurrecting well it's very likely there was nothing he could do after all at the ending of pizz Sim tutorial unit tells us that frazar entertainment is no longer a corporate entity which Michael was an employe of as owner of the pizzeria there is no need for you to return to work next week as Fazbear entertainment is no longer a corporate entity so at the end of petm Michael is no longer part of the company as fter entertainment has been Des D but then how does fasma entertainment even come back after being legally dissolved well security reach entails from the pizzax give us the answer the first Tales epilog introduces Fazbear Enterprises as seemingly the parent company of Fazbear entertainment and the mimic reveals that fazar enterprises was around even in the' 70s so although fazar entertainment was dissolved it appears that Fazbear Enterprises was not so after Pizza fasar Enterprises decides to just reform fasber entertainment and we know this happened because in Pim the blueprints show that fasma entertainment is a corporation marked by the Inc after the name but in security breach on balloon world's title screen we can see that the game is copyrighted by fper entertainment LLC and LLC is a different type of business from a corporation an LLC is owned by individuals whereas a corporation is owned by the shareholders so we can see that despite having the same name the current fazer entertainment is a legally distinct entity from the old one all of this explains why Michael doesn't have any legal power to stop them even if he did have some stake in the old fazer entertainment he doesn't in the new one but I think despite this he's still fighting against them if he made a hideout in the pizza Plex it's obvious that he's at the very least spying on frazar entertainment and we get a hint of his purpose from the code on the room's wall break and menend I built the breath they hunt now Drawn to Life not real still keen and frit and fraught with thought and zest and justest no blunt woes Dodge duck flash shoot crawl run crush the vial band cry not try not do not hold out hope no your life your aim will save those with soul before I explain what I think this means I want to get a couple of things straight Edwin former frazar engineer and creator of the mimic did not write this the theory came from from the story the Storyteller in which Edwin as he suffocated inside the Storyteller tree wrote strange things on a bunch of pieces of paper and stuck them to the inside of the tree the story said that he wrote triangles within triangles on some of the papers and many people quickly connected that to this wall code however triangles within triangles was Cherry Picked from a list of other strange things that Edwin Drew to quote the book every sheet of paper was covered with odd stick drawings that were not at all all familiar to Mr Burrows squiggles squares Loops triangles within triangles mathematical equations nonsensical ones from what Mr burrow could tell were Tangled Up in the symbols the story gave no special emphasis to the triangles within triangles over any of the other strange shapes and symbols that Edwin Drew people have just picked it out from the middle of a long list not to mention the code isn't even made up of triangles within triangles it's just triangles which is a basic shape but most importantly Edwin couldn't have written the code because he died in the Storyteller tree and it's highly unlikely that he would have written the code in Michael's room off screen before this another theory is that the mimic more specifically glitch trap himself wrote the code maybe through one of the staff Bots or something which sure he could have made his own Cipher and done that but the interpretations of the W cod's message under this don't make much sense you might have noticed that I didn't put any punctuation in the wall code solution and that's because it doesn't have any exactly how different phrases are broken up changes parts of the code into still debated the code talks about the writer building the breath which some think could be the glamoc animatronics as it then says they hunt now Drawn to Life and then not real still keen and frit and fraud with thought and zest and just no blunt woes which is supposedly referring to the glamrock artificial intelligence this doesn't make much sense to me because this suggests that it was glitch trap who drew them to life and made them all of those things but they were all fully intelligent prior to glitch trap entering the pizz Plex and Freddy being in safe mode throughout security breach isolated from the Glitch trap virus proves this all the virus did was alter their personality and behavior but the rest of the code is where the real problems lie Dodge duck flash shoot crawl run crush the vial band why is glitch Trum telling us to literally destroy the glam rocks some people think this is a challenge to Gregory or whoever might read this like a taunt which I would find kind of odd the final two lines are weird no matter your interpretation because of its mixed message it says for you to cry not which sounds like encouragement before saying do not hold out hope no which sounds like discouragement before ending with your life your aim will save those with soul which absolutely is encouragement and even reassurance that you will suc succeed those who believe glitch trap wrote this point to the second to last line and say it shows that the previous line wasn't a command to do all these things since it then discourages the reader telling them to try not and do not hold out hope but they also ignore that surrounding those statements glitch trap supposedly tells us not to cry and that we will save those with soul allow me to instead propose a different interpretation of the code if the code is in Michael's room which he's kept secret wouldn't make the most sense for Michael to have written it I think the code was written by Michael about Gregory and for Gregory and unfortunately I think it suggests that Gregory is a robot but hear me out there are many ways to break up the first two lines due to a lack of punctuation but the most popular one is break and menend I built the breath they hunt now Drawn to Life not real still keen and frit and so on however considering that drawn to life comes directly after talking about hunting I think the phrase refers