Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend (Don't Let Him Slip)

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hey welcome back so you have this friend who you either know for a long time or just met you notice something odd about him but like in a good way he's really nice to you and you guys just click now you're wondering if he has feelings for you yeah I know you don't want to flat out ask him because that will kind of ruin the friendship you guys have going on or make things awkward if he says no so to understand him a little bit more I've compiled a lists a list of 15 signs he likes you more than and friend number 1 he wants to know you better when a guy likes you he just wants to know everything about you he wants to know how you got the scars on your arms every tragedy you've ever been through and the when you grew up this doesn't mean that he just wants you to talk he genuinely wants to know more about you later on you'll see that the stories you share will help him create a stronger bond with you when a guy is attracted to you the way he approaches you and talk to you will be different you will realize that he cannot easily forget your stories and since you are open to him about it he will open up to you as well number two he gets physical with you he will want to be close to you as possible you will find lame excuse to touch you but of course an appropriate way if this is the case just know that he wants to move the relationship to the next level just notice those excuses like brushing your shirt touching your hand giving you hugs or giving you a high-five just to come in contact with you on the other hand there are shy guys who do not do this and that's okay because he respects you and totally understands personal space but being physical with you is a strong indicator that he likes you number three he will remember the things you tell him if you happen to share his story with him especially regarding your personal life he will remember the details of it you will probably remember it way better than the exams he trying to study for it last night he will never forget your birthday your dog's name your hometown your favorite food and other my new details in reality a typical guy would not care about things like that if he didn't like you however since he does then there must be some form of attraction if he remembers every you tell him that it means he's trying to pursue you or that he has a photographic memory which is unlikely true number four watch out for those long gazes when a guy has a crush on you again just sit there and daydream about you or keep staring at you because he can't get enough of you sounds creepy right but wait it's true when you like something and you don't know if you can't get it you're just there I did like it kids staring at a toy but in this case he's staring at you because he wants a relationship with you if you catch him looking at you frequently there's a great chance that he's falling for you already number five he takes initiative whatever he wants to do he'll be the first to do it and ask you whether it's going out together messaging you or doing other things to get your attention at this point he already has it in his mind that he is set on pursuing you you'll will know that he won't finally gather up the confidence and courage to do such a thing and that's probably hard for some guy to do so be prepared for that if there's an opportunity or he knows that you are interested in him as well he'll be the first to ask you out number six he calls or messages you a lot or he does both he will find excuses to call or text you if he likes you friends normally text each other but if he calls you then there could be something more to it if the call lasts more than an hour you can tell that he is interested in you if you want to hold a conversation with him you can check out my other video on how to keep a conversation going with the guy link is in the description if you want to check it out but at the end of the day it's up to you to determine whether the cause are normal or if there's something going on as for texting you know that those good morning texts and those good night text will be the norm and you bet you'll get at least one text a day from him if he is interested in you number seven he gives you lots of compliments look at how many times he tells you that you are smart or dressed beautifully if he is the kind of person that doesn't like complimenting people but takes every opportunity to compliment you then you can be sure that he has some feelings for you I mean who doesn't want to be shower with compliments inside and out number eight watch out for jealousy this is super obvious if he gets jealous when you talk to other guys then it's a strong indicator that he likes you if you share your love life that's opposite from his thoughts and he responds in a jealous way then that's a strong sign that he likes you more than a friend this is the hardest to fake or even conceal the stronger his feelings for you the more jealous you will get when he sees you with another guy number nine he makes you laugh sometimes a teaser two won't hurt you but will make you laugh he won't cross the line and go overboard and be mean to you he'll crack some corny jokes with you just to make you laugh if he can make you smile and laugh every time then he can be a potential keeper sometimes a funny guy is just what you want to have a happy relationship number 10 he talks to you differently maybe he is not the kind of person that is open to share everything with his friends but he opens up to you observe the detail he share with you if he shares some of his most sensitive information with you then it is a sure indicator that he likes you enough to do it men are open to share sensitive information with those people that they trust and like watch and compare the way he talks to you and his friends is is something special and different how is his tone of voice a man who wants to move his friendship with a woman to the next level will not just talk to her like one of his guy friends or an acquaintance number 11 he respects you if a man doesn't respect you then he is not worthy of you he will respect your values opinions your time and overall you as a person he won't be forceful and try to change you because you are you and you are unique and that's what he likes about you if he is not respectful then I believe you shouldn't be with him to begin with because imagine the relationship down the road you will have many differences and break up now do you want that number 12 listen to his comments concerning other women if you pay close attention on how he comments about other women then you can be sure whether he won - relationship advice or if he wants you to realize that you are the woman he wants he might ask you what kind of guy you want in your life this will help him understand you more and plan his next move to try to get with you if he shares some information about his past relationship then he may already trust you and want you to know where he is coming from and he has nothing to hide but that's if you ask him and he's won't he shared the information with you this leads to number 13 that he doesn't mention other girls with you I believe this is common sense but just in case if the guy really likes you he probably won't bring up the other girls or vent about them that's if you decide to ask him he will never want to jeopardize a chance with you by bringing up the past doing so will just make him seem like a player if he has a long history and girls typically don't want to date a player unless you're really into that then this doesn't matter I guess number 14 he likes being around you he is always happy to see you his face will lighten up with a genuine smile all the time when he is with you he likes listening to your problems or simply listening to you talk because he wants to be there for you also he does it because he cares about you he wants to spend more time with you because he likes you if he flirts with you that's a strong sign that he's into you but at the same time he wants you test the water to see if you're interested in him or not if you like it then just let him continue being him number 15 pay attention to his body language hey guys body language can tell you a lot about his interest in you I've created a video talking about how he guys she really likes you with body language you can check it out if you want link is in the description to briefly go over this you can check and see if his body is engaged with you when you are talking to him if his front body is facing towards you then he is engaging with you and paying close attention he may also lean close to you when you are talking also watch if he locks eye contact with you again physical contact is a huge giveaway that he's into you you know those accidental bumps and hand brushes who does to touch you yeah those they aren't so accidental now that you know overall if a guy really likes you then he will eventually ask you out but that is if he genuinely feels that you're interested in him as well some guys can be direct and some guys can be shy at times for those that shy guys you should give him a little push or reciprocate your feelings back to him so he knows your sign once he feels comfortable and know you are more likely to say yes he will ask you and want to move the relationship to the next level I hope these signs will help you and if you liked this video please like subscribe and comment down below to share some of your stories with the community and as always thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: True Medallion
Views: 1,044,165
Rating: 4.92839 out of 5
Keywords: signs he likes you more than a friend, signs your guy friend is falling for you, signs a friend likes you romantically, signs he likes you but is hiding it, signs a man is in love with you secretly, how do i know if he really likes me, am i just a friend to him, is he falling for me signs, telltale signs guy is falling for you, non verbal signs of falling in love, signs a guy is falling for you body language, signs he likes you, signs your guy friend likes you, more than friends
Id: -xr7ZJN4ECI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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