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this one has been posted several times:

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Aerik 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey what's up guys welcome back to another video in this video I decided to record me having an episode which is I'm currently having and I am going to talk about what I'm experiencing so I am currently hearing voices and they are telling me that there are communist spies out to get me I have not checked the windows like I normally have because I'm trying to fight it and not like go to that dark deep hole yuria I okay so there's one voice as a man telling me to turn off the record recording software and stop recording I before I started recording I I'm kind of fading in and out of of what's going on if that makes any sense at all I don't know let me explain more one second I'm just trying to cope and I'm talking to my parents about how I feel and then the next second I'm thinking they're communist spies and I just don't even know I don't know I I should have wrote a script for this but I'm not functional enough to write a script but I'm parently functional enough to record I don't know I okay this hasn't nothing to do with what's going on but I ordered this laser pointer on wish it's like a shopping app but it's like for cheap things ordered it two months ago and it came in yesterday yeah it's a laser pointer see look at the background I don't know I'm trying to make light of the situation when my necklace broke my I don't know if I mentioned I have this my security alert or medical alert necklace it has my name says schizophrenic my blood type and a phone number to call so in case I go crazy out on the streets and someone finds me I got this necklace wrapped around but it broke a while back and I need to get it fixed I don't know who's laying here so I decided to talk about it but what I need to be talking about what I mean what I'm dealing with I'm sorry I need to get to the point Oh God freaking I heard a voice all senators yell I got you and then I made me jump [Music] yeah they're very like verbal went out now that I started recording I don't know if that has to do with anything they weren't as bad but now that I started recording they they've gotten real bad so for those of you watching [Music] you know it's really hard to explain what I'm dealing with unless she gets a critic and watching this then you probably understand but I mean I know every person is different but I I think things are mostly the same no I don't know what causes schizophrenia all I know is that it can be genetic units or caused by illness or something like that but I don't know why I don't know there's a lot we don't know [Music] to block out the voices I listen to music really really loud and it helps block out the voices so I'm going to do that but I'll still be talking to you guys it's just I like listening to music if you wonder what kind of music I listen to I listen to everything like I like all music but my least favorite our country and rap those are my least favorite country and rap don't hate me for that but uh right now I'm listening to enigma they're 1990 album that's on YouTube it's like an hour long I heard an explosion like like like an old classic footage of a bomb exploding so I'll make some mushroom cloud that's what I heard just now I don't know if that's a message of meaning something I keep getting these these messages are these these coincidences coincidence stuff and and I think they mean something but I don't know what I don't know what their message from obviously someone good I think or bad it could be bad but I think there's someone good I keep hearing this phone ring this is a common occurrence for me I hear this phone ring and then I don't know hello frickin I just heard a voice on the phone it told me to kill myself you know I hear this a lot and you know I really debate if I should or not but I never do I guess that's a good thing I'll put my music back on and I'm gonna grab my phone again because I threw it across my room man I've been recording for 16 minutes and it feels like only like - I really like enigma I do doesn't nothing to do what's going on but I don't know I'm just listening to him they're awesome at least the first song over there 1990 album sad in this saternus I don't know something like that ok so the song is coming to an end and I'm going to go ahead and go back to without without headphones because I'm going to talk about what I am hearing because I realized for the video that's what I should do I should I shouldn't block out the voices I should listen to him and talk about what they're saying so I heard the phone ring I got to the phone it was quiet for a little bit and then I heard a voice just say kill yourself and so I threw my phone okay they're telling me to look out the window I know there's not I know there's not any spies but I uh I have to look out the window like it's hard I have to it's like I need it's like I need to like I know there's nobody out there but I need to sew my windows literally like right in front of me it's dark though so I can't see anything yeah I don't see anybody up there but they're telling me there's people out there I don't know I well guys I think I'm gonna end this here I'm kind of done I am I don't feel like recording or anything like that so um well I can subscribed if you subscribe hit the bell icon so you know when I post more content like it and all that stuff thank you for watching I hope this was somewhat educational I don't think it is but I hope it helped out and thank you very much for watching see you
Channel: Schizoin Through Life
Views: 6,797,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schizoin Through Life, Schizophrenia, Schizophenic, Schizophrenic on camera, Schizophrenic has episode
Id: N3jo-0bdSsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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