I Lost my MIND Building 10,000 Steel /min in Satisfactory

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hello everyone I'm Tibbetts and welcome back to satisfactory where we're working towards our last space elevator part the assembly director systems and we're gonna need a million different components to build them so that's what we've been steadily working on in today's project it's pretty simple we need steel ingots about 10 000 of them so we can make about 7 000 steel pipes what you know it's just a two-step process pretty much but at this scale oh it's gonna get a little crazy because 7 000 steel pipes have to be made in Constructors and each Constructor can only make 20. so even right there that's gonna be like you know 350 Constructors and that's not even to mention the steel or if we use this Solid Steel Ingot recipe each Foundry makes 60 ingots meaning ten thousand divided by 60. it means we need about 166 foundries and 166 times 40 of both iron and cool well you're starting to pick up what I'm putting down we need a lot of stuff or rather we need to automate a ton of stuff because we already have all of the iron and all of the coal which means today we're just going to be building tons and tons of crazy machinery and Factory setups you might be wondering though kibbs isn't there a new update out for the game and there is and it is beautiful and it adds a lot of cool functionality except it's in the experimental branch and it's still a little bit so these for this project we're gonna be sticking in update seven so without further Ado let us begin and the first thing we really need let's get over these fields here and then we need to design a new blueprint we have tons of different blueprints available to us except we need something that's more so going to fit with the systems in this biome so there are a lot of weird terrain features around here so although we do have like Foundry Blueprints and stuff like that I want to make one that's more snug and customizable so we can kind of fit boundaries wherever we need to so let's go and make ourselves a blueprint designer and try and make The snuggest Foundry blueprint we can and then we'll start building like the what 150 of them 168 of them whatever and right off the bat how many can we fit in a blueprint well it looks like it's gonna be three that's good good and bad good because that's a decent number bad because we're still gonna have to take up a decent amount of space the foundries need two inputs both coal and iron right so we're gonna have to fit a lot of belt work back here in order to make the system functional and normally this isn't like too big of a problem just add in a couple Splitters a handful of mergers and GG easy but my goal here is I want to fit this whole system into just two tiles and not the two and a bit tiles like we have it now because if we can fit the system into two tiles it's gonna be a lot more versatile especially with how the terrain is around here and also gonna just makes things exponentially more difficult we have the two inputs and an output on different sides so I'm making this into two tiles is going to be a little spooky it might be possible like for example here we could get rid of that we can change this into a stackable pull and then when we bring that across here we can throw the mergers on this side and we put conveyor lifts on the front and we can bring all the finished goods onto this side and that's GG not quite so this is where things start to get a little tricky because instead of having all the Splitters and mergers back here you might have to get a little more creative because all the foundries really need to be about here that way if we want to have conveyor lift at this location then it doesn't go over our two tile Mark and we're still good on this end except now the space here is horrific like how would we get something into that entrance well without it being absolutely cursed though you know I key this is kind of clipping and all that jazz but it's not like that looks bad so hey maybe we'll keep that in mind but ideally we don't do that oh but thinking about our constraints here I only want this to be two tiles wide I don't necessarily care how tall this sucker is so we could just snug that in there for now for example let's just say but another thing here delete the bottom Splitters and there we go this can go down here that can go down there and this system is still stackable because we can do this same thing moving forward it Clips a little bit though when it's not centered so I guess no that's actually not working wait actually you know what speaking of a creative designs we are really gonna flip this script and we're gonna try something different first off we're only gonna have two foundries in this blueprint and then we're going to have the mergers up front and then we're also going to have this Splitters up front so we could have one there going back over oh my gosh and then we can have one going through here here and then we can have another splitter in between the machines and with soft clipping we can do oh exactly this what what I know this can work okay this is perfect can we still see the front of the machines yes we're fitting this within two tiles yes this needs a tiny bit of pink ring after a little reorientation it did work so now that is right in there it scoots behind the lift to enter the system and then all the Splitters or mergers are up front and unfortunately it blocks off the front of The Foundry a tiny bit but hey we're within the two tiles and we now have a very snug system that we can spam up everywhere and oh boy do we have a lot of everywhere uh since we have such a cool design though let's try and stick these foundries somewhere snug kind of like this kind of ledge where we have just two tiles but not specifically right there let's go way over this way by the train station here we have some weird terrain we can work with so we have all of this iron that we're gonna need that's probably like 600 iron per minute so that means we can build a steel setup for 15 boundaries you see what I mean these things are so snuggly can just go everywhere like we have this two tile a little place which is now gonna be Foundry lamp just have to be careful because we're not in update eight and I can't nudge these around so it's like one click or panic it looks like we got it pretty good and we can continue down the line now ideally I want to try and build as many machines as possible so everything looks cool but if we can't build a ton of stuff then I suppose we can overclock a little bit and just not get too crazy about it all right that did not clip right it's okay we can fix we can fix all right though we still need a lot of foundries we got what six there where do we build the