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[Music] [Music] imagine following wait when i think i went i think i weigh i'll say [Applause] 286. 287.56 do i know my body weight or what am i good or what huh slow down bring it in there there you go [Applause] [Music] bring it down bring it down uh oh foreign [Music] oh oh oh god squeeze your backpack use your back shoulders back and squeeze come on shoulders back and squeeze off pull that shoulder back yes go down feel the back oh man tell you i can't wait for the 21st i just want to get it on you know can't wait any longer i'm itching i'm like do a ramble um foundation biggest um i guess the olympia you know epitomize uh the the best of the best and um for me you know the olympia is one of those things that um you know you work you work so long and so hard that uh yeah for that for that one particular day you know you know you're you're hoping that you're gonna you're gonna be at your best and everything is gonna come together um the olympia it's kind of for me it's like you know the super bowl of a bodybuilder you know so to to be to be considered as uh one of the favorites going in you know it means it means a lot to me you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] bye oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] it's not gonna bother you that i'm in a bad mood right you remember me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] please [Music] kept [Music] that's it [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that was four right that's four three nice three yeah [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] uh [Music] wait a long time to get back on stage haven't competed all year and uh a lot of guest appearances so i been on stage this year but big show the big super bowl at the end of the year is what it's all about [Music] five four [Music] [Music] hmm there yeah [Music] oh [Music] oh my god unbelievable [Music] big old time baby yep [Music] [Music] all right [Music] olympia is everything olympia is the show it's with a big voice come on play a lot of clothes even made it there yeah myself i've been there twice and i played six both times so i know what it's about know how to get there [Music] oh [Music] yep [Music] [Music] uh so last set i'm trying to jump on the cardio it's melvin here he went to mr california this year you know what to say about mr california they always go grow you got to get up get up higher keep going keep going keep going go a little higher good good workout [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] this [Music] me [Music] right now a place like i said in the sixth position the last two years i don't talk about mr olympia right now my goal is top three and when i say top three i mean i'll be in the top three if i say mr olympia i would be mr olympia so when i start talking that way just look out [Music] [Music] well let's see the first difficulty is uh scheduling i got to schedule everything right so that i can uh make it to work on time and get my workout in on time every day and uh cook my food the second difficult thing for me is probably you know once i get to work i'm i'm scheduled to work eight hours without a break anything so i gotta try and find a way to get a break the best way that i can because uh when you when you work for the police department you know anything is scheduled to happen at any given time so the second problem is trying to make sure i get a chance to eat or get some kind of break in there to eat and the second thing i got to do well about the third problem i normally run into is the stress level a lot of things that happen on the job can be avoided by a lot of people but people tend to do things that are not rational because they having problems with this and problem with this the problem with that so and i got to try and keep my stress level down so that i can make it through the day and uh you know the next problem i gotta uh run into is is the safety issue and that you can also put that right along with the stress issue because uh you never know you know when somebody is just going to just try and come up and and try and just kill an officer just because he's an officer he's just wearing a uniform and not just having anything against him but just having something against you know the police department or a police officer himself so you got to be constantly be on your goal for crazy people and and uh people that you know i'm not thinking rational not in a rational state of mind because you know things are just not going the way that they want them to go so i have to deal with uh a lot of a lot of problems uh just just trying to make it through the day as far as just trying to work for the police department and uh i think but the thing i think the most important tool that i have uh to deal with you uh trying to eat and get a break and uh trying to keep my stress level down oh i think those are most important too as long as i could you know eat and you know get fi get a break and uh keep my stress level down then uh everything normally goes pretty well the day normally goes by pretty good so uh that those are some just just some of the problems that i run into sometimes you know they don't always work out that way [Music] yep [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] fire [Music] i'm [Music] my [Music] uh [Music] [Music] um [Music] yes [Music] it all depends how much of a good pump that i get we're two weeks out right now two weeks out from the olympia so let's see how it goes [Music] come on come on send them all home this year come on even though i'm too shy for them [Music] [Music] [Music] yes hey come on come on [Music] come on come on kevin let's think