to whom they are inclined to hunt Drawn to Life is meant to be read like drawn toward life and since the other lines in the code both start and end a complete thought with the exception of lines 2 and three which are clearly conjoined it makes the most sense to interpret lines one and two as each their own thought rather than breaking them up in the middle of their lines I think the code is meant to be read like this break and menend I built the breath they hunt now as in the breath that they hunt now Drawn to Life not real still keen and frit and fra and so on obviously it's worded strangely regardless but how I interpret it is that the breath Michael built is Gregory a part of this code I think most people Overlook is the very first words break and mend it implies the writer broke something and then mended it to build the breath that the glamrocks now hunt and we know that before security breach Gregory was working for glitch trap and murdered numerous therapists but at some point had his memory erased and turned good I think the code is explaining that this was Michael's doing Gregory was a robot created by Glitch trap but at some point was captured by Michael Michael then broke and mended him by erasing his memories and reprogramming him to destroy the glamrock animatronics that's why the W code lists everything that Gregory ended up doing in the game and why Gregory felt the need to seek and destroy the glamrock animatronics instead of you know just hiding for the night like a rational person the glamrocks hunt him now being drawn toward a life that isn't real but still possesses all these traits a real human would have Michael tells Gregory that his life and aim will save those with soul which is odd wording until you consider that Gregory himself in this case would not have a soul he's saving the children that will otherwise keep going missing so that's what I think Michael has been doing I think he's aware of glitch trap and has been secretly working to stop him and the disappearances but you might think if Michael's been alive all this time isn't it strange that he hasn't shown up or been mentioned in any of the three Mainline games or two DLCs we've gotten and I thought so too yeah it is kind of weird but then as I was going back through ruins ending one time I realized something about what the real Gregory said right before the mimic Chase and it's something that I think went over the heads of the vast majority of people Gregory tells us this my friend has ACT to the building map just follow instructions the satic was obviously intentionally placed to conceal the identity of Gregory's friend presumably it's hiding the person's gender by censoring their pronoun but that always felt like such an odd thing to censor like is a character's gender really that important to keep secret when I listen to it again though I noticed something when the static cuts out you can distinctly hear an S sound before instructions just follow instructions if I slow down the audio it becomes much more obvious follow instructions this struck me as such an odd detail if what's being censored is the person's possessive pronoun then obviously it must be his instructions since the pronoun ends in an S rather than her instructions but if you're going to go through the effort of censoring a pronoun why would you leave in such a distinctive part of the word such that you could clearly tell which pronoun it is and that's when it hit me it's not censoring their pronoun but their name the S sound after the static is the possessive apostrophe s coming after a person's name it's not his or her instructions but someone's instructions and what's so important about this fact is that the burst of static is very short and only lasts long enough for one syllable just follow instructions so the name of Gregory's friend must be only one syllable long and you know that if the game is censoring their name it must be a pre-existing character there's no reason to censor a name like Craig or something if it doesn't mean anything to anyone and when I think about all the characters in FNAF who aren't random Book characters and have actually been somewhat important there's only a single one syllable name I can think of Mike and yes Michael would go by Mike as he has INF FNAF one sister location the log book and even the scrapped Faz bear fright Story You're The Band When you consider that Michael is probably responsible for wiping Gregory's mind and setting him against the glamrocks it makes sense that the two of them would have found each other after security breach and even if that's not the case they'd still have similar girls being against the mimic but when I came to the realization that Gregory's friend must be Michael something else about ruins ending clicked into place I feel like I'm not the only one who found it odd that Gregory's friend just had building maps of these deep underground tunnels and strange rooms and I mean this is deep below the pizz Plex why is there even stuff built down here that's separate from the pizza place and what's up with the scooping room but then everything clicked together it's not pizzaplex maps that Gregory's friend has access to it's the maps of circus baby's entertainment and Rental the sister location bunk okay now it's time for me to better explain the short tangent I went on about the FNAF 6 pizza place being fredbears which connects to the sister location bunker all of which is underneath the pizza Plex there have been hints that FNAF 6's pizza place is actually the old fredbear's location just renovated in the security puppet mini game The Back Alley looks just like the pizza place's back alley in the rare screens with the posters trash cans and trash bags this could indicate that they're showing the outside of the same building and yes I think Charlie died in fredbears not Freddy's if the pizza place is the renovated building where Charlie died it would have to be fredbears rather than the original Freddy's for reasons the biggest argument against Charlie dying at fredbears is that cake bear is brown which means he can't be fredbear but this is no longer a valid objection since we now have designs of fredbear depicting him as brown with black accessories but back to evidence of the pizza place being fredbears in security breach there's an arcade cabinet with art depicting a