Exploring And Searching A Shenandoah Valley Farm

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is at least two pie plates and a piece of wood on top it had plastic on top of that and a rock maybe there's a gun or something really cool that somebody put down there brand new adventure today we're going to do a little bit of metal detecting and exploring on this farm this is a relatively new permission for me I've only was here one other time and I hunted a small home site that's down along the river with a property owner who actually does a little metal detectors himself but today what I'm going to do is I'm going to spend the day kind of moving quickly across the fields trying to locate another spot on this Farm like I say it's 200 Acres the house right there I'm not sure if that's the Civil War era home or not but I'm pretty sure there's one here during the mid-1800s the barn is definitely pre-civil War we're going to take a look at that I might do a separate video for that because you know we'll crawl around and whatnot but we're going to go ahead and we're going to start walking down here going to explore around here can't go right up against that house because he has a tenant in there and we'd have to talk to the tenant before we can go in the yard you can see a goat down there by it we'll look at him when we go by uh but I'd have to talk to him before we can go in the yard down there and I don't think he's home right now let's go ahead and grab the gear and head on down toward that house and we'll just start down in that area before we get started though let's go ahead and take a look at this weird thing um I'm not sure what this is all about and that's the old house right there stream down below but look at this this is like an old cistern or something kind of got that little Dome when I say sister I mean it's the water catchment thing so it's got a bricks I got some water on it second side oh wow check it out dudes full of water um I think we'll drop a camera down in there after a while not today but we can always come back I'm not sure how it gets water in it because there's no building here and typically there would be a building you know to catch the rain water off the roof like that you can see the gutters and that would run down into a cistern so I'm not sure how that gets watered unless they Pump It Up from down the below I don't know where to start I'm kind of walking down toward the barn here a little Barn I'm just fascinated by these rock out cropping this is limestone uh good key making material that kind of cool how it just sticks up everywhere like that I'm just trying to glance on and see if there's anything carved in any of them because you know kids with Carter and even of course soldiers would anytime you see this kind of thing with a you know flat surface of course it does erode pretty quickly but I think if someone was serious would still see their signature I haven't even turn my metal detector on I'm just so busy just looking around I think what I'll do is I'm going to start by going with that little note that little flat area right there that just looks really interesting for some reason we'll hit that real quick and then we'll walk down through the farm checking it out and I just keep moving through the farm but I really should turn the metal detector on otherwise I'll never find anything real high just dug this right here this is part of a pocket knife no idea how old that is but it's broken up there's probably more pieces in there I would think I don't think we can get through these fences here very easily so we may have to just back go back out around the barn and get down below the house there and check those out I see something weird check this out this is a little shed with a chimney that is sitting on a post I've never seen that before that's really weird and it probably had a wood stove in there also I wanted to show you Bub's over there he only has three feet poor little devil I'm down near the stream and I got a little uh squeaker there and I went ahead and dug it because I figured it'd be drunk I think it might be an actual button I saw it I see some green right here I know I saw a button here somewhere oh there it is look yeah sweet that is a little flat button that's a shank on the back where the thread would go through that's good that's that's pre-civil War for sure almost not round but I guess it could just be crushed not too far away from the button I just dug this I'm I'm going to be digging a lot of the bigger iron today too because I'm looking for a site or any site that we can find really this is a uh a sickle bar mower tooth there'd be like a bunch of these dozens of these on a bar that would go slide back and forth and it would cut grass and hay and stuff you notice it's really chipped up bad I need to be cutting the grass here this the bar on the from the tractor would be going like up and over these rocks and this thing would be going back and forth banging off the Rocks that's why it's all chipped up like that normally it would be just more of a just a triangular shape all right not a great find but at least it's a find put a little squeaker here I just went ahead and popped it out and something interesting right there I don't know if that's going to be like a coin a small coin or a button or a actually it looks fairly modern it's a not sure what that is um it's got a washer on it that's a washer right there that metal thing I thought was a coin and uh probably I don't know if that's going to be some type of yeah it's going to be some type of electrical thing right there I guess yeah no idea what it is had a pretty good sound though but it's probably not no older than me that's a little stream is right there and I kind of working my way around uh this slot you know below the house I just dug this a little shovel it's that's what it is it's like a little iron shovel it's got to be a toy of some sort dug this little iron ring and this would have probably gone on a harness of some sort a lot of times not a lot of times