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[Music] take a look at chris bumpstead i mean this guy has lines he's got condition he's got muscle he's pulling off the vacuum that was something that frank zane used to do way back in the day and robbie robinson and i got a chance to master that but this guy right here he's bringing pretty much all the qualities that you would want in a quote-unquote classic style physique the same as brianne ansley who we saw just as we came to the broadcast here breon was phenomenal at the pre-judging and i believe he's going to be battling it out for this guy for the title as i might say and danny hester has a very loose grip on that title here tonight the second place award the olympia silver medal the check for eight thousand dollars to our runner-up this evening chris all right bumpstead takes the runner-up title and uh we are about to uh get the official announcement that we will have ourselves a new classic physique champion but for chris bumstead this is a nice night it is a nice night he's got a great look uh he's very popular marketable cover model look uh his star is on the rise but chris has the look that's gonna be a look that we're gonna see around for a long time [Music] he doesn't look thin at all for a guy that's six feet tall this is exactly where chris is wait he's got that vacuum in now in yesterday back because of the weight restriction and it's working well in chris's favor shoot time winner [Applause] [Music] in this division is so sweet tony doherty here for nbc news online with chris bumstead who just took second in the classic physique hey holding up i'm holding up good i mean i had a lot of expectations going into here on myself and get some other people last year was my first time here ever and i was blown away to come in at second so obviously i was coming in to move up one spot i was coming in for the win but i came in here i i'm happy with how it looks i had a troublesome crap i was just honestly really happy to make it here it was really difficult to come away with second again i was really happy with that it wasn't my year to be completely honest but i wasn't 100 next year we'll come back 100 and get that obviously i've talked and kind of said i wasn't 100 at this show people saw i wasn't at chris about when the detail that i was last year didn't look at lean like i'm holding water which was exactly the case and it's because i was diagnosed with uh iga disease essentially during this prep it's something that i've had my whole life but we didn't know what it was i walked into that doctor's office like terrified obviously it was five days before my flight to vegas i didn't know if i'd be able to get on that flight i didn't know if i'd be competing at the olympia i don't know if i'd be bodybuilding ever again because i literally didn't know what what i was expecting to hear i still have my health at the end of the day i know i will get better from this just a hiccup something you have to go through so that's that but these things really do open your eyes and make you appreciate just everything didn't he have some adversity last year some health issues that kept him from being at his peak yeah i think he has some form of immune system uh disease which i feel impacts his ability to really push really hard on those final stages of contact spread yeah a lot a lot goes in in the final stages and you got to sell out if you're handicapped it's just it could wreck havoc on you but the nice waist right the shoulder to the waist differential really sets this physique off well that size look at how tiny that is that side shot that you just showed with the vacuum the tiny waste and those straight glutes was really impressive and jake will take the second place award the check for ten thousand dollars the olympia silver medal to our runner-up this evening brianne ansley oh my goodness we have a new champion and i can hear the crowd roaring from here i was wrong in my prize award amounts but i was right on the difference and the title of 2019 classic olympia champion chris and there it is there's been quite a rumble uh amongst the fans who would be let me tell you the uh social media is going to be on fire tonight whenever a defending champion gets taken out chris looks great he's he's improved from last year and i think this is what the judges want to see they want to see a champ coming in better than the year before but i give him i give him credit i think he's got a little bit more confidence this year as the champion than he did last year as a challenger [Music] he's the happiest man on the planet right now [Music] and the title of 2020 classic olympia champion two-hour winner and still olympia champion chris bumstead but chris said he came to win and defend his titles he's got a beautiful physique and a there goes all the air in the room he's gonna be tough to beat yes he's gonna definitely be tough to be please take the first place award the olympia gold medal the check for 50 000 and the title of 2021 classic physique olympia champion to our winner [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] definitely every time oh wait no rush what do you what's the thing that's inspired you the most about from him um he's always motivational he's always encouraging people and he's really down to earth he's inspired me as a person to keep pushing and set the standard because i feel like the more i set the standard for myself the more that i can inspire