This App Tests Your Musical Ability (How good are you?)

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[Music] that's so dope I'm pretty blown away honestly that that's really cool welcome back to another daily video my name's Joel from Rumi official and today I am doing new things with technology which usually means that this video might never see the light of day but I'm going to show you some very interesting music apps we are gonna be looking at games we're gonna be looking at singing practice tools music practice tools just all kinds of different fun stuff for this video that's gonna be like time codes and stuff so you can skip if you're on desktop I don't know if that's works on mobile yet but different segments loads of different apps let's get started okay so first off we have this game that I thought seemed really interesting it's called looper looper is a music game Bestwood sound on really I was gonna play the music game without sound okay tap a spawn to beat on the track oh this level requires tributes have to add the last one beats don't let them collide [Music] huh I don't understand what's going on but okay level two okay so they're not supposed to collide oh that's there I did it okay so it's just a bunch of loops and you got a click in a good time I want to see what it's like when it's difficult wow this is really difficult Oh knowing those kids collide as well [Music] huh I did it I don't know if I enjoy looper yet come on man little fight why is there no sound oh hello failed okay I suck okay there's no music in the music game anymore I'm gonna give this one a b-minus cuz it doesn't really have to do with music that much and also doesn't work okay thanks looper very much do you buy e next okay so next up we have the app that made me want to do this type of video this isn't app where you train your ears to hear if things are a little bit smarter by the way a little bit pitchy merch this is game to test how well you can differentiate pitches first let's practice you will hear a sound twice to compare them and press the correct button okay if I lose in this I'm gonna be embarrassed see ya now they tell me to click down I did it that was amazing let's start the game why it's not together with the music it doesn't work it's just random notes on top of music that's in another key okay okay it's fast oh I actually get it wrong wait I failed your world ranking is displayed in your level I am the five thousand I wanted to get up to four thousand before I quit this game okay it's annoying that doesn't fit with the music if it just fits with the music it would be so much better I even like the back memories it gets good its dissonance no what is this game this is so pointless final track yes okay blue rank I am the 496 in the world that was ten times better than it was before let's leave this up here pointless pointless game someone sent this to me I'm angry now I don't know god I don't know about this man felt kind of stupid Wow past 2,000 points you have profession other ears I do I do have professional ears my divine producer ears so pitch on thank you for suggesting that it's gonna go right in the trash is this so this videos gonna be just me deleting a bunch of absolutely we got van IDO which I think might be one of the best ones improve your voice and ear with exercises targeting different parts of your voice personalized to your voice find out your vocal range and get exercises based on it soprano Bertone contralto okay I know a contralto is bad daily sessions and gamma fired get new exercises every day earn XP maintain streaks oh that sounds really good actually find your vocal range before your first thing is sing drop your Johnson oh nothing ah but higher without straining your voice okay now sing lower as comfortably as you can ah finally I am a bass a baritone a tenor and a contralto okay so if you actually want to be a pro with this app then it's $47.99 a year which isn't too bad if it's a good app we'll say save your progress by signing up sure my name's Joel from Rumi official okay so we get chest voice exercises to start with okay let's let's check it out listen this is a sample of what you will be practicing yeah oh god that voice sounded not healthy okay [Music] I'm gonna be pitching oh yeah yeah Wow Oh No I'm doing terrible guys really cool with the live feedback grading exercise man that was not very good I don't have any excuses guys I guess I'm a little bit pitchy merge here by the way it's always weird when you start out with the new singing exercise it feels so alien it feels like you've never sung before and they even graded by which key I was singing in so let's see am I better or whereas mine is lower it seems that was best like in the middle of my range I got like 600 in like c3 and v2 which I guess makes sense but man the live feedback for pitch is actually really really interesting I've never seen that shown that way before it's crazy it would be cool to be able to do it while singing actual songs maybe you can do that now we got foundation what is that nenene okay Nene oh if I hold it up I can hear myself what that helps man excellent I got excellent already a my approach singer or what wait a my last one head voice okay that's what I usually call falsetto I guess [Music] awesome you completed today's session set daily reminders no thank you okay but yeah that was an interesting app it's really pretty and it's cool to see the real-time feedback on pitch makes me feel really self-conscious I'm sure that when you get used to the app and it's excersices it's gonna be easier many of you guys will probably do better than me if you try out this episode do that send me screenshots on Twitter and I will be like oh good you're way better by the way if you haven't already please like this video it helps me I don't know exactly how it helps me but I'm sure it helps me somehow helps my ego to have more than 3 legs on the video please get me to over three likes guys that would be great I will show you my favorite rhythm game app on the phone called muse - I think I play this once before on the