Sifting Sand And Water For Cold Spring Treasures

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today's going to be kind of a quick adventure but hopefully it'll be fun and productive well we're gonna do is we're going to dig some gravel out of this spring area right here now this spring has been occupied by Native Americans for thousands of years and what we're going to do you see the Spring House up there and I'm gonna show you that to you just before we get started I've got a scrub a bucket here and my shovel and a screen and we're going to screen out some of this gravel because if you look in here it's loaded with pottery that's already where so this could be a couple hundred years old so no crock of some sort it's lots of bricks this area seems to be loaded with little artifacts like that and we're gonna sample here run a sample up here we're gonna sample down there maybe even up by the spring house itself today unfortunately we have very limited time probably no more than about 40 minutes but it'll give us enough time to get some samples of what's here up here real quick gonna show this to you just in case you haven't seen it people who watch my channel very familiar with this area I'm sure oh this is where the spring pours out from this rock ledge right here this is the water that they use on the farm and it would come down through here this is an old step that in-laws this is my in-laws farm they never knew this was even here I just uncovered this recently this is a step that goes down was part of built in 1700s this is what they call a milk house and what would happen is the water would come through it like in that trough right there and they said the milk cans in here keep cool it's like a natural refrigerator and I guess other products they kept using here to keep cool limited time we're gonna get thirty at five or six buckets see if there's any one area that's better than another and definitely want to hit up there above the spring without steps are too we don't have time today we're gonna come back and do it later but we're gonna try this is a dead muskrat right there he's been falling apart for the last month or so not much left some skin it was skin right there but that's about it all right let's throw some dirt I'm some gravel in that screen and see what we come up with I'm looking for buttons Cloney lira buttons maybe some some Cooling's maybe some civil war bullets Civil War buttons not just anything marbles find a lot of marbles our own spring so it's not having the past of arrowheads the arrowheads here as well we set you up on this tripod right here and we'll get to work Dyneema gloves with slight kevlar and the cut proof no matter how sharp something is in here in theory you can't not cut through this glove freshly cut freshly shattered glass won't cut through this law now thank you poke you like a needle or something pointy but it would like that blade won't cut through it so what we're gonna do we're going to fill up ye olde little bucket with some gravel by putting the sifter there see what we have first I'm gonna move some of these big ones out of the way these big rocks small gravel cuz no these big rocks aren't anything good it's a cannonball I think well no can Matthews my hands may be probably just throw some gravel in there by hand might be Beverly tected this before but there was a lot of iron in here I think I found a few buttons or something but it's been 30 years ago I've never sifted it for something until today well dug down about probably six or eight inches it got kind of hard that just who all growling this bucket let's go over to the screen we'll dump it out wash it off and see what we can see and when this clears up we'll just kind of look it's already getting clear and just see what we can see down from the bottom I suspect that ago the artifact layer actually goes a lot deeper you know then six or eight inches into the rocks all right let's go ahead and dump it on there you see the screen is pretty small so that should catch all the buttons and stuff small right see anything I know yep oh I'm gonna grab the camera and bring it right down here up close see if we can spot anything interesting all right so let's go ahead and poke through here I'm gonna put the shovel down here so I can rest my knee on it because that ground is very hard on the knees there's little rocks and stuff let's just start here we're just gonna work our way through there's some broken glass that's fairly modern and filler for arrowheads a lot of little pieces of pottery you see that already seems buttons or coins pieces of brick actually kind of stinks a little bit I think that muskrat wasn't quite as finishes out pretty it's gonna be see some more parts here don't really see too much yet do you use like a piece of rock it's more pottery there that's a trade where nothing nothing at all want to keep in this one huh you saw something if you did let me know I could dump it out right here and then we might come back again later but we might not that's the hole I dug let me get the other camera one underwater take a quick peek then I'm gonna go up to the base of the big rock right there and we'll take a sample there and then weave up the other side of the springhouse the little underwater camera now and I'm gonna put it under and I want you to see what you can see I can't see anything from up here because of all the little ways why I see a lot of pottery and stuff that I dug up so who knows hold your breath and look close [Music] [Music] well I couldn't see a thing so there's a giant gold coin down there I want you to tell me about it we'll come back if you get it but until then let's look for that base that big rock we'll take a sample and I'll see what's there so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna look right at the base of this big rock cause it looks like there's a path that comes around and it ends right there so we're gonna dig that gravel up just right in that little area right there and pitch it over into the screen I did want to show you this this was all in a pile of gravel we just looked in from the screen I got four these four pieces are iron that's not very old that's an older square