Siren Head: The Movie - Complete Edition

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Ashmoure, once a town of hope and life Now lies in the ruins of death and destruction Nothing lives in Ashmoure anymore Well... Except for an ancient evil... That was responsible for this devastation Humans tried to fight it once Yet miserably failed And eventually did what they do best Bombed Ashmoure and pretended that this town never existed As for the ancient evil... Well... They assumed that it vanished with Ashmoure Which of course... Was not true But luckily to humans, there were guardians Who were ready to oppose this evil And prevent any of its attempts to escape Ashmoure borders And even if it somehow managed to pass through one of guardians Then others would interfere and push it back to Ashmoure For decades Guardians were successfully fulfilling their role Until one day... Humankind... Once again has interfered and started a war With forces that they don’t understand... no one saw it coming It was expected to be a simple mission Somebody talk to me An isolated mansion, surrounded by vast forest With wanted drug lord and few cartel soldiers in it Report in! Do you copy!? An easy target Yet… We weren’t the only ones… Who thought the same way Multiple casualties If anyone is still alive, report in! Move Let's go, let's go, let's go! Marko, get moving! A lot of smoke and dust up there Approach with caution Understood No tangos in sight Looks quite Copy that What a shit was that!? Probably just a wind Okay cowboys, we got a clock to keep Let's move out We're on it Understood sir Command to... Team Bravo Status report We're just coming up on the area now, over! Copy that Delta 3, you copy? Give me a sit-rep Area is secure, over Bravo team, do you have a visual on the target, over That's a negative... We're unsure as of target status Eyes open, watch your sectors Blackwhale report Clear sir All clear Text on paper: "There is a monster in the trees! But no one believes me" Marko take point! Let's move it! I need some action Careful what you wish for This is not a drill assh#les Sweep through the perimeter We've got eye on.... Unclear... We've just encountered a have structural damage in alpha sector around park and ...static sound... Looks like it has been damaged recently Seems like something really huge ...static sound... ...static sound... Follow the trail of derby and report what you find Roger, on our way Move in! In position Main floor clear Copy that. Main floor clear! Text on paper: My new friend wants me to leave. Because Siren Head monster is coming. But my papa does not believe me. P.S. He might look scary, but he is a true friend, who is here to protect us!" Room clear! Roger that! All clear! Move up! Yes Sir! Text on paper: Top floor clear! Copy that! All clear, squad regroup on me Roger that Where the hell is everyone What the hell happened here You see anything? I got nothing dude, this place is dead This is weird bro Where the Hell did everybody go!? You see anything? No nothing here, let's keep moving All teams move out Oh man, it's quite... It's quiet moments like this, that make me most nervous Alright, stay frosty you guys Roger that Has enemy contact been made? Negative Command, no visible activity Something is not right here... Oh, you just now realising that Yeah, not sh#t Eyes open guys, eyes open! Jesus, what is that smell Watch those alleys Hey, look at that! Hold up! I got something! Standing by! Damn, are you seeing this? Dear god, what is that!? What a hell!? You see that!? Holly Sh#t... We got a problem guys! Found them! Over here! What's happening? Oh my god... Actual are you seeing this? You've got to be kidding me... Sh#t guys! They've been killed! What the hell happened here? That can't be normal... Actual this is 2.1, what do you make of this? I am not sure Sir What the hell killed these guys? My god... Damn, that's brutal man Don't let your guard down, they could be anywhere! This is looking really bad here Stay sharp, who ever wasted those guys, might still be around What happened here Look at all this blood These bodies have been torn up Look at the size of that footprint O'Neil What the hell did we just walk in to Sh#t, Your guess is good as mine man Is that a body? My god... What the hell did this? So what happens now? I guess the mission is over? No it most certainty doesn't Eyes up Reed! Unreal... Looks like somebody put up a hell of the last stand here I can’t believe this… All this time… That thing was just standing there In front of our eyes… And none of us noticed it… Until it was too late… Everything happened so sudden This battle… or better to say this slaughter… Lasted for less than 10 minutes… Until there was no one left alive… Except for me… Strange that this creature didn’t finish me off as others… And instead left me here to die… …Almost as if… It using me for bait... It