Sister Hates Her Little Sister

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hello friends it's me and today is darman monday where we're gonna be watching another dharman video about a sister who hates her sister let's watch ugh i look so basic next to you should i put on some makeup first stop you look great whatever hi jasmine hi eve hi what did i say about knocking before you come in i'm sorry what do you want we're about to make a tick tock video cool can i be in it no rude she just wanted to come say hi see her sister you're like oh get out relatable but seeing someone else do it i'm like this is kind of mean it's about to start three two one hey a bum bum bum a bum bum you just ruined our video rosa now we have to start all over again oh you're so annoying i'm sorry i just wanted to hang out with you guys well even i don't want to hang out with you oh hey i don't mind did you just knock the phone yeah after that i want to have a sister no more i'm kidding y'all weren't going to get that tick tock on your first try where are you if you want to make a tick tock with us you can't no absolutely not you don't have to try to be nice to her this will just be more annoying go play with your dolls or your imaginary friends do whatever you want just leave us alone yeah like i'm grown you're a baby i make tick tocks while you play with your dolls i feel like everyone does this to their younger siblings without realizing it and then feels bad after and i was like oh you want to go get food i feel bad she just wanted to hang out with us she's my little sister why in the world would i want to hang out with her so aren't you going to the movies this weekend yeah i'm down can i go to the movies too no my drone wait don't tell me that's my leftover spaghetti i just sat in the fridge that was my spaghetti i was gonna eat that for lunch oh um i'm sorry i didn't eat much you can have the rest no i don't even want it anymore how did i get stuck with the most annoying little sister ever okay i could understand this because this was the worst thing imaginable when i was growing up and like i would come home from school and i'd be like here's my leftover food that i stashed in the back of the fridge and then i come home someone ate it and and nobody want to say anything nobody want to admit it everybody's like i didn't eat it hey it's okay rosa don't worry about it you can just get lunch with my mom and i we're going to this italian spot and they have great pasta fine next time stay away from my stuff i gotta get ready for going soon let's go back to my room i'll be right there hey rosa are you okay it's just that i want to be with my sister uh my sister never wants to be with me oh i'm sorry i'll tell you what i'll talk to her for you okay okay i like your necklace thanks my mom got it for me what are you doing why are you bothering my friend no no she's no bother i was the one that came up to talk to her i was just about to come to your room anyway what are you doing don't talk to my friend this is my friend first you want to take my pasta then you want to take my friend well i just might have to take your life so yeah she just irritates me so much i just think she looks up to you wants to be like you exactly which is so annoying you don't have a sister so you don't understand okay i just need to put on my eyeshadow and then i'm done oh you said you have the new lifeguard palette can i see it yeah except i can't find it where did it go if rosa took it i swear rosa rosa jasmine slowed down oh oh did she take my mic i'm sorry i just saw you using the makeup when i wanted to be like you i told you zealand times not to use my stuff you practically ruined it i'm sure it's still usable can i see no why do you have to ruin everything huh you know sometimes i wish i didn't even have a little sister oh no don't say that too far she even ruined it but first the spaghetti then the eyeshadow palette unforgivable ah that would be mad too you know you really shouldn't say stuff like that to rosa she's just so annoying if i had a choice i'd want her to be gone for good she wouldn't i promise you you wouldn't well that's easy for you to say you have no idea what's it like to have an annoying little sister or you could have an annoying big sister that bullies you eve are you okay actually i do know what it's like to have a little sister but uh oh we got separated you see i'd always get mad at my younger sister abby even over the littlest things the same way you fight with your sister it would drive my parents crazy one day i was so busy arguing with abby over something i didn't even see my parents leaving for a dinner party i never got a chance to even say goodbye later that night there was a knock at the door my grandma went to open it little did we know there was a police officer who was about to give us the saddest news we had ever gotten he told us that our parents got into a really bad car accident and neither one of them survived we all couldn't stop crying because my grandmother was too old to take care of us abby and i were placed into the system i remember seeing my sister crying and deciding from that point forward i wasn't