Show of the Weekend: Okami HD on Switch and Ellen's Animal-Form Art Test

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thank you cannot see your fare izing again yes because the life is strange - trailer came out yes one four five - Louis Avenue I've got any better I watched it 567 times trying to find all the clues is the policeman the one from the captain spirit newspaper cuttings whose voice we hear at 28 seconds it really be Nathan's I'm nearing the center of the maze Ellen I can really don't touch my theories my theories honestly well were you though yeah are you sent by square-enix because I was getting a little too close we'll talk about this later an exhaustive detail but in the meantime yes I've got something else to talk exhaust fatigue is the game Smash Brothers ultimate hmm [Music] we've got to play a little bit of Smash Brothers ultimate both of us at e3 2018 the game is not out until the very end of the year and it's quite unusual for Nintendo to show off a game this far ahead I think they've done it with Smash Brothers ultimate because it's got that competitive angle I think they want to see a lot of people playing it because they're still going to be balancing the easy to do that now then trying to patch it later yeah I think so and I went along to Nintendo's UK Invitational which was an event where a bunch of very very good Smash Brothers players and me probably got to play the game they were a bunch there was a little tournament for people who are very very good and then they did like a sort of members of the media match reporters oh everyone realizes we don't know what we're talking about actually the people are playing against were very very good and I got my ass kicked I got a few kills in but did do well yeah I got my I got my butt whooped but need to give me a little bit more of a chance to play with Smash Brothers it's a game that is quite personal to me because I played it a lot when I was younger it was the game that when I was at university was kind of in a bunch of like living rooms I feel like I have a lot invested in that obviously everyone watching this knows already that on Nintendo nerd and so yeah that sort of like backstory in that history and everyone fighting together really appeals to me but if you haven't played smash brothers I would I just think it's got the coolest like fighting mechanic just yeah just really really enjoy it getting the damage percentage up by hitting people and then it confusingly goes above 100% yeah yeah yeah more likely how am I not dead yeah it makes perfect sense Ellen higher your damage the further you fly when you're hit and then when you hit the edge of the screen you lose a life and if you're playing in a timed match then the other person gets a plus one point and you lose okay it's not that simple but it's also you know not super-complicated you can get your head around it quite quickly and it's it feels it always feels to me much more like a platformer game than a fighting game every character can double jump triple jump even I really really like that aerial fighting it just you get a lot of really exciting with scenarios and like dodging in the air it makes me feel like a like a cool sort of airborne ninja mostly because I play as Zelda yeah as her counterpart spoiler alert for those still playing games from 1998 Sheik so with ultimate they have put every combatant who was ever in Smash Brothers all in it they're all in it together which is really cool and definitely I'm sure before it comes out they're going to announce a bunch more in fact there is a Smash Brothers ultimate endow direct coming very very soon so probably by the time this goes out there might be some new levels or some new characters announced and here they are [Music] Wow what exciting new features your favorite new feature Ellen I like me too that was also my favorite playing the game it feels exactly like every other Smash Brothers game they really haven't tinkered with the formula I suppose if I try and put aside my personal excitement for this game and love of the series and try and take the broader view the thing that makes me a bit nervous is that by having the most fighters ever and like the most options and just like the most everything I think this is probably the Smash Brothers that is the least friendly to newcomers yeah it could be a little bit overwhelming yeah I think it could yeah I would like you don't have to be able to you don't have to be like a sort of pro streaming like super twitch response level I certainly am NOT you do have to have kind of have like a familiarity with the controls which aren't similar to anything else in other games like you can pick up Street Fighter yeah and be like that's punch that's cake that's jump yeah and you can play yeah yeah and you won't you won't be bring all the combos or anything and all that yeah you can enjoy it yeah I think with Smash Brothers there's so many variations so many stages so many items in this game we've been playing all the matches we've played so far I've been absolutely filled with items like I'm a big Nintendo fan but like just things pop up and I'm like the hell is that is it one of the items that's gonna like blow someone else up or is it one of the many many ones that if I pick it up I'll blow up let's try so there's so much stuff to get your head around I'm just really hoping that when when you get the game sort of fresh out of the box there's enough in the way of tutorials and introductory stuff and maybe not all of the items are switched on by default I just hope that it's not going to be completely overwhelming because this is undoubtedly Nintendo's big game of the year we were talking last year to remember when Mary Odyssey in breath of the world would come out yeah we're talking about here been such a good such an incredible year for the for the switch