and sometimes it'll be brass but this is basically a strap Junction and below the straps that would hook on here and here and here it could be four of them could be three of them you can actually see where that's worn a little bit uh would be you know the of course the strap to pull against it like that let me show you I'm using Garrett at Max today zero program having on zero discrimination and maximum sensitivity High squeaker right there so I'm hoping it's going to be something good better than say a small shovel blade to a toy it should be not Clump right there maybe halfway down oh I should have spread that out quite so much okay see what we got oh sounds good nice size squeaker that might be it that's kind of discolored this dirt is that it yeah it's in here what do you think it is oh might be a button [Music] or something else ah it just pops out of my oh look at that it's a little tiny coin I think I think it also it's a uh it's a dime but it's a clad dime that's why we got such a nice Squeaker on there you can see it's a coppery color that's the copper bleeding through so when I say claddam I mean it's not uh not pure silver or almost pure silver it's a more modern one probably here from when they were working on this telephone pole or something hard to say really well at least we got a coin oh I guess I can count that as a coin still on this little uh hill by the Stream and getting ready to move off of it but I've got another little squeaker here I hope that's not it because that looks like aluminum is it no okay I think it's gonna be something in here sounds kind of brassy not too big there it is what is it that is I think the impression something brass he's about the size of a shotgun shell there it is right there it is a nickel all right what we have here is a nickel we call a nickel a five cent piece I sort of dug the nickel right there and it got another really nice squeaker here I thought we'd dig this together although it's probably probably going to be a modern coin but hopefully you can hear that okay keep in mind though I found the old that old flat button right like right in there so oh cool outside of this so it could be could be an older coin and pop it out oh no that is a big old piece of copper but it's a fitting probably off of a tractor it's a compression fitting right there I think all right so this is actually pretty awesome I'm still on this little Hillside where that we were working and I'd actually hope to like really check out the farm today but I've only checked out about less than a quarter of an acre I talked to the guy that lives in a house here he came out and we chit-chatted and he's going up to the house here right now it's actually from Ireland uh he's been here in the country I guess most of his life but he's uh he's actually from Ireland and he said yeah sure go ahead and look around the house all you want he was telling me that there's a photograph he saw that there's a Model T parked I think he said it was a Model T Park between those trees around 1919 or something like that he said it was what the date on a photograph I don't know if that's exact date but I think that's what he said I said actually the year my father was born so I think I'm a little confused but he said there was a picture of a Model T sitting right there so we're going to go up and look around the house did warn me about the animals there's a bunch of sheep up here and some goats that might come up here you can see that one behind the tree uh might come uh might kind of give us a little uh hassle we said they're friendly let's go check it out all right so let's take a quick peek around the house let's just walk around and see what's here you see the fenced in section right here so we're going to look all around through here porch car was parked there so hopefully it'll be some nice silver coins let's just look around on the surface see if we can see anything of Interest plastic yeah so good nice Limestone block Foundation again we don't know if this is pre-civil war or not but there could be a nice coin or two in here a lot of sheep and goat manure everywhere so we're going to cover that before the day's out something going on right here I wonder what this is all about this is a little square the owner would like to know about this I'll talk to him about this this probably it could have been the privy I don't know why else that they would have that you know it could have been a building built up here and of course it'd be deeper I would have been hold up here neat thing about it is the owner has a backhoe and he said he'll think he'll dig anything out that I find so that's something we're going to look at later there's a round thing of rocks but that's a newer brick so we're not going to worry too much about that see what this is all about over here something there that could have been like part of a clothesline maybe it was anchored closing was anchored perhaps this might be an area to look to see if we can find some silver coins there's a goat um they had to amputate the leg something happened to it or the foot hey something happened to it so the guy that lives here actually kind of takes care of him that's his blood uh you see the windows are two over two big rectangular Windows post-war for sure but they could have been replaced um Civil War era windows are usually six panes over six panes the glass of course was much smaller because it was harder to make with the old techniques now you can make glass almost any size and uh after after about 1900 or so 1880s or so the glass started getting a lot bigger in the windows all right what do you say let's go ahead and turn the machine on see what we can find we'll start down here where they said the car was parked there's a little piece of china right there yeah I'm not sure how old that is but I'm going to throw it in the bag for the owner oh by the way these are maple trees right here they're fairly fast growing but according to the guy lives here these are like 100 years old and I want to show you this I think