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welcome to complete putting our four-week coaching plan that will transform your game with the flat stick this is week one let's take charge of your game let's talk putter length and how it can affect your setup and your putting Strokes so if you're not aware you can actually get Putters in different lengths so we've got a few here to give you an idea on what they look like so I've got a 33 in putter here in my left hand I've got a 35 in putter in my right hand and he's got a 34 in there plunk that in the middle end you can see the differences in the length of those Putters now this can have a massive effect on how you stand to the golf ball and how you actually putt you can go longer than 35 it's rare that we see that Andy but so John RAM for instance has got a 37 in putter but you know what we don't often see that so I'll give you that one back there andy so it's important to understand that if your putter length is wrong for you it could be inhibiting your ability to put a good setup on it and then a good stroke on it because it is very much about the posture with putting because it is very different as we know to an iron shot isn't it yeah we want to stand quite differently think about what we want from let's say an iron or even a driver we stand at the side of the golf ball we have this nice sort of neutral spine and we swing around the body well with the Ping stroke it's a lot different we're really looking to create a fairly consistent it's it's a straigh a back and through stroke it's not fully straight but there certainly a straighter move than we would see with an iron so how we stand to the golf ball with our posture will help influence that motion if we stand a little too upright or a little too bent forward again that's going to have an influence or an impact on how we move the Putter and then we start having to compensate Pierce for a poor posture so if we can get the right length for us that's going to enable us we're all different sizes if we can get into a good posture for ourselves and get the right length to suit us it just means then we can produce a nice consistent motion really with a lot more ease okay so we need to figure out how to get into this posture don't we so obviously people at home have different length Putters but let's give them the posture that we like and then we can see whether the putter is going to be any good for them okay and this is a great guide this is so you can do this just stand up wherever you are now and go through this so get yourself with a normal stance feet sort of shoulder width apart and what we like to see is as we said earlier more Bend forward from the hips the ey line is a little more over the uh the target line and from here now I'm just going to rest the putter just against my leg here I'm just going to get my arms to relax hang down in front of me just underneath the shoulders now from here all I want to do is just bring the the upper arms close to the chest this is about where I'd like to be so if I just grab the putter now here and just place my hands on what feel comfortable this is perfect for me because look at that I'm right at the top of the putter length I feel comfortable from here if you get if you do this exercise and you start gripping down here well you know the put is a little too long for you all this here is wasted weight and and and uh and length of shaft here so again if you're if you're feeling that it's a little bit too short you might be sort of right off the end there get again it's just finding out so great exercise that you can do eye over the eyes over the target line let the hands and arms hang under underneath the shoulders upper arms in and then from here just take hold of the put from here now I'm in a good posture for me and then we fit the length to suit the individual we're all different so we know straight away for you the 34 in is perfect because that's just gone obviously just gone straight into your hands there all right then so let's see what you've got then so what's this put it's around about 12 ft I think yeah a little bit left to right little bit of left to right I'm just going to get again really feel for me now P I really feel the arms are just hanging down eyes very much over that ball to Target line and from here I can go ahead and just swing more freely on this yeah you look Rock Solid over the golf ball you probably just need to work at your pace control I think I do yeah but luckily for you we're going to be doing that through this coaching plan all right so we've done the posture you understand the length of the putter now it's time to get into the rest of the setup so when it comes to the grip we have a slight variation now with a normal let's say seven iron we have the club position more across the base of the fingers well with putting we want it slightly different we like to have the the putter a little bit more upright running more down the palm of the hand this really helps the club stay a little bit more locked and helps keep the club face Square from here we can go ahead and put the right hand on where we feel comfortable now when we build the stance we want the feet roughly about shoulder width apart nice and stable with the lower body the legs are still really important in putting we'll also have the ball slightly ahead of the center of the uh The Stance and the shaft pretty much at 90° we don't want too much shaft lean and we don't want the shaft leaning back like this a great guide for the shoulders as well is that we want them fairly level we don't want really any any excessive tilts of the shoulders either way so do your best to get the shoulders as level as possible and we want roughly 50% weight distribution on each leg now in regards to posture we like to see that the the top of the neck is a flat spot so you'll see here that the top of the neck there is pretty flat and the hands are very much hanging down underneath that spot this allows you to get the eyes pretty much over that Target line we like to see the eyes literally over the target line so we can look straight down that line when it comes to alignment obviously we want the putter aiming straight down that Target line and we want the feet the knees the hips the forearms and the shoulders all running parallel to that Target line green reading is massively important and we feel it's very much overlooked by golfers so that's why we're going to be working at it every week through this 4-week plan now Andy today we're going to be talking about why we see people get green reading wrong and we're also going to be talking about a system that we can actually help them with for simple green reading and what better place to do on the 18th green here at Villa padana L Lingus Golf Course the greens here are super fast and super slopy which is great for you because we get to see how good you are at Green reading challenge I'm pretty good at Green reading as well okay so yeah let's just go through couple of the reasons that we see why people struggle reading greens well the first thing is people the main thing is people underestimate how much break there is so they're they're faced with the Putt and they don't generally allow for