others to do so as well something that inspires me inspired me was the fact that he never seemed like a person full of ego and confidence he seems like a normal guy a guy with uh who also has his bad days of course he's a professional bodybuilder but he has normal passions that's what i really like about him man tell me what's your name my name is stephen yeah so about three years ago i got a stick with something called guillain-barre syndrome so it's when your immune system attacks your nervous system so one day i woke up and i was normal by the end of the day i was like completely paralyzed and so um i've had to like relearn everything how to walk how to do everything and uh you know following chris has been like kind of a morale booster through all this and just like uh i met him at the last la fedezbo in like 2020 and i was still using a wheelchair then i can't even walk so i was excited to like be strong enough to like come back all the way from l.a to orlando to like cheer him on and like not be a new wheelchair yeah and uh last year i actually competed in a transformation division and i got second place out of like 25 guys so it was pretty fun and i got to walk on stage too so you had some papers there that you were showing chris what was that oh yeah i was just like just telling him like you know like thank you and how he's helped me through my journey it's been a really hard one so uh and i know like guys i can go through their own battles to to be mr olympia so let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] kill it it's yours [Music] this is a little darker thing they need some surgery before that they didn't do that [Music] [Music] oh right there let's see your thoughts and you're good see you later are you gonna be backstage yeah i'll see you there six hours or whatever hopefully what time is it hopefully five hopefully five minutes all right good stuff love you guys let me know what the actual order apparently they changed it yeah i don't know if they're doing awards before everyone or if they're gonna do a presentation and then awards or what i'll ask of course because i'll just text you i think classic was last but it's all they do bring them out for one comparison well it'll be a long time yeah just chill out sounds good have a like a little bit of water like three or four good sips with your food three four good sips this much okay thank you sir i'll see you back there yeah look for the fly as [ __ ] oh wow look at your makeup i know i never wear makeup and it's just like what hello my parents are back huh all right guys today the monumental day not only the show day but we all called it everyone said it's gonna happen on the same day as the olympia and it a million subscribers that's absolutely insane i think it went up 100 000 in the last month which is bonkers so i just have to say how much i appreciate you guys and how fun this journey has been sharing it with you guys you've made this like what i do i love what i do but being able to share it with like a million people and know that you guys are watching supporting me it makes it a lot cooler it's just like i have this immense team that's supporting me behind my back and it helps me and i appreciate it i appreciate you guys and i would like to take this camera and he's gonna be mad but you need to see how tired calvin is right now he doesn't want to be on camera but that man is the absolute goat he hasn't slept all week and for the last five weeks or months he's been here it's just been video video video video video edit video video and that's why i went up a hundred thousand a month so thank you kelvin i love you to you guys i love you too now it's time to get on stage and wrap this olympia because today is a good [ __ ] day i can spread my toes i can't believe you can control your toes okay no no wrap them wrap them and then hitchhike oh my god i'd like to practice this because it's good for your knees and stability oh that's actually good on stage that is good it's because i work hard only converse for about 10 years and that's why my toes are like i was getting bunions my big toes curved in so i have to start like exercising my feet like those toe things that you have yeah the toe spreaders i gave up on it for a while so they're not fixed fully but they're better knee pain drop [ __ ] you guys when courtney gets a little headache and hungry the sassy monster comes out angrily i'm not a slice cream i promise holy [ __ ] babe yeah you gotta like do it right how you just did that right in the middle that's exactly how you have to do it on stage yeah this is perfect this is way better yeah you're like yeah way fuller huh oh yeah okay i'm tighter way tighter look at that you have more vascular coming out right now yeah you didn't have this earlier feel good yeah i do good nice and dark you're a good color i need to put some bronzer on your face a little bit more back there yeah look at how tight look at look at these how deep those lines are yeah you're much better right now yeah you feel good i do the color's glitter too yeah i feel like they're more smoother now you have to you have to pull that up and give yourself your body it looks like it has life in that again i couldn't salt ever then when i cut water and i still don't salt it's like that was so flat you're yeah [Music] thank you love you love you thank you thank you always always i got you all right have a good night all right what is up youtube energy hi night time show time