SUBCOMMANDERS - EPIC Order vs. Chaos 4v4 Battle for the Lonely Mountain - Total War Warhammer 3

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in places deep where dark things sleep and Hollow Halls beneath the Fells Far Over Lonely Mountain Cold stir bitter Rivals new and old some commanders returns to Warhammer 3 and the forces of chaos are leading in charge Prince is a pleasure pain and plague have brought ruination to this realm heralding an age of Eternal War the forces of order have not been idle nor indecisive the Empire dwarfs plutonians and Undead have dug in to staunch this new dark time why vampire accounts you ask because they felt like playing it I guess but in truth the undead have more common cause with the living the dwarfs Empire bentonians and they deal with demons from The Ether and they might just be the difference makers in this 4v4 for the fate of my ass if you have not seen subcommanders before shame on you you're missing out there are a bunch of incredible ones on my channel already but today there's a new one to add to the pile and how it works is each and every one of the eight living players in this Lobby is tasked controlling a specific element of a cohesive Army whole so in the case of the order races Gojira and the Dwarfs of Barack far are the Infantry Romulan dog is the gunpowder and artillery for the Empire the fappening and protonia are the Cav and the vampire accounts are the monsters and monsters infantry all four players on each side have to use communication teamwork and good old-fashioned micro to cover each other's weaknesses and make the entire Army run like a well-oiled machine or they will die the major caveat being each player has to take a few regular infantry units otherwise there just won't be enough bodies on the field and the compositions would be a bit whack from a viewer's perspective we don't want a big single entity blob going on for half battle so for the alliance of chaos Scorpion controls the Infantry of corn Wicked commands the filthy ratman artillery and war machines aerocrastic leaves the monsters of thorax the brass Bulls Bray herd and your boy Indie Pride brings the party in his pants his Hazel Prince of damnation and a host of Cavalry and fast movers huge jacked man gearing up to reprise his role as Wolverine in Deadpool 3 sharpen those filthy Claws and a bunch of drugged up sycophantics serpent snatchers ready to run down the flanks table has been set now let us begin and it's gonna be kind of an awkward start for both teams because it really isn't clear which side has the artillery Advantage oftentimes you just kind of gotta settle in to see if you're taking the pounding or if they are or if it's kind of an even trade and both armies have an element that really wants to get up close and personal and an element of their army that kind of wants to sit back and shoot so ironing out those differences sending your troops where they will perform best without leaving your teammates isolated it's a big part of what makes this game mode and Team battles in general so interesting it can zap zap cannon on the receiving end of some day ruining rocket volleys and it's really not amazing in the counter battery Department either so almost immediately chaos will begin their Advance because they feel like hey maybe not winning that artillery fight at the moment corn will be first Into The Fray as expected leaving the charge with chosen the health forged host and a Herald on his heli Davidson while Wicked and his Avalanche mortise and play clock catapults provide some support from above gotta watch that Friendly Fire though it's all fun and games when this game and slaves are concerned but chunk chosen it's a different ball game you call names in an anxious rapping blood letters are getting pounded by those hellbuster volley guns in the center and the undead are about to jump into the mix as well on the West Side Taurus The Brass Bull and the minibus diving into The Fray engaging the dwarf front line expect those low tier units to fall like week before the site and in the center corns Advance is already making Headway Evil Knievel spin Cycles from the blood Shrine and a bunch of coordinate Warriors and minotaurs eager for the glory that comes from leading the van honestly blood God should be super happy with this start right now essentially has two of his own Champions first into the bridge and they should be able to make a wide one for the rest of the army and sonash likes that the hellblaster volley gun for the Empire has been MVP so far already taken down more than half the HP of those Health forged hosts but if I'm the Empire here I think I want to get rid of those Avalanche mortars which are maybe the biggest threat on the chaos side at least for the moment of course the Chosen and a lot of these Elite coordinate Warriors have already busted their way through Buzz sawed their way past the initial ranks of spearmen into the second ranks of miners but important developments are Brewing on the flakes so Nash is linking up with the beastmen heart Seekers fiends and the rest of light Cav looking to go around but the forces of order are super ready for it Quest ignite Slayers Krypt Horrors and whatever else might be hiding in the woods May Force the Dark Prince to rethink any early aggression Vlad is in the middle warp flame and rattling is burninating men at Arms near the edges of the battlefield demonets and Marauders are waiting in reserve as a second wave there is a lot going on right now Avalanche mortars continue to reap a terrible toll hand Gunners getting some really good volleys into the chosen of corn who have a false round off on Boris Todd bringer and his Griffin not really where they want to be just exposing themselves to a lot of focus fire from the free company militia and the grenade launchers we're