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pokemon is back once again and i'm an og in the game right here you can see a picture of me and charmander that is how far back we go at the moment as i'm sure you know pokemon cards are all the rage we've got people buying boxes of them for hundreds of thousands of pounds on open from 20 30 years ago you've got people buying cards for up to 50 000 even more which is crazy and i happen to have me and my brother's original pokemon card collection we've got the collecting book which is completely bad let's use to play with these cards so they won't be in mint condition that's for sure but i want to know if any of these are worth a lot we have a lot of cards here you can see there is stacks and stacks of cards we've got the original little bulbasaur character as well hopefully this is a good luck charm for some bulbasaurs so these cards could be worth a heck of a lot and i'll be honest i've got a rough idea of what stuff's worth what's good what isn't right now but i'm no expert however you guys know an expert i know an expert his name's randolph and we're gonna go and get his opinion on these cards should be good let's go okay i'm here with the expert the man who knows everything this is psa one royale yeah yeah in this box right now that might be ungradable dude that sounds sick my cards are so good they're ungradeable they should let you have like a thing on it say it incredible okay a lot of these cards are ungradeable yeah i think real pokemon collectors are gonna like they're gonna be hurt inside when they see this but you've got to realize this is me and my brothers like we're six or seven years old we played with the cars man we had the damaged stones play them down if anything i think these are these are better because they have history they have a character not everything has to be psa 10. no this is the beauty of pokemon at the end of the day theoretically the better card should be in this book and protected but when you look at the book you wonder how protected they are so vic walked in right and i was like i've got the same book that's my book now everyone can see they've got the close-up this is look at this this has a story to it this is history so we're hoping 20 years old hoping these have the better cards but that's that's what they're in so i guess let's see so i think we just put our favorite cards in here which in this day and age they might not be the best card so there could be some bangers so like your family prefer venusaur united charizard potentially and i think these two ones we actually actively played okay okay so we've got a first things first lucky og bulbasaur he's sitting on the side he's he's overseeing okay so today's activities so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna we're gonna separate these into bunches and we're just gonna fly through these that's the charizard right there scraping it like oh it's a water it's a water energy well so we have a lot of energy yeah yeah because you need the energy to play you get too much then it's a rip-off here we go so this is the first election of cards yeah we'll put the book away for now this is this you get this later you get the goodies later so we don't even need to really worry about being really delicate because these guys are gone i mean like what what would this get a psa look corners are a bit bit scarfed i got like a four or five maybe four or five so like what is the most valuable like four or five psa if that's what we're working on here shadowless charizard maybe like a charmander we'll get you like a bit of cash back not not talking like thousands no but like these probably we probably spent like a hundred quid on these back yeah yeah back in like 1997. let's just see okay so we got we got metapod cadabra you wanna go through yeah yeah yeah okay we've got dugong we've got new england nine pods for days we're gonna have a million of all the common ones starmie that's my pokemon yeah yeah yeah that's my guy right the weird part is you know star you is before starmie yeah but in this set of base set it comes after directly after in the uh in the binder so it's really annoying you get starman and star you i think we've got a fake coming up you know oh this is a fake card two fake cards yeah this one's fake look at the color of it it should be like bright green so how is that i don't know look at this one i get pictures today saying it's just worth it no it's clearly someone's printed that laminated that this is some kid came into school yeah and he was trying it he was like i've got this hollow it's look at the edge never been seen before you probably traded a charizard off and that's the worst thing yeah someone got scammed yeah he got scammed okay we got him a chopped next oh he's in the chop i think like potentially like we've got nearly all 151 we've got yeah yeah you can pick a banner of this yeah and maybe that'll be worth something like an og binder not not that it would ever get sold these so these are memories right here it's good to know like anything worth more than like 100 bucks let's let's note it down yeah and we've got nothing yet yeah yeah we got we got energy retrieval in this pile nothing but you never know this is the mystery right this is the mystery i'm really hoping you do have like a charizard in here it'll be the worst and also the best story psa two yeah nice little fold down there yeah yeah probably one actually but yeah i'll take two as well defenders switch i love switch man oh i have a saw okay okay you know that's not awful would it be worth more than 100 bucks yeah it's all about this the base evolution of the maximum always get like yeah mistreated that's horrible we got got a pokedex come on got pokemon flute get yourself a snorlax oh charmeleon again