Making Disgusting new Daemons for Warhammer 40k

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thank you sometimes you need to make something for yourself so I've got all of my bits today we're going to be making some crazy Sage Horrors it's gonna be fun so I've never liked the zinc pink horror models at least the later ones so I'm going to make my own but hobby is always more fun with a friend so I'm gonna see if Murray is down to get involved in this hobby conversion challenge let's make some cool chaos demons just from bits and show you how you can make your own as well so in all the established imagery and even Miniatures we have of Horrors they're all sort of on their own just this massive stuff the way they manifest or appear in their material world is something that's really really cool and I think that's what I want to focus on in this little coming out of maybe a person kind of horrific like it's scary enough Dracula emerging from the Shadows or a monster coming out of a mirror but if it's coming out of yourself turning around and grinning at you giggling that's some nightmare fuel so I'm gonna have a little play around with this this is sort of just artistic freedom to do whatever we want it's zinc that's sir I'm just gonna dive straight into it let's go let's go find some models so since my idea is of having a demon emerging out of someone that means I needed that someone and luckily we had one of the Canadian command sprues sadly it's not one of the new kits but this one will do just fine so I set up making a rudimentary human figure trying to get a sort of zombie-ish pose at this stage I'm still not sure whether I want the human to be conscious and aware of what's happening to himself or having been fully turned by now in his little more than a gibbering puppet for the gods now that we're up to this stage it's time to put down the melee Putt and I think it's pretty easy at this stage to get a bit of choice paralysis and you know you don't really know where you're going to work on and what and how you'll start so I'm just going to say stuff it and just throw the millipot on in a big ball sometimes I like to use a little bit of super glue to make sure it really adheres to that area so it doesn't pull off or something but generally the overall attackiness will help but hold on so once that's in place I'm gonna get my sculpting tool and just sort of really move it around getting a good bit of water onto the tool to really liquefy some of the melee parts and I'm just gonna make it so it's torn and twisted and warped straight off his body and really I'm just going to move it around and see kind of cool shapes I can get out of this what I do know is that I want a face emerging from this blob this is going to be a lot less pink horror and more just body horror I think and I have these wailing banshees from one of the age of Sigma kits which I love to use so I'm going to clip that into shape and just shove it straight in and just mold it into the blob as well now that part's sort of taken care of I'm going to move on to some other body parts I think I'm going to work on one of the feet give it some really weird like tendul toes and I think the hand I've given it this sort of outstretched pointing hand because I know that I want to sculpt the hand into something else with like one of those sock puppets that talk I really think of the Flames of xinjin how their hands sort of distend into these open Moors that vomit flame and so that's the inspiration of what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna stick some milliputt onto his outstretched fingers and then plunge the sculpting tool into the middle of the blob and wiggle it around and make that big gaping more I wanted to settle a little bit I don't want to move around after this next step which is going to be using some isopropyl alcohol and a fairly gentle brush and I'll use this to smooth over some of the milliputt and get that really nice silky texture however at this stage I was looking at it and I thought he was just a bit lopsided too lopsided for my liking so I just grabbed one of the banshee's hands from the kit and just shoved it into the side it really helped to balance them into a bit more it's a bit creepier and it was so last minute that there's not even footage of it I am a professional now all that's left to do is to let it set overnight so my little sculpture is now dry and I'm pretty happy with what I achieved I'm going to be completely candid not my best sculpt but that was never the objective of this this was just to break free and have fun sculpting something weird and different something that I haven't just done before it's sort of exactly what I had in mind like the mummy scream that's really cool and I'm gonna have a lot of fun painting this this is this is a great little project you can see David's working in the background there so I'm excited to see what he's done as well so rapidly going through my bits I did find a few pieces I could use as some legs but I decided not to if I'm going to make a demon entirely out of bits it needs to be spare parts I can't be hacking apart perfectly good Miniatures to make it so that means arms and lots of arms and in particular I'm liking the look of some of these house Asher arms the swords have Little Gems in them reminiscent of xinji and daggers and as always I find myself going back to the sylvanath dryad kit which has heaps of these gnarly tree-like arms which I think I'll be able to use so without limbs I've had an idea and that idea is tentacles horrors of zeenshire described as constantly changing their form