Silkie Guide - FFXIV Criterion Dungeon Boss 1 (Another Sil'dihn Subterrane)

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hi guys and welcome to a Hector lecture Guide to the first boss of the new Criterion dungeon another silden subterrain this is Silky the only positions you need to pre-agree for this fight are basic spread positions they should be on Cardinals it doesn't matter who's where but tank should probably be North just as standard you also should be aware of the following basic mechanics that will occur throughout the entire fight anytime silky's tail is green or Arrow this is going to be a donut shaped attack be warned this uh in or donut or Dynamo whatever you want to call it is smaller than the boss's hitbox it aligns uh about with the boss's inner hitbox so be careful that you don't get clipped anytime that silky's tail turns blue and icy this is a plush shaped attack and anytime that silky's tail is yellow or electric this is going to be an x-shaped attack these are all based off of where silky is facing so silky's facing a different direction they're not obviously not going to hit in the same spot another version of these come with a line stack this is the slippery soap version of this if you get the green line stack version everybody should stack in front of that player but be aware that this comes with a knockback followed by the donut this can be immuned if you'd like If instead you get the slippery slope line stack with the ice element attached everybody needs to stack in front of the affected flare but needs to stay moving to avoid a deep freeze that causes heavy damage and will likely kill the players an easy way to approach this is to just have all your players jumping while waiting for this to go off you just need to be moving the second the kaspar finishes don't forget to dodge out of the plus-shaped AOE that will come out afterwards finally if silky's tail goes yellow and electric the line stack variants of this everybody should stack in front of the player but very near to the boss everybody's going to get a debuff that causes them to explode in a small electric AOE afterwards so we just need to spread while we Dodge the X attack afterwards this is what the spread positions at the beginning were for as long as you go to separate spots this is very easy to dodge each other the fight begins with the Voss casting fizzling Suds this just makes their toss their tail Electric shortly afterwards the cast soaps up and they use the electric to explode in an x-shaped attack as long as you're not an enter Cardinals for the start of this fight there's no mechanic dust Bluster is a knockback that's centered on the middle of the Arena you can just knock back immune this or ride the knock back preferably diagonally to avoid any chance of going into the wall and picking up a DOT then we get the boss's First cast of fresh puff anytime they cast this you get little mops that fall onto the floor three of them will fall and they each have an element you can ignore this for now the boss will cast bracing Suds and make its tail green stacked behind the boss for squeaky clean in squeaky clean the boss is going to do two hits in front of them followed by a third hit that hits to either their left or right side all you need to do is look at which side the boss flops its body onto first in this case the boss has flopped its body onto the right side so the whole party is going to dodge right as the boss is doing its little sweep attacks this will change any of the mops it hits to the green element as a result two of the mops will always become green this is a problem if you ever have two Donuts go off at the same time it's essentially guaranteed you'll get hit by one so we need to change one of these to not be green to figure out which one look at the remaining mop in this case it's yellow think about the attack that that's going to give off this attack is going to be aiming at one of the two green mops whichever one it's aiming at that's the one we do our next mechanic towards so in this case it's the northern mop every layer should move over in that direction the boss casts chilling Suds and turns its tail icy blue immediately afterwards you get slippery soap so we get a line stack whichever players targeted needs to make sure that the furthest player from the boss and also Behind the Green mop to make sure that we turn it to Blue make sure to stay moving and finally don't forget to dodge the plus shaped AOE if you've done this all correct this next bit's quite simple eventually move over towards the green mop the tank is going to get targeted with carpet beater which is a tank Buster mitigate this and also make sure that you move the boss over to the green so that everybody can keep up time while we're waiting for the green mop to explode shortly afterwards the boss cast soaping spree and be well inside the boss's hitbox on top of that green mop so that you can make sure that you don't get hit by any of the attacks all three mops explode at once and you should be safe this is followed by total wash total wash is a hard-hitting RAID wide that comes with a pretty spicy bleed you can skip this bleed with proper shielding and medication it takes significant shielding and mitigation to accomplish this so you might want to decide whether or not it's worth it to just heal through the blade or to use a lot of your mitigation and shielding resources on this first one as the