Shovelware Variety Hour - Scott The Woz

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Yea but..... have you played chicken shoot?!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Spider-Mike23 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

This... did not appear in my box

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/InfernalAnnihilation 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey y'all Scott here don't you just love reading the ESRB age rating descriptions on the back of each game everybody's golf has modeled language and suggestive themes and chibi-robo zip lashes ha ha ha wait Nintendo you're actually releasing this but have you ever noticed any of the games that don't have descriptions ho fee is RB didn't have anything to say about it then what does it mean about this game's quality well I'm gonna try and keep an open mind and try it out though Eminem's car racing wasn't good you're a parent in the Walmart video game section and you have only one thing on your mind there are a few tiers of video game releases the triple-a title a game from a huge publisher with an equally huge budget there are more mid-range releases from some medium to large-sized studios that are more budget-conscious or just aiming for a niche demographic there's ND titles being made by small teams and none of these tiers of video games mean anything about the games overall quality though they're just basically categories to fake games in tube based around stuff like their budget but there is one tier I haven't mentioned yet one that is all about the game's quality the developers intentions the budget everything it's somebody ordered terrible shovelware is the term used to describe the wealth of some of the worst video games ever conceived barf done to a popular platform while also being spa checks mortal enemy when a video game console does exceedingly well more and more games release for it no that sounds like a good thing but what ends up happening most of the time is that many developers and publishers exploit the more casual side of the system's fanbase people who don't keep up on what the latest and greatest releases are these studios whipped together games that barely have any thought time or money put into them spanking them onto store shelves generally for around 20 bucks or so waiting for people who don't know any better to pick up the game because my little Jimmy is away any [ __ ] hates chickens shovelware preys on consumers who are attracted to the low price and general cover are you mainly see some parents buy their kids this stuff because it's cheap it looks like kids would enjoy this and they really don't know what a high quality game is compared to shovel where most parents don't know the difference between gummy bears mini-golf and Metroid Prime 3 I don't expect them to but that's how this stuff does so well to begin with that's why so much garbage was thrown onto the PlayStation 2 the DS the PlayStation 4 and most recently the Nintendo switch but easily the most well known shovelware hangout spot was the Nintendo Wii having the audience of the console primarily be families who might cut a developer's had a field day with this system whether they be generic games appeal to people looking for another we sports type game budget license titles that preyed on fans of the source material or dish though we had it all used to be able to walk into a Walmart shove your hand into the videogames bargain bin and pull out hope all my evening set chickens shoot after manure it's the first thing I think of when I hear the word weirdly enough this was a part of the popular chicken murder genre on the platform this is actually a port of a computer game later turned Game Boy Advance title so this hey humanity's first chicken shoot row do you shoot animated chickens yes how dare they may we have to kill them all you keep shooting chickens and olds time for the next state which is a completely different part of the world helping alleviate their chicken infestation the Himalayas yeah big chicken problem down there look at this this is paradise there isn't much this one the tunnel doesn't lie I'll definitely give the game that you shoot chickens and that's all you do hold on I forgot the egg mode [Music] chicken chute is one of the simplest games I've ever played you shoot chickens and it goes on and on and on I guess it's structurally sound but who looked at this and said yep that's what we call a game worthy of coming out in 2007 physically on store shelves for a Nintendo platform at least I can finally say I've played this game so everybody who's like a scout doesn't play my favorite games well [ __ ] you if you play chicken shoot now chicken shoot is a game where I question what kind of audience they we're really going for here I wonder what amusement park yeah it's pretty obvious with that one after the booming success of Wii Sports tons of developers tried to mimic that creating minigame collections for the Wii that heavily used motion controls a lot of them just made their own sports game collection but some tried some more unique tactics a carnival games was a huge one all the kids had to have this game the commercials made it look like it was on par with the funny quality of Wii Sports but offered games you would find in a carnival that sounded like so much fun a complete no-brainer for any families Wii collection it wasn't that good but hey at least it was better than Wonderworld amusement park courtesy of our friends at macheska they were one of the largest suppliers of mediocrity on the Wii they could whip up some halfway decent games from time to time but they'll never be good in my heart this is a minigame collection but you wouldn't know that while playing the games considering that I'm pretty sure completing breath of the wild is quicker than the crack-shot minigame pee escapes just drag like it takes forever to just