just between two as well what are they gonna have next year yeah and they have come back strong with one of their biggest franchises in Smash Brothers we know that there's Metroid on the way but it's only gonna really work if they can make smash brothers like a commercial as well as a critical success because you know marry Odyssey in breathitt wild they were really big sellers so I really want the intended to make a Smash Brothers game that is for everyone who owns a switch rather than everyone who like me played Smash Brothers ten years ago there are lots and lots of features that I feel are aimed at the hardcore like for example the fact that GameCube controllers are still compatible traditionally every Smash Brothers game is supported those old GameCube controllers yeah and like I feel most comfortable playing on a GameCube controller because that's the games like exactly but at the same time I know that if it didn't support GameCube controllers I'd still play it and I'd still love it I'd just learn a new control scheme so obviously you don't have to play with GameCube controllers but it's something that again plays into my slight nervousness that I worry like what if Nintendo is making again for Smash Brothers fans you know who deserve the good Smash Brothers game certainly but the rest of the world who like who aren't on board yet do because otherwise Smash Brothers fans not gonna have anyone to play with except each other and you're already better than me so I really need something if I'm going to person played the last one occasionally with new mates items saving dashing get a few punches in and yeah she'll know that stuff yeah I want to get into a character like inside and out what what I'm worried will happen is that is that thing with multiplayer games where you've played it more than your friends have so just because you've had more practice you're better at it and it means that it's not fun I would love for Smash Brothers to come out and everyone on our team and like for the octopus guys I want to always be playing it and all to be like gang familiar with the controls and experiencing what what a brilliantly deep and fun and just random and hilarious fighting game it is I'm worried that day one I'll be playing it loads and those days and then we'll be like let's do it on live stream and it won't be a ton of fun for everybody else said that's what makes me nervous that's something that you know it can happen with multiplayer games I want the smash brothers that works for everyone I want people who you know like the pro players people who just love spectating it and love the competitive sort of meta game stuff I want them to have a game that works for them but I also think that it has to be accessible and elsewhere for everyone which is what previous games in the series have managed to do but they have to be careful I think not to make it just completely overwhelming it's also Mario Party coming out though this year so you know if Smash Brothers turns out to be like too hardcore and not fun enough for us we can always play the hilariously unfair Mario Party I can't wait to play Inklings Oh Inc the main things yeah very cute and I think they're just like such a fun addition really fun to play I like having played a bunch of a bunch of matches I think a lot of people are sort of favoring the ink so yeah they have to recharge their ink every now yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn't do a very good one there yeah I'm cool yeah of course right from one beloved Nintendo game you another game that is also now coming out on the switch whoa [Music] much-beloved cult-classic akame is coming to the Nintendo switch in splendid HD an action-adventure game where you play the goddess of the Sun in the form of an adorable white wolf whose job it is to fight off the darkness gets savaged I think the darkness is a lot to think about after that if you please do your dog on a rock impression that you did from Far Cry 5 a far cry 5 video where you've had your doggie house oh you did oh that's the first question yet well most question liek a commie is fairly similar in many ways to the Legend of Zelda series good in fact the game's director Hideki Kamiya has cited it as an inspiration for the game it even has horrible spidery looking bosses but most similarly wolf akami is accompanied by a small glowy companion listen hmm one a tiny tiny wandering artists who pesters you throughout the game it's a lot a lot of little connections here yeah so Luke mm-hmm is in your opinion a commie wolf link and therefore wolf doom guy get my life is change we have more today yes because well for many reasons I mean we know that link turns into a wolf on occasion we know that we know that link has like little glowy companions in the form of Navi or even Midna in Twilight Princess and we know that link is not averse to sometimes making himself cel-shaded look yeah which is absolutely his decision if I try and imagine if doom guy turned into a wolf what would that look like [Music] yeah I feel like doom guy would look more hellish more like like like the like a commie wolf but with like darker fur and with like red eye and they would have to be like a hint of green somewhere and maybe you know how sometimes you see those dogs really like jumpers yeah dog in Arma wouldn't it I think a jumper would be okay so yes it is very very yes I'm willing I'm willing to lovely I'm willing to submit it for further study question number two another thing out this week is monster hunter world but for PC oh yeah okay plus Monster Hunter generations ultimate comes to the switch later on at the end of the month mm-hmm and in the 3ds version of generations yeah there was a special a commie themed crossover well sir can you guess what it was unattempted to say that it was a pattern related to pala COEs was your