SimCity 4 is the ABSOLUTE Greatest City Builder They Ever Made...

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back in 2003 simcity four hit store shelves and it was amazing and about a year later it got an expansion known as the rush hour expansion and then after that got a deluxe edition which by the way you can get now for free if you have xbox game pass it is the deluxe edition which we're playing here today this game is amazing simcity if not one of the greatest city builder franchises of all time definitely inspired games like cities in motion from the same developers who made city skylines are you familiar with city skylines well obviously it was inspired by simcity it's a real tragic loss that simcity 2013 was a little disappointing with its lackluster city sizes and this one definitely doesn't have the biggest cities in the world but for a game that's almost 20 years old this has some amazing content to it crisp clean graphics and integrated nicely with the original sims game yes in the original sims you can actually import your sims into the cities that you built and kind of integrate the well what you were doing in the original sims game with simcity it's amazing and it's a shame that ea let the franchise die and did what it did to max's so anyway without further ado let's go ahead and take our first look on the channel but i've played this many times at simcity for deluxe edition oh yes if you haven't subbed the channel by the way now is a fantastic time to do so and smash that like button by the way there's a few regions that you can get in the game but you can also download a ton of them starting with like berlin a made up one fairview london new york san francisco another made up one called timbuktu san francisco here having a beautiful coastline so we're gonna try that out without downloading other ones from external mode you can also make your very own in your own create a region mode and there's also some online stuff too that you can download though it's greatly outdated so anyway without further ado let's go ahead and build the great city of raptoria another cool thing too is you can import cities from other regions as well so if you make another city in a different region and you want to import it here and add cities around it it really does what simcity 2013 was trying to do even better i would say of course you're responsible for all the cities around so you know if you built a power plant and a garbage dump and some other industrial stuff here then you can build your big old beautiful city here with the gorgeous uh water line and beaches and a tourist town if you will so let's go ahead and get started my god back in 2003 that loading time meant you may as well leave the room and get a snack but here we are jack check that out that is amazing awesome absolutely gorgeous really impressive what they were able to do even back in 2003 and now with the latest technology i feel like we can truly enjoy this game to the fullest well this is the map editor mode so at any time we can basically add or terraform but here we can do it for free adding all sorts of things like for example uh woodland animals like bears you know just bear emotes down below in the comments section we also of course have the ability to add trees and raise and lower land and add water we can make big-o canals and do all sorts of different things to modify making boundaries and whatnot or things like erosion making it look like a real beat-up desert or a very beautiful flat valley well this looks good enough for me also there's a day night cycle in the game or permanent day or night mode so you can take a look at your city that way but without further ado let's go ahead and get started of course we're going to build the glorious city of raptoria r-a-p-t-o-r-a-a-a glory to raptoria down below in the comments section r-a-p-t-o-r-i-a-o baby yes this game is also available on steam and also i believe it's on the epic game store so if you want to keep it permanently you can get it either through xbox game pass and purchase and own it there or anywhere else incredible you know recently on the channel we took a look back at stronghold which is a wonderful castle builder where you not only build a little village around your castle but a stronghold as well and this set me down the rabbit hole of playing all sorts of games from my past and so eventually we'll probably play the original sims and roller coaster tycoon on the channel too these were games that i was playing around this time in 2003 and damn does that music slap baby damn that is an absolute phenomenal uh soundtrack it is better sim city four sim city 3000 sim city 2013 better than city skyline soundtrack that's about all that it does better in the modern day but anyway check this out we can build all sorts of things like for example highway ramps and trains and depots buses and of course international airports and of course you can see what they look like and how much size they take up or whatnot there's plenty of mods for this game too and although we're not playing with any because they're kind of a pain in the neck to get on the xbox version or the game pass version it's much easier for example on steam well let's get started then i think we'll connect to a neighbor with an avenue here if we can or we can delete the connection later and continue on building all right let's go ahead and make a beautiful avenue all the way down to the beach glorious absolutely glorious right about there is good and we'll create some other side roads and stuff seems to be easier to use the right click rather than it is mouse keys we can't go diagonally with the mouse so all right let's go ahead and do that one thing i love about this game too is even if you're in pause mode you can actually see the road crews building now you can actually see them like laying out the asphalt and doing construction work i think a lot of games need to do that and one of the greatest city builders everybody asked me about like what's your favorite city builder is workers and resources soviet republic because in that game you have to plan out all the road works by actually delivering like the workers and the materials to the construction site so imagine a game that was a little bit more like anno 1800 it's astonishing but hey sim city 4 just does it a little different all right let's go ahead