walk up and see how many tickets these games require and then they go on forever when you're actually playing them any form of fun you can muster from these games get blasted away after the first minute but that's not to say any of these games are really that fun to begin with there was some potential here but it's placed it away you have to grind a lot by replaying games to earn tickets to go to new themed areas in the park and play more games but even then the games in those areas are either Reese kins of other games or unclosing mummys hook a frog flatly now you can use your tickets to play new games or NAB fun prizes I get a spinning 3d model before I buy it and the same spinning 3d model after I buy it also looks like we can customize our character perfect but one of the most memorable things about this game is how the employees treat you like partner you have two ways to leave this establishment immediately or dead yep that's a threat it calls me a corn Dodger any of them the talk it's very likely they're gonna be incredibly rude like you ever have a carnie act like this to you it's obvious Wonderworld amusement park is a soft ripoff of Wii Sports it was following the motion controlled minigame collection based off a real world games genre that we sports proved to be successful on the platform but what about the full-blown Wii Sports ripoffs well that's where deca sports game party cruise ship vacation games and big beach sports come in pour the most over you surprise witnesses in court let's start off with big beach sports published by THQ that definitely helped them out they only let me input three initials for my custom character I can drop my own face with the DS I will hand it to them with this game connecting to the DS to fully draw your own characters face it's pretty charming and cool especially for 2008 and the product placement from Geico makes things that much better can't make a character without a hat though but come on and everybody's got to have a hat so here we have six different sports to play and a lot of the more complicated sports play like garbage here you play with only one we're mode and they simplified football and soccer to just shaking the Wii Remote and sometimes pressing a yeah that ends up making the games feel like they're playing themselves most of the time with something like baseball that's easy to translate to the Wii you just got to swing the remote football and soccer just aren't as simple as that there's a reason these weren't included with Wii Sports this golf only has variants of the same Beach area for its courses even though they're all technically different they're not cricket is just a slower less good or version of Wii Sports baseball volleyball just feels like I'm shaking the Wii Remote to do everything and it doesn't work at the time bocce big beach sports isn't that great half of these just feel like worse variants on games in Wii Sports and the other half just feel like I'm wiggling the Wii Remote with no skill involved but hey I do have the sudden urge to buy car insurance game party was one of the most popular third-party titles on the way I mean I assume this cover I kind of fooled a lot of people into thinking this was made by Nintendo themselves it kind of looks in line with something like we play with the Wii remotes and all and of course it was only 20 bucks but this game was always blasted by critics that argue well it's not good it doesn't do anything that terrible either it's kind of exactly what you'd expect it's a $20 party game it has stuff like darts trivia air hockey beer pong hoops you know just typical family party game stuff it's not good I mean the controls in hoop shot up and blow and hey God please explain the physics of the ball and skill ball but for 20 bucks in 2007 darts air hockey and trivia are fine enough you and some friends could definitely find some fun lodged in those games at least game party includes games that aren't just worse repeats of games you'd find in Wii Sports a Wii Sports Resort here's cruise ship vacation games this is a ripoff of resort and not a good one did you know ping pong is also known as table tennis holy [ __ ] the problem with all these Wii Sports ripoffs compared to the originals is that they all feel so much slower they don't have the tight fast-paced gameplay of the games they're ripping off minigames just go hot forever that's why I think game party was fine the game lengths were on par with Wii Sports but cruise ship vacation games and big beach sports yeah they just make you wish you were playing Wii Sports instead which makes no sense because almost everybody who owned a we had that game bundled in with it so why did all these developers just make worst versions of we sport deca sports was another game in this vein but similar to game party it's okay it succeeds at what it wants to do it's just an alternative additional game to that one everybody already owned I liked how quick you can get through the menus in the games well nothing that great fine they do the job they control all right this isn't anything I'll really ever want to come back to but I don't think it considered this bad just kind of average these are two pieces of potential shovelware that I think we're okay enough to be understandable additions to any casual players Wii collection but what about games that made no sense for anyway owner to pick up Brunswick pro bowling is definitely capable of being considered terrible this was for all the Pro Bowlers who left in the face of Wii Sports this isn't like for real bowling don't have arms most we owners at debatably the best bowling game ever created bundled in with their consoles so Brunswick tried to be more realistic take on the sport you can customize your bowler you even have all possible options for different types of glasses aviator jazz or none now this games main problem boils down to the controls bowling is soaked