middle evolution yeah this is that [Laughter] it's loved all right it fought battles man that charmeleon was hitting the flamethrower yeah smoking smoking all the kids in the playground bro you weren't getting charizard up on the deck if you wouldn't have time you had to have it there to get charizard exactly it was all part of the problem work okay i got my chart we got a magmar i'm liking the diversity like growlithe you know what you can still have to simon for a hundred dollars simon if you're watching right yeah i got you a deal come on coughing that's better there's a recognition six maybe six i see the back again yeah five six sixty five six okay we've got another stormy this is you know this is gas right because to buy this many cards yeah of this like of this generation you'd be spending like literally tens of thousands just to have the chance oh yeah go through all of them yeah well like 20k yeah it's brand new i'm not going to give you 10k that's not abandoned that's not behind them isn't that mad though if we just as kids we'd have just put them in a drawer and left them and picked them up now it'd be worth like literally like a hundred hundred grand probably all of these cards yeah we've got big bills big up bills bill bill got a charmander upside down rearer [Laughter] [Laughter] i love that car looking he's like holding like an entire planet he lifts he looks like he does it okay we're in energy land before everything oh i can see a square fall hiding behind oh that's not actually hold on money you can get psa seven for that you know and and what's that what's that gonna be worth um 20 quid six months late we'll get that back it six months probably a million probably inflation okay we've got a monkey come on energy got charmanders for days another one bro this is money yeah if it wasn't scuffed it wasn't if it wasn't scuffed this is money man it hurts it's actually hurt why was i a kid why wasn't i smart i'm like thinking back up like i've been watching you open them i've been watching logano from and they get to start and they're like oh yeah i get it and i'm like well nidoran the og i love that geodude card man look at him that's a rock that's actually sick yeah it doesn't always look like that i've never seen a geodude it's like it's like a rock with arms well i'm saying his backdrop is pretty pretty fire yeah i'm not sure it's got a cooler backdrop than most yeah like look at squirtles well that's not very cool okay coughing another nidoran okay i've gotta get back in the cut a little bit oh yeah another charmelion again oh black star promo pokemon the first movie really you get given this when you go to the movies does it have anything no not really but it looks cool put it there like a memorable one okay okay we're going to be this is going to be a long video guys guys trapped in but you never know what we might oh we got hollow in the in the trash deck oh let's do that goodness me no not expect to see that there hello no queen oh my gosh what are we saying what are we saying let's take a look that's not bad condition it's not great it's not great but given what we've seen it's not been chewed hollow though yeah we'll take a hollow come on oh look at that geez in the in the scuff box as well so who knows what's in the binder man i'm hoping we've got some firemen honestly what do you reckon 20 bucks 30 bucks maybe it's money it's money it's all right so we need a queen fan okay we've got sphero couple spearow century oh we got this is that [Laughter] you don't care about the neato kings i need a queen yeah we got the couple that's gold oh my gosh it's basic not great if i say one two yo the colorations lost color but we'll take them we take those dudes we're kicking off this is you've got a lot of you've got a lot of star huge dummies yeah it's meant to be oh it's destiny what's this i don't think this is a uh just chilling in that little tom's actually sitting there they're very underrated okay oh we got a little black star on promo here is this one of the movies again what's up guys that blush yeah that's it it's just one of the ones that yeah it's a bit more what less average yeah we've got charmander's for days what is this so this is this ps1 psi 10 psi 10 unlimited like not first edition probably i say like 300 400 maybe you get it's just not first edition yeah first of all got a symbol here first of all uh so how much you're ten yeah four hundred perhaps i don't know on top of my head i'm just got you i guess spitballing yeah it changes man i mean like a month ago it'd be like 100 now who knows a little pidgey gloom so none of these are really first edition are they there i mean there's a certain there is it so usually first edition's got a symbol here okay which i might show you in a sec but um there's a special base not in jungle but in base set there's a special um print run that was 1999 to 2000 so that's a real that's what we should look out for as well okay and the copyright date it's like it's called it's known as the uk where they printed it so much after the first print run that it's now 2 000 copyright date that's pretty rare no the child this one hasn't been eaten no actually or not he's a he's a bit creative so it's a bit crazy yeah it's a bit scarf yeah well but we got charmeleons and charmanders for days buying pokemon oh thank you oh let's go oh that's worth at least 30k oh my gosh logan paul said bulbasaur's worth 30k i know my worth don't don't lowball me don't lowball me we're hardcasting that one up geez 30k centurion's awful but liverpool said that's not the psa 10. yeah look at that another tops card this is deidre this is uh we got the rings card what's [Laughter] look you never know what you connect never know what you're going to expect bro did you want to come back you know there's