being horrifying and difficult to behold so it always struck me as odd that the Baseline horror of xinji always looked so similar to one another so I'm gonna use one of these old necromanda pieces to create some verticalities I also grabbed some crumble pulled up cork board and just made some rubble and ruin as if this is a destroyed Outpost of some kind I then needed a way to fasten my future gribbly monster onto the base so I grabbed a very grippy looking sylvanath hand one that looked perfect as if he was holding onto and pulling himself past this piece of train I glued that on and allowed that to dry now while that's drying I need to mix up some Mill apart so I can make the bulk of this horror of zinch so I just grabbed equal parts of the Miller part and I tried mixing it in the way I'd seen in studs and videos by throwing the two components in a ball onto the table however I didn't have any success with this so I spent a few minutes mixing the millipot by hand [Music] so my gribbly little horror dude is sort of dry the Miller part and glue is mostly in place but this is going to be a fragile build I'm gonna Glue on all the little tendrils ah all the other little tendrils that I've made and start to make it look more horror-y but I'm gonna mix up green stuff with Mill apart to make my gorilla pot mix that I'm fond of and use that to do some detailed sculpting start to bring in the gums the mouth the lips the eyelids and seamlessly work all these tentacles on work in some of the other plastic components but uh let's explore my little man my little orb he's like a Mike Wazowski so there it is the first step done and at this stage it's mostly Miller putt I'm hoping it will all hold together The gripply Blob of Zen Chara definitely feels like it's something I can picture but it's hard to see what it will turn out like while the first step of melopot dry is basically giving me something to sculpt off I have made a bunch of little tentacles and a bunch of spheres and they'll be used to glue onto it later sculpt in and then also add eyeballs that's what the Spheres are for so once this millipod is dried we'll come back to it and I'll start to make something that looks like more than just a silly Armature blob so we now have this interesting shape where we have a bunch of tentacles getting a nice sense of motion and homage in things like screamers of zinjan Horrors of each as I Glue on all the Spheres I made it might look odd but these are going to add a whole bunch of shape and form to the model that I'm really excited to sculpt over so with my Grilli putt mixed up it was time for me to add some definition and the first thing I needed to do was to blend all the tentacles in seamlessly onto the model to do this I added little lumps and just sculpt them following the flow of the tentacle into the head of this beast when once this was done and I was pulling sculpting towards the front of the model it became an organic and simple process to work in the eyes to do this I would grab small strips of putty and then I would lay one above one side of the eye and one on the bottom sculpting them in to make eyelids I also now included those house Asher sword arms and I'm really surprised to see that my sculpting process took me away from a kit bash using bits and into more of a full free-form sculpt I really like the vibe but adding these elements of plastic kits gets a little bit of High Fidelity into the model that I couldn't sculpt otherwise with these eyes on I also put a nice ring around one of the tentacles reminiscent of Horrors and the jewelry they wear and then I settled on focusing on the mouth the mouth of the model I pushed in two gripply looking gums running top to bottom and then I clipped tips off the numerous excessive dryad bits that I have and squished them into the putty to create teeth as a Finishing Touch I created a long tongue jutting out from that horrible orifice all these pieces sculpted on I can put this aside to dry and I have to say I'm really happy happy with this maddening little blob welcome to my airbrushing setup this will be the workstation of the next five minutes I'm going to start with black go to Gray and then I'm going to start playing with colors I think let's go [Music] okay so upon leaping into painting this model my first thoughts are all about theme and atmosphere I want to really ground this in reality and then make it weird and warped as of course this is the nature of the warp so I want to get some really nice textures happening first I want to get some nice levers on his boots on his clothes and particularly the skin of his head if I can get that looking really nice and believable it'll make the Eldritch Horror even more concerning and weird I'm going to start off by building up murky tones over the entire model mixing in Browns Reds and greens to make this space a gun be a weird gray which will make this really moody Grim Dark theme I'll simply start adding colors to this mix to create all the different materials the fatigues the Leathers the skin the armor and any of the other straps and little bits upon him I'm gonna go for a more recognizable Canadian tone as since starting with something that's easily recognizable will make warping it even more convincing the influence of the warp is to start leading those colors down into what I've sculpted so let's take the green armor for example I'm going to keep going with the brush stretching that down into what I've sculpted as if the really solid Flack armor is just starting to melt and drip now this is where the added bonus of having base coated the entire model in one