Single Faction Tournament | RELEASE THE FACTION MAINS - Total War Warhammer 3

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen i hope you're all doing well today we're back with a single faction tournament so a little bit of a different format it's not quite the faction war but very similar in principle essentially you sign up for this tournament it is best of one but double elimination which means you have to lose twice and then from there you play any faction of your choosing but you can only play them that's all you can play the rest of the tournament that's it so you play those bad boys the entire time so let's get this fired up let's have some fun thank you all for joining we'll take a look at the brackets real quick here so let's do it so pretty big signups you can see this is the top side of the bracket here i think we had like 70 or 80 people signed up today so all these individuals are playing we're going to be casting the game with i believe tomo so we're casting a vampire account game right now and going down you can see more and more players and of course we have the losers bracket as well which has individuals climbing up so there's a lot of matches to cast today hopefully people remember to put some spectator slots in and we can uh we can get that glory going all right so switch on over to the main lobby we got vampire counts here and it is going to be on arnheim in the third round we just need to wait for their opponent to finish so we might have a couple minutes here so bear with us but i'll be uh constantly looking out for lobbies to join and all that sort of good stuff so i don't think the ogres are gonna win no i doubt it i doubt it yeah i i think i saw maybe one person sign up with ogres maybe two they're really not popular right now we saw a couple britonians a fair amount of empires um a lot of faction variety actually a lot of faction variety i don't know if the stats have been affected yet let's see yeah i wonder if anybody's playing slash today too because slanesha is like always like perma band in tournaments you know the vampire account so this is kind of a fun format to just like it's wild it's unpredictable you're playing matchups you don't normally play because the picks and bands aren't you know aren't happening essentially so it's very different hey brother thank you for becoming a new member really appreciate it thank you thank you i do appreciate that and uh i'll jump around and see if there's any other matches open oh no they got a match here okay so we got happy feet coming in so um tomos and i wonder who happy feeds playing this could be an interesting one vampire counts versus someone on arnheim we'll find out what it's gonna be yeah it's double elimination correct so you can lose twice i think there's some other people other streamers playing too i think loremaster of sotek is currently streaming his series he he lost in the first round but then was able to win on the losers bracket had a nice redemption against beastman i was watching and then um now he's i think he's going to be playing tim king's now with his lizard so he's streaming over on twitch as well is playing slash is that true yeah are the are they enjoying themselves you know slindash did get some minor nerfs so that's kind of interesting oh my god is it going to be pretonia oh no it's a fratonia vs vampire count matchup now if happy feet were able to find a way to win this that would be pretty pretty legendary for sure all right guys we got i think we got britonia or the empire i'm just going to go check because i can check while the players are playing we have a section in the discord to see so he is happy feet so let me see if i can find it okay happy the happy feet probably goes by a different name and discord okay i think i think they do so looks like it's actually going to be empire maybe empire vs vampire counts which is it is a winnable matchup i mean there you have some good tricks as the empire against vampires granted it's heavily vampire favored probably 60 40 65 35 something in that ballpark but again you have to take the skill level of players into account and all those different things so i think it is gonna be empire from the looks of things let me go ahead here and uh check so i'm just gonna put this up and see if that's what they're actually playing yeah i actually don't hate that empire build it's got some weaknesses for sure it's not perfect but it's got some teeth i certainly appreciate it and respect it cool man cool so it is going to be empire versus uh versus vampire accounts in our first match of the day so you would never have this matchup ever you would never like in an actual normal tournament you wouldn't run into such things for the ladies some of the electric cows yeah it's all in the family man you know it's basically a villainous evil heel faction versus uh someone you know everyone's favorite faction right i wonder the most popular faction of the game is like i know the empire i think is the most played faction although i think with the champions of chaos that might have taken the reigns there but it's always kind of been the empire like if you look at the longevity of the game and the empire's always been the most most played campaign faction not multiplayer and multiplayer empire isn't played that much but um in campaign for sure they're played quite a bit hey i'm happy to get into an electric counts game right away so map's going to be arnhem pretty good for empire artillery but vampire counts can use cell bats it takes a lot of micro to stop them usually you can use pistol ears to shoot them out of the sky you can also use empire knights to just charge them down when they land on your artillery there's a plenty of ways to do it but you know this is really going to come down to can the empire protect their artillery and will sigmar bless his ravaged body we will find out here today hope to have a glimpse of uh the sphinx yeah the sphinx can come it can come hatrey says black ark is an oof map for the skaven round one got some by greenskins first round then squeaks by versus beastman in the lower brackets on arc hey man hey drews you're going to be the dark lord it's it's it's very friendly for skaven you know to lose their first round because you know it makes sense the skaven are on the overworld right they're fighting in an uncomfortable habitat then they lose and they force their force back to the sewers which is their natural habitat that's where the skaven belong yeah i mean the single faction tournament like don't stress it if you lose because it's like there's a lot of rng and getting bad matchups it's just a fun fun event where people can you know get tournament wins they can grind their um their favorite faction and not really worry about it there's no pressure with picks and bands i really i think this is my favorite format honestly like this in faction war are just my well this is basically like a miniature faction war um sort of but this is my this is my favorite format is there bracket madness for this no this isn't actually a faction war because you can't like in faction wars i know how many people are signing up i know who's there so i can do it beforehand but with this we don't which do you like more domination and land battles at the moment um for competitive i like domination a lot more honestly i think i just enjoy domination more overall um simply because a lot of land battle games at least you know in my experience land battle is a really fun format though i like to play occasionally with friends but i just enjoy domination more i'm more of a i understand where people who are more warhammer or i should say total war you know they just like that old school style of battle more i get that completely but i'm more of an rts guy like i like uh i like true competitive rts experience and domination is better for that so that's that's really my uh my jam here yeah it's one i think this is my favorite tournament format hands down all right so for the sons of sigmar going with the pretty cool scheme here it is going to be sigmar sun's battle line with flagellance to fight the vampires now yeah this is basically everything like the sun maker is like the homer simpsons meme for the vampire account it's like the glue that holds all the fat to his back you know so basically we have the sun maker uh which if the vampires are a little bit too infantry heavy on like elite infantry uh do they have any do they have any crypt or not cryptors but um graveguard we'll have to check in a second he probably has them up in the high ground backed up by spears we got handguns at the back boris on the light wizard light wizard on horseback to net things down which is always good against manfred if he gets a little bit too crazy and that appears to be it now for the vampire count army it's going to be zombies [ __ ] tours necromancer we have manfred up in the sky with winds of death spirit leech and the good old classic invocation down on the low ground ladies and gentlemen or high ground i should say it's going to be cryptors and uh konigstein stalkers so yeah not really too much infantry quality so sun maker won't be amazing but it still does okay damage against whatever it hits except sems of course so um yeah the empire's gonna have to move up get those handguns going i mean annette on manfred with a silver bullet summon and a second hand gunner and boris attacking him could be very very strong as well but it's mainly just chaff i think most of his money is put in manfred and the cryptoers and uh yeah we got more [ __ ] tours up in the high ground they're a very tough unit to remove granted the empire doesn't have terrible they have some good options pistol ears can kill them any of the archers or guns um basic spearmen halberds they can all trade pretty well into cryptors but the problem is vampire counts will break your leadership on those type of units really really quickly and uh they typically won't stay and fight long enough to actually wear them down so it's tough so we got big shots coming in ladies and gentlemen big big damage but again just crappy zombies and you can see it does decent damage against the cryptos as well so a little bit of poke as boris does get hit with the old spirit leech but boris maybe a net on manfred if there were some handguns in position i would say so oh no oh sigmar do not bless this ravaged body like with a straight-line winds of death i had a feeling so this is uh one of the second or third round matches we started an hour into the tournament and the handguns need to protect this thing because what's gonna happen is it's just gonna get popped so there needs to be a net right now oh but his light wizard was out of position the happy feet aren't so happy look he's gonna be unsummon again oh my god look at his refund oh my god what a meme play now if manfred gets netted and killed by like oh my god the gamble oh no manny you're in danger sigmar bless you need to get out of the way right now boris needs to get out of the way he's obstructing his guns and they're not shooting manfred will be dead if boris just gets out of the way yeah okay so no no happy feet shoot it bring it down kill the vampire oh sigmar bless manfred's for sure dad okay that's actually really funny so that ended up being a little bit of a bait here oh no manfred's dead already oh no oh my god what an opening that the happy feet have still got moves holy [ __ ] the greed the vampiric greed vampires are so content with being able to just do whatever they want that they forget sometimes oh my god man for just getting karate chopped in the first match but this is again double elimination so even if tomos does lose this he's gonna have an opportunity to go to the bottom bracket and he'll have an opportunity to climb up so yeah manfred just got last sam right the steel faith and gunpowder now in the backfield we do have some bats diving on silver bullets which is a little bit unfortunate but it looks like some demographics have been summoned out so oh cool demi lances i have a bunch of these in table top one of my favorite models actually so demi lance is going to be able to cut through these old bats and i would imagine they'll be able to advance up from here so now the frontline fighting is underway this is obviously not going to be amazing for sigmar but without any vampire lord they are going to be hurting pretty bad there is a walmart necromancer here in the back and he's basically just stroking his rod happily but for the most part it's got to be it's going to be a tricky one for the vampire counts if the empire plays the game correctly and has like clean execution from here on out they should have a pretty solid control over the objectives and uh should be in good shape there's no zombie summons you know looks like the empire is going to be getting the side objective they're also going to be getting this one so you can see the empire does have the double cap against vampire counts early which is rough yeah manfred definitely deserves that that's that's justice for the end times 100 that that's what they get for uh for trying to kill the old world even though it's coming back warhammer brought it back total war and obviously it's coming back to tabletop so that was pretty funny man toddy's going to be moving about vampire counts summoning in i do not know what is he saving up he might i think that tomos might be saving up to bring manfred back which is really funny demographic knights against cryptos on an uphill charge and they're the lance varian they're not halberds i mean they'll still do okay damage but halberds of course would do probably halberds are generally a little bit of a stronger pick here nice neck coming down from the sons of sigmar ladies and gentlemen they do net down the trip tours and the cryptos are just gonna be getting shot to pieces uh you know happy feet certainly showing some uh sigmoid prowess with this gun and net combo a very classic like warhammer one style of play right like way back in the day empire used to just go great swords demographics handgunners and they would basically just bring uh nets and just net and focus and get those good trades that way but times have certainly changed have we got spears getting into the grip tours looking into vampiric army it is getting crumped across the board basically uh vampires do have the high ground objective vampire should for sure summon in some state troopers just something cheap to move up here and grab this objective looks like there are going to be some basic spearmen moving up there because you don't want to give the vampire accounts too much time to get back you never know vampires uh they have some overpowered stuff so they can for sure they can for sure get back even from the dire straits that they're in although now this i mean we're losing man for that early is pretty much guaranteed gg unless it's a really big skill mismatch and you can see most of the [ __ ] tours and the devils are being focused down uh not being able to shut down the back line it then becomes like a cafe situation right where you just have this like massive gun line just blasting away free company militia are also pretty brazilian so these floppy hat boys are quite solid they're going to be sitting there and they uh they care a lot about the big scary monsters behind them they have the they have the faith of sigmar and some spearmen come in to help now do we see any play up in the high ground we do not see any play at the moment um would definitely like to see some halberds or spears tomos is saving up for the vampire lord but the problem with doing that with vampire counts is um you're really going to be losing quite a bit of momentum on the battlefield vampires much like in tabletop or a faction that really is like you know lord dependent like it's kind of like that and i think it's even like that native sigmar like vampires their lords usually do all the heavy lifting like their units generally suck but the lord's just like hard carry right so now we look over here we do see the uh the big man fred coming in so he's back he's he's he didn't hear a nobel he has that overpowered uh the dead rise again ability so he's returned and uh the handgunners probably gonna dacket him down again if he's not careful the light wizard's kind of sitting oh my god is manfred gonna get two for one this game so we see the light wizard here and i think there's gonna be a net we see two handguns in position it looks like some of them are obstructed oh yeah hellblaster volley guns baby manfred's going to be landing in the fight probably looking oh my god please not manfred please please let him i don't know if uh happy feet has notices so there's gonna be a ones of death coming down and manfred does get caught in a net and uh winds of death comes in oh my god i just deleted those guys jesus but manfred's getting hit with double hell blaster volley gun if those hand gunners hadn't got caught by that winds of death man that would have been pretty insane manfred is getting beat up pretty good the net's active for another four seconds hell blaster volley gun's able to bring him down to a pretty substantially low amount of hp we do see some state troopers moving up to take the high ground objective which is smart and i think manfred might just straight up die again toddy's going in todd's had enough of this evil stuff and uh he is hunting down manfred although manfred is able to survive there so he is going to be uh retreating and escaping now fell about coming in and this is where we could see a situation where you know the empire could start to slip up a little bit getting a little bit overconfident with their early achievements vampire counts uh do not have this objective the empire has the middle ah they still have plenty of flagellants in spearman i think they should be okay matt's trying to get back here but the bats are headed off by the reichsguard knights i do like reich's guard it's like a peeling unit they uh of course killed much faster than empire knight so they should be able to put the herd on those bats and the free company militia are not moving up to the objective so a little bit of a misplay here but the free company need to move up and grab that point but the double hellblaster is pretty hilarious for sure as uh i believe they're still probably shooting at manfred it's a little bit hard to tell what they're actually shooting at a lot of vampire units actually here in a blob not quite fighting on the objective certainly a mistake here or spearmint or shaken we get more spearmen coming out and the empire does have the points lead but i'm telling you vampire counts are really really scary man you make a couple mistakes against them let them shut down your big expensive artillery and you're going to be paying the troll toll more spearmen coming out for the sigma right spearmint shields and you might be wondering why do you bring shields against the vampire counts they don't have any guns well it's because the shielded spearman variant does have much higher melee defense so in general it's like a better holding unit right here in the back would you have the handgunners being chased by some zombie summons who have about 60 seconds left to live spearman on the side holding dummy so glances about 900 value not terrible considering the circumstances here in the middle we do get graveguard gray opens battling experiment and flaudulence obviously they will be winning that fight but now that the hell blaster volley guns are back online they should put some serious hurt on those units and the high ground objective is going to be taken by the vampire accounts value is doubled iowans had a game in domination mode where the vampire counts were down by like nine or ten thousand exp uh uh value and they still managed to win the game but that was back when domination was a much shorter game mode and uh you know vampire accounts were kind of unbeatable back then and in tandem with like slaanesh and some of those other factions but now they have more time to trade it's better double hellblaster volley gun still seething out here you can see so shooting from downtown god bless your volley guns doing some big work going after manfred ladies and gentlemen he's getting popped but it looks like he's going to be conjuring some dark magic perhaps the winds of death here to the ones of death going and now it's going to be surging across not hitting anything so it just hits one unit but the double held blasters really are accruing big value and guys i think manfred's going to be dying you guys want the man for two for one special because it sure looks like we're gonna be getting it as uh toddy does come in and manfred's on the run look at that oh my god man for dying twice over oh i love it i feel so good it warms my sigma right soul for sure so manfred has died twice in one game that that's actually very lore friendly for vampires vampires are like one of the classic you know haggard villains of warhammer fantasy where they'll they're always about like near victory and then they're like lord dies but then like 100 years later his body is exhumed and he comes back or there's like you know there's some weird lore situation where the vampire comes back and is like some eternal menace right spearmen are up on the point looks like that is going to be giving the capture way back to the vampires no the vampire still have it second spearmint coming in they should be able to get that with the hell blaster volley gun shooting reichstag knights uh i believe have come up now so he does have the reichsguard knight sitting right here so they need to come around and get active it looks like they're just kind of chilling a little bit now toddy is gonna be getting rid of the last of the foul magic of the battlefield todd bringer wielding his rune fang here and is going to be finishing off the necromancer who's crumbling with about a thousand hp so that feels pretty good man up in the high ground we do get some black knights coming in this is a very very good play from tomos and thomas has played a pretty decent game aside from the uh the lord play like everything else in the summons are decent choices but it really just comes down to the lord right all right so here they come black knight's going to wreck these free company militia but they'll take one in the face for sigmar they got their pistols out trying to pick off some of the black knights in the charge but they're armored they're shielded ladies and gentlemen and they have a bonus infantry pretty much designed to counter a unit like this so they are going to be paying the iron prices happy feet will be getting uh potentially a victory here a lot of silver bullets a lot of guns moving up they are going to be shooting down and it looks like the empire is holding this objective sending in their chad reichsguard knights but there are spears there are [ __ ] tours many many of the counters that you do not want to be seeing when you're using empire because and we got zombies we got skeletons we got the whole crew coming in middle objective including the graveguard is broken and there are going to be some empire nights going up to fight the black knights i think in a straight fight empire knights would probably lose it it's hard to say they do have a huge armor advantage but stats definitely go to the black knights and the weapon strength charge bonuses for the empire knights though so i suppose it would really in many ways depend on the charge here so here they come ladies and gentlemen big ram as you do see the black knights get hammered by the charge and with todd bringer coming in with a steel chair uh he does have the white cloak of ulrich with lowers melee attack of nearby units and he regenerates todd is actually a really good lord he's he's very solid regenerates mobile pretty good fighter you know very independent allows you to go other casters franz you know he's more of like a heat-seeking missile that just like destroys whatever he hits but you know can be focused down doesn't have that you know todd has been healing capped by his own healing like it's not even getting support from any sort of a caster right because we saw a net caster coming in darfuq's pretty good choice star pack will rip apart empire knights relatively effectively i would imagine empire is going to be summoning in more free company militia they also have some back here so they should be able to kind of stabilize that point and that's gonna be a victory for the sons of sigmar ladies and gentlemen there you go the vampire counts have paid the troll toll and you know empire is one of those factions that if you do go for like a handgun or net build and your opponent does screw up once you can capitalize and win the game and that's really what we saw there so sun maker did nothing basically but yeah it just came down to the net caster and the handguns and the double oh my god 3 000 value on this hellblaster buy gun sigmar bless his ravaged build man sigmar blessed and a thousand on this one geez and the hand gunner value was nuts that's really just what it came down to gg well played so now what we will do is we will jump and find another lobby so let me go see if i can find one that has a spectator slot and it looks like we have one perfect we got another match look at that yeah buddy so this is gonna be a fun one we have uh rusty on the warriors of chaos versus oh the empire okay so we have another one this is where this is obviously in the same round so the maps are going to be the same in the rounds but as we progress in the tournament you guys will be getting different maps so we have warriors of chaos vs empire now this is a very hard matchup it's probably 70 30 for the warriors of chaos but uh war wagons are really really good here and there's there's a couple ways to play this as the empire i was in uh i think the semifinals are top eight of a pretty competitive tournament recently and i was able to beat warriors of chaos with empire against a good player um it is possible it is possible for sure but it's not easy it's not easy i'm just like i'm just magically drawn yeah so very sweaty warriors of chaos build typical sweat right horsemen but honestly the black lions might be pretty good spirit leech fam on bellacor like if you're playing warriors of chaos in this meta you just have to know bellacor is coming and just find a way to kill him and spirit league tram is a really really good way of doing it and also poking him with wagons and things like that so yeah yeah i'm sorry i did not know who was in this lobby i'm just joining random lobbies today until we get to the grand finals so so yeah that's pretty much it let me make sure there's no admin issues in the old discord all rights let's see hey thomas no worries man no worries just checking in making sure everything's good in the back end i was gonna play today but honestly um you know when you're a tournament host it's usually yeah it's fun to play but i admitting you know there's usually a lot of admin issues like people dropping people needing to be replaced things like that and it's just a much smoother event if you run it as a admin so hopefully somebody else hosts this format because i really love this and i would certainly love to play if you're listening subita you better you better get on this so for the warriors of chaos it's going to be rust rusty he's a rtk member it is going to be a marauder horse master is backed up by bellacor the dark prince very very standard incredibly powerful very very tough to kill now for the army here of the sons of sigmar it is going to be uh boris todd bringer state trooper frontline i love the wagon play uh i especially love the chad hellblaster volley gun the black lions i mean those these things with if if honestly if if this individual has good micro like these wagons will do massive damage um it's going to be double war wagon we do have a death caster with spirit leech as well as toddy on horseback holy [ __ ] so toddy's going to be on horseback today looking to kind of go a little bit cheaper a little bit wider in the build here interesting but you know obviously this is a very very hard chaos build to beat incredibly tough um i think it's possible you know i would rather probably play a build like this as the empire like because empire can outskirmish worries of chaos all day basically your wagons will just wreck their skirmish cab and your black lions in your shooting um i would probably rather play a build like this with bellacor than playing against like an armored infantry build with like archon or sigbold or something like that i feel like that would be a lot harder for the sons of sigmar to kind of deal with the air so so here they come they are going to be moving up and here it goes a lot of horsemen from rusty the black lions are going to have to speak to some managers today would have liked to have maybe seen the black lines hidden in the bushes but i guess i guess you would have had to move them there regardless we get this luna chevy cave coming out so the health strategies of slash from rusty are going to be the choice we have a couple state troopers up here including sigmar suns these guys want to hang back you don't want to move up here while bellacore's still here that's going to be a bad time because you want to force velacourt to overextend back here if he really really wants that prize empire is going to be getting their hands on two objectives most likely here and yeah these guys need to pull back stat man he does something in some archers of some sort yeah the white wolves oh my god what is this he's got the huntsman roars okay so the huntsman roar are going to be shooting in but i have a feeling there's going to be a fat pit of shades which is going to be giving him a pretty bad day for sure a pretty bad day war wagons just kind of getting some pot shots i would imagine that some of the horsemen here and you can see how good they are and with good micro they just pull back we do also get the hell blaster volley gun the black lion shooting out i actually really like the black lines i've been using them in quite a few builds uh in competitive lately huntsvin shooting up into bellacore getting some good damage but you don't want to get pit of shades here because that's what's gonna happen sigmar suns need to move up you need to get them engaged against the uh the health riders that are charging in so you don't get caught like this and it looks like it might be the situation he's trying to dodge it sigmar suns need to move forward okay so that was a pretty respectable dodge now they're gonna move in and battle the hellstriders and these are the anti-large variants so they won't be that good against swordsman and uh yeah this whole fight up here was a little bit risky to say the least because honestly the empire's doing very well in many regards like if they just kept their formation a little bit tighter maybe they'd be uh maybe in better shape here hunt's been still shooting into bellacor and they've done a fair amount of damage to the uh dark prince it's like marsan's moving up and we do see the hellstriders moving back chaos is going to be advancing pretty heavily in and now there's a man's score manchester is going to get shot nice dodging there from rusty so rusty is able to avoid that and now boris and company are going to be uh moving on over here so they're going to be hudding up objective here needs to be grabbed by the empire you need to kind of get every advantage you can help us your volley gun though look how hard it's countering the empire or the chaos skirmish build right it seems to be very very strong i actually really like this build from uh from striker i think it's i think it's very strong i just think maybe the execution of having like playing the high ground against like solo bellacor is is a big big mistake granted sigmar suns are still chads and they're gonna fight to the bitter end and uh yeah the huntsman should potentially come back and maybe give a little bit of agency here now net going down to the mets core no it looks like it's gonna be a spirit lead so if that man score gets rampaged into spheres that's incredibly cost effective it's got to be close to rampaging at this point it's it's been getting up there he goes so the ram matt scores rampaging rampage into spears that is uh definitely a dream come true now sigmar needs to reinforce the low ground 100 percent appear sigmar sun's going to fight we do also have the white wolves the ror huntsman which i think is rad spirit leach needs to go down on belacor silver bullets also need to be shooting them if they can the man score is going to basically just die in the spears which i think is very very cost effective for sure and dude the black lions are just doing work i would imagine they've probably gotten about four or 500 value already only 300 that's not bad but wagon shoot again we do get marauders with gray opens a bit of an interesting choice against empire i think the shielded ones are quite a bit better we do get the uh pit of shades coming down on the halberdier so a relatively cheap unit but still going to be feeling pretty good and here in the back of the top the top ground basically just gets routed so that whole kind of gambit that the empire took in the high ground definitely did not pay off for them and honestly if the empire had stayed a little bit more consolidated and played the two low ground objectives i think they would be in a pretty good you know position right now right so manscore getting bunker busted here we do get the hellstrider cav coming out so these are going to be a problem to deal with one of my favorite ways to deal with the hellstrider cav in the back line of empire is using the dreaded uh zintler's reichsguard roar because if if right now if he does lose this this roar hellblaster if this thing kinda gets caught right there then um he's probably to lose the game like if it gets killed if it gets caught and gets away it's still fine but he needs to start running with this thing right now and not let it get charged by a bunch of anti-large cav and unfortunately that's what ends up happening for the sons of sigmar here so we get the swordsman moving up for a little bit of screening belacore hiding up in the high ground being shot by the uh by the silver bullets it's got to feel pretty cost effective this was a colossal blunder though he had he had like you remember in austin powers when you have the uh the steamroller coming to like run the guy over and he like stands still and doesn't move for like five minutes and then eventually gets run over that's basically what just happened with the black lion roar that did not need to happen like he had all the time in the world saw those cavs coming could have reacted with some empire knights reichsguard any number of other things so that was just a big mistake but again empire is a very micro intensive faction there's a lot going on it's easy to make mistakes like that so you know we got to give him a break here it's it's it's and he's he's playing a strong opponent as well you know i don't know about the experience level of these various players it could be all over the place so more sladashi cav on their way in empire really needs some empire nights and some cavalry to come down here and kind of screen this out maybe he didn't bring too much in his build wagons are being forced into melee with hell striders of slaanesh halberds of course do grind down some of those units empire's keeping the value pretty close all things considered and bellacor isn't in the best of shape i mean he is being handgunnered he's at about 150 800 hp these are just free company militia but uh there definitely needs to be some heavy cap for the empire currently they're banking a fair amount of money sigmar sun's fighting and doing pretty well 2v1 to be completely honest bellacor getting popped in the face it's a little bit risky going after bellacor this hard i suppose it could pay off halberd's now going to be screening into the hellstriders and here the black lion roar is in the bushes with one model and they are going to be getting chased most likely we'll have to see the dark prince leaping about and uh yeah sterling's revenge also nice armor-piercing missiles toddy up in the front gonna be holding these units back the empire does have that central objective the outer objective still is laying unclaimed which is pretty hilarious halberd is getting some nice shanks into bellicorn but the fact that velacore is getting beaten up is one of the main reasons why the empire is like in this game value-wise and we finally do get some empire nights coming out so the empire knights will come in probably run over the hell striders of slash get a couple skirmish shoresmen in there and uh toddy's helping out these are chaos warriors though so they're gonna be very strong in state troopers gaels warriors are just giant hulking brutes of the north 100 armor great stats and uh you know basic state troopers are not gonna have too much uh too much armor piercing so they're really good to be struggling there now empire piles in with some empire knights a little bit overdue but they're able to get a nice charge and pin in a lot of the horsemen war wagons are able to pull back at this point and the hamburgers have moved up as well so they're going to be standing firm for sigmar in the backfield we get great swords coming out as well spearman i think greatswords are a little bit of a mistake here i i i think uh more cavalry like just to kind of control the pacing of the battlefield would be the way but we see the bounce of power you know metaphorically speaking not metaphorically but you know really really going into chaos here as we look around the battlefield the actual bounce power because a lot of the empire's damage values on bellacor um you know the the chaos army really hasn't taken too much damage and you know if you invest in a big center piece like the black lions temple off luminar sun maker and it gets killed without you getting any sort of a reprise from it or a refund i should say uh you're probably gonna lose the game it's gonna be a bad day for you so now the amethyst wizard's gonna get karate chops but you know i honestly think uh looking at the builds here i feel as if the empire could have won this uh like let's say you have like two players with equal play experience playing against each other i really feel like this empire build actually could have beaten this chaos build i feel like it had all the tools to do it just the execution on some of the uh deployment and some of the targeting priority was a little bit off there so now we get great swords moving up going to be heading to the objective but that is going to be a chaos triple cap here so one two and three chaos for some reason hasn't captured the side objectives so that's a pretty big mistake for sure so he's on the hunt that amethyst wizard is like this is like literally the worst situation i've ever been in he's being escorted off the battlefield by the dark prince hey captain appreciate it thank you for becoming a new member and welcome to the dukes of haggard my friend spearman moving up todd bringer's still a chat you know causing problems wherever he goes i kind of like horse todd bringer i thought that was kind of cool actually you know it's cheap allows you to go pretty wide i mean the empire army was big and it performed well yeah it was it was it was that austin powers moment of like the haggard steamroller you know like where the steamroller's coming and like the guy just doesn't get out of the way that was basically what happened with the black lines right there that's a 2000 gold unit like a 2000 gold unit for sure and that paying the price is not going to be good so great swords hustling across and uh in the backfield we see the war wagons and everything pretty much being routed off as we do get some empire knights coming down from the high ground going to be collapsing into the broader horsemen here so there they go chaos where he's going to be intercepting that though so should be mitigating any value there one swordsman even though swordsmen don't do terribly against marauders i mean the stat lines are similar 34 28 28 compared to 32 32 28. so the state troopers do have better stat lines uh with the exception of better melee defense i should say and what else did they do better they have more armor more melee defense yeah a little bit more defensively focused obviously but marauders i think typically out trade them a little bit due to the higher weapons rank but greatswords have made it up onto the point and you know honestly chaos doesn't have a whole lot against greatswords here with the exception of marauders with great opens but um greatswords in general usually just get picked apart by skirmishing and obviously bellacor is going to be on his way back now bellacor is quite literally chasing off this uh this is actually giving the empire this is a mistake chasing this amethyst caster all the way to the shadow realm of the map is uh like if this were actually a close game uh you know the empire would be getting a big advantage here now great towards moving up we do get spearmint shields trying to cut through some chaff but there's no way they're going to get through aspiring champions and all these warriors looks like more empire knights on their way back in with the triple cap is really putting a lot of weight here guys and we do see the health striders of slindesh in the back being chased off by free company militia toddy's trying man great swords are trying great swords up to 28 kills about 200 value but surrounded by cav and horsemen and all sorts of fun stuff great swords will trade well into chaos warriors but um you know again being fully surrounded like this empire is not a faction that is gonna you know handled as well because like you know you can be a chaos warrior and get surrounded because you have 44 melee defense but greatswords only have 30 melee defense i feel like greatswords should get a melee defense buff like i'd probably buff their melee attack by two and they're melee defense by two and maybe uh i don't know yeah they need something like some sort of an adjustment in their costs great swords are just a really bad unit in general pretty much every time i get baited and bringing a great sword in matchups in which you think they would be good they usually just get wrecked which is a bit of a shame i love the chad white wolves play though we're getting to see a lot of cool units so the hunt's been shooting in doing great damage actually against all these large cavs yeah you can see the white wolves uh isn't that what they call the witcher he's like the white wolf yeah i think i think that's what it is but nonetheless we see the hell striders of slash getting focused down and the sterling's revenge are on their way up empire knights are pulling back ladies and gentlemen going to be rerouting their forces preparing for the sigma right charge of the gods swordsman heading to the side point swordsman i think actually do defeat marauder great weapons but now that big a big old uh bellacor is back from his uh his journey of chasing down those units they uh yeah it's gonna be pretty much over for the empire bellacor could even come in and kill toddy if he wanted to and just really really put the nail in the coffin up in the high ground i think we have some halberds looks like they're chasing hounds not gonna be cost effective for them i guess they might as well move up here at this point considering where they're deployed and forsaken have made it to the low ground forsaking gonna be cutting through swordsmen like butter so if you guys are chaos players one of the better units you have to really clear out chaff is going to be the forsaken these guys 63 weapons rank state troopers have almost no armor and you can see how badly these swordsmen are getting mastered for sure yeah greatsword should at least do more damage than bleak swords yeah i know right isn't that there's there's some weird stuff i mean there's some relics from the olden days so back in game one greatswords and demographics are actually overpowered it's really funny if you go back and look at those which i'm sure i saw some videos up from that time uh those units were actually like considered to be like meta and like op it was so weird but game one multiplayer was to be honest really haggard um like the spell bounce was terrible fatabuna cost like nine or ten wins of magic and it just one-shotted whatever it hit spirit leech like basically like four shotted your like spirit people there was a time in the meta in warhammer one where people would hide their lords in the trees just so it wouldn't die from spirit leech and they wouldn't even use the lord in the battle that's gonna be gg though i'd be really surprised to see the empire not tap out soon um it's looking like they're done a very winnable game though the build from the empire was good so hey if you're watching the strike i really liked your build i just think a little bit of the micro execution and where you pull your armies against like a character like bellacor like if the empire had deployed their their whole army down here with the white wolves and sigmar suns pushed up secure two objectives ignore the high ground objective until it's vulnerable and play this way protect your wagons a little bit more efficiently i think uh yeah i think i think this game is winnable for the empire low funds tournament oh my god silva thank you for the donation something to think about random nick says sarthorial uh yeah sarthorial two dragon over shaggas on the line of forsaken yes those were those were the days man those were the days dude i was like in my late 20s back when that was happening anyways i'm surprised the empire hasn't tapped out looks like he's he's fighting to the bitter end which is a very sigma right thing to do although that's not necessarily true empire isn't known for its like fighting to the last i mean they kind of do but that's more of like a kislev thing if you really think about it here so all right that's gonna be it gg well played the points are just going people uh people not quite used to tapping out yet maybe he wants to get the kill on bellacor we'll have to see so we do get the spirit leech coming down on your boy bellacor i really like the spirit league check against bellacor though i think if you just spiritly gem over the course of the whole game like he'll eventually die and be vulnerable to you later on oh my god we get i thought we got the war wagons back in yeah demographics with halberds are decent i use them i think they're pretty good uh not in every matchup but you know if you're against like a cav faction or because demi halberds in my experience trade pretty well into like infantry too it's not like terrible they have good enough armor piercing and combat stats so i do think the demi halberds uh you know are just better gg well played that was a really good attempt honestly i'm really proud of this empire player i thought his build was good i really liked the build i thought it was innovative it's something i wouldn't have thought of and it was actually effective against a strong player but the micro was just not quite there um he paid the micro toll and uh you know these black lines with proper protection could have had like three or four thousand value um so again just a micro thing but gigi well played bella cora raid boss very very meta chaos but yes gg well played all right so let's go find another game if we can let's do this all right where are we at and do we have one tomos and tournament gotta look for some more lobbies here yeah this is this should be in the