about that guy come on come [Music] on you didn't want to know what i could do different if i was to miss olivia i'd give the people what they want right it's like that nike side right there baby [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] nope [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on your title this is michael jordan michael jordan gives me a lot of inspiration shoot around a little bit hang out in here just to relieve a little bit of stress maybe loosen up before uh before i get into my workouts follow me and uh over here i'll take you american flag is uh something that i look at when i'm training states marine corps flag special equipment that i trained on i got the hammer strength for the flex i mean for the chest equipment is real really important uh i have every selected life piece of equipment in here that you could possibly use to hit your body in the best of it i have flex i have afs i have the afs dumbbells i have the cybec as well the whole complete hammer strength line his chest and back and a lot of those angles are very important afs stuff is great the hammer the side back everything i got punching bags here too just in case you get a little frustrated i don't win the olympia this year i'm gonna kick kick the [ __ ] out of that bag that flag was hanging in the middle of the street and um they climb up and took it off and gave it down and uh and gave it to me so i mean just little things like this it's not a little thing it's a big thing because not everyone has a flag like that not everyone was at that thing to do it but i was representing the sport of bodybuilding and so means a lot to me poster of muhammad ali george foreman ken norton joe frazier and larry holmes these guys who are all the best in the world at what they do and they're always heavyweight chambers at one time a point in their life and i hang this up because every time not only me but members come and i want to give them something to look at give them some inspiration this is my aerobics room but really this is my my posing room and um i have a special floor here and the lights and everything this is where i come to uh to practice all my poses not only before show but all year round these are all my treadmills and my bikes my stair masters side deck bikes one thing is special about me having legging nice things or whatever going doing little extra things not for myself but for other people as well as these treadmills are the only purple powder coated treadmills in the world i had these treadmills synced out and powder coated purple and you'll never see any more like those ever in fact when i got them the company thought that i was crazy because i wanted to have them powder coated purple but little things like that means it means something for me and hopefully other people will appreciate it when they see it this is the the kid the kids room when the parents come here they can set the kids and we have the child care and daycare and they can play got the designs on the wall we have uh the worldly design here you know so that we can babysit them while they want to work out while the parents don't work out why don't we go get something to eat these guys make all my food for my shows everything from three months out all i do is come here every day six times a day maybe five times a day fish rice tell him bobby broccoli that's right six hour day fresh rice broccoli fish rice broccoli that's all i eat that's it take it serious right he's serious about it that's why he's gonna win it this year [Music] can i get you anything no sir okay [Music] how many people you know wash their hands and lemons [Music] stuff's already been plucked off yes sir mine is done too you're done sorry but you can't do whatever you want to do now no way it's peppa right that's your four did you do what you had to do today for me huh yeah last night you got up and left me at the table by myself i asked you what did you leave because you left me yeah i left because i had to make two or three phone calls and i came back and said i love this one you let me buy don't tell me that you got gina [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] i don't want anybody to give me nothing i want to work for it i want to work hard for it and hard work pays off i don't mind i train hard to win if i don't win nobody's fault on my own they just have to train and keep coming back better [Music] the punishment to myself [Music] [Music] it says like 256. but [Applause] [Music] i think that i think i'm like two maybe probably more like 51 or 52 you know in the morning with no clothes on right now it's at the end of the day you know i've been eating up all day and training and after you eat like five or six times a day and you drink water all day long it's um it's like 9 30 9 35 at night right now so it's like maybe five pounds that i've gained during the day of just water weight and everything says 256 but i'm not 256 i'd rather be 251 so maybe in the morning time is your true weight so i'm like 251 pounds i'm happy with saying i'm 250 wide good at the contest my goal is to be [Music] 200. maybe 245 pounds rip 245 [ __ ] get there i know i can get there [Music] because what i do is last week [Music] olympia time two two three oh it's picked a good day to come film me five birthdays two three four five two more one two so when you see these cheekbones that means i'm in shape what do you see my glutes stupid normally a train alone probably wondering why i got two training partners now have you ever watched the mile the olympics i always got one guy that runs out fast that's the pace eventually one of these guys will drop off we just don't know which one it is that person we call the rabbit the