Poppy Playtime Movie: Monsters Within #3 [Horror Short Film]

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Warning! Malfunction Please insure All security protocols are followed For your future safety and comfort Sir I am afraid we’ve reached a worst-case scenario Experiment 1-0-0-8 was able to escape Should I warn security? I see, no information will be provided to them then Remember to watch your surroundings This thing can climb the walls Am I the only one who finds it weird, that there it so much blood on the floor No, not just you Especially considering, that creature we are after Shouldn’t have any claws or sharp teeth to tear a person like that So, what does this mean then? Management miss informed us? Can’t say But we should definitely be extremely cautious Gosh! What kind of sick person would come up with this kind of containment measurement!? Look!!! His whole face is gone! Looks like someone is having another panic attack Yep! Hey! Common, just relax and breath! Relax and breath!? Look around us! This whole room is covered with containment gas! How can I relax and breath!? Well, you can hold your breath then Ha ha! Very funny! Hey Miki! Any signs of the target down there? Well, It was definitely here As gas masks were forcefully ripped off From these researches while they were still alive Which means the creature we are after, it is not just a feral animal as we were told Just like that time, with 1-0-0-6 I see, and why I am not surprised Access - Denied Common! Go!!! Well, at least some one was knocked out by gas! Yeah, one less thing for us to worry about Darn, never seen one of these freaks so close Just look at him! He is a freaking giant! Hey wait! I would get to close to that thing If I were you I’ve heard this freak has more teeth than a shark And it can chew of your head like nothing What!? For real? Yep! It has decapitated at least 4 people already Darn! Thanks for the warning Eh, no problem Command, this is Charlie team We’ve located experiment number 1-1-7-0 Good work What’s his status? Alive, but knocked out by containment gas Send in recover team to room number 4-0-1 to pick him up Understood Just in case, give him an extra boost of sedatives Roger that Jimmy, pass me some sedatives See! That is what I have been talking about Just look around us! This whole facility is filled with containment gas Yet somehow, the creature is still on the loose He has a point They said that this gas was supposed to instantly knock out all test subjects Exactly! Yet it didn’t! You just can’t trust any word they say! Also, who installs security cameras, that don’t work when containment gas is released? Huh!? Alright, alright, you have made your point As I said, these researches have no idea what they are doing What concerns me most Is that they sent in 5 teams to stop this thing Never before, so many teams were sent in at once I bet they just want us to resolve their newest mistake as quickly as possible Anyway, let’s split up, cover more ground. Look, another body And once again, the gas mask is ripped off What a horrible way to die Is it true that the thing we are after, used to be Marie Payne? Well, that is what management told us So, from a peaceful scientist to a bloodthirsty killer? How is that even possible? I’ve heard, as of now, when your soul is brought back and stored in the new body Only the twisted echo of your former self inhabits a new vessel Where did you hear that? Overheard some eggheads discussing this issue I would suggest keeping this information to yourself If Stella Greyber or anyone else from management find out that you know this kind of information There might be some serious consequences Thanks for the advice What the hell!? Looks clear The sound was definitely coming from somewhere in here Perhaps the upper floor? Only one way to find out You hear that!? Yeah, there is definitely something moving in that room You ready? Go! You've got to be freaking kidding me! Look! This one, was eaten!? Geez!!! So, now it turns out, that this thing also eats people!? Why!? Why weren’t we informed about this!? Huh!? I will tell you! The management here is a group of sick psychopaths! Trust me, you don’t need to convince me Alpha 1 and 2, what is your status? Found a dead body, eaten Yet, no target in sight Eaten!? Darn! All right, we are heading your way This is Bravo Team, we also found one mutilated corpse With inhuman bite marks all over it This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder! Yeah, you don't say Well, at least I know where our monster went Look up there! I wonder, where this air vent leads? Do you want me to boost you up there? What!? No way am I going to crawl in there Let’s report this to command Command, this is Alpha Team The target has just escaped through an air vent located in room 4-1-7 Pursuit is not possible from our end Understood, just a sec, I’ll see where this air vent leads From the looks of it, to a massive warehouse Access - Denied Strange, no information is available to us, as of what this warehouse is used for Anyway, the Echo Team in near it, so I’ll send them to investigate Good job Alpha Nothing else for us to do here then Let’s regroup with the others Command, this is Delta Team Are you sure we are only dealing with experiment number 1-2-2-2?! It’s just, we are in the Medical Deck at the moment And this place looks like a slaughterhouse All staff members here They were ripped to shreds It is almost like a wild animal tore through them Let me double check At the moment only two test subjects are registered in Research Facility Alpha Experiment number 1-1-7-0 and experiment number 1-2-2-2 The first one was already captured by Charlie Team So, it is just 1-2-2-2 with you there But just in case, I’ll double check