next one will be coming up less than two minutes later however you deal with total wash the boss will Now cast either chilling Suds turning its tail blue or bracing Suds turning its tail green the reason I show you these aoes they don't go off for a very long time but they give us an idea of where the safe spot will be for this next mechanic either in the corner for blue or in the middle for green this next mechanic is probably the hardest one in the fight so I'm going to show you all four possibilities starting with the easier ones which are if there's bracing Suds and the boss turns its tail green fresh puff spawns four new mops two will always be blue two will always be yellow and the blues will always be opposite each other as will the yellows these can either all spawn on Cardinals or on intercardinals however they spawn here's how they work they will start to tether each to a random player let me break this down with just one player after a set amount of time these mops are going to jump in the direction of that player a set distance because the distance they jump is always exactly the same if you stand right next to the mop the mop will just Leap Frog over you and you don't have to worry about dodging this little AOE at the end after some time passes the boss is going to set off all of the mops and they explode based on where they've landed now one thing that makes this tricky is the mops turn to face whichever direction you send them if you send them a cardinal direction so up down left to right there's no issue they just hit the way you'd expect them to but if you send them diagonally they actually rotate and therefore their AOE goes off diagonally as well we can take advantage of this but most of the time we're going to try to not send them diagonally to avoid it for the green pattern where the boss's tail is green the general idea is this you want to make sure that all of your yellows end up on Cardinals and all your Blues end up in Corners however you want to accomplish this there's tons of different ways to do it but this is the simplest way to keep the middle empty and free so if they happen to spawn on Cardinals your yellow players already have orbs on Cardinals so they just send them directly out towards the edge your blue players aim them towards any of the near Corners it doesn't matter which one as soon as they've been sent stack up in the middle the boss cast soaping spree and everything goes off at once including the boss's Donuts If instead it's green but the orb spawn on the intercardinals blues they're already in the corner so you want to keep them in the corner however don't send them diagonally that'll rotate the blue AOE and it'll go straight through middle and kill everyone instead just send it out to the edge but vertically or horizontally yellows send it to their nearest Cardinal once again it does not matter which cardinal or corner you send it to Stack Up middle and after soaping spree everything goes off and once again the middle is kept perfectly safe now if the tail is blue instead this means that we need to keep at least one corner safe there are again lots of different ways to approach this I'm just showing one possibility that I found intuitive for this method if they spawn on intercardinals you want to send everything directly out diagonally what this will do is it'll mean that the corners near to the yellow orbs are always going to be safe so in this case yellow orbs are on one and three so the one and three squares are going to be safe at the end all four of these aoes are going to be rotated but they happen to rotate perfectly to make sure that one and three are safe if the yellow orbs have been on two and four instead two and four would have been the safe spot it's always in front of the yellow orbs for this if instead they spawn on Cardinals my preferred method is to have Blues just send their orbs directly out while yellows send theirs in a clockwise fashion so yellows go to the nearest corner but they send them clockwise you can't have your yellows go just any old Direction otherwise they're going to not leave any of the corners safe if done correctly the safe spot will always be where there are not a yellow orb go to the other Corners in this case one and three everything goes off and once again you've got a nice big safe spot there are other ways to do this possibly ways to simplify this down but they make the safe spots tighter so just decide with your group how you want to deal with this mechanic afterwards the boss casts slippery soap this is going to be with a random element in this case the boss is chosen blue deal with this line AOE the same way that you did previously don't forget to dodge the following attack for whatever element it is you get your next total wash to heal and mitigate through and we move on to Fresh buff 3. this time the boss spawns down eight mops all with a mixture of different elements no need to even bother looking at them yet because before any of them go off the boss will cast Eastern ewers and spawn three water jugs that you might recognize from the uh ivalus raids these are going to go down from north to south across the arena and they're going to just wash away the element for six of these mops when the boss casts soaping spree now you're just dodging the final two so this could be green yellow yellow blue yellow just look at the orbs that you have and find a safe spot that allows you to dodge