burning building and the ghosts of a bear and rabbit rising out of it and if it seems like a stretch to connect this to fredbears Family Diner the arcade game this is for is fredbear's nomnom bites the building in this artwork is definitely supposed to be fredbears and it would be very strange to depict fredbears burning down and spirits being released from it which never happened unless it was the same building as the pizza place where that did happen there's also the fredbear cutout during the mimic Chase and ruin although the file name for it is '70s Freddy it's clearly the same fredbear design as the old fredbears posters we got in security breach also given that one of these posters refers to fredbear as Freddy it seems like fredbear and Freddy were once the same character fredbear being a nickname of Freddy Fazbear the fact that an old fredbear cutout from the' 70s is deep below ground close to the FNAF 6 pizza place means that it probably came from there and that would make the most sense if the pizza Plex was also fredbear Family Diner where stuff like this would have been stored for decades it's important to establish that they're the same building because the breaker room map from Sister location shows us that fredbears is connected to the sister location bunker which means that the FNAF 6 pizza place is also connected to the bunker and since the pizz Plex was built on top of the pizza place the pizz Plex is also on top of the bunker this is why I said Michael's room and the pizz Plex might actually be the same room rather than a replica since the aton's house is so close to fredbears it's possible that the vast size of the pizza Plex also encompassed their old house but what's most important is that since the pizzax sink deep underground because of the sinkhole it should be very close to the sissor location bunker which is also deep underground all of this was a theory I had before ruined came out and it seems like ruin proved this right because underground as we travel away from the pizza place through a series of tunnels we enter a different underground building a building which has an elevator to the surface meaning that these rooms were originally built underground as opposed to falling down here from a sinkhole like the pizza place but even more conclusive than this is that there's a scooping room in the building with of course a scooper we can even see that it has a needle built into it which would be for inject Remnant as William does manually in the novels more than likely this is actually the scooper and the scooping room from the sister location bunker but let's address the elephant in the room this doesn't quite look like the scooper we've seen before but this isn't the first time the scooper has been redesigned in Pizzeria simulator there are noticeable differences between the scooper blueprints in the scooper and sister location but they're clearly meant to be the same I will say this is definitely a more dramatic change but we've seen multiple redesigns in the steel wool era of games there's even discrepancies in the pizza plex's layout between security Beach and ruin heck the mimics own endoskeleton isn't consistent between his normal and grimmick models the scooper design was likely retconed to fit the needs of the game which was a machine that could pick up the mimic and dismantle him fasar entertainment did not come down here drool all these holes construct these rooms and build a brand new scoop scoop ER that doesn't make a ton of sense anyway the tunnels the building and the scooper were already down here the elevator probably looks different to the one in Sister location because it's a different entrance to the bunker and when you consider all of this it makes sense that Gregory's friend is Michael and that the building Maps he has are the ones of the sister location bunker his father owned the place and Michael even worked there as a technician also the bunker was literally underneath his house so of course Michael would have access to the maps of the building and tunnel that were probably used to travel to and from there my grand Theory then is that Gregory Vanessa and Michael are now all working together as a group which I've dubbed the fam friends against mimic I think it's likely that Cassie's dad was also a part of this team which is why he traveled down to the old pizza place underground to confront glitch trap and help wanted two he helps Vanessa destroy glitch trap and prins Quest 4 and the game files show it that originally Vanessa was going to be the one giving us hints and instructions throughout the game rather than Mr hippo so they're definitely working together the fact that Cassie's dad is strongly implied to be the Bonnie Bully from FNAF 4 tells us how Cassie's dad might have joined them it's very possible that Michael and him have kept in touch since the bite of 83 and that Michael approached him about their mission to destroy glitch trap and contain the mimic there's a theory that Cassie's dad is also Jeremy from the first Help Wanted who was influenced by Glitch trap and cut off his face giving him extra motivation to go and defeat glitch trap but I won't go into that also in ruin two of the Collectibles are foxy mask and Bonnie mask but strangely not a Freddy or chica mask this is probably because the masks correlate to the two bullies that are still important to the current story foxy for Michael and Bonnie for Cassie's dad who are both working together or at least were working together before Cass 's dad met his demise at the hands of glitch trap and that's my big Theory not only that Michael is still alive but that he's working together with our other protagonists Gregory and Vanessa together they are friends against mimic I call the theory mimic fam although I'm aware that would essentially stand for mimic friends against mimic I'm open to suggestions but if you want to see more theories like this make sure to subscribe leave a like if you like the video and let me know what you you think about this theory in the comments um bye
Channel: ImmenseAndrew
Views: 62,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Security Breach, Help Wanted 2, theory, wall code, FNAF 6, Pizzeria Simulator, Ruin, lore, retcon
Id: R7isROpVynU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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