palico wearing the like the fur of the wolf as a sort of like you know like baby yeah is that it yeah like your palico is caught and skinned to the wolf well it's it's made out of other monster creatures but yeah you could unlock the ability to create an out yeah I can I see well looks like oh that's adorable it does that like the palico skinned yeah that's exactly what look yeah okay the more I play monster hunter the more the palico slightly freaked me out because they are they're really really cute don't get me wrong but but the more like bloodthirsty monster hunter seems like as a thing like the big dinosaur things like limping away in pain yeah and your pal eCos like you're chasing it and then you bring it down and you're trying to be like Solomon the Parkers laughs you know I'm really pelicans they're definitely cute I just wonder yeah please keep killing the big ones we'll help you kill yeah there was also another akame sort of themed outfit for the pala cows as well oh okay linking back into our last question hmm what do you think it was could they did they have a look like a little link hat you mentioned cel-shaded yeah link oh okay did Oh what you could you a Polly Kobe cel-shaded you could have to do you think it's your palak oh yeah but he's got ears and a tail oh my god wearing lilly wearing cosplay wearing literally wearing Ling space yeah that is brilliant what okay it's so weird it's super cute running like this economy features a visually distinct and beautiful cel-shaded art style mentioned based on japanese ink illustration or ink wash illustration painting as it's known as well but Luke what is your favorite style of painting that you would like to see in a video game whoa okay I'm really bad at art both the doing it and the knowing of it Aleksandr Calder who is an artist who did those big Mobile's with colored dots I think I would like to see uncharted reimagined as a mobile I like JW Turner yes painted a lot of boats yes and a scene but I can't imagine how that would translate to a video game what's the new what's the new one with the the Pirates and the multiplayer and the shooting skullenbones yeah yeah Skull and Bones but it's a sort of abstract impressionist storm scape you can barely comprehend for in order to fight the darkness a commie must use the all-important celestial brush aha with this she can bring life back to the world forge paths and even fight enemies players do all of this with touchscreen or joy Kahn motion controls and it's all very clever nice good brush by the sounds of it mm-hmm we're going to test your artistry as we are what to do yeah in this show okay okay first yeah you will select the animal you will be by circling one of the animals that I have written on this page you can't see eye to eye can't see it nope so I start to blindly Circle it yep with your celestial permanent marker oh okay so you know without looking as if you've got your switch and you've just gone like that yep sure sure and you have to choose one of these and it will be your creature that you will have to draw so this is your challenge okay I'm watching James's face change oh okay you're in between kind of two at the moment okay so should I make a call this way go you either go up or down you okay so like so like this yeah people black and red pen yeah you must draw yourself as a magical mystical Archaeopteryx can do for practicing for this my whole life give you three minutes three minutes oh that's quite a lot of time okay okay I'll give you two minutes okay all right two minutes ready set go okay I'm going and going and going and going okay t-shirt with you oh yeah no I don't think I have to it from memory thing is I've only ever seen seconds already I'm gonna just have to it bent over all backwards yeah but that's fine because yeah it's it's doing an attack you've got to do lots of nice lovely red highlights yeah yeah sure sure okay okay okay 14 good yes so majestic how long have I go 30 30 seconds oh yeah that looks awesome lots of lovely swirly pattern yeah got ten seconds I think the red is redeeming him d me I had this in mind all along yay oh wait okay okay you're done you're done you've you've finished okay yeah you ready to show the class am i okay this is your magical spirit form Luke for a car me to panic over so I only really can picture an Archaeopteryx like all bent over backwards like it's been yeah yeah mushed into fossil form I think it looks quite poetic I think this is the sort of Billy Elliot oh of Japanese dinosaur yeah birds yeah and I don't say that lightly obviously the markings are quite this sort of red protofeathers at the top very important I slightly lost it a bit here with the the foot I also only drew one leg so just behind each other yeah exactly that's the air they're perfectly behind each other and they both are like this at the end this is why I had to take to the skies because imagine walking around on this little little prong all day it's good good I think 10 points 10 points yes I am very impressed by your very strong very strong work yeah I think we should go from looking at your wonderful art last week we celebrated a truly special moment in outside extra history no not the time we've got free Snickers from the vending machine but when the channel passed the 500 thousand subscriber mark and to celebrate we live streamed what everyone agrees is one of the finest games of all time Michael loved' Kingdoms of Amalur forgot that this game has a brilliant glitch where sometimes the subtitles hang around off-screen yeah it's still time for work boys yeah I think it's your xbox I've never heard that before the bogut is saying it's time for work what is Orca saying it's time for work I mean it's really multi-layers metatextual narrative always come into a mini master thinks this might be the start of a trend Ellen I can see Ellen mentioning