this information with the management In the meantime, don’t forget that experiment number 1-2-2-2 has the unique ability To stretch any of her limbs for abnormal distances What kind of crazy experiments do they do here!? Sick sadists So, keep your distances and don't take any chances Understood Will do Keep your head down! Over there, see!? Remember, people, stun gun only! Our mission is to capture this thing alive Understood!? Yes sir! Is it just me? Or is that thing looking straight in our direction? Yeah, we’ve definitely been spotted Darn! So, why isn’t it trying to escape or attack us? Who knows, perhaps waiting for the right moment? Let’s report to command Command, Echo Team here Just as you expected, we’ve located the target, in aforementioned warehouse What are our orders? Great work Echo! Keep an eye on the target, but do not engage it on your own Wait for other teams to join the hunt Roger that Common! Why isn’t it moving And just staring at us Really unsettling Yeah Maybe she is looking for a way to ambush us Well as long as we have it in our sight, we should be safe All units, this is command The target has been spotted in warehouse, in the southwest area Procced there and assist Echo Team Management wants us to capture the target alive Yet, If things get out of hand, I allow you to use lethal force So, are we really going to try to take that thing alive? What? No way! But what about management? They said Who cares what management wants Shoot at sight, that’s what Command meant by “if things get out of hand” Exactly! That thing is deadly dangerous Aren’t you scared of what overseer or Stella can do to you? If they find out, that we disobeyed the order? Lighten up, they are suits What are they going to do? Send us nasty text message? Exactly Anyway, enough about them, look who is greeting us I guess Alpha Team was too scared to move on their own So, gentleman, tell me, are you ready for a bug hunt We sure are! Also, how about a small bet? The first team that squashes the spider, gets a round of drinks from other units What do you say? Well, what can I say on that Get ready to spend your money Hell Yeah What about other squads? Charlie and Delta team have already entered this facility from north entrance We should link up with them in center of this warehouse As for Echo unit, they went radio silence Most likely don’t want to spook the target So, It’s 20 versus 1? Yep! We should be able to corner this abomination in the no time Then what are we waiting for!? Let’s squash the bug and call it a day! Let's go! Look back there! Check everywhere That is one… big… warehouse You don’t say Why are all these containers placed so randomly? It’s confusing to orientate in here Yeah, it feels like we’re in some kind of maze Doesn’t this place remind you of a training ground? It sure looks like one I am more curious, to whom it was build Make sure you check everything! This place is full of hiding spots What the hell!? What is that? Looks like a huge head, of the toy, all covered in blood And where is the rest of the body!? Who knows, but that’s definitely not our target Most likely another test subject But who killed him!? His head was ripped off You hear that!? Yeah Let’s regroup with the others Good idea! Look, another one Why are all of them covered in blood though? I am getting freaked out over here Listen up for movement, could be anywhere Is there an end to this maze of containers? What the hell!? Ah…My ears!! I wonder, what would make a person come to a place like this willingly? Bravery? Stupidity? Or perhaps, was it just ignorance? Though, it does not matter As the outcome will be the same Death! What!? Who is this? This is a secure channel! State your name! My name, that is a good question Some used to call me Marie But some, with love,used to call me Mommy Yet, Marie was cruelly killed So now, it’s Mommy left Did she say Marie!? Yes So, does it mean, the creature we are after Is talking to us right now!? Seems that way Now it's my turn to ask you a question Tell me, do you know How scientists used to call this facility? For the love of… They’ve sent us after sentient being So, what now? I knew this op was a bust! Right from the start of it! I’ll tell you straight away! I am not going to kill in cold bold something, that I capable to act like a real human! But she still killed at least 20 people Darn, this day is keep getting better and better I am still waiting for your answer No idea, enlighten us please This place was called The slaughterhouse The slaughterhouse!? Is this for real!? Relax! Perhaps she is trying to scare us All failed prototypes would be sent in here With a simple goal To battle Him None of them knew That, as soon as they entered this facility Their fate was sealed For years He was slaughtering anyone who dared to trespass his territory Seeking revenge For what Playtime Co. has taken away from him In the end His blood rage became so out of control That they had to lock him away But today, after 12 years of isolation He’s finally been set free Your management is aware of that Yet for some reason they didn’t try to stop or warn you I wonder why? Perhaps they want to see, who will come out victorious this time? Those 4 soldiers who came here before you Have already met him And got torn into pieces So, turn back and you still may live Go further, and all of you will die Because the Toy-Breaker already knows that you are here Toy-breaker? Was she talking about the Echo Team? Don’t know, let’s link up with others And then decided what to do next! That story sure sounded terrifying I bet, she is just trying to mess with us Expects us to get scared and leave You sure about that? Remember that mutilated corpse we’ve seen before? Am I the only one that was paying attention