Cute Pet TikToks that Will Brighten Up Your Day ❤️️🥰

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it all started when my mom met my dad and they fell in love and they had me hi i'm ryan and my life is kind of crazy [Music] it's time for school come on wake up it's time for school come on man are you ready for school you are so beautiful to me [Music] [Laughter] kiss your dog on the head and record their reaction you are so beautiful to me can't [Music] all right we're going to give my dog some sparkling water and see the reactions why is it spicy we literally went to the store for one thing and my sister i got a turtle i'm a neighbor taquito open your mouth and see what your cat does yeah i tell the puppy you love him i love him i guess you want to go for a walk i guess that's what you want isn't it [Music] oh my gosh that's so sweet [Music] oh yeah she took it immediately she's already trying to feed it good job mama that's a good mama that's a sweet girl good job mama good job sweet girl [Music] oh she's like how'd you find my baby i knew she would [Music] you angry [Music] my dog's separation anxiety is so bad i just parked the car and he thinks i am going to leave him oh there she is [Music] hello hey [Music] if you have a dog turn your volume up to see what their reaction will be for the following sounds or don't i can't really tell you what to do this is your sign to adopt dwarf bunnies with your best friend first trip to pets at home we are spoiling these damn bunnies look at how full the car is low can't wait to put them in the little gray beds also i have no idea how this cage is fitting in the house booked their first vet check we made up their little carrier boxes big up youtube for the tutorial we drove one hour to collect them but we got lost hoops we finally arrived and look at how cute they are on gog omgomp taking them home tune in for part two what am i supposed to do all day while you're at school i don't know what do you normally do when i'm gone wait for you to get back hey good morning everyone our morning routines are very very busy i fill up the sink with water and i test it if it's too cold or if it's too hot but just perfect for him i also have a blue little cloth that goes into the sink in case he wants to get in or wants to get out he sure loves his baths he learned how to swim yesterday and he learned that he could float too he absolutely loves the water of course he's a duck so i normally let him swim in there as long as he wants until he decides that he wants to come out and he'll climb up that blue rag and tell me that he's all done when he's all done i'll go ahead and put him in a little heated blanket he loves it because then he can warm up and dry off so cute making my way back home been a long day time to see my fluffy dog proof that cats are government spies the white hair is her deactivate button dominion trying to stop me hello these guys desperately needed a bath after a move so i thought i'd show you how to do that here i am just filling a sock with some raw oats i put it over a cup to make it easier to fill i use water a little warmer than room temperature and i have a towel on the bathtub floor to keep them from slipping keep the water pretty shallow so that way they can still touch the bottom while they're in there make sure your socks are tied in a tight knot and add them to the tub and now we are ready for the noodles i use a cup to get them wet and try not to get their face i like to squeeze the sock over them since we're not using soap and i just kind of rub it in and rinse it out once your noodles are all clean go ahead and take them out and dry them off and then release them onto a towel they will dry themselves off the rest of the way and now you have a happy floof noodle i hope this helped guys i think something's wrong with my dog let me show you she uh she loves lasers for some she's a she's a cat basically she she dives at the ground good morning god unzip hi soupy gotta clean the turds soup made big messes fresh water for soup time for a new can of food scoop and plop adding churu yum it's time to weigh the soupies noodle onion gumbo tomato broccoli broccoli is a pirate argh soup i love you with all my heart [Music] um mochi what's up you ready for the kids they're coming don't worry they're coming [Music] so luke found a new hiding place which is under the dresser and i think she's gonna try and fit the poop scoop under the dresser you're doing great sweetie you're doing great you're doing amazing oh yes so okay reasons why i bought this mic oh what are you are you bad please tell me you're not bad are you bad are you bad you're not bad you're cute okay you're cute okay i thought you were dating what are you doing kelby's my sister's cat kelvin you guys thought my cat was weird even met this guy this cat's thirsty calvin you get that water you're an independent cat you don't need no human giving you water you just drink the water right from the sink that good water that high quality h2o you got a little something on your mouth buddy i saw a post on facebook that sticky traps are mean because the animal gets stuck to it freaks out starves to death whatever i agree it's totally mean if you threw this mouse into the garbage look how adorable he is but look his foot is stuck he's perfectly safe we're getting him out of my house you pour some oil on him and he's gonna freak out a bit and he's gonna come unstuck it might take a second but he's definitely gonna come unstuck he is starting to come unstuck he is like very scared of me obviously but there we go and who knows maybe he'll run back into my house but i'm happy i did not kill him how awesome is this sound hey oh big stretch [Music] the chicken strips foreign [Music] i no longer wish to adult from now on i shall remain a cozy burrito if you need me i will be in my fluff tortilla what's in this sack well sounds like we got some more babies they're perfect doorknobs learning how to box mama's still laying hang in there julia [Music] hear me hi honey how are your babies oh very nice oh why'd you kick your sister that wasn't very nice poor thing you got it osiris you're taking so freaking long come here figure oh there you go good girl let's go home good job you did good babe disrespect your surroundings jerry what are you doing outside it's it's grizzly yeah get in the house right now jerry get down from there it's time to go downstairs get out of the popcorn machine i'm not making popcorn and you stop trying to get up there and eat here [Music] please don't be your hero
Channel: GreenRamen
Views: 1,626,244
Rating: 4.9446149 out of 5
Id: h-NP5w10_DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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