enough break and some of the our students Pierce when we get them on the golf course sometimes we will just ask them to double the amount of break that they think is going to happen and they put better doing this so bear that in mind if you're if you're looking at a put are you continuously underestimating the am amount of break that might be a good option for you the second thing is is really the system of how they choose their start line now obviously when we looking at a breaking put the number one thing first of all we've we've assessed the pace but the the next thing we need to think about is where are we where do we want to start the golf ball off because if we can get the initial start Point good match with the pace we're going to produce a good put but most people struggle to pick that start line and this is one of our theories why so think about this put here we've got almost a almost a 30 footer Pierce mhm I've already got my initial start Point down there cuz we've already worked this out some people have a really good idea of of seeing the brake so they they'll look at the put and they'll see the curve or the trace that they can imagine the ball going in the hole but what they tend to do is if you imagine a straight line from the ball to the hole here and you imagine the Journey of the ball what they do is they can see the Apex which is the furthest point away from the line and they aim at the Apex so they're point in the golf ball or aiming themselves straight at that Apex yes the problem is with that they've missed out this part of the put which is the most important because we've got to focus on the start line the initial start line if you're aiming at the Apex you've missed all this out what we need to do is choose a line and choose the the the path of the put that's going to get it to that Apex which is generally wider than the Apex so you can see here where I've put the T that's a lot further away than the Apex because that's my start line I get it online that will travel through the Apex and in the whole Cas I'm predicting a good one here I like it I like it so what we're saying is it's the most important part shter the put here to aim obviously the ball will break more when it gets more towards the hole but this is the really important part where you need to be focusing on this aim and you think about this we ask this a lot of people how much break is there and people tend to judge break based on the Apex now we're looking at the the point next to the hole that's how much break there is not where the Apex is when we put golfers here and actually show them this they go I can't aim that far right what do you want about yeah most people will be doing this as well so let me play the put here I've chose it already I'm just going to go through my sort of system of how I do and then uh let's see how that ends up here so I'm going to walk in again notice I tend to focus very much on the initial part here I'm looking down of where I want this ball to start and then it's pretty much just about getting the pace right now but the attention's on the start line okay a little bit uphill as well just should give it a little bit extra it's going to come in so that one's so if we assess that there now slightly firm on the putt if I hit a little bit softer the brake would have kicked in so the read wasn't too bad just a little firm on that but great that I missed it on the high side because most people as we said earlier they're underestimating it and if you're missing on the low side it's never got a chance of going in you're absolutely correct I'm pretty sure that's not good enough have another go we need to see if that line was good cuz you're absolutely right you overhit that one there no way you'd want to be that far past let's see what happens now when you get the pace correct based on that start line you're assuming I'm going to get it correct now P well I'm hoping you are it we've only got two goal so you need to get it right now otherwise we're in trouble that looks better straight away for little short maybe on that one there now it's not too bad they're FAS little short but again a little firmer on that one so somewhere in between those two puts is the perfect one do I get another go or not no no more go on that one people will be turning off but you can see that exactly right if You' have got the pace better on that one that would have been really good for the line for sure did you know the average PGA tour pro only holds 65% of his puts from 6 ft from 10 ft he only holds 39% and from 20 ft he only holds 15% now based on that what do you think your expectations are that's the data we've got from the 15th Club but it surprises us really how many many golfers from 6 ft expect or think that they should hold everyone and then when they miss they get frustrated so think about this set yourself some real expectations based on your level if they're 65% on 6 ft what do you think you should be this is going to help you then deal with those Miss shots and not take any frustration on to the next shot which we know can affect the score so 6ot here based on the PGA tour average 65% I'm going to give myself 50% that means one in two I'd be pretty happy with so let's see reasonable put and I hold it I'd be happy with that but I'm moving on to the next te with a smile it's time for your week one practice now we're going to split it into two sections the first section is going to be 10 minutes and it's going to be on something we're going to call the calibration station because what we want to do is we want to be able to calibrate sry we want you to be able to calibrate your putting stroke on straight putt so this will be the first part of your practice so Andy what sort of things are we looking for in the calibration station and obviously you've got something there to help us as well well the first thing is we've got two paces roughly 6 feet we're not going to have it too long we want a pretty straight put so we can calibrate really our setup and our stroke and this is really going to help us generate some consistency to help the ball start on our Target line and we've got the use of a a putting mirror here the put out mirror because this really helps us see um first of all get the aligns the alignment right but also see if we can get the the shoulders and the body aligned but also the ey line we mentioned that getting the eyes pretty much over the target line as well okay so you're also wearing a uh a funny looking hat there what's going on okay well I've got my upkick cam here so I'm going to switch this on and hopefully show you guys how this looks so if I get in my posture now take my setup you should see you can first of all see the putout mirror and you can see it's got plenty of lines on it so from here I can align my putter straight down the target but also you'll see my eyes now are over prettyy much over that Target line you can clearly see if you go too much ahead or if you're sort of way inside that there so it's a great way of just practicing getting yourself in a good posture with those eyes perfectly over that see the alignment of the shoulders as well when we're over there and I think the the the key is with this you will notice if you are