is still close… I can hear it… I… don’t know who will find this recording… But please… I beg you… find my son… He left this place, right before the attack And I bet is hiding somewhere close... in the forest… Funny… Turns out… All this time he was telling the truth… And… There was actually… A scary monster hiding in the woods… Shame… None of us… Believed… Him… You see those bodies back there... All melted and sh#t... Christ This ain't right man Sh#t, what the hell was that? You hear that? It sounds big... Wait, you see that over there!? I don't see anything... Something moved! What's going on? Something moved, over there! You sure? Something else is here with us... What ever it was... It was big and... What the hell set that off? This isn't good! Find it and shut it down! I am on it! I got your back! Be careful, no way to know what set it off Let's go man! Hurry! Wait up! Text on paper: Long Horse told me, that Siren Head monster will attack and consume everyone here soon... Because he needs strength... to battle a more terrifying monster Text on paper: I don’t want Siren Head Monster to drain away my life force so he can become more stronger... What the hell was that!? Son of the... What the hell was that? Harrison do you copy? Holly Sh#t, what was that!? Can you see anything!? Where... What... What is it? I got movement... Oh sh#t... Let's go, Let's go! Contact! We got contact! Get this thing the hell of me! Look out! Man down! Man down! What the hell is happening! Common you ugly b#stard! Damn he is dead! Need back up now! Covering fire! Covering fire! Holy sh#t!!! This is really bad! Somebody better tell me what the hell just happened up there! I think they are dead! I think they are all dead! Check the camera feed Damn it, we've lost contact with sector alpha 9, is there anyone down there, that can give us a sit-rep Negative Sir This ain't good man, not good... Who the hell are we fighting here with Listen up! Stay frosty, watch each others six and let's take this b#stards down! Got it!? Understood! Good copy! Roger that! Alright, let's get this done! You know the drill! Affirmative! Spread out! Keep moving, let's go, let's go! Watch you sectors, move and shoot I see something! Hostiles up ahead! There! Right there! What the hell is that!? Contact, everyone put fire at that thing! Yes Sir! All guns on him! Engaging now! Take him down! Extended line! Delta get your team over at the flank! Roger that! Target sighted! What the hell is that!!! Sierra 2, Sierra 3, team up and close him down On it captain! Anyone got eyes on, call it in! Yes Sir! Lost visual Where did... Holly sh#t!!! Contact! Watch out! We're hit! We're hit! Mayday! Watch it! Watch it! You are getting to close! You are getting to close!!! Brace for impact! Get of the street! Move! Move! All Delta and Bravo, please report in... Do you copy? If you can read this message please switch to.... ...communication system... Repeat, please switch to... on your communication system... Status? We've got casualties and several injured over here! Samon's gone! Chan is bleeding out! What about Stiver!? He's dead... Damn this... Sh#t, this is a massacre! We need to get out of here! Now! Alright, regroup and reload! We are going to hold this position and await for reinforcements What was that? You hear that!? It's that thing again! This is not good... Oh, we're in a sh#t now... Get it together guys! We got movement! Left! Left! I see him! He's over here! Get ready! Sh#r, Sh#t, Sh#t, he's over here! What the hell is that thing! Defensive positions This creature is so big! We're all dead! We're all dead! What do we do now!? Open fire! Take him down! Fire! Fire! It's coming this way!!! Hold your position! This is suicide!!! Hold your position got dammit! Put fire at that thing now! Bullets only piss this thing off, run!!! Jesus Christ! Sustain Fire! Let's take this monster down! That ain't a fight! It's a god damn slaughter! No! No! No! NO!!!! Fallback! Fallback! Bullets are not going make a den in that thing! We need to find another way! Time for explosives! 11 o'clock, frag him! Grenade out! Frag out! Common you ugly b#stard! Can't see sh#t though this dust! Is it dead!? No way he survived that! We will be digging him out of the rubble! Holly sh#t! Watch your Six! It's back! It's right on me! A huge... Move to the vehicle! Let's go we gotta get out of here! Control... We're being picked off one by one... Requesting an immediate heavy backup, requesting paramedics, we need!!! Oh god! No!!! Dammit this is 2.1, does anybody read me? ...This is ground unit... ...We're about to be overrun any second now.... ....Oh god, oh god, no.... Get us out of here! Go! Go! Help me! You can't just leave me in here! Please!!! How many we've lost!? Almost everyone! Let's regroup and...Holy shit!!! It's moving!!! Behind you!!! Shoot it! Shoot it!!! I am out of mag! 38 bodies… And only 1 