the combination of their two aoes if there's ever a green you stack on the Green the boss will then cast chilling Suds turning its tail blue and then Target the tank Buster with carpet beater your tank needs to go all the way out on either the east or west Edge it doesn't matter which one you choose but you should probably focus on whichever one is closer to the tank so they can keep maximum up time have the rest of your group go towards the other edge of the Arena as the boss will follow us immediately with slippery soap and Target a line AOE at one of the players that player needs to make sure that the boss dashes through all six of the remaining mops so make sure they go all the way out and don't forget that every player needs to stay moving and needs to dodge the plus-shaped AOE at the end immediately have your tank pull away from all of the blue orbs they're all going to go off at the same time in a second so pull the boss away so that the boss is not vertical or horizontal with any of these blue orbs the boss will always power itself up with a green orb element and soaping spree will go off at the same time as the blue orbs so be inside the boss's hitbox and you're good we now get a dust Bluster that targets the north of the Arena once again this can be knocked back mutant the boss cast bracing Suds giving it the green element and we get our final fresh puff this always spawns down four blue mops all in a vertical line across from middle to the southern edge of the Arena these will tether all to a random player and the general principle is the boss is going to shortly cast squeaky clean and try to turn them green if any of them turn green we've got two donuts and we've got a problem you're going to likely wipe so we need to make sure that these all Dodge the squeaky clean attack there are two main ways of doing this uh I'm going to show you the first which is the most common method I've seen which is just you find the orb you're Tethered to as the boss starts casting squeaky clean stack right on top of it and as soon as you see which side is safe so in this case the boss is landed right so we're all going to move right you stand just to the right of your orb so you send it directly right be aware you need to be careful not to send them diagonally because if two orbs land too near to each other they will explode wiping the raid as squeaky clean goes off the orbs will jump just before the final hit and Dodge this hit so they don't turn into the green donut aoes afterwards you just stack on the boss making sure you're not in line with any of the blue aoes and you dodge both the donuts and the blue ioes at the same time there is an uptime strap for the same mechanic in this version when all of the blue mops drop instead of going and finding your orb so that tanks and melees can keep up time you just stack directly underneath the boss as squeaky clean gets cast as soon as you see which side is safe you move one tile opposite in that same direction onto the corner if you stack perfectly on that corner all together the orbs are all going to jump at the exact same angle so they won't overlap you will have to move to dodge the AOE and it's quite a quick Dodge there but none of them will get turned green and you've kept full uptime be aware the safe spot on the boss now is very small you need to be directly north of the boss and you need to be still within that donut leaving you a very tiny area for you to dodge but there is room for you to dodge there's a total wash raid wide and from here on it's all repeated mechanics I recommend pulling the boss middle here just to make it so that it's simpler to know where you go in case you get the lightning spread version of what's next but you don't have to because all that's going to happen is back to back line aoes these can be random elements either electric ice or the wind and you deal with them as I showed at the beginning of the video in this case it's an electric one so the group are going to stack in front of the player that's affected and then immediately spread towards their agreed position there's a second one of these again a random element is going to go on to the boss these can be the same back to back and deal with it exactly as I showed at the beginning here it's the knockback version don't forget the follow-up attack when all said and done the boss will finish off with one final slow cast of Total wash which serves as the enrage kill the boss before this goes off and you have cleared the first boss of the new Criterion dungeon don't clear it in time and it's a wipe thank you guys so much for watching I hope you found this useful be aware if you're trying to try the Savage version of this dungeon all of the mechanics are exactly the same nothing changes it's just an increase in the amount of damage that goes out and a bit stricter on the time limit for the whole dungeon so hopefully you'll find this and some of the more optimized strats like the uptime Strat useful if you're trying to go for the clear there as always any tips suggestions comments let me know in the comment section really would like to hear thanks so much guys take care
Channel: Hector Hectorson - Hector Lectures
Views: 93,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silkie, FFXIV, Final Fantasy XIV, Savage, Criterion Dungeon Savage
Id: AtWaOqBRlzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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