next round so this is death pass let's jump in there uh dwarves are good they're they're like uh i wouldn't call them a newbie faction because they're actually they're actually harder than you would think to play for sure so we have another match coming up here let's check on total tavern see where we are on the matches so this is serial bob bob oh wow okay we got a great match here it's going to be reginald puggington versus uh serial bob man hell yeah dude we're just jumping into all sorts of great games today yeah we're getting all the good games let's see here so checking this yeah i'm proud of him man that empire player his build was good just some of the micro execution was a little bit off but aside from that it was it was quite solid okay looking good and uh yeah we got another great match this is going to be awesome so cereal bob man versus reginald pugn i'm just talking to the empire player real quick okay perfect reginald vs serial bob man okay so we're going to be on death path for the map let me just go ahead and double check that heading on over to the old tavern and uh death pass i believe is the map here in the next round yes it is so it's death pass it's a a broken leg gully arenheim and then black ark oh those are for the semifinals how many rounds are we going to have in today's tournaments jeez it's going to be a lot of maps yeah the empire build was really cool it was really really cool you think pug is fighting random ah i didn't refresh brackets i just tagged those four players okay so i gotta find a different lobby it looks like they just they might have already played that okay so refreshing brackets let's see where we are here we're at dude we're getting through this tournament really really quickly today actually okay so i can probably get into that lobby so is there a way to sort by sort by this let's see okay so this one looks like a match we could do excellent we got another match here today i'd rather you cast my game versus lizardmen yeah yeah oh man guys we're getting the the ultimate sweat you know these are these are the guys who come into the single faction tournament looking to really sweat we got slinacher's vampire cats oh my god they deserve each other man am i still going to be casting on my my 59th birthday i don't know most likely not i don't know maybe like i gotta i gotta eat you know and i don't see i don't you gotta pay the bills i don't know if it would work when taran reaches 69 years of age he'll he will stop counting it's true that's that's where it freezes in all in all time all right guys we're in the sweatiest match we have vampire accounts versus slaanesh i i i love that these two ran into each other this is pretty hilarious so because slaanesh is actually and you know what's kind of weird is like part of me before the tournament started today guys was like i wanted to i wanted to see slanesh be played because like i haven't seen them played in weeks like i don't even know what they do anymore i mean i kind of do but in the new meta but they just don't know they never get to play so i'm like i'm kind of interested to see some sweat matchups as well you know is anyone playing cafe today let me double check um let me check are there any cafe enjoyers i think there are cafes actually a really strong faction i would say they're in the upper echelon of factions so uh yeah yeah i see there's there's a couple cafe players norris gazing warriors of chaos wood elves snurgle lizard men i mean green skins vampire coast random knicks is playing vampire coast yeah there's there's a lot of factions being played there's a lot of factions being played today i've had several hundred birthdays yes it's true so vampire counts versus slash here we got tim the wilder who's a really cool guy he's also a tournament host and uh he's an rtk so we'll see what tim is gonna be bringing out and uh yeah we got vampire counts i have no idea how this is going to unfold this is going to be real sweaty brooding slob how can you be sick of counting slash if they never get played i guess you're still you're just sick of them from before i understand okay i'm pretty hyped for this actually we get inkari and a slineshwar shrine okay this is actually fun i'm pretty hyped because you know like this isn't a feel bad situation right yeah there was about four or five higher players who signed up kislove i saw about two or three kisses of signups so there was a there was quite a few inframum says oh god i gotta play one of these guys oh you're in the losers bracket with the and these guys call them oh no dude oh no that's rough yes dude it's time so ankari is going to be fun i'm hyped for that one so taking a look here at the forces of ye olde vampire counts it's going to be a strigoi vampire lord backed up by double necromancer so the necromancer is going to be stroking the forbidden rods and the front line's going to be zombies backed up by graveguard with grey opens kind of an interesting choice although slaanesh can bring some armor via warriors and you know chosen and things like that so maybe that's the tech stearnsman and graveguard cryptors in the back pretty cool stuff i dig it man let's get hyped now looking at the slinashi heretics obviously slaanesh loves its garbage calf they do have their new murano horsemen of slash which look pretty damn cool i love the helmets they have i think it's so rad they got four of those so they have inkari who is a hundred speed destroying machine they have these slinesh mortis engines sones does have access to a mortise engine looking at the damage let's see so that's actually pretty good i mean the maxed out slush mortise engine is going to be basically the same strength as kugath which is a little bit strange like i don't think this mortise engine should be like as strong as like festus or stronger than festus festus is 12 to 24 now is he i think that's what he is but nonetheless this one is conditional and it needs to be in combat i think does it no it doesn't oh boy that's pretty scary so we'll see how this bad boy does unfold so ankari is running across the field doing uh the epic anime run kind of right what do they call that i think it's like a naruto run or something yeah putting the arms back like that there you go so a little bit of that action for all of you anime enjoyers out there and the chaos warshine of slaanesh is on its way up devoted marauders of course very cost effective they did get a cost increase of i think like 75 to 100 gold but they're still just one of the better infantry units in the game they have uh they have you know bonus versus infantry they have itp they have physical resist i mean pretty much everything you would want in a really good cheap chaff unit so in car you're going to be hustling up to the high ground looking to isolate maybe some of the vampire count units which are a little bit unsupported which is what slanash does super well right so yeah we do see seekers of slaughter coming out so they're going to be looking to hunt down these scriptures here they're they're eyeing the prize so they are coming for it yeah naruto run that's what it is right yeah it's like some sort of a cyclops carrying the war shrine it's pretty cool now tim the wilder i'm going to be getting some pokes across so the marauder horseman of slash picking off a couple bats here getting a little bit of value and the sir vampire lord here is uh trying to juke he does have the ghoul summon so the strigoi vampire lord has the uh command of the unliving and he does also have the ghoul king of ashoron which is a really good ability actually so basically it heals him for 0.80 hp per second so that's pretty good over 32 seconds that's a pretty fat heal right that's going to be like what like you know something close to 20 it's pretty wild for sure i don't know if any of the high ups have survived this long but we can go cast games from the losers bracket as well which is probably where all the players players are right now so we'll we'll get to that don't you worry yeah formation attack is fine it got fixed so basically formation attack is kind of a neutral mechanic it doesn't like help you much and it doesn't hurt you it just it kind of like bounces itself out so um so yeah cafe enjoys it nice spirit leech going down on seekers i like that choice from the vampire counts i think that's a pretty good choice here by chromosumo who's been doing pretty well in tournaments lately i'll have to follow their career with great interest tim the wilder of course uh in the top 16 of season one of total tavern and is a very well respected tournament player so it'll be interesting to see how this duel of sweat goes here seekers coming from the high ground going to be chasing down the dire pack looking uh looking to get the catch but dryer packs gonna be pulling back wisely directs a really good answer against seekers actually as well especially if you have some like other chaff tying them down and you counter charge them tim almost making a pretty colossal mistake there moving into the seekers of slaanesh while the slonesh speed squad is going to be moving up to the high ground looking to secure this and i think they have it on wraps the tithe and kryptor is here for chromo could move those in you know it would actually be a really good play too which i would love so slash is being extra fancy here what would probably lose them the game right now is if this vampire lord came up and under and just spam some and drop summoned right here because then slash wouldn't be able to get to the middle objectives with like half their army and vampire accounts could just have a two-cap first like ten ten ten thousand million years now ankari is gonna be moving in trying to pick off some of the graveguard models man i love that this vampire colors game is really cool that actually wouldn't be a super hard one to do either but akari is just a beater of worlds like huge armor piercing really able to pick off a lot of these models here so you can see many of those guys getting karate chops only three have died so far but still a fair amount of hp damage so ankari is probably happy to farm a couple well i guess there's no souls to farm here so i mean yeah it's probably i'm sure the demons when they have to fight vampire accounts are like dude this kind of sucks there's really nothing fun with these guys it's just kind of like weird magic there's no souls there's i guess there's skulls for corn but if you're talking about most of the demon factions it's not going to be great so the dreaded tithe has emerged from the bushes i definitely think they should get back the tithe is basically zombies that do have physical resist they're actually kind of hard to kill the tides do have 15 000 hp so as far as like tarpon objectives they're pretty nasty so slash is gonna have to get busy soon because vampire accounts do have the double cap on them so they have the uh they have the objective one they have the objective two and up in the high ground slash is going for value picks which i think is good like you know you have plenty of time in the new domination so going after these [ __ ] tours who are very unsupported and summoning up here would probably be a mistake necromancers are stroking the forbidden rod and again i think summons are some sort of a blockade here on this route and just playing the two objective game for the vampire counts is 100 percent what you want to do but slaanesh is kind of going in for the kill now so we see two spawn coming out so it's going to be spawn of slaanesh and spawn of slaanesh here and they are going to be moving in going after the zombies and the vargas the devils of sports often what will they be attacking you know devoted brothers are a good target for them you know they're they don't really have any tools for fighting against vargas and it looks like that's what it's going to be granted you've got to be careful slash can summon out some vanguard cav real quick and give you the business so i think that's what chromosomal is waiting i think he's waiting for his opponent to summon something out perhaps before he gets down and dirty there so cryptical is being used it looks like it's a critical sum and i actually kind of like that it's kind of an mlg play a little bit summoning some [ __ ] tools to keep this entire army busy meanwhile you know you continue to trade in the low ground but now it's going to get a little bit nasty oh sir ghoul or going in for the kill yeah he's going to go after this war shrine which is unprotected at the moment the warshine does have a big hp pull though it's pretty tanky sigour lord is waddling after it trying to catch it as it does run he does get an attack takes about four or 500 hp and graveguard will absolutely wreck these guys i really man this is this is actually a really cool color scheme for the vampire accounts which which one is this it's like uh it's like a like not quite like a beige it kind of looks like it's like a rakharth flesh kind of like yellowish armor with like a balfazar gold armor i actually really like that color scheme i might have to steal that for tabletop man nonetheless the var guys get away fascination goes down on them so the celeste player attempted to fascinate those vargas but uh the thing about them is their hp wasn't low enough for them to rampage in order to rampage something it needs to be below 80 hp for the first threshold so in this case the devils and sports often are able to get away and they cackle and now they're going to be moving back in going after ye old devoted writers of slaanesh and we do also get the jar pack coming in so dire pac does have an invocation of the heck and ooh nice charge getting on top of the seekers honestly cromwell is playing a pretty tight game here and he's maintaining an equal value situation and this is what i was concerned about with slanash getting a little bit kind of excited on the high ground here now there's a great blockade look at this guys the great blockade oh my god look at that and slash is like trying to get it past it cromwell sumo's map awareness is very very good so right now we do have the graveguard with great opens they're going to be surging up slicing shards ends up doing some good damage and you know kari is going to be able to farm uh farm his way through this i would imagine poor's been coming into fight and they're gonna be trying it but this is like this is a great play all of slander's like skirmishing elements are just trapped there look at that tim the wilder's breaking through oh my god he's just bro charging through man trying to get in there that's so funny now the slaanesh war shrine here is getting a little bit beaten up so you can see the slinhash warshine is on the run here and uh this guy vampire lord still having a bit of a field day uh-oh uh oh the witsteeler sword weapon strength the strigoi vampire lord hit by the willing uh willing prey but the ghoul king of bashoran is going to be giving a big heal as well but ankari putting some serious hurt on this ghoul king here or the sugoi vampire it might as well be the ghoul king i don't know why they're so redundant those two characters but yeah not good for the vampires that could be the turning of the tide vampires are a very very lord dependent faction and if your lord's getting his butt kicked by a giant 100 foot tall demon uh that is not going to be great so i i love tim the wild there's like jailbreak right there he just he created an opening with slicing shards and then just like bull rushed his whole army through and kari cleared the path that was really cool but this could be game over like this has very much been a game of cat and mouse oh blood knights hell yeah dude give me the blood nights and they do get hit with fascination but that's not going to matter the blood knights of red keep getting a beautiful charge and these sleneshi marauders are going to start folding like a piece of paper here to the blood knight charge and if the ghoul king can actually survive maybe get a if the ghoul king had a summon on top of all these cav man this is really tight guys so it looks like fascination doing some work we get the var guys coming in as well could it be the counter punch could chromosumo get this back with a nice counter charge those blood knights doing some excellent work taking some heavy casualties themselves but killing a ton of seekers a ton of these horsemen zombies and crypto is coming in and look at that the strigoi vampire lord with an invocation is able to stabilize a self-perfect musk debuffing the blood knights and dude the counter the counter counter see it's actually fun when two op factions fight each other and they have the tools to like counter one another it's great you know honestly total war warhammer is very much like tabletop warhammer in that way like in tabletop warhammer like bounce at least in you know my experiences in 40k and age of sigmar and from what i've heard about fantasy his balance is pretty haggard there's just some factions who are just like dominant it's truly the warhammer experience right but blood knights just doing the work of the uh of the i guess of who who would they be doing the work of i guess i think ash or some sort of an ancient vampire deity or character but the blood knight's doing great a great job i mean that entire slaaneshi position just got absolutely hammered but slash has gotten some agency on the battlefield the high ground objective is owned by slash but it looks like there's going to be the haggard tithe moving over to try and grab that side objective owned by the vampire council middle owned by slanesha slinash really really did get a big play there wait a second is zinkari trapped in blood nights right now oh how the hell did that happen so cryptors and blood knights have and kari trapped so ankari is really really pinned in but thankfully due to the hundred speed and car is able to get away and the blood knights are just gonna keep hunting yeah look at that 5000 hp slicing shards there could do some big damage and we do get another units of black knights coming up black knights are pretty mean man 67 charge bonus 42 weapons rank certainly uh empire knight's a little bit jealous so they get a big charge in there and the health strategist get folded like a piece of paper they're obviously anti-large but their armor and their defensive stats are pretty poor slalom does have a nice vanguard of characters or units over here i should say they have a lot of calves so they do have their hell striders and more hellstriders and it looks like the dire pack is going to be trying to retreat here but being hunted down by 100 speed units is very very tough the blood knights were good blood knights did some good work but it looks like they might be at the end of the road they did accrue blood knights already paid for themselves they got despite being focused by magic and hit by some of the more powerful elements here in this slinesh army the vampire count blood knights did get about 1700 values so they really paid for themselves very very impressive stuff the tithe up in the high ground intercepted by some seekers so slaanesh is one of the best factions that just jumping on objectives quickly and you can see the seekers of slash are able to get in there and they're just going to be feasting on the souls of these again no souls they're just going to be feasting on the zombies or just doing their thing so there they have it the tithe is uh holds though buy some time for the black knights to potentially get a charge on these guys we'll have to see i feel like tim in the wilder is just going to bait them back very very good awareness by tim by the way he's like so privy to everything that's going on in the map which certainly slodash is you know good but i think if you have like low level low-level players playing slaanesh i think they're not as good they become more of an average faction but i think where slaanesh becomes overpowered is at the highest level now this is a big blunder by chromo uh his cav are going to get isolated and killed and he should just pull them back right now he already achieved his goal basically but he's a little bit hyper focused on the low ground engagement the value is only about 800 give or take and here you can see some of the mobility of slash getting hammered by cryptoers although it was broader horsemen i thought for a second i thought i had seen vampire count units breaking and i was going to be very very confused looking around though vampire counts looking pretty bare also another big blunder up here is going to be costing them a lot these are the lance black knights so they're pretty bad in sustained combat if they don't get the charge and he just he just lost micro and just got overextended here and you can see the two seekers who slalosh are just going to be tearing these guys apart so that's probably game blouses there in the necromancer in the bushes yep i think that's over the slantesh army is beat to hell also but the vampire counts are even even worse off here and we do see the surrogate vampire lord being hunted down by the hellstriders a lot of anti-large damage and kari has been a beast this game for sure i i love the evil sound effects coming in from the uh from the haggard claw there it's so good it's so great but yeah that's probably gg i think slanesha has been able to kind of win the trading it's been close been a great game very very back and forth you know the points do of course favor the vampire accounts but i don't see any way they get back in this you know they don't have any resources to really spend they're kind of desperately trading back here the strigoi vampire lord getting caught earlier and beaten down by the uh by the witstealer sword which is too much great game that was a really really good game enjoyed the hell out of that one so look in here 32 3100 value on the vampire lord very very nice other big performer i always figured blood knights would be good against since they're armored and they they they can just really wreck light armor with their anti-large yeah i i do like that tire pack also did pretty good and cari with 4 600 value there you go look at that 4 600 on these guys 1500 here on the old shrine and then uh seekers of course did good yeah ankari with a hard carry yeah very very solid gg great game all right so let's go find another match to cast can i sort by spectator slots i see this one has a spectator slot but that is not one of our games nor is this one so i will just hang tight for a second until we get a lobby up let's go to this death pass is the next map yes so turn tournament but there's no spectator slot who is in there who is in there all right we got a quick question and discord all right okay let me go take a look at this just got to do some admin work let me get this sorted all right so talking to so first round starkin versus no answer from albert okay perfect timing we'll get a little bit of admin work so where do we have star can versus albert oh man there's a little bit of a hold up on the bottom bracket here okay one sec here in from him okay that's you fighting right there sounds good let's get in that lobby and get that set up here all right thank you appreciate that thank you for helping me get in lobby here okay so let's go ahead and advance starkin i believe we're all set here and we should be good okay yeah that's why it's kind of nice to obviously uh just be doing admin stuff find some health games uh it's tricky i don't know where they are it's it's it's a they're they're they're a elusive folk we should have an interesting game here though all right so we got that all set looking good and uh okay very good oh my god we have a grand cafe chad so it's going to be infernum on grand cafe or slaanesh which actually if you're like a top-tier grand cafe player i actually think you can beat slaanesh on the right maps we saw it in the summer championship we saw platypus defeat slaanesh and that was on a more open map and it was also in a domination that favored slaanesh because the games were shorter i think cafe if played properly can certainly do well here so we got cafe versus this would be a fun one yeah there were some what else players today i don't know if any like super high level what all players played uh possum king yeah i'll be checking those out i'm gonna actually get the uh get the uh get get it all set up and maybe do a stream this weekend i might even do one tomorrow maybe i'll do an age of empire stream tomorrow yeah have you ever seen beast fan and tabletop yeah i heard they're a meme i've i've heard they're a meme for sure i don't think you go in kari here i think this is a prince zigball pick maybe yeah i would wager tiny buddha and just saying or the heil players if they're still alive okay thank you for letting me know in front of them i do appreciate that okay so refresh the brackets let's make sure all these gentlemen are playing let's go take a look at the brackets kind of see what everybody's doing let's head on over to the tournament and now we have okay so we have house cat of war versus sandwich on the top side i don't know what they're playing actually we have infer members tim the wilder so this is the game we're doing right now this is uh this is the slash cathay let's see so cafe defeated high elves uh cafe defeated i don't know what other opponents are playing here yeah hard to say then down here this is what the worries of chaos player we casted against happy feet that was him so he's waiting in the uh basically the semis of the top bracket and then reginald puggington and random i don't know what puggington is actually playing let me go and double check so puggington is playing so let's go find the entry where everybody put their factions in yeah this tournament's fun because it's quick you get to you get to play in a tournament you're guaranteed at least two games with your favorite faction and it's just it's just quick one way or the other oh [ __ ] we have a wood elf player okay so reginald puggington is playing wood elves here guys and he's playing against random knicks on vampire coast that's actually really fun that would probably be a great game to cast as well but um yeah there's so many good ones down on the bottom we obviously see these are all like best of one games so they should go a little bit quicker we we got a little bit kind of blocked up down here with this game but it's not the end of the world i know lord master of sotek yeah look at that we're master of zotek getting some nice uh nice wins he beat beastman he beat tomb kings okay so he lost the tomb kings he lost the z in the first round in the winners bracket and then z lost so z went to the losers bracket and then lord master of sotek defeated z in a revenge match after he had lost to z before okay that's pretty cool and now laura master of sotex playing the nice admiral who i don't know what he's playing but man it's pretty exciting stuff pretty exciting stuff yeah so we got a lot of stuff double invested one is pretty cool yeah yeah i think it's a good format it's it's more more casual but it's still still it's a lot of fun and we got some games going on down here as well all right right on so grand cafe versus uh slanash who was playing dowie i don't know who's playing downward i have to look i know there was at least two or three dwarves who signed up and carried backed by a shadow caster probably not so you don't want to go big like big lord against cafe because cafe is really good at sniping like if you mess up once and there's like some iron hills nearby and you you get popped it's really bad nice admiral plays lizardmen oh okay that's fun yeah hello master of sotex playing he's if you can go over to uh you can go over to his twitch channel he's he's been live streaming all of his games i just love to see more more people in the community getting into multiplayer and like playing it's so it's it's just so awesome to see because i think domination is more welcoming for people who don't necessarily focus on multiplayer you know you don't have to worry about the land battle nonsense granted there's many things i love about land battle um you know personally i think land battle has more epic endings uh 100 like the the climax of land battles is usually better um there it's just it has probably more exciting moments overall but um yeah like for newer players i think it can be pretty daunting to be like kited around the map for 45 minutes and not have anything to force players to attack i think cathay is my least favorite faction yeah they're rough to play against actually like if you're playing against good cafe players you can get punished pretty badly yeah and it kind of feels like there's not much you could do yeah they're tough yeah koi you should have played dude we're gonna have this one um we're gonna have this one pretty often this will be like a maybe a once or twice a week format because it i've gotten a lot of feedback on today's event and it seems to be more popular than standard domination tournaments because it's quicker like it's just fast and you just get to you know it's a quick rush here i love how dom has brought the element of tabletop into virtual i agree yeah i agree get legend in the next tournament until corner camp for 50 minutes yeah well i wouldn't work in domination yeah i mean no it was just impossible if random or punkington finished soon i'm uh just brb five minutes sounds good rusty yeah get that lot get that lobby up though and i'll uh maybe i'll cast your game that would be a lot of fun yeah hey turn can we have different maps to the bottom bracket next time is painful watching my dad we shuffle across blackheart sure conrad we could do that although to be fair let me let me tell you from experience conrad the dwarves are actually rather good on black ark it's it's probably one of their death pass is probably the best dwarf map like dwarves and cafe have an absolute hard on for this map but um but yeah cafes cafes uh they're good they're definitely solid so perhaps there just talking to someone in discord real quick about a bug they're encountering all right very good looking at tournament chat hey renegade moose played high elves yeah okay we got some health players around they're enjoying themselves they for sure are i would waste your ammo with the lord yeah that's fun yeah cafe definitely is good i mean they're not like they have their they have their bad matchups let's actually look at we're actually getting a lot of data today so this should be kind of interesting to see the stats so um let's go here and see i love how chaos demons have such a good win rate but that's just because of tim the wilder tim the wilder plays him with bellacor and he gets a lot of wins but yeah obviously top tier factions are warriors of chaos vampire accounts tomb kings norska and grand cafe like those are i honestly feel like that's a pretty solid like depiction of the top five factions outside of slaanesh slaanesh is just they never get played so their win rate's weird because they're only played in like lower brackets by new players so their win rate was getting tanked for some reason but it'll be back up now that they're allowed to be played they literally went from like 40 today to 55. um it's probably the top five factions probably warriors of chaos counts tomb kings norska and slanesh and then so those would be like the s tier factions right and then like a tier would probably be like grand cafes vampire coast i suppose yeah and uh dark elves i dig that and then b tier would be empire corn dwarfs what else like dude you you literally have your cheerless right in front of you here which is great all right sounds good gun hound let me take a look my friend all right okay checking it out start with that you won and i thought you would update issues whatever in class sorry all right no problem so i just got to do a little bit of an admin update on the tournament it's a good thing i didn't play today it's been a fair amount of adventuring stuff we've had to do i'm really excited to see what cafe kind of brings to the table here so just bear with me for a second guys i'm just going to be updating something on the website real quick and then we should be good okay so where are you at and this is going to be mineral water here okay got the update thank you gun hound so much for helping the discord man been really helpful having you point out the admin stuff and uh we've been we've been taking it down ogres are the worst faction of the game yeah hands down unless unless a koi rises from the ashes like a phoenix and just brings them back to their their their former launch glory right [Laughter] yeah ogres are just bad man i i don't know i can't really put my finger on it but they're just uh they're just a bad faction i guess it's because they're just so predictable they're just all like large and like it's just the ogres have to put in so much effort to deal with spears and halberds i don't know how i even know how you would fix that to be honest you'd have to do some like pretty drastic stuff okay i'm just making sure my admin stuff works i'll be jumping into the game in just a second and uh great mineral water should be good and we are aces all right guys let's get back into the casting here ladies and gentlemen we are here with the duel between a grand cafe and the forces of slaanesh a very rare matchup oh it's azaizo you know and you know zazel is happy you all know why because there's no water for him to fall into here on this map it is going to be grand cafe with the sky junk which has always been pretty good against lanes you got to watch out for the furies but if you have a long way to kind of protect them you can usually get good value so iron hill gunners backed up by jades we do also have crane gunners and just more jades and more spears so slinash is obviously just going to be playing the side points they they don't want to go up the middle into the shooting gallery now for the slaaneshi army it is going to be uh azazel coming in with slicing shards to kill static positions we have a [ __ ] ton of spawn and devoted marauders very very classic op stuff and on the other side it's going to be the same thing so it's devoted marauders and other units hiding in the trees which is smart you know what i would actually really like as a tactic here if i were playing the forces the reason why you go iron hails against slonash is not because of their armor piercing it's because they have direct arcs of fire and they're very hard to dodge and they're really good at thumping down pretty much everything on this lineage roster and slandest does have armor now they can bring warriors so uh what i would do if i were in the cafe position i would probably park the sky junk over here on the side objective with a couple infantry and then move everyone else up to the center right because the sky junk is like oh although with the zazil that's kind of tricky yeah iron dragon can certainly fight as eizel he's he's he's a pretty scrappy dude i don't know who would win in a straight fight i think maybe xiaomi would win just because he's got 8000 hp to his asl 6 but zazel is a very good duelist as well iron hills are a really good unit they're incredibly nasty but it's going to be hard for a cafe to protect all this range for sure against slantash granted slash didn't open with any mobility but what's probably going to happen is tim the wilder is going to save up like 2 000 resources and then sum it in like three or four furies at once and just overwhelm the cathay shooting cafe needs to save resources as well and they need to like be ready to counter that so we see more peasant long experiment coming out more iron hill gunners so they are going to be on their way and it looks like objective one on the side is going to be opening up here so we do see it and the jade warriors kind of chilling out not looking to move up but they definitely need to get up on the objectives at this point crane gunners are they moving to shoot looks like they're just kind of sitting idle i don't know if uh if cafe is is got some scheme here but they really need to be more proactive on moving about i'm going to move over here move over here move up here all that sort of good stuff tomorrow horsemen and slash going to be screaming up so they're going to be just throwing some javelins into the shields of these cafe warriors and the cafe warriors will not care one bit i'm sure they're more than happy to kind of absorb that we do get crane gunners moving across and the middle objective is open so i think cafe needs to move up and take that there they go so they're going to be moving infantry up rusty says me and random about to jump into a lobby want us to wait yeah you guys wait for me rusty i'd love to cast that game would be really fun so uh you two can just wait for me it won't be uh maybe too long hopefully we got plenty of time in today's tournament now i do like the i don't know if the righteous lances of weijin are the choice i think these guys are are good for sure but i don't know if like it's worth paying for the extra armor piercing here and the cafe warrior is going to be moving over although he does relinquish the objective to slash there in the beginning which is a little bit of a mistake iron hill gunner's moving up on the middle objective that's going to be taken and obviously the jades if they get up on the point should be able to get this tim the wilder is just kind of feeling out his opponent and there he's just trying to see where cafe is going to be committing its assets before he really moves in oh badass dude i love like the roar as he like transforms like the yelling and then like the dragon roar afterwards i think that's one of the coolest mechanics in the game keep it from the phone yeah it's so badass so xiaoming's gonna move cafe does have two objectives and now you know the game plan for grand cafe ladies and gentlemen is very simple it's very very simple you play the two objectives and you just you just hope and pray that the dark gods don't get their clutches on you that's basically what you want to do here we do have xiaoming the iron dragon objective is going to be going to these guys and we do have peasants jades as well as more jade warriors xiaoming the iron dragon does have access to the breath attacks which is very very good against we get more spears rushing up here as well so the spears are on the points and tim the wilder being very conservative here looks like okay he's coming around for some sort of an overload look at that oh tim with the super sweaty dodge nice man he's able to dodge that one and here on the side point looks like it is going to be under the control here of cafe so they're holding on pretty well there he did that was morbid time for uh for our boy xiaoming i feel like slaanesh is certainly a little bit kind of you know trying to figure out the puzzle it's not easy posturing up we do see some rotters in the forest here so the marauder's going to be pouring out looking to kind of come down this way and come down this way maybe shut down some of the guns probably just leaving one marauder back here like a devoted marauder spear is going to take a shitload of effort for cathedra move like jade lancer would lose here peasant would lose here you know you'd have to send like a jade warrior which would take like 10 years and also would be potentially a little bit vulnerable to being isolated there but i feel like what's going to happen is it's going to be like a big push on the side point uh looking at the points you know slaanesh did have a point lead for a while considering they had the two cap but obviously it's going to be caught up here by grand cafe and we see spawn coming out of the middle and devoted rotters as well xiaoming the iron dragon patrols his lands oh you guys talking about having a rogue idol that can throw noblers that's kind of interesting yeah give it to the ogre kingdoms give them a little bit of hope but grand cafe is chilling man but you guys notice this big trick here right now tim the wilder has 4 200 supplies hey it's my smoking hot wife in chat she's down i wonder hey there she is love you darling hope you're doing well there iron hill gunners continue to move up tim the wilder is just going to unleash the nastiest slant bomb here soon and he's just about to be passed in points so now cafe has passed them in points maybe there's going to be a little bit of urgency there uh but what xiaoming should do is he should just move and start using breath attacks and roasting the salinash infantry it's free real estate it's free real estate so here comes the iron dragon sitting up in the hills and we do have the iron hell gunners and spheres in position and also a grand cannon interesting that's going to be a very tough one to defend but the grand canyon can start putting a little bit of hurt on some units dude this is like so slinashy just gathering gathering its forces like mordor in the shadows waiting to strike five thousand saved up dude i've never seen this before oh my god oh my god and grand cafe needs to start saving up some resources as well although obviously grand cafe might not know if slash is like not summoning things i mean if they're not paying attention closely see the slaaneshi spheres in the background cannon's going to start shooting across getting a little bit of value as well it's going to be all cabinets it is dude do you know how much micro that's going to take though it is going to be so micro intensive for tim the wilder to manage that much stuff i really really don't know what he's going to do here now as far as value obviously cafe hasn't been able to kind of land too many hits yet we do see uh we see the righteous lance's awaiting kind of patrolling about and now it looks like selanesh may be gonna be pulling the trigger a little bit oh man they're playing a dangerous game letting cafe letting cafe get up is gonna be is gonna be tough if you let them get too far on points they can be a very tough faction to uproot cafe is probably one of the worst factions at retaking a point once they've lost it but if you let them get their clutches on it man they can really really do a good job so now we see in the back we see seekers coming out so it's going to be seekers back here that's going to be one of the summons here as azazel is chilling he's just like waiting up in the high ground here yeah he's floating points to surprise his opponent so the advantage of floating points is that you see what your opponent's summoning and then you you have like the response so you can like overload counters to what they have so you can now you can do that yeah anna's happy there is no mullet right now that's correct yeah i had really long bible here but i was like eating and it was getting in my mouth and like it was i would be like driving with the windows down and it would just be like whacking me in the face and i was like no more just no more dude i'm done so on the other side marauders still just poking in not sure why might as well just sit them back here iron hills might be able to arrange them we'll see if tim screws up here it looks like he just barely sits out of range very very clinical stuff but cathay is getting a pretty big point lead i mean they're up by a fair amount of points now i i think this is a very dangerous very very dangerous game that tim is going to be playing the iron hill gunners have not moved up yet honestly a little bit of micro from him from him here if he just moved up he could have gotten some free shots and killed a ton of horsemen there with those iron hills also i really don't like um inferno needs to take some agency too like go and be using your breath attacks and just killing these infantry you've got a lot of free stuff you can do jade lancers and peasant horsemen coming out oh you do not want to charge into those those are spears so the sky junk still bombarding into the trees getting a little bit of value as the cav of grand cafe need to pull back you don't want to give slash any fights here there's seekers waiting in ambush so you want to just pull back and defend your lines cafe basically is playing it somewhat similar to like a land battle you know holding on to these two points that's what you want to be doing here but yeah he's very postured he's very comfortable tim is going to be needing to engage very very soon so devoted rounders of slaanesh pouring down the hill the rest of the marauders look like they're going to be pulling the trigger he still has 5 000 to the bank what if we just saw like double keeper of secrets wouldn't that be some funny [ __ ] oh my god just like big scary slaanesh monsters or something like that yeah we'll have to see shots through the heart and you're too late you gave slinesh a bad name sky junk shooting across going after the devoted marauders and now the grand cafe cannons are also going to be shooting in all right guys mordor has been gathering its strength in the darkness for many years and now they are going to be moving on so here they come let's get ready to party slash is pulling the trigger you know it kind of makes sense slanted had their little dance party in the back and once the once the beat dropped just think of it metaphorically like the beat dropping right they're going to be coming in and uh the righteous lances awaition a lot of damage being taken by the slash heretics on the advance spawn getting a little bit beat up iron hill gunners of course need to focus down these uh these chaos borders here spears at the ready on all sides here we do have the jade lancers battling against the seekers and the iron hill gunners just wrecking those chariots but again they're a little bit vulnerable and now there's gonna be mass diving and you see the response from imperim oh my god it just heated up so quickly he's got all these jade lancers and cafe is a little bit kind of heavy on this side and you can see they're going to be moving a lot of their stuff back to the middle as peasant horsemen do come out slicing charts coming down as well sky junk going to be blasting but the middle objective is going to be going to slaanesh here as a huge slicing shards comes in but that actually did a lot of damage to the saneshi forces as well iron hill gunner's being compromised on many fronts iron dragon trying his best to hold back here and on the side we do see the slaanesh cav get a little bit beat up and now the spears are going to be saturating onto those units and i believe the cannon is still functional though jade lancers are going to be tearing apart the furies looking at grand cafe they're actually winning on value a little bit so they've been able to kind of weather the storm that escalated very very quickly that did that battle went from like zero to a hundred in like it's a very slant thing though for sure in the back cafe doing an excellent job guarding uh you can see the jade lancers and all the different horsemen units doing good and now the cafe reinforcements are here the iron hail gunner is pouring the fury of the dragon emperor here into the big spawn and they are getting a lot of daca into those units as those spawn are getting wrecked by the iron hill gunners tim the wilder trying desperately to get some units back here he does get some forsaken with their glorious pink claws and they are going to be tearing apart a lot of these cafe units iron hill gunners are for sure are going to be taking some damage but jade lancers of grand cathay going to be moving over and they do slam into the chaos furies meanwhile a big flanking maneuver coming in from tim the wilder he's going to be attempting to grab that back objective and is grand cathay going to be able to kind of play the objective game that's the