Thordan Unreal Guide (The Singularity Reactor)

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hi guys and welcome to a Hector lecture Guide to the fight the singularity reactor unreal this is thorden this guide is based off of the third and extreme fight that is currently in the game at midnight level and silenced Echo if there are any differences between this and the unreal it's about to be released I'll post them in the description below for this fight you're going to need clock spots I recommend using a pattern similar to this because it doesn't matter that you alternate 10 caliber DPS and instead this makes it easier to adjust these into uptime based clock spots which we can use throughout the fight you're also going to want spread positions for when the boss is on the wall and I recommend using something kind of like this though the exact pattern that you use doesn't really matter finally there's a single mechanic that really benefits from having a priority system for Towers I recommend leaving this to your ranged in healer and just having a priority for left far and right near in this case I'm doing R1 H1 H2 R2 from left to right first the first phase is a lot of very basic mechanics note that throughout the fight the boss will use ask on Smite which is a very small cleaving mini tank Buster this is fine just face the boss away from the group because if that hits anybody else it's likely to kill them first mechanic stack middle for meteor rain as soon as puddles appear Dodge them shortly afterwards the boss will face a direction and cast aslan's Mercy you can either Dodge behind this or in the gaps it's really easy to dodge it's telegraphed very clearly whenever the boss casts the dragon's eye they're gonna give themselves a stacking buff that's going to increase their damage the dragon's gaze is a standard gaze attack so look away from the boss lightning storm requires everybody to be spread though these spreads are not very tight so most players can be quite near to Middle they're very small afterwards immediately stack middle for the dragon's Rage which whenever you see this this is a stack and it's clearly telegraphed to the stack marker so stacked together finally there's ancient quagga which is a standard raid wide to mitigate and shield through afterwards the boss will become untargetable the stage will transition and we begin our intermission phase so start this everybody should stack do middle and in a second everybody is going to be chained to another player and you're going to start to see fire puddles as soon as these appear every player should run out to the edge of their clock spot these will naturally Dodge the fire puddles that will chase a couple of the players and will break all of the chains adjust a little bit away from each other if your chain Still Remains Unbroken Four Towers are going to appear but these always appear out at clock spots so four players are naturally already positioned to soak these when all said and done head back towards middle sir zefram spawns in the middle and casts sacred costs this is just a straight DPS check burn the ad down as the lower that their health is when they cast sacred cross the less damage it does to you as a raid wad when the cast is almost finished three ads spawn around the outside but you can completely ignore these finish the boss The Raid ride goes out and now to deal with these ads who are casting spiral thrust you could focus on where they are and try to position to avoid them but no matter where they appear these lines on the floor pattern are always safe just go to the edge of any one of these whichever you want to and you will naturally Dodge these spiral thrust dashes when that's finished start to position for the next set of ads will always spawn in the same spots have your main tank pick up one you're off tank pick up the other keep them apart from each other and have them face outside they start by casting Divine Right which will give one of them at random the sword of the heavens buff and the other one the shield of the heavens buff sort of the heavens is going to give that ad they're going to deal more damage but they also take more damage while the shield of the heavens does the opposite the odds need to be spread because if they're next to each other then they're going to share their Buffs with each other and they're both going to be non-killable and doing a ton of damage if you have them spread out immediately have your group Focus down the sword of the heavens ad they'll start to cast holy blade dance which are tank Busters and whoever is tanking the sword of the heavens ad needs to watch out this is going to do a lot of damage make sure to mitigate this heavily or potentially even involent right about the time that you've nearly killed the first app you should see that one of your DPS is going to get targeted with a blue dive bomb marker this does heavy damage on them and proximity damage to the other players that are near to them so they should take this as far as they can away North the next DPS play area that gets targeted is going to take their dive bomb South and then one more DPS will get targeted and they should take this North Focus down the final ad while you're doing this the ads now only going to go a rotation of two casts holiest of holy which is a RAID wide and holy blade bands which is a tank Buster as we've seen when both ads are dead start to stack up do middle again for this Dex mechanic just like the previous time we stacked