and build over in this corner first we'll build like a nice little downtown uh maybe a central square or something like that beautiful little uh area here for uh maybe a park or town hall or something like that all right let's get started with buildings then we are playing on paws so we'll start with low density in this game we actually have to pay for the actual density of the uh of the districts we lay down our neighborhoods so if we want to build a big old neighborhood it's going to cost us but there is such a thing as too large so let's maybe do a mixed density here we'll try to build this uh a little bit bigger like this for example there we go and we'll go ahead and continue the roads down to the bottom and we'll see how it all turns out let's go ahead and go down just a little bit there we go nice now of course this game has hospitals and schools and it does not have what sim city 2013 does better than city skylines in my opinion which is the ability to add modules onto pre-existing structures for example if your hospital is at capacity and you've maxed out your budget and don't want to build another hospital well in sim city 2013 you could just kind of add on some extra wards or extra ambulances to the actual existing structure this one of course you'll have to build another building next to it which can take up a little bit of space but i feel like sim city 2013 is already more crap than this all right let's go ahead and build a few shops here down on this street maybe we'll make this an actual road rather than the street but we can upgrade it any way we want there we go so we'll have some i don't know pizza restaurants some gas stations some convenience stores and some maybe bowling alleys or something here yeah let's connect those ones to the main street there we go and there they go building the roads and whatnot all right so check this out we also have the ability to check with our advisors and you can kind of see like they're all sims 1 characters everything from city planning to city budgeting to utilities public services health and education transportation and city beauty and or pollution environmental advisor and of course the monthly budget to look over which won't be too much of a big deal at the start but after a while we'll need to make sure we recruit some of our funds and are profitable love the power plants in this game too natural gas power plant coal power plant oil and then work your way all the way up to solar nuclear and hydrogen which is something we can unlock at certain population milestones and uh of course will cost quite a bit of money we'll go with natural gas for now and we'll probably put that in an industrial sector maybe down here somewhere now since we're in san francisco or at least uh i guess in one of the well we're making a city within the san francisco region we're going to go ahead and build that power plant there along the highway and build some industrial buildings and then eventually build a port now we can build airports we can build um wonderful little industrial ports and whatnot we'll build that there for now we started with about a half a million dollars which is what you get on easy but i wouldn't even say it's more easy than it is just time save mode if you don't want to sit around waiting all day for that this will be a good spot for our power plant at the beginning here near the road with all the industrial buildings so that way they can leave rather easily easily there we go yeah perfect all right so we'll have some industrial buildings there ready to go we'll have to worry about water a little bit later but power is something we'll need to start with right away let's go ahead and build a nice little power line down the road there we go good enough for now of course we'll adjust that later and we'll worry about things like landfills recycling centers and waste energy plants a little bit later but hey at least they come pre unlocked that's nice all right we'll go ahead and make some maybe some medium density sectors towards the center of town maybe on this road here let's upgrade this and we'll upgrade a little bit of density here [Music] there we go [Music] to be able to build a cross there we go perfect now we can even build passenger train lines subway and metro stations i believe it's all below ground unless you want to go for some sort of a mod go ahead and go with a medium density here there we go and i suppose we could try to um build it like this oh yeah we could actually do it like this make it along the busy avenue here and on the back side too perfect now there is the ability to make angled roads you can make diagonal roads but no curves so everything's got to kind of be like this unfortunately go with some more beautiful homes something like that looks good perfect we don't want the city to be perfect i mean no city is otherwise everyone would live there so let's continue to make additions to our city we could do with hospitals maybe more schools oh maybe a park let's see what we got for parks oh yes the government buildings and of course the legendary rewards the mayor's house the missile silo i believe is here if you uh start to go bankrupt you can actually get like a federal prison or uh perhaps a uh military base or whatnot resort hotels disease research uh research centers oh my god and landmarks too the hollywood sign uh quite tower uh tower of london et cetera et cetera oh so many good things uh alcatraz i believe is in here somewhere oh very nice very nice indeed all right well some of those will unlock a little later for us but let's go ahead and start with maybe a nice park at the end of the uh at the end of the road here oh you can actually see some trees being added to the center medians automatically right this land is a little flat here isn't it a little more difficult in this game to flatten out the land you can kind of see where you don't get too much in terms of flattening it does it a little bit and of course it destroys your roads which is a little unfortunate there we go but i guess it's definitely important to level things before you build anything but then again it's hard to know whether or not it's going to be level until you kind of take a look at it there we go let's go ahead and try that [Music] well we'll level level it out as best we can it's not going to be as level as we want but that's what you get for a