only issue because the score is you know not that far apart tim is gonna be stealing the back oh no grand cafe move your units oh no oh that just got slashed back in the game so hard that did so much damage crane gunners from downtown still online doing what damage they can but a big old slaaneshi flank coming in ladies and gentlemen cav cav and cab going to be descending upon the forces of grand cafe cafe is currently banking a fair amount they do have 1600 in the bank and over here we do see faye winning a pretty substantial fight also in the middle holding firm while the sky junk continues to nuke these units now how will grand cafe deal with this big flanking maneuver that is going to be a very tricky one indeed iron dragon battling the last of the spawn right there and here we do see a big big engagement as marauder horseman and ash get on top of the uh the old crane gunner so the backfield of grand cafe has been compromised finally um cafe sitting on 2000 resources though i have no idea maybe they ran out of units i'm not 100 sure they must have something in reserve maybe some like cheap stuff to just kind of throw in here but cafe has gotten a pretty good little front engagement actually many of the uh slash heretics are running out of steam here but in the backfield slaanesh's uh slinesha's crept through the back door which is very very much their style there and now we're getting more iron hills coming out so iron hill gunner summoning getting a big big volley on azazel so zazel gonna be swooping down to battle the iron hills or maybe just taking some more shots to the face does grand cafe have anything they can actually re-summon here that is the question a lot of their stuff of course is breaking and being killed as far as what slinesha is summoning again we do see chaos furies but inferno may have run out of assets to re-summon that could very very much be in the cards right now so we do see the iron hill gunners here being routed and terrified in the middle of the objective is actually going back to grand cafe the back objective still owned by cafe but not for too long it looks like it is going to be finally taken by slinesh here although tim the wilder might have left it a little bit too early oh no tim no tim left the objective and didn't quite capture it with this cav he got a little bit overzealous and is gonna be moving back over here now cafe gonna be summoning in more peasant horsemen so we do see some summons coming back in they get a good charge on the seekers might be able to finish them off cafe fighting tooth and nail here on the middle objective while the skyjunk gives harmony to nearby units which is very very good iron dragon doing a good job i would have wager he's gotten decent value yeah about a thousand and he's alive he's healthy certainly has a lot more to kind of provide here in this battle as slanesh does now have the triple cap in the backfield we see the iron hills just getting taken apart and tim the wilder has started to take over this game that big flank of on the backfield there was two things there were two moments the slicing shards taking out the big blobs cafe unit and then also on top of that the um the backfield flank with that big cavcore coming into the back was very very nice so yeah great game honestly this was a very close game i know it had that like big delay period but i'm really impressed you know infurman was saying like they thought they had no chance of winning but like you put up a great fight dude so if you're watching this cast back big props to you tim the wilder is a top tier player and you show that you belong here you did really really well but at this point i think that you know the formation the harmony is gone and we see that uh you know this is not where cathay shines cathay isn't going to be shining in a mobile brawl with slinhash that is slanesh's jam iron dragon trying to be a chad to the best of his abilities but you are triple capped by slaanesh and uh that is gonna be that slyness is basically just cleaning up everything at this point you can see why slash is probably one of the strongest factions in the game hands down they're nasty nasty nasty it looks like there's going to be a slicing charts coming down iron dragon is broken and i feel like the dragon characters should be i guess unbreakable wouldn't really make sense for them a couple cafe warriors stand at the ready that was actually a really fun match that was a fast and furious one i i'm enjoying the games we have today it's it's kind of cool to mix it up every now and then and not have and have like these random tournaments where you can actually see factions like slash be played because you never get to see them right you never get to see them uh where's somebody in chat asking where he's is age of empires four age vampires four is going to be streamed tomorrow my friend so we'll have an h stream uh probably tomorrow morning before i head off to los angeles so it should be good empire in the streets be spinning the sheets oh my god that's some mild stuff that's some wild stuff yep that's gg infirmium has lost the game tim the wilder with the big slaaneshi alpha strike which i think makes sense i think if you try and take take on a cafe and trench position with a smaller army it's not going to be great i really like the tactic of actually saving up your money and being more cagey i think that was good i think that is good yeah cafes cathay is good they can 100 beat slaanesh i just think it came down to some of the engagements yeah so taking a look here at the cafe army yeah they must have more stuff to summon yeah they must add more stuff a couple inefficiencies like the cannon isn't very good here i'd probably cut the cannon probably cut the crane gunners too like both of those are kind of dead units if you just cut cannon and crane gunners and get more width i think you trade uh i think you trade a lot better the sky junk bomb the skyrocket manager should get 1400 value which is pretty good so let's go jump into this game here gg well played to those two chads and uh what do we have here chromosumo is this the lobby just looking through lobbies here it is so this is gonna be an interesting one guys we have random knicks one of the world's best players facing off against a very strong chaos player in rusty and random is playing vampire coast today yeah i'm pretty hyped for this one all right let's see how this goes no problem tim the wilder says i had a lag drop order on those cavs so he said he tried to summon but he he didn't notice that he didn't some of the man interesting okay perfect let's see if we have any issues with uh with the stuff i'm just checking here perfect so we got warriors of chaos for his vampire coast we got random knicks against rusty very very hyped for this we don't live in los angeles anymore no we don't we live uh we live in a small mountain village which is very cozy yeah coast random on coast is exciting i'm hyped to see this rusty's probably gonna go for like a bellicorch i build again bellacor is pretty good but i mean i feel like vampire coast can punish that they for sure have a lot of shooting like cheap shitty pistols and things like that gg well played great game tim always a pleasure to cast your games uh yeah so random beat puggington's wood elves with his vampire coast yeah so the wood elves were defeated oh hell yeah a true chaos spilled ladies and gentlemen okay look at that so we got uh worries of chaos our key on the ever chosen and we have a vampire coast admiral so the vampire coast admiral is here with the deck hunter squad dude this is pretty hype man look at that huge gun line there's only like three melee units it's or no four yeah so it's it's all four handguns triple deck under we got bomber mobs we have a vampire fleet admiral pistols arc on the ever chosen with a marauder horde very classic like warhammer 2 type stuff turns like a james bond villain with a mountain base basically yes that's true oh yeah that's good stuff okay so the battle is going to be kicking off here soon ladies and gentlemen archaeon is actually really good he is a monster what a lot of people don't remember about archeon is homeboy is rocking like 90 speed 94 speed and his mass is 3100 for a reference carl franz has 2400 mass so archaeon can like move through infantry on his horse and he's got he's like super quick yeah it's just wild man archon's a monster so yeah obviously this build the whole point of this chaos build is to go super wide and make sure that your opponent can't you know essentially uh get high value shooting on you like everything they're shooting is either shielded or cheap or insignificant that's kind of the game plan and use burning heads against the rest of the army now for random it's going to be bomber mobs handgun mobs we do also have a vampire fleet admiral pistols and we got some more zombos into the sunset i think something i really like about this tournament is we get to see a lot of really different matchups that you normally don't run into right which has been good yeah haters i think dark elves are pretty solid in best of one like doubly limb how's it going for you hey dress have you uh have you run into some stiff competition down there yeah archeon is a monster i had a game the other day where he when he popped his layer of kings he literally killed my uh he killed my carl franz in like like like 20 seconds it was crazy absolute monster for sure so yeah you know obviously vampire coast this is a good map for them they can kind of park their army up on these two hills right here then they can shoot they can shoot and they can really really get a good position in that way but again chaos is pretty good at pressuring i would wager that you know rusty is going to be having slaanesh cabin reserve so those things are going to be able to come in and really get a lot of pressure sounds good darling i got you covered take care big love marauder horseman maybe gonna be summoned in to play i don't know probably not so much against the shooting faction random is coming in with the black pariah pit which is going to be giving him a ton of reserves and power recharges geez that is a pretty good item goodness gracious does that have charges no you can just use this oh my god 240 power recharge and reserves that seems really really good i definitely dig that so over here bombers will be very good at clearing out marauder infantry archaeon the ever chosen is going to be making his way up to the high ground here adrian says death by the green skin squeaks can kill it yeah yeah yeah i would say i would say that's a that's a pretty tricky one that is a pretty tricky one indeed it's all good ages don't stress it man you got to you got to get some skaven avatar victories today that's what you're here for the crew is going to be moving up deckhand mobs and bombers into the sunset shade wraith gunners and deck gunners are going to be moving up as well so probably going to be parking on the hill back here maybe parking up on the hill chaos with a very smart play if you're rusty here you don't you don't want to be just bull rushing into that army you want to kind of take your time gather some strength save up some resources and get a bigger army to try and overwhelm the gun line kind of what you saw tim the wilder do that's for sure but you know on this map there's gonna be a quick two cap by random he's gonna get both objectives very quickly so it gets a little bit more dangerous like in the last game cafe didn't capture the objectives super quickly so they weren't quite able to uh you know get the uh get the point lead they needed there to kind of hold out on one but again it ended up being a bit of a wipe anyways maybe a hell cannon too like a hell cannon if you have the soul damnation could be a pretty decent choice it just kind of bombarding here but random is a very very good dwarf player the pride of poland here uh you know he can play dwarves he can play coast he's really good at gun line you know and there's a couple of players who are really good at that like enticity is obviously the classic example he's really really good at kind of playing gun line position so you could put intensity on almost any gun faction probably not the empire though i i don't know he's good at empire but that empire is a very different play style you can't really play them like your traditional gun line because they don't have any like deck gunner equivalent and their handguns are good but typically uh it doesn't work quite as well that is for sure marauders with gray opens parking random is going to be grabbing one objective here and the other objective is going to be grabbed as well by the vampire coast and the deck gunners might actually scoot up and get some shots we'll have to see the vampire fleet admiral does have a pit of shades no winds of death as well as the drowned dead so rusty is doing a very similar tactic to what we saw last game essentially just building up like a colossal army and it's going to be trying to alpha strike which i actually don't mind i think it's kind of fun i i like seeing this like huge alpha strike come in with these two big armies kind of posturing but it looks like he's going to be pulling the trigger a little bit earlier so okay he was he was doing something a little bit different than tim but he saves up for a massive amount of calf which is good because if you trick here's the thing and this is like more advanced domination tactics if you summon one cav unit like piecemeal at a time your opponent is going to be able to adjust to it but sometimes if you summon them all at once your opponent doesn't have the time to muster the proper counters right so i really do like that tactic quite a bit yeah random is just totally content to sit on the two objectives archeon's gonna have to get some big burning heads bomber mob sitting in reserve just kind of waiting we got halberd sitting on the back objective making sure everything is good there and it looks like the warriors of chaos are gonna be getting a big surround here so random is look at this randoms are waiting in the bushes the dreaded animated hulks they wait yes good they do have halberds as well so it's gonna be kind of a tough position to crack animated hulks you know for their price point are pretty damn solid a little bit of co-shooting getting in there some rotter's taking some deck gunner fire deck gunners aren't going to be super great against them shade wraith counters are pretty cool against chaff though when they hit you they lower your leadership by 16 so they have a discouraging effect which i think is very very good yeah this is the dreaded sauron maneuver yeah that's right gathering your your strength in mordor pistol mobs gonna be shooting out chaos is looking to take the fight here to the vampire coast great weapons should be able to decisively defeat you know these basic zombie units right and i do like this play a lot using your fast speedy cab to just overload that kind of weaker side of the formation is very good so bomber mobs getting into the marauders in the front they take a lot of damage burning head coming down in the front as well that's gonna be tickling those guys pretty good and we do have some shielded chaos warriors so it looks like uh rusty here has brought some good units but now the bomber mobs gonna be saturating in the basic routers getting pounded and uh yeah for the most part vampire coast is holding this side very very well but now it's going to be a test of how good rusty's micro is is he going to be able to micro all these cavs because this is not going to be easy oh bomber mobs getting in there a couple of bombs going down we do see a chaos feral man's core some of the hell skirters do get on top of the guns a random knicks summoning in the morngall haunters so the morning girl hunter is going to come in they have the giant atomic pimp slaps here and they're going to be flying in with some scurvy dogs and they do get a nice jump and really hammer those slinashi cat now this is one of the cool things about the checkerboard formation of multiplayer is if one of your gun units is being compromised by a cav you can get your other guns to kind of cover for them granted it says a little bit of a hilly map so a lot of like direct gun line factions do have some line of sight issues here looks like there was an attempted uh winds of death going there but alas it's gonna miss pretty horribly the other chaos warriors did break the formation here and we do see the objectives going to the warriors of chaos as vampire coast is forced back a little bit random knicks is under a lot of pressure here from the forces of the ever chosen honestly uh you know archeon is basically using like a warhammer 2 build obviously with the exception of the slaaneshi cav which are very very good deck gunners continue to blast downtown going to be going after chaos spawn and will random secure his position that is the question this is a real man's score so that manchester is a little bit of a problem you know vampire coast doesn't really have too many tools for just kind of taking this match out so that thing's going to be problematic do we have any depth guard depth guard would actually be very very good here a couple of those would just really really be a huge buzz of unit nonetheless handgun's a little bit compromised morgan's still trading effectively random knicks is up in value by about a thousand and he is holding on to his bottom objective so that's going to give him plenty of time to fight back here the vampire fleet admiral uh with the pole arm or no the pistol must be trying to take down that man square but these darn manticores doing a really really good job for rusty very impressed by that marauders of course will eventually take down these zombies i would wager without the influence of any bomber mob so vampire coast could be in a position where they lose the side point and now we do see some depth guard coming out so this is where the depth guard are going to get crunk they will just cut through like everything and nice crossfire coming in we get the hand gunners as well as the dead counter shoot again but the match core summon is going to be going after the vampire fleet admirals the admiral is getting hunted big ones of death going down there and it looks like it did some okay damage the magic usage i suppose hasn't been that crazy from random this game it hasn't been really really devastating right but value lead is about 1500 of course there's some healing there's indications on the table but i don't think vampire coast has been doing too much healing here yeah the deck owners have been having a lot a really hard time with line of sight which i think is you know a lesson that random might be learning here on this map we do see the deck gunner shooting in manchor is broken so the crossfire has gotten the job done as far as banks resources random is going to be saving for another depth guard here we can see he got up to 1100 so i would wager it's gonna be a depth guard or a depth guard halberd and now we get to see the vampire berserkers really start to accrue big value pretty much the entire chaos army is weak against depth guard i mean chaos spawn aren't going to take a ton of damage from them i suppose well they will they're probably pretty squishy so we're going to be seeing probably the double depth guard just to get the momentum shift back and what do we see in the back yep depth guard coming out def guard will probably sweep under and maybe come for the subjective we'll have to see random is maintaining a pretty substantial value lead here in the trading i don't know where archaeon is what is archaeon doing okay arkhan's been trapped like killing some gun mobs for a while handguns have popped out handgun mobs from random a very good summon especially in that spot because they're able to hit all the chaos spawn which has got to feel pretty good and now the depth guard are making their way back to the middle and vampire coast actually getting good capture weight here as the vampire berserkers move in so here they come they're going to be chopping through a lot of these units these are def carter is one of the coolest units in the game i i feel like if games workshop made a vampire coast faction for the old world when they came out and just throw them at age of sigmar 2 why the hell not like people would love that dude people would love that i feel like that one would sell like just just like candy anyways here on the side we do see the forces of chaos rusty doing an excellent job wrestling the objective so he does get the objective here vampire code is probably going to be finding a way to get the middle back though so the middle objective is going to be going to coast now that they have their depth guard there and we see another unit of depth guard coming out i believe going to the side point animated hulks yeah so random has gotten the value he's wanted from his gun line and now he's gonna be switching into a little bit more of a melee focus i would wager archaeon the ever chosen basically just killing whatever he finds uh very very healthy at this point death guard do get onto the point we see a couple great weapons coming in to fight them but the great opening should die in a matter of seconds and where did that second depth guard unit go i'm looking around i see the vampire flea admiral kind of hiding in the shadows a little bit random is up on points but the value lead is only a thousand now which is very very close depth guard do have good healing but archaeon has come in and he has got crazy piercing so archaeon the ever chosen is gonna be able to oh dude look how big he is on that thing now man it's so much better yeah he's gonna put a lot of hurt on his depth guard he's just got great armor piercing vampire uh coast need to get some like guns shooting at him or something here's the other death guard unit so i would wager probably going to be moving over to the side point to try and play that objective a little bit yeah chaos looking kind of bare as i look around the battlefield i see some scourges coming out and more slendesh cav uh vampire coast able to get the middle archaeon is being dragged down a little bit the second man score in the back has been taken out by the different guns so the gunnery mobs and the handguns able to get some good work done so you know i was wondering what the source of our lag was yesterday when we were playing authenticity because we had we had random knicks myself in the culprit anticip random and i are having no lag here with rusty at all i think i think it was the dreaded cracking king's internet now man well hopefully it'll subside next week lamprey's revenge fighting like champs right here able to drag down these hellstriders side objective being retaken by the old coast and now random is going to be using scurvy dogs up in the high ground so they will be grabbing this uh scurvy dogs will crush chaos four hounds in combat in my experience they uh they just they're unbreakable right so that that usually is what happens i could be wrong but we'll have to follow this is actually a very very important test here we can see scurvy dogs i think the scurvy dogs just went on leadership if anything right because they they will stay and fight and they will stay and fight the middle middle objective has been retaken archaeon being hit with bomber mobs oh my god just random bomber mobs getting them and vampire coast wins the game they take all three objectives the only thing chaos really had left was archeon gg well played and that was that that was a good game that was an interesting one yeah i enjoyed that one a lot vampire coast got bull rushed they looked like they were in a lot of trouble but then they came back with the depth guard counter push the depth guard just absolute chads all right gg well played archaeon himself got about 1600 value and uh you know there's match course slinashi cav pretty much standard fare that was a really cool victory yeah i love i love the depth guard oh man he actually had lamprey's revenge too he had the crabs i didn't see those crabs i wasn't paying super close attention to that but gg well played to those two champions all right uh let me see where these players are right now let me refresh the brackets uh once in the top four wait yes correct so you're not i can cast your game okay cool let me see if i can find another lobby i'm just going to be hunting down the goodies hey looks like we have one here it is house cat i think it's playing in today's tournament let's see what faction house cat's playing so house cat is so the house cat of war is playing tim the wilder here yeah perfect slanted versus tomb kings oh this is a heavy hitting match guys this is a heavy heavy hitting match all right cool so we got slash versus tomb kings i i you know you don't see this often you don't see this often alright did i name the crabs in the game okay i was just i was just in a flow state maybe i just i just was kind of rolling are prometheans leviathans any good yeah they're okay i think there's matchups for them yeah the winner of this face is random great yeah perfect so we'll cast it let's go see how we're doing in the bottom bracket as well so i'm gonna head over there and uh this so we got random versus chaos random just one so random is in the top four now so random has made it to the top four with vampire coast which is really cool slaanesh versus uh slaanesh versus tomb kings here very exciting then on the bottom we still have a little ways to go the bottom side of the bracket always takes longer typically see a lower master of sosak on a run dude he he defeated that empire player with his lizards look at him go lure master with the four wins here man that's impressive i bet you he's probably having so much fun on his stream right now i bet you he's so happy with himself then we got tomos which was our uh he was playing what was he playing was he playing yeah vampire counts i think it's a vampire accounts mirror match right here we got happy feet so you can see if you if you lose in the later brackets it kind of puts you up a little bit so we got happy feet our other empire player we actually have some empire players making it to the uh later rounds here then we got cereal bob versus uh the winner of sleepy lion reginald puggington is down here so there's there's a redemption arc there's a redemption arc for sure yeah this is this has been a lot of fun today man i've been having an absolute blast with this tournament i've been having an absolute blast yeah let me know how happy he is on the stream it's almost as uh as a double manfred yeah that's the game where manfred died twice correct if you guys like joined the stream a little bit late in the very beginning we had like manfred be summoned twice and get killed twice in a game and there's still some empire in the tournament we have happy feet happy feet is still in the tournament on the bottom side um could come back i think there's so we have lizardmen we have empire i don't remember we have wood elves still in the tournament yeah we got we got some underdog factions vampire coast is like a mid-tier faction and there's the they've made it you know pretty darn far i think all the beastmen died yeah i think all the beasts went extinct if i'm not mistaken i'm looking right now i don't see too much love for the beastmen yeah they're they're they're suffering in the old pits they're suffering in the old pits them beastmen beastman are just kind of weak man yeah they're definitely like in the f tier i don't know why i always felt like they'd be good with vanguard i mean they just don't trade well b span with uh 11 and 26 and 30 green skins bretonnia this looks like this looks like right the lizardmen i feel like the lizardmen do not belong in this like they don't belong here lizardman should be like in the next echelon of factions yeah let's see who actually beats grand cafe who's grand cathay's worst match-ups okay apparently they've been losing to chaos demons in slantash and vampire coast vampire coast is three in wow so in in a tournament on our channel grand cafe has actually never beaten vampire coast or on total tavern interesting that seems weird i feel like that would be favored for cafe yeah they got some bad matchups maybe i'm a losing record against kislev which is very perplexing i don't get that one but you know save it for another day all right yeah beastman had a bad win rate in the previous patch too though yeah it was weird yeah yeah we're still early on in the meta obviously guys you know because we had a new patch to change things up but i think we have a very solid picture of like the top five best factions like i think that's very solidified for sure but yeah should be interesting i feel like the master necromancer could do some representation cackling on his health steed yeah he's uh he he does enjoy that he does enjoy that for sure yeah we need a lot more data for sure i don't know well there's gonna be i'm sure another patch coming so we'll have to see if we want to update it every time or just leave it and let it roll let's see yeah so tim the wilder coming in with like a horseman spawn build very similar to what we saw before but he's not going to be able to hide as well this time i guess he could just sit in the trees but he could still get blasted by a catapult as well as kotep so that's the thing like the slinesh units can hide but tim king's with their you know obviously crazy amount of ammo due to the you know i guess a quote-unquote bug there's obviously just tons of bugs in the game but um yeah he's going to be able to just really really shoot the slash units for a long time so if tim wants to play that waiting game again i think he's going to have a much harder time you think domination was yeah you would think these found would be good in domination you'd think so didn't anticipate lose with coast against cathay last weekend uh no intensity won that matchup if we're if we're talking about the series yesterday that doesn't go into the stats the winner stays on series is just kind of its own thing yeah north scores are really good faction they're top tier they're like they're like upper mids here i would say yeah or top five they're they're in there they're in there for sure north korea is really good madison platypus says slash warriors of chaos vampire accounts tim king's north scott yeah i'd say that sounds right platypus nailed it right on the head so taking a look here at the forces of slanash it's going to be azel once again the dark prince a dark friends coming in with slicing charts we got marauder horseman around the battlefield to do a little bit of poke on the tomb kings and control the flanks and objectives we have the mortise engine which is going to be a cultist so the cultist does have a demonet summon which is pretty cool some of those behind the enemy lines get on some archers some artillery all that sort of good stuff devoted marauders spawn of slaanesh and hellstriders looks like a pretty fancy little army you have there now for the forces of nakakara it's going to be a massive battle line with nahikara warriors battle backed up by some poker stalkers who shop de grapo and a screaming meme catapult dj khattab is going to be sending without his booth he is on tour he's well he's on tour but he's not performing at the moment he's just here and he's just going to be spamming those cheap spells which will of course be triggering the really really good healing across the army yeah i'm surprised to not see like a snake ball pick or something but i guess if you're trying to value trade is asl is probably better sig ball is better for like a long grind well but the dom is a long grind now so i think they're both viable but zazel is really good at sniping characters so i think i think i see the potential of him for sure so horsemen are going to move up and we do also see the hordes of dakar moving up so if you're the tomb kings here you want to get a really solid double cap early just you know get right up on that objective great ride up on this objective i believe both of these individuals are clan mates they're probably in discord together right now as a matter of fact house kind of war is an rtk right it is cringe tap it is yeah cringetep is is is having fun yeah cinch enjoying it but listening to you ramble right now oh it's great that's great i love it man love it but the next car warriors are pretty solid against the forces of slaanesh for a couple of reasons you know so there are very few factions that can actually effectively trade with slaanesh chaff with their own shaft now car warriors do cost a little bit more but they do actually defeat the devoted marauders with a relative efficiency having a bonus first infantry of seven is very very good on top of that we have the eyes of the desert so it is going to be the sepulchral suckers and i really like these guys because if you know your boy zazel comes in here and wants to get titanic again uh you know these things will sneak up and get a ton of damage on him he's rather squishy he does have 6400 hp which is nice but right now we need to see the uh tomb kings move up i i definitely think you need to get on those objectives quickly and just kind of sit and park and and prepare for this onslaught tim the wilder probably gonna do the same tactics we saw before where he kind of sits back and gathers a doom legion to try and overwhelm but it's not like the tomb king's army is like pure ranged like like a grand cathay it has like two range units but it's also very fighty and the undead units of course will crumble and disappear when they die which means that they'll go back into the summoning pool that's one of the reasons why undead is in my opinion very strong too and dom is you don't have to manage on summoning at all like they just get it and it's it's very very good eyes of the desert moving up who shot the grapes should just be screening out these marauder horsemen that's a pretty substantial mistake like the ushati grapos can easily easily just sit back and just just shoot these guys all day um matter of fact just park them like right on this hill right here so you just want to get the horseman right here and they can just shoot any direction also the catapult shouldn't be wasting ammo on his as i'll just save the ammo on the catapult get the grapos and go horsemen hunting you know force tim the wilder back and grab all three objectives and just get that going so spears moving up on this point and they should be relatively secure i mean hellstriders and spawn are over there but if you just park double spearman here you're gonna be just very very comfortable so tom king's going to be going up to a little bit of a value lead so yeah basically how it works in domination mode for anybody who's new to the game is when a unit is either routed off the battlefield or dies completely it goes back into your respawn pool but there's a cooldown so basically it takes a while to come back so a lot of like players who play human factions your units will route and be sitting on the edge of the map and if you don't unsummon those units they won't go back to your pool so that's like that's the pro that's one of the reasons why human factions and immortal factions in general can be harder to play than straight up undead undead your [ __ ] just crumbles and dies and you're like oh great it's back for me to summon already you know i don't need to worry about it too much so that is uh that's a big variable for sure now this objective is going to be taken by the tomb kings the team kings are going to get a triple cap which is exactly what you need to do if your opponent's going to sit back and play very cagey like this you know tim the wilder this is kind of his place though we've seen some other people do this and it can work very well for trying to overload positions but i don't know if it'll work quite as well against like uh like an undead faction the only thing is that's going to be very very scary is that tim the wilder like this this tomb king's army is basically just spread out across the entire map so he is gonna you know be able to really isolate weaker positions of the army with a big overload which is what's going to happen carrying moving up looking like they wanted to do some battle with zazelle and uh yeah tim king's just chilling dude they got the three cap they're up 121 points against 51 right now i really like the buffering like house cat of war's deployment pattern is really good like there's layers and slinesh does not like layers slinesh just wants to penetrate get in there as quickly as possible past your defenses just have one wall right but like if you force them to you know peel the onion and make them cry a little bit on the way through that's exactly what you want to be doing now this is a good play by house category as well forcing tim the while to kind of scoop back to some of these units because the shop de grapo can just put some hurt on any number of things right so tim is saving up 4 000. the dreaded ambush is coming yes shaving up again which you know some people like that tactic for me it's a little bit too anxiety inducing i don't like waiting and counting on a big alpha strike i'm more of like a progressive battle player but again you know it is what it is there's no value lead house god of war 68 to 9. he didn't get the blessed number of 69 but he's on his way so slanesha is going to be pulling back right now and uh once again just waiting who shot you great bows just scooting up and getting pot shots forcing those units back to kings are more than happy to just kind of sit and get these points for sure slaanesh prefers no they're doing the mordor approach again yes that's what we should call it but he's going to want to pull the trigger soon if he lets himself get too much of a point deficit in my experience the tim kings are going to probably be able to get you simply because they're very tough to remove from points they're not like the empire like the dwarves uh you know these different factions that basically uh can be routed off a point you have to kill them basically to the last crumbling is kind of insignificant really now a little bit of a micro mistake coming out from house cat perhaps although eyes of the desert pop out so we do see the big slineshi cab bait and the eyes of the desert getting some nice shots but they're gonna need a little bit more support okay doubles the pulperal stalker in here guys getting some nice shots both players kind of trading value for value here and we do see spears moving up so overall i think this is going to be a favorable trade for the tomb kings probably i think they're going to kill a fair amount of slaaneshi cav and they're not going to lose any efficiency on a lot of their units and now you know as these cavs do retreat they're probably going to get poked a little bit by the shopkin great bows and buy this volkl stalkers we'll have to see so they will be dropping some shots and the slaaneshi caver forced back yep more damage going down slaaneshi cav taking a little bit of work and uh still actually a value lead for tim the wilder granted you know the shopki great boss didn't lose a single model so they're still pretty much 100 combat effective so it looks like slaanesh is going to be going for the high ground objective we see them kind of mordor is lining up its forces here right they're waiting they're going to play that i don't know if they're going to play the bottom objective you know there's still a fair amount of spears i would probably just kind of have these guys in position and now slaanesh is moving up we see the classic game of thrones tactics as well we see the screaming skull catapult coming out now both players are kind of spending their resources and i would imagine the catapult should start shooting now big mistake to not have this bad boy functional for sure triple cap is no joke though uh he's almost a third of the way to the victory and slaanesh hasn't even really started to press the objective super hard yet so very you know tim the wilder must be a gambling man this is a very very you know stressful play style but some people like it man i certainly couldn't play this way it's just it's too stressful for me khatta moving over here looks like he's going to be trying to get some support spells we do have some tomb guard with halberd's on the point skeleton spears and skeletons on standby so poultry stalker is going to be shooting into the uh cultists of slaanesh here getting some nice damage you know it might not be a terrible idea for the tomb kings to pull back their valuable assets here and go down to the low ground and then just let slanesh fight some shitty skeletons and get the objective i think that's probably the play honestly and just kind of keep hunkering down until you know you already got your value from this high ground point right you're slanesha's now or trim kings are now halfway to victory so that's really good and yeah just leave the spears pull back your high value units and force slindesh to chase you into your deployment zone i think that's uh i think that's going to be really really good so here we see some slaaneshi cav trying to steal this point you need to send some nakara warriors over here the house cat of war needs to you know unleash his claws and get ready to party did you see some skeleton horsemen sent in to battle these uh these massive amounts of slash cavalry and beautiful tactics i really like that by the tomb kings they've kept the value even they pulled back they didn't give slaanesh what they wanted which is a big isolation fight up in the high ground a very very tactical fight for sure skeleton horseman still chasing here we got spears all over the place fears of course very problematic for these mass amounts of slaanesh cav and now here in the center we do see spawn and marauders moving but they're not going to be able to do a whole much i think pulling your units down here like your stalkers and starting to blast these guys in the middle could be very very strong oh my god the legion of carrion oh my god look at that holy [ __ ] house cat of wars the dark lord of carrion they descend from the skies and they swarmed the haggard heretics oh my god and their spears okay this could be a potential game losing play if tim doesn't notice this and try and run here because he's taking massive massive losses here house got a war pulling ahead in value for sure in the middle skeleton's gonna be battling the hakkar warriors doing their thing and the legions of usyrian man they're moving forward and there is no no mercy here as those undead are going to be getting that sweet bonus first infantry versus spears and doing great work check that out man so the carrion easily able to kind of fend this off carry and actually have 46 melee defense so they're actually really tough to kill they're also infantry sized so the hell striders the slasher pretty much trash against them although this could be a really good counter play by tim the wilder uh getting a big slicing shards which has a super long cast and wind-up time right here but oh the carrion just routed them no tim should have stayed so the carrion end up escaping the slicing shards what a beautiful play right there that was really really good house cat of war does also have his eyes in the desert and you can see the eyes of the desert are in guard mode and they're just ripping huge shots into the chaos spawn here right so the chaos spawn are just getting trapped huge huge blasting damage halberds are also fighting them honestly it feels like right now we do see celeste deal the side objective which uh definitely was a big big mistake by the undead but i feel like the two kings are in pretty good shape as long as they don't like blunder and make any more play mistakes you know obviously they shouldn't have never have lost a side objective if they just parked three undead units on this objective there was it just was not going to get taken by slash any time soon value trading pretty even the carrie and goon squad trying to get in there some poke stalkers gonna be fighting against marauder horsemen we know they have 80 armor pretty high melee defense at 38 should be able to win this fight most likely but slaanesh does have the objectives in the middle we do see the tomb kings holding it though tim king's uh do you have their nakar warriors trading very cost effectively into most of the chaff units in the backfield we see a couple horsemen units summing out going to be going after the hellstriders and groundhero from caltech just chilling ellstrader is going to get hit there and will the undead be able to get this point back really nice play here by tim the wilder he actually gets some seekers and gets a beautiful rear charge using the vanguard deployment onto the undead units and is able to surround them so that was a very very clean play incredibly nice so we just get this round on those devoted marauders still bumping and grinding you know any other non-undead faction this position would just be absolutely crushed but the fact that they're undead means they stay crumbling doesn't even do that much damage and they just continue to get value which is just so nuts two kings do own the middle two kings can win on just one objective at this point though for sure and it looks like the undead might be able to re-secure the high ground the haggard carry and swarm actually performing very well you can also see in the back that the cultist you know on the shrine is on death's bed ushopti grapos have been sitting there and just blasting that cultist looks like as a matter of fact the cultist is going to be breaking right now if the two kings managed to find a way to re-secure a second objective i think that's gonna be guaranteeing the loss for the forces of slaanesh but if slanes can keep them on one objective and keep value trading they might be able to kind of catch up in value so nash is only down by about eight or nine hundred right now but that's not really accurate because tim king's healed the realm of souls so you really really have to kind of take that with a bit of a grain of salt and i do think tom kings are pretty heavily favored in this particular situation over on the matchup i think either side can win but skeleton spearmen as well as the skeleton warriors are going to be moving up on the points so that is going to be two infantry units uh both of whom i believe do count as the kind of lower cap tier capture weight due to their expendable status well they don't have expendable i don't know i i know with vampire counts the skeletons don't have good capture weight but i don't know about tomb kings so that is going to be a recap here the middle is just rock hard under the control of the kepler guard kepler guard are just holding on like absolute chads they're going to be tough to break pepper guard did get nerfed in the most recent patch they got fixed they no longer have 100 armor piercing but you know if you're putting kefir guard up against factions like you know slaanesh where armor piercing doesn't matter they still do really really really good so slash has a little bit of capture weight here but the dreaded legions of the undead moving up honestly i think some of the best factions to defeat tomb kings are like factions like vampire coast with bombers i think uh empire is actually not bad against tomb kings i think hellblaster volley guns and grenade launchers can really wreck a lot of their roster and cannons can outrange their supergirl soccers and all that sort of good stuff tomb guard coming over to this point is going to be very tough and the ushap d7 and horsemen it looks like slaanesh is