getting some good shots into the Infantry blobs demonets now engaging they will not get a full flank but it's not gonna matter because those claws should have no problem bisecting bullying those poor poopy peasants behind it Corner Marauders cultists are brawling in the middle and they have not been dealt with yet maybe the biggest question Warhammer history is even have mostly avoided exploding their allies because I think they know what would happen if they were killing corn chosen offhand it's way too early to make any value judgments on how things are progressing thus far although this should be interesting here blood knights with the hammer and Anvil corn halburn's holding back four or five units alone probably not gonna last for too much longer now they've been charged in the rear but as more and more lesser demons are summoned by cultists elsewhere zazzle's making his way over to the left leg of chaos and he has spelled his tool kit that could punish this pretty heavily and he gets to fully fire his chaos God rival in corn at the same time it's a win-win scenario baby brutal slicing shards not overcast though could have potentially one shot everything in that radius invocation of the heck will heal at least the undead troops in the mix and perhaps chaos will look to see a little bit of ground there because they haven't been able to push through thus far Grail Guardians moving into the center to engage demonets warp lightning and a doom sphere from icket claw causing a little bit of Mayhem and Carnage dwarf Warriors pushed really far forward warp flame and that bloodletter summon should be able to handle them quite easily these minotaurs do not have shields so if handguns get some good volleys into them it could be pretty nasty and a net of amantok on the blood brute Behemoth Gorgon with layers nearby and godtrack as well and now the silver bullets and the rest of this handgun line have turned their attention shem's burning days from the light Wizard and the blood Brew already down to half HP nice little while boat combo there getting rid of some of these expensive single entities early would be huge for the forces of order you don't want to have to deal with that thing in a late game scenario with Boris Todd bringer and his Griffin warp flame getting some decent shots into the Crypt Horrors so natural grinder playing its hand and now the dark Prince's Cavalry is beginning to make its move blood Knights evaporated after that slicing shards and engagement with the hell Striders a couple shots from the Avalanche mortar makes things pretty easy and the elite vampire Cavalry I'm not gonna be able to make a big impact here they'll crumble out without doing much of anything it's been a cinematic blood-soaked Affair and we're only about four minutes in artillery on both sides of definitely done their job Avalanche mortar might be damage value MVP across both armies but we'll see if the Empire is able to shut it down before it's fired all of its ammo base men are backing up on this side they've actually been beaten back by the Slayers and by that net of Ammon talk combo especially with britonia sitting on the wings with questing knights and the Knights of the lionhearted herald of corn getting his ass beat by the rapunz and Paladin combo them that's crumbling out but they did finish off some handguns or free company militia at least Boris Todd bringer made sure they were sent back screaming into the void and Azazel is beginning to make some plays over on this side after that slicing shards he said he wants to taste melee combat so ensuring some of these met at Arms don't return to the mix certainly not a bad idea we'll see if that opens things up for so Nash which is actually rotating its Cavalry all the way from the chaos right flank to the other side of the battlefield and this is a play that not too many factions in the game can make to make a rotation that quickly it's actually going to put an immense amount of pressure on the forces of order because now they have to respond with everything and they might leave some gaps some openings where there wouldn't have otherwise been you can see all that pink massing on the horizon and that's a flank overload that could expose the empire in quite a damaging way if rapunz and her Knights don't respond in time it looks like they're charging into the center for their share of the glory but that's of course putting them in the code of fire of those ridiculous Avalanche mortars and rattling guns regrowth on our pawns to get her back into fighting shape Soul Nash has gathered all their forces under Azazel and they've made a big pick here Grail Guardians isolated and pinned in place by narcissism will allow that Soul Grinder to Gorge upon their Essence while Razer Gore heard from aerocrastic are masking on the flanks and waiting for a good opportunity to strike expect to see much of the mobility for the chaos side dive into the Imperial rear and start trying to shut down the artillery and the ranged play but sinach isn't the only faction looking to play to their strengths in the middle rapunz and her Knights have been completely stymied by yet another brass orb and that suppressive fire from icket's rattling guns and Vlad Von karstine is absolutely styling on some corn Chosen and showing them what a blood Drinker truly looks like I think we can call it for those Grail Guardians even if they weren't netted in place they would not be able to escape from taneshi light Cav and sweet sorrow is gonna activate for the entire chaos Army which is extremely powerful that means the entire Army had just been made fresh any fatigue debuffs they might have had are gone now that is a potential huge swing but it might be a necessary one for chaos because even though they've been winning plenty of these individual engagements and they're just now