Brazing Broken Bandsaw Blades

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hello my name is Carl Holmgren and I've got some bandsaw trouble again out of my total of eleven dance-off mates I know her for better no longer endless so it's time to do some dancehall blade welding and I thought I'd like to show you a video I repaired by techniques for repairing dance-off blades by welding or by brazing to be more correct my sources of information on welding brazing bandsaw blades number one out of three number one goes back to May June 1983 fine woodworking magazine preparing bandsaw blades an article that does not have an author so it's published by the magazine but they say that it's compiled from information contributed to wash Adams Doug Paulette and John leek basically the article says that blades need need to be ground with a chamfer on the ends so they overlap and you need a jig to hold the blades together for brazing another article that I found to be useful was one that I saved from Popular Woodworking magazine I just clicked off the article and an article by John Wilson and he describes a jig for holding the blades together and for grinding the ends of the blades with a chamfer so that they overlap at the point where the blades are raised together there's a very good youtube video under a channel named Tom's techniques and awful links for all three of these sources in my description below Tom's techniques also describes building a jig to hold the blades together and grinding the ends of the blades of a chamfer to overlap them the authors of the two magazine articles talk about annealing the blades after they're welded that and that basically both articles suggest that the blades should be cooled slowly after they're welded to allow the weld to anneal and not become a brittle I know that when you douse the red-hot metal in water it makes it very hard and brittle so I'm going to do the opposite of that let it cool slowly in fact Wilson in the Popular Woodworking article says that actually you should play of the torch flame across the joint for some minutes after the will to to allow the metal to anneal and cool slowly the first thing we need to do is grind a nice long chamfer on the end of the blades on the outside of one end and on the inside of the other end so the blade can overlap where it's braced it together and what I've come up with fir for grinding a chamfer on the end is this kid for my disc sander a ten degree wedge with a loosely fitting block that I can press against it with its little eccentric crank handle is it int they put this on back for trimming up miter joints just clamp the blade in this jig late 2004 turning some types of desk and then just touch it very lightly so don't overheat or discover the metal I do not have the desk connector turned on because I don't want to close sparks into the sawdust now if you Shan for the inside of the blade and you want to shampoo the outside don't think in retire just put the leg in the same way teeth up and it will automatically Schaffer the opposite side of the of the other end I like to examine the ends of the blade with a loop just to see if I've got a nice sharp knife edge round on the end and that this shaffer looks good here's my jig for holding the bandsaw blades for raising just attach a couple of pieces of shallow angle iron to the top of a wood block nicely aligned then for clamping the blades in place two short pieces of angled and a couple of Bulldog paper clips kind of just clamp this in my bench vise drop the blades in place tightly against the angle so the scarf joins a center apply a little bit of flux this is just the erratic acid paste flux now here's a silver solder strip I just cut off a small piece maybe 1/4 by 3/16 of an inch and slide it between the blades at the scarf joint a little bit of heat try to eat both hands equally eat until you can see the silver flowing out of the joint then reheat on both sides of the joint to anneal the metal and then reheat again yeah should have a good blade with a very nice smooth weld well that's four blades welded one of the saw tensioned ones nicely and three to fold up gloves for the cheese sauce store to form the lanes into three opposite sides just twist the top one revolution little bit will fall into place everybody hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching thanks for warning you draw the folks you things might be interested and thanks for subscribing
Channel: Carl Holmgren
Views: 164,552
Rating: 4.8538589 out of 5
Keywords: bandsaw, bandsaw blade, bandsaw blade welding, silver solder bandsaw blade, Repair broken bandsaw blades, broken bandsaw blades
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2016
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