running out of steam you know they blew their load early and it didn't quite get where they wanted and a lot of their cavs are trapped in sustained combat for spears and kept regard here there's just a lot of engagements for slaanesh that just aren't going well anymore and you know zaycel is trying his best he's doing his he's doing his fancy anime landings you know all that but really it probably is not going to be doing the trick here so we do have what appears to be a fascination going down no i thought i saw some sort of an army ability carrion really really proven to be huge mvps here tombkings take that objective back tim the wilder really really scrapping super hard big props to him and even if tim does lose this he's not eliminated from the tournament he will go to the bottom side and uh he will have a chance to climb his way back up essentially so he will do it tomb guard recapturing the objective ladies and gentlemen slicing shards coming down very nice cast there by your boy zazelle but the tomb kings able to weather the slanashi storm and even though the values even two kings have a [ __ ] ton of free healing via the realm of souls as well as the lord of nihakara so that is not an accurate metric at all if you want to beat the gym kings you need to be up by about 2 000 value on them that means you're actually probably you know doing a little bit better if you're even with them it's not good at all so slaaneshi cav battling carry in here look at how well the carrion are doing though man they have like a unit of just some [ __ ] house like flying cab like trading really cost effectively into these health riders over here and you know i think that was one of the big plays like in the beginning we saw this the carrie and goon squad screen out all of tim's skirmish cav and i feel like like the way sonash players are used to playing they might have to switch it up like you might need to bring some chaos warriors i don't know though because tim kings have a shopkin grape oh they have catapults there's a lot of things that are very very risky here but the middle objective is controlled slaanesh is forced back and we do see the the dreaded seekers on the run as the tomb guard continue to hunt these guys down and ladies and gentlemen that looks like it is going to be a victory for the forces of cetera the imperishable he's not here he sent kotep to do his business we'll say content but it's way more fun to yell cetra so it looks like that is going to be uh your voice cetera claiming the victory gg well played gg well played it'd be interesting to take a look at jim king's and see what matchups are losing slash feels like they can beat them but of course it's it's not easy two kings are a top tier faction they are very very strong gigi well played and with that the house cat of war is going to be advancing on to face random knicks and the vampire coast that is going to be very fun all right so let me check here uh sounds good and let's see here all right perfect let's go ahead and do this gotta do a little bit of admin work we'll check the value real quick is azel 1500 nothing too crazy for slanash but for jim king's just good like their infantry performed so well now car warriors and kept regard are just absolute absolute linebackers all right let's find another lobby to get into and uh i don't think random is back yet so just give me a quick second we have what appears to be one of my tournament games here so let's go see who's in this one oh oh this is loser's bracket okay so this is infernum our cafe player from earlier on the bottom side and dark elves okay so we're going to get some different factions here don't get to see much anymore all that real life stuff but it's a pleasure hey thank you thank you erin i really appreciate those kind words okay so i got to do some admin stuff on the old bracket okay so let's get over there thank you so much gun hound for pointing it out thank you peeling at all the great mods here for helping keeps uh keeps the old machine going smooth so red wall okay so character music we moved on looks like he's moved on and then there was one more question tell us okay i actually need to drop out of the journey so you can probably fill me in i'll talk to turn so let me see here so who is supposed to advance here a sec here does this get resolved all right perfect thank you guys for joining today been a lot of fun so far yep broken leg goalie is indeed the map and we're good so tex against vampire counts lizardmen actually aren't horrific there but you know everybody's gotta gotta come to the end of the road somehow hey drew says have carry and charge pile silver helms and test to see how long it takes to elf cab to kill them probably like a minute a couple minutes yeah okay just checking in with this player here all right so you just need to update this so archer is going to be replacing captain telus all right so a little admin thing here guys and we should be all squared away and then we'll get started on our next match which is going to be fun had some really really good ones today we've had some really really good ones so on the top side it's going to be random's uh coast versus the tomb kings that's an interesting one that is a very very interesting one yeah carrying have super high melee defense their damage output's pretty poor but against like something like marauder horsemen they're gonna be they're gonna be very very good for sure okay so he is archer but is it spelled wrong oh no it's it's not archer okay getting his name name all wrong there all right there you go should be good all right good luck have fun all set and let's do this captain tsales was like i don't think i didn't think i could make it that far in the tournament today so i i had other players he actually made it pretty far which is fun oh it's nice to see that all right cool so grand cafe versus the dreaded uh dark elves on this map on broken leg gully i think a lot of shades can be pretty cool you can like get some dark shard play on the sides cafe artillery isn't going to be as oppressive here for sure we'll have to see wester says thanks brother for all the fun we have everything before us i feel it all the way down to my plums dude i love that i love it man yeah eastbound and down reference always welcome here on the channel yeah we got it taken care of gundam we're all good we're all good uh yes so you play the other guy adjusted brackets all right cool looks good yeah it's i'm glad i didn't play today there's a lot of admin stuff to do when you have a lot of new there's a lot of people and which is a great great sign you have so many so many new people getting into tournaments it's really really cool to see like new players coming in and just practicing getting strong it's great lester thanks for all the fun we have everything before us yes thank you man sorry i read your message twice i didn't have much of a breakfast today so i'm like getting a little bit a little bit loopy right now you think malice is coming malice against cafe isn't bad malice malakith is still really good too with the dragon breast if you could avoid if you could avoid the iron hills dark shards are really good here too like dark shard shades um cold one nights can really dominate like there there's a lot of advantages that dark hills have in this uh in this this old tournament here yeah yeah dow we now we have good enough anti-infantry that's not their weakness their weakness is just their speed really you know which has always been kind of the conundrum of the dwarves how are the dwarves doing on win rate by the way i mean dwarves are sitting at a 47 win rate pretty respectable who is the hardest counter against the tomb kings according to tavern corn corn apparently doing well against tomb kings that's weird yeah grand cafe doing well against tomb kings um a lot of the jim king's losses come from mirror matches yeah really team kings don't really have any bad matchups i don't think i feel like they're good against everyone how do they do against empire five and oh geez okay well again one of the problems with empire guys and factions like empire is usually you don't have good players playing like the empire usually people who are really top players will not play the weaker factions so you don't really get to see what they're truly capable of eat some food we will emergency banana i think i have one in the kitchen just absolutely annihilate that banana just show it no mercy let's show that banana who's boss all right perfect so they know the map let me just make sure he's not afk i don't think he is but let's do a little intermediate graphic here no it looks like a solid build on both sides great okay so players are indeed here and they're just getting their armies ready so grand favors drewke yeah dark shards it's like dark shards counter there's some rock paper scissors here it's like dark shards and shades counter like almost all of cafe's roster with goldman knights but then cafe has firing rockets which annihilate your dark shards so what's the rock paper scissors on that for dark elves do you overcast spirit leech to snipe them do you use bolt throwers to move up and try and pick them off there there's a lot of interesting interesting back and forth here i actually really like this matchup i really like this one poor banana i know all right guys hold up i'm gonna go fill my water and get some like background music empire only tournament oh my god no if somebody else hosts one of these i'll play in it and i'll bring the empire to its glory don't worry god all right my friends i return we're finally starting to get some cool weather got my water we're all set hope you're all doing well and here we are so for the grand cafe build ladies and gentlemen it is going to be a double firing rocket yes it is the double fire rain rocket bring it on so these things of course are very good they're not this is the only advantage that the empire has over grand cafe is the fact that their health storms have better range so they can sometimes out trade there but it is going to be double fire rains to deal with dark shards we got jade warriors iron hill gunners and some grain gunners in the back on top of that we do also have a dragon blooded lord so dragon blooded lord not in the air is a very interesting choice it looks like it's going to be talented the night is old storm of shadows and that is going to be it now looking at the dark yelp build ladies and gentlemen it's going to be bleak swords they have really good sats 36 36 32 35 but they do lack armor piercing jade warriors will typically trade pretty well into them we do have a dark shard so it's going to be four dark shards corsair infantry are my preferred infantry against grand cafe i always feel like they just do really really well so basically these guys come in they have armor so jade warriors can't hurt them and then they eventually outgrind them using their bonus first infantry with which elves on the sides coming in from cara drock as well paradox yes and a sorceress of dark so it's going to be chill wind chill wind and blade storm is this like a like a campaign caster it kind of feel like it it's going to be quite interesting for sure so if you're the dark elves you don't play the center too heavily you play the sides you just play the side you secure this and you overload because the artillery you know it can still get you know decent line of sight up here but the iron hills and other things like that are really going to be struggling for sure really really struggling indeed i played cafe once and i've liked the faction they're really good faction yeah cathay is upper tier they're not like s tier but i would say a tier in new domination it feels so weird to say that because cathay was so bad for so long with the old domination considering the game was over in like five minutes cafe rockets don't have as good armor piercing that makes sense yeah let's go and check the arm piercing values on these guys while we're looking 560. looks like the armor piercing is yeah it's not the worst in the world but again it still is gonna get a lot of work in for sure nothing has as much armor-piercing as the dreaded britonian trebuchets the blessed trebuchets coming in and dropping the mighty cows on your opponents that's cool get the lord's speech do i get the lord's speech if i go over here too okay it looks like i don't know that's a little bit of a shame so dark elves gonna be advancing up to grab their home field objective they will be moving up the middle which i think is a big mistake against grand cafe the fire rain rockets are just gonna give you the absolute dirty cathay usually where they lose is like in infantry trades on like flanks and things like that cafe really uh doesn't have good individual staying power they really need to be fighting together which is you know very very you know lore friendly with their passion right so like jade warriors things like that like you know blackheart corsairs are massively gonna out trade most of the cafe infantry obviously celestial dragonguard would be a bit of a different paradigm but those things cost like what like a thousand gold or something so not really a comparison you want to be making so canon's getting ready to shoot fire rain rockets excuse me being pulled by the oxen that's something that's really cool about cafe artillery 2 is they do have 30 speed because they're being pulled by the aux so they can actually reposition much more efficiently than artillery from other factions like when the empire is trying to push like a hellstorm rocket battery i think their speed is like just super super low so the harmony is not active a little bit of a misplay there oh nice chill win coming in from carriage rock there he does get hit with a storm of shadows and an attempted snipe coming in but the children actually did some good damage against those jade warriors okay some secret vm clan tech apparently as uh the fire rain rockets like hey if you shoot that many rockets in something eventually something is gonna be hitting right oh my god what a meme but the children actually did some good work certainly impressed by that dark elves need to start pressing up on that side point it looks like they're chilling back with a lot of their army right now i don't know what the dark elves are gonna do to really compromise this position it's gonna be very very tough and over here we do have the uh the corsairs and the witch elves getting ready to maneuver through the trees we have bleak swords i really think shades are super good here because they can avoid artillery fire on the approach they can get in and then they eventually can get their value and they can really really do quite well for themselves so here comes the dread spears dred spears grabbing the point the chill wind caster hanging out and just chilling you know how it is and the fire rain rockets now gonna be shooting i think at the lord or maybe the spears up here and that's uh that's good damage that is good damage yeah so one unit of spears are basically being sent into the trash can being shoved into the locker whatever other analogy for uh terrible bullying you can think of is what's happening to them and yeah dark elves need to get that back objective we do see harpies coming out harpy's gonna get in to try and get on the cathay artillery but we do see the dreaded uh righteous lances of weijin come in so the big longwear riders now if you're the cafe player here you use these things to defend your firing rockets for now you set them back and if any harpies or any other sort of distraction harass units trying to get into your back line you're just going to be kind of hanging out here so crane gunner's moving up dark elves are like screw this [ __ ] i'm going home uh looks like some corsairs maybe gonna be kind of working their way up i really think overloading the high objective and trying to trade that way because what happens if you overload this is it forces cathay to do a bunch of inefficient summons which can soften up the middle position also creeping in some shades could be really good too like creeping shades from vanguard and having them get up and just start killing the iron hill gunners shade like a couple shade volleys could probably kill the iron hill gunners before the firing rockets could retaliate right so firing rockets are at about half ammo right now our uh our dark elf player has his home objective cafe is going to be grabbing this one it looks like he does have some peasant horsemen up here harpy's kind of sitting in the wings as well he's got a large swirly yeah that sounds about right jack hmm cathay versus gaben is kind of an interesting matchup yeah it certainly is harpy's coming around the back not sure where they're going to be going maybe charging into the back of the peasant spears what's really cool about harpies and these type of units and furious is that harpies are infantry sized so things like spears which people often leave to defend their artillery it's very common aren't actually going to kill them very quickly so it looks like the harpies are going to go for the kill but what really good cathay players do is they'll just use storm of knight to slow these down and then they'll shoot them with iron hills and kill them in like two seconds so that's where you can really really pay the troll toll super hard now fire rain rocket's gonna be blasting up here honestly the value lead for cafe isn't that massive and both of their firing rockets are at about 40 50 on ammunition right so it's oh god water went down the wrong pipe oh god anakin i'm too weak okay i think i'm good iron hill gunners really nice play they are just the absolute leader of brass units with iron hails with their shotguns oh my god the harpies just get rocked by rockets as they get in oh no the iron hills got their shotguns out there they felt bad for the harpies oh never mind okay they didn't feel bad yeah so those harpies just get absolutely eviscerated man taken to pound town their pound has been stretched and they have been pushed off the map so the harass from the drew key hasn't worked out too well more harpy's gonna be trying to jump in on the iron hills uh but it seems like the cafe player is pretty ready for it and the iron hill is gonna be turning about face to try and shoot oh no and the sorceress got caught oh carriage rock paradox got in there and got caught in a storm of shadows and got iron healed i can't tell you how many times i've had that happen to me the dark elves are being way too passive though like way too passive they need to get this objective i don't i don't care if they're still firing rockets you need to get that like that's how you're going to beat cafe here when the harpies move in do a little bit of work i suppose maybe they're waiting for the firings to run out of ammo they're just like tanking it with their face essentially the sorcery shades are honestly your best unit here shades are so good you could vanguard shades get them up on this high cliff and you could have actually killed these fire rain rockets there's there's a lot of counter play the dark elves have for this bull throwers also wreck this too because both throwers have 350 range so you know they have 400 but you just move your bolt throwers up and distract them with harpies and then the bolters can counter the firing rockets very effectively so for anybody watching saying that there's no answer to this that's definitely not true the dark elves have tons of options they can do against grand cafe on this map it would be a lot harder on an open field map but in my experience i've seen dark elf goods arco players beat grand good gang grand cafe players not consistently it can go back and forth i would say it's still slightly grand cafe favorite maybe like i don't know 55 45 60 40 but dark elves can certainly win it but yeah grand cafe is starting to really cackle right now we do see the witch elves move on to the point and uh yeah the firing rockets might not be able to get the best line of sight especially if you park right here against the wall uh the firing rockets aren't going to be able to hit you there's a lot of little like weird texts and schemes you can do as the darko player from this perspective now is the sorcerer's still alive and this is also just not a good idea at all like not a good idea like pushing the middle with grand cathay against the grand cafe in trench position like use everything that just died in the middle right here and you go up to the high ground like this you there's no reason to push into the middle you just play the high ground you're you're just giving cafe free real estate basically now cathay is up on value pretty heavily you see the spears moving in to fight against the jade lancers black our corsairs and witch elves stand at the ready as more grand cafe units do come out so the jade lancers are going to be moving in here they come yes yes but dark elves will be able to hold on to this point for some time a lot of the value in the jar kelp army is tied up and it's lord having gotten karate chops so there's still some play and the dark elves could re-summon their lord if they want to now dark shards are on their way in dark elves will individually dark elves will trade much better than cathay units like if we're talking like just you know their cavers your cav their infantry typically will trade better via the blackheart corsairs here which elves are going to just cut apart these peasants they got the madness of cane so they're going to be getting rampaged in a second and look at the colors of the rainbow and these guys they got like teal going on they got the purple highlights in their hair it's getting pretty serious but yeah the peasant horseman just gonna straight up get wrecked here harpies intercepting these jade lancers while coldwell knights up on the high ground gonna be moving in as well so here they are cathay does have a point lead at this point i believe they do by a little bit yeah cafe does have a points lead but cafe can start to fall apart in the game when they have to move and if you force cafe players to move out of their little rat's nest is when it becomes a little bit scary for them here so coldwell knights get a downhill charge onto the jade lancers another very cost effective fight for the dark elves uh koldo knights are a really badass good unit now and the reason why is because primal instincts and rampage and all those type of effects have been buffed uh melee attack physical resistant charge bonus and it doesn't rampage them anymore right so basically look how bad the cold knights are just dunking on these jade lancers right also pretty good dark shard position dark shards are just getting armor-piercing missiles into the jade warriors here and we do have the dark elves now moving into the middle with some shielded units which look to be pressing into the iron hill gunners this would have been a good a good time for some dark riders actually to just kind of like sweep in there and try and give them some grief as far as this fighting goes pretty even it's gonna be two blackheart corsairs fighting against peasant long spheres and it looks like in the back the peasant horsemen have been more or less fended off by coldwell knights and harpies and dark shards should be able to scoot up and help out against those iron hill gunners now you'll notice the value descript discrepancy is starting to change a little bit now that cathay has been now that the dark elves are properly playing the sides and not playing into the middle the value is changing and what happens is cafe is like forced to address the the two cap and then you can start to pick them apart as they their formation moves and does all that sort of good stuff so dreadsphere is going to be piling in and the iron hill gunners will get one last shotgun blast to the face but the dread spears will get in there and they are indeed dreaded as they are going to be taking down many of these iron heel gunners oh man that one iron hell cut on the flank got wrecked and now the drewkie are back in this game i mean they're down a sorcerer but they could very very well get the middle objective here and really start to put some serious points pressure on and dark shards up in the high ground and shades being summoned so we do see uh keradoc with a very very nice shade play here so shades now are here and they're going to be really really thumping down these cathay infantry as more corsair infantry do move down and prepare to go for the low ground objective in the meantime looks like there's a little bit of a peasant horseman push with some jade lancers nothing that one dark night uh dark knight one dark but not dark ryder cold one night well dark nights kind of sounds cool doesn't it they can just like rename it yeah the value discrepancy is really closing right like the dark elves have been winning most of the engagements across the map now that cafe is spread out not quite able to get as comfortable as they would like in their little entrenched position you can see the harpies move again going after the iron hill gunners over here we do see the dark elf infantry trading reasonably well i think yeah with iron hills being shut down the corsair infantry should trade really really good yeah they're an awesome unit dark elves are just such a cool faction and domination i really i think they're one of my favorites to play i gotta add them to my repertoire here so middle objective is going to be taken most likely assuming you know with proper control by the dark elves i guess there still are some grand cafe units on it a couple a couple forces of the drew key could move up here but the shades up in the high ground just pounding into whatever they hit and we do get double dark rider coming out dark riders should be able to effectively counter these uh very tattered units shades turning about face the jade lancers moving in but the shades should be able to unleash a volley before they get too close looks like the jade lancers will just barely dodge that although they do kind of falter on their charge there at the end so that's going to hurt a little bit it's subjective going to grand cafe but the dark elves are about to the dark globes have passed them in points and we have more bleak swords coming up bleak swords are just such a cost effective unit with the shields and of course i believe they have silver shields you have silver shields and just really good combat stats it's going to take a while to deal with them so cathay does start to win the fight here we see it starting to rotate as iron hill gunners are liberated from the harpies right there and the old uh and the old peasant horse been able to kind of get the wrap around here but the corsair infantry just so cost effective dark shards shooting into the peasant horsemen dark sharks probably will get wrecked here but with more harpies and bleak swords coming in that if they can get there before the objective goes back to grand cafe that might be just a huge power play and guys look at the value discrepancy the dark elves have actually just caught up like they are straight up even in value now and i think the dark elves like are in a better position overall based on what i'm seeing in the value and the reason why is because the value discrepancy you see where cafe was ahead was because they had killed the dark hill floor which was good but not like a huge impactful unit that means the dark elf army on the battlefield is still very very strong right so dark shard shooting in going to be going after these cathay forces which elves and bleak sword trading cost effectively we have a couple uh dark riders making into the secondary line gonna get last time oh my god look at the last samurai from those iron hills so many of those cab just got shotgunned in the face but iron hill gunner's really not going to like this and now keradoc is going to be sending his cav over going after these grand cannons here and that is going to be a really really nice one for sure so looking around ladies and gentlemen dark riders looking to do another rap perhaps coming in to try and get on the cannons but a lot of the grand cafe shooting is shut down and this objective almost goes to grand cafe it's so close but the two bleak swords do make it up here so the bleak swords have made it up to the point they got their shields and uh they're ready to party man as you can see the capture way does go back to the drewke now and the dark elves do not have a triple cap they do have a triple cap so the dark elves do have the middle and they have all three points and this is like every cafe player's worst nightmare is being kind of pushed back into your deployment zone this is giving cafe players a flashback to the launch of warhammer when the ogre kingdom gorgers would just be spawn camping them basically shades are so badass ripping huge shots from downtown really able to just do tons of armor piercing damage and iron hills do have 90 range shades you have 130 though so with proper control shades should never be in range of iron hill gunners although somehow they find their way into range here which is a little bit unfortunate a little bit of a miss micro there but the shades if they unleash a big salvo should be able to uh do very very well for themselves although are they moving into melee what are they doing oh no don't throw away a unit of shades that's going to hurt pretty bad these shades should just pull back they've been doing so good but now they're moving into the kill box here so harpy's swarming up from the high ground they're able to kind of shut down the iron hill gunners which means the superior key infantry are going to be able to trade all day like i told you these corsairs with their 80 armor just so good in this matchup corsairs i think we're one of the best infantry units in domination in general blackheart corsairs they have 40 movement speed they have missile resist they have high armor they have a bonus force infantry and they only cost like just over 600 it is uh it is a very very strong unit so cathay going to be selling some jade lancers in there and oh the bladestorm look the dark elves got their caster back bladestorm coming in doing some big work but it looks like there's going to be a jade lancer charge into the shades that's going to be some good value shades are lightly armored and do not like taking charges from shot cav the corsair is going to be moving across to screen those bad boys out and the uh the game's looking to be in control for the jukey for sure i just don't see how they like the back objective is is there's no pressure on the back objective which obviously cathay is not very good at that cathay wants to play too uh over here looks like it is pretty good for the dark elves i mean they have bleak swords and bleak swords which are somewhat healthy although graham cafe is kind of starting to wrestle this one back a little bit it's hard to say the lore of the goth caster yes the the lord the hot top lord of hot topic is here so the hot topic caster is going to be going after the dragon blooded lord dragon blooded lords are actually good fighters unlike hot topic casters as we now call them but the dark elves got more bleak swords more corsairs corsairs are going to be able to easily peel off those uh cav not easily but they will eventually shades need to be withdrawn from combat and i just don't see cafe is not a faction that can capture objectives quickly although cathay does get a mass route up here so the mass amount of horsemen able to get the surround on the drew key infantry and they do kind of bunker bust them down yeah they they got him man gg well played there so the dreadspears are on the run and down on the low ground we do have the dark elves holding valiantly but really i just think cafe doesn't have enough time they're going to get this objective maybe if the masked horseman if they just kind of pull you know the helm's deep scene while the horseman ride out and gandalf arrives and [ __ ] maybe but no you see dark elf you see dark elf cold nights coming in cold the knights will outraid all the cathay cavalry except maybe like you know the righteous sciences of weijin getting a charge on them but even then they would probably trade pretty well so here comes goldman knights maneuvering across gonna be able to probably crush most of this mobility now they're not going to reclaim the objective but it is going to be keeping the cathay cav from getting to the other point and helping to cap in a desperate situation because it's mainly just you know crappy peasant horsemen everywhere trying to get on the points and uh i guess they have some capture weight you know peasant horsemen do have some capture way but yeah it's not gonna be enough and we see iron hill gunners moving in right now the forces of uh the dark elves are within a hundred points of victory so essentially it's gonna be uh 50 seconds for them to win so a little bit less than a minute and the forces of the jury key will be claiming victory assuming they can hold on hey welcome to the stream guys hope you guys are all doing well hope you had fun watching uh so tech over there i heard he had a pretty good run which was great dark riders running in coldwell knights just being absolute chad velociraptors and that is gonna be all she wrote gigi well played what a great game between those two players it's a lot of fun thank you guys welcome to the stream and we have a dark elf victory against grand cafe in a game it looked like they were going to lose horribly in the beginning but keradoc showed that he's got some chops he lost his lord and still came back and won gg well played gg so let's go find another game to watch in today's tournament okay let's see and outstanding oh no they put a they put a cursed password on it that i don't know all right what's the password here what is the password funny guys let's go look at the brackets real quick so hang with me from my friends while we get this all squared away i'm gonna go to total tavern and see what the brackets look like okay single faction tournament we had 73 signups today which is really cool it was a pretty short notice event but i'm happy to have gotten some numbers the rockets probably didn't get much value yeah 100 so i think we got random versus house god of war uh password okay yeah i get a message from random he's like i'm we're waiting for you and i'm like dude what's the password i just like they put a password that was different i just i couldn't figure it out yeah yeah it's not one two three though tomb kings vs vampire coast oh this is hype on arnheim too this is hyped it's not one two three no it's something else all right guys this is gonna be a super fun match continue the marcus campaign yeah i'm playing a marcus campaign on my own it's pretty fun yeah i'll do one on the channel too as well maybe i'm not sure so it is grand heroif and katep facing off against a vampire fleet admiral triple cannons and bomber mobs bombers are basically the antithesis of the tomb kings they hate that [ __ ] you know those like stupid clickbait ads that you see on like on doctors from doctors like doctors hate this one trick well the bombers are the one trick that the tomb kings hate because all their good quality infantry which they usually probably won't bring here is just going to get absolutely wrecked i know the password now i know random with the vampires he's been doing great today man intensity why didn't you play i feel like you would have really had a lot of fun you could have streamed it and gone ham yeah yeah the password was turn yeah correct you guessed it correctly i just put my name so it's all good all right cool so loading into the battle ladies and gentlemen here we are it is going to be a classic tomb kings good stuff build using you know what's really funny is both of these factions have bugged infinite ammo so if you use lower vampires and you lose use use lord of nehekara the um the catapults are going to be getting infinite ammo but they both have it so whatever it's fair um but basically the catapults here are just great they can kill pretty much any of the infantry of the vampire coast uh you know depth guards irene zombie mobs you name it right so many eight hour streams lately i know the stream isn't going to be as long though it's all best of one intensity you're on i'm uh on vacation from youtube for a bit yeah it can burn you out man it can burn you out for sure i get you so catapults in the front secondary lines get every team guard as well as skeleton warriors and up in the high ground ladies and gentlemen oh my god it's the dreaded double casket oh oh yeah dude oh double casket of souls what a chad play coming in from house god of war and they can sit like up on the hill and won't be focused and can just do some serious work which i love now looking at the build of random knicks he's going to be putting a cannon up in the high ground you see random is so cunning he knows it he knows they're probably gonna be something on the high ground so random puts a cannon up there he does also have a zombie pirate gunnery mobs on top of that we got a vampire fleet admiral and uh yeah it looks like that's gonna be it with a couple cannons on low ground bombers handgunners just very typical kind of vampire coast stuff dude the dreaded double casket yes i can finally say it it's here so yeah it's going to be a very scrappy game these guys are both strong players and uh looking forward to seeing what they do tombking's looking pretty strong today looking like they might have a chance to kind of make a run at the grand finals the haggard daft punk built oh that's a good name that's a good way of calling it yeah that's that's really really solid so let us know in chat let's put it to a poll winner uh coast or jim kings i'm curious what you guys think based on the builds that you've seen here so far in our pre-game analysis who you think is gonna be winning this glorious showdown let us know in chat hype to find out let's see your sage opinions come in yes the battle be opening up soon let me make sure the players aren't waiting for me or anything okay they're not so they can start their game whenever they're ready and we should be good evan says whatever random is playing okay it's a pretty even pull wow look at that 51 49 uh i will close it in just a second otherwise you guys will start to get influenced by the current state of the game and it looks like two kings are going to be switching up their deployment a little bit so they're going to be deploying pretty heavily on the high ground because catapults can shoot from the high ground very well in arnhem which is a pretty heavy meme so he is going to be going with the screaming meme catapults now if somebody is is camping your objectives with the catapults and you don't want to send infantry to capture it you can actually summon more goals and stealth capture the objectives so your opponent will see the objective being captured but they won't be able to shoot at the mourn goals so um so yeah it's pretty great man it's pretty great all right so it seems a little bit of you guys think that the old coast is going to be winning uh intercity saying he's spent from the tournaments yeah yeah it's a lot of fun man it's a lot of fun you're doing tournaments all the time can definitely tire you out 100 especially hosting them but you know it's uh it's part of the job so it's a great job for sure it's the best vampire fleet admiral is going to be moving up with bombers and handguns and uh immediately he's going to be knowing what's up caronade going to be shooting most likely at uh the catapults if we could reach it but the problem is that carinae will die to all the the double casket and the triple catapults here are going to be able to outdo that one carinate so vampire coast is going to be kind of probably repositioning to play the low ground you can see random is going to be moving up here so we have the deck in mobs and the bombers i think i think what you do is vampire coast is you somehow grab this objective and you grab this objective and then you just like sit back and force the tomb kings to come get them from you because if two kings are gonna deploy their whole army up in the high ground here like they're gonna have a very weak presence on the low ground here so dude this is a very cagey match like the the builds that both players brought with the double casket and triple screaming skull catapult that is some nasty and nasty stuff for sure so over here we got a carnage getting ready to shoot and what is it going to be hitting skeleton warriors perhaps the only target they have for now the vampire fleet admiral i like this a lot the admiral is going to be able to get capture weight on the point and uh potentially take it although i don't think the tomb kings are going to let this happen hallibur's on their way up bomber mobs and hand cannons and look at that the catapult's actually shooting at the at the vampire fleet admiral and doing a little bit of damage oh my god that's so funny look at that actually did a little bit of work some friendly fire damage as well what random probably will end up doing is going to pile into the uh islands of the skeleton warriors here we'll have to see now down in the low ground we do have the double cannons and carrion oh mass bats are coming in okay so oh my god random summons in a legion of and they can actually go over this way and then go up the cliff face and that's going to be actually kind of hard to stop i wonder if we're going to see carrion like probably nowhere horsemen summons are one of your best bets for trying to shut that down what random is doing right now is he's getting his caster close and he's going to be probably trying to drop a summon on top of the catapults which will absolutely wreck the tomb kings so that's a really good tactic with grand cafe also with grand cafe you can use these ancestral summons to get good drops and it looks like one of the cannons gonna be scooting up as the two objectives are going to be taken by vampire coast on the low ground here uh looks like there are some skeleton warriors and now we have the carrion duel so the bats are on their way up four carrion summoned dude four carrion oh my god so the carrying legion the fel bats are just going this is the fel bats no this is oh my god in a wind of death from random random got a chungus winds of death and just wrecked the catapults oh my god he's such a good player he's he crept up with that vampire fleet admiral and now the fel bats are probably gonna finish them off even with the carrion here i think that the crews are not going to last terribly long they're all crumbling down oh my god random knicks with the mlg mlg plays you guys don't know how bad that is for the tomb kings that is probably the worst case scenario you could probably encounter now these guys aren't in the uh top four yet so there's certainly a chance that uh you know whoever loses this will have another opportunity in the losers bracket as well because it's a double elimination tournament but dude look at that every catapult's dead all of them are dead the winds of death plus the uh the felbat sacrifice now the other fell back one of the fellow bats actually escapes and it's going to be going to get on these cats oh my god is this another ones of death oh my god random is the lord of death oh and he just melts even more oh he's triggering the realm of souls it's so nasty dude a smooth smooth execution never bet against a pirate well see that's the problem if you had had like an arc in the black or some sort of a combat character that could have attached to the fleet admiral and kept him from getting close to you but like qatap isn't going to be able to do anything about that like the there was no mass in the tomb king's army to really stop them from doing that so now random is just cackling all the way to the bank he has all the objectives he is just living his best life here looks like there's going to be some carrying going back here to shut down the cannon but random's just going to unsummon the cannon and try and get some value back death guard are now on their way in now that there's no catapults or shooting online like the depth guard are just going to be cackling and uh and yeah really really good play one cannon going offline to the back depth guard are being summoned in and this game is it's probably over like the whole tomb king's gambit was artillery cheese and they went to they went too hard in the artillery cheese like a little bit too hard that was just too much uh you know you need something to protect it right but i guess nobody expects like a vampire foot caster to run up and like shut your stuff down right the haggard ones of death was pretty great now death guard are going to be buzz sawing we do see the triple cap casket of souls is back online if tomb kings won this game somehow i would just be so massively shocked looks like most of the artillery for random has been unsummoned trying to recur a little bit of value obviously it's still a net positive for the because when you unsummon something you don't get a full refund so you still are getting rid of an artillery piece without having to even fight it but um yeah that's what you want to be doing in that case so now the depth guard are like okay come at me dude we have a bunch of skeletons with terrible armor piercing who aren't going to be able to kill them to save their lives we see like do you shop do something like in the very beginning of the game just simply because they lost so much already so that's going to happen bomber mobs are just absolutely wrecking tomb guard you basically just put bombers in guard mode and give them orders and even if they're being attacked they're going to be able to continue to throw those bombs all the jim king's infantry are just getting just shadow realm right now and the chimp kings even have some or excuse me the vampire coast has some units on the low ground that they're not even needing to use they just have such an advantage here now depth guard will take some damage from the ushoppi some of these shopties of course do have that nice bonus first infantry and armor piercing so they actually can kill depth guard models but uh overall depth guard are pretty resilient they do have high armor and uh against everything else here and might be able to outlast you shop do something we'll have to see bomber mobs coming in two kings might have enough capture weight here but it looks like there are going to be uh more reinforcements from coast yeah we see animated hulks and handgun mobs moving up and additional depth guard so tom kings will get this objective but i think it's only a matter of time before the depth guard kind of grind this one out the realm of souls in the uk summit have given a little bit of a false kind of fighting state to the high ground here so yeah that's a risky one casket of soul is doing some good work bomber mobs you know holding back what they can but we do have more depth guard in the low ground like random has so many things in reserve that he hasn't even really kind of got into play yet what's really interesting is these guys could still meet again in the grand finals because his opponent the house cat will have an opportunity in the losers bracket so there's a chance they can meet again in the grand finals it'd be really interesting to see what they could uh perhaps do right so the ushapti summit is gone a ton of animated hulks on their way up we do see a carrying summon shutting down like a haggard handgun mob but whatever the fellabout's probably be able to peel them off and trim kings once you shop to your gun it looks like you shopkins someone was