FFXIV - How To The Solo Firebird Mount (Every Heavensward Extreme)

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this is the firebird Mount you get it from clearing every single Heaven's word extreme and collecting the mounts from them now that might sound difficult but it's actually not bad you can even do it completely by yourself if you have no friends or just looking for a challenge so I went ahead and on this character I'm playing obtained it completely solo and I'm going to tell you about how I did that and tell you about which fights are the easiest and and such so that you can also get a cool Firebird even if you are a friendless weirdo to go in order of the extreme unlocks bismar extreme is the first one you'll have to get them out from and this one is honestly probably the easiest which makes sense generally you'll want to go in order the reason I think this one is so easy is because honestly there's no real damage required you can have no idea what you're doing on your job and still be fine as long as you watch out for just a couple small mechanics so like I'm just playing footage of my clear here for you to watch you'll get to watch my clear's on all of these and you know obviously once you kill first two guys you got to turn on the the thingy in the middle I'm so smart with my words there but the main thing that some people might find difficult is the Cannons you have to fire both so after turning on that Shield I would go preposition yourself next to one and as soon as you press one pop Sprint and make it to the other side I use my Reaper teleport to speed things up and having Reaper or dancer and a skill like that can be a big help but you can do it with just Sprint and I see people mess this up in normal mode all the time so I have to say it when you're go to damage bismar climb onto his back don't stay on the island or your attacks will be useless the other thing to worry about really is that when he summons his snake looking friends you have to kill them really fast big Damage Big damage otherwise well they'll group together and buff each other and be really painful if I recall I can't really remember honestly but I'm pretty sure that's what they do they have to be tanked separately when doing it synced for that reason but as long as you kill the first one really fast then the other one just goes down easy no problem there is a small thing to watch out for after killing them where if he goes into the wind mechanic after the ultimate you may get hit by a knockback so I would hang middle after you wait patiently and maybe do a dance yeah ultimates are always a little bit of a dance party nothing going on really most of these fights the longest amount of time in them will be spent just waiting for animations like this now see after this he can choose either wind or lightning weather and there's like different Mechanics for each but it doesn't really matter when you're this overleveled at level 90 but you got to kill his guys easy enough but like everything you kill in this fight is ADS it is so easy as long as you can make the Cannons and kill the snakes it's a walk in the park now see he chose like this rain and this windy type Vibe so that means there is going to be a knockback I don't remember if you actually are supposed to kill the bubbles I just did I can't remember if it's this one or lightning you're supposed to kill them but yeah now stand mid because that knockback will throw you off the platform if you're not in mid and then after that you can hang near the Cannons because they will trigger again here here as you can see he goes down like within a couple hits it's really no big deal this fight is definitely the easiest damage wise if you're not confident on your class this is a good fight to start with and that's all there is to clearing bismar and then you just keep doing it until you get the mount whistle and then you move on to the next fight the next one is raana which is also very much a walk in the park if you have decent enough damage you can kill him in like 30 seconds I'm not even kidding it's less mechanical but more hit him hard yeah there's really not much to say about raana he dies in like 30 40 seconds with good damage you might personally find him easier than Bismark if you're comfortable in your class damage but more annoyed by mechanics Bismark is more mechanical raana is more hit hard do big damage really they're both just as easy I personally think bismar is more zone out don't pay attention but that's just me but as you can see this guy goes down so fast just nuke him over and over take his bird and then move on to the next fight up next on the unlock list is thoron Extreme but Thoren is one of the hardest ones to solo him and sephra are the two ones are that are the most difficult I would suggest leaving them until last if you're new to attempting to solo things they're going to provide an bit of an actual challenge for you most of the thoran fight is actually pretty straightforward it's only towards the end you'll see the difficulty just focus on doing as much damage to Thoren himself as possible because at the end you have to out DPS that mechanic where he throws a spear like you know he throws the spear like you know he killed orchant very sad like the spear gets thrown and it's I think it's aimed at a Healer usually and a tank has to intercept but it will