Show of the Weekend: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Luke's Winning Combo

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hi I'm Ellen and I'm Luke bring it in lieutenant Rose Luke how many times you were a Star Trek captain in VR for like 20 minutes you have to stop issuing orders now if there are guides if that we punch it okay I'm very punch it please stop it commander Douglas this member of a crew is becoming belligerent kindly remove her to the Brig Gen Con okay what for the health change changes truly the part of a captain is a lonely one so Luke how did you escape yeah gruel enough for the vents loop come on I think that these days is Arthur Jeffries cheese yeah what have you been playing other than Star Trek VI what we've been up to you I've been playing little nightmare [Music] yeah super creepy little nightmare so yeah we've been excited about this game for a long time but we've only played it in sort of fits and start over the weekends I played through the whole thing fairly short game I would maybe some five or six hours even if you're kind of not particularly rushing and it's great it really belongs in that emerging family of games that are indie platformers that have a really cool idea like I get limbo was maybe like one of the first one it's got similarities to unravel and things like that what's really special about it is the super super dark time yeah visually it's got that Tim Burton creepiness yeah which is a level of creepiness that I am not especially frightened of because it's you know everyone yeah that's kind of old Gordon or Allah that's cool exactly everyone looks like they're in the night before Christmas or corpse bride or something or yeah yeah I expect so have that had like a look about it but I wasn't expecting it to be actually frightening especially you know not explained present evil seven earlier this year and that was like a properly fighting scary game and so I was not expecting it to be properly frightening but it is properly frightening actually it's super super creepy and in a way that is more subtle but but very very powerful so creepy about it isn't the frightening enemies although they do look horrifying this one who you may have seen in some of the Let's Plays we've done and he's like this sort of jailor character yet and he's got like tiny little legs but very long arms and as someone with very long myself I you know was ready to be affronted that this portrayal of long arms people it's just a bigger hug but the actual enemy design isn't the most frightening thing it's the the gameplay mechanics which involve a lot of running and hiding and there wasn't a whole lot of that in Resident Evil 7 and actually not a lot in most Tori games I played like some proper survival horror games have mechanics that involve you hiding inside something you hide in a cupboard and kind of go are you playful to either be murdered or for the infamous you you little nightmares is all about hiding and more often than not you get found and that's really scary because it's not like found dead game over try again is like found what are you gonna do now you've got a run and yeah so you find yourself just like running round and the frightening thing is that that your character six she can run quite fast with a tiny little matchstick legs but not as fast as any enemy in the game so in a little flat-out race they will get you so you've got to find somewhere to hide like under a table or like in a little vent or something like that that dynamic of being chase is really frightening the AI has this inconsistency to it so that you're never quite sure what's going to happen so you can be hidden and be like well I was hit here last time so it'll be fine and then the thing will just be like look and that sets off one of these really really frightening Chaffey because and and there is a sort of unpredictable nough so the way that those working - the way those play out which means you'll never you're always on edge very very tense game so you really feel like prey I guess in the game you really feel like you're it doesn't an amazing job of capturing that sense of being hunted yeah the way that it looks is really really cool because it looks a little bit like claymation yeah I mentioned like a local business that's not just in the stylizing in the way that things look it's also in the way that things move everything has this crumpled like everything's made of little mannequins or maquette or something like that it meketa thing I don't know anything that sounds like a thing it's like a maquette we don't know what i'ma care - oh my god so the look is great the story like many games of this genre is not told explicitly there's no dialogue or anything like that you just sort of infer it from the environments that you're moving through it and what's going on around you and there are a few real shot moments that without being jump spit the scares maybe go oh I'm okay I'm okay no I'm okay if I had one complaint it's that the game is basically a 2d platformer right you just the camera is almost always fixed on the side and yet the way the controls are mapped it's like to a 3d environment so occasionally you'll be walking left to right along a pipe and you're thinking like well I just hold the stick left or right to move long pipe you can actually fall off either side so that so sometimes I found the controls to be a little bit fidgety there's nothing too taxing but it's the right level of puzzles in dirt sometimes you'll be in a room and you'll be stuck but then you will get it probably like there's nothing so tough that you can't figure it out well that's what you want yes or no in a puzzle game especially like puzzle platformer there's one game that does it perfectly is like portal yeah it's just that gradual buildup of the first few levels like really and then you get to one you go wait oh okay yeah okay right and then when you finally get it Mac yeah that's what I found with unravel which is like little nightmares but more fun like kind of like it is not like more fun but more like less less scary basically although there is a bit with it like a small thing that chases units very like her now I'm afraid of eonni more down the road but no it doesn't good vision in sunlight no no more factories blind it with the torch cutting more facts there's so much time for games that you can just blast through in an afternoon yeah that have that gently unfolding story and and a beautiful look yeah I think the last one I played I really really loved was an absolute which is the diving one Hollywood's big whales yeah