other one we call a tiger just trying to hang in there he's hungry we'll find out who's the rabbit who's the tiger we already know who the king is let's go every year they want to know what's different this year what are you going to do different well last year [Music] i got fourth i thought it should have been as high as second i could have accepted third but fourth is a slap in the face went on a world tour for two months came back got ready for the iron man in the arnold classic thought i could come in bigger coming heavier doing something that's not characteristic of me i was trying to please the judges so i tried to come in bigger came in softer a little more water retentive so uh if anything's different for this year's mr olympia number one i'm still pissed about last year's mr olympia nothing new there but uh i'm going back to uh what got me the second in the world and that's just hard training hard dieting going by the mirror not the scale trying to please myself not them be better than my last contest and i'll tell you what i've been fifth before i've been fourth before i've been third i've been second there's nothing of a better incentive than losing i'm driven to win so when people keep saying after i get screwed in contest placements what keeps you going how do you keep doing it why do you keep doing it when i say number one i gotta listen to improve i can always improve and i'm never satisfied and uh i don't even know if winning will quench my thirst for uh complete perfection but i do know one thing i'm not gonna look back on this training and say i took it easy on myself i felt sorry for myself so i'm putting it on the line september 21st in chicago i have nothing to say action speak louder than words in here [Music] quiet like a church well it's my birthday september 9th everybody knows over the last eight years i've spent every one of my birthdays training for the only contest in the world that matters to me most that's the mr olympia this is the contest this contest is the reason why i started bodybuilding i mean when i started training i wanted to one day compete in the biggest contest in the world when i played football i wanted to play in the super bowl when i played basketball i thought i was playing playing for the nba finals and you know whenever i got in a fight at school i always thought this is the heavyweight championship of the world this is why i bodybuild for this one moment in time on september 21st in chicago and it seems that every year there's controversy surrounding my placement one year i'm second in the world by comparison to somebody that's 50 pounds heavier and five inches taller and the next minute i'm getting fourth in the world third behind or three places behind guys that are just bigger than me the only criteria for which the place ahead of me is size and size alone i'm a little bit disillusioned with the judging procedure i'm sure a lot of the fans are too i get letters every day and read articles every day about people being frustrated with the current trend in bodybuilding in that they've gotten away from what bodybuilding is all about bodybuilding is about building muscle in size there's no question but to the exclusion of symmetry proportion definition presentation and all the things that they say they judge on isn't fair and i seem to be coming up short on all score cards when you take in the other factors besides just enormous mass right now in 1996 the flavor of the year is mass and i think that when you look at the mr olympia contest and you start going down the weights of the bodybuilders 274 with jurassic paul delete 255 with dory and yates four-time mr olympia 253 with kevin levrone 264 with nasa or else somebody that all sounds impressive but when you start breaking it down and analyzing bodybuilding for what it's supposed to be the shape the symmetry the genetics the balance the pleasing tone of the skin the color of the skin the tie-ins on the muscles it's really hard for me to understand how some of these guys are winning contests and placing in places i don't think they deserve but i know the answer and i know why and for that reason i've become one of the more controversial bodybuilders people ask me my opinion and i tell them what i believe or what i think and in doing so sometimes i get crucified for it but i sleep well at nights my placements sometimes i think hurt me because of some things i've said but if you ask me a question i tell you the truth you can like me or hate me that's not my goal trying to make friends when i'm on the stage at the mr olympia my goal is to just do the best that i can do but when you're penalized with prejudice and bias and politics it makes it harder and harder every year to get back up on that stage in front of the same judges and put it all on the line i train just as hard as four-time mr olympia does and yet he says i don't respect him in 1994 he came on stage with a torn bicep and a bloated stomach and a lot of missing detail that mr olympia should have or what he displayed in 93 and because i went on record and said that and said that a guy that's incomplete with a torn muscle shouldn't be the ideal embodiment of mr olympia he shouldn't have been mr olympia and he still won the contest he thought i was disrespecting him i wasn't disrespecting dorian yates i said what everybody else wanted to say i said what everybody else saw when i said that my friend my good friend and sometimes uh close the closest guy i know i'm bodybuilding flex wheeler uh i said he had calf implants people asked me about flex's calves when he came on my bodybuilding show my flex magazine workout he said does flexible have fake calves i saw with my own eyes the night and day