a new there's a new um cardboard coming out we've got happen on the side we've got a yu-gi-oh card we've got elemental hero bubble man this guy's an og you got hit harriet yeah that's the next one we've got i've got i'll have to do that with with you you yeah yeah has been absolutely this is all energy straight energy well you know what that was a much more successful power than i thought i definitely did not expect two hollows in there let alone a thirty cables look it was meant to be man you have to get the figure for everything you know what i got more the first file yeah oh my gosh we got we got way more oh my gosh all these impossible i'm gonna sell all these if you want some fake cards yeah yeah they're not bad like the actual front of the card i guess someone's taking a picture and just printed it and then put like uh i don't know what that is fair enough you know what you're not it's an effort so you you had to have a lot of back in the day you needed a lot of energy oh what a fridge has your little butterfree just chilling in there i always used to like this training card it looks cool revive just looks cool yeah i don't know oh little squirrel in the cup [Laughter] there's a lot of diversity in these cards yeah which does make me wonder like is the binder actually good you will have some hollows for sure there's no way you have these cards that you have in some hollows like you've only got two here and these are deemed like box worthy so i don't know what's not dean boxworthy okay have you [Laughter] by the way who don't know pokemon we're just joking like we're back in energy land oh i'm gonna squirt again just showing the energies why didn't you do that i know magikarp no this is just just a splash yeah magikarp ponyta monkey right here again oh this is this charmander's had a glass of milk spilled on it the coaster oh dude okay okay we stay moving we stay moving yeah it's like a dinner though like if it can't come to school today wait what wait what there's the foot of exodia what the hell what the hell okay why is it just pay for first and foremost and also why is it like it's i think i think i got one piece of exodus so i was like let me just print off all the other pieces of pixelia so i can win a couple duels can i use new paper though what the hell is that what's this we got oh that's one of the first episodes where ash gets shocked by pikachu in anime come on val plume chillin james these were definitely the cars that like our parents got for us and like oh i got you this pokemon thing and we're like don't care yeah yeah yeah got some more lord of the rings action mission back look okay we said pokemon but you never know what you're going to do jackie chan yeah i need to dig those out one day okay none of these are actually pokemon go the pokemon they're like burger king yeah i used to love that back in the day yeah chips provoking i don't know i said that but oh jeez we have some more actual pokemon pokemon to see if you take one off this is energy sanchez magma heroes is that rarer uh no it's just a different set you haven't seen it before sorry we've got your hopes up oh oh no not energy energy bill in fact they have so many energies though just means that surely you've got more cars we're nearly through the uh the scuff pile yeah the bulk there's less less power right that's probably the walk you ain't never seen volume you haven't never you've never seen bulk cards like this no one coming through with numbers you watch people they open their you know their brand new pack they've got 12 cards we've got 500 just bang bang bang oh geo dude growlithe hey simon what's up that's not bad condition all right we got another star are you another one another one sounds looking like on this video we had fire pokemon for days got how many charmeleon not one charizard no there might be one there must be one i pray i pray fear hopes a good condition as well [Laughter] commission i've got squirtle oh he's he's seen better days yeah we got my chopping up nice chocolate team rocket as well okay we've got another squirrel you see that i'm faster than children i'm more interested in the face well like he knows from so far out look how many cars down this is oh it's a water turtle as well i mean it's not for anything it's not real but what's that just from um ex dragon i believe where did these cards come from how did they get this is it this is 2004 you know it's not even like 99.99 i don't feel like we were even playing pokemon in might have bought one package i say that's not awful condition is that it's like getting that certified we've got a banger not a banger but like it's just not bad it's not as good as all right that way all right this guy's fake he's got some blue tack on him too yeah [Laughter] he's like really i've got like seven hollow psa den yeah he would do as well yeah sand slash geez geez that's not a bad condition charlotte a lot of challenges a lot of squirtles not any bubble sauce no it's annoying because that's where the onions little oh chilling that's not great piercing like four or five well we ended on pikachu end on a pikachu that's a banger so that's the scuff pile done is that worthy of a sleeve or is it not let me see let me see i mean sleep anyways it's your card to be fair like these i'm okay with them being like battered because that's what they do but if i see if these are bad i'm gonna cry inside just value lost so we've got all of our fakes here honorable mentions yeah we've got all the good ones there and then these can go back in their box yeah okay now it's time for the moment of truth come on the big binder that has been keeping these in oh a1 condition unreal slam it down in the shot come on okay lucky bob was all just watching over this has not been opened in probably 15 years which is mad