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hello welcome to my shop again in the previous video I showed you how to scarf the ends of a bandsaw blade so you can weld it together so today I'm going to be showing you how to do that see if that jig that I had on the first video works well and then the next video that I did was how to make the scarf joints on the end using this jig so today we're gonna see if it how they work here so we'll just zoom in on this a jig again just as a review if you haven't seen how I made it and demonstration on that watch the first video but it's just three pieces of angle iron it has a guide where we're going to line up the blade two on this side this is where we're going to weld it this will clamp it the blade down securely and then this is an additional clamp which clamps it down towards the end there so everything will be lined up good anyway I'll show you the next thing I'll show you here is how to put the blade in and get it set up for welding and then we'll silver braze it together okay here's the ends of the bandsaw blade with the scarf joint put on using a 1 to 10 10 degree angle the body of the bandsaw measures 250,000 so you multiply that by 10 you get a quarter of an inch so from the end to where it ends should be about a quarter of an inch if you've done it right there so anyway that's how it looks and we'll put it in this jig here okay on this jig here all we have to do is slide that slide the bandsaw blade in from one side till it gets into the center and it doesn't always work as well so it comes out right in the middle there now the other one already in here ready to go but before I do that I got to put some month special soldering well you keep using that word soldering because that's what's you're acquainted with but this is this is actually brazing and the reason it's called brazing is because the temperature is above 500 degrees below 500 degrees the term used to join metal with a dissimilar metal is called soldering above 500 degrees that's actually called brazing now the next thing I have to do is get a little piece of silver now I bought this silver from a jewelry we split that a jewelry supply place and then later on I found out that to cut a little bit of that hopefully I don't lose it and then I'm going to just put that little thin piece in between there now I found out later that Lee Valley has a you can buy this the whole kit from Lee Valley with the paste and the and the silver and it's it's probably what where you would want to get it and I'll just tighten this up and that's how she looks there just tip that up so you can see it there the teeth should be right up against the the guide and we've got our overlap here it's all clamped down ready to go so let's give it a try here okay the silver braze this together you need a heat source and common one of course is a little propane torch may not give you enough heat unless you have a really good one and you can also get different cylinders that give you much higher temperature higher heat as well so if you're doing this with one of these use the one with the highest temperature that you can get that'll work quite well I've seen number of people doing it on the Internet and they're using propane but today I'm going to use a propane oxygen mix through this torch here so I I just have to start it up here that's the propane burning there now to get the oxygen to mix when you use one of these things if you just add the oxygen and it quite often doesn't come up to the center if it'll load should be all done that's all there is to it well I was pretty easy now we'll just loosen up the wing nets here and pop it out of here and I'll show you how how to clean up the wood they graze there you go and that's what it looks like there and being that have a quarter-inch area there where the silver is joined on it should be much stronger than the welding ones that are just butt welded I've had those break often it's going to be interesting to see how long one of these actually lasts if it ever comes apart okay to clean up this joint here I'm going to use this little power file you might say there's other ways you can do it too but I found this works well because I already have okay that's one side and believe it or not you can turn these blades inside out so you can through the other side just turn it like that now I got the other side up or the join goal there is to join there just clamp that in there [Music] I did not read it quickly now I'm going to mic that and see what it says you have to fix it yeah just showing a few thousandths over so I'll have to just polish that a little bit better but you just have to take a little time and get it so it just perfect all the way across there okay well the next step I'm going to show you is how to sharpen the blade this will be another video and just remind you again that the silver or a jig can be got from Lee Valley they have an excellent little kit there for twenty-five bucks for the silver you
Channel: Brian Procter
Views: 11,888
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: Bandsaw blade repair, silver soldering, silver brazing, Bandsaw blade, DIY bandsaw blade repair
Id: m7O4CrQ6RGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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