destroy you even overleveled I discovered at some point in the past this might change in the future or it might have already changed it's been a while since I actually saw the mechanic but overall skip it skip it if possible these guys you just got to do their mechanics honestly that's all there is to it you're going to get a paralysis from these towers not much you can do about it because there's only one of you not sure it's even worth taking a tower I do it just for the funsies but you know beat him down to 0.1% health and then wait for the next one to happen most of your time in this fight will be spent waiting for these guys to transition between their little phases because it's just they die so fast and and they like don't know what to do with you make sure you're not in line with these guys to not get hit back as you can see I got hit and thrown to the wall it doesn't hurt you much but you want to hold on to your health in case you do see that spear mechanic these two will buff each other if left alive for too long so similar to the Bismark snakes take one out ASAP otherwise you know one gets a sword buff one gets a shield buff and it just gets more annoying I think it's doable but it's obnoxious and I prefer to just kill one and skip it now a little dance party yeah you'll be targeted for everything this is fine and normal and you will survive you just kill all these meteors but as you're doing so don't use your burst hold your best like bursting skills for when thoron comes back like I'm using the medors to try and like enable my oud here so that when thoron comes back I can just hit him with oud and if you missed one it's not a big deal I got hit by one in another pole and it didn't do very much damage at all thoron doesn't let you have a dance party he doesn't like it he does still have one of the coolest like screen effects for his ultimate like ever though yeah now you just kill him kill him fast you don't want his mechanics to happen most of them are probably fine but you don't want to reach the spear mechanic because last I checked it kills you that'll probably change with da tril maybe unless it's just that bad fun fact is if you approach this as a tank and can't outdps it you can actually survive the spear attack with a well timed invol the timing has to be just right but I did it with a Super Bowl light I wish I had the footage of it I just I don't feel like doing it again I've done most of these on both tank and DPS for the record so they're pretty doable any class but now let's move on to the next fight next up is nit hog one of my alltime favorite trials personally he's one of my favorite villains in The Game and his bird is pretty cool too I mean look at it it's like evil void bird but this fight brings us back to nice easy ones because it's not hard there's really only one thing I'll suggest you look out for in the very end beyond that it's mostly hit him till he dies classic strategy it doesn't even really matter what order you take out those ads in I find all three die so fast it doesn't matter at all then of course you can have a dance party as he turns into aian maybe cry a little if you're a die hard Asian fan I like to pretend I'm cool and use epic gamer strats placing that just far enough where I can get in melee range on the other side without being in it but honestly you can probably eat it and then glowy nid hog now here's where you need to watch out just a little bit because aor still hurts pretty bad aor is the repeated stack that's happening right now so you know I popped my little Reaper Shield but you know I'd recommend popping blood bath as you're attacking during aquor because that will bring back you know your health or any similar skill on whatever class you're playing this is just from a melee DPS point of view and of course you know Second Wind after it's over honestly this was not not as good a run for me I can usually kill him just after the stack ends so like that's possible and that's pretty much it you just do it over and over until you get them out once again and then you move on to the next one we've reached the Waring Triad and the first of them is sephra Extreme who is the other somewhat difficult one on this list I would recommend leaving him until the end with thoran if you're uncertain on what you're doing he can be a little difficult for reasons you'll see in a second second do as much damage as you can to him out the gate because you there is a decent DPS check in terms of where you can go the first phase here is just straightforward hit him hit him hit him hit him then kill his ads they go down really fast or you don't even need to expend a ton of effort on them you'll notice I believe I also used these ads to build up and shroud because I wanted it for the next phase because I need to do big damage to sephar himself that's what the hardest fights in this have in common thoron and seot it's really about a DPS check to the point you can't continue that point will get pushed further and further back as especially when Da tril drops here's where it gets fun now I honestly didn't remember any of these mechanics doing it because I hadn't been in his fight in such a long time so I would suggest making sure you actually go to the correct side of the arena for the attacks and you won't get unnecessary damage Downs you can ignore most of what's going on just