the game day flocking it in just had a nice rest had some good food not actually good food but we're just chilling feeling good feeling pumped up and relaxing all day and the energy is coming back into me time to get back on stage one more time routines finals awards and we're out we're done this is it this is where we lock it down so feeling really good right now i feel like i'm a little a little better than i was this morning so just chilling holding it and this is all about enjoying it the stress the pressure everything i feel in the morning it's just making sure that like i not about the placing not about how i do make sure that i look my best i look good once that's relieved we can just enjoy the night show that's what we're here to do here to have fun because it's a [ __ ] olympia and this is so cool so we're bringing you guys backstage right now this is some serious vip access so hopefully you guys are [ __ ] enjoying these vlogs enjoying it with me we're gonna have fun and we're gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] up tonight before we do [Music] more i did like four or five trains [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] so we're gonna have fun thank [Laughter] that's you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can i take a picture what's going on everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] you know this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes sir [Music] like [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and [Music] i'll be right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] go kill it [Music] right now [Music] thank you [Music] 2127. [Music] [Music] okay [Music] thank you is [Music] brianna's twitch please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] five [Music] back double myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] your favorite clothes [Music] thank you darling [Applause] [Music] he's got very detailed glutes and back but like you were never feeding those guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] everybody's gonna lose their minds when they see what you're gonna do [Music] play it back like a million times because they know that you're the absolute [Music] [Applause] the original [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody's gonna stand in line they wanna touch a little solid gold i'm like cold bear and mama bear's keeping me warm i feel like this is like the cold nerves yeah [Music] all right these guys got the rubber match chris and terence in the center please the tension is almost palpable the what's running through these two guys heads sean you've been released past years [Music] out i told you he's my partner in hawaii with the class of pro physique we're going to make him your partner in texas and bring it there he's a great guy dr morales is really going to be very close great supporter of our supporters he and corey we're at your show here comes please take [Music] the first place [Music] of 2021 classic casino olympian to our winner [Music] [Applause] to be chris because chris just is the complete physique he's uh he's very solid and uh very dominant yet at this time when you're trying to find a weakness you can't find one problem [Music] so all things are equal i mean your eyes just naturally drawn to the bigger guy that stands out a little more it's uh it's it's just uh uh innate yeah you know and then of course uh if you start picking them apart but the thing is that chris is a complete athlete just like uh terence is yeah you know so um you know he's just uh he's he's hard to be yeah but there's your dr morales up there with tyler mannion and uh the doctor's wife corey she's a pro figure and dr morales is actually a pro classic classic physique competitor that's right i couldn't imagine what it would be like as an athlete guys you have to go back to the drawing board each year but that other guy like bumstead that says i got to go back and do the same thing i did the last three years tim you bring up a really good point i think that the important thing to do as an athlete is to seek better yourself every year in other words if i if i can beat my physique from last year that's the way to do it yeah but with a guy like that that's got weight confines how much improvement can you really put in there a lot because it's about redistributing ah all right here's your three-time olympia champion chris bumstead chris you did it again buddy [Applause] how's it feel third time's a charm it doesn't feel any less special than the first one it's been an amazing journey you know bodybuilding's given me so much it's a road full of ups and downs i did everything in life and choice this story in my head if you guys can let me ramble for a second it's just popping in my head like four weeks ago i was in the bathroom crying honestly shopping with my girlfriend just like felt like a lot was getting to me with a lot of pressure felt like things were just kind of hard and tough and i wanted to just quit to be honest i felt like i lost a lot of faith in myself and it was getting really hard to just push through and i didn't quit obviously we're here today but this morning before after pre-judging i had that same cry in the bathroom but this one was a cry of gratitude and pride that i had pushed through and gotten through that and it's it's these moments it's this journey and like like i felt this before having the trophy around my neck it's your journey it's the