too late the bowler has to go through this whole animation after you do the whole bowling motion with the weir mode just compare this to how bowling was meant to be fun was one of the last words I thought of when I was playing this game I believe most people bought this because oh man bowling on the Wii is so fun I just gotta have more that was a mistake the one thing I liked about this game was the shot of your character before you bald this is like a virtual fireplace I always have this running on my TV now there were a ton of various licensed games I'd consider to be shovelware stuff like Project Runway it tried to create a game based around a show all about creating the perfect fashion which translates to a game where you just click the clothing they tell you to click ok I have to select this top well there we go it does give these fun quotes on loading screens though these would fit right in on the death screens in the old Call of Duty's minute to win it a game show where contestants have a minute to complete difficult wacky yet simple tasks with household items why make this a video game wasn't the entire point of the show of being able to easily play all these games in real life at home this game is some of the cheapest feeling animations and constantly repeating sound clips from Guy Fieri just look they couldn't have been bothered to fully animate anything like the level increasing or losing a life it's all like a slide show at least I can do this I've always wanted to say yes the Guy Fieri movies weren't off limits either especially balls of fury available now an HD DVD I remember the parody stupid comedy movie err this fit right in alongside scary movie date movie this was a fun way to experience the balls of fury movie trailer and it even came with a free shipping pong game it's a little unsettling having these grocery model recreations of the actors but besides that this is just a lame ping-pong game with finicky as hell controls you can give your opponent some of this and that and also play the game for 10 plus hours to unlock this trophy but at the end of the day this is a table tennis game with terrifying models bed controls and nothing else to do other than eject the disc and play M&Ms kart racing or M&Ms racing team as the game likes to call it this game has an interesting font choice they squish a lot of the letters together which makes some words not look right hey it looks like news has the best lap time compared to a lot of the other garbage shovelware racing games on the Wii this one doesn't control as bad but our problem starts with the track design in what dimension was this designed for go-karts I keep crashing into everything because these tracks are so thin with corners so tight this would work for something like a platformer not a racing game at least I can finally fulfill my dream of driving as an M&M some direction were competently designed than others as in these are actually playable but that does not excuse the handful that we're obviously not tested at all like the truck lift factory or the house but I did finish the tracks I don't care what anybody says I didn't like Eminem's car racing I'm never gonna eat an M&M ever again Ford Racing off-road might be a better game I mean come on the Wii wheel isn't required I'm surprised all wee games didn't have this notice I mean this functions but it just feel like a mom driving to soccer practice hey look I'm the third piece of sheet masculinity is a big deal for me so I should really kill some [ __ ] deer or something to keep it up the idear have really been pissing me off lately so buck fever will let me you know kill some hunting games are all over the place but buck fever is the only one that has a funny title if you swap the first letters a buck and fever we can only shoot bucks of course shooting dough isn't allowed this is buck fever after all I just end up saying whatever and go up in wild shooting Hey look at this I murdered this was a pretty proud moment for me I'm gonna make the sound of this deer falling my ringtone Bigfoot collision course is another one that really screams anti virgins so let's give it a go Jesus humanity we games for all I can't get much worse than this I don't have much to say here I like the loading screen and for the Bigfoot fans this game definitely says Bigfoot in the title but the graphics sound gameplay framerate controls you I a I replay value the overall game they could use some improvement other than that it's okay but the we was known as the party game machine and if you have 30 great games on you you know it's gonna be a good party this is family party 30 great games now I took a look at the Wii U launch title follow up when I took a look at the worst games of all time according to Metacritic thankfully this one missed the mark so we should be good yes family party I'm gonna pick my favorite member of the family this game stinks it's obviously a minigame collection but my problem with it is that they make all the mini-games last an eternity and overly complicated there are pages of rules for each game and when I beat a game in 15 seconds the computers timed out after a minute and a half and there was this one minigame where one person had to make it to the goal while everybody else was shooting junk at them to try and slow him down and something like Mario Party this would be just a simple 1 versus 3 minigame where one person had to walk across here everybody gets to walk across you just all take turns while three of the other players shoot that makes this thing last forever the family party series isn't my favorite to put it bluntly and all I can do is just sit here and think to myself and just imagine party babies well [ __ ] you bees up used to be crazy into this imagine series a casual lineup of games focusing on specific things that kids might be interested in stuff like animal doctors or wedding designers you know how