when you think about it maybe even longer yeah here we go page one okay 30k cheese take down page one oh no wait wait i got stack in there wait wait they almost wait oh my god oh my god you're rich i'm retiring i hope you guys have enjoyed the videos over the years we're retiring please for this well if these were perfect conditions this would actually this would be i'd be holding like 50 grand in my hand no you would not 150 grand i thought you're getting it true true i mean let's take each even no matter what conditions okay how much all ten i think in all ten oh they're not first edition real quick they're not first edition not physician but that's that's bulbasaur's for days haters psa 10 sales 400 so that would be like 4k there yeah if it was tough and then still we uh like no love no love for the ps we'll say that psa five is it five years not [Music] okay but that is that stick i got more bubble sauce than all of your favorite pokemon players all right and we got executor but not really cats i don't know why he's there yeah anyway i don't know why you go from e to b but grass babies move types okay turning over okay we love that i can't leave this my boy got a fake ecken snake backwards he's made it into the uh do you know eckin's back against yeah yeah and walk backwards yeah yeah they were built differently back in the day a little different okay so nothing that interesting here i think this was just more about just having them so that's a fake boy though yeah but you know he's he's been in the book we can't take him out no you can't like i feel like there's i guess we just missed a lot of them out yeah i don't know what all this is either no that's part of the fun right yeah which ones i haven't seen before at least mysterious fossil just vibing in there charmander we've got multiple again other side there'll be another one yeah onyx two onyx and two charmanders we got we gotta start so that's what we're gonna have also in the pile yeah you know it must be our favorite starting is it no no no we got a lot of them yeah okay charmander's chilling vulpix ponytail look at error see see how this is 50 hp yeah and that's hp50 is that that's rarer no no it's because they're all printed like that like the corrected version is rarer but it's cool okay you know fake seeking who does i do feel like you've traded your hollows for these fakes you know because they look cooler um you know i reckon at the back that's just going to be hollow off the holland they're all fake yeah yeah okay starmie with some blue text are you omino i think you're right it's done by type so we've gone through like grass water horsey pollywog oh yeah it's true like a first edition pack i think the last card was first edition in fossil as well almond knight vibing porygon persian liquor it's not looking good for real holidays is it it's not looking we've got two here in the vault come on please i'm gonna go to the next page now whoa no they all fake they [Laughter] yeah look fossil you must had one fossil pack of first edition yeah thin pikachu jungle yeah which is better uh this one's just his base set okay but in first edition this one's been barking up a little bit recently yeah recent times i'm i just i'm still sad about this i can't believe that i've got a page of hearts and they're all fake yeah i must have had more hollow there's no way you open up these many facts about getting you've got two here but the fact that they both need a queen and need a king and put in that box maybe maybe you gotta call your brother you know he's been holding him he sold them all yeah with me when i was collecting my brother used to get priorities he used to get them together i was the youngest of three so maybe i got finesse yeah possible and then ooh that's from the neo generation gen 2 so you must have had like more packs somewhere well maybe i'll have to go digging through the attic again but the real dub yeah this is the bulbasaur nation absolutely i just before this video ends i've just got a i've got i've gotta just just show you guys there we go let's display everything that is crowned one look at this two like a casino four five six seven eight nine and then the tenth one is in there call me the ball will show you them two of them call me the bulbasaur king ain't no one's stuck in bulbasaurs like we do you're not tick-tock it's like uh adele someone like you that is your leader he is my leader if also wasn't your favorite start it now has to be so this is this is this is the official hall of things worth looking at yeah there was like a there was an electable movie promo in the video as well is it worth keeping with the mewtwo i might put him in the binder with him yeah yeah i can chill with him in the back right well this was the hall hopefully you guys enjoyed taking a little peek at what we got enjoying the mystery thank you randolph for joining me providing your expertise obviously you know everything backed from pokemon on your channel come on tell people want to buy cards get them graded let's go check them out yeah randolph to your guy uh big thanks to him for we've got to do one day we need to get some of those evolution threes how can i have so many evolution ones and not threes yeah i don't know i don't know i don't know what's going on here but hey hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did leave a like all that good stuff we'll see you soon peace out peace
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,879,830
Rating: 4.9195786 out of 5
Keywords: Vikkstar, Vikkstar123, Vikkstar123HD, Sidemen, The Sidemen, Fortnite, Fort Nite, Fortnite Battle Royale, Fortnite Gameplay, Fortnite Custom Games, Fortnite Playground Mode
Id: rF11l3_O7f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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