experiences knowing that you pushed past times where you wanted to quit and you got [ __ ] done you pushed through it so everyone out there whose dreams are scaring you who dreams make you want to quit just don't quit it's good your dreams should be big they should be scary just keep pushing through i have this thing i say champion mentality it's not about winning it's not about a trophy it's about having no quit it's about giving everything you have so that when you show up on game day before the results are over you're proud of yourself and you know the work you put in and that's all i can feel right now just pride and gratitude to be here on this stage under these lights again this this will never get old and i'm just so grateful to have the opportunity to do what i love so thank you so much to our readers who've made this possible this platform to do what we love i appreciate it so much the manians jim steve tyler all you guys the olympia crew tamar dan everyone jake this is such an amazing event this even crazier than last year just keeps getting better and i'm so grateful for the opportunity to be here and enjoying this moment to the fans everyone at home who's watching the pay-per-view i love you guys so much you make this so fun the energy the the crowd the people the support make it so fun the other 26 guys who were on stage let's have a round of applause for them because they're what made this so interesting so fun to watch and i'm just i'm just so happy to be here once again [Applause] chris that was so well said i can't add a damn thing to it buddy you are a class act a champion and now a three-time olympian champion give it up for your classic physique olympia champ chris bumpstead sorry there's one more thing i want to say the first two times i have ever stepped on stage or with george peterson and he was always smiling he was always humble he was always grateful he was always so happy to be here and i really tried to keep this spirit in my heart this weekend and i think we can all learn to have that kind of attitude of just being present and happy and grateful for where we're at and if we can take anything from his passing is to keep that what says every single day so my love goes out to his friends and his family and his fans we love you george you can get up for that one folks for george peterson watching down right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right congratulations [Music] [Music] okay [Music] man this guy right here is going to be a big [ __ ] deal in class for me hold here one two three what's your name the miracle bear yeah i saw this guy earlier this year this guy's got a [ __ ] sick physique showed up to olivia fourth place first time first pro run right crazy anything like that that's routine i can't dance for sure i can't even do a routine you guys dancing out there but it was super the prettier blonder guy with blue eyes i'm [ __ ] stars i'm in real trouble i don't have any beards so far boy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] make another song you're so [ __ ] happy oh my god i will give you a 40-foot barbecue barbecue [Music] oh my gosh [Music] this is not mine thank you but i'll pretend for five seconds wow did you get that speech at all [Music] i don't know i can't recap that so we're gonna have to pull talks from that but holy [ __ ] boys you guys have been with me through this journey i do not share with you guys the hard times the time that i'm [ __ ] up the time where i want to quit the times where i want to get the just leave that i'm feeling like ass the pressure i put on myself how hard i am on myself if i'm not like improving getting perfect being better and better in my head i just feel behind and it's so much pressure on me all the time and it's just like constant pressure for the entire time i'm getting ready for them then i try and focus and be present but it's hard sometimes but on stage there it just i was able to feel everything i just let it relax i was under the lights and i just was like [ __ ] you did it you [ __ ] did it you [ __ ] did it and it all came together and it was the most amazing feeling the third one is no less special than the first this one i i can't help but thinking that every single time i win it gets harder to get the next one and it'll be harder to get the next one harder than that get next one but it also makes it more rewarding because [ __ ] rewarding [ __ ] is hard as [ __ ] [Music] my new thing in my mind cost me now champion mentality the amount of times i wanted to quit without pushing myself so hard and i didn't quit and now this is just this feeling of pride and gratitude that i got through this [ __ ] what's up man congratulations and then there's this [ __ ] guy we're good i thought your cookies in your hand the guy who's been pushing me year after year and again next year yeah yeah yeah a whole season this time no no no shows no arnold's no nothing no [ __ ] i don't know that was [ __ ] but yeah no no no no no just [ __ ] rocking it oh man thank you thank you you're getting close so i'm going to have to work on my routines oh my god um i'll hit you up um because you're moving to florida right yeah you going to the gala i guess you're going to have to huh thank you there you go there's a charm [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] i didn't know who walked up there this house yeah [Music] what are these shirts this is called having face in your boy [Music] you're amazing [Music] i