Signs Of A Broken Heart And How To Heal

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today we want to talk about signs of a heartbreak and how to heal the Scriptures tell us to guard the heart with all diligence out of it flows the issues of life and as I really begin to execute that and think about it how do you really affect the heart how do you affect the heart of a man on the heart of a woman it has to be due to relationships yeah parental relationships platonic relationships romantic relationships all types of relationships once you've been abused once you've experienced trauma once you've experienced pain that could really affect your heart and so we want to park really quick and spend some time on how to identify that your heart is broken because if you don't understand the state of your heart you won't know how to properly medicate your heart so our first sign is you're emotionally stranded hmm what does that mean I'm mostly strength it means you are just stuck you cannot move past that you can't move past the break-up you can't move past the adultery or the divorce or the hurt or know whether it was your fault or the other person's fault you just can't move on if you have that type of numbness where you feel like I just can't move past this crying at work are you just thinking about it all the time you're emotionally stranded I'm stuck in this this sail of a fence I'm stuck in this cell of woundedness yeah I'm stuck in this cell of brokenness and to be quite honest you might begin to say stuff like I'm never gonna love again right done with men I've done women don't a relationship I'm never gonna get married the gravity of what hit your heart was so massive man I just stuck and this leads us to point number two rest vacancy rest vacancy is when you just can't sleep you might be laying down but you're not really getting rest man you're waking up tired like the first emotion you feel when you wake up is exhausted you're feeling drained you don't want to move you don't want to get up no energy like passion for life or passion nothing you can't find rest this is a sign that your heart is probably broken whatever three is bandaged candidates and that's like a rebound relationship basically like you get into situation ships relationships or you find another person to kind of fill the void of what that person was to you that doesn't work well it's almost like you're using that person to to fill the place if they don't have the capacity to fill bandage relationship is when you try to use a person to stop your bleeding you don't love yourself or them enough so recognize I'm damaged yeah and I need right now to not enter the relational pools see people always make this this false statement there are many fish in the sea the problem with that is they're sharks as well when you get in the relational waters while bleeding you will attract sharks because the enemy does have people in the earth designed to prey on the wounded Poornima for substance escape this is when you're trying to find a substance to cause for you to escape from your reality escape from your pain alcohol marijuana crack peel appeals it's almost a false hakuna matata type of philosophy that it means no worries you can never heal from a void that you avoid and when you practice this type of methodology you're never getting to the root that makes you know it makes you know it makes you numb and may fog you for a little bit fog you for a moment but it never allows you to properly heal correctly number five is a vaulted heart and you have basically built walls and you're like you know what I'm hurt there's nobody gonna do this to me again and it's on lockdown and I'm throwing away the key the Bible says to guard your heart not vault your heart right the problem if you wall your heart you can't get out and nobody can get in so those are some ways you got identify if your heart is broken and so now how do you heal from it you have to have an autopsy you have to figure out how did this die like what killed my marriage how did my wife die at this relationship die was it me what the thing was it both of us what was the cause of death right right if you don't recognize the cause of death you could possibly entertain something else that's deadly number two is have a funeral and listen this is necessary you you have to have a funeral for that individual not like morbidly like you want them to die but you have to have a funeral for the relationship and what once was like that is no longer gonna cut that's not gonna come back to life if I keep rehearsing it or try to keep it alive in my heart my mind and my life in my emotions I try to keep it alive it's gonna keep honestly killing me I need to have a funeral for my past and you know what keeps us emotionally stranded is false hope so we won't let go fully because we hope there's some way and somehow sometimes God doesn't want certain relationships restored he wants some fully released right could it be that it was God that was instrumental that caused this relationship to end because I can't really get you to level 10 as long as you're entertaining this relationship and God knows who's toxic for you in your level 7 and he'll remove them in level 8 because he knows where you're going in level 10 and number three is burial have a burial once you have a funeral did you go to graveside you carry it this means you have to get rid of possibly some old gifts yeah pictures you may have to deactivate Facebook you may have to unfollow some people whatever it is that is constantly irritating your world this is not permanent this is a season not a state this is a season not a sentence you have to recognize for this season of my life due to what my heart is going through due to the trauma in my heart I gotta get our social media due to the trauma you know I cannot continue to keep these gifts I can't keep because it keeps taking my mind back to the place that's causing for me to open the womb that I'm begging for God to heal what number four is removed and replaced and I think that this is a really really important point because you have to get yourself back to a place of a healthy living and healthy and thriving and flourishing so maybe this is the time like once you've had the burial on the autopsy and in the funeral once you've had all that stuff now it's time you know what let me live again let me get back to my passion let me get involved in the lives of other people let me focus on something that is productive let me start a new hobby let me go back to school let me do something that's gonna you know let me know that I have a lot of life in me that this didn't break me that this didn't in me let me remove this from my life and then replace it with something that is good for me this isn't like you know another relationship like we said before this is something that gonna be beneficial to your life to help you along them in healing process so that you can really pour yourself into something that's gonna make you a better person honorably and God has this same methodology he'll either remove it and replace it or remove it and become it since the fall of man God saw that sin plagued us and he went to remove it so he had to become it he who knew no sin became sin for us and the same way I think maybe God replaces some things so that he could become your everything place about working out right places by joining the book club replace it by going on mission trip replace it by giving to your community remove it and replace all in love with him fall in love with Jesus Christ all over again the point number five powder reflections this is when you the clay yeah has to stop and pause and remember everything the Potter said about you reflect on his promises reflect that you the head and not the tail reflect on all the things God said about you versus all the things that they did to you yes I mean in room and remember that you're beautiful that you're it's you're handsome that you are you have wonderful qualities that you've got something going for you that you have a lot of Life to Live it's you're a good person like reflects on all the great things about yourself and don't allow that breakup or that the severing of that relationship whatever it may be don't let that define who you are let yourself be defined by what God says about you and what you believe about yourself and last point give it time yeah regardless if you join a fitness club regardless if you do mission trips yeah they're all good but there's just some things at time only communion time heals and time is always a friend it only becomes our enemy when we waste it this is a becoming process but I'm recognizing that it's a unbel there are a lot of things that you have to under come there are a lot of things that you have to unlearn a lot of things that you have to detox from so that you can fully embrace everything that God is trying to get you to walk into yeah give it time Sarita foreign TV where we're redefining relationships righteously 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Views: 80,865
Rating: 4.9794698 out of 5
Keywords: REDEFINEDTV, redefined tv, jerry flowers, tanisha and jerry flowers, christian dating, christian relationships, relationships, how to heal, broken heart, healing from a broken heart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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