difference in flex wheeler's calves and i said yeah i believe he has cap implants that doesn't make him my enemy that doesn't mean i don't like the guy but if you ask my opinion i say it if i offended flex flex should turn it around and took it as a compliment and he's mature enough to understand what i was saying i mean because his calves improved so dramatically that everybody was noticing not just me i just happened to be the one that said it and so when the magazines got wind of this they tried to make a big ordeal out of it and people said how could you do that to your friend look there's rules that all of us as professionals have to live by and if one guy can break the rules by virtue of politics or a contract or because of a vested interest in his career then that's not right if i suffer by the rules then everybody else that breaks the rules should suffer equally so when i said flexible had calf implants and the ifbb did little or nothing about it and the question was raised suddenly they tried to make a conflict between me and flex wheeler that wasn't personal that was an observation that not only myself but photographers that have shot him over the years journalists who are more knowledgeable about bodybuilding and even some judges made the same comments but mine were the ones that were inflamed to infuriate people and try to make enemies with me in flags me and flex are good friends i still believe he has catholics that's my opinion in regards to uh dorian yates saying that i was being disrespectful when he had came in the contest off clearly off with a torn bicep and a bloated stomach i wasn't disrespecting him i was making an observation that everybody in the audience could see that we have video footage and photos to back up and yet he still won the contest i don't know why he took that personal um he's the first one to tell you he was off he was incomplete so that if they're going to reward somebody that comes in off and incomplete with only one arm then that tells you there's something wrong with the system not something wrong with me because i pointed it out i didn't disrespect dorian yates i don't even know the man i could care less what dorian yates does or his opinion of me he's taking food off of my table when i get on that stage he's the enemy he's the one i'm trying to knock out he is the one supposedly that the judges are saying is setting the standard i'm not trying to look like dorian i'm trying to look the best that sean ray can look which hopefully in turn will defeat whoever has the title but when i say what i say about the champion the champion's got to understand that comes with the territory i'm a challenger i've never got first place in the mr olympia so everything that i strive for is to break down what the champion does not have if the champion does not have a midsection it's my job to point it out obviously the judges aren't seeing it if the champion has only one bicep it's my job as a competitor to say hey he has a torn bicep does that count for anything it's my job as a challenger to say look the guy's got an enormous back but what about his shoulders what about his thigh separation what about the bloated stomach i mean that i'm not knocking dorian that comes with the territory if i was a champion they're still saying they would be saying that about me he's short he's narrow he's this or is that if the champion can't handle being a champion then maybe you shouldn't be a champion i'm just trying to point these things that are obvious out to the judges and to the fans that ask me my opinion dorian right now has a title and i'm trying to take it away so i've got to pay attention to the things that dorian does not have it's obvious that he's got great calves and a phenomenal back after that i'm not really impressed i'm not trying to make friends i'm just telling you how it is my opinion is that when flex wheeler is on he is mr olympia flexwheeler as a bodybuilder as a physical specimen as a person is perfection when in shape i'm the first one to say it i'd be happy to lose to somebody with that kind of genetic gift with that kind of structure with that kind of body i think there's a whole lot of people that would aspire to look like flex wheeler when flex wheeler is on then there are people aspiring to look like our current mr olympia and with the judging going the way that it is it definitely bodes well in favor of nasa elson body who by virtue of just size alone is a threat to dorian except that nassar doesn't have structure he doesn't have tie-ins and he doesn't have the detail that someone like a flex wheeler or myself has so i have a problem with that when you start taking in the big picture you can start picking some of the guys apart same with jurassic paul paul delet's an enormous bodybuilder and a freak of nature standing there he should win the mr olympia but the contest is more than just standing on stage and dwarfing the competition somewhere down the line you've got to flex those muscles you've got to be able to display them in a professional manner in a competitive combative manner against the guys that are trying to compete for the title you can't just go up there and stand there and say that's it end of show but it seems that the judges are getting more and more impressed with the guy that walks on stage at almost 300 pounds and stands there and blows their mind then they are with somebody who flexes their muscles and you can see cross striations in their quadriceps separation in their triceps a christmas tree intercostals from another planet symmetry and tie-ins imposing a that's second to none i mean that's the completeness of what mr olympia has always represented to me so i if i sound angry or if i sound