about to expose the entire order's flake and rear and looks like the artillery for the Empire has done even more damage than the Avalanche mortars have and in fact the back line for chaos has kind of been swarmed by inside of purple dwarf Warriors from Barak Varn Taurus the brown basketball and his minotaurs are still alive I have seen no evidence of the Gorgon still around it might have been sniped out Razer Gore herd are finally being committed and it looks like a lot of these range troops for the Empire are about to be in serious trouble big time that of amantox from the light wizard but will only shut down the tanishi aggression for the moment they don't have enough range troops back here or enough Cavalry from britonia to fully cover their exposed flake another narcissism on the grenade launchers and it's just a full-on terror route and this is a huge attack from the Dark Prince and it might just be one that breaks the back of the forces of order those days let's just straight up Flex into his grace and beauty he's an angel of death and this is why playing the outskirts of a fight particularly in 4v4s and Team battles can be so important if you're in control of the cath it can be tempting to commit all your fast movers heavily in the early game because you'll see your demons getting blown up and you want to support them but a lot of times it's best to wait and just see how things develop once those battle lines start breaking down the units start running out of ammo a flank overload like this one from Smash can be devastating and it has carved the heart out of the Empire who frankly did not get all the support they needed from her punts and her Knights who are engaged elsewhere still though balance of power is barely going to move because the basement and corn are mostly dead and Boris the mortise engine God track and bellagar pretty much the majority of the important sems for the good guys are still around Vlad is straight up beating on Infantry over here although he does need to move back towards the middle as he's doing now realizing that beating up on scam enslaves and Clan rats won't make that big an impact fiends and Azazel have isolated that mortis engine and if they can cut that down that would be a huge swing in Chaos's favor looks like Boris and rapunz gotta be pretty careful with all that sinesh you have circling around heart Secrets if they got a full surround off on any of these scms would straight up butcher them mortis is able to escape because they got a bit of a cushion from that Necromancer on his corpse card some zombie summons occupying the prince of damnation's time fiends and Azazel don't really want to be fighting that so if they're able to push through and get that mortise engine that is ideally what they would like to see mortis has done a lot for the vampire accounts thus far it's been where it's needed pretty much every single time and it's a big reason why corn just melted away in the middle after those initial engagements but of course whoever goes in first here is basically facing the wrath of four armies four factions so it's not surprising they're cut to Pieces zombies feeling the Wrath of the demon blade as well continuing into style and he actually just got a saint kill on some of those Undead troops which did not work in Warhammer too you could not sink kill anything Undead which is a pretty nice touch in Warhammer three and it looks like the Soul Grinder causing some Carnage in the rear but with godtrack a master engineer and a flash bomb slowing it down realizes it's in a lot of peril because Boris is almost back up to full I think he might have gotten a regrow sent his way from the life Mage that would be my guess invocation of the heck hitting the mortise engine that should heal it up nicely rattling guns exploding a corpse car that was drilling a cultist and now it looks like there's gonna be a bit of a transition period because all the forces are kind of resetting for the second wave of these engagements so Nash is committing a lot to killing off that mortise and it looks like they might be able to just put it into crumbling territory and don't take the invocation of the heck actually went through might have gotten canceled on Vlad if you recast it elsewhere realizing the mortise would die or if he got knocked over I'm not sure exactly what happened minotaurs with a huge hammer and anvil on the minute arms pole arms sandwiched between the remnants of the court and chosen it's a nightmare situation for any unit in Warhammer fantasy the balance bar is slightly in favor of order we'll see if that remains true as we move into the back half of this battle been a brutal touring blood soaked Affair thus far so many kills littering the battlefield everywhere the third brass orb for icket and a Scorch hitting in from the flank gonna get rid of some of these dwarf Warriors really nicely comboed because the vortex basically sucks everything in prevents it from dodging and then you hit it with the wind spell reports is still alive Paladin is still alive life Mage is still alive and Vlad and a lot of these single entities are moving over here to snipe out toroks the Brass Bull who is escaping into the trees but even though he's on his own turf Boris Todd bringer and the Griffin ensuring that the Brass Bull cannot Escape he actually has managed to squeegee his way through but he does not have a ton of support out here it'll be up to slash to ensure that the champion of corn survives and sometimes Azazel isn't really feeling that chaos gods are fickle though and this time the Dark Prince does come to the aid of the blood God acquiescence upgraded to lower the speed and melee defense of Boris but he hit faux Seeker deadly Onslaught and Ghana Von Hall's dance Macabre from Vlad which immediately counteracted all those debuffs and allowed