gonna fight with her anymore jeez that's some plot twist eh i was like maybe she had a sister vana she sounded like a villain origin story to me i finally started being nice to her you're my and then a few weeks later a lady came to visit my sister and i got so excited thinking we were going to find her new home but then we found out she was only taking abby hey yo no you can't come sorry bye i guess that's how we got separated so you see that was very sad don't you ever disrespect your little sister again i'ma have to take matters into my own hands so you see i do know what it feels like to have a little sister i regret all those years i spent fighting with abby i even lost time with my parents because of it oh my god i'm so sorry you had to go through all of it i feel so terrible dang i thought you all were the best mine it was a while ago i don't talk much about it because of how hard it is yeah um i completely understand where is that be now i don't know i've tried looking for her my new mom's tried looking for her everyone's trying after the adoption center closed down all the records were lost i can't believe that there has to be some way we can find your sister before y'all started looking for her sister go apologize to your sister well oh it's my mom she must be outside you ready to go oh yeah um i think i'm going to stay back and um talk to elsa i think that's a great idea well i'll call you later thanks for everything ah you're welcome call me later bye bye hey jasmine oh she heard everything i'm really sorry no you don't need to apologize i'm the one who should be saying sorry going forward i promise i'm going to start being a lot nicer to you really wow come on i'll show you how to put eyeshadow the right way she's like dang okay i wanna be like bro you so nosy like what you doing he's dropping out the whole conversation like i was gonna make this a moment and go up to you and be like i'm sorry i love you now he was listening the whole time so happen to eve i thought i heard her crying oh no don't act like you didn't hear everything she has a sister but they got separated during adoption so now eve doesn't know where she is wait really we should totally help her i want to help too but i just don't know how to plot twists rosa is actually a pro hacker i'm gonna stay up all night and search the entire system and find her sister if it doesn't end this way i will not be happy tick-tock what do you mean we can film a tick-tock video with a picture of you and telling the story about how eve and her sister got separated oh okay i mean that's worse maybe eve's little sister can see you yeah wow that's actually genius you see i'm not so bad to hang out with after all okay come on let's go make the stick jasmine and rosa recorded tick-tock together trying to get in touch with eve's sister in the video they show a picture of eve and tell her story about how she got separated from her sister and is trying to find her oh man you put that little tick tock like tick tock do your thing they find her in three two one before long the post ends up going viral but what if it didn't what if it didn't go viral what if it barely got any views what if they couldn't find rosa i'm kidding but what if millions of people see it and share it with their friends to help eve reunite with her sister jasmine and rosa can't believe it and then a couple weeks later an unexpected visitor knocks on the door i still can't believe how many views that video got thank you both for doing that you're welcome i'm just sad that we never found out oh there she is i'll get it random knock uh hi can i help you yes i've been trying to contact you regarding your car's extended warranty you are the girl who made a tick tock how do you know where i live is eve here with you now um why uh who are you why are you kids opening the door to strangers i literally don't even open the door to the mailman i can't believe it it's you this is a miracle happy come here sweetheart there she is abby [Music] there she is i missed you so much i missed you too not a day goes by that i haven't thought about you same i've looked for you everywhere but how did you find me i saw the tick tock video and i recognized the pendant right away you see you girls belong together thanks for making that video to help me find my sister oh it was all rose's idea hi i'm melissa nice to meet you it's nice to meet you too now we can all hang out together i can't wait since you're like finally i have some friends goodbye imaginary friends would you like to come in yeah yeah sure plot twist that woman is a serial killer i'm just thinking about what it's you know but anyways that's all for today i really enjoyed that one and it's funny because when i was a kid me and my little sister we did not get along at all and now we besties so things just work out that way but yeah if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and subscribe to darman's channel and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,993,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: 932Y1LaTv1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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