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what are we doing slash your past pokemon edition i've got this great idea for the channel and i was like you know what let's get something decided who wants to smash or pass a pokemon bulbasaur they're all pokemons it's kind of cute can we can we establish that pokemon are all of age okay okay yeah looks too young then no no i don't know she looks kind of cute you asked me why she is human it could be either or yeah they come in both let's say let's say that also they are they them yeah they're all they them so you see they are they are they can be exactly them you can alright i'm a smash i'm a pastor yeah i'm a pastor i dig him down i think most good mostly i think i would bob was yeah just youtube [Music] yeah we'll smash that pause i think we're in oh you know tarzan's got a lot actually yeah what are you saying hard squat was bigger it looks like too much i'd say yeah [Music] see look that is that is a heavy body it's kind of cute simon do you hate a water kind of nice no because the you know well i hate the fish ones no that are just living things if you say if you say smash you you can have sex now caterpillar yeah but it's not caterpie you know it's not but no man it's a pastor no i mean that's a squirtle it's been passed it looks a bit it is there's a turtle yeah [Applause] plus it's too horny man like legit literally nice yeah if you're saying that blastoise is going to ruin your [ __ ] and this has two [ __ ] drills it's hand they are used to jab its enemy they are used to jab its sexual partner oh is a good photo it's a wrap hey she's come with us oh spearow there's something about it you know yeah the normal looking bad ones are possible it's a bit a bit too rotund at the bottom for me what about what about a pharaoh also yeah yeah yeah would you [ __ ] snake yeah oh wait what cause that's look at that what's this backwards bro it's snake it's like it's just a snake guys don't make it weird it's just it's a snake okay i'm about to pull up wearing them i mean as long as it's a staying gun it could eat my dick as long as there's no teeth you're actually asking him no no no i definitely no i haven't i haven't what come on man i think it's a password i'd say pass past man how many shots a couple shots and i would oh come on it's the same it's the same thing as the nozzle but a bit more sass so it could be alright as well it could be a smasher huge kneecaps um spend a lot of time on the knees maybe built quads very built [Music] the trim man that's a good trim no no stop oh would you like sonic yes [Laughter] i think sounds true the better ones the better ones [Music] these are actually male and female yeah they actually are yeah so that's knitter and female yeah f i'm a pilot i'm a pass i'm not possible i think there's no shape to that thing there though pass mid-arena that's the awesome that's the ugly friend yeah this is boring i don't mind i don't hate from past oh now we're talking yeah no she's getting them there's something about that light pink yeah what oh [Applause] [Music] i'm diving into that [ __ ] she's driving 100 smash off the top whoa wait no no no no smashing that's not smashing nice what that mouth dude i don't know i don't know i don't like it no you know what she pissed me off yeah that's true actually yeah no no [ __ ] off i could see you'd sleep after you think that every time he doesn't need jigglypuff personally it's the quiff that they're like okay fast oh but wiggles what did they put in wigglytuff's brownies oh no i'm throwing a pasta fair enough he's not getting it no no no no no no i rate the fact that barely anyone wants to smash these bats yeah yeah yeah oh well done yeah i'm going to say that i'm going to play a part oh i think i i do blue man smash hush i can't [Laughter] [Music] my own childhood has been destroyed [Music] but not as hard as the last one i'd say pause smash you're terrified of moths that's something yeah [Laughter] just sit on the ground i'm not against it the trio comes yes [Laughter] isn't like the only one that can talk to you as well is true that that's better than a lot of things we've smashed so far i'm taking it is a cat nah isn't it that's outrageous boys oh smile yeah i [Music] [Laughter] oh simon's [ __ ] no i'm not it's not this one that's a dog suddenly i think that might be [ __ ] i'm [Music] no harry do you just want to [ __ ] everybody is that a nose or a mouth i think it's a mouth mouth [Laughter] oh you know what asthma all right [Music] bro it's like metal what's up megan rapio invites or mega or rabina repina megan rapino vibes i don't hate it she's not wrong she does women's footballer yeah yeah i couldn't bro they're too yeah you know because you've pointed out no no well my champ is not going to get it i don't think yeah i'm a joke that might change my mind if i was being if i was into being dominated like that i would say oh i'd say smash sure [Music] you're getting beaten down it's a lot of fisting yes yes yeah yeah fair enough yes and the next one or five what's the next one as soon as it grew the teeth all right oh not for me no that's not for me for me it's not for me no i don't know how cool it thinks it is no oh definitely not now that's idiot that is [Laughter] it's not the worst i've seen all day but it's gonna be a note from yeah with the rest of gen 1 then leave a like and if this gets how many likes three hundred thousand likes we'll do a part two and toby will be here as well and we'll make him really uncomfortable yeah yeah yeah we'll make sure we've got randy and as well get randy has a new board it can barely stand we're video
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 2,285,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: F-1Vet73VUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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