HEDGEHOG almost ATTACKED by DOGS is now with me ~ BATH TIME !!!

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I have no idea what these green things on his fights are whoa this is like the second PC so I got a comment from Albert JA 12 on Instagram I can't remember what post it was but a screenshot at this is it hi well hello dude how are you doing I hope you're doing all well and fine in your days awesome but his question was do you have a hedgehog dude you asked me this question and exactly the right time because my friend found this Hedgehog outside of his house I have no idea what these green things on his spikes are whoa whoa calm down dude calm down this is like the second piece each it's like busy number two so yeah anyways my friend found this little guy outside of his house and dogs were after it dogs were barking at it and he snapped a picture well he called me first and he was like dude I think there's a hitch halt outside my house it's oscillating go get a picture so he snapped the picture and he sent me the picture and I was like holy hell it is a hedgehog so I told him to capture it first and keep it because you know I want to come and see it and then he caught it in a bucket and he gave it to me and well he's over here now so yeah I never planned to have a hedgehog I am NOT a hedgehog expert by any means this is my first ever Hedgehog it would have gotten killed by dogs and that will not be fun so in a way it's a blessing for this guy so yes Albert I in fact do have a hedgehog and today is your lucky day Albert because we are going to be showering this Hedgehog I went on Google and I searched can hedgehogs take above and people are like yes they can in fact take a bot and for some hedgehogs baths actually good for them and of course too much or everything is not good but once in a while bobs for these guys allows them to relieve their dry skin or I don't know it just keeps them clean I guess cuz these guys there are pretty clean animals in general so we're gonna be showering him with some Johnson's baby shampoo because I can't really find Hedgehog shampoos outside besides doc shampoo cat shampoo I don't even know if there ramit shampoo but I think baby shampoo is the most mild so that's what we're gonna be using for this guy we're not gonna be using too much so let's see how it does let's see how he accepts this so what I'm gonna be doing is getting just a few drops of this baby shampoo into this bucket over here just yeah I think I think that's good enough sure that'd be good is that too much I don't know I think that's good so now I'm gonna be getting some turn on the heater getting some warm water because you don't want to give them room and voice just changed as I entered the toilet but yeah as I was saying you don't want to give them like super cold water or super hot water obvious reasons right so we're gonna give them some I mean not they're gonna give him warm water yep warm to the touch fill this up yeah I think that's good turn this off ode it back and then let's go give him a nice shower shall we I don't even know I'm doing the shower like outside here it's probably not it's not the best place because flow is wood so I'm gonna be using this old toothbrush to like to scrub oh hello mr. crocodile what's going on yeah so random I know but we're gonna be using this toothbrush over here to brush him very nice warm water yeah that's it that's the stuff so yeah we're gonna be pouring this gently over him and let's see what his reaction will be you like it dude if yeah I think he likes it yo he's waking up dude yeah if let's go bro let's go yeah there we go not too much yet cuz I wanna scrub him I wanna try to get all these green stuff out I'm not sure what they are actually if you guys have any ideas let me know in the comments below but I mean if it's not hurting him no harm done right it's not like we caused the green stuff to come we got him with the green stuff so I guess maybe that's his color not too sure it's like it's like bathing a little puffy or something get him super cute man you feel my nice rinse man that sound some massage cena's toothbrushes giving him a nice massage I think baby shampoo should be fine as long as it doesn't enter their eyes cuz I'm not gonna be using adult shampoo on him because he is a small guy but the thing is we're not sure how old he is and he Charles generally they don't live very long maybe like around five years and he looks to be rather mature check that out he looks to be very mature and definitely a guy you wanna see why he's a guy it's big oh yeah he just doesn't want to show up I let me see if we can oh there there can you see that that is why he's a guy exactly so yeah let's continue whoa check it out the water is like really dirty man you want one dirty Hedgehog super dirty and don't tell me to get my hedgehog a friend because hitch holes are solitary animals from what I've read so I don't think he'll do good with the friend and also my flower horn guys know my flower horn does not need friends this guy is a predator anything you put in he will kill he will go for the kill