survivor… That’s the outcome of that night… I still can’t explain, how my unconscious body was discovered outside of the burnt barn Almost as if someone dragged me out of there But who or what saved me? Is still remains a mystery As for the monster, who wiped out my entire team It disappeared without a trace Since then, I’ve spent my whole life trying to track him down With each year learning more about his powers habits and most important, weakness All my discoveries I’ve recorded on tapes Play them, if you want to learn more But keep in mind This supernatural entity, doesn’t like to be stalked And the more you learn about him, the higher chance is that he might come after you As it always has been in human nature, they take things personally... And same happened with sole survivor Now he desired vengeance And not even for a second did his mind try to see a bigger picture Of why those horrible events had happened That perhaps he and his unit were just in the wrong place at the wrong time And were merely victims of the crossfire In the battle of greater, unimaginable forces... …Oh no... Not even once… This thought had crossed his mind… Instead his consciousness provided a simpler explanation There was an evil monster who caused all this And now he had to be stopped by any means necessary End of the story …Quite primitive if you ask me... Though his desire and dedication to eliminate a supernatural entity Whose powers were unimaginably superior to his own Gave me an idea, how this can be used to my own personal gain And decades later, thanks to my anonymous support This one lone survivor with a group of associates Almost succeed to deliver his vengeance… ...Almost... I will never forget that day When my family went on a long awaited picnic trip… …and faced him… Run! Just Run! Keep running Emely! Don’t stop!!! Sara… No… Have this you Freak! Daddy! No!!! Emely! Mommy!? Hey Freak! There is nothing here for you! Just me... My daughter, she is a smart girl And I bet she understood, that she had to run away from this place, as fast as possible And no matter whose voices she might hear behind her She will not stop! I say it again! She will not stop! You will not find her here! But when the time comes, believe me She will find you And you will deeply regret, that you took away her whole family That I promise you! And once again humans took things personally Well of course, hard to blame Emely for her anger and desire for vengeance When her whole family was killed by the guardian But to be fair, it was her family who attacked and tried to kill the guardian first Not the opposite And when the guardian was pursuing Emely Perhaps he was not trying to kill her but quite the opposite Was trying to scare her away from a more dangerous beast that was hiding nearby But as was said before, the human mind likes to simplify everything And Emely took the same path, as once did the lone survivor There was an evil monster that caused death and destruction in her life And now vengeance had to be served Have to say, it was quite unfortunate that her parents did not succeed in eliminating the guardian This did make me change my plans As I was expecting another outcome... But nevertheless, the lesson was learned And next time… I’ll make sure that outcome will be different All hitman teams push to your setpoint Roger, on the move Closing in, visual confirmed Roger that! We've got a positive on our main target Request strike force south of our coordinates, over! Understood, we are on our way Enemy Spotted Target identified That's right man We have visual, target confirmed Roget that! Drones will arrive in 10 seconds We have the target in sight Watch him Squad 4, report please In position, ready for launch Roget that Do not let the target escape Yes, sir! Time to end this thing Ready to deliver some punishment Give it everything you've got Detonation in 3...2... Light him up! Common marines! You were born for this ####! Okay, let's do this! Move! Move! Target intercepted! Pursuing! There he is! To the right! There he is! Going in I'll deal with him Not so fast, you son of the #### Alpha team, open fire! Fire!!! We've got him running! Throw everything at him Where do you think you are going! Dude! Check it out! There he goes! There he goes!!! All teams! Fire! Fire! Fire! Holy ####! Look at the size of that thing! Come on! Don't let him escape! Get some RPG fire on that thing! He is making a run for it Take that grenade launcher! Target locked Copy! Target received Hit him Impact! Bohoom! Yeah! That's the way! It is working! He is getting weaker Nice I want flanks on both sides Yes, Sir! Focus Fire! Focus Fire! Let's go people! Get him, don't lose him! All units, focus your fire! Bring that ##### down! He is coming through! Find cover ground! Incoming! That's it! That's it! It is done! All forces converge! Take that thing out while we've got a chance! This