very cost effective here though did actually kill the unit of the depth guard here so that's gotta feel very very good for you so many guards you have depth guard we have team guard it's uh it's a tricky one casket of soul shooting in tomb kings have closed the value gap a little bit but they are pretty substantially behind on points as well and the points can come into play here on the far side we do see a little bit of a sneaky tactic i do like this i do like the tomb kings kind of scraping uh sneaking some skeletons over here you're going to want to get there if you're random i don't know if random sees this yet he's going to have to put some respect on that because you don't want to be losing the objectives here even though random is ahead on value two kings are very strong and two kings still do have the double casket of soul which is they are they are quite operational so those are going to be able to shoot in and actually you know cause some havoc here so you don't want to get too relaxed here even though you had a crazy good start you really really don't want to get too relaxed here so random does see this going to be moving his zombies over here in the middle he's got his bomber mops and handguns some skeleton horsemen and now screaming skull catapults have been bree summoned but random is ready he's got he's got some felbas ready to go over there and shut those bad boys down depth guard able to kind of stuff these uh skeleton warriors and getting a downhill charge in them is nice depth guard do have a decent charge bonus from not mistaken and they will be able to cut apart these units definitely one of the most bad associates in the game yeah charge bonus of 33 really isn't terrible for such an infantry unit high ground objective is going to be going back to the forces of the vampire coast you can see here uh this object objective is really really going back their way and yeah you know cots up in the casket are doing good work they're getting value they're shooting elite infantry here but there's it seems like none of the plans here are working out for the tomb kings although really good carrying play coming in from house cat of war he does get the carrying to shut down the gunnery mobs here he gets carrying to shut down these bomber mobs bomber mob's able to finish off the skeletons death guard still running rampant all across the battlefield and uh now we got more animated hulks coming out tim kings have unlimited ammo due to a bug yes but so do the vampire coast they both have it yeah it's a tricky one we might have to we might have to put a rule in events where um where you can't use the lord of nihakara with range units but that's just like that means you just have to play with arc in the black basically it's a tricky one hopefully it'll get patched and fixed soon it's it's very very tough so halberd's moving over to the side point would you have skeleton warriors getting in there skeleton warriors versus deckhand mobs i don't actually know who wins that 17 15 29 against 1923-26 hp advantage probably the deckhand mobs would win that one in a long grind capture weight is gonna be going to the old uh to the old tomb kings here wait how how are they oh those uh the banners are so similar i'm getting them confused they do have the skeleton spheres there so they might be able to kind of wrestle that objective which would be very very impressive here and uh yeah so the it applies to anything with ammunition yeah basically it's lord i think laura vampires is bugged and i think lord of nadakara is it's very weird realm of souls yeah realm souls also kind of plays into that as well all right so depth guard have gotten the point animated hulks are moving up hulk smash baby and they are going to be moving in looking to try and press kotep is shaking and his boots back there is the vampire fleet admiral coming with some drowned dead summons i would wager animated hulk's gonna be hustling back there with the depth guard so if concept gets compromised here and shut down it's basically game over and at that point he knows he withdraws and gigi well played that is gonna be it and uh yeah that was a good one man very very cagey sneaky play from random knicks getting the wins of death and the mass fell back all in that was able to win in the game i mean losing all those catapults early was brutal concept despite shooting the entire game caught up on the 800 value the other casket only got 200 so the caskets actually were really bad i i would imagine that uh house god of war if they have an opportunity to play again in one of the later rounds will probably switch up the build 2200 value from the winds of death yeah gg the pirates code man coast doing work okay so let's go find another game here if we can do we have any other matches up come on guys i told you to put put passwords on the old lobbies there randomix just accidentally sent me a gg which is hilarious okay so let's go evaluate the bracket real quick if you guys are still in the tournament please put spec slots on alright so random defeated house cat so random is in the grand finals right now so random has got a little time it's going to be probably about yeah 20 20 to 40 minutes before the grand finals and the losers bracket is still going we've got puggington down here versus serial bob man and happy feet versus tomos they're getting pretty close actually they're getting pretty close you know they're making progress sandwich and archer down there infirmim and keradoc so do they not report the score because that game we already saw that was the that was the game so maybe i i need to refresh because some of the games haven't been updated yet okay so i think that was the bracket as of like 20 minutes ago yeah so now it's carried okay this is much this is much correct much better yeah so keradoc versus sandwich tim the wilder waiting with his slinesh here we have reginald puggington uh versus thomas and russell down there okay very cool so we'll get into a match here in a second okay so sandwich says i'm not sure which map to play on your current set so let me help you out so one two three four five six uh what set are you on where are you on the map okay so sandwiches here one two three four five six seven so if you're on map number seven you just do a full rotation through the maps one two three four five six uh black arc okay there you go and good maybe gg for my casting maybe so melon head uh yeah we could do that we could make it like a beige or something that would probably look better all right let's see if we have any lobbies up uh random which is the game we just had and we do have one here which is tomos i think tomos already played let's see i think this is vampire counts on the lower side of the bracket let me get into this lobby here has tomos been eliminated uh thomas has had just played puggington i think okay so rusty okay so i think i think this match just finished it looks like puggington just defeated tomos with the wood elves which would have been a really oh no never mind they're playing right now okay perfect so this is going to be hype we got vampire accounts vs wood elves here we got reginald puggington one of the summer championship players playing against tomos who's been uh you know did did drop earlier but is back with the vampire counts and uh is nice and warmed up now yeah randomness that was a great game dude very sneaky the pale king says turn i just want to say i love this format for one and done makes things much more interesting only meta faction's fastest point i don't know man what else are still here yeah what else are still here we got a wood elf in here let me see oh look at the look at the brackets real quick so we got warriors of chaos and slaanesh what else might be one of the few factions to get escape vampire coast is like kind of meta but like they they're not like as meta as like those top five or six factions yeah house cat of war playing tomb kings two kings will be sent oh so wait no house god of war i think is just straight up eliminated let's see loser of two or is house cat of war go to the no house got a war goes to the bottom side yeah okay so house god of war gets another chance perhaps at random house cat of war will have to win the winner of the win against the winner of the bottom though yeah black ark is probably the best map for the what else i would wager ah what else really don't want to play tim kings though that for sure is not fun the dreaded double manfred is back in the menu i know the two manfred's are on their way in it's been a fun it's been fun though it's basically rapid fire games which is good we'd have to like deal with pick and ban phase yeah it's been it's been a lot of fun it has indeed okay looking good making sure there's no admin stuff we still have drookie in the tournament too i think i think dark elves are still alive yeah so what else and on the top it's gonna be i don't know i don't remember what sandwich was playing what was sandwich playing i can't remember sandwich was playing oh was it chaos it could be dark elves versus slanash actually with tim the wilder that could be really interesting that could be a really interesting one for sure yeah what else i think at the hands of like top players can be scary i think wood elves are very hard to play though i think they're very very hard to play in land bottles this this actually wasn't bad for what else they could do some really cheap like cheesy stuff um i think it was still probably vampiric in favor though they were able to kind of hunch you down you can't go like traditional formations here but pug will find a way believe in the pug all right so let's vote so winner counts or what else let us know let us know who do you guys think is going to be winning this oh my god i'm getting so hungry i'm going to feast so hard later on uh you can look at the win rate of the of of all factions on total tavern you can go look and see the win rates it's on the stats section of the website sandwiches slaanesh oh my god we're going to get a slinesh mirror match that's really funny so potentially slaanesh for slanash on one bracket slinash hasn't been like they've lost today we saw selection lose to tim king's earlier house god of war defeated tim the wilder yeah it'd be cool to get dark elves in there too i'd be i'd be happy to see that yeah slonash doing pretty well getting a nice solid win rate today vampire coast also performing pretty well i'm surprised we didn't get more zeach players zinc has a has been performing very well too yeah tree man lord of dwellers blows very strong against vampires yeah because they don't they they need to kill it but you're blobbing on it and you just get hit with the dwellers it's pretty crazy ah i lost first regional twice so i have to vote for him there you go what else can snipe a vampire lord they can they can and we did see that chuma did lose his vampire lord earlier but you know i'm sure that it was a lesson for him let me look at the brackets real quick not brackets but the the builds i have to i have to save my curiosity okay i have to say this would help build was not what i expected at all in a million years but it is it is here wow that is a wild ass wood elf build holy [ __ ] you guys are in for a treat that that build is not what you would expect from what else in this matchup oh yeah so you can't tell on total tavern for this tournament uh it's in the discord you can see what everybody declared if you're in our discord you can go to the a single faction tournament declarations and you can search and see what what players are playing what because they had to declare their factions yeah sotech sotech got a couple wins for liz zerman today i know i think you won like three or four games yeah tread saurian bullying the beastman is a game i saw him playing which is pretty normal dude you guys are not gonna expect this build it's like a mass melee build from wood elves look at that no missiles in the opening build at least so he's got a fire bark elders dryads eternal guard and an ancient tree man against like you know a melee vampire army basically dude this is a wild build probably what he'll do is he'll send the tree man down to the bottom objective with like some units and just hold that all day he does have some missiles in his reinforcements but as far as the main army goes this is really really different really really different that's code for vampire counts about to feast puggington is a very calculated player i don't think he's memeing i think he thinks he's onto something here and he's had success with it most likely so yeah it's like a like a wood elf tree rush sort of i mean not a tree rush but it does have some trees in it yeah fire bark elders are basically impossible to kill they they take forever so i bet you he sends fire bark elders down here here's what i probably suspect okay what else will play like relatively aggressively here and then they'll they'll just defend their back objective and then they can summon missiles in if they have some to like really hammer the the like bunched up units with like dwellers blow and different things like that so i don't know this is interesting so yeah you saw the build it's mass triads internal guard and an ancient tree man with dwellers and yeah it's just super strong and looking on the other side we look at the the i was about to say the warriors of vampires it's going to be manfred so manfred's with spirit legion buna also bats cryptors graveguard necromancer no mortis engine though i mean without a mortise engine the wood elf infantry might be able to actually grind here like you know that's always kind of the fear of going mass infantry so there's a lot of mind games that can take place right in pvp and multiplayer you know the vampire accounts would be like they wouldn't dare bring a infantry blob against my mort ascension faction so i'm gonna just focus on shutting down ranged right and then they show up and they're like try me dude and then you don't have more descension in reserve i didn't see the reserve army for the vampire council so i have no idea the force awakens maybe he just pushes the middle i mean he could for sure do that like a big just big infantry push and just take the home objective of the vampires i always kind of like objective three a little bit more as an idea but yeah i don't know we'll have to see the last march of the ants indeed yeah they got vanguard deployment so you can see the wood elves can deploy out of their zones so they're gonna get they're gonna get to the vampire counts objective oh man they're actually gonna get to the vampire counts objective before the vampire accounts get there this is really really interesting yeah so eternal guard are actually a really good unit they have um really good melee defense even without shields at 36 and they also have armor piercing and anti-large of 15. so against like cryptors and graveguard they're actually not terrible like they trade reasonably okay into both of those so we will have to see christos i know that's what you want yes i know that's what you want there me too man i don't blame you 40 chess perhaps so the battle is on and immediately the wood elves are like we're coming for that we're coming for them vampires we want your home objective and the vampires are going to be hustling up with their zombies and grave guard all of whom have slow as hell graveguard have 27 speed uh connie stein stalkers i guess you're a little bit speedy with 31 zombies have 23 but the widows are going to get there really quick try to 43 speed 3 can have 34 so they're gonna move there rather swiftly looks like one dried unit's gonna be kind of left here this is always a good idea to just like park here and then wherever you need them you can you can maneuver right so this is a like with cab on this map i like to park them here so your opponent doesn't really know what you're doing with them and uh they are going to be posturing up there for sure so the hardwood is on its way up we do see the old fire bark elders moving to the home objective here so good to be trying to get that point manfred is going to be arriving there but like the wood elves will probably be there before the objective captures i think the capture weight will probably still favor the vampires with all these infantry as well as the grip tours wait is that going to be a buna a buna on fire bark elders okay i've never seen this before i love the laughing effect it's so funny okay so when earth blood's coming in buna is very very winds of magic intensive and that does not that much i mean i guess it got a little bit of work in there yeah that's an interesting choice i don't think there's enough models in the fire bark elders to really justify it but i mean it still did wear them down but i don't think it's worth it although vampire counts basically have infinite winds of magic with the double necromancer forbidden rod stroking so that's that's very very you know powerful obviously so the widows have gotten here and now the wood elves are summoning in starfire shafts okay that makes more sense so we see the wood elf missiles coming but you know there's the vampires must have done something wrong to their force because these wood elves are not playing like normal wood elves they they are they are vengeful right now so dryads getting in position eternal guards are up and uh they're gonna have to fight for these objectives on the low ground we do see the stearns men and zombies which pretty much guarantees you're not gonna get that from them easily unless you summon in like a weigh watcher to try start sniping those units i don't think you're gonna get it easily so here comes the eternal guard objective will go to the vampires but we'll see for how long uh zombies have terrible capture weight and the wood elf infantry here all have pretty good capture weight as well right so somebody in chat asking what are the rules for the tournament uh there are no rules it's just you play one faction the entire way through that's it domination doesn't need rules so thankfully that's uh that's how it is dryads battling conic sign soccer's moving in i believe these are real zombies so they're gonna start taking some damage we do get fell bats in the back but that's what blade riders are for blade riders are going to be able to just kind of protect and should be able to do well spirit leech going down on the ancient tree man not going to be great and you guys know what's going to happen here right if reginald puggington and i think alike of fat dwellers oh my god i'm prophetic oh i'm prophetic fat dwellers blow right there that's going to be coming in and that is going to butter the bread of a lot of these vampire units so basically konigstein soccers and zombies is going to get cleared out by that and that will be very very strong indeed thankfully the cryptors did get away so for the vampire accounts they were able to partially escape it now missiles are online we do have the glade guard sarfar shafts who are going to be shooting into the [ __ ] tours they do fire damage obviously good against grip tours they do have healing and are weak to fire so [ __ ] tours are just getting absolutely wrecked puggington is gonna probably start pulling ahead in value pretty substantially here as he does move in eternal guard on top of you know kryptours is also another bad engagement the spear is going to be able to prison shank them and uh they do get it conic signs soccers and zombies get wrecked here basically this whole formation is being crumbled and the wood elf grape the great wood wall is moving up the ancient tree man's gonna be stomping against these cryptoers backed up by spears obviously he's gonna make that fight even better and i don't know if spirit leeching the big tree is the right call he's got his pimp cane he's pissed and he's doing very very well and the widows have so much more too um some of the archers might get shut down but puggington of course has very good control is able to get the blade rider spears and circumvent much of the bat harass so where will they go okay so they charge into these guys here eternal guard pulling back some of the archers are shut down but the capture weight is going to be going to the hard wood here would you now see some devils coming in so the devils of swords often are very very matter right here and here comes the dryads moving around the flank fire bark elders trading and manfred using all of his bald fury to try and fend off these eternal guard probably we'll be able to do the tithe coming in the physical resist zombies the walking dead wearing those empire pants man always always breaks my heart but eternal guard have really good leadership might be able to hold for a while even fighting manfred dryad's also piling in and the objective is now gone to the wood up so valley trading is somewhat even which isn't necessarily the best sign for the wood elves i thought it'd be a lot better at this point oh great stack nights coming out as well so we see some great stag nights looks like they're going to be hunting down the dire wolves here once the missiles are able to kind of stabilize and start shooting again i think that's where the wood elves start to pull a value lead no play on the bottom objective i do think like a single blade guard starfire shaft there could be a really good tech against like the stearnsman just to kind of value trade them down over a really long game and now we get a big charge coming in as the great stag knights do charge into the devils of sports often backed up by some dryads so these christmas cavalry gonna be delivering the gifts of furnace here and uh certainly having a good time doing it they hit very hard armor piercing's a little bit wasted but you know devils they have still 32 melee defense but devils of swords often are a very good unit namely because they have vanguard deployment so you can vanguard them i don't know why the devils have itp i guess it's just because of the frenzy but anyways um spears fighting objective being held by the wood elves dryads are a really good answer against like chaff dryads actually kill chaff very quickly 40 weapons strength good melee attack magic damage is also relevant against some undead stuff so that's not terrible eternal guard continuing to fight here the tithe and the zombies just being dragged down and the wood elves are starting to get a value lead and now that they're dealing with much of the backline dive from the vampire accounts the devils are being taken out we do get the dire pack uh moving in dire pact's gonna be jumping on to the glee guard starfire shafts but the christmas cavalry should be able to head them off and also we do see a summon some glade riders coming from the other side of the ark should be able to crush them in a big sandwich charge coming in for the wood elves ladies and gentlemen as we see these direwolves just getting crushed by the wood elf mobility so we're seeing some cool uh some cool play today for sure a lot of uh factions you don't normally get a chance to see shine are being uh given the glory they deserve here in this uh glorious tournament so star fire shafts are back online i don't know if they have any attack orders yet they should just kill the cryptoers looks like the spirit leech is starting to wear down the tree man but he has earth bloods in his back pocket so i would wager he could just heal himself up and hawk riders coming in so we get hawk riders and more glade guards so hawk riders are kind of interesting they're a decent counter against like black knights and and you know armor they actually have really good ap and melee and they can also shoot things like trip tours and characters and can do really really well for themselves here so vampires still can't get their home objective back uh the eternal guard are just holding dryads are just grinding eternal guard all over the place and the problem is the vampire counts battle line here is going to get crushed by reginald puggington the fire bark elders have gotten through the graveguard it's it took a couple years but they certainly got there and the crypto is here also getting shanked by spheres there's just too many things going well for the dread pug as the glade guard with the old starfire shafts continue to just pour heavy heavy firepower in there necromancer also going down the uh the hawk riders could also be used to run interference you could use them to like charge we see some skeleton warriors coming in but i think he's very content to just have the hawk riders sit looks like an overcasted earthquake going down is it going to be hitting everything yes or earth blood is cast and that will pretty much nullify the spirit leeches that have been going down and now the wood elves have like oh this is a really good tactic by the way is parking units on top of your opponent's uh vanguard zone so basically if they summon dogs they're immediately trapped in infantry which is a very very good tactic so great sag nights glade riders are just chilling manfred you know he he's pissed he's not having a good time here the archers of the wood elves have a healthy concave the classic rts starcraft 2 space marine not space marine marines who happen to be terran uh might as well be space marines a little ip fun there the glade guard starfire shafts have that nice rts concave where they can just pretty much hit anything that's in front of them and the vampires are dead i think it's over they are down by about three thousand value they're not healing that much basically using reaganomics here just trickling in the trickle-down theory trying to trying to spread the wealth with the other vampires but it's uh it's not gonna work and uh yeah i think that's probably gg the wood elves got that archer line so anything good that actually comes here is just gonna get punished and who would have thought like a wood elf melee opening with an ancient chad man lee just leading the fight here gonna be doing some work so here comes the big stomps the ancient tree man just basically crushing all these infantry and the vampires are being forced into a blob which means if there's a dweller's blow in the back pocket that's also really bad manfred is actually going after the tree but the tree could probably turn around and kick his butt looks like cryptors are on their way in instantly all the missiles yep the missiles are going to be shooting into the cryptoors they take a huge salvo of damage and then the christmas cat are going to be coming in as well and there are spears granted they're not anti-large spears but stagnates charging into the back vampire army is just crumbling ancient tree man is defeating manfred in combat 2 900 hp to 3 1 0001 so even though the tree man's low it's a very tanky unit and the vampires are basically just sending in whatever they can they just have the crypto is on their way they're hustling but they're not going to be able to make it the vampire accounts have been defeated and the wood elves are uh are especially especially hardwood right now that's for sure i think when manfred dies that'll be probably game over yeah i think it will i i mean it's already game over but i think in the mind of the actual players it will be game over as we get hawk riders coming in and uh yep they're gonna just get some pot shots into the [ __ ] tours just farm them a little bit i would imagine the great stag knights could also charge them but i think puggington's kind of in cruise control now he knows it's over he's even threatening the low ground objective yeah you can see the stern's been actually left so puggington just sent some eternal guard in here and these guys are just gonna handle these zombies no problem so zombie's gonna go down eternal guard obviously have better capture weight than zombies because they are expendable so the eternal guard have the advantage and that's gonna be a triple cap so vampires probably should just tap out at this point i don't know if you're listening to the stream bud but you definitely have no chance here um unless your opponent dc's or something skeletons looks like another earth blood's going to be going down to counter manfred's angry uh magical fury manfred is now being focused by the hawk riders the hawk riders are sitting here and they're just taking pot shots at manfred just just giving him the dirty and hawk riders are also good in melee so like even if fel bats come in to try and shut your stuff down the hawk riders and this is cool even though the game is over we're still kind of learning things about the matchup like hawk riders seem pretty good right they can kite the bar guys they can take fell bats very decisively they can deal with like enemy heavy cav if they need to i feel like the hawk riders have a really really nice kind of attack here as we see another earth blood going down or a dweller or something like that not 100 sure but i do not know what the vampires think they can do they're literally down by about four or five thousand value it's kind of um it's kind of a thing in total war where people aren't used to like leaving games early like in total war land battles it's usually like an army lost thing like people like an age of empires if you were behind like if somebody in age of empires had your base surrounded for example you know and you had lost map control and they they had a bigger army than you you would just leave it's it's pretty standard protocol but i feel like in total warhammer that hasn't quite caught on yet like people haven't quite realized that they've been conquered you know it takes time it certainly takes time yeah very good what i'll play though it's been super clean puggington is obviously one of the better players out there he's very very strong and we see the uh the ancient tree man here he's getting his big cane well at the very least get some cinematic shots all games in this tournament are best of one however it's double elimination so even if you lose a match you still get to go to the losers bracket and you have an opportunity there to kind of claw your way back which is cool there they go the victory laps always fun yeah we get to watch some big trees kind of that's what's cool about total war compared to other rts's is there's really really cool matches like cool looking aesthetics is what i mean so we get to see like just giant trees beating on undead dudes with ancient armor on i mean there's you know it doesn't get much better than this so looking here vampires still just trickling in with units i mean they have some cav they have some black knights coming in that's not going to do a whole lot you know just even the basic dryads will probably fend them off in the eternal guard and things like that sometimes you got to let the home run runner enjoy his lap well no it's not the person who hit the home run though it's the person who had the home run hit against them is the one who's not leaving yeah gg well played people should know when they were conquered yeah it's a gladiator reference yeah gg well played man tomos you did great man brought you brought the vampire accounts pretty far in the tournament but puggington is a tough foe and they are gonna get it so here we go we can see here spears all doing their jam hock riders are badass too pretty good value on those obviously the archers did good 1400 1200 15 very very good stuff indeed for tomos yeah it was a good game man really weird what else build that obviously caught his opponent a little bit off guard so now let us go ahead and get into the next match here set this all up i'm going to go refresh the brackets a couple times to make sure i have the correct scope of things random's in the grand finals i think yeah i think he's in the grand finals so let's go to the single faction tournament check this out refresh this bad boy a couple times and there we go cool gg great game man yeah hiles have been bad for a long time they have so random knicks is in the grand finals uh house cat of war is in the semis on the bottom side so the winner has to defeat house cat of war the tomb kings player we saw earlier so now it's going to be wood elves versus warriors of chaos this will be an interesting one actually i wonder if it'll be a bellicore build tim the wilder i think is still waiting for sandwich and uh keradoc to finish their match so we will do the puggington versus uh rusty game okay perfect and we'll get into this one so warriors of chaos versus what else not a matchup you see often not a matchup do you see often okay cool so i'm in the lobby rusty is there and we got the crossing of the sea of class which is going to be cool well played to both players yeah we have a lot of fun matches today it was fun was fun so we got warriors of chaos we obviously casted rusty's games earlier but it is double elimination so you have to lose twice to be out and now we're going to be uh keeping tabs on this one turn someone will figure out high elves and you're going to eat your dude i would love to i would love to be wrong about hiles and i'm i'm trying to learn hiles too i'm trying to play them but it always just kind of devolves into cheesing with their monsters you know because their infantry just kind of suck yeah so am i going to buy the new warhammer commander decks i wanted to but i don't really have anyone to play with yeah i don't have like a play group where i live so i don't think it's worth the money maybe i'll i'll i might buy the abaddon one like because avadon i play i i have avadon and tabletop i have a chaos face brings army so i may be thinking about getting him but we'll have to see campaign open on one screen turn turn him in on the other that sounds like the life man sounds good sounds cozy yeah goo if you google um magic the gathering warhammer 40k and you'll see the new they made some commander decks yeah so what else versus warriors of chaos i wonder how the what else play this yeah puggington will probably have some schemes i'm sure does random need to lose twice uh made it to the final no that doesn't in the finals he's just in the finals yeah so only person who doesn't get a second chance i suppose is the finalists which makes sense you know they they clearly got there so random is in the grand finals yeah uh i think there was a couple of brownian players i think they lost earlier on yeah what is your uh second favorite chaos god uh nurgle and corn probably yeah those are my favorite ones i i have some corn kind of units of my table top army like i use flesh hounds as as like base decorations on my space brains army my chaos base moons yeah bleak swords are so much better than heil spheres yeah the abaddon deck looks cool though i definitely like them yeah dude they they messed up the flavor on a lot of the cards though like like they made they added moritarian mortarion is a card he's the primark of the death guard and he's mono black he doesn't have death touch like there's so much weird stuff they did like wizards did a good job with like avadon i think but there's a lot of cards they did a really poor job on actually yeah it's really really weird okay so did they update the brackets let me just double check this make sure they got it correct players are doing their builds now they have a little bit of time obviously we're not going to rush them yeah so we got that very good we're almost there i think we have dark elves versus slaanesh on the top keradok versus sandwich and then tim the wilder our slanted player who lost to the tomb kings earlier is uh is is waiting why is only one person punished for winning what do you mean why is only one person punished for winning well that's that's just normally how it is like he's he's in the grand finals and if he wins one after that it's it's over i mean you could you could do like a finals final where he gets like two chances that's something i'll have to i'll have to talk to the players about the events are already very long though so yeah yeah i don't know why yeah the mortarian card was definitely weird yeah dark elves for slinesh you know what they're probably doing is a [ __ ] ton of corsair handbows would be what i would do yeah i challenge you to find an ergo demon that doesn't look completely stoked uh some of the mortal followers of nurgle aren't that stoked they're like depressed a little bit yeah the well that's actually not true and according to the lore and i don't know if so tech's still in chat you could answer this but as far as i know about nurgle followers is there either like very morose and like kind of grim uh insane or just jovial yeah it's like that's kind of like the the trifold nature of nergal sort of correct so worries of chaos are ready and me being the inpatient creature i am is gonna look at his build and see what he's got oh wow oh wow these are some bills holy [ __ ] oh wow this is exciting i feel like i'm back in warhammer 2 a little bit with uh seeing some of the action we're seeing here yeah gun hound i would imagine they're playing yeah i would imagine they're playing if they're not playing you know we could just advance tim or whatever right i think it's not a big deal what do you think of the unsummoning units i think un-summoning should not give any refunds at all i think the only purpose of unsummoning should just be to get a unit back into your pool i think uh refunds should be taken out completely just gone just steal chair it just karate chop it so that's that's that would be my two cents yeah corsair handbows are a really good unit yeah they're they're great you'd have to use seekers to chase them down because like the other slender cab wouldn't do that much damage to them so what a tease you're gonna love the build man you're going to like it into city it's going to take you back to wherever you land battle tournaments that's for sure uh yeah dark elves have been feeling really good to play lately though with malachith being good scourge hunters just always trade up pretty well corsair corsair and corsair hanbos are great cold nights are awesome there's a lot of a lot of great stuff for sure a lot of great stuff so the battle is on ladies and gentlemen what if you bring a unit to the safe zone to get a refund uh that would favor artillery though because then artillery would just sit on the safe zone right and just bombard you and yeah it's just weird like that we want to do i don't mind resuming jet units as much i didn't like it for a long time but i'm i'm not unhappy about it i don't want to change domination that much anymore like i think minor changes like the unsummoning thing all that but like i want it to be a stable game mode where we know what to expect in the future and we can start like really getting into it you know like i think from there balancing factions is better for multiplayer oh please don't crash oh my god i was like please we're good we're good it just gave me that little like evil circle and i was like oh no it's on a lot of archers and archaeon yes it's gonna be great so taking a look at the build of one of our summer championship players it is going to be reginald puggington with a spell singer of life coming in with dwellers and earth blood dryads in the front to fight marauders eternal guard and a shitload of starfire shafts so it's just going to be a ton of these and i am sure that the old uh the old hell cannon is going to be having a field day there for sure so look in here we do see a skull cannon or a hell cannon going to be sitting back here trying to shoot up and over this terrain you've got to be careful though you can still hit those rocks we got triple chaos warrior which are very very tough to remove for what else unless you have like you know some great stagonites or archers kind of shooting them in the back and um marauders and horsemen honestly this dude this looks just like a wood elf to a wood elf too sorry guys i haven't eaten much today this looks much like a warhammer 2 land battle like i feel like i'm just watching a land battle it's like what else archers with like chaos warriors and a hell cannon like are we just watching are we just in a land battle right now it kind of feels like it like a warhammer 2 land battle of course they have to attack each other because of objectives but it is a very very different beast a very very different beast so where is chaos going to go is chaos going to go for the bottom objective try and control that bad boy kind of looks like they might want to we're not sure somebody in chat asking when are you doing the modded maps uh so the map making contest ends on october 10th uh so from there we'll do a stream or a video showing you guys all the maps you guys can vote and we'll start using those maps and domination tournaments via a map pack which is very very exciting very very exciting so pretty hyped for that what else do you get the vanguard deployment we got a couple like drives around the battlefield gonna be trying to get to the points quickly dryads will trade super well into marauders but into chaos warriors they get wrecked they get wrecked super hard for sure what else will probably just kind of figure out where they want to play and just control two objectives i think that's gonna be the jam i think that's what they're gonna be doing just play in the middle probably playing one and two i would wager i think objective three is is possible you could like you could get some like an eternal guard right here and then get some archers here to just kind of value trade for you there's a lot of cool tricks for sure yeah i don't know why orion's never picked he's pretty good but i don't know it depends on the player personally i think sisters with twilight are pretty good in this game mode like sisters of twilight would have been really good here they could have just like bullied the hell cannon and also could have just wrecked archaeon potentially over the course of a long game so hellcannon shot going down it's got the boom active so it's going to be getting that sweet sweet uh damage buff as the dryads attempt to run a couple drives do go down but i think only a couple drives actually 12 drives have gone down so far archaeon the ever chosen going to be leading his war host over to objective number three so it looks like the chaos warriors are marching over there they're heavy metal armor chaos words look so cool but they're going to be grabbing that point honestly you probably just leave like a chaos warrior and a single marauder there and i think that's going to be enough now for the wood elf army it looks like they're going to be advancing up on objective one what's really cool about what elf archers on this map is you can have them parked right here like this okay and then they're able to get good range fire into the middle and range fire here and they're very protected like chaos has to get like some hounds back there which isn't easy because there's a lot of choke points on this map so this map is good for ranged and for melee there's like play for both sides now archie on the ever chosen being an absolute scourge on his new horse is his his dreaded chaos pony and uh what's going to be the summon for the wood elves fire bark elders oh my god forty percent fire resist archaeon is is going to do very little damage against these things you have they have the physical resist yeah that's pretty hilarious okay fire bark elders against archaeon is a pretty memey tech we do have some archers back here some glade guard with the hag vein tips trying to shoot into him and we do get the fire bark elders moving in as well middle objective is probably going to be taken by chaos i would imagine the two rotters will move over there and the archers for puggington a little bit behind they certainly need to move up as uh the dryads are actually engaging against marauder horsemasters from rusty here but the dryads should be able to kind of drag those guys down we'll have to see and drive's just chilling here they're ready to capture that point man they're good to go so middle objective opens up in about 10 seconds side objective of course in the same amount of time but chaos is going to be down there with archaeon and it looks like some rotters the warriors look like they want to push middle the way they're kind of standing here looks like they're going to kind of take these two avenues and try and overload the middle and get that point we'll have to see we'll have to see side objective though looking very comfortable honestly if you just leave like one archer back here with like some glade riders the marauder horseman play for uh rusty isn't going to be very good it just will you know you won't have too many options marauder is moving up on the point what else archer is going to be shooting eternal guard and more archers have been summoned in so we see archers in the back certainly need to come down this way and get ready to put some hurt on these units as the dryads drives are so haggard looking when you look at them from a distance they're the way the graphics render it looks so bad but they will trade well into marauders like even in the very beleaguered state they will put some hurt here but now we get some chaos worries coming out and now this is where [ __ ] gets real the hell striders of slaanesh are just so problematic for the wood elves i mean eternal guard i guess trade well into them the really wide kind of play style of puggington i suppose is probably one of the better ways to kind of do that and it looks like a burning head going down here which is going to do pretty much next to nothing the fire bark elder is going to be having a wet noodle contest with these chaos warriors and it looks like dryads are going to be trying to get to the point with more and more archers concaving in here so here they come our count of course has some line of sight so crossing the sea of claws has options for lords to kind of hide but the middle objective is going to be going firmly to chaos well the high ground objective is owned by the dryads and some glade riders and they should be more or less comfortable so now these archers probably need to pull back in get these archers up on the high ground and just start unleashing salvos of fire and trying to generate long-term value here so here comes wild riders wild riders will annihilate hellstriders on the charge health riders are more cost effective into them but if they are the ones getting charged the wild riders should be able to do some really really good work on them so here they come a little bit of lag apologies about that does happen when you have players all over the world connecting but it's really not too bad this game so the wild riders get in there do some great damage value trading is pretty even at this point eternal guard have gotten in and we got eternal guard coming from the sides while the warriors of chaos just enjoying their hell cannon in the back we do have the forsaken moving in so forsaken are good against most wood up infantry uh one really good play would actually be like a hawk rider i think if reginald puggington summoned a hawk rider and flew over here and just like shut down the hell cannon somehow that would be very very strong so big shots coming in burning head from archie nice one right there beautiful cast there by rusty able to hit both those units and arc on the ever chosen still being an absolute pain he's taking some arrows to the face himself and archaeon obviously doesn't want to be fighting against eternal guard that's not a good fight for him and eternal guard actually can kill chaos warriors i mean they have armor piercing so it's certainly not bad wild riders bouncing about looking for opportunities to fight as we do see the glade riders with spears hunting down the skirmishing core of chaos which is going to be very cost effective for the dread pug but the