channel but I've gotten a lot better ok I'm really good at this game now this is the most fun rhythm game I have but it's a little bit risque got some white foods in there that's why I like it as you can see I've already completed this song but it's one of my favorites let's play it anyway let's do it epic game - so left thumb for me is up and right thumb is down this is the best game ever and best song ever I'm pretty sure this is Vocaloid better but it sounds beautiful if the vocals are taking over with this type of music I welcome them oh no I came actually bad at this I like never play this before god I don't know how a game commentators do it because I came out to talk and play at the same time got him got him that's the boss okay got him [Music] hey that was amazing I was really not that great this time but whatever I like this waifu goddess rank it's pretty good anyway let's go through the waifu's okay so here we get the violinists here we have the maid one of my favorite wife foods not gonna lie we got the magical girl I don't know how much we'll have to censor here but I like magical girl I think I just drooled on my friend and we have the girl in black very nice it's cool that the camera angles come and live it from below because okay let's move on other app another app here we have a role trainer this is an interesting one practice your musical ear is their slogan from The Associated Board of the royal schools of music so this is pretty freakin official forget about the singing apps where I scored poorly or whatever they don't count because they weren't from The Associated Board of the royal schools of music I would have done great if it was from from that board this is the one that counts okay let's look at grade one so for this one we have tapping time while the music plays join in as soon as you can at the end you'll be asked to identify the meter of the piece okay that was in three time yay epic of course it's made by The Associated Board of the royal schools of music of course I was right let's continue sing three phrases as echoes you'll be given the key chord starting note and two bar counting before you begin one two [Music] wait am I supposed to raise my own attempts okay I can do that I love it pity I think this will be really good to like train your overall musical knowledge and feel for music listen to the piece and then answer two questions about its features you'll be given the two features you need to focus on in advance [Music] okay what's the change from quiet to loud playing sudden or gradual it was gradual at the beginning where the notes smooth or detached I mean legato or like short I guess they were detached I am a music genius everybody amazing let me know how you guys scored back home okay here's Ella it's a sight reading app which means I will be terrible how well can you read music a little maybe what is your sight singing skill level beginner I can't let's do seven beginner exercises major slash minor arpeggios okay wait that was not right hey I should have done that again ha ha I suck uh little bit flat there on the last one I thought it was the wrong note I think let's review I was thinking the wrong note is a minor [Music] yeah I got two stars whatever that's enough with that up and now for one of the most well known music programs on iPhone which is also one of the absolute best ones it is scars band you can do a lot in GarageBand on your phone it's pretty crazy I've kind of messed around in this a little bit before but it's so powerful let me just show you some of the things you can do okay so there's like a bunch of different ways to start out a song I could start out with drums that's fun oh man that's dope this is so cool okay so let's record some drums let's listen to that alright Auto quantize said sounds tight that's cool we can build a song around that okay oh I can add more things that are other stuff okay so let's add some strings maybe these are really cool oh it's different you can see that depending on where I click on these forward things is different voicings of that chord [Music] that's so dope okay let's do that oh my god it's so satisfying to do cord stuff with these types of tools because it sounds like music so quickly but it sounded almost like long strings differ second oh I get it if I slide my finger then it becomes long strings tap it just like that and then I'm pretty blown away honestly that that's really cool oh I really like that that's cool okay let's add something else let's add something from the sound library oh there's stuff you can like buy no it's all free that's crazy this is like a reason to almost buy an iPhone this if you don't have like music programs or like all the gear this could be a really cool way to start I just want some like percussion or percussionists I'll just download it percussionist I guess tambourine straight 16 that's what I want get that right in there okay okay and let's record some vocals as the icing on the cake on top here actually it's not good if I show you guys this because I want to sing a song without auto-tune in a dedicated video for that I promise that for 6,000,000 seen you without auto-tune in video anyway I think you guys have gotten a little bit of an overview oh how awesome this app is let me know in the comments if you want me to make a full song in GarageBand soon now that I figured out how to record on the phone it'll be pretty easy ok guys careful music comment our videos click here for more music making videos lets me know what other apps I should check out if any hand yeah I'll see you tomorrow bye
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 989,808
Rating: 4.9682841 out of 5
Keywords: roomie, roomieofficial, apps, joel, awesome, music, music apps, garageband, looper, muse dash, pitchon, ella, review, amazing, comedy, iphone, iphone apps, musician, musicians, music making, gameplay, games, aural trainer, singer, singing, singers, song, pop music, hilarious, funny, rhythm games
Id: FxKDsyFi6w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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