will make quick work of him! There! There he is! Oh ####! Back off! Back off! Open fire! Let's kill this #######! Take this you #####! #### we can't take this thing! Brake his ####### legs! There he comes! Show that ####### what we are made off! All canons! Fire at will! Understood! Primary insurgent point looks clear boys! Roger! Coming around for second pass 2-5 are you clear? Roger! We're clear Zone appears to be clear No sign oh hostiles Jesus... This city is a wreck... ###### wreck... Alright! Let's shut this #### down ...Your all clear Are clear! Move out All teams, proceed to your designated areas and place triangulators We need this area to be covered, pronto! Understood, Sir! Roger that, on the move! Carter, Mulder, Quade your up! Head for section 4 Affirmative, moving out now First squad you are my scouts Move out, quiet as you can Roger, okay boys, search by 2 What the devil... This place ain't right... Man... Give it a rest... Looks clear Right side, clear! Fox here! There is no sign of anyone... Good, stay sharp! Oh man... Anyone else hear something? It's quiet... Too quiet... We are ghost town here... Darn this thing is heavy! Hey, you okay up there? Yeah man! Nothing is happening What is this stuff? You've got that on visual? Wow! What is that ####? Something really bad lives in here... My god! It is everywhere! Let's stay focused! Watch your sectors! Copy! Keep your eyes open guys! Affirmative! Roger! No hostiles in sights, over! Written Text: Cartoon Cat is real! He comes at night and takes away my friends. I am scared... I think i am next Fun place, huh? Pf.... This is a horror show man.... This must be what hell looks like... Shut the #### up Starns! What is taking so long!? Look, you wanna do this, be my guest! But this ain't the job you wanna rush... Just hurry it up! This place gives me the creeps How is it looking up there? I don't know! It all seems clear, but I can't see much in this bloody fog Heads up team! This area has defiantly seen some heat Roger I see it and it is ugly This is bizarre... What happened in here? This ain't good... Heh... For once in the life dude I actually agree with you Written Text: This species can take the exaggerated form of almost any creature. Both real and imaginary! This is ridiculous Something is on our screens, gonna check it out Roger that, proceed with caution What we can see, doesn't look good... Oh, nuts... Those are? Human sculls! Jesus... Soldiers I can handle... But this.... Man... I don't know... Huh... Yeah... Written Text: Don’t let him know your fears. Or he will spawn them and send after you. And as long as you are alive, the physical form of your fear will always pursue you… Killing everything in its way… How many bodies do you think are burred down here? I don't know anything about it, and I don't wont know... What was that!? Hey! You hear that? Yeah, and I don't like it... You think it could be the creature? If it was that creature, we would be dead by now, right? Remember people, trigger discipline Understood lieutenant Any luck with that thing? It hasn't fixed itself... What are we, maintenance guys now? Hell if i know... I hoped you could tell me Sooner we finish up here, the better Sargent, take 2 of my men and procced up that hill Will do! Written Text: He did this Written Text: 33rd Cartoon Festival Look at the size of that place... Under different circumstances, I would almost call this place, beautiful Reporting operation success, over Good Okay, that is the last one Hey, how are we doing? This area is clear, no hostiles present This is Hutchins, all clear All quiet in alpha 5 sector Affirmative Clear, let's go people Alright, we are clear Looking good people, area is clear control All teams fall back to your designated zones Roger, on the move Alright, time to get out of here Squad, we are moving out, let's go! It's a done deal, let's go home! Command this is recon leader Go ahead! No surprise that we were not able To dig up any information about Ashmoure in the archives… This whole town is a massive garage yard Streets are covered with toxic gas Remains of human bodies can be seen on every corner And some sort of unknown black goo is splattered all over the town From the looks of it some sort of old government experiment was held in Ashmoure Hard to say what they were trying to achieve But the whole town was killed in the process And whoever was responsible for this disaster Made sure that the truth about Ashmoure stays hidden We also found indications that some kind of supernatural entity Might have been present in Ashmoure during those events But that is not certain As it all might have been side effects of a toxic gas poisoning Nevertheless, as of this moment, Ashmoure is completely uninhabited And can be called a ghost town Motion trackers haven't detected anything If battle proceeds to Ashmoure streets It might get tricky to maneuver