every tiny milestone they achieve just to play more Kingdoms of Amalur Luke we just reached five hundred thousand and one subs time for more Kingdoms of Amalur my gosh Luke we're both wearing the same color socks what are the odds you know what we should celebrate and I know just the thing elsewhere Ellen and I rattled through some of the games that are heading your way this August from okami on switch and we happy few to Madden NFL 19 which we're reliably informed is the game about some kind of American football let's be upfront we know nothing about the sport this is the one where you go long it's like rugby but with caging KJ there will be play emotions that Ellen allow players to push blockers to gain more yards while running and make realistic cuts upfield after the catch any of those words mean anything to you Sports is the one for you almost don't don't don't don't no that's the no but I was enjoying the tuned sports a and Hader knows our pain Ellen I know how you feel guys I too awkwardly say sports whenever anything sports oriented ever comes up in a conversation the trick is to memorize one fact for every single sports fan you know hey James it's good to hear the West Ham might be taking Perez off of Arsenal's hands after that dismal season on loan right yeah but like that means well back is he enough cover for a Bama yang and lacA Z and in last week's show of the weekend I gave Ellen a tense overcooked two quiz role playing frustrating situations that would have any chef hot under the collar or with avatars drawn for us by overcooked to spill Duncan look Luke I could you could you stop that second these are dirty they need to be clean they're gonna be dirtier in a second in order to spread they're getting clean I'm cleaning them you're welcome by the way oh no I don't think what you're doing by the way trying to get past some of us at least I raise your voice chef C hot in here yes because there is a mirror liar one of us should open a window no II shouldn't window because we shouldn't feed oxygen to the fire commenter new washer man sees art imitating life link i know that it's just a drawing but Ellen's character clearly has had enough of loops just from her facial expression I disagree I think this is a face that says hey Luke I see you doing your best well done for giving it your all right Alan Alan last week we took a look or rather a listener horrible sounding games that will stay with us forever whether they're the creepy sounds of some of gaming's grossest villains forever ingrained in our gaming consciousness signaling to players over the years that it's time to run and hide again until the guards who were hunting you call off the search or until you take them all out of course which also works commenter Mozilo games thought that looked a little too real I feel like we should be worried about how effectively Andy pulled off that chokehold all I'm saying is there's anyone seen Andy and Solid Snake in the same room actually shot that video I haven't seen Andy in anything yeah those stealthy instinct too hard to deprogram he'll turn up good how long were we out oh but look look what I found Oh wonderful art are you guys this is mr. black on Twitter look it's off the back of the overcooked stuff we've got some great fan of Ellen taking charge shall we say in the kitchen environment look it sells Jim I think my favorite detail and this is just James's face Ellen you rember how you tried to calm me down by when I was chopping to me tomatoes look at this look it's the tomato fish that's height different type of different type of tomato like this makes me hungry which feels weird yeah it around so pull it tomorrow I gave it any it likes me go yes now there's the thought we don't need to see green sprouts and then finally Ellen this is Logie fair 5 3 7 on Twitter I actually thought you don't understand this one yeah because he seems like you're strangling me as if I'd done something wrong with I said something or annoyed you yeah yeah yeah I can only assume that this is some sort of like what-if scenario where where I was not um you know doing a very good job in the kitchen seems unlikely but hey that's what art does it transports us to fantastical it's really really good it's really good thank you and quick work everyone fool all that amazing yeah there was a quick turnaround on all yeah brilliant thank you for your fan art as always thank you so Ellen we've reached the end yeah so of the weekend but if you want more outside extra in your life the only other very many more episodes to watch but you can also come see us live at egx in Birmingham in September that's right tickets are still available for the live show that we're doing on the Friday showdown of the week it's going to be intense Andy is the quiz master this time if we could find him so it's gonna be really really fun it's gonna be really awesome so yeah and those meeting greets every day yeah tickets a live show and details to staff at all if you follow the link that's on screen now and find them all yeah meet you all see you all again yeah what tipped you off about it I'm stroking it on the fridge I think a little better than the fridge other frame above the fireplace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 91,013
Rating: 4.9783425 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, show of the weekend, outsidextra, outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, okami hd gameplay, okami hd, switch, okami switch, okami hd trailer, trailer, super smash bros ultimate, super smash bros, ssbu, smash bros switch, smash bros, smash bros ultimate invitational, smash bros ultimate trailer, smash bros ultimate reaction, smash bros ultimate characters, fighters, roster
Id: 6DQa_9jgouI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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