nail and this this is a little piece of leather or some sort don't know what it's too but we'll save it for now well that's a tip to a belt isn't it they would have been uh this would have been a belt and that's what if this is the end that would have fed through the buckle itself I do believe alright so time is of the essence I'm gonna dig a hole right there and pitch it on the screen now standing here putting my gloves on I think I see a button right there set a button a little white thing right there yeah it is look it's actually a an aluminum button so it's not very old but alright I'm just going to dig this out here by hand and just pitch it over the screen oh this would be a little bit more productive well hopefully we'll open my eyes and actually see this stuff can't believe I mix stuff before I wonder if you guys saw huh tell me the truth just stick it out with my fingers as best I can hit one quick bucket let me get right down to the bedrock here just like a crack I'm working on look at it with a camera underwater when we're done don't see why we left there go ahead and pick the big rocks out and just swish it around and hopefully get the silky stuff to the bottom [Music] [Applause] with me I don't see anything yet that's the hole we just dug and we'll look at that with the underwater camera before we leave let's just take a quick peek through here I try to do a better job the last time here where some of the big ones to rocks there's a little tiny nail look last night the nail is the stick boy sharp on my knee shovel those rocks are very uncomfortable but that'll be just like a cushion all right what do we have a little piece of red wire let's put in my hair we're just kind of dragging stuff down into the water a little more this time I'm just doing a little bit of a rush today because I kept you at home to take a phone call there so we're getting more stuff closer that spring house I guess I think above it's where the treasure troves gonna be rupees a wire visa balloon okay and I think people say they're going to unsubscribe to me if they ever say that again let me say I just lost two so there's no that piece of bone their pottery scene and watching like buttons or anything like really cool are you alright wonderful this one a bust I'm gonna dump the gravel out on land so I shouldn't see it see it one more time I think that's how I found most of my stuff last time and then we're gonna take one more bucket I'm gonna hit the room I almost forgot to do the underwater segment of this v-mail again I can't really see much from up here because of the reflections but under you go well hope you guys saw something for a sec can't see anything up here alright one more this is probably the very best of the spots like I was saying you can see the steps right here where they went down and they probably stood here and dip the water out actually a hole in a rock right there it might've been like a little railing or something now I'm gonna dig straight down there I've never done that and I throw it up in this screen right here and we'll just sift it right here and even if I don't find anything I'm gonna come back and do this one again cuz I know I just have a feeling there should be something in this little froth right here in front of the springhouse hold them all right oh it's very cold really just kind of pumped it up hands up and down like that a little bit they get the loose silt out of there there's a lot of silt and the heavy stuff won't move on the 90 seen it will you see how mighty look it's getting down there so it won't be anything going up the back you can't really dig with a shovel to when you hit those rocks it's off the shovel it's really difficult yeah that everything down here in the end more or less and we'll just kind of slowly pick our way through here some is big stuff I think I'll be okay without my colostomy just like you're going through this very lightly I see a lot of glass but we're not really digging just kind of moving it around a little bit walnut I promise you this much I will be back to this spot because I do want to take this out some more in or in a metal detector over the course that's around yet this is called prospecting we're looking for a spot to come back to don't necessarily find something every time but we're looking thought that was lead but it's not another big nail Oh big square nail pottery no buttons relics alright that's it for now on this one I'm gonna go ahead and get the waterproof camera out and let's take a quick look in the hole that I just dug and they're gonna have to hit the road let's look in the hole first clear are pretty good now I can see right to the bottom I can actually see some artifacts hopefully you'll see a bunch of stuff maybe even a civil war a belt buckle hold your breath I'm gonna go ahead and pick up the couple things that I can see I really can't see what's in the bottom but it looks like some pottery maybe but you already know don't you so this is a piece of pipe apparently probably had a pump down here at one time I think that's a piece of a cup or maybe no no that's a insulator no me yeah insulator electric insulator I see some more pottery I just can't see anything else though all right that's it just before we go it's the last thing you want to look at I promise I have to go look at this I was dished out like it's worn this is natural because it is that way there as well I'm kind of that way too there all right maybe one day we'll crawl up in there see where that goes Eve I gotta scoot we'll see other next [Music] and you're like another earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity well the girl she's got her secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 140,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: limestone spring, sifting for treasures, artifacts in water, searching for artifacts outdoor adventure, kid friendlly, family friendly, looking for treasure, how to, limestone springs, looking for treasure underwater, aquachigger, metal detecting, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger
Id: dNv67YHXZ34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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