color comes in handy because this will help harmonize across all the colors I've already established I can just start adding purples and blues into the mix and start painting the horror itself when it comes to painting and horror I'm just going to go for really strong and vibrant colors basically not obey any rules I'm just gonna go wild and paint this real Acid trip of a monster on the side of him as I really want the weirdness of this monster to counteract the grounded realism of the human himself one of the final stages of painting this model will be completing this horrific Visage that I've converted a huge howling jaw that's just distending and I'm going to paint tiny specks of white making glowing eyes deep into the now cavernous pits that were his eyes this is going to create a really haunting and creepy look final step is to take a pass around the entire model if some parts just aren't popping out enough I'm gonna go in for an extra highlight just to make it really stand out and grab your attention this will include extra bounce lights off the top of the human skin scalp the teeth of the horror bursting out of his chest and also the Eldritch more on the end of his hand then with a little addition of basing texture I hope you've really enjoyed my little dabble into something weird and wonderful and I cannot wait to see how Dave's turns out [Music] with everything set I can settle into painting and for a cool zinc changer of Ways paint job I want to have some really smooth creamy Blends the way I'm going to do that is airbrushing on a whole bunch of glazes and washers to get my color which means starting from a white undertone I use vaijo gray aerosol to spray the model and then a Vallejo white as a top coat basically xenophiling it to get a little bit of lighting into the model then because I want a really shiny High specular reflection bubble gum pink sort of coloration I grabbed a flat white and painted these really obvious circles on the model almost comic book style on all of the Highlight points now when I glaze over these These are going to be tinted in the colors of the flesh but they will also serve as areas that I can add another hand-painted specular highlight on towards the end with the aerosols dryer I actually started with with some purples and blues spraying them into some of the lower areas the recesses the creases between the tentacles and around the mouth and eyes to give a whole bunch of color variation once these had dried and settled it was time to come across the whole model with that nice Pink So to paint the skin I used a mix of scale 75's instant Alchemy range as well as some of broken anvils paints mixed down with some airbrush thinner with these colors down as my foundations I then came in with broken anvils beautiful pink and started to work up on those highlights highlighting a nice white on the very top surfaces I use drucci Violet in thin glazes to build a bunch of shadow in the lower recesses of this Beastie and I basically worked back and forth between these two techniques until I got something I was happy with once this was done I could select a few areas like the eyes to Lavish a bit of detail on and one of the things I enjoyed doing here was making sure all the eyes had wildly different colors something unique to a horror of zinc in the mouth I used car keys with a nice highlight on the tape teeth and I also use some Caribou Crimson washers to bring a bit of fleshiness into that area there was a gold band and the swords which I just used some metallic paints scale 75 golds in particular and just lead Belcher with a chainmail highlight for the silver these areas got a sepia wash before I moved on to the front of the model I wanted to see if I could get some extra Sheen so I tried some UV resin in the eyes and I think it worked out pretty well as well as this I used just a little bit of our stringy glue for some saliva and with that the horror up top was finished for the base I didn't want to detract any attention from the Vivid and vibrant horror so I went for a really grungy Battlefield look stippling on a series of purples on the Rock and Rubble just to tie in with the changer of ways color palette then using some mid Browns and mottled Browns for all of the Machinery I picked out a few details before applying some weathering pigment to the base to tie it all together and with those steps complete the model is finished and ready to show off for reveals good foreign [Music] we'd like to give a massive thank you to all of our patrons who support us to make two videos a week without you it really wouldn't be possible so if you'd like to consider supporting table of time and help us to keep making these videos we now have a weekly update behind the scenes Vlog every Monday going out of the patron as well as monthly Mini review to keep you in the loop so our links are in the description and thanks for checking that out thank you 12 hours later that was a cool video Murray not actually oh that's so look I want to change the ways of all this smoke in front of me I feel like this video consider hitting like And subscribe it was fun to just do something for fun and uh hey I'm really happy getting to play around with uh sculpting some more yeah we got to make something insane and wild which was awesome yeah so I'll see you in the next video for something completely different seeing you later
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 61,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: 6r5GxypvrOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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