valley trading is very even which um is i suppose you know good for the wood elves you they haven't been run over yet worries of chaos also enduring dwellers below going down and i believe it does hit the chaos warriors and also archaeon and archers have now been able to kind of stabilize a little bit so what else infantry do you get up until the point capture weight actually going through the wood elves wild riders do okay against forsaken forsaken only have 20 melee defense so being hit by any sort of like uh like a you know a shock charge is not going to be a great situation for them but chaos looking a little bit low in leadership here in the middle and the eternal guard are you know they're slow and steady they're the tortoise here they're going to eventually get our count it's going to take a long time but if archaeon chooses to fight amongst the spears the anti-large bonus is eventually going to wear this bad boy down and uh we'll have to see how that all unfolds more archers coming in beautiful burning head from archie again it gets both those units man what a good good burning head right there and they're just so beat up the wood elves are trying to contest the back they do have dryads trying to wear through those marauders and it looks like the firepark elders have been fighting in this alley for like 10 minutes they've just been sitting here bashing these haggard chaos warriors and eventually the chaos warriors will lose that fight and the fire bark elders might actually move back there and be able to secure the objectives so there's a lot of like long-term investments on both sides here but the wood elves appear to have the infantry numbers once again puggington showing he's the lord of wood elf infantry would you see a great eagle summit in the great eagles gotta go after the hell cannon it did force the hell cannon to be unsummoned it looks like but in response there's going to be a couple of feral man scores coming out so the feral man scores will be a little bit problematic to deal with for sure but the wood elves do manage to wrestle the middle objective and honestly the wood elf eternal guard are proving to be very very meta here they are uh trading incredibly well and now we get some christmas cavalry coming in so the great stag knights looking to hammer some chaos units and looking around at the chaos army guys it's looking kind of beat like reginald puggington has pulled up by almost a thousand value oh no the burning heads have been so good from rusty and he gets both archers again stagnates charting to hells riders not cost effective at all that's going to be a big win for rusty there he does have some maternal guard coming in but these are anti-large cave against light armor and also a man's core they're helping some spears are trying to rush in to help we'll see if the wood elves can actually stabilize these i suppose they do have their archer shooting so the glade guard are shooting into the back of those uh hill striders right there doing some great work into those the widows still have a lot of archers online all things considered this fell weaver still somehow alive i don't know how this caster is live she's on foot we're technically floating above the ground which is which is cool oh look at that she did a she did a uh the dragon ball z move right there the kamehameha but archaeon could for sure be hunting down the spell singer and just killing it um i don't know why he's not i guess he's a little bit kind of busy trying to resecure the middle but overall the widows do win that fight there at a bit of a great cost the stack knights they get beat up but a nice earth blood coming in and archers here doing great work and it kind of looks like puggington is cleaning up on value a little bit like a lot of the kl stuff is being picked off across the battlefield and the eternal guard and wild riders dude seeing as slanesh versus what the hell's this creature there's a little tiny spider crawling on me love it in the town where i live there's just so many like spiders and insects and creatures they're just all over the place anyways wild riders to be jumping into the back with the great eagle the slinesh cav really not liking being rear charged slashes they like giving the business but they don't like receiving it that is pretty much the definition of slaanesh and we see the value lead starting to accrue for reginald becoming even more substantial man scores are rampaging being taken out by mass archers archer's able to kind of focus that beast down and the chad fire bark elders have done it the fire bark elders gonna be moving on to the side objective having bashed those chaos warriors it might it took them time you know but they're old faithful now the fire bark elders going to be moving on to the point and they took very little damage in that fight as a matter of fact they only lost one model and we have even more pressure pressure coming in glade riders moving in a full health unit of dryads on their way in so they're going to be moving on to the point and uh i think this is probably gigi it looks like warriors of chaos are kind of triple capped we're seeing what else the underdogs come in with the metaphorical steel chair or the wooden chair it's probably like a nice oak chair and one of those like really heavy ones those oak just sturdy sturdy furniture with like a nice finish on it it's kind of like one of those spelt weaver is moving in and the wood elves have routed the warriors of chaos archaeon is here but he stands alone some drives holding the point some forsaken going to be going for a desk a desperate point capture but the value discrepancy is only going to get more substantial and now the wood elves are going to be taking the uh the low ground here so you can see this objective is going to be taken dryads clearing out the marauders warriors of chaos are routed by the fire bark elders and the glade riders and really uh chaos has got no steam left they got no steam they're down by about two thousand plus value oh two thousand a little less than two thousand but that's only going to get worse and chaos can desperately go for like side objectives and things like that but it's not gonna do it gg well played the wood elves have done it top elf maverick i know top elf maverick i love it what a great game that was some clean what else play man like a mahogany chair yeah the wood i was with the mahogany chair yes so let's take a look at this yep archers did great a lot of them did good at least yeah most of them paid for themselves a thousand on that one two the what elf infantry are proving to be really good today fire bark elders were just so chad too the wolf have good cab as well they can do some serious work with that hellcat and play was nice i did like the hell cannon but when the hell cannon got on summit the momentum of the battle kind of kind of shifted a little bit gg well played so let's get into the next matches see who is it going to be now let's refresh the old leaderboard all right and let's see what we got that was a very very good game al is a very very good game tim and sandwich are the only other match going right now okay sounds good so we got a little bit of time so puggington random knicks just sitting on his polish throne there waiting with his dude vampire coast in the grand finals i would not have expected that vampire coaster not a top five faction they're really not but they're close and random knicks is also just an insanely good player so he had a great series with intensity yesterday i don't know if you guys saw that intensity with uh just barely taking the w over him and the winner stays on game seven match it's crazy oh the poll is open yeah thank you i forgot about the poll cosmo chat says gg how dare puggington makes me root for the elves oh my god i love it that's so funny okay so puggington is here puggington will face the winner of tim the wilder in sandwich so the slaanesh mirror match is going on right now i'll message the puggington huggington ahead and make a lobby uh for next round we will cast it so then it's either going to be wood elves or slanash versus tomb kings who wait in the bottom of the losers bracket interesting so tim the wilder has an opportunity to avenge his loss against housecat and uh yeah it's gonna be great send code now what map are we on so this map is going to be uh one two three four five let me do it let me do the math real quick one two three four five six seven eight and nine okay so if it's map number nine it is going to be the map after the crossing of c of clause which is arnheim okay arnhem is pretty good for what else for sure they got a lot of tricks there have you told ta how to handle dom reforms uh there's a there's a handful of people who give them feedback i'm one of them yeah uh you can go look at the top five factions on tavern let's actually take a look at the win rates right now we got a little bit of time to kill which is good so here we are looking at the stats yeah warriors of chaos vampire counts tomb kings norska and slanash are the top demons of chaos don't have enough games played to really be accurate but um yeah warriors of chaos vampire accounts tom king's norris again slash are the top five factions for sure after that we have like our our a tier fact that was our s tier b a tier would be like cafe coast zinc dark elves definitely not empire um empire's win rate is probably going to keep going down i think once people figure out how to deal with sin make sound maker i think they just go down empire would be b tier so b tier would be like corn empire dwarfs what else skaven probably c tier would be like nurgle kislav lizardman and then like like the worst the worst here is like kyle's britonia i don't know if greenskins belong here but i guess i mean the data speaks right greenskins are six and one against skaven jesus yeah but i guess green skins do belong in the pits which is weird damn demon there's only like one person who plays demons of chaos yeah yeah cathay is eight here now for sure they're really good they are very very strong all right all right let's pull this across let's go find the spectator slot it's around here somewhere so it's for random okay so we've seen that kind of hang tight yeah lizardmen are are decent so tech i think i think people need to kind of figure them out they're not like lizardmen are definitely a decent faction i think tim the wilder is 50 of those themes of chaos ones yeah exactly platypus i think i think it's mostly it's mostly him i think it's mostly him for sure i got a marcus campaign going right now which has been fun so many cool campaigns to play dude like going into this you're just like oh my god how do i choose poor nurgle look at him all haggard all right he's trying his best gotta think of some good head-to-head campaigns too we've got to get back on those next week greenskins are so strong in campaign with their wall mechanic and head to head geez lizards are chameleons here i don't know i i really expected lizards to be really good i really did what did random mick say is he in chat is he saying is he are you getting impatient random my hands are getting cold oh okay well at least it's not that late for you in poland it's only like 11 right this tournament like is much quicker like it's gonna be over like just just past four hours which is really nice yeah carrick carrot cake peeks could be fun the dwarves are just going to suffer though for sure you know i don't really know what nurgle needs nurgle is a weird faction for sure they're definitely weird i think vampires are an eight-year faction i think vampire coast is eightier oh yeah it's hard to say b plus a tier somewhere in that ballpark yeah i'll do a podcast on that sometime in the next week i'll get some top players on and we'll talk about that and be fun kind of give some of the reasons why kind of lose my voice a little bit i've been having really bad allergies the past few days so trying to trying to get my voice back cursed things man cursed stuff okay okay no problem puggington is going to get the spec slot and then we'll jump in the slingesh match can't it most likely won't go that long pug versus someone yes here we go perfect and we're in all right so this is going to be [Music] how many games do we have left today so looking at the tournament we have a few i think there's a handful of games left they should give saurus 20 000 hp that sounds like an idea you could probably give heil spearman like 20 000 hp and they would still find ways to be bad the thing is like heils are good in campaign so creative assembly probably won't buff them that's that's the problem like creative assembly is first and foremost uh you know a multi a single player company right they do buff multiplayer they do patch multiplayer a little bit but it's usually um you know much more conservative so randoms in the grand finals so we got one two we got three more games today guys for anybody just joining three more games basically one best of three just one more if if dinos had a temple guard with you're saying like an armored piercing temple guard well there i mean no the i'd say temple guard already a decent unit they're kind of like celestial dragon guard yeah they kind of are arnheim though slaanesh versus what else man this is going to be interesting i feel like what else are just going to spam dryads and eternal guard again and just kind of play that way it seems to have been working out very very well for him although hawk riders you know who could be a real absolute butt kicker in this matchup is hop riders right like you go hog rider spam and hop riders will with healing will kill the slaanesh furies really effectively and then you just like shoot the grounds in the target or the the targets on the ground oh my god i need to have something geez lizards need good high end infantry temp oh soros are really good though i think stars are very good i mean there's there's factions i'm trying to think what factions with like terrible infantry are actually like doing really well let's look it's definitely not as much of an infantry focus meta now yeah let's see i mean cafe has good infantry vampire coast infantry are pretty subpar dark elves have a good infantry yeah empire empire is a weird one they're right at 50 i mean corn has some of the best infantry in the game and they have a bad one right but that's that's mainly not bad but average that's mainly because they don't have magic though it makes corn much harder to use poor skaven yeah kiss love has good infantry yet they have a poor win rate although their infantry are only not like amazing per se i guess they're just unbreakable which is good lizards do have good quality infantry too they have a bad one right sandwich hasn't started yet oh do they uh let me just double check here let's see okay let's see what's happening oh okay so how are they still fighting that's interesting so we have a little bit of time guys so i'm just gonna do some ladder games in the meantime you know watching all these events makes me want to play we need to bring some cigarettes to their glory okay so they just accidentally reported the score early those other guys okay that's fine so we have a little bit of time so i'm just going to play one or two games and that should get us where we want to go uh-huh let's see what we get let's have some fun hawk rider spam yeah it could be strong it could be strong for sure let's see if we get the oh my god it's how can ca just not have it be land battle or domination dude that's so dumb like now i'm just on this piece of [ __ ] map like wyvern lake just playing god knows what i i wanted to play a dom game you know it's just like i could dodge him right but i don't want to be that guy so all right let's play uh let's play a little bit of uh kind of wanted to play some nergo nervous actually much better on land battles but let's play some corn corn's fine corn do i want to do dowie grand cafe is obviously quite good here let's see okay so we're going to be playing probably some degenerate cafe build knowing that it's quick battles um so it should be fun okay so do we want to try something really crazy uh okay claw yes perfect so we get u which i think is very good we have to bring what magic we can we'll play uh we'll play an empire game next time yeah we'll do that next round skull cannons it's kind of an interesting idea okay so grand cafe has the iron hell gunner sounds pretty good i feel like you guys is like a main battle line is pretty nice get some view and then you guys as well i think that's gonna be necessary too cultists of corn what are they when do they get their summon they get their summon uh after being engaged in melee for like a couple minutes could be okay to just bring like stripped down cultists of corn i think i kind of like that idea so flesh hounds furies and do i want any like marauder horsemen i wonder rotter horseman seemed like they could be a nice inclusion against cathay yeah just really dive in the backfield and all that so what i'm a little bit concerned about is is getting like just some cheesy yeah okay we need to we need to put some respect on the possibility of that happening so can i forge you oh my god why are you why are you so expensive so pricey got one chariot get you and then we get another flush on maybe or another horseman probably a horseman yeah spill doesn't feel perfect but it addresses a lot of issues like no matter what cheese cafe brings i think i have some sort of an answer for the first game for sigmar yeah abhishek thank you yeah this bet this map's not too bad okay that's good all right very good so right now guys we're just in a little bit of downtime while the brackets catch up we got two players playing and they're in their match show you could end up dying to a box of jade warriors here too that's true i have so i have some armor piercing chariots and stuff though yeah i got i got tools this is definitely i would say cafe favored if you have two two players it's generally going to be cafe favored but we'll see all right very good uh losers semi is on the same rotation you two can play that mirror go ahead only uh top for sandy's changes i'm just going to let those two play their sleer out while we do this i think this will be more entertaining anyways okay so we got some of these guys on the flanks i'm going to be getting blood letters obviously they're very important valkyria is just super essential um we got one chariot which we can kind of hide in the brush here a little flesh hound goon squad they can stick together so they can overwhelm some cav we have a cultist he's going to be kind of like cruising with the melee core you know that summon can be pretty clutch as you get later into the game there so five and then we get the furious and six a lot of control groups but should be able to handle it all right let's do it man let's just do it i'm just going to let them play that slash mirror i'm just like you guys just go ahead no problem man you you get it over it'll be fast it'll be furious yeah i would imagine he's got a pretty big army so yeah you have to bring the big demon i think or like some sort of because if he goes double terracotta meowing box with like jades you just die okay it looks like it's a pretty shooty build actually so we're gonna have to effectively shut things down so let's set this up like so see this get you guys going that way get you going this way horseman go that way and furious can go that way as well so yeah i'm glad i brought the um i'm glad i brought the demon we could just kind of group it with valkyrie slay i'm gonna be easier all right so valkyrie is gonna get that that beautiful slogan your action going and uh yeah we just need to shut down the iron hills he does have the righteous lance as awaiting but valkyria should be able to handle that i think plush hounds are here so we can try and overwhelm this position let's get you here you here and that chariot can hopefully space jam into those it's going to be a very very cagey match here this guy seems like a good player he seems like he knows what he's doing so all right so let's get these jades pull the chariot in like so pull you back and uh the iron hills are kind of positioned to deal with the harass so they're not like super super ready for this i don't think so let's get the flash hounds up here you guys coming in you guys can go here let's see oh no we want them to chill get you guys going there and you guys come in here and looking pretty good so the chariot should be able to kind of sidewind in there yeah perfect let's do this pull you back do that get the flush out to go isolate these whenever you come over the top and these warriors can go there and now we have the double beatdown squad here as we now need to get the sphere of sophomore right there oh no my furies why did i land them okay that was a mistake i probably just threw probably just threw a little bit but that's okay so let's get you guys coming over get you on the iron hills uh pull back get you back all right run away a little bit get you coming to nibble on these guys which is going to be super important and we just basically might have thrown with our furies it's hard to say but our warriors seem to be doing okay hounds just keep running we get the chariots the kind of tokyo drift on in there we can do this and do this you guys come under we need to shut down a lot of the shooting the righteous sciences of wajan are actually getting very beat up raider demons doing okay but we need to shut down those iron hills 100 so one unit of iron hills got wrecked um we have chariots coming up and under so let's jump in there shut down the shooting if we can hopefully our infantry will eventually win some fights and uh you guys path in there great yeah the iron hill is probably gonna kill us probably gonna kill us we need to get that greater demon out of there if we can okay so several units i mean some things are going favorably for us but many things aren't we need to get that greater demon away do her thing here so let's pop you into the trees here get these warriors kind of weaving through the seam chariots are on top of things you know this fight's going pretty good uh what kind of a caster is this okay let's pull back get away from those if the greater demon can maybe live with a little bit of hp that would be pretty clutch and the blood letters need to win their fights a little bit quicker if they can let's get you over the top marauder horseman gonna keep throwing axes now we do have a summon which is actually very good so we can probably kill another iron hill here so let's do that kill this guy valkyria keep going get you away just kite them around a little bit we did lose the greater demon which is rough so that's gonna put us behind in value but if we kill the iron hills you know we're okay but that's not gonna be easy that's for sure valkyrie getting popped in the face blood letters on their prize let's get you moving through valkya can pop the demon shield right now to make her involve the damage and now we can turn around and hit those guys hopefully we can do something let's pull the cherry it's down and under looks like a nice vortex coming i don't know if we can dodge that actually it's going to take a little bit too long so the cultists you go there valky is immune to the damage which is great and we do break one unit let's see if we can get the other one let's get you back how are the chariots doing chariots are still alive okay iron hills are coming for them so we want to just ignore that let's get the ball letters to shut them down chaos warriors fighting okay let's pierce open here let's try and karate chop them if we can pull you over get the horseman throwing axes to go and she did get the sphere of slovenir and was able to karate chop that position unfortunately these are the righteous sciences of weijin they're actually pretty pretty good man he still has a lot he still has a lot of stuff valkyria can come help oh no those are just those are just chaff okay great so how's this fight going out here seems to be going okay flush challenge trading well throwing axes still just throwing their axes let's go get those iron hills maybe we can choose how to win somehow if we uh if we manage to keep some of those live i'll have to see bounce power is definitely in my opponent's favor the bloodthirster i guess was a mistake but that's the problem because they can use a lot of different cheeses so you have to kind of put respect on all of them right the horsemen just kind of kiting out here we can go get these iron hills right there let's just kind of penetrate through and blood letters still trading reasonably well um these are the dune dragons which are a bit of a problem iron hills get in there they shut them down which is good let's kind of drift across this way go get these hopefully it doesn't reform ranks quick enough looks like we'll shut that down valky is doing good okay excellent excellent cult is doing work let's even get the lord actually valkyrie needs to go deal with these if she can all right so a lot of the iron hills have been shut down we're definitely behind on value and the horsemen yeah we don't want the horsemen to be getting hit here so we need to lure these jade lancers into them the horsemen we really really need sword of corn is basically what i'm banking on to kill his um his good units here so let's man i need to save it okay we need to fight we have no choice so we're going to get in there with falcia hopefully trade okay pull some horsemen over cultists just keep battling let's see if you can get this character i don't know if we're going to be able to farm enough skulls that's the problem our poor cult is getting his butt kicked so bad okay throwing weapons let's get these warriors back jade lancers maybe we were able to head some of them off i don't know we'll try sword of corn is coming up we almost have the skulls blood letters are unfortunately breaking okay let's bounce out here do you even get this character probably not okay do we have any infantry left we have these guys still fighting we have some warriors here oh my god i'm so close to the sword of corn i'm so close to it demon shield guys look at that oh my god look at that we're so close like those guys are just sitting still basically just just waiting for it okay if they blob up on me my opponent could throw here potentially if i'm able to get the sword of corn and hit like all this [ __ ] then maybe i'll have to see i mean do i still have some stuff left yeah we got some chariots let's get in there and get these iron hills i think this has got to be what happens here all right so that should do some fat damage okay goodnight sweet prince will they get you that was pretty good i would say pretty respectable fight these warriors pull these oh pull these back and that's what we want chariots come in clean up the iron hills valkyria did a good job there for sure but now there are some dreaded iron hills back in the bushes so that's that's problematic all right let's counter charge in get a little bit of help going you got to watch out the chariots need to lurk in the trees hey we're doing a good job scrapping here all things considered feels very very tough to beat um to beat cafe with corn and land battle feels very tough i guess you just have to go wider maybe hard to say my name is we do break this position so we got our warriors now and uh valkyrie's gonna have some work cut out for that's for sure so cathay's gonna farm ranks let's go after these guys if we can get some horse in there and we'll come back here and i think he may have forgotten about the chariots here we'll see we need to keep these horsemen alive thankfully our two warriors we have left our shielded variants so that's good okay let's go here do this attack in valkyr will have the demon shield soon so that's gonna be nice okay i don't see that looks like i've been slowed demon shields coming up soon let's get these warriors moving shook some of these shots pull you guys back you go here you go here valkyrie just keeps joking i just have to hope i don't get army last year basically that is what we're hoping on all right so let's jump there get the chariots get you guys to come up and under come on chariots it's going to loop you around there you go perfect valkyria has landed unfortunately slobner is gone basically so we don't have that anymore all right let's get on that purpose horseman just to break the charge here the chad corn warriors are still going like champs and i'm surprised we didn't get like the shatter on those believe it or not let's get underneath it's been a good game either way though it's been a really good game corn marauder horsemen are just so good they're such a solid unit okay so we get in there most of the shooting is shut down yeah i mean so somebody in chat asking for a breakdown of this battle uh basically the bloodthirster lost me the game yeah like bringing the bloodthirster cost me this game 100 i didn't need it but the problem is cafe can go like double terra cotta cheese stuff like that in a box with healing and then if you don't have like a big beater you lose so it becomes very tricky becomes very tricky to actually um deal with here i simply think i don't have enough to deal with my opponent's stuff valkyrie is pretty strong but you know this is a lot to handle this is a lot to handle great game though great game okay so let's just chase this character i guess chase down the gunners and then we'll try and just finish off the iron hills that's the plan these iron hills have been finished off i think they're being farmed it's gonna be a slow here maybe okay that's interesting yeah these iron hills are wavering valkyria can't solo all of this though that's that's the problem iron hills are slippery and she doesn't really have good mass the the cultist was pretty good actually yeah the corn cultist was a good idea i like that quite a bit so those horsemen will break but they're going to come back actually believe it or not so valkyrie just gets back in there probably breaks the iron hills our horsemen will come back in a second too most likely no they shattered oh no army losses gg it was a great game it was a really good game uh where do we go how are the brackets looking so we kind of lost the build roulette there because we went to counter like a monster zeppelin cheese build because the double um sky junk is really nasty too and we paid the price for it but the rest of the build performed okay like the hounds were decent chariot was good cultists was solid i think let's see so just making sure yep they're still fine so we'll queue up again here let's get another game going yeah i'm not sure what what would be the steady corn build i don't really play too much land battle but i guess you would just go why like i think the shielded warriors are are the way i think they're the way yeah i okay also i screwed up really bad with the furies i threw both furious into like melee earlier which was really crappy okay broken leg goalie i don't think yeah see he dodged me this is what happens people just dodge whatever they don't want to play yeah the bloodthirster is expensive oh god not another ogre game guys not another ogre game don't put that evil on me why would you do this why would you do this okay so in the single faction tournament i'm just checking the brackets uh-huh mountains of mourn what do we want to play here um play the rats the skaven sound like some fun mountains and morton has a lot of weird line of sight stuff so i think i might want to try that did he just ready up already oh my god why are oh no it's just for the army selection i was like why are people so swift on this skaven could be a lot of fun actually yeah this map on skaven seems really fun here guys probably going to be grand cafe oh worries of chaos interesting i don't really know how this matchup plays this is going to be a curious one empire should get their elector count units yeah i honestly don't think it would make them that bad some of them might need some re-tuning but all right so let's get the blocker up perfect skaven huh skaven versus chaos you've got hadries isn't here he could he could tell me the the mlg builds that everybody's using right is there any flying on their roster yeah it's probably not worth like preparing for that yeah it's good musk of fear is decent i suppose skaven against chaos what do we need to really account for here uh i don't think we saw any dwarf games today correct i don't think there was any dwarf games i suppose these are good i think i have an idea what i want to do yeah global ears are definitely essential units probably going to be like spawn and things like that probably going to be some spawn looking good we'll get some uh some route ogres in our build as well and i think that's always pretty essential got to deal with like sems though sems are probably a little bit tricky to deal with with skaven for sure getting hunted by some big beater character or something yeah it seems like it could be a little bit of a problem for sure play crease not a bad idea someone's always useful oh he's the he's the this is the guy i i fought his lizards with the ogres is it the same guy oh it's pretty funny so warriors of chaos i think these ones might be better uh probably not actually not readying up on me which is nice quite a quite a gentleman here i don't know about like mortars anymore i don't know about mortars yeah they seem they seem interesting all right let's get a couple of these because i think that's awesome we'll get these and then we need to probably get some sort of like skirmishers i think that's going to be pretty big all right so we got gutter runners maybe i think are a good choice and then let's get you oh my god this build just has so many haggard rats in it i guess that's like every skaven build though right every skaven build is gonna have a lot of haggard rats so we got that probably want to get some of these firewalls moving okay let's get some of that they aren't invisible oh you know that's actually a thing too okay we'll throw you in dude i have so many resources this is nuts i'm just like looking at everything i'm like jesus the rats the rat armies are just so ginormous that might not actually be bad let's actually experiment with that that could be kind of a fun a fun test okay i just feel like i have random [ __ ] and i just uh yeah i it just feels like a bunch of random units i i guess that's uh it's the skaven way isn't it okay uh let's just get another screw it man whatever whatever that's enough there's so many units yeah i don't care i've been stream sniped quite a bit before on streams so that's why i put the blocker up i mean if they really want to listen to what as i narrate you know that's fine but if he isn't taking sigbold hmm probably i would bet archon or something oh but archaeon is probably the way okay so looks like the brackets are still going let's check the tournament real quick to make sure it's probably our last one that i'll do and then um we'll uh we have another big tournament on sunday too okay so random nooks is awaiting in the finals reginald puggington is awaiting the slash mirror match okay all right so let's get this party started um gun hound by the way if you're still here man you can tell the um the players if uh if they're done when i'm still in this game they don't need to wait for me they can go and then we'll get them in the semis and stuff okay so we got our our little rat legion adorable little rats you guys this this map is very weird it's like a lot of like choke points and things like that get the pit fighters there to chill out in case there's any mass pick it can come um we can also take some of you rats you brave brave skaven of the under empire get a route ogre with you and get you guys up as well the globes nothing better than just like friendly firing your own [ __ ] that's the true that's the true skaven experience oh my god it's so much stuff i guess i just send a little bit of everything and just see if he wants to match me all over the field right i don't know i don't know what i'm doing ah okay bella core cheese makes sense i should have should have seen that coming i didn't bring helen warpkill which is stupid but bellacor you know we just try and focus his army so yeah it's a very sweaty chaos army it's just like you know the normal stuff so we need to get like some rattling gunners out stat the teeth breakers oh [ __ ] i didn't bring the ror he's going to see it oh it was so bad no tournament's not over it's not over you guys up you guys waiting in the bushes spears coming quick quick and uh yeah we shouldn't be able to just get on this point get these globes kind of chilling over here bellacor is on foot oh he's trying to avoid helen warpkill okay that's interesting all right so very very sweaty build but i'm okay with that this is fun we can overcome it with our beloved skaven we'll be in good shape uh you rats should be able to get that side point you coming here as well bellacor probably looking for like a bit of shades or something i would wager we do have a cracks call we could definitely get some work done we're not going to play this side objective at all he's we're just not going to do it so let's get our night runners to start partying get a rat scooting up on the point and bellacor might be coming up and over it's a little bit hard to tell he looks like he wants some and let's get the rattling gunners kind of chilling back here with globes the gloves can actually run over there i think that's a better spot for them okay so bellacor is hanging out they get claw's gonna go try and bait bellicore in okay so let's just keep these guys chilling here rattling gunners are in position let's move you guys up get these ogres here get these rats kind of blockading this past and the globes need to just move up and start wrecking his infantry pretty hard if we can all right so we're getting some good poking fire on bella cory's taking some work as is expected we have some hounds in the bushes let's head them off keep them from doing their thing let's get more ogres because that is the way and it looks like we're going to get attacked here but that's what these gut runners are for let's get in take down the man's core pull you guys back get the spheres in and glove it ears just start wrecking the infantry basically let's get ogres on bellacor pull you back do this and pick it can start dropping the old bombardments there then we can do the brass orb right here in a second as well great all right so the manchester should potentially be shanked down sorry going after bellacor we can just tarp at these rattling gunners are back let's just start putting some hurt here globe fire it kid's doing a good job like routing a lot of these guys off yeah you can see it is doing the work of the gods and when he starts to abandon the side point we just go in and we try some ninja tactics let's get ninja turtles up in this game all right so let's get you guys naked claw is still very much alive we have a cracks call so let's get cracks call here pull these guys in you guys just keep focusing bellacor unfortunately i did slip up let the matcha core kind of get me here shouldn't happen um but i think we might be able to salvage these rattling gunners all right so the slaaneshi cavs are getting hit we got the brass orb right here which is great so let's pop that cloved ears a little bit compromised let's get these spears to kind of screen them out and pull the gloves back wolfrats getting a good surround here and now we can potentially do some work yeah let's get you guys killing these and you guys against that all right you keep it up value trading is pretty even and uh we have a cracks call as well something to consider pull you guys back and uh we need to get these rattling gunners like fully retreated here so let's get some spears of the rats let's get them up just to screen a little bit you guys in here iket can come back globes need to retreat and uh in the meantime yeah we just keep focusing i think we're getting some decent trades like on the side i think this is okay the death runner should be pretty good here although forsaken man they're pretty heavily backed up actually let's even get those guys see how this goes all right more globes uh we need to hit these forsaken if we can so let's see if we can globe them down skirmish cav just keep hustling it looks like the match core is rampaging hopefully after the wrong targets and night runners just keep hustling back spears keep moving up global ears back you guys move in we do get a big globe punch yeah so we get the gloves right in the face with that big blob send some more spirit spears into the weird spawn looks like a little bit of a threat on the side point here yeah all right so we do get the wolf rat charge but it's not super great let's get some skaven slaves to come in okay pick it claw's doing good are the globes doing this this map is so like weird and bunched up it's a it's a tricky one that match core is just having the rampage of the gods rampaging after the right targets too which is tough i'll probably send some death runners over there as well okay so iket um do we want to do a cracks call i feel like a death frenzy could be really good like over here so ike might die in this blob which would be very very bad okay let's see this uh let's get more globes moving up they need to come and start punishing if they can infantry on this point how are the death runners doing still not trading well into forsaken so the death runner is definitely not super hot uh-huh yeah probably lost this one honestly my build wasn't sweaty enough to battle this sweaty chaos build watch bellacor is like just impossible to kill yeah i've fallen behind in value pretty hard okay let's charge you guys and let's go ahead and move on to the point death runners are here but just rats just basically feeding chaos everywhere just like chaos is just feasting right now we are capped pretty heavily too i could get a death runner here but like every time i use death runners i think it's gonna be like a good sneaky play then they just kind of die which is what ends up happening globes we have more globes back here the night runners able to finally finish off that man score oh my god no we're not playing in tournament we're just playing ladder games for fun yeah but but yeah this the bella core cheese is pretty hard to deal with this game i think i think i'd have to go back to the drawing board i'm not sure what i would actually do against it howling warpkill would probably be a good start this map also just sucks first gaben there's like no line of sight and just shitty shitty shitty angles everywhere okay let's pull these death runners back is there any way we could start like trading back i don't know we're pretty far behind on points uh let's get some skaven slaves out have them do this pull the gloves back globe's back spears into forsaken death runner's just getting farmed basically right you can see the death runner is not having a good time see if we could like squeak them over here it gets being chased off is there any hounds i could get to maybe save him we'll try and save him from bellacor i don't think it's gonna work though yeah pretty much over pretty much over for sure my opponent played well he played like a hyper competitive chaos build and played it very efficiently too oh did we get it our hounds just tear around off instantly yeah gg there's there's nothing we can do to kill bellicore i'd have to talk to hatreds about that because i don't know how you kill him how do you kill bellacor with skaven feels impossible everything you'll just get terror routed by yeah he's he's definitely problematic in that matchup plus the line of sight was bad we traded value-wise pretty good evenly in the beginning we had good trades but then he just started rampaging let me check with the players and see um okay okay they're on they're on the map now okay let's get that going map uh lobby code please ready to go yeah i don't know how it would beat that with empire i i kind of know how to beat it because you can use like ware wagons and poke and things like that it's hard to get them dude i'm incredibly disappointed by the core pick he's dude he's so hard to beat what's gave him i'm not sure how you do it two casters with howling warp gail yeah i guess you could lock him up so he says three rattling gunners and a good warp gail net yeah on that map it's not gonna work though there's two he can abuse those little like cliffs and things like that you're not gonna have a good time yeah i also am not very good at skaven so bear with me okay guys it's time let's get it going i think it's slinash vs wood elves oh my god get hyped pug for someone it's not just someone it just the dreaded tim the wilder no help it wouldn't work help it wouldn't work at all you would get wrecked yeah you get wrecked developer could probably solo like um oh hold on let me move this bellacor could probably solo all of your um sems he could probably take three of them honestly like bellacor versus two chieftains yeah he'd probably win he would terror out you i think you have to shoot him or poke him on like a big map like if you're on a big open map like arnhem or arc i think you could like black arc them maybe maybe it's hard to say what else for slineshare guys this could be this could be a really interesting one i'm super excited for this matchup so we're back on the tournament now guys those are just some fun games on ladder but now we are back on tournament some fun losses on ladder i should clarify just playing terribly ethan says uh if pug takes hawk riders and swift shipper shards i'll buy him dinner he could for sure i mean it could be decent against lynesh hang on let me look at the builds i have to save my curiosity oh yeah dude oh my god these builds oh my goodness hold up guys i am going to go get a quick snack just to get the energy to to jam it zazel is probably a little bit too squishy against what else because if they pray of an off ramen like lock him down i feel like you're just gonna get wrecked oh yeah dude the wood elf games have been great today they really have okay let's get some audio do i still have those i guess i don't all right guys i'm gonna go grab a quick snack in the kitchen uh the winner of this series has to play the tomb kings and then the winner of that plays vampire coast in the grand finals interesting so this is the last like non-meta faction that's made it here the last the last of the non-meta beliker always over extends into rattling range i wonder how uh i wonder how skaven do against warriors of chaos on in tournaments let's see like with actual actual data so skaven have a record of one in four against warriors of chaos okay so it seems like it's a really bad matchup that was probably a mismatch with ages beating someone in an early round as well yeah yeah that's pretty that makes sense it was it's it was more doable before but now they just have this like unbreakable powerhouse with like 10 000 hp that terror routes just like oh scale have always suffered against like man scorers and monsters and things like that they really have you can always root against slanted vampire accounts yeah that i would say that's that's pretty that's pretty accurate that's definitely pretty accurate all right guys i'll be right back oh but he's like ready oh my god all right tim it's on you we look like we're good here perfect let's see what happens man tim the wilder has come i yeah bellacor will probably get nerfed i would wager i think he'll get nerfed he's just like he's just crazy i would be surprised if c.a didn't because adding him to the warriors