Signs of Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a severe mental health condition that can have serious effects on a person's physical and mental wellbeing. People with schizophrenia are disconnected from reality. They may experience hallucinations and delusions that cause enormous struggles in their day-to-day lives. People move through three stages of schizophrenia. Symptoms build up, worsen, and improve, and then the cycle can start all over again. Let's take a look at each of the three phases and how they affect someone living with schizophrenia. Phase one, onset. Early signs of schizophrenia may look like other mental health conditions. They include feeling afraid, suspicious, or paranoid, withdrawing from family and friends, trouble focusing, or loss of motivation. Phase two, active. Soon schizophrenia takes full effect. In the second phase known as the active phase, the person loses contact with reality. They may have delusions and believe things that aren't true. Some people have hallucinations, seeing or hearing things that aren't there. When they speak, their sentences may be jumbled or incoherent. They may have a lack of emotion or expression when they speak, and they may move erratically or not move at all. Antipsychotic medications often improve these symptoms. Phase three, residual. In the third stage of schizophrenia, they may seem recovered or improved, their symptoms lessen, but they may still hold on to odd beliefs or show little enjoyment or pleasure. Without consistent treatment, improvements are usually temporary. Hallucinations and delusions may return, and the person can slide back into the active stage. Most people with schizophrenia are not able to recognize their condition. They often try to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. If you believe a loved one is living with schizophrenia, encourage them to seek help. Treatment is available. The right medication and therapy can limit the severity of their symptoms. (bright music)
Channel: Cleveland Clinic
Views: 175,834
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Keywords: cleveland clinic, schizophrenia symptoms, mental health, what is schizophrenia, stages of schizophrenia, 3 stages of schizophrenia, onset stage, active stage, residual stage, onset schizophrenia, active schizophrenia, residual schizophrenia, first stage of schizophrenia, second stage of schizophrenia, third stage of schizophrenia, mental health condition, schizophrenia, mental disorder, schizophrenia symptoms examples, schizophrenia symptoms video
Id: hDroA6eawsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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