yeah you go now there's so much fun and they're not all frightening they're like the witness lo the witness man yeah now that's hard that's hard punch yeah that's like when I was playing the witness my living room looked like a like a serial killers den because I they car yeah I hadn't connected dots everything and be like question mark Chris remark how does this get the police commissioner come to cinema with my police commissioner he played like Lindo follow up basically inside oh yeah inside year after winning well don't know when you find like these really great gaming experiences yeah you can just blast through in one evening yeah but are just as memorable as your twin games with you they really stick with you like if someone brings up inside and conversation I'm like oh my college chair that was amazing what about this bit and this bit not all games do that like a lot to play games don't always a game can be all the punch here and more impactful for being really short yes yes because it doesn't give you time to get bored of it yeah if little nightmares was 20 hours long it's not being scary yeah it's got a beautiful aesthetic it's very fun and easy to play and yeah I was just so surprised at how frightening it was and so tense I played it at Gamescom last year a demo and I remember playing it and jumping out of my skin at one point cuz I've been so careful and avoid another yes telling it and then losing all that I'm kind of like a ratatouille game built in the still nightmares like architecture where you're betting the rat being chased by horrifying chefs really wearing someone else's skin if you want Disney you can dial back the skin wearing yeah it's a short game but then it's not a very expensive game I think sixteen or seventeen pounds actual prices are on screen now yes and they're gone so hope you were quick and this really fun and frightening really frightening don't play it if you don't like scary things will do and you will face your fears yeah I'm not good at scary thing so I'm going to play a hell out of this brave like Ellen yeah be brave like me but also you need to be brave now we are going to be subjects through one of my dusted lis quizzes know about Mario Kart 8 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god yes Mario Kart 8 is out now on the switch revoked I got some questions for you regarding everyone's basically letting everyone's favorite racing game everyone felt like isn't in the room right now so I could say that my close Mario Kart best in them truly honest yeah how can you ignore the law of the car that you can't get him to try Mario Kart 8 features some new races such as the kids from splatoon however who is your go-to character for racing in Mario Kart Princess Peach I'll please please tell us why I don't know I really like Princess Peach I think she's cool I like the things she shouts which is a big part of Mario Kart what she sure she's like let's go in a less Mickey Mouse kind of way anyway that was pretty good actually that's a little bit more she sounds like yeah and you know she does like cool stunts when she's on the bike mm-hmm Princess Peach has sort of a bad rep in the gaming community because what she's most famous for is getting kidnapped over and over again which is you know not cool and I think does not speak to how awesome to speech actually is yeah especially in the Mario sports titles she competes evenly over with everyone yeah Princess Peach although I know in Mario Kart 8 link is in it in the and in the in the yeah and in the deluxe one he's like there right from the right from the start so you can you can also races link which is real tempting because you know link but go to always Princess Peach also I just think her if you didn't marry a car weight class but I like to not get too personal about the princess but the Mario Kart weight class that I type and I which is sort of like light and maneuverable I don't like the heavier character yeah you're Wario's and you don't get Kong's in your Bowser's yeah the ones who would just you know like smash into stuff that just don't have the cornering come on yeah Bowser work on your cornering come on I'm annoyed now next question a new and improved battle mode is making its way to the revamped Mario Kart 8 cool if you could revamp anything what would it be I could revamp anything I like conservatory the planet's environmental health cuz I cure climate change that is actually an excellent answer yeah revamp its own the environment up and on again yeah everything's fine coral reefs are okay yeah good still that oh yeah revamp the country bout the coral reefs yeah yeah revamp the tiger population I suppose if I was trying to limit it to a more video gaming thing and that's a perfectly good answer there was a game on the entity for called Pokemon snap right which was it felt like it was going to be a whole new genre of game there's any awesome Pokemon snap if you didn't play it was an on-rails game when you go around and pokemon jump out and you have to take photos of them you could throw Pesta balls at the Pokemon to annoy them which sometimes produced photo worthy moments like them falling in a volcano or something and you'd be like snap get that to the professor yeah Pokemon snap don't know one that tonight well isn't that like Pokemon go no Ellen cuz I you can fail yes okay sitting like reality where there's no one there yes obviously it is a bit like that yeah the toss-up between saving the environment and Pokemon snap ticket oh okay another important question regarding Mario Kart gameplay cool cut one motorbike motorbike Princess Peach on a motorbike yeah absolutely unbeatable unbeatable next question now I like motorbikes I was really pleased when they introduced them in diddy kong racing again yeah that's BM 54 54 heavy quiz like they'll cut like hover boats and planes and I've always wondered what it would be like if Mario Kart introduced claims I mean you can glide in Mario Chi ya operations and cool fashion yeah that's not not fully fledged through the book yeah not really have you ever Luke okay don't be honest have you ever given someone the Luigi death stare when driving in real life [Laughter] the only car that I've ever had in real life was a very very small car and so if we were playing it not well not comfortably tiny little life like in Stephanie epic are like Joe so sort of imagine how intimidating the death daily form in color only drive very long dislike yeah not very intimidating I'm not an angry driver at all no um I think I've used the horn maybe like twice in my life and both times immediately fell