of chaos roster has just sent warriors of chaos to another dimension in terms of power levels like without i think without bellacor warriors of chaos would probably be if you if you nerf if bellacor wasn't on warriors of chaos and you took away the slaanesh or you nerfed the slaanesh cav a little bit added some price to them i think worries of chaos would be like a much more balanced faction right now the fact that they get access to like the best units has and then also have you know the the best lord in the entire game probably one of the best lords it's just it's so brutal yeah yeah in essence you can get the armored piercing missiles would be pretty fun do you think any chance ca goes back on warmer three being the last yeah warhammer three will probably be the last in this trilogy for sure it is the last in the trilogy um but they're gonna support it for a long time they're going to support it for a long time for sure yes it is time ladies and gentlemen and we are seeing the signature wood elf play style of reginald puggington like look at look at zazel's smile even his like stupid little smile makes me dislike him you know i just like look at it and i'm like oh bella corbin attorney no no i don't think it's to that point yet yeah but he's pretty crazy he's pretty crazy cost increase yeah he's very cost effective he costs us as much as like the demon princes and they're they're all like super haggard all right guys so loading into the battle of arnheim it is going to be tim the wilder versus reginald puggington puggington on the wood elves tim on the forces of slash tim of course was defeated in the upper brackets and so too was puggington but they have both since clawed their way back and are looking for uh revenge which is great so what else build is gonna be a million eternal guard which honestly i like like i feel like the only thing they'll trade badly into is going to be the um is going to be the devoted marauders but even still it's not like the worst like they'll trade well into warriors not well but okay they're good against slanesh cav they're not shielded he does have shields on some i suppose and a couple glade guard in the back with an ancient tree man so really he has um he has a very cool unique play style which is using these type of units now looking over here at the old forces of uh of the uh of the slaanesh it's gonna be azel a very squishy target but very very strong chaos warriors devoted marauders in the high ground and it is going to be a core of devoted marauders down here as well so here they come devoted marauders chaos warriors of slaanesh with the silver shields the boots with the fur they're also immune to psychology too so these things are going to be itp so they're going to be uh quite cozy and quite happy with themselves so so there they go we will have to see we will have to see i definitely still think slinesh needs a couple nerfs nothing huge but i think just adding 50 gold cost to their anti-large cave or 100 gold and make them the same price as the health scourge is just like a different variant would be probably enough for slingash that they would have their their they would then have their weaknesses but i think that's really the last thing slaanesh needs it's just a nerf on that because slaanesh is like mark is just so good you get like physical resist you get itp it's just like so many good traits which are so powerful right and to no surprise ladies and gentlemen the trees are living in the bushes so they're hanging out in the trees reginald puggington is here and he is the lord of the forest radagast himself and you see the ancient tree man is uh oh man look how cool it is like the glowing magic on his face that just looks so incredibly rad so they're gonna move up they're coming for it what else these these are not tamed widows tim the wilder might sit in the back of the map for a while but reginald puggington like a like a chad is gonna definitely move up here and get ready to rumble very quickly does not have like a missile-based army though i wonder if tim is gonna you know let his opponent get the objectives again it's it's risky to do that for sure puggington does have some drieds up here uh which might get picked off you can see isaisel is eyeing them like a like a quite a snack over there he looks pretty funny when he flies he kind of stays at the same level so it looks a little bit weird he's not like changing altitude but his azel is going to be heading over after those drives and i would imagine puggington just pulls back those drives you just retreat them hey the slinger spots are here just in time for slaanesh isn't that great so here comes the old eternal guard eternal guard backed up by the uh glade guard you also have some glade guard with hagman tips there as well and yep the old eternal guard are gonna be holding it and honestly i think they'll trade pretty well the dwellers below being used on chaos warriors if reginald peckington has like a really good presence of mind and make sure to get that like i feel like that's going to be really hard for slaanesh here i feel like they're going to have problems for sure yeah marcus is the best mark for sure like all the other marks have like a downside for nurgle it's like you're slower and you have less melee attack and then like for corn it's just like you know something like frenzy or some [ __ ] and then like slash just gets like one of the strongest traits in the game with immune psychology which is crazy so big shots from the uh from the old glade guard tim the wilder should be able to dodge that so he does pull back and these are not armor-piercing so the tree man probably doesn't give a [ __ ] he's just gonna he's just gonna tank it and it's gonna be a two-to-one cap tim is gonna have the high ground and he's gonna have to prepare an alpha strike like he has been in previous games uh reginald puggington though is saving up a ton of resources as well so look at this puggington is the one who saves huggington sitting at 2000 with tim the wilder sitting at about 8.50 so probably going to summon in a bunch of like vanguard units like oh i would love to see some deep wood scouts i would love to see some deep with scouts likes i think swift shiver shards could be pretty good against slaanesh a little bit vulnerable to being compromised obviously but you know what elves are also good at defending their back line they have good cheap skirmish cavalry so they're going to be uh pretty decent in that situation so huggington using his archers to screen out the slinashi skirmishing and the spheres here are going to be forming ranks preparing for a downhill charge perhaps it looks like the rotterdash is going to be poking looking for value wherever they can but gladeguard honestly should be able to just kind of deal with whatever threats are coming their way right so we do have the old uh glade guard here should try to about face and go after the marauder horseman and uh yeah she's just chilling we've seen this in a couple games with tim today he typically likes to save up for a bigger alpha strike to try and really overload a position while he does a little bit of skirmishing and pokes and prods his opponent's army although a bit of a mistake from slash they didn't actually capture the objective yet so this is going to give an even more of a points lead here to the forces of the wood helps which i'm sure the widows are more than happy to play this way and puggington knows his opponent's play style so you can see he's wisely holding on oh my god and how do you get rid of the fire bark elders like how the hell do you get rid of those guys like as slaanesh i guess you have seekers but maybe treekin are the way here right like what if you just slap a trick in on both objectives you put one on one and like i feel like slaanesh with the way slaanesh players have gotten accustomed to playing like they're not going to be very good against that right so puggington is gonna be sending in the fire bark elders a couple archers moving up so slash's harass is pretty much you know uh not doing anything i think he's gotten a little bit of value he's got like 84 value or something like that so so here they come firebark elder is going to be moving up on the point and the wood elves are ready to party they have all their eternal guard and archers on standby ancient tree man is here tim is probably going to save up but look puggington knows and this is kind of what you want to do if your opponent's not summoning anything and they're letting you have objectives you just bank resources so then when they do their big overload you can immediately see what they do and you can you know counter it although for puggington it's not a bad idea to spend a little bit of money just like reinforce your positions even more but the tree can yeah the tree can seem like a really good pick here because what's good against some of the slaanesh roster outside of the characters who have armor piercing like nothing really man maybe yeah mix in a couple like dryad treekin combos and i feel like that is gonna be really really tough to break so tim chilling up in the high ground and we do have his asel hanging out the the dark prince is here so he is he's at the ready ladies and gentlemen he's just kind of admiring himself doing a very dramatic wave and i like how the drives are hiding in the bushes too later in the game the drives could like pop out they could come on to this point it could definitely cause some problems for sure the burning bushes the biblical unit yeah basically so another treekin is going to be coming out for pug so it looks like he kind of has a similar idea as well that the tree can are going to be very good so treekin are going to hustle across and uh yeah they're going to get up on that point and it will be good eternal guard on standby slaanesh just really really passive today these are the most tame slash heretics i've ever seen and you know again what else are going to be tough to remove wood elves actually have a surprising high leadership pool so they're going to be able to just sit on these points and i i really don't know how much i like this style i mean i don't like mine it from a tactical perspective but just or a personal perspective but from a tactical perspective i feel like i feel like it's giving the widows too many free points which it really really could come down to for sure so the tree ken are moving up tree ken are going to be hustling on over to objective one objective two is pretty heavily controlled by the wood elves and this is not going to be an easy formation to move into we do see the old devoted marauders moving down and now we're starting to see some summoning so we're seeing this so check it out so we can see forsaken and devoted marauders coming out some tim the wilder is going to be one of the first ones to pull the trigger and it looks like he's going to do an attack from the high ground so the devoted marauders are going to move with the forsaken and they're going to try and collapse on the widow position using the hill and trying to get the downhill charge and uh yeah we'll see how that goes now what is the response going to be it looks like reginald's just kind of chilling out he summons in some archers so we get glade guard hagman tips moving up just a little bit more daca against the mostly lightly armored roster i mean forsake and have armor their melee defense is really their weak point definitely some starfire shafts slaanesh warriors are really tough to kill like i said not going to be routed by the trees they do also have itp they are pretty fast as far as warriors go and uh yeah the wood elves are definitely good at waiting that's true trekking moving up tim the wilder saving uh not saving as much anymore it looks like he's summoning more units preparing for the big strike but the one i'll seem amply prepared for this for sure the ancient tree man is going to be able to get some big dwellers below too if the if the forces of slaanesh aren't careful here so we'll see so the points are up i mean his opponent has 500 points like you're letting your opponent get that high i mean i guess i get it from a melee faction perspective but i don't know man i don't know seems a little bit dicey to me maybe he'll prove me wrong in this game archer's shooting down the glade guard gonna be blasting into the silver shields not gonna do a whole lot some of the archers might be compromised here we see horsemen kind of screaming into the backfield but i think this is where puggington pulls the trigger a little bit we have healthcare just moving in as well but the thing is what else have really good vanguard summons so you're going to see the archers shooting and then boom suddenly wild riders are there right wild riders will crush hellstriders of sundash and combat right so we're probably going to see more of that i would wager what else both of them are banking a pretty heavy pool eternal guard versus devoted rotters tree can definitely need to get involved in well as well or else that's going to be a bit of a losing fight there is azel kind of circling about and we do see a really really good fight for the hard wood as the wild riders are going to just dominate these uh hell squirters health scourges are not a cheap unit and they're going down rather quickly but you also see some forsaken coming in and the ancient tree man is going to need to get ready to use his dwellers below somewhere because the chaos warriors will be favored in some of these engagements here right so zazel does move in and they are going to or he's going to be getting on the archers the archers are partially compromised tree can pulling back on the objective drives also sitting here but you can see the eternal guard are losing to the devoted marauders pretty heavily obviously it's a spear unit versus a anti-infantry unit so that's to be expected right valley trading is going to be favoring tim of the wilder and in the backfield we do see the forsaken uh causing some heavy disruption as we do have a lot of glade riders with spears i need to get a little bit more engaged in combat here now treykan how are they looking tree cannon dryads holding on the point is zazel shutting down archers a [ __ ] ton of eternal guard gonna be maneuvering over this way an ancient tree man does get a big dweller's blow which hits uh a devoted rotter spear as well as a chaos warrior and it is not going to be hitting those eternal guard there so that was actually a really good cast valley is pretty close the valley's pretty close a lot of slaaneshi cav coming in but the wood elves have an ample amount of cab as well the vein of slash really nice rampage he rampages the wild riders there which is going to be very cost effective and it looks like zaisel is trying to get his paws in some of the back line again so going after the archers but some of the skirmish cap of slaanesh are gonna be hit here pretty heavily by the glade riders so that should be a pretty favorable fight for them this objective is starting to get into slanish's favors they do win some of the trades here uh the tree can need to get into combat a little bit more but i think what else are gonna be losing this point and they're going to be forced back and they'll be forced into a situation where they probably have to uh just defend the middle and then maybe steal the top objective which we do see so looking up here we do see the wood elves come in for a nice sneaky cap there which is going to be a really really big boon for them in the middle eternal gardener holding fire bark elders also chatting it out tree man is helping and a big big ugly cat fight here but it seems like tim the wilder is is trading pretty well here so we do see the big flyers coming down the great eagles gonna be descending from the heavens another great eagle being summoned so double great eagle looks like they're going to be going after zaisel so zeizel is battling one of his fellow uh birds here as he is being hunted by the great eagle which is uh very very surrounded now but the wood elves do get some glade guard out big charge coming in from the glade rider spears gonna be hammering into these units and uh it's a nice one hell striders are pretty resilient though but with archer shooting him and the great eagle helping out maybe they will go down back here we'll have to see i'll have to see middle objective's still owned by the hardwood but not for too long obviously the slaanesh warriors are doing very well you see a lash of slash coming down on top of the wood elves here so the dried's going to be getting punks a little bit treekin versus chaos warriors chaos warriors uh obviously are going to take some time and you can see the treeking are one of the few things that are really really holding on like champs now the slaanesh backline dive has been karate chopped up in the high ground the wood elves have gotten this objective back so they do get that one the middle is still held by the wood elves the turtle guard like i said insane leadership holding very well and it seems like the wood elves are getting a little bit of momentum here in the backfield but overall slash is ahead by quite a bit which is not a good sign if slash is ahead of you on value you know it's going to be a downward spiral um here we got spears moving in to intercept some of the cab units treekin trying to fight but they are being attacked by seekers seekers are a very very good counter here they have tons of dps they do magic damage so they surpass the physical resist and the armor of the tree again so really that's where you're going to be seeing the uh the tree can kind of getting wrecked a little bit so it looks like there's a heel going down maybe an earth blood right here it's a big earth blood with the spears and the eagles which are trying to take down to zazel up in the high ground the objective is firmly owned by the hardwood but nonetheless the uh slineshi hair tricks are pouring in from all sides so we see slash coming in hell striders as well as devoted marauders and the old forsaken so this might be the end of the road for the wood elves they're down by a 2 000 value a very scrappy game but maybe the uh the you know the eternal guard i thought they would be good here but the devoted marauders really really kicks their butts like the vote devoted marauders just out trading is just such a strong thing i devoted routers i think barely lose to dry heads i'm not 100 sure i'd have to do a little bit of testing and they cost like 100 less which is uh which is pretty serious for sure so devoted marauders with the sweet sorrow active fire bark elders as well as the blade rider spears trying to hold we get more wood elf units moving in and hog riders have always felt could be very very good here i feel like the hog riders could be a nice tool if if tim does blob into a big dwellers below that could be an opportunity for the what else to come back maybe like this right here is just a full erection dwellers it's like two chaos warriors cav and the enemy lord that would be very very good i don't know if tim is privy to that right now but the backfield the wood elves are trying to scrap up in the high ground the dryads basically chasing everything off the point they're just trying to hold on to that one if they can but maybe the winsome magic situation isn't good for puggington because we're not seeing it slinesh deserves a solid nerf they did get partially nerfed in the last patch but ca is a little bit too conservative with nerfing because again it's a single-player game so they're more they care more about not not ruining their single player experience or not changing it and people complaining even though like nothing matters in single player you can win an entire campaign using wagons or like archers you know i really do wish they would bounce a little bit better for multiplayer but you know at least they're doing a little bit now which i can't complain about but blade riders move it in tim the wilder's up quite a bit and that's got to be gg puggington basically has no tools to come back i mean he does have a thousand points if you could form somewhat of a helms deep up in the high ground maybe but it would take still you know almost 500 seconds which is quite a few minutes as you know and more and more archers and spheres on their way up but ladies and gentlemen that is gonna be it gg well played yeah i don't know why devoted modders have a bonus for its infantry it doesn't make sense the corn ones have it but they cost 5.75 like they're better than the corn rotters i think they actually trade pretty evenly into those all right so well played by tim a good swarm a very wide build for puggington it's just so hard for the wood elves because your cavalry gets out traded by slash cab your infantry loses the only advantage you have is missiles yeah and it's like even that slaanesh is so good at shutting that down so gg well played so next up we have let's check it on the old tavern it's going to be a rematch actually of tomb kings versus slaanesh uh this is going to be is this a semifinal match let me check here all right so checking it out where are we at okay poor random's been waiting up there for so long yeah so this is uh the map for this is going to be it's a semi-final map so the map is going to be uh aren't arnhem yeah sorry not i think they played the wrong map there but it's i'm not sure actually be so hard flagelling some pilgrims they're just way too cheap yeah that's it's pretty wild it's pretty wild i'll put together some feedback tim king's and slaanesh again yeah i know random is the only one playing like a somewhat non-meta faction for sure i mean coast is kind of meta but they're they're not as many people play them um that is the case are they in this lobby still let's see okay perfect looking around where are we at so they're going to get a lobby up okay tim the wilder versus uh tombkings so house cat here they go perfect okay so they'll be jumping in in a second and then we got house caterpore so this is a rematch they both ended up losing but tim basically he had to beat more people to climb back up whereas housecat got a more preferable position which is a very cat cat thing as well all right so join with code i don't want to join with the code okay one second here that is an old code so let me get the new one here okay i don't know if house got a war is in the lobby yet we'll have to see you were the only coast player today random well how many coast wins did you get in total you must have actually farmed some serious serious avatar action i mean how many wins with coast did you get like seven or eight so you're probably on your way to a pretty cool coast avatar i wanted i really wanted to try and get some empire wins today to try and get my uh my greatswords which would have been really really cool okay that's not the lobby that's random's lobby and let's see if the house cat has actually gotten in here yet i think he's still in there let's see just waiting for the players to set this up okay so let's jump back here i wonder if any heil players got out of the first round as well yeah what else winning against chaos was pretty cool it wasn't like a bellacor build though the only thing like i'd be curious to see how they would do against a velcro because belacor you just like you can't kill him he's like in land battles like that's why i'm surprised velacore didn't dominate the faction war more but in land battles he got i think he got army lost i'm not sure or maybe he did die i don't think velcore actually died in any games don't worry they're an rtk discord together great great great so they can get this hug for someone random come on guys gotta give me that lobby send me the code okay tournament chat let's find this find your opponent that was set a couple minutes ago looks like maybe they're just chilling in this one for some reason maybe they're just in the old lobby let's see and uh yeah it looks like tim's just chilling here okay so they're just using the same lobby uh jay phoenix says i played britonia not sure if the other bret player got out of round one hey at least you got out of round one that's pretty good you're eating some kfc oh my god kfc is such like a guilty pleasure food it's such punishment uh ogre players i don't know if we had any ogre players i feel like we didn't yeah i don't think we had any ogre chads i don't think there was a single one hey drinks i was just wondering if single player struggle is real no it's not single player in this game is like very formulaic it's it's really fun i love i love campaign but like if you get enough hours into the game like if you get enough hours into the game like you're gonna beat it every single time you're guaranteed victory you know like you you see you see players like you know like in city for example has he has to make campaign challenging for himself by declaring war on every single faction and putting the end game crisis on like turn 10 right like that's how you lose a campaign when you get to a certain point you know that's why like if the melee attack of a unit changes by like four you know to for multiplayer i don't really think it's terribly relevant for campaign like it doesn't matter dude it doesn't matter you're gonna have so many tech trees and abilities i just make them like what's the difference between like 86 melee attack and you know like 82 melee attack on like a random unit you know it's like whatever like it's just but it makes a huge deal on multiplayer right a huge deal yeah that's just my two cents that's a war number three being yeah well of course it's it's it's it's it's really hard to balance these type of games and make them actually difficult it really is i've been playing valkyrie and i made the rule i have to declare war on everyone who is in chaos yeah it makes sense oh no mli for sure i hear you but like even even like little changes like one or two melee attack here and there i don't think it makes that big of a difference although if we want to if i want to give you my my opinion i think it's usually better to balance multiplayer if you can by just adjusting multiplayer costs because that doesn't have any effect on either side yeah so we have slanted first tomb kings are they playing on death pass it's fine they can just play death fast and so this is it's a good enough map it'll do it will do i'm trying to think what the hardest total war game i ever played was i i actually faintly remember shogun being a little bit like shogun being a little bit tricky but you know campaign balance is a thing too like you like you you do want to adjust unit stats for campaign balance too if there's some factions that are just dominating everyone you definitely want to patch that as well like what factions in campaign do you guys think are just egregiously stupid overpowered probably all the champions of chaos right like they're just they're just but like who cares if they're op it's fun it's a single player experience you know you make it what you want it to be you make it what you want to be i think like like gold adjustments is good they should just make multiplayer stats single from single player i don't think that's ever going to happen oh james custer i'm saying when you so james custer i i i basically said multiplayer is easy once you have put in the time i said once you've played a thousand couple thousand hours like you're eventually just gonna get the formula down unless you want to play sub optimally which is totally fine as well uh the grand finals so those replays unfortunately got were on the previous patch yeah i did upload one of the games though no ca will never balance them separately they're not they're not for sure that's not going to happen yeah no i love being built in single player for sure it's what makes it fun like mass war wagons masked kisslip sleds all that kind of stuff are the vampire accounts like still super op are the vampire accounts like tyrants in single player i feel like they were always very good i know hellman gorsuch was a really gross for a long time so they played this matchup earlier these two yeah i'm curious what they're going to be doing here probably similar builds i would wager let me just go ahead and look here yeah builds don't look terribly different from what we saw for either player a little bit of variance for sure we're seeing a ton of his hazel play as well yeah we're seeing a ton of zays will play you know there's still some hard campaigns like i was playing marcus woolfart last night on legendary and his start's really annoying because you have like huntsman and archers and the starting armies that you have to fight are just like mass like skaven slaves clan rats with shields and it's just like oh my god this is such a grind but as soon as you get that first imperial reinforcement and get some of those like good units it becomes pretty good for sure is it like vlad and isabella like an unholy nightmare to kill now gorsuch is gross in single player the others are strong but i don't think they're open got it yeah the ai does some weird stuff now too like when i was playing single player they tend to blob up a lot and they they don't always like engage you normally it's so you can just like really harass them i don't know what's going on with that yeah so now she's still top tier harley yeah they're still really good they barely got nerfed creative assembly just nerfed the um they just nerfed what's it called the the devoted marauders okay perfect what's that guys just responding to a message here cool so we'll be starting any second these guys are actually clan mates these guys are actually clan mates here so i'm sure they're it's funny because normally they probably scheme against their opponents but now they have to they have to think in the hive mind cannot help them against their fellow clan mates they have to sit and think of the builds there oh my god yeah because i was playing a balthazar gel campaign and i rolled into sylvania super quick and i can't tell you how much of an unholy nightmare it was to kill vlad with gel i was just like it was just vlad in like my whole army and it took like everything like cycle charging like a hundred times with gelt and uh yeah it's wild it's wild for sure counting is to be used to be very bad in campaign you had to rely on your characters well i mean that's how vampire accounts are in tabletop that's like actually lore friendly like vampire counts units like vampires are extremely powerful beings right and like their minions are just mindless automatons right so in tabletop it's the same way vampire counts or at least i guess soul by gravel arts whatever um they uh they're pretty bad they're units but then their lords just carry i mean that's at least how they've always kind of been now there's there's a rule we don't help other side into the r2k civil war exactly yeah that's what i was saying jay phoenix they're probably in private channels yeah i i think that that's kind of like interesting for vampire's identity but the problem is vampire count lords are super strong but also their units are like graveguarding cryptoers are just some absolute linebackers you know and then two turns later he's back because he only has one turn of moons oh my god i know it's such a nightmare wes it's such a nightmare okay so players are almost there the winner of this game plays randomness in the grand finals which is going to be very exciting i'm super happy for that one and uh cool tim the wilder taking his time with his build extra schemes and we will see who wins this bad boy thank you guys all for joining today it's been a really fun stream a lot of great games we got to see some underdogs we actually saw empire be vampire accounts in the beginning which was pretty cool that that you don't see often that you do not see often at all okay so slaanesh is there two kings are here probably gonna be just nakara warrior spam just to trade they're one of the few infantry units that trade well in the slantus infantry and then obviously so poker stalkers are really good who shopped you great bow or solid concept isn't bad concept can do some work you get spam glitch staff is good because you can just fam it and it shuts down the slinger spells although arc in the black i kind of like here too like arc in the black with spirit leech like spirit leech bam and zaisa with arkhan could be really strong and also the skeleton summon for like buffering them off i feel like there's a ton of different directions you can take here random nick says the rtk hive mind will target me in the grand finals yeah pretty funny dude they're coming for you random it's it's like that uh there there was a really funny meme of that in the world championship where there was like there was like one player who wasn't in a clan and then like it had a picture of like five dudes just beating up one person and it was like the other clan yeah it's kind of an interesting thing for sure when i started my two games play through the game a corn was it was tough yeah corn corn is strong in campaign there the corn's auto resolve is insane in campaign yeah tomb king seemed to have a good matchup in islanesh which we don't really get to experiment because obviously uh you know slaanesh is pretty much permaban like if you're playing in a normal domination tournament with bands i think uh huh you know what actually could be a cool idea here how about this how about this so hear me out for this tournament format for the single faction tournament so sebastian says yeah they're living because your units were relevant so you just spam the cheapest stuff now it's actually yeah i know for sure yeah graveguard have always been pretty good though like you don't like even before you could use gravegarden cryptos and still be at legendary campaign like it's you know it was still very possible even in game two um but we could do a single faction tournament format like this where before the match each player does two global bands so it's the same four global ban system and then each player is gonna have uh their primary pick and then and then um two reserve factions maybe like one faction in reserve i don't know i'm trying to think of a way to make it a little bit more fair but i guess i guess it's fine as it is whatever yeah high elves didn't make it far today i'm pretty sure they all died in the earlier rounds intensity did a wind farming is slaanesh without using the right mouse button yeah slynash can definitely do it they can definitely do it you know how anticipated he could cheat on that though he could he could rebind it to somewhere on his keyboard and then technically he's not clicking yet uh let's see here are they asking me questions in discord let me check yeah oh we'll get him on the correct map it's arnhem it is the semis of the entire tournament thank you thank you gunham for bringing that to my attention yeah we got him here yeah random it's just i'm just theorycrafting out loud i don't think that's a good idea but i don't know i kind of like the idea of people being forced into weird matchups because it creates really cool narratives too where you have a player like puggington like really just crush a lot of meta factions with wood elves right so that's that's really cool too and then we had vampire coast in the top side make it vampire coast is not a top five faction granted random is just a crazy good player but you know it's uh it's interesting yeah so slash is ready tom king's gonna rework their build a little bit yeah headhead campaigns are fun i love haddad campaigns we'll be doing another one on the channel soonish and it's on it is a duel between two rtk members they are here and uh it's go time man it's go time it's gonna be prince signaled with a most likely uh sorcerer on a shrine with the mortis engine and then tomb kings are going to be going with uh as we like to call him cringetep backed up by the nakakara warriors as well as your boy kotep so very very fun stuff that car warriors are just so good here like they actually beat they actually can put slash infantry where they should be into the chaff category right i uh yeah you could also you could also just do like uh when you do single factor tournaments you could you could ban the top four tournaments but then that would that would falsely inflate the win rates is also ah of certain factions i don't know something to think about empire versus all factions that'll be me i feel like i can beat tomb kings with empire like i feel like i against like an equally skilled player they'll have an advantage but i feel like i can beat them with slaanesh i feel like it's almost impossible for empire because their devoted marauders for like 100 less gold will will kill your flagellance and your sigmar sons and you know all this kind of stuff so it's it's really tricky um so devoted marauders into the sunset up in the high ground tim is going to be oh my god the dreaded double shrine the old-school disgusting build oh my god look at this like that looks like a knurling that looks like a knurling it's slight snuggling but it's going to be a cultist of sunash and then a chaos sorcerer's slash both of whom are going to be on the shrine very very susceptible to focus fire you got to watch out for that and now for the forces of ye olde tomb kings on the other side it's going to be very similar to what we saw earlier skeletons cool stalkers who shopped at grepo cringe tap as well as a screaming skull catapult so kata probably has his lich staff oh man no litchshaft so kattap's just gonna be spamming the two cheap spells and uh no lich dab which is so weird it's such a good item i feel like finding a way for it is worth it but it's very much gonna be what we've seen where we see uh tim kind of sitting back gathering up a big alpha striking army and then going for it you know but that does give his opponent a big point lead which can be precarious if the battle ends up being close then that could be a huge downside for him so we will see we will see next day we four stream in the next few days either tomorrow or actually tomorrow i'm out of town so it'll probably have to be saturday or sunday it'll have to be saturday or sunday we'll have to see yeah not that old school the double slinesh warshrine was like the summer championship special this was like every game it's not as good now especially against a fashion like tomb kings which can for sure snipe these but we'll see tim king's vs coast i think i think yeah we i i believe the tomb kings were sent to the losers bracket by random knicks in the grand finals i think are on black ark i don't really know how that match would go there random would probably have to switch up his build for sure double mortis engine according to adrie's is the oldest of old schools it is total war warhammer one multiplayer cheese that's actually true in war number one double more dissention was very very common for sure so tim kings are going to move up and uh they're getting ready to rumble man there the skeleton skeleton warriors and spears all going to be grabbing these two objectives slindashi is going to be crashing from the high ground which is very precarious for sure do you have keper guard in here yet looks like hep regard are going to be in the back so kepler guard no longer have 100 armor piercing i don't think yeah so they have nine armor-piercing damage now so their armor piercing actually isn't that great yeah the infinite ammo bug definitely needs to be fixed um i'm gonna i'm gonna put some messages in the ca discord to make sure that actually hopefully gets across them they must know it exists they must know i can't have been the only one who's been talking about that to them but yeah tim king's moving up some poker stalkers eyes of the desert gonna be chilling out tim preparing his big alpha strike the mortis engines could get killed really quickly like if they get caught in who shot you great bow and support soccer fire they're just gonna die super super fast so i'm a little bit concerned about that like the cost of them they're they're pretty steep so devoted marauders gonna be moving up here so they are going to be jamming up on objective three skeleton spearmen for the house cat of war waiting in the bushes so house cat is totally chilling out right here and now down on the low ground we do have a whole bunch of skeletons including the big old screaming meme catapult coming in so that's going to be most likely dropping some hot steaming payloads on the devoted marauders looks like we shopped at grapos putting some fire up into the high ground here are they actually shooting at sigma are you serious i guess with the the ammo stuff they don't really care right so they're like whatever please please first make the ui cover the lord i know i've i've been pushing that one a lot ca says they've told me it's on their radar but they can't confirm or deny when it's gonna happen i'm like come on how hard that's like one of the easiest changes ever i could probably change my teach my chihuahua to do that change in the code all right so the objective is going to be taken king's going to be taking this one slinesh we've seen this over and over today slaanesh is going to be tackling and controlling their two objectives here as we do get skeleton horsemen archers posturing preparing getting ready to jam i have to admit didn't expect this to be five hours today but again it's a it's a long one so skeleton horseman cavalry getting a nice little skirmish going after the hell striders but immediately gonna be horseback they only have 76 feet so this is actually really dangerous for those skeleton horsemen they could get killed for sure but the tomb kings are really really just chilling down here man just just hanging out living their best life and uh there they are how is that not a day to patch well like i said the focus is more on single-player stuff so you know those type of little ui things that aren't game breaking aren't going to be focused on so screaming beam catapults going to start generating a little bit of value yeah they don't no collateral damage there they do get the penalty for being a taxpayer till the rebutt there they go another shot and the catapult with a direct hit so the devoted marauder's starting to take a little bit of damage giving house cat of war the advantage and it looks like this time tim is going to be getting in quicker so he's moving in with prince siegbald who is slippery mind you and the just curse is down so that's going to be giving uh a little buff to these guys but it's more likely just to trigger the lord passive and sigma is just going to be going after this focal stalkers and he takes a little bit of damage on the blast some of the devoted robbers tried to get by they tried to like force path past and now the i think the eyes of the desert need to get back 100 percent nice micro by tim tim's going to be coming in moving in with the hellstriders and now they're going to be going straight after the ushoptia although there are a lot of troops nearby so with proper control the uh kepler guard man a little bit of a slow reaction time there from house guide he needs to just get these units in like he's throwing this game by losing these chosen to the gods here and reacting slowly that charge didn't need to happen also another potential misplay he needs to get the um support stalkers back he needs to just run and get sickball trapped into her car warriors or something that's gonna be the play now on the side point we do have more support stalkers so they are gonna be shooting at what appears to be the hellstriders big slicing shards going down carrying up in the sky are gonna be intercepting the kiosk furies they're also hit by usyrian's vengeance so that's going to be locking them down and the ushati are able to get away and they didn't lose any models yet carrion they got to help him man this is a huge value piece just letting some piece of [ __ ] cav unit like kill your big expensive centerpiece is really really um yeah not good at all that's that's just a colossal blunder and his catapults i mean a lot of just big misplays from house cat um he may find a way to get back in this game for sure but these are just big misplays here but tim kings are a faction that are so resilient that they might be able to come back from it like despite these colossal misplays the damage value is still even and that's actually even worse because the tomb kings do have good healing so carrion's forming in hell strider is going to be dying the chosen of the gods are basically dead and the supergirl stalkers have literally just been left in combat so they have just been left to their own devices and they're fighting yet the value is still very very even they're hanging out so devoted marauder is still grinding more descending still here but jim kings are just chilling on the capture weight and on the side point how are the two kings doing they do have skeleton warriors and spearmen obviously they won't trade super well keperguard no these are just not a car warriors need to come over here and get a rear surround or something we do see the catapult somehow live and the sepulchral stalkers are still in line so i mean the two kings still have a fair amount of assets house category is maintaining a value lead i mean he is killing a lot of the units and finally after like five minutes we see this pokemon stalkers pull back which uh they should have pulled back right away they should be like full health right now there's no reason for this poker stalkers to be beat up and damaged they could have just outrans evolved and got away but it is what it is so polka soccer is going to be grinding here they got their halberds out going to be getting in and uh probably killing these hell striders honestly these vocal soccers do have good armor and anti-large so they're going to potentially be able to kill these units skeletons fear is going to be peeling back jim king's uh have firstly for the first time fallen behind on value a little bit up in the high ground tim the wilder is going to be grabbing his devoted mothers of slaanesh and going after the old spears here and doing quite well skeleton horseman poking and it seems like tim the wilder is just making slightly better plays uh granted i think this game very very winnable for the two kings for sure the fact that the value is so close is just a huge testament to how resilient the uh the champions of cetera are here so looking at the mortise engine and the board ascension is only three to seven damage per second so the worst runs actually aren't really doing anything right now it's barely any damage um but they can get pretty crazy kepper guard able to break these guys off on the side point the tomb kings are still holding on to this and the two kings are maintaining a decent value lead not value excuse me but point lead and still are keeping that value very very close i mean slaanesh is a faction that can run out of steam we see a new shopkeeper summoned but the ushanti summit is not being used it needs to get into combat here just move in crush these devoted marauders crush these guys and uh yeah reclaim that objective for the champions because that's that's really unfortunate he used the tomb king summon and now it's just sitting afk here and that that is just a big mistake middle objective owned by the tomb kings the forces of slaanesh are getting a little bit beat up here high ground is owned by two kings as well do we have a triple cap actually we do have a triple cap looks like slindash is getting pretty deep into the backfield here and uh yeah man they are running sweet sorrows are active and the old skeleton warriors are going to be moving up with some carry and carry and really proving to be