game from 2003 but hey not bad i'm not complaining we can also build signs if we want to i believe and plant individual trees which is nice so let's go ahead and label this something here excellent so we can call it the town center if we want to cool let's add some more parks ah there they go they're back very nice all right we could add maybe a baseball stadium to the end there or a soccer field a baseball field would be nice let's start with something uh a little more casual maybe a medium plaster oh that'd be nice there build that and let's build some open paved areas there we go oh those po oh the open paved areas have different patterns oh don't look at it directly don't look directly kids it'll avert your gaze it's it's too dangerous okay let's go ahead and finally open our city beautiful so cars and trucks and buses should come in from the outside of course it's nice to be able to label everything in our town great for screenshots like labeling medical centers or i don't know bus stops or points of interest that you might want to share with somebody very cool all right well in a period of about i don't know a month or so we might have that coming in oh we have labels too we can label the roads for all of the uh i guess the rush hour dlc adds this [Music] a rude let's see how that goes yeah there you go cool we can actually drag it around or label a neighborhood if we want to that's cool very nice or easily deleted like in this case very nice oh it's only a visible with that huh there we go all right where are the citizens we need to see people moving into the city post haste no takers yet but they should be moving in from the other side we can connect this section too have some beautiful beautiful highways going through the city as well oh we might not have a neighbor connection over there that might be a reason why let's actually back it up a little bit and just test typically in this game all you got to do is just click from somewhere that's not on the edge to right about there yeah okay well that's fine we do have a neighbor down here and there we go things are beginning good all according to plan in which we don't really have a plan so it's it's all according to the plan that doesn't exist all right expenses are 670 but as you would expect takes a little while for the city to grow go ahead and continue to add some roads here and there maybe a road that goes down to the um maybe down to the park and goes around it a little bit oh and look at that big old jump off there holy crap right so we're gonna want to flatten all that area or additional homes and whatnot and it's gonna be spendy but it's gonna be much easier to build roads that way but then again it'll end up like san francisco with the massive uh flat areas and then the massive uh like ski jumps for some of the roads where the trolleys and such would go another good question about this dlc is what does it have for mass transit i think we have ourselves uh fairies and a few other things that we didn't even get later until uh some of the dlcs for city skylines now you can see we can burn through cash all day here but there we go is that a smoothing tool level terrain not sure if there's actually a way to increase the size of that but the longer it takes the more expensive it is we might avoid that just a little bit but this is a good spot to expand our city to and this roadway as well almost like a valley down there you can actually make this go down to the shore and maybe put a pier down there if we want to ah yes the music's so good wow look at that look at that dangerous road a death-defying stunt to drive down there wow gonna need to in i think you're gonna have to sign an insurance waiver to go down there all right we're starting to make money 93 in the bank beautiful this truly is one of the greatest games of all time inspiring me for so many hundreds of hours i wish we had steam back then so that way i could kind of calculate how many hours i played this but man i think i played this probably at this point as much as city skylines i probably surpassed it now with city skylines but a young me building a city and building it again and again and again it seems over and over never being satisfied and continuing to improve adding additions and just wanting to do better for my city every single time well we're at 93 dollars still some of the medium density is moving in excellent think about adding a few more parks and such let's do a baseball diamond down here if we can put it on the corner here that'd be perfect great central area for everyone to gather and near the commercial zone so that way of course as everybody travels down here to um go to baseball games and whatnot they'll also possibly stop by the pizza joint or the ice cream shop or maybe rent some movies or something back before they go home it is the year 2000 the game that's when we start our game here as year 2000 so netflix is several years away if not uh of course pre-ordering it in the mail yes netflix started in the mail you had to actually order everything and get it shipped to your house via the mail incredible all right while the power plants looking nice originally i think i wanted to build it up here against the corner and that is something you can do pollute all the neighbors neighborhoods if you'd like to but we'll start like this it's all good okay that'll absolutely get those businesses and houses to upgrade right away filling in everything nicely let's hear where we might build another a road let's see now we could actually build another street there and another main road here will upgrade there we go perfect all right excellent what do our advisors say let's see roads rule but streets becoming endangered that's fine because traffic will soon be a problem one of the greatest things about this game too is actually zooming into the city and here let's uh make this a point right now to turn up the sounds listen to that you can hear all the construction sprinklers firing off dogs barking cars driving by trash cans tipping over birds chirping the wind in the leaves a glorious and beautiful sight let's build some more sports areas for our young whippersnappers showing go ahead and uh build a couple of tennis courts [Music] let's build a basketball court [Music] kids can play some b-ball down there cool that's what we call it b-ball ah the sims invite mera to pull up a