wants to be a party baby when they grow up this is a party game where you play as babies with full heads of hair comparing this the family party that's kinda has a similar problem where they have to explain rules via multiple pages for games this simple I don't get this game but at least it functions which is something that the last handful of games will be taking look at can't say as much data design interactive was one of the most notorious shovel wearers out there they specialized in making shin Finch the company primarily developed games for the ps2 pc and the wii and they made sure to exploit the lack of quality control on all those platforms now a lot of their games that came out on the ps2 and PC only did so in Europe so the Wii was how was Ohio ins primarily played an inch of bread man everything smells quality so far yes this is a gingerbread man based 3d platformer you jump by shaking the nunchuck now we take the Wii Remote to not hit enemies and hit the B button to do this Tyl thing and that's the gameplay of ninja bread man and yeah you heard it here first folks this isn't a good video game there are only four stages the camera is garbage this projectile attack is only used for specific enemies and the entire game can be being without ever using it past that tutorial the whole nunchuck jumping stick really seals this game's fate as it could have been better but thankfully you can just hit the Z bun to jump it's a hidden tactic only as a ninja bread man players know of the game only talks about shaking the nunchuck to jump over jumping with a bun does far from enough to fix the controls you move so fast in the hit detection with enemies is abysmal which makes this game way harder than it has any right being but all you do is collect all the keys to open this portal and play God who knew P's hated gingerbread this much when I finally got all the keys to go into the portal to move on to the next stage it wasn't working and I forget to talk about the final mechanic in this game you die by dying yeah well let's give another one of their games a try and nubes two or Anubis the second there was never an Anubis one game this character is supposed to be the second incarnation of the Egyptian god Anubis so I assume this title is supposed to be read as Anubis the second but I always personally call the game Anubis - so when nubes do it is hey looks like David design reuse the overall menu design the profile icons are various degrees of standing here it reminds me of like persona nor something yes one of data designs key attributes as a developer was the constant reuse of everything ninja bread min and Anubis two are the same but with differing level design and with the newbies being slightly more fleshed out it had more levels and you can throw bombs or whatever put almost everything in both games has been recycled or models swapped if you've played ninja bread man you've played Anubis to new business just as difficult and ridiculous with its controls and difficulty I collected all the keys but once oh I guess I have to find out oh let's try another game rock and roll adventures is son-of-a this is another reskin of the same type of game much more in line with ninja bread man as it has the same number of stages but weirdly enough I was able to beat this one in less than an hour I saw this game's ending [Music] it doesn't have one there was another game like these myth makers Trixie in Toyland literally the exact same game but with slightly different levels and a different theme this was definitely a trend with data design they would make multiple variants of what basically was the exact same game they did platformers and racing games monster truck arenas being one of them monster drugs he got two of those words right yeah racing monster trucks these tracks never end takes forever to finish a race single labs take about the same amount of time as entire races in Mario Kart my thumb aches from holding the acceleration button for so long replay the level who the hell would say yeah you know what I should do that Kawasaki jet skis formatted in the exact same way it's a racing game but this time on jet skis this one looks like it has the most content out of all the data design games so far I mean it has a balloon mode Anubis - can't say that thankfully the races aren't as long as monster trucks it's still not good I mean look at this do you think this looks fun well these games have horrible frame rates and absolutely no fun factor that terrible I don't have action girls racing which is probably the most notorious dead design racing game these guys justifiably went out of business in 2012 but I find their games to be absolutely fascinating next time you say a video game feels soulless or like a cash grab think about data design I can't really think of more deserving games to be considered the worst of all time I don't really think I'd consider them my personal least favorites I mean I had no expectations for them but I think in general they have to be some of the worst things ever conceived now some of the games I looked at here I'd consider simply mediocre most of the games I'd consider shovelware now would I consider the data design games shovelware no I consider them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 2,437,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bad Wii Games, Nintendo Wii, Shovelware, Wii Shovelware, The Worst Games, Bad Games, Ninjabread Man, Anubis II, Anubis 2, Rock and Roll Adventures, Rock n Roll Adventures, Monster Trux Arenas, Kawasaki Jet Ski, Wonder World Amusement Park, Big Beach Sports, Deca Sports, Game Party Wii, Game Party 2, Game Party 3, Cruise Ship Vacation Games, Brunswick Pro Bowling, Balls of Fury Wii, M&Ms Kart Racing, M&Ms Wii, Bigfoot Collision Course Wii, Imagine Party Babyz
Id: M6hjqRHgLpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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