a big mvp in this matchup very very difficult to deal with and finally the shopping summit has been used but they were idle for a long time a long long time so they could have easily killed the unit off the objective but the chimp kings they're grinding just very very well and support girl soccers don't really care that much about the op slenish cav i mean yes they take a lot of damage but they are able to actually fight them off which is a really a big rarity nowadays to have something that actually trades there middle capture weight it's going to the tomb kings man it seems like slaanesh is having a hard time wrestling back the objectives prince siegbald is fighting this the poker stalkers here uh definitely another mistake having this focal soccer's in they have uh 43 speed when they're poisoned here but when the poison wears off i mean these things have like 50 speed plus i think let's see yeah so 50. so they should be able to get away from sig vault although a slippery active sig ball does have 50 speed so i suppose that is a little bit of an issue to try and get away from him yeah and the double mortise engine is just really not doing great the mortise engines are um yeah they just aren't doing much like they they finally got their mortise value up a little bit but yeah i think that's one of the reasons why the forces of slaanesh are really struggling to kind of play the objectives here i feel like the gym kings just have better objective presence and you know slaanesh is more about like punishing a blob but there are a couple blobs i suppose but not as many as you would think so cringe def is getting in there with his pimp cane he's going to be fighting a little bit and the sepulchral stalkers once again proving to be super valuable here as their halberds just really cut apart these chaos spawn so the chaos spawn are going to be getting shanked right there getting some nice pokes and uh down they go ladies and gentlemen so seekers and slash going to be dog piling in that will finally finish off this pokemon stalkers they will finally pay the iron price but how are the objectives looking tom king's pretty solid here mortis engine from the cultist is doing great damage kepler guard probably want to disengage here and just go sit on the other side of the objective so as to not get more ascension up in the high ground it's looking pretty toon king's favorite the carrion just doing the work cutting through these devoted marauders and i believe we also have jim guard up here no but mainly just chaff i really expected more tomb guard but yeah i really really did expect more objective gonna be going to the tomb kings honestly tim is running out of time and he's running out of steam he does have a decent little army but the tomb king's healing is really crazy you need to be pretty far ahead on value because realm of souls plus also the um the lore of nakakara passive which heals your entire army how it works essentially is when you cast a spell your entire army gets healed for essentially well 0.20 so yeah okay so a little bit over one percent of their hp so unlike a trim guard or a skeleton or whatever that's going to be like 180 to 210. so tombking is getting some poker soccer firing lines and they are going to be blasting into that uh that war shine there now you can see the warshine's on the run it's getting pops even cringe steps getting in there dude he's getting his pimp cane he's like just wailing on it with his 300 weapons right so the shrine is on the run and the uh kepper guard are in good shape although it looks like a slicing shard's gonna be coming down here definitely don't want to get caught in that but it looks like house cataboar is gonna get caught in this and he is gonna be suffering pretty bad i mean you have like 10 years to dodge that spell it's really slow oh the kepper guard get wrecked that was a really really nice cast by tim the wilder but tim is very far behind on points and honestly the slinesh cheese cav the hellstriders are not very good at dealing with infantry like infantry can really really grind them down super super hard and uh is tim going to be able to hold the objective i don't think so i think it's going to go back to the tomb kings like skeleton spearmen are just so cost effective here like island often doesn't read some of their infantry because they're really greedy they like to summon like really fast things to get to the battle quickly so now just like the skeletons arriving to the battlefield are just very problematic it's a big value lead for the tomb kings and tomb kings have been scrapping back very well you see through sirian's vengeance coming down and the sepulchral stalkers are just so strong like their armor really counters a lot of the cheap slinges cap i think slanted players might have to switch up how they play the mortise engines have really proven to be not super good and uh yeah i would imagine both more descendants maybe got like close to a thousand valueless checks uh 1100 there isn't bad it still hasn't paid for itself and this one has gotten about 1200 so i guess suppose it's not bad though jim king's healing man it's no joke tim the wilder uh is triple count so all three objectives have gone to the forces of uh cringe temp kepler guard hanging out segwald also hasn't been as much of a kind of a game changer here uh random nixon chat saying the mortis engines might have lost the game like turn said yeah i think so i think if you just had a little bit more meat in your army like you really really could have gotten it done but yeah those are expensive pieces they're very expensive hold on guys need some water my voice is getting a little bit tired here here we go we'll get some water after the game but as far as the objectives go sigmal's got some capture weight but kepler guard are just the ultimate chads they're going to be able to hold on to that uh slaaneshi cav looked to have gotten the middle point although those nascar warriors wait is this objective okay went to slash for a second i thought it was like stuck on tomb kings i was like how's that gonna work and yeah good luck removing this this is just like a super erect army and for anybody who says objectives don't matter anymore that's definitely not true helms deeping is still still viable under the right circumstances so here we have skeleton warriors we have net car warriors all holding the point we got carrion pushing back and it is going to be chaos furious man oh my god the tomb kings just holding on to this objective even if sigvault manages to get this one down here which he actually does have the capture weight and celestia's got some cav coming in he's finally finishing off those kepper guard with the mortise and siegful there's no way in the four realms of chaos that you are going to get this objective back from the tomb kings it's just so much just meaty hard to kill undead units including the king nakesh's scorpion legion and maybe the more descension could but it just doesn't have the time and that's gonna be a victory for the house cat of war climbing up from the losers bracket seeking revenge on those who have wronged him aka random knicks he's coming for round two random are you ready versus vampire coast grand finals gg well played that was a good game it was fun i you know man there was so many big blunders in the beginning about house cat like losing his great bows losing his stalkers i really thought he was dead but you really saw how the other two kings units just traded into slang so much better that they were able to come back which was crazy tim tim definitely played very well but his build was off i think i think the double mortise was too much all right so let's set this up that's like the old meta right like with using those i think i think you got to play a little bit different very nice one all right so you guys go ahead and get a lobby up random it is your time the dreaded undead have made it yes to no surprise to no surprise okay one second here random's got it hosted i'm so hungry i'm too weak all right and there we are let's get this party started i'm excited for this one this is just best of one so it's it's winner takes all here how will random changes build how will he take it how will he do it okay okay let's see here all right cool and we're all set it is time the dreaded undead final it is the driest undead versus uh somebody in chat saying den hart saying the wet dead versus the dry dead yes it is the wettest versus the driest of all the undead the most sun sun scorched you got vampire count somewhere in the middle but i i expected to see tim king's in the finals today but vampire coast i definitely did not see to expect to see them here i really really didn't um but you know i'm happy to see it man i'm happy to see it for sure so um let's see this all right the vampire coast is here they're ready to go the house cat award his beloved tomb kings we saw this matchup earlier random had won the matchup earlier with a really really sneaky play he came in he dropped to that sweet winds of death and literally hit all the artillery pieces and just kind of cleaned house from there but i don't think the tomb kings are going to let that happen again i think this is going to be more of an open field traditional artillery duel and [ __ ] is just going to get wild uh so today's tournament is more of like a fun tournament basically players sign up with a faction of their choosing and they have to play it the entire time that's basically it that's basically it vampire counts yeah vampire accounts i'm sure have a little bit of moisture yeah not too much but they try their best we're in the grand finals this is the grand finals here so i'll be right back guys i'm gonna refill my water and uh yeah we'll be back in a moment i'm back thank you all for uh your patience let's see if they have any any trouble getting into the lobbies here let's see here okay perfect [Music] house cat fiercely battling the lobby and there he is he has made it in and now it is time for tomb kings versus ghost i would imagine bomber mobs cannons the queen best is probably a little bit too ambitious although against tim king's it can be pretty good six hours later yeah it all comes down to this man this is the moment this is the epicenter of battle this is our time in the sun for sure yeah coast is fun coast is a really fun faction i think they're great necropolis nights finals are best of one everything in this tournament's best of one i'm sure randomness is very tired too and poland is like 1am right now so he's probably like he's probably just let me sleep man i've been sitting here waiting for a long time acropolis nights could be cool it's also yeah i think having this tournament be double elimination is good though because like we've literally had the whole tournament done in like five hours which is pretty good like a lot of dom tournaments take like eight nine hours to finish if they're big so it's pretty uh it's pretty taxing for sure slaanesh nights slash has chaos nights right yeah they wouldn't be very good though against tim king's tomb kingston remember the coast still hates basic archers yeah that's true basic archers can do work they can and i'm i'm just so excited for this that i have to peek at the builds okay okay some pretty big changes i think from both players uh okay some some similarities some changes regardless you guys are gonna have fun you're gonna dig it authenticity stream people were saying uh and he got concerned about queen best now queen best is still still decent the only thing about queen best is it's pretty easy to dodge its shots if you're really paying attention skeleton archer spam is an old school style play against coast like it counters the bombers very well so you know maybe they could do that but it also is a little bit vulnerable to some things that ghosts can do i expect to see a neck effects or rotten leviathan action from coast maybe you could do you could do like an octolus on a on a colossus although i don't know tim kings usually go wide with tons of infantry so it's more about crowd clearing in my experience bomber mobs usually handle that for you like bomber mods mobs and depth guard can kill pretty much any tomb king's infantry that's like that's like the classic formula hmm yeah chaos nights are pretty terrible unfortunately two pistols from vampire accounts get vanguard they do yeah so the pistol mobs have vanguard which is really nice for reinforcing your front lines because usually it takes forever for a coast to get reinforcements on a map like black ark but i'm curious how they're going to play the objectives though that's something i'm really eager to see like how are they going to prioritize the low are they going to play the high ground we'll see yeah no bomber mobs are just eradicate tim king's infantry it's just nasty nasty for sure so one two three four five six 10 11 12 13 14 15. all right so we got the um season one grand finals for total tavern are going to be taking place on the 25th which i'm super excited about um that's gonna be the top 16 players let me show you guys real quick pull this up boom oh we already had it open okay and here we go so we're on season two right now which has avatar season one didn't have avatar so they're not going to appear but these were the top 16 players in the world um during season one you can see here i mean i can like do this and you can see where all the clans and stuff but these 16 players are going to be playing in a one day tournament i'm only casting the top four though so they'll all be playing offline um until they get to top four and then i'll just cast those four players to make it a little bit you know more pleasant for everyone so it's not like a huge grind we'll we'll still get the replay zone cast them so i'll have them submit the replays and all that but um but yeah so this this is gonna be the top 16 for season one and they're playing for uh cash prize on the 25th it's it's basically like the ecl grand finals if you guys have seen that before it's like the new equivalent there's our current season obviously we have our new fancy avatars and uh random random i'm surprised he's not using a coast avatar he's got a he's got currently got his his chaos troll how many wins is the chaos troll i don't remember let's see um okay so let's go to vampire coast vampire goes vampire coast around here somewhere right there okay i think i have a win with coast i only played the monster twice yeah oh my god how would you not want the bloat the bloat dude look at that oh yeah i would probably never use a different avatar if i got the bloated corpse that's just what i would use death guard are pretty sick though too so you get like the handguns duck under sirens bats all sorts of fun stuff yeah all right so random is ready to go house cat of war is is scheming right now i'm sure the slaanesh bots may have lost but they live on in the chatbots that's right slaanesh did lose today but they did well tim was an absolute monster as always tim is an amazing player so he he almost got that game it was close the blow the blowed icon is mlg i'm trying to get my greatsword for the empire that's just what i want to get carl franz eventually but i need somebody else to host one of these tournaments so i can just play and not have to not have to stress it even star has been playing in the new season he's been playing just not as much but he's uh he's been active he's in the he's in the top 16 right now i think is he maybe not i'm not sure the bloaty boy avatar that's what everyone that's everyone's ambition there's going to be like 100 new vampire coast mains because of that today look they're both like taking turns readying up like like house cat readied up and then random unread they're both just like second guessing their builds probably which is pretty funny yeah i'm pretty sure that even sorry is playing let me check he is is he in the top 16 right now no he's not actually he hasn't been playing as much i think he played he did play in a couple tournaments recently but i don't know if you i don't think he won so yeah he paid the price when i get the phoenix icon that's it i don't need another you're on your way how many wins is it for the flames fire phoenix queen best to counter mass screaming skulls oh probably wouldn't work that well maybe i think the ranges aren't that different the problem is queen basket gets sniped yeah i think random has the right idea like cannons to snipe like caskets and and then just like bombers to kill infantry but it is gonna be archer spam so it's gonna be five archers but depends on what random has in reserve he probably will use fel bats to tarp at them looks like some tomb guard some other targets as well falcon doesn't uh he plays line battles i don't think he likes domination so yeah some people like the old school and i don't blame him land battles are really fun to play sometimes really fun it's very different pencil bloat oh that would not go good not with that many archers not with that many archers queen best could you say somebody in chat saying queen best could one shot a catapult potentially it could do a huge damage but the problem is it could miss also and just keep missing and then you just lose the game so it's like a little bit of you're putting it you're putting your faith in a little bit of rng which is scary cannons are more consistent you know cannons can definitely kill the kill like cannons will definitely kill screaming skull catapults they'll definitely get the job done so it's gonna be four cannons or three cannons with the uh admiral the pistol on top of that we got bomber mobs handguns as well as basic zombos on the other side of the battlefield ladies and gentlemen it is going to be ye old tomb guard archer line so very much like in warhammer 2 tomb kings used to play against vampire coast by just marching at them with skeletons and a million archers and that was like one of the main tactics so really it's uh it's pretty similar yeah pretty similar here skeleton archers casket of souls concept is on his booth as well okay those those dj booths are in a little bit of danger that might be a big problem here for house cat of war is that both of his djs might not be able to play the sick beats because the cannons might just shut them down the two kings are for sure gonna have objective dominance they're gonna get objective three for free basically obviously the home field objective is gonna be controlled by your uh your boy random here but he might have to push up and take the home field objective we'll have to see that's why you manual fire best oh easier said than done though it's hard carrying fallbacks dueling in the skies you know who would actually be pretty annoying here would be luther harkin like they're the tim king's army i guess they probably have support stalkers in reserve though so he'd probably suck he'd probably be in a lot of danger i would imagine yeah we'll have to see cool builds though excited to see how they do it coasts with the triple cannons and the bombers yeah very much like intensity style formation here with the bombers and handguns although intensity would be like probably a little bit more checkerboarded he'd be like back here and back here with like some of the guns although um against tomb kings i guess you don't really want to do that because you know you're not worried about being rushed too much probably right like they're tim kings can rush you you could go with like a fully shopping rush but it wouldn't work because handguns for coastal to shoot them to pieces and it'll be a pretty bad time for sure dude they're going to make a total war warhammer 40k you know it's going to happen you know it's going to happen and there's going to be some space marines are just going to be [ __ ] they're just going to be so overpowered and they'll space brains will be like vampire counts just like ca just loves them nobody understands why they just well okay it makes sense i guess face prints are the most popular but you know space rings you're gonna be overpowered you're just gonna have your like crappy orc boys and you're like tyranid hormagans just trying to fight and then like space greens are just gonna like like up trade in their values so hard so hard you know it's gonna happen guys you know it's gonna happen so on the other side tombkings have a pretty split line it's gonna be archers and dj booths on both sides what's really cool about dj booths though is they can they can move here so check this out you can waddle here like right here and you can just you can just like shoot over this and just do a ton of damage to this battle line you also know that if we ended up with like an age of sigmar someday you know that the stormcast eternals would just be the terminators like they would just be crushing all the shitty like chaos factions yeah that would be totally what happens eldar elbar would be like what else are right now they'd be good but not quite able to stand up to the to the big space rooms yeah yeah it'd be pretty fun all right so vampire coast obviously has to move up their cannons are going to move up as well and it looks like they're going to be playing just a home push so they're going to be pushing to the home objective of the tomb kings and you know just letting the two kings have the side point and then if the tomb kings ever have to pull assets from down here that's when you get your your forces and kind of move there right so that's that's the whole tactic here oh my god tower gonna be the most obnoxious [ __ ] ever drock hiding you have to have objectives or else tower players tel tal would would cheat and land battle so hard if you had tau in land battle you would just never win they're just they can fly they can shoot you would just have zero chances yeah it would just be stupid oh my god that'd be really funny all right guys bomber mobs moving up i'll try and focus on the game here i'm a little bit delirious from not having eaten yet today that much i had like half a bowl of cereal here nade mobs trying to get line of sight on the dj boost and the dj booths are basically just running right now so they're just they're just pulling back they're just making sure they don't get cannoned and low ground obviously isn't being contested by random i'm surprised we haven't seen a reroute yet oh wrong button sorry we haven't seen like house cat of war get his army and start to move up here because obviously if he doesn't address this massive massive vampire coast army here that's moving up on him it's gonna be a problem so canon's probably gonna go after archers if they can jim guard are also a good choice but is it skeletons for now it looks like it's just skeletons not too many other choices for sure so big cannon shots going into the skeleton warriors looks like they're down they've lost about 10 models so far pretty cost effective you know the ammo obviously not going to be too much of an issue for either side considering the bugs and the casket of souls is going to start raining some hot fire here on the crappy zombies and it'll do okay damage to be completely honest though lately i've been super disappointed with the uh with how well caskets and things like that do for sure bananas draw kind of me it has been the banana has been drawciting me in the kitchen so do the cannons have range one cannon is moving up and looking at its range it almost has line of sight there on the caskets random's other cannon is moving up and the tomb kings are this is basically how death guard playing tabletop just like a slow push and kind of like force you back into the corner a little bit it's very very strong so check this out we do get the vampire fleet admiral on the objective uh capture weight obviously still belongs to the tomb kings because they still have some skeletons on there but as soon as a couple of the deckhand mobs get there it's going to be changing that paradigm for sure now are the two kings gonna go for a flank here that would be some wild [ __ ] from the house guy if he tried that i feel like that's not a good idea coast has their reinforcements nearby and yeah baby the depth guard are coming one of the coolest units in the entire game so here they come they're going to move up and they are going to be able to fend off pretty much any push that comes from this direction now middle objective is going to rapidly start going into the favor of random here so he will secure this as all of his bombers and different units get up on the point random with the sweaty jukes he's able to move back and forth with the vampire fleet admiral the black pariah pit is active and he gets a nice little pistol summon which is going to put some hurt on the archers and yeah honestly very very good summon right there capture weight heavily going for the forces of the vampire coast whereas on the low ground two kings just chilling man i feel like this is way too much of your army just chilling not doing much cannons are forcing back the dj booths now uh oh dj boots are in range of the carinades guys take a look so the gj booth's already getting shot and the carinates are gonna be able to thump on them but look at that casket's doing great work against the bomber moms which is exactly kind of the rock paper scissors here of this uh of this matchup so bomber mobs hanging out pistol summons still causing a little bit of disruption the cannons trying to shut down the old caskets and have they made contact these caskets are tanking rather well actually i'm going to kind of eye and see if we can see some cannonballs coming in right now casket shots still generating work man probably going to be another summon coming in from the vampire fleet admiral the bomber mobs are just so so good here they're so annoying and the pistol mob is being sent into melee combat with archers to try and shut them down as the cannon shots continue to miss casket oh look at that nice play coming in from house cat he does use the narrows incantation of protection which is going to be giving physical resist here to the casket of souls the casket of souls is certainly cackling all the way to the bank phil bats being summoned in a big fel bad air force i think that's preemptive just to dive on the archers but housecat of war is saving yeah look house cat of war is saving a ton of resources yeah he's got to be summoning a lot one carrion house cat guys is sitting on 3 100 supplies i think that's a little bit dicey right now you're letting the chimp kings get a lot of real estate or the vampire coast granted i mean he could really surprise random pretty hard like random could get overwhelmed by like like a bunch of net net car or skeleton horsemen coming out although never don't have vanguard skeleton horsemen do so i have a feeling he's going to be summoning from the vanguard point pretty aggressively here now the bomber mobs are going to be getting in range and you got to be careful not to lose too much value here fell bats are just sitting and waiting and now this is what i expected yeah the skeleton horsemen have come out the big rtk ambush they are moving in the mordor maneuver baby and they do move into the gunnery mobs fel bats are going to be attacking in interesting i don't know if alberts will trade against skeleton horseman kind of an interesting one and that is not the full payload blown though we still do have 2 200 resources and also random is going to be countering with scurvy dogs scruffy dogs if they get the charge on the horsemen will actually trade well it's more so an issue when they do get charged so dude the carrion legions are coming oh my god the random knicks is pulling up on value pretty heavily he does also get depth guard in the front depth guard are going to be annihilating these skeletons they're going to be getting cut off this point incredibly quickly but bombers are being shut down felbats on carrions the big fight is on both players have pulled the trigger is anything going for the low ground objective it looks like there's going to be some fel bats creeping across on the back probably to go tarpet those two caskets down and uh yeah looks like it's mainly just the horseman shutting down the gunnery mobs felbats versus carrying up in the sky depth guard being summoned in and the two cannons are moving up trying to chase grand harrow fincatte concept has been shut down and skeleton archers really nice play here from housecat are able to finish off the bomber mops now the only downside of khattab being in the shadow realm is tim kings basically have no supporting magic so they're going to be in a little bit of danger but it looks like overall random knicks has just chatted this one out he's been able to kind of stop the big tomb kings onslaught using fel bats and scurvy dogs and all these different units he is uh single-handedly raising the tomb king's uh uh or the vampire coast efficacy against the uh against the two kings today certainly right in the playbook for people handguns saturated in the back so the thing is if the tomb kings continue to push they're going to be getting popped one cannon is going to be unsummoned here a little bit preemptively perhaps the other cannon is going to be staying in action and khatp is on death's bed here oh my god the haggard fell bats look at that they're swarming qatar he's getting a little bit of healing from the lord of nahakari he's trying to use his pimp cane but the fel bats are shutting him down so that's going to be painful depth guard getting killed by ushapti really nice play by housecat able to get that value going there and uh yeah the depth guard do get crumped by the doubloon shafty theoretically that is a counter and look at that just like that house cat of war just pulled the value back not value but the objective excuse me the value is still very much in the favor of the vampire coast here as they did get buckled by the big resource onslaught the big investment there but overall um yeah i think that vampire coast is going to be able to push this back now that more waves of depth guard have come in we see the mouringal hunters or the mourinho night terrors not haunters and you know now that the shopping summit is also gone kotzep is shut down in the back there's just a lot of things that seem to be going very very well for vampire coast here the cannon is still in line i do think bats are cute animals as well hatreds i agree with you they're really cool so where is the cannon going is the cannon going to be shooting at the ushopti here one of those is a real luchopti i think one's a summon no they're actually both real big wins of death big wins of death it hits the gym guard hits the other team guard that was very cost effective very very good indeed but the battle is still very pitched ladies and gentlemen we do get the night terrors moving up a little bit of flank pressure coming in as well so we do have some skeleton warriors but death and mob should be able to fight them relatively well look at this haggard concept is just like hiding in the back dude just being pinned down by felbats randomnex is up in value but you know tom kings have insane healing with their their passive so really the value isn't as big of a factor as you would uh perhaps think handgun mobs in the back going to be finishing off some carrion and we do have the pistol maybe the admiral with the pole arm would be a little bit better here it's hard to say but the value lead does lie in the hands of the vampire coast but for how much longer we'll have to see and now random is going for the heavy pushing so he's going to be summoning in animated hulks looks like he summons in three of those bad boys i think you're going to need some more bomber mobs to move with them because tom kings will start to push you back for sure if you don't have the bomber mobs active warren goal is doing good it looks like the net car warriors still grinding depth guard this this little position here is very very nasty and that's going to be a very tough one to remove it looks like one of the carinaes does get shut down the other caronade in the back i think there is another one let's check no both caronades were unsummoned so now the artillery is basically offline basically offline yeah there's not going to be much shooting left to certainly have some time to get here it looks like there's going to be some skeleton summons in the back the skeleton summons going to be pushing up the archers looking to wear down some of the animated hulks and those bigger targets are the tomb kings going to make some sort of a play yeah so random seems to be falling behind a little bit because house cat has really done a really amazing job of kind of pulling back in value and a lot of that is because the caring aids counter offline the bomber mobs are now gone which means tomb king's infantry can kind of return to their their natural state of just being like a really dominating powerful unit right we get some knack our horsemen looking to counter these spell bats fell back's gonna be sacrificed looks like they are going to dive in on those archers the other fellow bats just kind of chilling yeah random sees that and does pull back there and now the animated hulks are here let's see if the hulks can actually make a difference it's going to be a little bit hard to tell carrion doing a good job shutting things down scurvy dogs kind of getting wrecked on the outside by horsemen goals carrying so good fighting on both sides man very very scrappy fight vampire coast doesn't have as much healing so they're going to be suffering here for sure these are two skeleton warriors but still the nice winds of death that is basically removing a threat to your backfield right so overall that winds of death was very very good and now the animated hulks are looking to press and we're seeing the big mvps for the coast we're seeing the mouringos and the death guard basically killing anything that comes their way anything that comes along the very very nice stuff as we do get the narrow car warriors move again animated hulk's going to be pushing up at the point and there is a fair amount of like dead like kind of dead value on the tomb kings like concept in the casket back there yeah they're almost out of ammo the ammo is going to be emptied here on the old casket so um that is going to be a huge boon here for the forces of the old coast death guard going to be charging the archers and i think it's time for a scurvy dog push if i were random and random random's a better player than me but i can provide a little bit of commentary here is i would probably summon a scurvy dog here and just kill these two archers and then death guard could easily take this objective from these skeletons so well there's a tomb guard down there too so it might not be as easy as one might think but the tomb kings have re-secured the lead here so they're back in the lead ammunition's about to run out kottep is actually still being harassed by hagrid fell backs which is just hilarious and i think it's time for vampire coast to start playing the side object a little bit i think that's got to be their play just keep pushing with this but maybe start considering like an option down here man one scurvy dog would just instantly get you like 800 value against these two archers that would be very nice so animated hulk's beating john the warriors and the vampire coast has managed to kind of pull the value lead again and they have this gross death star i don't know about his wins and magic situation but a big invocation on these depth guard and the mourn goals would just be insane the amount of value you get would just be really really good hulk's up on the point gonna be intercepting the net car horse but not really much back here to defend it anymore i suppose death guard being kited out so that's a very very good play here by house cat of war scrubby dog is very very needed here like a big scurvy boy just to go kill these two archers that's just so much free value it's so much free value now the archers might be able to make a bit of a difference although randomness has done an excellent job of keeping them online concept is gone ladies and gentlemen and the casket of souls so they've both been kind of removed from the battle unsummoned and we do get the big scurvy dog push coming in scurvy dog's going to be trying to shut down these archers it looks like random is going to be heavily prioritizing this point maybe gonna be using a scrubby dog just around there and i don't know if there's any nav car horsemen house cat of war does have a fair amount of resources might be able to get a skeleton horseman i'll have to see but jim kings are uh are holding me a point they're holding it well depth guard are stable binding mournful hunters do have the hungers there's a lot of healing on the table here and the scurvy dogs find a way through random with the weaving and bobbin is able to get in one archer is going to be paying the troll tool here fell bats have come in to kill these skeletons and now we see the depth guard in a 3v1 fight which they might actually win depth guard are nuts they'll cut those tomb guard to pieces team guard don't really have the ammo so yeah unsummons they were unsummoned death guard moving up at the point morengo haunters rampaging after these nakakara warriors animated hulks have done good and what is the summon pool gonna be i do like the deckhand mob summons they're kind of like a long game plan the scurvy dogs do kill a couple archers so one archer is killed here and with no archers being active the scurvy dogs are just such good value that's going to be freeing up the animated hulks and a big winds of death oh my goodness oh it just barely missed is it going to get those units oh it does get in there okay decent damage not that great but the archers are being just picked apart by randomness hound play just absolutely beautiful hand play nakar warriors are excuse me the depth of the depth guard just going just super chat over here gonna be sending a couple of hell baths to shut down these archers defguard are killing a tomb guard unit and a skeleton warrior and eating these archer shots death guard are just such a powerhouse of a unit dude this game is getting really close random might need a triple cap to win this and now we're starting to see a situation where the tomb kings are looking desperate they're kind of descending infantry out but there are going to be quite a bit of units and if you can get the bottom cap you know the depth guard if they can win that it's really coming down to that bomber mobs are moving up i think random has to start playing for a triple cap at this point it's really going to come down to it let's get a fel bats pulling up in the sky avoiding these narrow car horsemen but the hulks are on the way carrying are coming in and now it's just an ugly fight on this blob here on this objective and most of the archers have been shut down they're still wanting to barters here but the hulks are on the point i don't know if random has enough time it's going to be very tight the depth guard of course killed the tomb guard uh gonna be moving over here on to the bombers and this objective is basically guaranteed for the vampire coast but random needs to find a way to get this objective because i think he's running out of time i think he is running out of time so fights here going against the skeletons we do also see archers coming back the archer is going to be shooting downtown up in the sky we do see the fel bats continuing to fight and uh yeah man they're uh they're getting wrecked by the carrion the carrion seem to be just these huge mvps today any capture wait for the vampire coast the bomber mobs or the basic zombie mobs are getting up on the point this one should be taken although there are some haggard horsemen on their way and another deckhand mob is moving a little bit of time left obviously new domination is a much longer game mode fell back's able to get some great great value here and it looks like the capture weight is finally starting to go in the favor of vampire coast as they're starting to crush a lot of these units here you have the deckhead mobs back here the archers of the tomb kings saturating in getting nice damage against the hulks but the depth guard are the big problem children and guys this objective looks like it might be going to yi old vampire coast as their grind is just so good with those depth guard but more and more reinforcements are coming in we do have the uh nakara warriors and the skeleton warriors you see the haunters trying to get there but then the two zombies arrive as well the capture wait dude it's been a while since we've seen an objective capture being like so clutch like this but it would appear it is this low ground objective probably going to be going to the depth guard and the bats although great interference here great interference we see scurvy dogs we see zombies trying to get around fel bats intercepting the archers death guard trying to get that objective this one looks like it's going to be going to coast guys this is such a close game coast is obviously ahead in the fight but the objectives could for sure win the game here for the chum kings this game has been a real roller coaster it's been like each player's been behind on value and then had to kind of scrap back coast is just not quite getting it though and there may be some scurvy dogs and vanguard can come in it looks like it's going to be fail bats just to try and run interference and if this objective goes to coast that is going to be huge now how is this point looking we get zombie mobs coming up death guard trying to hold felbats intercepting and the dogs are coming in bombers coming around the side oh my god this is so close 1428 random probably gonna get the triple cap here so random does capture this objective and this objective is captured by the vampire coast as well an absolute undead scrap here as random knicks hounds and bat play has just been legendary and the depth guard have just been so problematic house cat of war also was behind in this game he clawed his way back despite having a relatively rough opening with the caskets not being able to do much and just a crazy match but remember guys we still have a little bit of time tim kings have some momentum here on the low ground but i think that random's got this one in the bag you know he was kind of behind but yeah i think the objective is flipped the depth guard have just been just massive massive dongs on these guys currently 1700 value 424 kills man now tomb kings have plenty of answers against them ushopti tomb scorpions uh screaming skull catapults but none of those things are still really active on the battlefield so it's uh it's not gonna happen all hail to mighty indeed let's see if they can hold though two kings are still pressing here depth guard is still getting broken animated hulks on the objective gonna be stacking on top of these guys the admiral doing good uh-oh could we see the back objective theft against a relatively slow vampire coast that would be crazy oh my god does he have another skeleton horseman summit does house cat of war have any more cav he can root over here so this objective is being stolen does random mix random mix has got no money okay he summons in fel bats to go attack just out of desperation but i think the mighty have been hailed the pirate king random knicks is also a pirate king yes he is because this is based like a manufacturing war and he's he's been able to win it potentially with vampire coast here dude this has been so clutch this game so now all the scurvy dogs say he's like one thing that's really good about random he's so good at keeping these things alive dude like all these units he just manages to barely keep him going but this capture is getting a little bit a little bit shady here as we see another skeleton horseman going for the dreaded back cap and who shops you on their way over but i think random is okay because i think he's gonna be able to get the scurvy dogs on the point oh man look at the capture weight though it's getting so tight look at the haggard animated hulks making their way back depth guard need to get on the point you need to get these guys back on the point there's so much to micro right now dude this is so sketchy okay at this point i think it's over he's got he caught up on points but that was a really really nice uh attempt by the house cat of war to get back in the game he almost got it man he almost got it this objective is coming into the favor of the of the tomb kings but i just don't think they have enough time random does have the triple cap right now so he's getting three points a second and it looks like he is gonna be holding on ladies and gentlemen what an insane match random getting the w in today's tournament all hail the mighty they're rising from the deep with crooked sails and incredible tales they're calling in the seas there you have it gg well played what that was a great ending god that was a great ending what a back and forth game dude that was that was like domination at its peak like comebacks swinging like both players losing at one point edge of the seat i can imagine they're both sweating bullets right now yeah crazy game well played to house cat man he was a true tomb king's chad hopefully he unlocks some avatars and then of course the pirate king ran and mixed today doing great work so ladies and gentlemen that is going to be it for today if you enjoyed this stream enjoyed this battle at the end please do drop a like on the way out and see if we can uh pump up them numbers and get more people involved in multiplayer because the more we kind of pump things up the more people see the videos and we get more people in the action random nick says i do be shaking right now gg to house cat yeah so that's gonna give you a tournament win for random once he reports to score that's going to put him pretty high up on the leaderboard um i think random knicks will actually take the number two spot on the leaderboard now so check it out so random with one the win hasn't registered yet but he'll be passing house plan because house plan um has less tournament wins overall so that he's going to be only behind intensity who's uh his his eternal rival here it would appear so far gigi well played man that was a great game alright guys take care of yourselves i'm going to go get some food that was a lot of fun we got to see crazy ass matches today i think this is my new favorite format um it's really really fun vampire coast today look at this the vampire coast uh win rates yes so vampire coast is because of random he has beaten tomb kings i think three times today so he's single-handedly pumped up the coast vs tomb kings numbers which is pretty good koh seems to be doing pretty well the only really bad matchups for vampire coast are looks like counts and zeach don't seem very good for them interesting interesting indeed that was a great one guys take care of yourselves congratulations to random knicks he's the winner of today's tournament and that will be it for tonight ladies and gentlemen you guys are the best we'll see you all very very soon and uh next stream i'm probably going to take tomorrow off the rest of my voice a little bit and then um we'll do we have a tournament on sunday so yeah sunday is going to be the next stream probably gg guys see you tomorrow or soon i don't know when you guys are the best congrats to random [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Turin
Views: 70,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -fMSU9aKJrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 336min 25sec (20185 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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