love what you swear [Music] okay [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right so the dust has settled we have returned home with mr three-pete right here um there's no name for the trophy but this is the three-peat trophy and it is looking beautiful as ever like i kind of said i got terence came up and we just started enjoying the moment put the camera down once the show was done and we're just like enjoying the victory together so like i was saying this was this is probably my favorite olympia to be completely honest i was it was a struggle it was hard as [ __ ] to get here and that was just it made it so much more worth it i talked to you guys kind of about the pressure i put on myself and i don't even sometimes realize the intense scrutiny and pressure that i have in my brain and the stress that i have on myself of how like i have to be the best i gotta get up there and i gotta win and like the amount of just like intensity that is to feel all the time that everything has to be on point every workout every diet every thing i put in my mouth every ounce of cardio everything i'm doing has to be lining up to make me the best in the world and when it's over and i'm able to just release it i spend half the time backstage just like crying i saw courtney and i started bawling my eyes out it stopped for a bit my speech you guys saw i started crying i saw my sister i started crying i went back home i started crying it was just like water worth pouring out of me and it was because i was able to actually feel through this this year and i would be able to be present in the past i've like shut things out and be like get the stage just get it done get it done and i've actually like after 2019 when i won i actually was like kind of sad and like didn't understand it i didn't feel anything i didn't like wasn't present in the moment i was just shutting down on my emotions and on stage i was able to just stop and breathe and be there and i remember every moment so perfectly so clearly and it made me so emotional i honestly started crying before they even announced that i won not because i knew i'd won or anything just the feeling that i'd done it i was there it was like i tears away from my eyes when me and parents were standing there waiting for the announcement and it was all over and it is all done and we were coming home with the trophy and everything is worth it and you guys were able to come along with me for this journey and i appreciate you guys so much calvin you guys need to [ __ ] get down on your knees and give him some love because what he did was extraordinary in the last months weeks leading up to the olympia the documents that we got stuff that i get to have forever go back and re relive those memories and i love you calvin appreciate everything you do and i know you guys love him too because you got some [ __ ] sick content you got to join me for this journey i had courtney with me for the journey to [ __ ] save my life this prep she like deserved i put this metal around her neck that night and told her just to wear it because she earned this [ __ ] just as much amazing for me it got some weight to it this is heavier [ __ ] too i couldn't even pick it up you know i got maddie milkshake in my corner [ __ ] slaving away doing everything for me all weekend and forever melissa always there supporting me ian coaching me through every single prep i've ever done my support team is absolutely insane and i'm just so grateful that people are here to support me this is the most supported i have felt by like my family and the people around me and it helped me so much more of this prep it helped me enjoy and helped me bring my best look but there's still stuff that i saw i criticized there's stuff we learned about my body being healthier this year that i can peak way better next year so i know i'm gonna look even better next year and i can't wait to do that the journey doesn't start now i'm not that guy who's like back on prep 365 days out no i'm chilling i haven't worked out in a week i'm just hanging out eating healthy having splurge on food i'm just enjoying the moment sleeping in bed with my trophy and just having fun with it all so that's gonna be a wrap on the olympia prep series and what a series it has been so thank you guys for joining me on the journey we might do another recap video like stuff down the line like in a week or so going over what was going through my head when you saw some like silent b-roll footage but until then i hope you guys enjoyed these videos again show calvin some love in the comments i love you guys i appreciate you guys we got that [ __ ] 3p the work is done now we're back to work but first we have some fun we chill so with that i leave you guys peace out i love you all and good night you
Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 2,410,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OLYMPIA, CLASSIC PHYSIQUE, BODYBUILDING, CBUM, CHRIS BUMSTEAD, FULL DAY OF EATING, diet, meal prep, food, POSING, physique update, LEG DAY, quads, physique, update, back workout, training, lats, traps, thick back, build a wide back, cbum, olympia, classic physique, bodybuilding, fitness, vacuum pose, tips, advice, gains, shredded, get lean, lose body fat, ARM DAY, biceps, triceps, bench press, vlog, CHEST DAY, IAIN VALLIERE, FUNNY, FAMILY, show day, competition
Id: con2rTmZZLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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