this is probably the old driveway right here you can see how it kind of goes down between the rocks and comes up to the house that's my first Target and is a pull tab now I probably won't be digging too many of these type of signals I'm going to start constant trading more on the coin type because there's a ton of junk in the ground right here let me just show you real quick metal detector what I'm hearing there's lots of iron in here and um I think what I'll do unless we start firing like Civil War bullets I'm not going to worry about the button signals and just concentrate on the more brassy sounding stuff or coin sounding stuff but I'm definitely going to crank the Discrimination back up since this has never been hunted before so we don't really have to be that careful first time we're here also far I'm just digging a lot of junk but I do have a coin sound a coin type signal right here so I thought we did this together possible that's going to be something other than a pull tab which I found quite a few of thank you see it I think it's in that yeah all right so it's in this pile right here no looks like a big uh piece of white metal called gear oh what is that that is um I have no idea what this thing is that's not actually what's making the signal because it don't if you notice but there's no sound oh there it is probably what was inside of it which you can see it's got a it's a really rough so that was probably made to grab the inside of things it wouldn't spin yeah that was it big old piece of copper brassy stuff I'm not sure what that is I don't know if I really want even care there's a bag of keep going nice high squeaker here and I think I think it might be brass I haven't pulled it out of the ground yet hope it's us ooh actually I think it might be sleigh but that's kind of what I'm hoping it is but it actually might be a sheep poo soft whatever it is I don't know how to get that deep though this nice oh wait a second what's that there's nice uh something oh no those are probably just rocks let's see man I'm not sure it was definitely a sheep pool yeah there's something right in here got to be a little careful I don't know if there's any underground cables or anything here so I have a feeling this is going to be something big like big sheet of iron or something that's under that rock unfortunately I believe well it's still really big and squeaky um is under there's a big rock right here that's prying it up so it's under there but there's also a bunch of plastic under there so I'm hoping it's not a pet burial I guess we're gonna find out I don't know what this is all about really I actually have dug pets up before by accident of course but what you hear you hear the callers you know the tags and stuff so if you ever have a pet that you want to bury if you don't want to accidentally dug out by our detectors in the future take off all the metal off of them I'm saying that's what this is but I think whatever this is is pretty big it's really oh there it is right there I think I saw it oh that's kind of weird so there's some aluminum it's probably a can or something but you see there's also is also wood down here like a so I guess you would bury a pet with a pie plate a bunch of pie plates together I'm gonna go ahead and dig this up there's at least two pie plates and a piece of wood on top it had plastic on top of that and a rock maybe there's a gun or something really cool that somebody put down there when I say gun well I guess what I'm saying is maybe it you know maybe they put something in the plastic and put the pie plates over the top and the rock over the top so that and the wood over the top so maybe it wouldn't wouldn't get quite as wet but I don't really think that's what it is but we're going to dig it up just to make sure fairly certain at this point it's not a that much pet burial so I'm kind of curious now all right so what do we have here's a piece of wood that's a steak that's a steak someone drawing one maybe this is an old Garden maybe I bet that's what this is all right yep that's what I bet you that's what we have here this is probably a garden area uh have the steak there you stake your crops up with it you use the plastic to keep the weeds down like a mulch and use these aluminum pie plates what you do is you hang them on strings so they spin in the wind and it scares little animals and other birds and stuff away supposedly I don't that actually works but I think that's what we're dealing with here is it just an old garden vegetable garden which I didn't even notice was actually a vegetable garden right here and I think it kind of reinforces uh my my thoughts that we were digging up an old vegetable garden over there by the toward that shed if you look you can see it's actually got the black plastic that's some of the stuff we dug up that's what they use for the I won't say mulch but it keeps the weeds from coming up and you can see there's some more over there uh you got the steaks except they're using rebar and you have instead of a pie plate you have a fake owl and suppose these this helps scare away other you know Critters and other birds and stuff that might eat your fruit and vegetables so I think what happened is they just moved the garden at some point from over there over here actually kind of imparted myself for picking up on that all right so here's the deal I uh I gave up on detecting around the house it was just really junky and I'm not seeing any like Old Pottery or Ceramics I just had one little piece um and it's just it's really junky messy so what we're going to do is this is an area right here so what we're going to do is we're going to try to get across the Stream I guess we'll have to go through the gate yeah I can cross right there we want to work at Hillside at open Hillside right there and see if it could possibly have been a home over there or a little bit of a camp and that way we can move away from this house next time we come out and start working our way out through the fields and up along the streams and stuff in the