chair and settle in we've unlocked the mayor's house excellent since we surpassed 500 not to mention we can also do farming in this game too so if we'd like to we could do a massive farming operation as well somewhere outside of town and do some agriculture amazing one of the first games that i played where i could do that and shortly followed by tropico which was amazing to actually grow things like sugarcane and open my eyes to money not being the only thing that it takes to build a city or a nation but also the supplies themselves in order to trade and do fitness of course it's all about that bitness well we can also do a skate uh we could do a skateboard ramp here there we go we'll do a little skating area maybe a small plaza there and what else do we have a small green park there we go nice enough excellent and that'll do well for the city surroundings for sure we'll have to build more parks this game is all about parks and plays a little bit like anno 1802 in terms of in spreadsheeting where you don't want to be too far from a hospital you don't want to be too far from a uh a school or something like that oh boy does the music swell whoa there we go now the music in this game is loud and quiet it really gives you the feeling of building a city starting out small and eventually exploding hey our mayor rating is doing really well population at 5 10. let's put that mare's house down we gotta move in here well to do sims will want to live close by this illustrious mansion indeed they will well let's put our house somewhere nice maybe on the corner down here i asked the well to do sims yes of course let's add a little buffer zone i think what we want to do is do a double gated mansion just in case they get past the first gate and by they i mean people who um aren't yet subscribed yeah non-subscribers that's right well welcome oh good glad to have so many of you with us wonderful good it's all going according to plan i have no plans so it's all going according to plan well it looks like we want some more industrial zones looks like the industrial zone is growing we can probably add some more roads to this but i think for now we're okay i will add another area though to expand into let's go back to ours oh yes we have ourselves a multiple police building suit police kiosk some of these coming in the deluxe edition too deluxe police station city jail multiple sizes of fire departments and schools too elementary large elementary local branches of libraries and much more main library and major art museums and universities you can build and of course downloading many more things from the workshop or whatnot and a lot of these also oh look at that hellenborg from denmark oh i've been here actually oh yes the central square with the horse in it there's guards with like really funny hats that walk around the outside that's amazing so cool anything from japan oh here's a the ige sofia from turkey um a beautiful mosque i believe that was also a church at one point going back and forth i think oh the guggenheim awesome in new york city san francisco building seattle chicago hey there we go tokyo building here the tokyo tower beautiful ah yes the eiffel tower of asia very cool lots of cool buildings and very expensive the pyramids uh this game has so many awesome landmarks hollywood sign ooh we can't put that down that'll be a copyright yes the youtube copyright all right sorry copyright there we go all right let's go ahead and build some more factories all right it's almost time for water they will make demands pretty soon on water but there's so there's smoldering for a police no a fire department and also a hospital or clinic in this case all right well let's put down a fire department i agree with that maybe two of them although money is a little lacking step it up sims you're gonna have to pay them bills before we get that uh fire department and that uh what do you guys want health care oh come on now let's go give me that money first we'll talk let's add a few more zones there we go beautiful it's pretty quick that you can fill up this game with buildings but one of the most important things is building it up quick outwards and then building it up upwards trying to find out where you're going to put your downtown area finding out what you're what you want your city to specialize in and then going and building to other cities in the region it's also a way to there you go see all your different sims and such and there should be also a region view where we can actually look around all the other uh areas around us and or possibly obliterate the city and start over from scratch disasters are here too oh yes we have our classic uh autosaurus rex the ufo the volcano just randomly lighting things on fire robot attacks and much more i think there might be uh oh yeah the typical tornado landing and even an earthquake in this game i think it does much more than the other games too where it pools up lava which is amazing to see well not too bad so far how we doing on that budget folks oh sims still look to heavens but call mayor ah they want us to build a house of worship okay well let's see um where are we gonna put my youtube comments section let's put it over on this side of the city but somewhere a little bit more quiet there we go let's build this road up this way and we'll build this area with a little bit tighter density there we go excellent we're going to try to build medium density buildings here and also the church and a few other services here i love how the avenues actually fill with plants like that that's amazing very nice hey there we go we're profitable but think of each public building that you put down almost costing you a thousand bucks uh you see here it's like 400 for the clinic but really always add a little bit of buffer zone that's one of the mistakes i always made as a young lad uh young raptor listen up yeah hey noob uh don't build so many damn hospitals and stuff it's nice to provide your people with services but that doesn't make profits and money money and profits they must purchase and consume and consume and purchase and then maybe we'll think about rolling a dice and if we roll seven d20s in a roll we'll we'll think about it all right let's go ahead and continue to build all these homes there we go and he'll maybe we'll put down some businesses up here in the corner there we go now let's