he's going to do that make sure you go to the right side of the Arena based on your debuff if you need to if you do fine without it then whatever now these towers are the problem if you have two people it's no big deal he'll go down easy but if you're soloing then these towers cause you a lot of pain and so then you're limited you have to kill him before the extra damage damage you're taking thanks to missing a tower takes you out which is why I hung up front with those circles and just DPS my little heart out as well as making sure to use things like blood bath and second wi to keep my health up now you might be looking at these hard ones and thinking but that's not hard it it depends honestly it might be hard for some people who don't know their class rotations as well who are new to endgame they're the hardest of these but you might go in and find none of them are hard at all especially if you're like a Savage Raider or something but you know a casual player might go in and find these difficult I don't judge I'm just telling you what to expect anyway next on the list is Sophia who is also a very easy extreme solo as long as you don't fall off the platform that is the only thing you have to look out for really stay on the platform and you can have this Golden Bird it really is pretty straightforward here hit or till she dies honestly I didn't do any of these mechanics I just ate them if you find yourself struggling at all it might be worth looking up a guide to Sophia extreme and just making sure you do the mechanics but I didn't find I needed to I found as I just followed basic AOE and ate anything else and I was fine there was one time this bit threw me off the platform I think I might have actually hit arms length in this clip because of it because I was afraid after that and I don't know what happened so that might happen but you always just pull again these guys usually have a set order you need to kill them in and when you're doing this like synced or whatever but it doesn't matter here they all go down so fast none of them are going to get anything done also no you can keep hitting her until that Shield goes goes up when she first teleports to the edge you can keep hitting her till that Shield goes up don't don't stop this is where you don't fall off if you just always Head East first like I did you should be fine I never saw her start the other with the other side so just when she goes to do her ultimate move East and just go with a slide and then again back to hitting her till she dies you don't even get a dance party in this fight because nowhere to just stand and then that's all there is to it for her and that leaves only one fight left and it is probably one of the easiest ones up next to zeron and honestly forget skipping sore you're skipping everything that's that's how it goes that's that's how you get this awesome bird you really will just take out most of his health while he's trapped up here like this once again the Only Rule is don't fall really staying around the spot you spawned in will serve you just fine in terms of not falling I have seen with a proper group of like four or five people him going down to like 0.1% and just dying when poked as soon as he gets down to the bottom because apparently you can't kill him up here it'll force you to wait until the phase change there will be a little ice Circle under him that gives you heavy down here but it really doesn't matter you're you're skipping everything who cares if you stand in some ice but yeah that's pretty much all there is to it in Easy fight for an easy finale because zeron was kind of a loser and so was I he had the last laugh there as you can see I know I know clear your inventories before doing this people but now that you've gotten all of those birds you can finally get the one I showed you like 20 minutes ago just head over to Idol Shire and you'll find a pretty obviously named Quest right by the etherite to add on some technical information here at the end make sure you are doing the Duty Finder with an unrestricted party so that you're going in at level 90 you will not be able to solo these at level 60 trust me the other thing I want to point out is my gear is not like best in stat endgame gear this character is an ALT so he has basically the bare minimum of I did some normal raids and bought some crafted gear so you don't need like best and Stat item level as of right now where patch 6.5 part one is current and the standards will change D tril probably will render this whole thing irrelevant and all of them will be as easy as the horses it's just something I thought people might enjoy doing while waiting for the next xack to drop especially if they don't have mounts yet because that's like eight whole mounts you can get just from doing this all by yourself that's really all I have to say thanks for sticking around I don't usually make stuff like this so I apologize if it seems like weird or patchy or like messy I don't usually make properly eded videos most of my stuff is just random funny moments mashed together for my friends to admire so I hope this was helpful either way so as the real YouTubers say thank you for watching
Channel: Altias
Views: 3,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, mount farming, guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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