Singapore Noodles, spicy and tasty 星洲炒米粉

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Hi everyone today we're gonna make Singapore Mi Fen rice noodles although it says Singapore it was originated from Cantonese restaurants it's one of the popular noodle dishes I already did the prep work it took some time and I'm gonna show you the ingredients I already cut up this is a half bell pepper green and a half of the red and a half red onions and two or three stalks of green onions and a few dried chili peppers depends on how spicy you like you can add more or less and few shrimp this is the chicken slivers I use about two oz of chicken two eggs it's minced garlic garlic this is ginger and curry powder this is the key to this dish I got this Indian curry powder it says hot but it's just proper heat for me but you can even buy spicy and you know they different levels so here are noodles rice noodles made of rice and water they are dried of course and for the eggs I have two eggs Just need to add a little bit white pepper powder A little bit salt ss I always do this way beat the eggs and I love the smell of curry powder it smells good already eggs and for the chicken if you have watched my chicken dishes you know same thing I just season with the white pepper powder salt and corn starch of course normally it's made of pork you can even use roasted pork but you know me I like chicken if you like pork go ahead use pork just add a little bit of vegetable oil so that's the seasoning of our chicken slivers I cut very thinly like this okay and a few shrimp like 6-7 shrimp all we need just add salt mix and then we're ready to stir fry so before stir frying we need to soak the noodles and just look at the package you know some of them are different this one just says soaking in boiled water for one minute so my water is boiling now and we can turn this off add the noodles it's about two to three oz so we'll let this soak about a minute after about a minute you can see the noodles soft now or softer strain it don't need to rinse with cold water set aside and we are going to stir fry heat up the wok to high add some oil it's coating the pan the wok first we are going to saute our onions and peppers add a little bit salt to help them to become tender this will take a few minutes after a few minutes our peppers and onions became tender we are going to take out set aside if you like it cruncher you can cook less now add more oil we are going to cook our eggs Oh eggs ready set aside now add more oil you know wok requires a lot of oil it's different from non-stick pan it takes a few minutes and chicken almost done we can also add shrimp cook till shrimp all pink after two minutes our shrimp is pink now we take them out now we add more oil and I have about 1 teaspoon minced ginger and minced garlic it's about 1 teaspoon curry powder mix them well you need a little bit more oil otherwise would be too dry mmm smell good now we're going to add our noodles mix noodles well now add peppers onions and chicken chili peppers oh well now the green onion some soy sauce okay just have a quick taste mmm just need a little bit of salt Our Singapore noodles ready it smells so good here I cannot wait to eat let's take some noodles shrimp eggs chicken some peppers and onions to try it out hmmm love the spiciness of the curry powder and peppers onions sweet egg chicken delicious I can’t stop eating very savory still have the sweetness of the peppers onions and you have chicken eggs and shrimp hmm such delicious noodle dish please please try to make it at home it's not complicated you just need to get all the ingredients and also adjust to your spiciness level if you like this video please give me a thumbs up please subscribe to my channel if I haven't yet thank you so much for watching see you next time!
Channel: ChineseHealthyCook
Views: 758,267
Rating: 4.8289685 out of 5
Keywords: singapore noodles, how to make singapore noodles, how to make singapore rice noodles, singapore noodle recipe, how to make singapore noodles with chicken, chinese food, noodles, stir fry, curry noodles, rice noodles, singapore noodles asmr, singapore noodles with chicken and shrimp, noodle mukbang, singapore noodles recipe, how to fry rice noodles, authentic singapore noodles, 星洲炒米粉
Id: mZNWdefRy8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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