and understands That this so called “Toy-Breaker” is real Enough! And you really want to go after him? There are at least 16 of us Highly trained and heavily armed specialist Against 1 or 2 of those abominations Who do you think will come out victorious!? Huh!? I don’t care how thought and deadly that so called “Toy-Breaker” is Each of us has enough firepower to kill any living creature out there So, enough chit - chatting And let’s go for the hunt Yeah… Sure Let’s go hunt a deadly beast in his hunting domain What could possibly go wrong Watch your surroundings! Enemies can attack from any direction! I just got a thought, if our target has unique morphing ability Couldn’t she change the shape of her head so it would fit in one of our gas masks? That would explain why containment gas has no effect on her That is a scary thought Oh look, all the other teams are here as well Good to see a friendly face Let me guess, you also had no luck in locating the target? Nope Darn How are we supposed to find our target in such a massive and convoluted place Yeah! You need at least 50 people to cover this place “Toy-Breaker”, what a joke Nah… It just a made-up story… He can’t be real What!? What the hell!? Man down! Man down! What was that!? Can someone confirm if the target has been spotted!? It’s the “Toy-Breaker”… It’s got to be him Find out, what that was Go! I’ll cover! Alright Could be a trap, stay sharp! On 1 ...2 ...3! No way! Oh my god! It's real! All units be advised! Second enemy has been spotted He is using containers to move above us! This is bad How the hell are we supposed to see something up there!? So, it turns out is was right! The “Toy-Breaker” story was real Don’t know! But we are sure “sitting ducks” in here! Spread out! Eyes up! He's got to be down here somewhere If you have a shoot, take it! This is stupid! There is no way we are going to find anything in this maze! Exactly Remember, people... trigger discipline! The tension is high, so don’t get jumpy and accidentally shoot each other! He's right above us! Put him down!!! You monster!!!! What the hell you think you’re doing!? Have you lost your mind!? You could accidently kill him!? So, what!? Have you not seen what she is doing to her victims!? Rips their gas mask off! It's here! Common! Get him! Open Fire! Watch it! Watch it! We got ambushed! Let’s go! Have this you freak! Move! Move! Shoot it! Shoot it! Target spotted! Open fire! Open fire! Command! We’ve been attacked by the unknown enemy! At least 6 people K.I.A. Send in backup immediately! Do you copy!? Warning! Quarantine lockdown activated Please repeat your last message, there seems to be something wrong with the signal It’s not just radio signal, someone just revoked your access from the system Access - Denied I see him! Over there! Right behind you! Keep going! I guess I’ll have to interfere once again As I still need his help to stop the overseer Take him down! Didn’t! I! Asked! You! TO! LEAVE THIS PLACE! Shoot it! Shoot it! The shooting stopped!? Did they get them? No idea! Can someone confirm, if target has been neutralized? Darn! What is wrong with a radio signal!? Here, they've killed someone! Hold up! Hold up! I hear something Help! Help me! Please help me! Oh god! No!!! Open fire! Shoot it! Shoot it! What the!? Grenade!!! What the hell!? Over there! Quickly! I... I... Can't breath I can't get to my feet Common! Common! We’re going to make it! Leave me! Get out of here now! Stubborn fools If only you would turn back… You would be still alive But at least, you’ve showed me, what he is capable of! Over there! My… My… What a surprise! Someone is still alive! I wonder! Would they be smarter that their colleagues? Oh god! They are dead! This is bad? What do we do? Do run, or fight? We can't kill that thing Let’s fall back! Slowly Not! Not good! Run! Run!!! Run!!! Run!!! Finally! Someone decided to run away Though most likely not all of them will survive this death race If only they knew That all this time you were watching And deliberately allowed this bloodbath to happen You knew that containment gas had no effect on me You also knew that I’ve set “Toy-Breaker” free And yet you never tried to interfere or warn them I wonder… Why? Did you want to see what your security guards were capable of? Or… the opposite? Then again... Perhaps… You just enjoyed seeing others suffer Funny… They call us monsters But we both know that the real monster here is you! Enjoy your show while you still can Because soon all your creations Will come after you I know what they did to you What you have lost And who was responsible for all your sufferings The overseer! That's right He is the one who took away your real name and then gave you a new one Experiment Number 1-0-0-8 Also known as – “Toy Breaker” And he is the one, who took away your body Your soul and turned you into the monster you are right now But we both know, that wasn’t the only thing he took away from you! Your daughter… Catherine She is still out there! And if you want to make sure that nothing bad happens to her We need to stop him! Soon he will send more of his puppets after us But we will be ready Because there are more like us, locked down below And as soon as we set them free We will make HIM... AND EVERYON ELESE PAY! FOR EVERYTHING!!!
Channel: Secret4Studio
Views: 2,044,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime animation compilation, huggy wuggy in real life, Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, secret4studio, MOB Games, Twisted Universe, Secret4Studio, The Twisted Ones, cosmic horror, cthulhu mythos, eldritch horror, Eldritch Slayers Chronicles, Twisted Multiverse
Id: PMGQyizVihw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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