him to take off back into the sky again that was super good teamwork they knew that a big duel was coming and they know they need that Griffin moving into the late game they popped everything on Boris to ensure he survived that fight because that could have been really bad if he fell there and his Hazel got some good attacks in on the flake but the charge from slash might have given torok's just enough space to make good on his Retreat if you can rally with the forces of the skaven then they might be able to move back in and continue the Carnage anew warp lightning from Ike claw pretty much gonna miss everything but we know their artillery and gunpowder troops have made a big impact on this battle a lot of the deaths you see right now can be attributed to their Firepower big fight brewing in the center Vlad Von karstine surrounded by a Soul Grinder and Azazel rapunz just broke off she was pretty much murdered by the Goon Squad and Taurus The Brass Bull did a lot in that fight as well but he's starting to drop low and he has no sources of healing so he may not be around for too much longer F Boris decides to fight Taurus Mano imano especially if you can get some zombie summons and support which is not what the Empire would typically like right fighting side by side with a Undead force not ideal but when Armageddon comes knocking and the end times are upon us sometimes you gotta make some unsavory unpalatable sacrifices and thus far I think the vampire accounts have made a pretty big impact for the forces of order and or maybe the reason they're still in the game but their Crypt Horrors are gone their mortis engine is gone it crumbled out every single Army on this battlefield right now completely in tatters in the rattling guns unleashing with a huge Firestorm towards Boris Todd bringer but when you're that far outside their fire Arc at the edge of their cone of fire usually not gonna do that much damage because when you get about halfway through or closer that's when the rattling guns will pretty much delete you from Full HP important engagement right here we missed it but the racer Gore heard took the charge for all this remaining sneshi light Cav they died but for that sacrifice the crept Horrors were destroyed and those isolated mushrooms infantry for the vampire accounts are not going to be able to link up with the rest of the main Army handful of minotaurs remaining for Taurus The Brass Bull and the blood Beast is still around looking for a paladin to slay wisely the brutonian should back up life Mage Paladin I believe the only two remaining troops for bertonia and it is going to come down to the single entities for both sides now though those rattling guns could quickly dispense oh my God this is Straight Out of The Last Samurai charged directly into Gatling guns and they will not survive they were out of ammo anyway they can't do much in melee might as well throw them in and try to shut down the rattlings a demon blade and temptator for Azazel all of his self Buffs going off in a fight with Boris who is dropping low remember that leg biter his roon fang will give him regen so as long as he's able to pull away should be able to get a bunch more Health if he's not close to the cap which I don't think he should be he might be nearing it now especially if there was a regrowth sent his way not entirely sure it's a claw is dropping very low and the Griffin might be able to finish him off but double rattling attacks firing of thorium hitting them in the flank and trying to Zone them out torox and Azazel have set their sights on the life mage and I'm not sure oh she's gonna get Triple killed from the legendary lore oh my God that was absolutely brutal dude they straight up posed like the chaos Avengers there they each had their own unique attack animation to hit her from one side or the other Boris toddbringer and his Griffin deleted from the game by those rattling guns and that is a big loss for the armies of order they really wanted that Griffin and its leadership penalties moving into the late stages of this battle Master engineer has been entirely isolated as well acquiescence an amazing single Target debuff very cheap very spammable activates that lore of sinach passive quite often but Master Engineers surrounded by razor Gore heard and two of those powerful sem doulas will not be able to survive for long toroks and the remnants of his minotaurs moving back into The Fray presumably after rounding I would guess Vlad is in a sensor alongside God track and balagar iron Hammer with a corpse cart and that weird awkward Alliance could potentially spell serious issues for the forces of chaos as they look to put the final nail in the coffin of these hated Rivals they pretty much run out of infantry there's a few chaff Marauders remaining but I think that might be it when you're talking about the chaos side I don't know how many more zombie summons that cornstarch car and a necromancer on top it will be able to send into the battlefield but those could provide a really useful cushion for the single entities and prevent characters like Vlad from getting sniped out by these rattling guns or sniped out by his Hazel and the Soul Grinder who is chasing after Master engineer he just shattered well I think he really wants that kill regardless he's gonna get it poor Dolly just got straight dunked on rather ignoble end after all the work he put in he had some nice flash bombs and sniping probably not crazy damage value but you bring him for the range support and he certainly provided tons of that now Razer Gore heard are not a unit you want to see in the late game because they have a lot of AP but more importantly they have a ton of mass and when they get a full surround off it really makes it easy for a character like Azazel to swoop in from above and start dueling you without you