so yeah I'm not gonna be giving those animals that I have friends when they don't need friends okay and this guy is no exception nice Bob wait did the green stuff go off it's going off yo this awesome man the soap is doing its job no more green stuff come on green stuff get off dumb green stuff we don't need you on my hedgehog hopefully this guy is still young because they don't live very long like I mentioned so yeah that's the end of the soap because if this guy is really old already then he wouldn't have long to live and that would be pretty sad because I've grown pretty attached with this guy he's awesome despite him being like pissy number two but in general he's pretty chill look at him super cool scrub-a-dub-dub they talk in a tub oh listen to this ASMR hitch hop ASMR how's that probably put you guys to sleep it's kidding thank goodness my friend found him because if not then the dogs would have had him for dinner which would not be a fun thing to see can you imagine coming out of your house and you see a dead hedgehog they're all ripped apart by dogs exactly that will not be fun to see that is why my friend took him in at first he did not cooperate at all whoa calm down dude calm down he did not cooperate at all but eventually he just submits it to my friend I guess and he came home with me I really hope that the previous owner didn't like release him because he or she couldn't take care of it because that would just be dumb and irresponsible the bath is pretty much done you can see the green stuff are gone almost gone right you do what's going on that sees meal oh yeah check that are you guys that is a meal 100% dudes chill man chill just showing you your I mean showing them your thing so yeah let's go give him a quick rinse in warm water because it's not good to leave them on soap so yeah come and do come out of this because it's soapy water and it's not good for you there you go okay look at how dirty that water is man all right now it's time to rinse this little guy so yeah do it one yeah that's the stuff you get the ladies enjoying it there's nothing scare or anything super cute yeah that's the stuff bro I like it dude you're not going anywhere to all the suit is gone relax man you go in I be careful to not let water here all right we're done no more soda awesome dude you're done you don't flex flex yeah happy happy little Hedgehog come on let's go it's time to get out Harry go good little Hedgehog should I just like put you down here first while I go get two towel here is it our wall dude you're not going anywhere man come back here yeah come back here no no no you're not going to my sister's room you are going onto the towel so I can wipe you dry there we go cute little Hedgehog little Hedgehog dude okay relax relax feel secure in this super soft so if you guys have made it this far into the video let me know in the comments below if you like hedgehogs or if you do keep a hedgehog because I mean from my experience after keeping this guy for the period of time that I have been keeping him I think headshots are pretty darn cool and when this guy reaches his time I will definitely get another Hedgehog because awesome little thing I mean their children and you bathe them at least this guy is but if he's sleeping and I go and disturb him you will not be happy he'll go like it's hilarious but I mean that is our new Hedgehog Fang dad guy alright guys so I think this video is really long enough I've hunted Albert oh yo what the hell okay I'm sorry I'm sorry so yeah guys I'm on to Albert's question so they'll be pretty much in with this video if you liked it thumbs it up if you didn't come to down you to this channel subscribe hit that notification bell and like I mentioned if I did anything wrong please let me know in the comments below because I genuinely would like to know and improve to care for this little guy because he is awesome and I want to give him the best life possible for the future because we don't know how long he has left since we found him outside he could be five years old Paul you know and he could have a few months left to go or he could be one year old and had four more years to go I really hope that's the case but oh man she's doing so yeah I'm gonna have to rinse up again and I'm not gonna showing you guys because this video is really long enough so yeah like I mentioned they'll be it for this video I'll see you in the next video take care and peace and say goodbye say goodbye to the people you see he does people want to say goodbye to you guys I'm sorry about that we'll probably get him to say goodbye in the future see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Exotics Lair
Views: 3,025,077
Rating: 4.9494977 out of 5
Keywords: animal, animals, hedgehog, albino hedgehog, hedgehog bath, bathing hedgehog, pet hedgehog, can hedgehogs bath, lost and found, exotic, exotics, pet, pets, exoticpet, exoticpets, exoticslair, exotics lair, albino, porcupine, nature, wildlife, educational, entertainment
Id: HoBMThzO3sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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