or could read it but not shut up on the motor or something like that that really wasn't appropriate he's getting the horn piece on said I saved it for the Mario Kart yeah so yeah like next we going on the roads and then you could just slow motion husband go on with one more final question okay our most important question of all Princess Peach what yeah we all love and hate bring the road trickiest of all it is the trickiest with its twists and turns from the risk of falling off the edges yeah so important question yeah okay when you go bowling do you have those little barriers up you don't need the barriers when you use that metal thing that roll that's the professional sleep yes like every time so easy with the next rule yeah roll that down easy job done here Thank You Luke I think we have learned Lots knowing you know answer the question do you yet you get away so he you just use the slicing they're nearly left people oh I know wandering Daffy Roscoe would it be more fun with them up yes but you know that's life you can't just eat chocolate for dinner every day you can't just have the barriers up when you go bowling that's the mm-hmm the tragic meaning what point am I trying to make it I guess no I don't have two barriers no but it's good having the barriers I'm quite an aggressive bowler it's very much all or nothing with my bowling technique it's either that devastating strike or more often like the media category I'm constant and let I once did the amazing thing of having two pinned like that really and I got one and it hit the other one and I was like I'll never be this good at bowling every day I mean that's yes right right easier than a split like that can't be or else it wouldn't be the nice point James is shaking his head yeah trikey just have to be lucky enough to have the pins at the front grip like that but then why is the strike like the most point like it worth less points because the first row was rubbish but all right harder to knock down two pins like that get more points for lending what's the strike strikes like well strikes your points get added up later don't know there's like five ten yeah illegible I don't know will hash out the exact details yeah those about the answer I love it well I wasn't a very good time today well I think we have learned a lot about Mario Kai's I say no I think so I think I think we've done very well to teach you all about the ins and outs of this classic games mhm and Fleur I think next did you see what you guys been saying on the coin just into the comments recently Luke and Andy got crafty making a real-life chop-chop master onion Oh God glue disaster luma gedan oh god I'm so sorry me there is Marcus V noted how useful it would be to have an additional person on the team saying next time Ellen or Luke are there they stab master onions stand in instead of someone from OC's box oh my god that'd be a great idea where is he he was going to smell a bit so we got thrown away would you throw me away if I started to snow yes elsewhere we looked at some moments in game but broke our heart instead of playing a game to the end I played it till about one or two missions before that mission and just stayed there for five years comments and mixed us thought you'd go for a different entry Ellen what about the moment you found out that Kingdoms of Amalur reckoning wouldn't get a sequel you know in other news we jumps back in time to play classic Disney games in the Disney Afternoon collection all right I'm going to throw this fall out we must have to get the ball in his hands I've done well and it's all down to you get the ball in an open hand you can do it out you can do it out John Michael Harris says I've died Ellen it's all up to you words we don't want to hear before the end of the world Hey oh no and I totally trust you to avenge my death elsewhere on last week's show I delve deep into Ellen's psyche with an outlast to choose your own adventure as immersive as it was purely terrifying it's dark above the rows of corn you can see a farmhouse in the distance with its lights on do you a head for the farm be stay where you are and do nothing hi master jelly didn't find your world-building all that convincing though Luke immediately broke my immersion when Luke said that Ellen could see over a row of corn I see well when the chopper went down the spinning rotor blades chop the cross down a few feet it's all explained in the maze of madness expanded universe novels telling no you're thinking of the Capcom crossover graphic novels chun-li vs. the maze of madness which is canon but for Knowlton universe yeah seems like someone needs to reread their maze of madness hardback law compendium I'll go get my copy anywhere actually no not since I sent him that Wikipedia article on centipede centipedes BAM centipedes you're mine your life never going to get centipede at me BAM what is it centipedes right well according to his Instagram he was last seen heading in the direction of the London Zoo insect house well we'll see how that plays out whatever sandwich after this look if you're eaten we've talked about doing show of the weekend on an empty stomach whoa whoa how old are you because that out sorry okay Luke's stoic do you've any question get sleepy summer getting uppity um sorry about that rightly I learn to deal with weird noises when I heard you trying to voice comment or emoticons what noise you think their theories might avail yeah one of those Oh Luke I'm sorry I'm just joshing with you those noises are fine thanks Ellen thank you Matt sorry and thank you for watching if you enjoyed it don't forget to give us a big thumbs up this one already you should subscribe and join the other 250,000 aka quarter of a million other people subscribed to a section Oh Roger Klotz that's an amazing milestone genuinely guys thank you very much it's amazing and if you if you enjoyed this then there goes my show as a weekend to watch in our back catalogue so go dive into that but for now that is enough so that weekend from us so I think I'm going to get back to the rest of the wild mr. Mike beam me down to Hyrule we really don't have Star Trek powers energized you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 136,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario kart 8 deluxe, mario kart 8 switch, mario kart, mario kart switch, little nightmares, show of the weekend, ellen rose, luke westaway, outside xtra, icklenellierose, outsidextra, diddy kong racing, bloopers, bloops, outtakes
Id: IzicnZZB2JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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