here in full force Squads might get separated Due to all debris and barricades scattered around town But on the other hand, this should slow down the creature as well In conclusion. I recommend giving Operation «Titan Down» a green go! We are beginning our run Check in is ready Armor 5-3,6-4 up an ready Roger Bad weather for recon That is the only kind of weather we've got here No way... We got bad or worse Hey, anyone got the ###### time Man, who the #### are these guys So... Anyone else annoyed of waiting? Until we receive an order to go and shoot some bad guys, just sit and chill man Alright people, gather up Briefing starts in 5 minutes Smoke break is over, let's go Ira, I need you to find Misha and then both of you head to the briefing room Consider it done You got any idea what we are doing here? Something is wrong Wish someone would tell us what it was What is it Sargent Calm before the storm marine Enjoy it I've heard they couldn't even see what attacked them I talked to the guy that was in APC He said all of the sudden, this one soldier gets lifted in the air and wack... off of his head Shut up! And another Shut up! Okay, fine... Written Text: Their blood in on our hands You've got any idea what is going on? No clue I think it might be bad Abigail! Your team is also joining the fun? Well you know me... I love the challenge How is your family? They miss their father, yours? No idea, haven't seen them in month and now we are stuck here Yeah Who the hell had decided to gather us here... A reminder... Do not cross security checkpoint without certified protection gear So he just found another crazy suicide mission for us? What... the first wasn't suicide enough? Listen Jack, I've been to a lot of places And I've seen a lot of screwy #### But there ain't nothing that's ever been standing Once this baby starts throwing led Good to see you Sir! Welcome to the party! Thank you! Who we after this time? Hell if I know Oh man... I think I've slept wrong Emely, long time no sea! How happy I am to see you! Just look at you, all grown up now Spasibo Dmitry! I see you’ve improved your English Well… A little bit… I am glad that they’ve called in your unit as well Now I am certain that we will prevail No matter what True Now you are in good hands Gather around! We got some things to talk about Welcome everyone! All of you should have been briefed beforehand So I’ll get straight to the point Today we are going after a high-level target And that is why we have this all-star affair On behalf of my team, I would like to thank you For the opportunity to be a part of this mission Happy to have you aboard! Thank you So, who is our target? Our target is an entity called Siren Head Good God, look at the size of that thing Run, just run! What a freak of nature is that? At least it is not another freaky worm! I know that many of you have heard rumors That this creature is considered to be invincible Especially after the “Direthorn” incident But that’s not true This monster as any others has weakness and can be neutralized Neutralized? How? Based on reports that were provided to us by our employer It seems this creature is in constant need of absorbing the life force of living creatures And we, humans are on top of its menu This absorbing process instantly kills its victims And leaves their bodies with burnt and corroded skin While internal organs get dry up Uh... That can't be good Is is too late to unvolunteer for this mission I hear that... And the more this creature is able to absorb, the more invincible it becomes So… we are like… energy bars to this monster? Something like that Also as food source for survival Incredible... Absolutely incredible! You scary... You know that? Luckily to us, this invincibility effect is temporary And what is most important, it can be reversed 15 years ago another group of hunters already tried this trick And almost succeeded in neutralizing Siren Head But unfortunately, they didn’t have enough men and firepower to finish the job This miscalculation has led to their inevitable demise And now you are sending us? Yes. We will finish what they’ve started Let's hope you are right this time Yeah… last time we lost a lot of good people in that fight with a huge worm… I don't mind telling you... I got a bad feeling about this mission Thanks to generous financial support of your employer We have enough firepower to take down several creatures like this Siren Head Also we’ve been successfully preventing Siren Head from feeding within the last 3 months So by now this monster should be weak, slow and woundable to physical damage Where is our target now? Close. Around 2 miles south of our location He has been standing still in that spot for the last 5 days Presumably, he is out of strength to make any more escape attempts Huh... You think? Presumably… This means not certain… Any populated settlements in the