bitter i'm not angry and i'm not bitter frustrated with the current state and the current judging system they have yes that frustration for me turns into power it fuels each and every one of my workouts that's why every year whether i take it on the chin or not i get up and i come back and i don't think every year i should be mr olympia but every year i think i should have the opportunity to be compared with and fight with mr olympia as it stands now nobody really gets compared with mr olympia mr olympia doesn't have to earn his title all the athletes and you can take a survey go into that contest saying they hope they get second place why because politically they believe they cannot win the show automatically they're defeated they can't win the show because the system will not allow for a fair context and this is the problem that a lot of the bodybuilders have hit it anyway yeah all right [Music] so [Music] so that's all i got [Music] right here you've got fingers everywhere separated [Music] that's all i'm telling you we're being a week and a half out i never felt like i was already ready i always felt there was some small adjustments i needed to do [Music] but right now confidence wise i don't think any of the big guys as hard or separated as i am so with a week and a half to go all things being equal i'll be better than i am now so i just hope i get judged fairly first second third fourth fifth it doesn't matter long as they judge me fairly i'll feel like i did my job and uh so [Music] yes go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] gone all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] two [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so uh hmm come on [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i didn't diet now for nine months and uh every time when i start my diet it's at the beginning pretty easy the first two three weeks but then i think my god was it as hard last year as if it's now so i think always uh it's getting tougher and tougher but uh i think you're you're uh you forget just how tough it was and uh it's it's uh hard to keep the discipline but uh you know and after the contest you think you can eat for weeks but then you eat one or two day and everything is just normal this is a strange thing on the diet and the next strange thing is eat always the same i was eating today about five or six times only chicken chicken with broccoli a chicken with zucchini it's not only that you lower your calories it's also that it's boring to diet all the time it's uh no fun but if you put everything together it increases your chances of placing better so i hope that all mr olympia competitors eat a lot of cheesecake a lot of french fries and also a lot of hamburgers like special friends of mine and please in front of the show and not afterwards i would really appreciate this you know mitch i actually didn't want um to take my clothes off but because uh i like you you know i did it i never ever uh did uh took my clothes off in any gym this was the first time that i did this in a gym and you are really really the first person for whom i did this i did this for a photo shoot but not all kind of uh posing stuff you know so you are the very first guy and you can write this down for whom i took the closes uh off until almost the underwear you know and uh you know and i said to myself now if mitz comes and i said this also to biswas mitzkam so i won't take my clothes off because i don't like that people watch me you know and it's not because of you but because of people you know they stare and look and i don't belong to these people who feel comfortable when everybody's staring and but nevertheless i like you and i did this you know [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] this week the third time there's friday one week out of the olympia you know seven days out of olympia's 96 joined last week suddenly my back and i had a photo shoot saturday morning with chris land so in the evening i trained back i trained to stay back this friday training again back so i trained the last year since 95 olympia my back twice two to four times a week and i'm doing a lot of wraps then sometimes a lot of different exercises different machines i'm actually doing every exercise for my back which is on the market let's say which is available in the gym i think my bag improved one of the reasons why my bag wasn't as developed as the rest of the body is i probably avoided the kind of pain because every muscle has a different pain if you train calves it's heard differently if you train for example chest so it's a different kind of muscle pain and i had a lot of training partners but nobody really told me how to train my back some other people have from nature on a better feeling for back so they are making better and easier development and i never really had the feeling the last couple of years slowly i got it i think this year i really have it and so i'm still positive and i think also that i made really continuing progress in the last year not only my back development also i think everything developed i'm heavier i'm rounder i'm fuller and so until now i'm pretty happy until now so we'll see next weekend how might they look like this definitely i think everybody will watch out for my bag all competitors all spectators all charges and all fans so hopefully uh i can uh show my results which i definitely did in the last 12 months for each body part [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i think this should be enough huh [Music] [Music] see what's on my t-shirt this slogan good let's go to my house thank you very much thank you very much thank you also to meet my one of my best friends [Music] russian [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] ringing the bell [Music] oh um uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] oh crap [Music] [Music] uh well basically last year i was still recuperating from injuries from the previous year was severe bicep injury and shoulder injury and they were still giving me some trouble for the most part of last year so i didn't get a full year's training in last year although i was very pleased with the condition that i came in improvements in symmetry and so on whereas this year i've had no really serious injury problems so i've had a whole year to train for the clantus so i'm definitely looking to be improved on last year hopefully the same condition probably three or four pounds heavier quality muscle in all the right places which is going to make a big difference to the overall appearance so i'm pretty happy the way things have gone this year for me the if anything the drug testing as far as the diuretics going is an advantage because the way i prepare for a contest is always being to be basically ready for the contest from around two weeks out um i come to train usually uh at the francis's goals gym in new york and everybody can tell you when i come in two weeks before the olympia i'm basically the same shape around the same weight that i would be on the day of the contest so i never had to take any extreme measures to try and drop weights and drop water weight at the last minute so if anything the whole testing thing is something in my favor to my advantage well my goal is not to put on you know 10 or 15 pounds of mass i think that's not a realistic goal now the days of doing that uh gone by you know now i'm just hoping to make um small improvements perhaps a little bit heavier a little bit improved in one area or another area better condition so on i think it's a mistake at this point to try and put in 10 15 pounds um i think that's gonna you know if you're trying to find 10 or 15 pounds at this stage it's not going to be quality muscle and that's not going to enhance your appearance whereas if two or three pounds of quality of muscle in all the right places is going to make a dramatic difference so um everybody's you know chasing the numbers game trying to get bigger and trying to get heavier because they think that's why during yates wins and i've always said that's just you know size and body weight and so on it's just one of the factors um it's a complete package that wins the show so you've got to have size yes that's very important we also have condition you've got to have proportion throughout the different muscle groups and so on so people should be thinking about that rather than solely just coming in bigger and as far as the body weights i think sometimes it's a little bit exaggerated anyway um a lot of people seem to be um you know all of a sudden coming at 260 or 270 and they don't look a lot different from a few years ago when they're claiming to be only 240 so i think sometimes the body weights are exaggerated and i don't really get caught up in that yeah i'd like to thank all the fans for their support throughout the years you know i get tremendous amount of mail and uh what's satisfying to me is that um people write to me and they've read about me and muscle fitness and flex and things like that and how i've built myself up and how i've become a champion and it's inspired them to um you know to improve their lives not necessarily for them to be a champion but for them to improve their lives and their outlook and so on and i appreciate that and appreciate all the the support of the fans and uh hopefully you're not going to be disappointed every year i tried to beat the dorian yates of last year that's my goal and hopefully this year this year's model of durian yates will be even better than last year [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this [Music] me [Applause] so [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow hey [Music] [Music] me me [Music] bye thank you what's up man i tell you all right two hours three hours before mr olympia i'm up here i can't even have this here you ready yep wow she's probably in the strongman [Music] contest i just thought [Music] [Music] so [Music] knows that i can do the flips but only me that's it so i'm going to save it for the olympia just in case i have to pull this trick out of the bag and then people go crazy so they don't know the real the real kevin will from what he's capable of but i have to hold it back because they're not ready for it that's about the first don't tell now okay see now it's zero zero okay step on the scale to 87.5 after workout i step once again down and you see that everything is okay you know okay once again there is no fake scale 287.5 okay but i will go for the for sure still 10 or 15 pounds down i'd feel more comfortable if you leave okay so um how how how do you guys get get uh like i don't ask questions like that just no is that thing on yeah ask normal questions he came here to guest pose um him and debbie came and bev and i were at the show and you know we just went out to dinner we started talking and we just became very good friends this is my son barkley he is 18 months old but he has no loyalty he's a traitor to his race everybody's his best friend but he's my son and i love him put his hair in a because you're in a ponytail you can make him a oriental dog [Laughter] let's see i can make him a mean dog me ninja i'm ready honestly you
Channel: Mocvideo Productions
Views: 131,193
Rating: 4.9330797 out of 5
Id: lp_0m7R1XrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 37sec (7177 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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