Shun Classic Helps Steven Raichlen Serve a Packer Brisket

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[Music] brisket is the Mount Everest of barbecue imposing and intimidating conquering it firmly establishes you in the barbecue elite today I'm going to show you how to barbecue a full packer brisket like the pros do in Texas this is the full Packer brisket the first step is to make the rub black peppercorns fennel seeds and whole cumin seeds and you roast the spices and I dry skillet over medium-high heat to brown the spices bring out the aromatic oils give them a toasted smoky flavor you can see the smoke rising smell the aromatic oils so I'll turn the heat off the spices are lightly toasted transfer the roasted spices to a spice mill [Music] and growing to a fine powder amazing aroma now transfer the ground spices to a bowl and add coriander for an aromatic fragrance and sweet paprika brown sugar which will help the meat caramelize and finally core sea salt and cracked peppercorns mix the ingredients for the spice rub with your fingers breaking up any lumps in the brown sugar this is a full packer brisket so-called because this is how it comes from the packinghouse a full packer brisket is actually comprised of two separate muscles when the bottom is this lean muscle called the brisket flat and then on top there's a second muscle much more generously marbled known as the point your first step is to trim the packer brisket the idea is to trim your brisket so it has what the great brisket master Aaron Franklin called an aerodynamic shape when trimming your brisket you want to err on the side of too much fat rather than too little remember the fat will melt during the cooking process basting the meat keeping it moist I'm going to prepare the packer brisket and a style I call east/west we're going to spread it with a Korean chili paste called gochujang you can find this in Asian markets and many supermarkets will order it online gochujang is made with Korean chilies rice salt garlic all of which are fermented together it has a lot of rich mommy flavors that are going to go great with the brisket so I like a first layer of the gochujang then season it with your roasted spice mix [Music] and here's your packer brisket with the double layer flavor the gochujang and the roasted spice rub to smoke the brisket I'm using an offset smoker it has a firebox on one side lower than the cook chamber open the firebox door you can see I have a bed of lit charcoal and to generate the wood smoke will lay a log on the coals now close the firebox the way you control the heat is by opening and closing these dampers on the firebox now this is the cook chamber you can see it's higher up and offset from the firebox I'll open it up and pull out bottom shelf then transfer the packer brisket to the bottom shelf push the drawer back now to place the packer brisket on your smoker close the door of the smoker and adjust the vent on top you want a cooking temperature of 250 degrees the packer brisket is going to cook for about 12 hours there are actually three stages to cooking a packer brisket at about 140 degrees you will notice an interesting phenomenon the temperature will Plateau it may even drop a little this is called the stall it's a natural part of the process of cooking a whole brisket what's happening is as the liquid evaporates from the surface of the brisket it actually cools the brisket down much the way when you perspire it cools you down the stall can last anywhere from 1 to 3 hours don't worry about the stall it's a natural part of cooking the brisket the temperature will start to rise again sure as daylight follows night [Applause] [Music] we're seven hours into the cook we powered through the stall it's probably time to wrap the brisket open it up look at that the instant-read meat thermometer will check it we're at between 160 170 degrees 165 we're ready now I spread two sheets of unlined butcher paper sometimes called pink paper on my work surface now The Wrap serves two purposes it seals in the juices and it keeps the outside of the brisket the bark from browning too much fold the butcher paper over one way and then you'll come over the top like this roll the brisket then pull the top flap over the brisket then just tuck the bottom in like this [Music] and you'll cook the briskets for another two to four hours [Music] it's been 12 hours and the full packer brisket should be ready check the temperature you go right in through the paper you're looking for about 200 we're at 199 that's good enough for me now the packer brisket goes into your cooler I know you're dying to try it but trust me if you let it rest in an insulated cooler the meat will be even more tender more succulent here's your packer brisket rested for two hours and look how beauteous that is [Music] to carve the brisket I'm using a shewn brisket knife pull out the pin unsheathed the knife a full packer brisket consists of two muscles the flat whose grains run this way and the point whose grains run this way cut the brisket in half then on your flat we'll just cut off the end here and start slicing the brisket it slices beautiful I'd like to call your attention to the smoke ring that's that subcutaneous layer of a reddish pink a naturally occurring reaction that takes place when the smoke hits the meat it's a sure sign that you've done your smoking correct [Music] so here are your brisket flat slices and this end piece is a little bit too charred to serve in slices so I'll simply cut it into dice and serve this as your burnt ends we're gonna carve the brisket point this way beautiful look at that look at that [Music] you can see how generously marbled the meat is here's your brisket point and you can see from one brisket you have three completely different cuts of meat you've got your burnt ends your lean brisket flat and your fatty brisket point in Texas brisket is traditionally served with slices of white bread to play off the east-west dynamic in this dish I have Chinese steamed buns and we'll place a couple of slices of brisket on the bun next add a spoonful of gochujang barbecue sauce the recipes on the website hmm so smoky so spicy the meat is tender I love the soft chew of the steamed bun this is a perfect fusion of east and west flavors the Texas smokiness of the brisket fire and spice of the gochujang this is east-west brisket with a vengeance [Music] you
Channel: Shun Cutlery
Views: 16,457
Rating: 4.9014778 out of 5
Keywords: shun, steve raichlen, bbq bible, packer brisket, brisket, bbq, knives, boning knife, brisket knife
Id: OQ_YnjcauxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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