next set on top of here is a good space for something else ah and here we go another set of two blocks where we could fit more you need to notice though I actually mirrored the blueprint as well just in case we have weirder terrain so say we wanted to build this in this direction well then we could have The Foundry is facing towards the cliff now here we don't want to do that you know how a bee future kids might want to do something a little wild a little wacky but for now this will work all right I think that is it don't have too much fees left because of the train track here and I don't think we have enough foundries we only got one two three four five six seven eight plus six or one Foundry short so that's fine we'll just overclock the first one in each set by 50 and we are done except for the hard part the belt work now the belt work for the foundries is all done but now we have to bring all of the items all over the place this situation a little straightforward because we have the iron right here we just brewing it over this way I think there we put in a splitter it goes down here it goes over there and the whole system is done don't worry though we'll make it proper we'll make it proper uh the coal though where is the cool around these parts chew any coal nope rubber and plastic okay nothing really over that way I can tell you that right now I think we're bringing in Coal via trucks and trains and I'm seeing a train ahead of us and I'm seeing coal A to B nope I goofed whoops you see there is a Mark 3 Miner there and over there bringing iron together onto one belt and the only reason I do that is to make a 780 belt so we're making 780 iron per minute and we have 780 iron per minute we need 780 coal per minute and that train doesn't have 780 coal that trains fetching from two notes that only can produce 600 coal per minute so we need another source so hopefully there's a truck nearby or maybe move these shoes Can Be Our Saviors let me see we have coal and checking the map here yes this is getting 780 cool per minute fantastic okay so this line on the bottom is 780. how do we get that all the way over there oh no oh no yes the fun has definitely begun oh and wait wait this might be actually kind of easy we have a lot of air space you just put that there so we're now have the lift go up to here oh it's right there let's realign the lift it goes to there and directly to the coal oh wow that was super super simple now this can just go this way from here follow the pipes maybe go over that big Piper bridge and we are at that setup we just built so at the end of the day we got pretty lucky and this was pretty convenient and a lot of fun to be honest I like how crazy things are starting to get and oh boy this is only the beginning so first setup here since we had 780 iron and coal I'd add in a couple extra machines around but it's all fine the belt work has been cleaned up and looking up a little bit better I suppose and all the steel is ending up down over this way there and at the end of the line over there fantastic so we're now producing well 19.5 boundaries worth of Steel with each Foundry making 60 steel per minute and if you have that much steel we're going to have to build 39 Constructors because the steel pipe Constructors are hungry so let's get the hover pack on look through our Blueprints and check it out new blueprint designs similar to The Foundry ones that can snug in wherever I need them and also just be built wherever as well since we're building so many freaking steel pipes today I'm just like hey let's just build a whole new set of eight in a blueprint and have them no have them set to steal why didn't I have them set to steal I'll probably change that we'll see moving forward though this is all going to be Constructors this will be Constructors that'll be Constructors Maybe how many can we fit at least in the pitch oh please chosen timeline this fits directly here believe it looks blue it's building and not saying that's pretty good Clips like the tiniest little amount I'm definitely gonna move it actually I lied overall though we just built 16 Constructors just like that without any problem with our new blueprints this is going to be set up in no time and that is system one complete and funny thing about steel pipes and all these setups is that after we're done building all of this we go from 780 colon iron back to 780 steel pipes funny how the math works out eh speaking of the math that is setup one we need like 7 000 steel pipes so that means we are done that many of them the party's Only Just Begun let's continue wow and this time we're gonna be a little bit more careful to make sure all the material is in the right place so you have Limestone over there quartz I know there's coal and this is about 600 per minute I'm I'm certain certain wrong it is one truck station bringing in like 1 500 coal per minute that's busy but doable well because we have another truck station right here and if there are two iron ore belts that probably means they're both pure notes yes trouble checking all this normal normal okay that's good to know there's 1200 iron ore 1500 coal we might be able to make that work we have all of the iron ingots here and then we could turn this all then into boundaries this pit into foundries and then yeah we can figure out what to do with the constructors from there but no I'll figure out what to do with the iron and let's just continue our insano spam maroonski build more think later the factory must grow and oh man what a genius call it was for past kids to make this new blueprint here it is making my life so much easier as this terrain is absolutely wacky uh just like with the last setup everything's gonna be all good until I have to figure out like belting items into and out of the system but hey for now the machines they fits and I'm sure it will be fine oh wow have you guys ever just been like catastrophically wrong because wow that that's me right here right now oh the machines just barely fit in here and then with the belt work it was like bro send help please but at last there was none so I had to figure it out myself long story short there is stuff going literally everywhere going up down even leaving the pit itself oh to scoot through and end up over here big problem with a lot of this was that when we're going from like the iron and coal to the steel we end up with more steel than we did with the inputs which is a poor way of explaining I had to do a bunch of balancing and stuff to make the belts work which was annoying but it would be even more annoying if the system didn't work first try come on though it's gonna be fine it's set up now so yeah for sure for release it's gonna be fine yeah that all goes down this way where is this supposed to go this is why I set