in middle and when it's time to move we all run to the edge of the Arena at our clock spots just like we did the last time wait till the ads appear three of them will tether with players but don't move yet wait until you see these void puddles appear underneath you as soon as you see these immediately run out towards the edge what's happening is three players are tethered and are going to get the ads dashing towards them the other five players are targeted with these tracking ice puddles that are gonna drop by running out to our clock spots we Dodge the void puddles in middle and we naturally spread out these attacks so nobody gets hit all of this is going to go off at the same time wait a second for the void puddles to disappear and now run towards middle there's going to be a knockback from middle so position so you're not getting knocked back into an ice puddle when that's done all that's left are Comet circles and meteor circles now these are essentially a DPS check the comet Circle should be taken down first as their damage goes off first be aware that you don't need to actually break every single Comet Circle you can survive one explosion of them but you need to take down at least seven at the very end when all the common circles are down Focus the meteor Circle while you're damaging these some of the players are going to get targeted with these markers here they're going to have meteors drop down on them and they just need to say roughly spread from other players as it does Splash damage be aware as well that there's going to be a ad that's going to be doing sort of this wave Earthen attack just make sure that you're not stood in this the aoes are very well telegraphed Focus down the comet circles and then the meteor Circle and stack together ready to mitigate and heal through the ultimate attack the boss will hit with several small weak attacks that do a light knockback heal and shield through these and then finally all of the ads together are going to help the Boston perform ultimate end as a raid wide make sure to heal and mitigate this for the second phase start by pulling the boss a slightly further south and facing them out towards the edge the boss will cast dragon's eye and from now on every time this is cast in addition to getting the next Buff the boss is also going to spawn this giant eyeball somewhere around the arena from now on anytime that there's a gaze attack you need to look away from both the boss and the eyeball as they're both not safe we now get our first combo during the second phase one of the healers is going to get marked with this green marker they're about to get jumped on and they're going to be targeted with sort of a wild charge line stack what we need to do is have them be the furthest player away from the group everyone else stacked in between them and the middle of the arena with the off tank nearest to Middle the player will get jumped on and that healer is going to be stunned they can't move they can't cast everyone else needs to prepare as you're about to get this spear thrown at you all out a particular cutscene the main tank will be targeted with Heavenly heels so they need to be making sure that they've got heavy mitigations on right about halfway through the light sphere is going to attack off tanks should be using cooldowns for this as it hits the first player harder than anyone else and if a single player dies to this mechanic it's an instant wipe be aware that getting hit by this gives you this debuff here which lowers the amount of healing you take which is why it's best for the main tank to not be part of the stack just mitigate instead when all said and done there's dragon's gaze so make sure you're looking away from both the boss and the eyeball there's an ancient quagga red wide to heal through and now the dragon's eye is cast and the eyeball is going to teleport somewhere else I recommend immediately pulling the boss towards that eyeball and positioning there I'm just going to rotate the entire Arena right now just to make this a little bit easier to understand what we're doing this next mechanic is best seen as a combo so for the first Knights of the Round combo I recommend having your players positioned like this with your R1 H1 H2 R2 sort of in their left to right priority as I discussed at the beginning of the video we get two ads one on the edge of the arena and one middle the one middle is always going to be doing the Earth and wave attack that we'd seen previously the boss is going to be using a gaze mechanic and the most difficulty we get Four Towers this is the challenge these towers will always appear in a line but there's a lot of different ways they can appear they don't have to appear diagonally they could be a horizontal to where you've positioned sometimes you'll get three of them near the boss and one away or the opposite and sometimes they're in a vertical line in line with where the boss and the eyeball are as a way of trying to deal with any of these patterns so that you always have at least one player soak them most of the time we leave these two the healers in the range so that melees can keep their uptime we use our Left Right priority so from left to right R1 H1 H2 R2 this works for the vast majority of patterns you just need to make sure you look where all the towers are and don't commit to one Tower until you're certain you're in the right one the only pattern this doesn't work well for is when you get the vertical line of towers but for this we use the