The Hardest Songs To Sing From The Voice Kids

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yes response hello and welcome to another daily video my name is joel from rainy official today we're gonna be looking at the best actually the hardest vocals from the kids the voice what the frick I can't talk the kids the voice multitasking amazing today we're gonna be looking at the hardest vocals from The Voice kids I have said many many times before that I have a bit of trouble with kids singers the way they're coached to be good very very young and generally I don't think kid singers is a great idea however let's put that aside for today and just try to appreciate these kids who have given up the childhoods or whatever or you know their parents have given up their childhoods for them let's just ignore that for now let's watch some quality kids singing everybody and hopefully we will get amazed I think we might [Music] okay so the compilation we're watching today is from the channel best of The Voice kids top 10 hardest songs to sing in The Voice kids 20 million views a lot of people want to see kids sing including me I would also like to see him do ballet but sadly I don't think we'll see any ballet in this video very sad no ballet [Music] okay so we are in F minor guys I know that because I have a new piano [Music] and we really [Music] how many people do they have crying these shows it's like immediate when there's a high note they gotta have actors of something in the audience Tamia yeah we're gonna film the crying now everyone get ready think about how high the gas prices are I don't know what they think about say if we pay you but we're not going through everyone Christ and then that's when you get two shots [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's great [Music] [Applause] I really liked her tone like even when she did go up like she was up on an e-flat there or something it was like very pleasant to listen to tone is very important to me so I'm glad it wasn't like screechy or anything and for this type of song you want it to be just really Pleasant next [Music] [Applause] okay a side note that's the Danny from McFly I actually used to want it like try to sound like him quite a bit when I was younger it was interesting though because I realized after counting like emulating his sound and you know panic at the Disco's burning Eurus sound and stuff when I was younger that a lot of the ways he sings and they sing it's not maybe super healthy to try to do it's a lot of weight and pushing and stuff but yeah I just thought that would be interesting because yeah I was totally into his singing for a really long time anyway this kid is singing opera huh [Applause] [Music] he's pretty sharp there yeah it's kind of like you know a little bit about they haven't tuned his voice though which i think is good for the upper eye step I don't think you could without it being super noticeable it's a little bit pitchy merch here by the way a little bit pitchy merch we're all a little bit pitchy every once in a while let's be real [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are we i think the range is impressive but it sounds not good does it I don't want to hate on you know kids or whatever it's not but I'm uncomfortable it's got cool range definitely potential for a future like you know all these kids obviously [Music] [Applause] [Music] the climax push ah that was like of all the Oh impressive but not listenable very easily it was pretty outfits Freddie just the tone was it's hard I don't want to be mean let's just move on let's see what key is it we are in D flats or C sharp whichever one you want to call it I don't believe for a second someone's already crying but okay whatever cut in whatever out-of-context pictures you want TV program what does this even mean is it in Russia or something [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] oh that was interesting today you can actually hear the untuned vocals for a second when he was talking did you guys hear that it seems like they tune all of the vocals all the time on this show but you could hear kind of like where she was she was a little bit more sharp there [Music] they definitely go through and make everyone on these shows like pretty much exactly on point actually when we're watching the adult voice singers as well I wonder if that might also have been tuned this way now looking back on this it makes sense because the people who make the voice obviously want the best possible product even though you know you may say it's disingenuous but you know I think it's the exact same way that happened with you know YouTube covers and stuff after a while that everyone was just tuning anyway and every once in a while people will like upload stuff that's like oh no tuning on this and then you know they slip and you're like oh there's a little bit of tuning on there bro you can't really trust anything on the internet anymore I'm sorry the technology's just too accessible [Music] I can't be hypocrites and be here and be like oh how could they cry because I did the other day but nothing going on here big strong man I don't know it's it's hard it's hard bad in these big productions I always feel like it's got to be fake just a fake so many other things it that was a really good performance though really great stuff next let's see what the key is it we ran a major guys remember that [Music] nice food and they can laugh is just oh shut up where's the dude singing with just ruining it like just what it's getting there he's like dude nice I gotta give kudos to the people who have auto-tuned these singers it's not odd to me like this it's probably Melodyne something like that which is a more manual tuning method it sounds pretty natural apart from every once in a while if you get a train here you can kind of hear it but generally it sounds really really good and I'm sure the singers are great as well like you can hear and a bunch of things that they are talented singers I guess they decided early on in this that they were gonna make the kids seem you know really good and really put a lot of effort into the vocal tuning which is cool in its own way even though it's not you know technically live that's awesome that's like she's doing some proper belting [Music] oh shut up nice [Music] [Applause] goosebumps [Music] [Music] oh that's awesome that's a f-sharp Brad that's a proper belting that's so fun that's awesome she has talents I feel like she's kind of like down this path of that type of singer now that calyx sings is it Whitney Houston no it's Celine Dion I don't know anything like it's kind of down that type of like diva type singing right now it's gonna be interesting to see what she does in the future once she has maybe a little bit more of an identity in her singing like something to stand out a little bit more but like her fundamentals are crazy good this is awesome all gods she is tiny [Music] [Applause] [Music] she seems a little bit winded or like it's probably a little bit shaky and a little bit off pitch but they've fixed that imposed [Music] Oh nice going [Music] so this sounds a lot like a lot of kids singing that I'm used to we just like it's good it's got that like brittle kid quality to it it's kind of like this type of tonality that makes me not be the hugest fan of a lot of kid singing that and a part that they usually just can't like emulating something that older singers can do better ha ha ha effects what are they doing we [Music] hurts a little bit doesn't let me know in the comments down below if it doesn't hurt if I'm an idiot but maybe it's my headphones or something I don't know but it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was nice little though right it was the epitome of kids singing just kind of like that like oh okay wait until you don't sound like that anymore but you're a good singer Celine Dion time no wait why though keep mixing them up I mean wouldn't use them we are in a major the piano tells us [Applause] [Music] every step [Music] [Applause] they're either typical like it's tuned but you have some leak in some other microphone where you can hear the actual thing she's singing and it's like what substantially different [Applause] [Applause] some people would try to explain that with like oh no it's like it's echoes the sound comes from different parts of the performance like this a little bit of delay but the thing is sometimes it sounds more off than others it just sounds like there's wavering going on in the notes that has been corrected nice [Music] [Music] [Applause] a little bit weird thing there yeah why do they always need someone crying in this show it's like to try to recreate the same like movie moment over and over what's that one call with Mandy Moore what she sings and people like stand-up and Mandy Moore singing movie yeah I walked to remember they tried to recreate that type of movie moments in the reality setting over and over in the same way it's weird I was German thank a lot of really talented kid singers in there some of them I could already enjoy too a big amount even though maybe not as much as I did the adult The Voice thing is this video I did the other day they're on their way there sounds amazing already gonna be even better later on in life for sure click here for more music commentary videos here for videos where I sing or make music I would now play you out on my new piano [Music]
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 770,077
Rating: 4.9636292 out of 5
Keywords: roomie, roomieofficial, joel, comedy, funny, hilarious, reaction, react, reacting, singer, singers, singing, the voice, the voice kids, blind auditions, auditions, whitney houston, i will always love you, music, commentary, all by myself
Id: 6zWT18kfeLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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