put our church down our house of worship oh yes house of worcestershire let's see we'll put that down here beautiful what a nice little building look at how crisp and clean these graphics are this is definitely inspired cities in motion which if you haven't heard of that game before again that's from the same people who made city skylines so cities in motion is basically like a prequel in a way and it is grand it is beautiful wow that pond is a big old building there let's go blue pond next to the church and we'll turn this into just a beautiful little public area where people are more than welcome to walk through there we go a little plaza there you can walk through go to the park go to the house of worship or whatnot my people of course worship at wendy's ah yes who could beat those nugs look at that we built one building and now we're almost almost not making enough money again can you believe that i know go for some more medium density and we'll build that down here now we're gonna have to well we're gonna have to do it we're gonna have to provide pesky city services i know probably should build water as soon as they start complaining about that how are we doing on power we probably are producing enough let's check with the advisors oh oh boy fire is mad power's okay i think let's see here uh let's see mirror rating we should be able to find power there we go oh wow shooting up with our current usage increasing but we're not about we're not even close to halfway okay let's go ahead and keep on building baby build baby build wow ah the upgrades are gonna be something else in this game once we get a chance to put down more city buses and highway systems it's all about redesigning the cities you know cities like for example chicago and tokyo and osaka and seoul and toronto they didn't start like how they are today they had to be designed and redesigned and redesigned again over all sorts of different levels of technology different types of transportation infrastructure like for example electricity eventually oh yes fascinating fascinating all right well people we're gonna go ahead and give you one thing i think you've earned it oh boy that's going to be a tight budget but hopefully it makes everybody upgrade their homes let's start with the hospital it's going to be a good thing and in this case a medical clinic i'm going to put that somewhere smack dab in the middle of the city right about here is a good spot to start covers most the buildings there we go and behind that we can put something else maybe a little uh let's put a little gazebo back there there we go multiple ways to upgrade the city all right budget is out of control for a little bit now but of course with every upgrade there you go what we can drive cars in this game oh yeah there's driving quests all right let's do it road vehicle training mission i accept oh god are we gonna drive in first person oh oh god yep we're driving now uh we're supposed to go where up here all right uh out of my way oh dear oh dear god i think there's a snap to mode excuse me people good luck everyone wow we're gta it right now excuse me coming through youtuber watch it i'm an influencer [Music] all right let's see um i don't know where we're going oh my god oh my god i was looking at the map okay it's all right luckily we built a hospital [Music] good luck oh my god okay wow that is a massive concrete building uh oh concrete truck i think we're here uh nice job well thank you can i get money for that give me money oh boy i think you can do that with uh trucks and helicopters and airplanes and boats and stuff i think eventually the coolest thing to do is to build maybe in the london map or berlin and build across the river and then use that in order to well build ferries and stuff like that too let's take a look at our other mass transit options oh yes we have options for seaports car and passenger ferry terminals or passenger ferry terminal or you can build a city that really doesn't have cars or that the cars stick to that building itself wow look at all the options here parking garages toll booths elevated rail we can do elevated rail you can awesome and bus stops too passenger capacity 1000 that is amazing let's build a bus stop here and let's build a bus stop here [Music] not sure exactly how much of the city it covers but looks pretty good so far maybe down there and maybe up here i know my layouts are a nightmare but bear with me i can't really do much to set up the routes but at least people could try to get around the city especially to the hospitals and whatnot which desperately they're going to need after my leadership of course let's go ahead and maybe finally start on a water tower maybe that'll get things popping off all right let's see well let's build it down here off a little vacant road there we go and let's start building our piping systems [Music] more baby more let's see how much it uh covers once the water starts to uh flow unless it needs power maybe maybe not [Music] let's see oh it does it does need power okay hold on we can fix that oh and the buildings are upgrading [Music] very nice [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] all right good good good all right if you've watched at this point and you have some tips and tricks and some advice make sure you share in the comments section down below i'm going to need all i can get folks i truly am well we'll build this on the outside there we go money's holding pretty firm though we're still up in the 400 thousands we've been cautious as necessary beautiful oh man this is so smooth it works so well what a phenomenal game what an absolute treat it is to play this one again and introduce it as truly one of the greatest city builders if not of the early 2000s but really of all time i think there's just so much inspiration from this game to other games that it's just hard to ignore that this is like for example what banished is to all the survival city builders coming out now sim city just hit different back then ah a grave need a raptoria we're gonna build a graveyard looks like people want a graveyard in fact they're dying to get in come on that was good oh traffic jams oh boy let's see let's build a beautiful cemetery somewhere near the church but just a little bit away from it maybe across the street would be nice raptorian national cemetery for all of our heroes for all those