being able to hit back potentially a game-changing play right there from aerocrastic to have cap those racer Gore heard alive they're not a very durable unit but they are a very useful one in late game scenarios when you've got thorax and Azazel 2 amazing Duelists beating down on a corpse card which has acquiesce in the sentence way so it has no weather defense and no speed well that is often going to be the result and the single entities for chaos are really putting in a ton of work here Vlad bellagar iron hammer and gottrek are still alive and godrejack's really important because he is bonus first large and he could definitely take the whooping to that Soul Grinder or to tauroks but they run out of chaff they run out of bodies and meat Shields and that means they're they're seeing lots of teams are now exposed to the rattling gun fire and contract was almost full HP now down to half after a couple of volleys from those Gatling guns torox is still waiting on the wings doesn't want to fully commit here but got track is isolated God tracks Doom pop for the melee defense and the ward save really hard to kill him but everything is diving in now Soul Grinder is going after Vlad and straight up pushing him around but the Von karstein ring is activated let's say 60 Ward save on Vlad Von karshine won't be dying anytime soon torok just rounded off forces of order are holding here just barely and the fact that God Trek is unbreakable is extremely important him and are fighting back to back it's super epic torex didn't route at least not yet he's hanging on by a thread so is everybody else rattling guns really shouldn't be firing from their max range they should just move up and Point Blank into these stms it would do way more damage it would actually maybe delete some of these legendary Lords Taurus is gone and I think the beastmen are going to Route directly after him so belligar and godtrack are going to be able to beat back the cloven ones at the very least Azazel is fighting Vlad in a 1v1 acquiescence and suppression kicking in here that has only 26 melee defense back up to 50 now that it's worn off and if it was just as Hazel maybe he'd have a chance but the demon blade is kicking in to drop his leadership which might send him into crumbling territory and he has to deal with the half HP remaining on the soneshi Soul Grinder so that is a lot of weapon strength and echolocation and screams apartment Blank Range being sent directly into his Noggin very unpleasant to deal with and I don't think Vlad has the of power to kill both these guys by himself he really needs to link up with belagar and godtrack whose weird bugged regen is kicking in you can see all that green flashing in the background but Vlad has fallen and with that Army losses kicks in now gosh wreck is unbreakable so he will not route but he has with 542 HP a zero percent chance of beating what remains on the field Azazel going in for the kill and with one final strike from behind or maybe two contract will finally meet his doom and that is going to be the sub Commander's battle over Finn Ultimo it's done and a really good one at that super back and forth a lot of cool moments for both sides and ultimately it came down to only a bit of HP on a handful of single entities slash controlled by me did a lot in this game just gonna say that Azazel over 4 000 damage value hard Seekers over 3 000 multiple Chevrons earned and the Cav I think the play to not engage on the brutonian side weight in reserve and then swing all the way back over to the other side before they had a chance to really think about where they needed to commit their forces really did make a big impact because I just straight up gobbled up the order back line and that helped a lot but I had a lot of help here too weka did a great job controlling the rattling guns and the artillery aerocrastic did a ton with his minotaurs and with Taurus The Brass Bull even though his Gorgon got deleted I'd say his razor record might have even been more MBP than anything else see the damage value of a lot of icket's troops I think the biggest issue for the forces of order were the brutonian Knights and where they were committed so I understand the desire to charge up the center to get into those rattlings to get into the Avalanche mortars shut down all the artillery which was doing a ton of damage but the issue is if you enter the code of fire of all that Firepower even if you have a lot of Cav you're gonna get suppressed right that's gonna be a 30 move slow and then all the damage that comes the point playing rattling gun volleys and so losing the Cav like that really hurt and made it a little bit easier for sinach to move into the back line and start gobbling up all the handguns and artillery on that side the front liners for both sides got destroyed not surprising there if you have a lot of infantry you're gonna be the father you're gonna be the thing that gets exploded by the artillery but someone needs to do it and in this instance he who controls the Cav controls the glory and if they use it well they can get a lot of kills and damage value preying on the troops once battle lines start breaking down
Channel: milkandcookiesTW
Views: 107,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total war warhammer 3, subcommanders warhammer 3, epic order vs chaos battle, order vs chaos warhammer, epic battle, battle for the lonely mountain, warhammer 3 immortal empires, warhammer 3, immortal empires, total war, total war battle, warhammer battle, subcommanders battle, total war subcommanders, subcommanders, order vs chaos, forces of order, forces of chaos, empire, chaos, skaven, beastmen, bretonnia, warhammer fantasy, gameplay, warhammer dlc, overview, epic, best mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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