Five Nights At Freddy's - Twisted Movie #2

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We all heard those terrifying stories and rumours about this place But non one of us believed in them Until one day We’ve faced this nightmare ourselves Get off the street! Move! Move!!! Oh my god!!! What the hell is that thing! He's coming this way! Run!!! Don't do this! Don't do this!!! Common move! Move! Get to safety! Get out of here! Go!! What is your status? Those things are trying to breach! You got to help me Let's hustle, common! This is not a drill! Oh god... What is going on!? They are trying to break in here and kill us! You should be getting us the hell out of here Yeah! Ok... Ok... Calm down We are working on getting everyone out For now just sit tight and stay calm Right now this is the safest place you can be What was that? What the hell? Did you hear that? Hey, something is moving around out there Doesn't sound normal Get away from the door! They are trying to scare us! This way! Let's go! #### What the hell!? Warning... Malfunction Hostile intruder Aaaa! What the hell is that thing!!! What the hell is that!? It is #### huge!!! Get back! Get back!!! #### Get away from it! Please insure... All security protocols are followed... For your future safety and comfort Get away from it!!! Now!!! Move!!! Mikey!!! Well This is quite an unexpected visit You do know that, even though I cannot see you in our realm I can still sense your presence My apologies Sometimes I forget, in which reality my physical form is located Have to say, you’ve been quite busy I haven’t felt so much pain and suffering since… Ahmoure's downfall Help me! Help me!!! Wait! What are you doing! No! No!!! The circumstances have changed and forced me to act fast That I've noticed I assume... You are here not by an accident? You are correct Well, if you came here to hunt down one of your Guardians I regret to inform you that you will not find any of them here As for tortured souls, you know to whom they belong to So I wouldn’t recommend feasting on them I am aware of that Though, speaking of Guardians, I must say I admire how you managed to forge your own type of "twisted protectors" Out of this friendly looking animatronics Very resourceful and clever of you Thank you. So, tell me, what brings you here? Once, you helped me to resolve a situation with a rogue Reaper And now I came here to return the favor Lilith knows about your failure in the Fazbear's Fright place And that more than half of promised souls to her were lost Luckily for you I was able to distract her and buy you some time How much time do I have left? I'd say you have about a day or two, before she shows up And then... Well... You know how it goes... Only two options exist Either you provide her with what was promised Or alternatively She will absorb you and everyone else on this island There might be a third option as well Third option? Yes... But I am not going to reveal it to you yet Fair Though now I am intrigued Stick around You might get surprised by how things might resolve I sure will Well then Let us begin Lead the way It’s been around 6 hours, since police chief Burke went rogue Took 20 heavily armed men with him and sailed to Fazbear World Amusement Park Motives behind his actions are still unknown to us Yet some say, it has something to do with an owner of Fazbear Entertainment By the of name William Afton And his connection to recent events That happened to Detective Fiona Scott in Fazbear’s Fright place Several people are considered to be killed by malfunctioning animatronic in that place It is also believed, that animatronic was possessed by supernatural forces All of this, off course, is considered just to be rumours Our mission is to intercept Burke and take him in to custody Police commissioner Gray is personally leading this operation But, what we don’t know yet Is that, something else is waiting for us on Fazbear World Island And if it gets through us Nothing will stop it I've seen some nasty places in my lifetime But this place, this is something special Rachel, signal another one! Let’s hope others see it Yes Sir! #### Move away from the helicopter! It can fall at any moment! Am I the only one hearting that? Is anyone wounded!? Help Someone is in the building! Everyone with me! On my way! I am right behind you! Get me out Common move! I need some help over here! Alex, don’t worry! We will get you out of there! It won't budge Get out! Save your selves Get out of the building! Common! Move!!! Move!!! Open it! Why are you here? The time has come Awaken, my guardians Each one of you, dared to challenge me And gave up everything To stop me Inevitably You lost But your magnificent will power and fighting spirit Managed to impress me Thus you were gifted with opportunity To live forever And serve me, as my guardians Now go! And hunt down all those, who came to oppose us As you wish Are we having fun yet? How is my girl doing? I've got the mother of all migraines Hah, same here What's with the sky? It's like all covered in purple fog Ain't nothing natural about this place That was easy That was too close, that was Just another day at the office It's times like this I wish I stayed in the academy Huh, you don't say What a mess Something doesn't feel right about this Indeed, a