area? No. Only an old mining town called Ashmoure That has been abandoned for several decades Nothing else in 40 miles’ reach One important note, air in Ashmoure is highly toxic So wear gas masks in there, all the time I vote for an air strike, Sir Not an option Eh.... I don't want to be a jerk... But why? Our employer was quite specific about this part No quick kill He wants this creature to feel enormous pain and suffering before its death For real? Yeah what? Your kidding me, right? What a nonce... Darn, they sure are full of bright ideas... Yes. I understand your concern But those were specific instructions by our employer That he expects from us to be done accordingly Alright, fine Suits me… Weird... Have any of you seen our employer, in person? No. As always, instructions and payment were delivered anonymously I’ve heard he is a shy fella... That… There is something wrong with his face… And that is why he avoids being seen in person Anyway our employer provided payment up front in gold And expects from us satisfying results So let’s not disappoint him Sir, consider it done! Sure blin, easier said than done... Ivan, be quiet! Please, continue And one more thing. I want no heroes That is an order We are going after an enemy that, to this point, has been unstoppable Do not fight this creature alone Isolate it and radio for aid Be alert. Be vigilant. And be aware Roget that! Yes, Sir! On it! Sir! Now let’s go do what we came here to do Yes, Sir! Let's do it! Aright, meeting is over! Good luck people! Let's move I bet 10$ that we will be the first one to kill him Sounds good! Let's get to work boys Get suited up everyone Let's go! Godspeed gentlemen, we're counting on you Hey man, where the hell are we anyway? Well the pilot thought we were heading to your mothers house Heh, so far this all looks familiar Just shut up... Shut up... Sir, the target just took a direct hit, with no damage Roger that But when the time comes, believe me She will find you Don't worry Emely, we will put an end to him Be advised, Kilo 3_3 and Kilo 3_4 Your correct L.Z. it too hot Charlie 6 is down! Request med evac! Sorry, negative on med evac, but I am working on it There he comes! Show that ####### what we are made off! Thumb you ears! Block it out! Viper 1_1 inbound... inbound... Missile away, Missile away Detonation is good, reengaging What is you status, report This guy is unstoppable All available units, get over there and deal with this #### Look out, there he is! It just wont go down! What ###### pit of hell does this thing come from!? Bravo 2, Delta 4 moving to target area, over! Delta 4, copy that, I've got your back! Almost got target lock, just a little more What does in take to kill this ####### guy! We can't stop it! Common man, you can do it! Just stay focused Open Fire! Where is out ###### support!? Everybody out! Let's go! Let's go! Die! Die you #######! Blast the grenade through his ass! ###### is getting away! Get after him! There! That's him! That thing wouldn't go down! Carry on! We will get him! Oh yeah!!!! Got the #######! Die you son of the ######! Oh my god!!! Common! Still firing! Still firing! He is getting weaker Let's do this!!! Take that you ####! #### what the hell if going on!!! Here it comes! Keep on it! Don't let that ###### advance! Just die already you ##### Look out! Die you #####! Die!!! Bring it on you son of the #####! Push forward! Don't stop! Hey freak! There is nowhere else for you to run And no one here is going to help you It’s just you and us For years you have been destroying families By taking away their loved ones Thinking that you can get away with it You were ruthless You didn't even show a shred of mercy to any of your victims And that is why it has to end like this Your terror, which lasted for decades... Will end now! And you will learn yourself What it feels like When your life is taken away... Against your will!! It is wrong!! 15 years… 15 years I’ve waited For this moment To fulfil my father’s promise… And now, together we will put an end to you... Once and for all! Now go back to hell or whatever hole you crawled out of! Is he dead? Ah man... He is so dead... We did it! Burn baby! Burn! Oh yeah! We've got this turkey! Won't be giving us any more trouble Well... That was cool Don't think I can handle one more battle like this one No one said it was going to be easy.... Ooooh... That will be one good story to tell comrades Great work people! What a ###### day.... Do you think he could have made it? Nah... We've got him Hah! This day ain't turning out so bad after all! Have you seen me in action!? Sure... sure... Join the army they said... It will be fun... Blin... Outstanding! 