who've died to death i mean makes sense people are actually cheering for a cemetery all right good for you i guess that budget is tight baby let's expand that to water back to the factories now a little bit of a miss here there we go oh that music baby makes me just thinking like new york and so many modern cities or at least how modern they were in the 2000s oh man there we go pipe there uh-oh we're having a water shortage we're gonna need more water all right let's build another water tower and eventually upgrade the pumps we'll build one there and we'll build another one up here by the intersection make sure it's connected ah we're good all right we should see some more water supply to the network shortly hopefully let's take a look at water oh current usage is much higher all those factories are just guzzling up that water they're just guzzling all right we'll build one more down here and it's only a cost saving measure we should be building pumps but again money money money we need some money all right what are we gonna do next look at all these grass plots too by the way mostly all burned up because there's no water but now that we supply that ah yes of course the members have moved in everyone who's clicked and tapped joined to become a member today shameless self plug yes oh yes sometimes my plugs are a little bit like how it is with a usb drive where you put it in and then you flip it around to where it should be except you realize oh wait a minute it actually was the right way the first time you just had to finesse yeah the only way you can get it in is by you know flipping it over once and just trying to uh cram it in sideways who knows who knows what am i saying okay anyway lots of homes are going down now we have a lot more residential demand and a lot more industrial demand let's go ahead and build some more medium density over here especially since we have a beautiful bus stop here absolutely gorgeous ah people are gonna love living next to that live in la vida loca i think locus loki it's swedish what okay beautiful look at all the buildings upgrading awesome very nice to see look at that the phenomenal upgrades on you can even see like construction crews out look at that man you can actually see people out with shovels wait and i think i just saw fireworks oh that's beautiful yes it is another new year in raptoria we made it a year yeah or there's uh enemy aircraft over overhead oh oh wow even more cars to do no resist raptor resist do you have a city to build all right traffic we have traffic jams traffic jams crap traffic trams oh trams would be cool well at least we have some buses but we gotta make sure we're continuously in the green otherwise we're gonna have a bad time so let's wait for these upgrades to complete take a look at water again looks like everything's connected for now not bad oh it is it is incredible when you can play in some of the custom maps and we'll be doing this later on the channel too for those of you who are subscribed we're going to do a live stream on this as well this is not going to be the end of sim city i know you guys want to see more we're going to build on all sorts of different style maps and different regions that people have made and maybe even some mods as well so if you're a long time fan of sim city 4 and you're like oh raptor i've been playing this for years man where you been well let me know some mods that we can play i definitely am interested in that let's get some more jobs crack-a-lacking what do we have all the way down in the industrial sector well it looks like some more factories are being built let's go for some high density over here very nice and let's go for a little bit of streets yeah we can even do one ways if we want to that might be a good idea for some of the higher traffic areas we'll get to that eventually all right well the people are probably going to need a fire department at some point we could increase the taxes of smidge so let's go ahead and do that right now we're at whoa nine percent all right let's do maybe 11 oh let's do oh this game allows you to do it just by a point we're going to increase all the way to 10 though one full percentage point rather than like 0.01 and let's go ahead and just increase everything to uh one point or well yeah we're going to increase everything by one point looks like we have all sorts of different commercial taxes i know it's boring or whatnot but gotta do it gotta pay we're gonna just increase everything to ten percent that'll probably be our new minimum giving us a little bit of breathing room that's not too bad all right it is oh there we go and another 10. beautiful all right well look at that oh neighbor deals of course importing or exporting like for example water and trash for um processing transportation department oh bringing in a little bit of money from the bus fares too but also well taking a lot of money from all of its expensive but that's how it is this is how it is hey there we go now we're almost making 2 000 bucks i think that's monthly budget yeah indeed it is so there we go not bad making progress it's all about intertwining those upgrades all of those city services that makes your city better and provides more well goods and services for everybody of course with upgrades wow look at all the oh look at the concrete trucks rolling in amen brother ripping and dipping bring that heavy cargo in here let's build some buildings brother wow look at all the upgrades taking place downtown beautiful plenty of commercial space still oh and demand is dipping some smolder for station still all right the shame of squandered power of course we can always turn that down too well let's try to attend to some of their needs now we'll take a little dip into the budget but hopefully that'll increase some of their demands of wanting to move into the city rather than wanting to move out well we'll build a fire department there to cover most of the central city and we'll do the same down here in the industrial area a little expensive but it'll buff out it'll do not too expensive but man razor thin profits what are we running a gordon ramsay restaurant here the water is raw wait this is not boiling okay let's build a nice little suburban neighborhood here let's see if we can build it out to the streets there we go oh wait a minute we have a setup right here next to the basketball courts