Another Aloalo Island Boss 3 Visual Guide || Kobe's Classroom [FFXIV] (Criterion Dungeon)

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hey all and welcome to Kobe's classroom the visual guide for the Criterion dungeon another Alo allo Island Boss 3 this is the class setup that we'll be using for this guide the fight begins with arrow 4 a raid wide that puts up death walls trick reload is one of the main mechanics that you'll see multiple times in this fight status will attempt to load eight bullets into her gun but we'll miss two the two that she misses gives us the order for the stack or spread mechanic as well as the safe spot for another mechanic if she loads the first bullet we're going to need to spread first and the safe spot will be one less than the first bullet she misses in this case two if she misses the first bullet we're going to need to stack first and the safe spot will be one less than the second bullet she misses in this case three trap shooting will give us the first stack or spread if we're stacking we just stack in the middle if we're spreading we just go to to these spread positions so we stack and then we get trigger happy we just need to move into the safe spot which is three Ringo Ringo explosions will spawn bombs in one of two patterns there's this one which we will call the star pattern and this one which is the normal pattern one bomb starts glowing and all bombs attached to it will explode we get the second trap shooting which will do the opposite stack or spread so here we just avoid the bomb AOE and spread the spread AOE is a lot smaller than it appears but you should still respect [Music] it we get another trick reload this one would be a spread first with a safe spot on six we get some more bombs and then dart board of dancing explosives which will spawn the start board pay attention to where the glowing bomb is and which ones it was Tethered to because the outside bombs are going to rotate around a number of times three players will be marked with blue Dart circles our goal is to have one Dart player on each color to do this we have the tank on Blue the Healer on yellow and the DPS on red however if both DPS get the dart like in this case we have the melee adjust onto the color of the support that didn't get it we get trap shooting and the bombs will go off there's enough time after the bombs go off and before the trap shooting stack or spread to adjust onto the correct color so we do that and the mechanic resolves each that has a dart on it will explode so there is a lot of damage here surprise balloon spawns two balloons which will knock back when they pop the ging glitter gives everyone a forced March Direction when we see the trigger happy segments appear we use our knockback immune and stand in the safe segment this lets us ignore the balloons entirely if you're too early you may get knocked by the second one so just try and position for it after both balloons are popped when you need to force March into either the middle to stack to stack or away from the middle to spread the opposite of what we did during darts we get an arrow four and then status becomes untargetable and we get an intermission phase we solved this based on what Bomb Pattern we get first let me explain how it works one DPS and One support will be Tethered to some hands the other two will be Tethered to a missile getting hit by your tethered object will instantly kill you the hand players will need to resolve an enumeration perir stack the missile players will need to resolve a chain and then a very large pink AOE additionally there will be four staffs that would do donut AOE and the bombs going off I'll show the harder pattern the star pattern first bombs spawn and the top point of the star becomes our new North Middle three bombs will always be the ones exploding the hands missiles and staff spawn and tether to a player we need to identify the spot where the pear stack will take place there's two ways to find this you can find it by identifying the left or right bomb that's closest to a staff it's a little south of that one or you can find the bomb out of those two that's on the Ring of a staff the other one will be on a crosssection I'll keep the spot highlighted we have the two Hand players stretch their hands to lead them away from the spot and then rotate around the arena to end up at the spot the two missile players stand in the middle the chain will appear between the two missile players but they need to wait until the large pink AOE appear before moving the missile PL will run directly north and south opposite that missile to break the chain the north missile will move a little closer to the P stack and the South one moves a little further further away this is to ensure the pair has enough room and then everything resolves the other pattern is much easier in my opinion everything appears the top of the bigger triangle is on new North and this is where the pair stack will be taken the hand players run to the edge a little away from it so they can drag their hands and then just rotate over to it the missiles will wait for the pink AOE in the middle and then move East and West opposite their missile to break the chain then adjust slightly for the bombs and starf aoes this would be the most annoying mechanic in the fight it might take a few tries afterwards we get a second dart board this one will have a blue circle showing where a dart will drop and there will be three orange flame walles on the outside we find the wall without the dart color and make that on you North we preposition DPS to the West and supports to the east this is so we can see who gets the other two darts a support and a DPS will get chains the other two will deal with enumerations again the chain players stack in the middle ready to run directly east and west along the dartboard line to break the chain DPS West support East the enumeration players will head north with the DPS on the tile on the west of the north line and the support on the East tile the pink aoe's appear and the chain players break and then head into the tile just sou of them there's one last bit to this if both players of the same role have a dart the enumeration player of that role will need to swap to the other side of the North Line in this case both DPS have it so the DPS enumeration will move over everything resolves and make sure to move out of the way of the flame walls that are rotating around we get an arrow 4 and then the last mechanic but don't worry this one is really easy the G and glitter will give forced March two players will have a short 40c one the other two will have a longer 51 second one we get a trick reload let's say a stack first and safe spot on one we get a trap shooting and do our first stack spread so we stack present box will spawn four staffs we get some bombs and we get trigger happy and the short Marchers need to position and angle to get into the gun and staff safe spot once they get there it resolves the second trap shooting starts casting and the long forced March needs to be ready to March into the bomb safe spot and the stack will spread everything resolves and that's it there's three more eror fours with the last one being en rage and the fight is over if you manag to clear congratulations if not you'll get it next time if you like this video you can leave a like comment and subscribe you can follow me on Twitch or Twitter at bigy live I just wanted to take this time to thank all of you have left really nice comments over this series it really does mean a lot to me I'll see you all on the next one [Music] peace
Channel: Big Kobe
Views: 47,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, ffxiv, final fantasy 14, online, dungeon, criterion savage, kobe, mmo, guide, criterion, variant, ketuduke guide, another aloalo, another aloalo island, aloalo, aloalo island, alo alo island, another alo alo island, lala guide, statice guide, Boss 3
Id: udfdLSYi7W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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