things up this way so it's easy just to point and click I don't have to think about it much more okay things are going to the right locations the belts soon to have the steel love to see it over here same deal fantastic and at the end of the line all of it's waiting here for us gorgeous now for the next Parts the constructors we need lots of them and we have kind of another weird bit of space over here where we're gonna build them we're gonna build the constructors going down this way and then over to the left this is kind of the edge of the Abyss between the slab and the dirt and I'm pretty sure there's no other point we're ever gonna be this far out again so this is our one opportunity to utilize the space we have to make things work a little bit bring this up build Constructors out and then for Giggles why not make my life a little bit more difficult too let's add in a pillar support for our main Highway up above we need to start doing this now or else it's gonna be harder later and uh yeah it's kind of just in the way we have space to do things at least now so at least it's not as bad oh but your boy Kim see Khan did it again yeah there's plenty of stays over here for a lot of Constructors for sure but we're dealing with a lot of material and at the end of the day we actually need 50 Constructors they handle all the steel we're making and this wasn't enough space nor did I want to overclock them so come with me pick a journey across the bridge so what I've done is I've reorganized a lot of the belts also to get that pillar involved got some backup storage now things are going up and they're going over the road and then they're going to set up two where we have all the extra Constructors we need and then a little bit of load balancing so things can work out in the future but anyway the journey continues just building more foundries for complicating stuff wherever I can as I've been building like all day I'd be getting a little better better at things making sure problems don't arise and I'd say that we're moving along quite nicely in fact I would say at this point we're about halfway done which is about that point where I start to go a little crazy you know you set up enough foundries and you start to go a little funky in the brain so let's do something a little crazy ourselves let's do one super massive Mega System and use up a good chunk of free space we have 1800 coal being brought in by this single train alone so we are going to bring it down over this way through the pitch I guess over this oil setup place and we're gonna use this huge bit of land that I've been saving to set up how many foundries is that gonna be a lot yes divided by 40 45 it doesn't seem like a lot but that's like an entire quarter of the project but be done right here right now how do we want to go about this well clearly the coal has to come through this way this belt just has to not be here and we will start building the foundries here down in the pit which is four wide perfect then they will overflow to the edge of the world and at some point we'll start to build Constructors over in this direction and although my mind is going it is at least going well and we are really flying through this and it fills me with determination because this is one of the harder parts of this entire Factory build and I have labeled it as such in my spreadsheets and also I just love to put in like little bits of organization among the chaos just makes it stand out and look so freaking good dude and okay brought it all over all the foundries are set up or at least in place it's looking pretty cool it's hard to say I'm just so happy that there's so many so much done all in one go that's kind of the thing it's like when you're building in a project doing a lot at once is really time efficient but what we've been doing is kind of just building haphazardly wherever and although it looks cool it takes a lot of time anyway this is all set up same kind of deal with all of the constructors just a little bit of balancing to make sure the right amount of items go to the right places and whatnot and then iron is kind of all over the place so there are two nodes over here that I could draw from a node over there that I could draw from and all of the stuff goes into the forge with a lot of belt work a lot a lot a lot of belt work but I stuck with the terrain as best I can and although the wiring is a little bit crazy it's pretty well organized a little bit of space here and there to use at a later date but that's okay at the end of the day all the steel pipes end up over here and with all the belt work that's going on I know there's gonna be a problem I know it I can feel it in my bones where will it show up though some iron on a steel mine Some Coal just in the wrong place simply put a couple machines that aren't powered that's no problem uh oh wait a second one of these is not like the other oh boy problem number one that's it's not fine it's kind of fine depends on how bad the problem is where's the iron going from here to what is this [Laughter] video game what what why would it do this all it had to do was go over me to be but I was like nah nah okay well that that was kind simple problem though uh big mess clean it up in a second just want to try and keep an eye out for other mishaps and conundrums a lot of high up belts and grooving all over the place couple things probably not set with the recipe so it's just a grab that control Z control V that's working overall it looks like that was kind of the only big problem except for right here why you know produce why is there nothing here is it just an overflow oh because of the whoopsies but in my book I consider that a success when I build something like this insane and huge there's only one small problem yeah that's a good day in my books oh but it feels even better building some cool belt design and then finishing up a huge project that you've been working Forever on now with that we are done for today and like usual the blueprints are gonna be posted on patreon so feel free to support me there for those and other goodies and anyway that's gonna be all so I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 154,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory drones, satisfactory plutonium, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory nuclear, satisfactory new update, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, satisfactory how to, satisfactory let's play, satisfactory tier 8, satisfactory experimental, kibitz, satisfactory trains, satisfactory update 7, satisfactory game, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory steel, satisfactory steel factory
Id: 5a96FWW8I2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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