woods because there's some really really interesting stone walls and stuff further back on the property but we're not going to get there today because well it's getting late already it's a nice little stream there's actually a Big Spring head on the next property over but we can't go there that's where all this water is coming from just not too far away really just a couple hundred yards you see any Turtles they're snapping turtles in here they'll be up in the up in the mud there we'll never see them this time of year foreign this is where the lane crosses and of course that's a cattle guard so the cows won't cross that but he doesn't have any cows he just has goats and sheep I don't know if they'll cross that or not all right I can again just hit this little corner and see if we can have any luck here got some whitetail deer up through there yeah so anyway across the creek that's the house down there we're just searching around and over here how the remains of a house I guess probably not too old and a huge trash pile and a sinkhole wow yeah Bruce is telling me about this I had no idea there's this much junk here that's the foundation you can see cinder blocks so that's not very old but look at this look at all the trash wow this is a big sinkhole you can see it comes down all the way around any water that was flowing across here would go down into here so I can tell this is a sinkhole just loaded the trash Bruce is up here messing around I guess I don't know if he's going to cover it up or haul it out or whatever so you find a few uh a few bottles up here a few Coke bottles and that's an older brick so this could be just part of the trash there are some older bricks there was it could have been an older house up in this area too we don't know yet man look at this place wowza this looks like 19 little spice I think it's a little spice right there um I'd say this is probably what 50s 60s maybe 1950s or 60s which to me doesn't seem like it's very long ago but I guess if you do the math it was actually a while ago huh what a weird little spot not old enough for me to worry about you guys know what this is what the jewel timers do I'm not going to tell you I'm gonna let you guess ah take a picture of that yep alrighty well if there was ever a cave in the bottom of this thing Pole I guess we're gonna find it unless we get Bruce to come up here and dig it out for us look at that big old thing must be a big old wine bottle or something it's kind of cool actually but not that cool thank you why this is a paper plate that's what we dug up in the garden something like that it's a smaller one what a shame huh the people lived in that house they just threw the trash around the back it was a different time back then this is like I said cinder blocks here because I guess Bruce is digging around in here a little bit here's some bricks this is a very modern brick I can tell it's very smooth it has holes like that you know it's you know night or mid 1900s or later but this looks like an older brick so this is probably what we're seeing over there in that trash dump and they probably reuse those from an older chimney that was uh that they knew about maybe how it's burned down or something but those are those are old those old bricks and they're probably free so they just picked them off with some chimney Stacks somewhere out in the field of out in the woods so I really don't think we're going to find an old house up here all right well look we'll search up here on this hill a little bit I want to get away from this mess I'm not even going to try to detect here and uh who knows maybe it'll be a nice little Civil War Camp I don't know what I did my metal detector way over there a nice Civil War Camp up in here because there's actually a little road just to the other side of this hill it's actually a lane now but I think it was an Old Road that went down to a river I see some wire up there we'll look at that too like rolls of fence wire it's probably right on the property line now all right let's get back at it I'm just kind of sitting here over the stream looking at the house and I'm thinking this spring even though this is January the spring is probably getting really close because I can smell skunk I've been smelling it on and off the whole time I've been here and it's one thing about spring in this area is that the skunks come out I don't know if they're mating or you know mating and fighting or whatever they're doing but you smell a lot of the odor of the skunks with this sprayed and it's pretty strong right here so there's something going on here not too long ago maybe they're making baby skunks okay we're back down to the barn uh we'll do an exploration of that but I want to wait until I get have my flashlight a good flashlight on me so good looking all the nooks and crannies but we'll do that eventually and there's the house that we didn't find a whole lot around this is probably one over Lane I don't know if that's the main one or if that was always the main one but you see it's definitely been driven in a bunch it'll be right by the barn I just turned the camera off and have happened to look down there's a nice old hand forward Square nail right there that was just laying right here that's where I picked it up I see some more bits and pieces it has another nice little square nails that's a rose head I believe that might just be flat I've always had as a Hand Forged nail that has a like a little pyramid on the top where they hotens them how they made it and there's another Square nail there so let's go ahead we'll go ahead and look around here just a little bit I'll bring these for the owner in case he wants them and uh we'll just look around here a little bit more because there's obviously something going on and then we'll work our work our way up through there like I was telling you around the other side of the barn right in there is where I picked up all the square nails and I have a really nice high squeaker right here beside this frog I thought we'd try to pull this thing out together