4 Delta at you service. Anything you need, just say the word Good to know private That is what I like to see people Just another day in the core Hell Yeah! Christ! I thought that thing would never go down... Well... We are not dead... So you know... There is that... I can't raise Morris He didn't make it... Neither did Foster Including Louise and Cole Goddammit Great work man! Hey! Glad to see you are alive I was afraid that you would be faster than us... Eh... farewell our bet money... Oh thank the got it is dead That was too close Too easy... Yeah... No sh#t Jack! We did it! We got him! Can you believe this!? Question, clean up, who handles it? Fooh blin.... That will be one hell of the story... I am sorry Sarge, I didn't see him coming That was unbelievable... How are you Emely? Everything alright? Yeah… I am fine Just, can’t believe that it’s finally over And this monster is dead I still think we should get down there and check his body Just to be sure, that it is actually dead and not pretending Don’t worry about that I am pretty sure there is no way he could have survived after… What the hell... You hear anything? Yeah... Dave! Anybody seen Dave!? What with all the commotion over there? What is going on No sure... I think we are in for some company... Squad 3, report the situation Sector 2, all clear What was that!? Did you hear that? What the hell... What is the sitrep? There is something else here... All units, please stand by, relating further details I don't like this... Something is not right Something is not right!? Nothing is right about this! Da hell... Man down! Man down!!! Who is shooting!? What is your status? We've got contacts! Lots of them... They just tear through us... Nooooo!!! How Copy!? Who were they shooting at? Piers, check in, what is going on down there? #### he is not responding Squad 4, what's going on in Sector 8? Any luck? No... Still trying to reach them Anyone got the status update? Johnson you be advised... Hostiles are... Say again... You breaking up... I've got eyes on... Lieutenant, what the hell is going on here? #### if I know, but we are stuck in the middle of it What is you status? You still with me? Do you copy? We've just lost our signal with HQ What is going on in there? There is nothing Sir, I've done the full sweep Other that our own radios, we are completely cut off... Report the situation, Sargent Not sure, can't reach the commander We are in trouble, aren't we? We've been in trouble the whole time, it's just worst now... Where da hell is Carter? They are picking us apart! Why are we just standing here! Let's hunt those ######## down Alright, enough of this #### Lancaster check the intersection Hicks we will take the diner Hang on, I am showing a heat sig... Make that multiple heat signatures... Closing on your position That's great man! That's just great!!! Who the hell could that be? I've got movement... Heading right for us All units! Stand 2! Enemy forces incoming! This is not a drill! Multiple new contacts Goddamnit Stick together! Check your corners! #### this is so ###### I didn't signed for this I've got motion! I've got motion!!! Where da hell are they!? I don't see #### out there! They are everywhere! Oh crap! Let's get da hell out of here man! Shut up! Show some backbone Amigo! We are all in this together! Get ready people Marines! I need you to secure this area asap! Make sure that nothing gets trough us! Winter take your men and secure the streets! Roger that, squad is moving out! You 3 follow me! Others secure this area How many are there!? Mam! I've got movement! Above and below... Where!? I can't see them They are everywhere! Oh... This can't be happening Jun, you see anything? Negative... Thermal is clean... Sir! New contacts coming in... Jesus, how many of them are there? Watch your sectors! I see them Contact! Get ready! What is that!? There is another one! What the ####! Are you seeing this ####? Holy crap! There is more of them!!! This is Loco! This is ###### up situation! What are we going to do!? Jesus! What the #### are these things!? Alright! They are coming! Get ready! Defensive positions! Marines! They are all over you! Regroup and push back! What the... #### watch the flank! What the #### is that? This can't be! Positions people! Stay calm! I have them in sight! Have you come to play? One guardian fall, another arrives... How many of you are left? Less than 10... And yet…Still… You desperately try to save humankind... While they eagerly try to destroy you... Ironic Nevertheless… The longest night has already started Nothing will save them now
Channel: Secret4Studio
Views: 7,111,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: siren head, sirenhead, cartoon cat, siren head vs cartoon cat, cartooncat, cartoon cat vs siren head, siren head vs, horror skunx, Secret4Studio, siren head the movie, siren head short film, сиреноголовый фильм, Siren Head Returns, twisted multiverse
Id: wnnRWb5OLdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 24sec (4464 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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