massively out this is going to tell you straight away so it is going to put you into a place where you go oh hang on a bit I can't even see the mirror what's going on there or um the mirror is over there somewhere behind me so it really does help with that but what about if we haven't got a putting mirror is there alternative yeah well you can either use some alignment sticks or get some alignment sticks line down place the putter in between or some golf clubs um either side as well it's just something simple that you can really use to make sure that your body alignments and your ey line is over the golf ball now one thing that you can do if you haven't got a mirror Pierce is just drop drop a golf ball right between the the eyes and see where it lands does it land in front of the target line or inside and it's just a guide really to see and if we can get it pretty close to that Target line then we're happy okay well let's see you hit some shots we're not going to watch you hit puts for 10 minutes but I'd like to see you hit three though and see what you've got okay so again I just really feel quite neutral now get me to understand what a straight put looks like and straight alignment now when you're doing this for the first time you may well feel oh maybe the pace on that one and or maybe hit the flag you'll feel and see when things are going wrong for you so you'll understand if your posture is wanting to go out you'll understand if you want to left if you want to aim right so it's going to give you some really good information moving forward and it's just a really good thing that you can do okay one more you got one out of two what have you got bit soft on that one so that was a soft Pace I'd like to hit it a little bit firmer than that that's why it probably just moved offline maybe a touch a brake from right to left on this one but do your best to get a straight put and just calibrate get your setup looking really strong and neutral get the club face in a good spot and get that ey line over the golf po okay very good now we need to work on your green reading your second section of practice is green reading now you know how important this is so what we're going to do is we're going to get Andy to go through his process we need you to practice this though for 20 minutes when you have your practice putting session so Andy 15 to 20 foot putt is what we're looking for nothing with too much of a break but there is a break on this one yeah let's go through that process and uh of how you practice your green reading okay so this is going to be the first put we want you to have 20 minutes doing and varying the puts so this is what we want you to do so first of all I'm going to come back I'm going to take a good look around and sort of use my feet as we've already talked about let me get cap come on and what we're going to really do now is start to to really get into the mindset of looking at the start line so for me I imagine the curve I'm sort of having a look here and what we want you to do is have a walk up and place a TEEG where you think you need to aim we're going to go next to the hole so I've got mine I think it needs to be about here my not your AR that's your start Point that's my start Point that's where you want to aim it yes so I'm going to come back here I'm going to start and see if I can line up to that point it's definitely breaking from left to right so then what we're going to do is I want to make sure I've got feedback on this so I'm going to get my ball marker and place this within the first 10 in on that line so this is a straight line okay now this is going to tell me if I'm starting it over the line that I've chosen so feedback perfectly you get from that marker there if you get it over there you've started on your line there you go you miss make sure I'll tap it down as well so I'm going to play this putt we're going to see what happens I'm going to see if I chose the right brake if I haven't I'm going to do it again and then once I'm happy I move on to the next one okay and this is where you start tying in things like Pace control as well as you go through this to normal routine now all I'm really going to do now is think about the pace but I've got the feedback whether I start it on my line and then we'll see where it ends up so you started it online okay so feedback for you slightly firm on that one but I would say if it was a little softer it might have still missed a little bit too high so I'm going to do that one more time now it's definitely a faster putt as well down here so that would have uh made it go further past than you think so I'm bringing that in a little more I think my start line is about there so you saying you over RIT over rdit yeah oh that's interesting it must be the earlier part of the video exactly okay so get that in place put this on the line so if you're looking at this now you're probably thinking well hang on a bit this is a little bit tedious it takes a little bit of time but guess what there's no point in guessing what the lines are by going through this process in your 20 minutes you may only go to three or four different putts but you really are understanding what it takes to read them effectively and getting great feedback which will definitely accelerate your progam you're learning here there's no if you're just on the on the green doing sort of puts you're not really learning that much correct okay I think I've got a good read on that one now so go through the process all about the pace now see if I'm a Little Closer on this one yeah much better again there's the feedback now I know then that I can start to understand and get a get a good visual of what's going on get a good feel and learn from that I'll move on to the next one and again keep going through the process so you are learning you've got feedback and your green reading skills will get better if only you had two gos on the golf course and exactly all right so that concludes this week your practice for this week first of all you must make sure you keep your stats so how many puts are you taking per hole add them up let's build that average so we can hopefully see that average reduce as you go through the 4 weeks then you need to make sure you do 10 minutes on your calibration station and then 20 minutes on your green reading exactly and don't forget if you want to take part in the rest of the plan make sure you click the link down in the description head over to me and we look forward to coaching you through the rest of complete putting thanks again
Channel: Meandmygolf
Views: 263,408
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Keywords: me and my golf, golf swing, golf swing basics, golf, how to play golf, golf tips, golf grip, golf for beginners, meandmygolf, how to, how to golf, taylormade, golf advice, how to play better golf, golf basics, backswing, golf lesson, downswing, impact, power, golf shots, golf swing tips, putting tips, putting drills, putting grip, putter, putter grip, putter length, putting drills at home, how to putt better in golf, how to putt in golf, how to putt better, how to putt straight
Id: dSVAmwwzuTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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