same priority but now R1 takes the furthest Tower followed by H1 followed by H2 and most of the time this means one of the towers is in melee range so we can just leave that to a tank or melee and your Caster R2 can just ignore it while positioning your Towers make sure you avoid the first Earthen wave from the outer middle and you're looking away from the Gaze both from the boss and the eyeball main tank beware you need to look sideways here the first Earth and wave will go off at the same time that the Gaze goes off and then Dodge the second to Earthen wave while remaining in the tower as they go off at the same time finally you get void pundles under every single player but you don't really need to worry about these just dodge them while also avoiding the third Earthen wave they'll get larger as always but just stay away from them finally when they disappear everybody should run middle as there could be dragons rage stack targeting one player everybody needs to be position middle for a knockback from the remaining at as long as you're all middle you'll all get knocked back together you can move the stack a little bit closer to the Bots to get uptime but stay stacked ready for the stack to go off dragon's eyes cast and the eyeball teleports away but we don't need to move the boss's time as the eyeballs not involved in the next combo for the second Knights of the Round combo this time we get an ad that appears around the outside this ad is going to cast spiral thrust through the middle of the Arena so we need to make sure that whenever we're doing things at the end we are not in line with this ad start by spreading for lightning storm when these spreads go off immediately afterwards one player is going to get targeted with a dive bomb marker and another player targeted to an ad in Middle all we need to do is have the main tank immediately move the boss so they're not in line with the ad that's got a dash through middle that spiral thrust at and the tether and the blue dive bomb player just need to go away they don't have to go directly opposite if they don't want to but they should be spread from each other and not so close is to hit everybody else who can stack on the boss ready for a dragon's rage stack as long as you're positioned like this you should take minimal damage and be fined if it's a melee that's targeted with either the other two markers you might want to try to see if you can sneak them closer but beware it makes it more likely you might kill someone else there's a Heavenly Hill tank Buster to mitigate through and then the dragon's eyes cast and the eye teleports again you want to pull the boss in front of this eyeball as the eyeball will be involved in a gaze the third Knights of the Round mechanic is going to get cast this one is a big combination of the Boston and everything it possibly can at you you get the fire puddles and chains between players the boss is going to cast a gaze there's going to be these comets markers as well there's going to be ice puddles on players and you're also going to get an askalan's mercy so much to deal with really simple stack of the boss and as soon as you see the fire puddles run out towards the edge of your spread position your clock spot this is naturally going to dodge the fire puddles it's naturally going to break the chains it's naturally going to spread players for both the comets and the ice puddles so they're not near each other and now you just adjust slightly to a Dodge the asclean's mercy when all said and done Stack Up on the boss as you get an ancient kraga a Heavenly heel and another ancient coaga raid wide the boss will cast dragons eye eye teleports pull the boss towards it and now this final Knights of the Round is less of a mechanic and more of a soft and rage you're going to get a bunch of ads jumping down and they just immediately do raid wide damage after three of these the next day that falls down is through zefram again he tethers to the boss to make the boss invincible and cast sacred cross this time he has a lot more health so you might need to use lb3 or whatever melee limit break you have to be able to try to get them down quickly enough everybody should focus downstairs immediately as you get near to the end of the Sacred crosscast there's still raid wides going on and these hit heavy so make sure you're mitigating and healing up Healers near the end we got a dragon's gaze but since most players should naturally just be facing sir zefram it's only the main tank that really needs to focus on looking away here once there's Ephraim finish the sacred cross there's another raid wide and from this point onwards there's an ancient quagga red wide a Heavenly Hill tank Buster and a Spam of asalon's mini tank Busters I recommend having your off tank away from your main tank at this point so if the main tank happens to Die the next astalon's mic goes to the off tank and not the entire party when the boss is done with that spam you get one long cast slow ancient kraga which serves as the enrage kill the boss before this goes off or it's game over thank you so much for watching my guide I hope you find this useful good luck with the unreal [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Hector Hectorson - Hector Lectures
Views: 179,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thordan, Unreal, Singularity Reactor, FFXIV, Final Fantasy XIV, Savage, Extreme
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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