and tennis courts and whatnot we can build a nice school over here somewhere too maybe a nice little elementary school elementary my dear watson let's go ahead and keep on building beautiful ah gorgeous oh oh fire protection spread thin we've got a fire maybe oh it's spread thin but we're okay we've at least got it covered ish it's better than before stop leave me alone get out of my city council it's me and i agree with myself i'm doing a good job right me yes okay good i agree with me me as well oh this is more medium density but that's okay we definitely want some more suburban homes first and then they'll upgrade to high rises based on the upgrades around them we got a little space in the middle which means we can add trees there we go we can always put trees or something in the middle too that'll be nice all right fire protection yeah yeah we got it there we go wow look at all these other graphs and grids uh let's see trust and safety is down education is down and so is environment environment well they probably want a few more things to uh a few more parks and things like that to indulge in but we gotta hey people you gotta you gotta pay them bills 2104 is not cutting it keep moving in oh all right i'll give you some more city services let's do education i guess all right well we did want to build a city school in the corner there oh that's perfect right next to the baseball field beautiful it's a great spot for it not over budget by too much oh man can you see a big o city growing here already and eventually what we can do is build a massive highway here have the highway headed t intersection somewhere over here maybe we could go this way in a t intersection go up and down the city or something oh gorgeous absolutely gorgeous all right next goal is to get them demands up i demand that we get them demands up looks like the mayor rainey might be uh moving up and or sitting still a little bit there we go hey look at that lots and lots of traffic going down to the factory area oh yeah hustle and bustle they're ready and moving shake and bake let's go and make this a one-way road all the way down here and we'll make a one-way road all the way back actually we could almost do this like an avenue but uh we could put toll booths here maybe we should do a toll booth yes that would be perfect all right we'll have the one-way road go down to here let's see if we can build it about halfway looks like we're gonna have to demolish that part hold on oh man i want to build an airport or something already we need all this extra money though dude we can build expo centers we can have people come in via you know aircraft to our beautiful expo halls we can build hotels resorts and casinos marinas oh man i cannot believe how awesome even sim city 2000 had a multiplayer edition that we played in like middle school and stuff man we were playing sim city in middle school an incredible lesson in city management also simtown which was cool too uh unsuitable network to build let's see bigger school solution for bigger crowding problems oh yes monthly cost 2 000 you're insane i can't i can't do that that's too insane sir let's see i should be able to connect to this intersection here it really should be able to connect through ah there we go perfect all right so traffic can come back to the city this way or out now what about a tollbooth let's see what can we do for a toll booth oh i see we have to build it on the road it'll have to be a one-way let's go ahead and build it at the entrance here all right folks it's my first day it's been a while i'm i'm back in the city all oh actually we should connect that a little further away might need to provide power like how we do that in city skylines let's see already occupied but i can't build it alone let's see the wonders of this generates some income but delays traffic oh we can put it on a wait what we can put it on a basic road okay so we have to put on a base road that's weird there we go [Music] gonna be a one-way tollbooth oh boy [Music] oh a nightmare oh boy are you screaming at your screen too me too no way to connect though well unfortunately it seems like it's for two roads so we could do is create an intersection and we could have one road go this way and one road go actually i have to go inside wanted yep can't do that either oh there we go perfect sweat okay build it back a little bit more ladies and gentlemen we got it first try why not first try but you get it you get the point all right much better so now people can go in or come out and there's our tool booth cool hopefully that generates funds for us that's all fun okay now we got a little extra money for spending i think we want some more parks to get that density up because we definitely need more people in the city wow we're almost to 5 000 population we've not done bad in our time let's build a big o football field for the year europeans let's see here let's go ahead and build a soccer field got a nice park there here probably build a big o city park here next to the bus stop let's see now we can build it right there that seems to be worth snapping best go ahead and add some other parts [Music] let's see maybe some green areas here oh nice now let's extend the road road extendo there we go nice little park area there now what else do we have access to oh we have a small flower guard put down on the corner a medium flower guard put that up there more access to sports and some more unlockables including a city zoo a major league stadium tourist traps opera houses minor league farmers market and of course the wonderful marina oh boy a true fan favorite the marina all right let's go ahead and increase our presence of there we go hey not bad good oh the city budget looking good we're still in the positive but very small improvements little by little that city budget only saved by the increased taxes so growth will be slow but it's happening it's happening people it's happening all right let's go ahead and build up here uh this truly is the greatest city builder of all time really for its inspirations and its breakthroughs and all the things that simcity 2000 and 3000 did well and including its inspiration of well our more favorite uh city skylines but you can't give the og or you can't forget to give the og credit that's for sure why they want us to increase education but we've already got that working we've got