helicopter just crashed from the sky and not a single person came to check what happened Strange Where is everybody? That is a good question, there supposed to be hundreds of people in this amusement park right now This place should be crowded with people Interesting, where did everybody go? This ain't right men! There is definitely something wrong with this place Is everything alright? Saw someone? No, not exactly, its more like Everything is just sort of Too quite? I was going to say dead Something just doesn't feel right You don’t say An empty amusement park, freaky masks on the ground covered in ash And not a single living soul around That is definitely not a good sign I just hope That nothing bad has happened To Serina And others from Burke’s team Any luck with the radio? Nah, I can't reach anyone Neither the mainland, nor anyone from the Burke's team Darn This means, we are on our own This place is dripping with negative karma man So, what do we do now? Standard procedure guys? We should abort Call the chopper man! This mission is a bust I can't I've done the full sweep We are completely cut off from the rest of the world Well that's just great! No comms, no backup We are off to a good start Calm down people! I am sure Sarge or Commissioner Grey will figure something out By the way Where are they? Come to think of it I haven't seen any of them since the crash Got damn, it's just keeps getting better and better Well let's find them and get out of here already Sound like a plan Hey, look at this What its say? Help wanted Be aware of animatnronics They are alive Don’t let them grab you Or they will put a mask on you And you will turn in to Ah man... This creeps me out I can’t understand the last part It is unreadable This just keeps getting more and more #### Next time you plan a trip to Wonderland, count me out #### What the hell was that? Everyone else hear that? Sound like we are not alone anymore Eyes open guys, eyes open Heads up! We've got contact Let's go! Police! Get your hands where I can see them! Up where I can see them! Wait a second, isn't that the Sarge!? Friendly! Hold your fire! Look who is back! Nice of you to join us Sarge! Glad to see you are alive It looks like you took one hell of a fall Which might lead to some serious consequences You should immediately sit down and take a rest Thank you Give a sit-rep How is the rest of the team? Any serious casualties We are still recovering from the fall But from the looks of it, nothing serious Though, Alex might need some time to recover He got hit by the rubble What about commissioner Grey? We haven’t seen him after the crash Then find him! Rachel, you take the lead! You got it This way! Common What do you think that noise was we've heard earlier? What, hey, something is moving around out there! Hey, hey, hey! Who are you? We have a guy right here! Police! Come out and identify yourself! Police you need to identify yourself! Is anyone else seeing this? Is that Blood on him? What is this thing!? Show me your hands! Down on the ground! Stay where you are! Don't move! I've got a feeling this is going to get ugly! Get back! I am warning you! Get down on the ground! Clear to engage!? Look around, you are outnumbered One last chance! You think it's funny!? Is he insane? You are starting to really piss me off! You don't scare us! What is that!? Look there is another one! What are those things!? They are flanking us! They are coming through the walls! They are everywhere! Defensive position! Stop where you are! Aren't you listening! We will shoot! They are not stopping We don't stand a chance Permission to fire! Hold fire! #### look at them! There are to many of them Alright, that is it! Fire Open fire! Have this you freak! Enjoying the show? I sure am It’s been decades, since any of us dared to act so open and on this kind of scale Which means, you are either desperate or you have some sort of master plan Anyway Why did you call me here? You do understand that I was in the middle of something as well? Fear not It will not take a much of your time And you will be able to return back to your European Circus – Soul Gathering Tour in a blink of an eye Greatly rewarded, of course Greatly rewarded Well then, now you have my attention What do you need? I need you to bring me the final piece of the puzzle Her name is Charlie She is hiding somewhere in this amusement park What's the catch? From the looks of it, you have more than enough servants for this simple task She needs to come by her own will I see So you are planning to perform this kind of ritual To receive that much of the power You do understand, that it is against all rules If Soul Eaters find out about this There will be serious consequences I know That is why I need your help Well then, this sure is going to be fun I am in Wonderful
Channel: Secret4Studio
Views: 3,221,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf animation, fnaf movie, fnaf series, Secret4Studio, The Twisted Ones, five nights at freddy's animation, cosmic horror, cthulhu mythos, eldritch horror, poppy playtime, Twisted Multiverse, Eldritch Slayers Chronicles, 5 nights at freddy's movie, five nights at freddy movie
Id: zihTz4j3umU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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