I mean it sounds like it could be a large scent just has that sound to it obviously it's not out of the ground yet but yeah it's good it's about the right size I think you see it I'm trying to dig with my fingers but I am there it is it I see some copper or brass and this could be a sleigh bell I don't think it's going to be a coin or doorknob what do you think I think it's a doorknob hope it's a sleigh bell because my wife likes sleigh bells always a good day if I can get asleep uh nothing's a doorknob all right let's see come back this way just a little bit start loosen the ground up underneath it so I can get it with my fingers all right that should be loose enough all right what is it is it it is a doorknob boy called that one didn't I well the thing is I think that's a pretty old one and I think that's going to predate that house I think it's older than that house that's a really that's an older style I do believe oh that's a nice find right there and I found that old flat button right over there and right over there not too far so maybe the original house was down in this area and uh when they wanted to build a bigger one that went up up there I wouldn't doubt that because because it's old square cut nails it's not the warning cut they were Hand Forged Nails there and that's a nice old piece for sure I'll be bop around here just a few minutes and um see if we can narrow it down to it being a house side or not and then we'll move over to the other side of the barn dug the door knob there's a lot of big pieces of iron right in here so I want to dig up a few of them and this is a this is the first one this is a hand Forge I guess it's part of a like a hinge I think it's broken off that would have been driven in wood and it's probably like a gate hinge or something like that but that's a really heavy piece right there and it's definitely hand forward you can see that I was drawing right there huh very interesting I'll dig more iron like this if I hear it until we figure out what's going on here that's where I dug a big piece of iron I have a nice squeaker right here that could be a little button or a coin [Music] have to sneeze first oh there we go all right right here right there that sounds really nice and squeaky and here it is there's lots of iron in there too so all right it should be right there I'm just gonna hold you and we'll try to come back about three or four inches from it and get up underneath it it's on top you can hear it hitting this rock right here so it's going to be right it should be right at the bottom of my blade more or less all right you see any copper yet I don't know it's right in here whatever it is I can feel something in my hand that's not natural it's a rock so I guess it was natural all right it's right in here break it apart something it should be us there that's probably it right there what is it that is a piece of that's a reed out of a musical instrument of some sort obviously way too big for a harmonica so it could be like a Squeeze Box or some other other doodad so I I don't know how old that is but it could be Civil War era huh let's check the hole see if there's more of it in there now I don't hear any more about I wouldn't doubt that there's more of these down here because they didn't just have like a piece of oil they would have thrown away the whole thing I mean this could be could be Iron I don't know it's quite kind of Deep foreign pieces of brick and pottery and stuff like that too man it's still in the hole all right I see it I think it's iron big piece of iron I want to see if it's old iron or new iron that my friend I don't know I think it's old yeah that's definitely Hand Forged that's a Hand Forged washer maybe some type of big Square washer or something slightly beveled right here you see how crudely made it is hmm something about this soil kind of making me think there might have been something here I'm seeing some not really seen any charcoal yet but I don't know it just looks a little bit darker and modeled so this might have been a dump we're getting close to the actual Foundation to a house I just found this and this is actually a Drive Link off of a chain there'd be a bunch of these hooked together and they use these things on uh farm machinery like manure spreaders and things anything that would be have to Roll Along I'm very familiar with these being on manure sprayers but there's probably other equipment that they were used on as well not that old I mean this could be turned to this you know 1900s but it's not not too much older than that I wouldn't think this is a pretty hard Scrabble place right here isn't it um yeah so we're on the other side of the bar I'm not really getting a whole lot of good signals in here what we're going to do is we're going to work our way down here and just getting that little opening over there and after that we're going to call it a day we're definitely going to come back but we're going to concentrate out in the fields and the woods next time I mean there might be something here but I just don't have high hopes for it do you she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain in your locket Mother Earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity Mother Earth she's got her Secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her Creek Mother Earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be [Music] Mother Earth you are my lady my big round baby I'll rock you until I go to sleep she don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere in between Mother Earth You are my lady my
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 62,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, #chiggsarmy, #aquachigger, outdoor adventures, metal detecting finds, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, things to do when your bored, shenandoah valley, shenandoah virginia, beau ouimette, west virginia, old barn, old house
Id: lyRXIbqZTXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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