ourselves a small elementary school there we go all right now let's go ahead and build on maybe down here a little bit by the water oh i just heard an accident whoa did you hear that it sounded like it anyway i'm going and build down here well we have our avenues that we can build but maybe this will just look better separately oh boy that is definitely looking like san francisco maybe we could put a beach down there for some filming uh let's see well let's build some more homes seems like they're continuously upgrading and growing we're gonna build a neighborhood down here there we go all right let's try a commercial area medium over on either side beautiful and maybe a few shops along the road nice and we'll have to fill some things up with trees why not not too big of a deal let's go with some noble furs no not blue spruce there we go the rewards of being neighborly the reminder of being able to trade with everybody else in order to make some good money that looks like they're happy now whoa another accident holy crap are you okay dude let's talk turkey by talking trash ah yes this is a absolute garbage city and now we got to clean it up with recycling and landfills oh yes the excitement of a landfill landfills will actually provide us with power no the uh well they will eventually when we build a waste treatment facility which will provide us with five thousand megawatts a month but cost us one thousand bucks in operation operation cost additionally the recycling center only costs 350 and reduces city garbage by 20 not a bad deal well let's go ahead and build that somewhere near the town but outside of town there we go build that down here we'll need a power source going to it there we go and we'll build a recycling center right here pouring it off from the other part of the city and we could expand this area if we need to is our city services sector very nice but we still are going to need that uh unfortunately landfill until we've got some more garbage processing up ah can you believe it this is how garbage is probably still taken care of in most the world not something has to be done they got to do what they got to do all right well go ahead and build a little bit back there behind the uh recycling center all right what do we got for water treatment we do have ourselves a large water pump or a water treatment plant which will reduce water pollution overall in the piping systems we're probably fine on that let's actually take a look at overall water oh yeah got some new advances there we go well looking good we definitely need to expand our water production there we go and hopefully the landfill doesn't leach into the groundwater we'll see there we go well looking good we did expand up here a little bit but it does look like it's being covered excellent all right everything is according to plan which i have no plan as a reminder wow amazing okay what else should we put up here let's take a look at our biggest need oh the approval rating is increasing rci which stands for residential commercial and industrial demands are going up take a look at everything else we can safety's going up land values going up education's going up health but the increased number of people is going down we also have traffic and of course the environment to worry about inaccessible by vehicle maybe it needs a full road around it there we go um let's see well it should be accessible high capacity learning oh the high school yes in time my friend in time well let's keep working on that safety it's going well so far let's try at least a small police station we could build a bigger police station and cover a larger part of the city down here that'll give us room to expand but we can also do it down here cutting out some of the commercial buildings but we do have a nice commercial sector up there plus the demand doesn't seem to be as high for it well wherever we build it gonna be a busy place let's build right there interesting it changes the avenue now from trees to kind of more of a plaza very interesting all right well safety should increase drastically land value too then environment though we got to get that back up that'll of course take some water treatment and some other things we'll keep increasing on everything amazing let's build a little farming area shall we we should do a little farm all the way out here keep an eye on that budget a little in the negative not too bad though only 100 or so bucks not bad and of course as the city continues to grow to all our profits [Music] all right let's build a little farm out here [Music] very nice [Music] and we'll provide water to that and electricity [Music] orchards farm fields ranches and much more will be placed down in that area [Music] beautiful and there it goes probably going to take up a lot of water and create water pollution at least it looks good hey there we go big o fields with irrigation going on excellent beautiful oh the budget's really not a problem things are growing like crazy all right let's build ourselves another medium park fill in some of the areas that are blank [Music] there we go maybe a sandbox a little playground there we go nice very cool wow amazing isn't it there's so much room beautiful and one of the bigger maps of course but all giving you the idea to build support cities that specialize in industrial or power or something else in order to grow big big baby wow look at those buildings [Music] all the little houses will soon get big home oh there goes the police with a patrol mission oh yes wow lots of police cars thank goodness what a great building [Music] absolutely gorgeous absolutely incredible absolutely one of the if not the best city builders ever folks that is my time here today for simcity ford deluxe edition get it today on the well on game pass for xbox or whatnot the xbox game pass on pc i should say also available on steam and epic game store if you'd like should be available pretty much anywhere well we're going to come on back and do some wonderful live streams for this one so don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you all next time thanks again for watching take care man this is awesome to revisit i'm in love [Music]
Channel: Raptor
Views: 370,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 46nD0ilK4Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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